  • Report:  #247875

Complaint Review: Ravenwolf Sheperds Gayle Barnes/Adcock - Bradley Illinois

Reported By:
- Union Grove, Wisconsin,

Ravenwolf Sheperds Gayle Barnes/Adcock
295 S. Schuyler Bradley, 60915 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In 2004, my mother took me to Kankakee, IL to look at a litter of puppies from Gayle Barnes (although I've heard that this is no longer her last name and is supposedly now Adcock). When we arrived, we had to go through a cluttered house to get to the dogs. The outside pen was spacious enough, but some of the things laying around, could've been harmful to the puppies, including their "sire". He seemed aggressive toward the pups and for one thing didn't listen to ONE of Gayle's commands. So much for a highly trained GSD.

There were even about 7 other full grown GSD's caged in their kennels. Now, even though there was some space, it was NOT sufficient for the amount of animals she had there.

Upon arrival, there was only one female unspoken for, and a man named Jeff was there also with his dog "Daisy", the b***h. Now, supposedly this breeding had taken place in honor of Jeff's son, because Daisy was his dog and he had died. Well, that's

understandable. There was a big litter of pups, and Gayle's son was there with her. (Now i am assuming that this boy was the supposed dead son)

When we were deciding upon the puppy, her kid kept putting the puppies on a trampeline with him and kept roughly handling the dogs. I personally would have kept that child in the house!

Now, when we agreed upon which puppy we liked, we signed papers stating that we would receive her registry papers, w/ a microchip to be done right there, and in order to breed her, she'd have to be registered and have legitimate training done by Gayle.

When I brought the papers out to register my dog, whom i named Jasminne, I noticed the wrong name was on the papers. It did not say "von ravenwolf". I emailed gayle and she was going to send me new papers after talking to Jeff. I have still never received them.

When Jasminne turned 1 1/2 years old, she kept bleeding, and she wasn't in heat. I took her to the vet to get antibiotics and to figure out what was wrong with her. The took x-rays of her bladder and gave me bad news. They said that she had contrated such horrible UTI's that she would have to be spayed or they would always come back, and also that I should NOT even THINK TO BREED her, because within the x-rays of her bladder, they could see a serious onset of hip-displasia. Her sockets in her hips dont even fit around her bone correctly.

Also upon purchasing, Gayle claimed that her dogs had no agressive background, well, Jasminne cannot be near other dogs or men. I am wondering if she was abused before we purchased her, because she has been with no one else except me. She was bought for me as a moving away gift from my mother because my other dog was too old to be traveling soo far.

Jasminne has become a daughter to me and I hate to know she is in pain. At now the age of three, her hind legs fail her at times and she gets very sore. We are physically able to see the hip-displasia comming on to my poor dog. Now, when Gayle made up her contract, she said if the puppy had hip-displasia, we could return the puppy for a new one. I DONT THINK SO!

I called Gayle to be considerate and let her know of my problem so she would know that maybe there is something genetically off in her dogs. Well, when she never responded to call or e-mail i started to get suspicious. Me, being an animal lover, would never give my dog up just because she wasn't perfect. I don't have to pretend, my dog is the best in the world.

I don't see why Gayle feels like she has to hurt these dogs by creating them w/ bad genetics and then sell them for outrageous prices when they should only cost the fee of a humane society, about $40 dollars or so. Granted I dont regret my baby, she's everything to me, but i will see to it that Gayle has to pay for my girls suffering.

The micro-chip that she even placed in, slid down to under her stomach. I took her to the vet, and they said that she should have had an authorized vet put that chip in and it was improperly placed. So, if my dog were to have been lost, I would never have gotten her back because the chip couldnt even be found by scanner.

I would give anything to participate and testify against Gayle for what she has done. Whomever stands by her, well, maybe you got lucky, or maybe she didnt feel right about tricking her "friends", but the rest of us, Our "children" are suffering and she isn't even taking the blame for it.

I have more to say, but Im starting to think it's pointless, but I wanted to let everyone else know, there is one more, ME AND JASMINNE, and i'm sure there's more people out there whom haven't even voiced about it.

Oh, and if anyone wants to say I'm faceless! My name's Audrey C***! look me up!

If anyone was half the animal lover I am, They'd understand and not stand by that rat of a woman!


Union Grove, Wisconsin

14 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

This woman sounds like another Backyard Breeder, unfortunately. A good dog breeder will have their dogs hips graded by the OFA and breed only those with Good and Excellent ratings. If she did not have any documentation that her dogs hips were certified Good or Excellent, then I don't find it hard to believe at all that she could have produced litters predisposed to hip dysplasia. There are probably many others out there who had dogs from her with problems, if she has been breeding so long and especially since hip dysplasia is common in large breeds. This is very sad because it's the puppies they produce who pay for it when they come out with genetic problems, not to mention the heartache the owners have and astronomical vet bills. I think people should have to have a license to breed dogs because of BYBs and puppy mills, and people trying to make a buck because they have a purebred dog they want to breed with someone elses. I am so sorry your dog has been a victim of an unscrupulous breeder and for you as well because I can only imagine how upsetting this is to see her have these problems. Good luck to you with getting in contact with this person.


Gayle is now working at petsmart!

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 02, 2008

Gayle barnes known now as Gayle Adcock is now working at a PetSmart store in Virgina as a dog trainer. I was a co-worker of hers i am no longer working there. I dont see how it is possible for someone with this kind of history to be able to have a job in a pet store. I never would of thought she was this type of person until i came across information about the ravenwolf kenells. I dont think she should have a job working with animals with this type of history. She is still handelin GSD's to this day.



#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 29, 2007

Casey if you or anyone who is in contact with Gayle please have her call me ASAP! I have a situation and need to ask her something. She has my number but I erased hers by accident when I got my new phone and tried inputing phone numbers into my new phone. Before anyone starts assuming no it does not have anything to do with Xaros health. I am in a situation right now where I need to find him a good home. Thanks a bunch, Sue



#5Consumer Comment

Thu, May 31, 2007

i know way more than you think. and i couldnt stand to read the rest of what you wrote because it was absolute garbage. i know for a fact that none of her dogs have ever had hip dysplasia. because out of the 20 years i have known her this has never been an issue. you probably allowed your dog to climb stairs and things of that nature which would deffinately do the trick. and i know where she is now and i also know none of her dogs there have hip dysplasia either. just to let YOU know :)



#6Consumer Comment

Thu, May 31, 2007

i know way more than you think. and i couldnt stand to read the rest of what you wrote because it was absolute garbage. i know for a fact that none of her dogs have ever had hip dysplasia. because out of the 20 years i have known her this has never been an issue. you probably allowed your dog to climb stairs and things of that nature which would deffinately do the trick. and i know where she is now and i also know none of her dogs there have hip dysplasia either. just to let YOU know :)



#7Consumer Comment

Thu, May 31, 2007

i know way more than you think. and i couldnt stand to read the rest of what you wrote because it was absolute garbage. i know for a fact that none of her dogs have ever had hip dysplasia. because out of the 20 years i have known her this has never been an issue. you probably allowed your dog to climb stairs and things of that nature which would deffinately do the trick. and i know where she is now and i also know none of her dogs there have hip dysplasia either. just to let YOU know :)



#8Consumer Comment

Thu, May 31, 2007

i know way more than you think. and i couldnt stand to read the rest of what you wrote because it was absolute garbage. i know for a fact that none of her dogs have ever had hip dysplasia. because out of the 20 years i have known her this has never been an issue. you probably allowed your dog to climb stairs and things of that nature which would deffinately do the trick. and i know where she is now and i also know none of her dogs there have hip dysplasia either. just to let YOU know :)


Union Grove,
read the whole thing..

#9Author of original report

Fri, May 25, 2007

As I figure, you probably didn't read the ENTIRE report. rebuttals, updates, and all, because I did clarify all the information in there. No, i was not accusing her, and no i did not accuse her of the UTI problem, it was the fact that when i got the UTI's checked the x-ray showed major displasia, and i wanted to let her know. now. if you read about how she is uncontactable. THAT'S THE PROBLEM. learn to read all the information before you start ranting on something you know nothing about. THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREEEAT DAY!


this is rediculous

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, May 25, 2007

i know personally that those dogs are treated with great care as puppies. and dogs are like humans they can get UTIs at anytime. probably something she got from where you live or what you feed her. that has absolutely nothing to do with the breader. and what are you talking about gayles son being the son that wa supposed to be dead? you said Jeffs son Died not Gayles? and if you thought that the dog wasnt worth the money then why did you buy it. you make no sense.


Union Grove,
gayle's place...

#11Author of original report

Wed, May 23, 2007

Thanks for the reply... about the acreage, the only land i had seen was whad had been fenced in, so for making an abrupt assumption, my apologies. As for the dead son, It wasn't Gayle's, it was Daisy's owner's son (Tom is his name I believe, the owner that is). And supposedly the breeding was taken place in the boy's name because Daisy was his dog. So i dont know. That's just what I was told by Gayle and that man. And no, I did not openly accuse Gayle of abusing any dog, it was just an idea put out there, because frankly, I dont know her, she's far away, and a person can never be sure, so no, it was not a direct accusation you just never know when someone just ups and disappears when you start having issues w/ her business. And I do appreciate you hoping my Jasminne gets better, she's great and deserves a long, happy-comfortable life. As to why Gayle never returned my call/e-mail... "There are some very personal issues as to why Gayle was not able to be contacted, those issues are for her to tell not me. " I give you credit for not laying out Gayles personal problems, but, Even so, personal issues don't last 3 years. I have had sicknesses, deaths, moves, job losses, family problems, surgeries, cancer in my little brother, dad, grandma (who died from it) all within the last few years, and I still happen to find time for other important issues... gee..imagine that. If it's that important that she couldnt contact me within 3 years, then I think she should fend for herself, at least defend herself and not depend on other people to speak for her. So, as far as I'm concerned, unless she fell off the face of the earth, which she couldn't because Columbus discovered the world was round, she could have given me correct papers, called or emailed me back, and everyone would be happy. So, ..... yeah...



#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 19, 2007

I am sorry to hear about your dog and I hope she is doing better. I was the agent who sold Gayles house and it was 6 to 7 acres big. She had about an acre fenced in but I have the copies of the survey in my files if you would like proof of that. As far as my expeirience in delaing with her it was a very positive expeirience and I met a lot of people thru her. My shepherd is awesome and I trained with her at her home. I was a visitor there often and I have never heard her mention a dead son so I dont know where that came from. Her dogs were constantly excercised and she was always training. As with any living creature there are no gaurantees that everything born will be perfect. I dont put much on any breeders gaurantees when it comes to genetics because as you stated things can and will pop up from somewhere in the lines. There are some very personal issues as to why Gayle was not able to be contacted, those issues are for her to tell not me. I can not speak for Gayle but I can speak for myself. My shepherd has an awesome temperment and as a matter of fact my vet has given me a lot of compliments on him. Aside from an allergy he has always been healthy and I have never had a problem with him around other dogs or people. As for the kennels she kept the dogs in to which you are speaking of they were huge kennels mabe you were there before me but when I was there there were many huge kennels. As for her dogs being aggressive that is not true as I was with her when most of her dogs passed the temperment test as did my dog, on the first try. To imply that your dog was abused is wrong as I have never seen any dog abused by gayle, infact she took back a shepherd that was purchased when it was found at a shelter thru the microchip, the dog had been abused severly and the owner had let some idiotic trainer in chicago use shock collars on him. The poor dog was in very poor health. The pwners tried to bully gayle into giving them back the dog but she refused to let that shepherd go back to those morons. I am not saying Gayle is perfect cause none of are, has she made some mistakes, sure we all do. I just take offense when someone tries to say that a person is an animal abuser when in fact they are not. I have seen animals that were abused and it is not pretty. Before you ask no I am not the type of person who has 1500.00 to spend on dogs as a matter of fact I payed much more but that is not the issue. I researced for over a year and went to many breeders in illinois and I kept coming back to see my shepherd(he was a year old already). It just felt like he was meant to be mine. Had I even had an inkling that she was an anilmal abuser I would have never purchased a shep form her. I have seen her make sure her dogs have food before she feeds herself, I have seen her not sleep for days if one of them wa sick or due with puppies. I have seen her cry when she has lost puppies in a litter. She is not the monster that others are trying to make her to out to be and that is why so many of us defend gayle to the extent we do. As for trying to sue her well I dont know how much you can get from someone who pretty much lives on next to nothing and I do mean nothing. I truly hope your shepherd gets better, I hate to see any animal suffer.


Union Grove,
Gayle's place

#13Author of original report

Fri, May 18, 2007

Well, the "7 acres" that she has now... was not what she lived on when I met her. She had maybe a 1/2 acre.. .. and thats before she moved how many other times to get out of delivering other people their dogs (supposedly)... maybe you are right, maybe she's a good breeder, I'm not one to put someone down completely, except from my own experience.. , but why in god's name, if i was wanting to get training from her for my dog, breed her, and get her correct papers.. that Gayle is no where to be found??? Exactly my point... she disappeared, and a "good breeder" doesn't just drop off the face of the earth. That sounds a little suspicious to me. and when in my story did i say a dog was tied anywhere.. I DIDN'T!! so, get your facts straight. And I could give two-shytz if the female was hers or not. I'm not TRYING to cause problems.. im simply stating what she did. I REST MY CASE! if she was a "good breeder", I would never have even had those problems.. and to say the least, it wouldn't have matttered if the dogs were half starved and had three legs, i still would have taken the puppy just to get it somewhere where it would be loved instead of traded back in just to be euthanized.. because im sure that's what happens, when people aren't satisfied w/ their dogs' major hip-displasia and they want a "new puppy", but I'm sure you have enough money to buy as many $1500 dogs you'd like.. right? If not, then maybe you understand why I shouldn't have had this hassle of just getting my d**n dog's name right on her papers which are my rights upon purchasing in the first place... Why did she never contact back? Why did her e-mail disappear and her phone number too? Why did i get false papers w/ another dog's name on it? It's not worth the argument obviously, because no matter how much you defend her, what she did was wrong and you can't change that. So stop trying to MAKE IT OUT TO BE MORE than what I'm stating. You sound like a drama queen/king. Quote: "trying to cause problems for the wrong person... not out of her female..." I just don't understand why she didn't just make it right, call me or email me. That's all it would have taken. And I only wanted to be curteous to tell her that my dog had bad hips and to be carefull.. because even though the dogs were supposedly certified for being healthy, w/ no genetic defects, you never know, it can pop up down the line, just because they're sheperds. But she messed up, and that's her problem, not yours, so stop defending her, she's a grown woman, she can take care of it herself if it's not true. =] Thanks for sharing though! Oh, and by the way; MY NAME IS AudrEy, with an "e", you can read.... ?? riiight?? Just thought I'd check.. especially with all the extra accusatory information popping up. Good Day!


dear Audry

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, May 17, 2007

i am sorry you had a problem with your dog but gayle is a good breeder. most of if not all her dogs are imported and what i dont understand is that if the place was so bad then why did you buy a puppy in the first place. i mean if you thought she wasnt doing right by these dogs then you should have went else were. as for her dogs not being trained i have to dissagree because it was her dog that found my son who went missing. she drove over 65 miles to help me find my son because the police didnt have any dogs to spare and it took her dog all of 4 min to fing him. so im sorry you are wrong. and i have been to her place plenty of times and not once did i see a dog tied or in a run that was too small. plus she exercised her dogs 3 times a day. she let them run on her 7 acres and she supervised them. so i think your just trying to cause problems for the wrong person and the puppy you got was not out of her female. she let her male be used.


Union Grove,
Daisy's Owner's Name

#15Author of original report

Wed, May 09, 2007

I do apologize, I believe i have Daisy's owner's name wrong. It should be Tom, but I will have to double check on my contract papers.

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