  • Report:  #317320

Complaint Review: Re-Max And Beasley Elite Realty - Mobile Alabama

Reported By:
- Chickasaw, Alabama,

Re-Max And Beasley Elite Realty
107 St. Francis St. Suite 1705 Mobile, 36602 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was 65 years old when I purchased my first home three years ago. I was alone, and knew nothing about buying a home. Being raised in Mobile, Alabama, I had moved back in 2003 and had lived with my brother until I bought this house.

There was an article printed in the Mobile Press-Register about my purchase, but it only told part of this story.

The closing on my house was March 1, 2005. However, I did not move in until around the middle of May due to a sever illness and recuperation time. That was when I realized there were major problems with the house.

I immediately called Donald/Ronald Holyfield who had supposedly done this home inspection, but he would not return my calls. I then called the realtor who said he would try to contact the inspector for me.

When the Beasley called back, he said my file had been 'lost' and nothing could be done until it was found.

I started writing to any and everyone I could think of that might be willing to help i. e., Alabama Board of Realtors, HUD, my mortgage company, FHA, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General himself, all Alabama Senators that had I could find email addresses for, Federal Justice Bureau, USA Today, local TV stations (of which WALA-Fox 10 news picked up on), and Sean Reilly, political reporter based in Washington DC, even Hillary Clinton, and Jimmy Carter (on whom I have no political views one way or the other). Just thought they might reach out a hand). I have sent mail to so many, that I'm not too sure I have named them all ... and I will continue to do so.

However, Sean Reilly is the only one that showed any interest. The other answers were 'Sorry, but ... ' I never heard back from Hillary Clinton, nor Jimmy Carter.

Mr. Reilly's intention had been to print names, but his Editor was concerned that giving this realtor's name in the paper would damage his ability to make a living. Yet, Brad Beasley is the one who ruined me financially, and has made the rest of my life a living nightmare.

There are several points the Press-Register did not mention. One is the fact that this realtor who worked for Re-Max at the time, deliberately and maliciously lied to me before, during, and after this transaction. The first, being said several times was that he would "look after me".

The second and most devastating one was, "Miss Orene, this house has already been inspected, so save your money".

Yet another lie was saying that the file he had given me (right after the closing) had a copy of all the papers I had signed in it. He knowingly had left out the most important document!

I finally consulted an attorney. However, the first one would have had a conflict of interest since his son worked in the same office with Brad Beasley.

The second attorney would not work pro-bono.

The third attorney ask me to drop my file off at his office. I did, and did not hear back from him until eight weeks later when he sent the file back to me in the mail. He had never returned any of my phone calls, either.

Knowing I was ruined financially, I called the Legal Aid offices and made an appointment. I was accepted, and given another appointment with one of the attorneys. After meeting with him, he thought it would be best if I spoke with attorney Henry Callahand.

After meeting with Mr. Callahand, he told me the only report in the file was an appraisal report. (Even it had several misrepresentations in it, giving thought to Mr. Holyfield never even seeing this house.) There was no inspection report anywhere. I was then urged to obtain copies of the signed documents. I did, and though there was no such document in the file that was given me before leaving the closing, there was an "as is" document in the signed ones.

The realtor had said during the signing that it was a document showing that I accepted the house 'as is' since the short time after which the inspection had been done. This document was placed before me after I had already signed what he had explained to me, was the "inspection/Appraisal" report.

My attorney said the only thing he could do was file a civil suit, but that it would never get as far as a court room since I had signed the 'as is' document, regardless of what I was told it was.

Is lying not a crime in a case of this magnitude? It being the biggest investment an average person will ever make?

Also, not knowing about any statue of limitations, I was three days late in him filing suit. Though I had done everything I knew to do up to that point, including seeing three other attorneys, it was still past the time allowed.

When he did file against Beasley and Re-Max, Beasley adamantly denied saying he had told me about any inspection having being done. He said he had 'strongly advised me to get one', which is still another lie. It upset me quite a bit because my word is all I really have, being from the old school where a person's word was of great value.

For about two weeks I tossed it around in my mind trying to think of a way to repute his accusations. I finally thought, if it is done in criminal cases, why can't it be done in mine? Therefore ... I took a polygraph test.

Mr. Clay Pouche', who is retired FBI, tested me. He had given polygraph tests the last few years before his retirement, and his credentials are impeccable. One of the many being that after his retirement Governor Riley named him over all polygraph testing in AL.

Mr. Puuche' ask me specific questions relating to the realtor, and what I had been told by him regarding the purchase of the house. After it was over, he later came back and said "'Mrs. Fennell, you breezed right through it'.

The polygraph, though not accepted inside a court of law, proved I had not lied about anything.

I still have to have all the wiring replaced as it is in dangerous condition i.e., old cords frayed, open boxes, etc. The electrician said it could catch fire anytime. He also advised me to get a home inspector out here, which I did .. and would have in the very beginning, had I not been lied to.

The inspector also said himself that the wiring was extremely dangerous, and that the duct work was just laying all over the attic i.e., open in places, torn in others, etc.

Brad Beasley now owns his own real estate company, Beasley Elite Realtor in Mobile.

After this horrendous education, I fully realize just how foolish and naive I was in trusting this man. Though I had once considered myself to have a bit of common sense, apparently I was wrong. Even realizing people of that caliber existed; I was not prepared for him. He was so charming (cunning), and he lied so well.

I most likely will not live long enough to purchase another home. Too, there is no way I would try and sell this one in the condition it is in and at this point, I cannot afford to fix what is left to fix.

This is a criminal case, not a civil one.


Chickasaw, Alabama


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15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Lady is a terrible buyer

#2General Comment

Fri, November 08, 2019

 For all the people who asked "what kind of a scumbag would sell a 65 year old woman a house?” Your morons. Who would sell an adult a home? Umm. Anyone with common sense. Age doesn’t matter. If they are competent mentally and wish to buy, and have the facilities, age doesn’t matter.

This buyer should have performed a home inspection. And in one sentence she says the agent didn’t perform a home inspection and the next she names the HOLIFIELD’s as the inspector. She’s probably too ignorant to know the difference between an inspector and an appraiser.

ALABAMA is buyer beware, so get ALL the inspections you need. The agent does not know your risk tolerance level. I bet this house was cheap, and that’s why it needed work. Don’t like cheap houses? Buy new. Moron.



#3Consumer Comment

Sat, September 25, 2010

Don't understand the comment before me that it takes a scumbag to sell to a 65 year old person. Money spends the same at any age, and all ages need to spend money to survive. 

I just am confused where the rip off is. I can assume that the house had several huge problems, but they weren't identified clearly in this post. I'd say to get the problems remedied, it is better to identify first with the issues with the purchase rather than the steps done to correct the issues.

I'm not a lawyer, but I can imagine in the eyes of a lawyer, they want to know specifics of the issues rather than the outlets used to make awareness of your situation.

With all the problems with "creative financing" now-a-days there must be a sub-clause that dictates a void of certain "as-is" documents if it seems reasonable that someone was tricked into signing or that the signature isn't legitimate.

When buying my house, I found it common practice for brokers to sign and complete documents without permission to simplify the buying process.

The brokers typically set up the escrow accounts on the mortgage, which require signatures and agreements. Neither of which I saw when buying my house. I don't think there is statute limitation on false agreement as it became legally binding under false pretenses. 



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2010

What kind of scumbage sells a home to a 65-year old lady in the first place?

Did she pay cash?

Did he rook her into a subprime mortgage aka illegal balloon mortgages?

she was to have it paid off in 20 years?

we do not even have any idea of this woman's educational level.

she did not know who to contact for justice and that is for sure!

She wants to live in one of the most gender-based discriminating, crooked and backward states in the USA? and then she is surprised when this stuff happens to her.


I wonder why a family member didn't help her.Or at least make sure she had a legal guardian since it seems that she cannot function alone in the real world.

Too much untold here.

I would have rented a little place with SSI and been glad to take it easy and i would NOT have been in ALABAMA!

I have no idea if the woman was African American or not but it is always open season on Black people in Alabama when it comes to frauds, swindlers and con people!


Update 10.25.08

#5Author of original report

Sat, October 25, 2008

I happened to run into Brad Beasley, (the realtor that sold me, and assured me that my house had been inspected), about three weeks ago. I did not notice him, but he called my name and when I turned, there he was. I though, aha ... now is my moment. For had not seem him since this diabolical transaction had occured. We talked, me telling him what I thought of him. Him telling me how I had mis-understood what he had said. I can not remember all the analogiese he used. However, something to the effect that if he had said bed, I mistook him to say red. I see no way,'Miss Orene, this house has already been inspected, so save your money' can be misconstrue as any thing but what it is. He did try and argue,though I see no reason why. He finally ask me what it would take to have me remove this report off of Ripoff, that it certainly would do him no good (imagine that!). I told him that had been my intention, that I hoped to totally ruin him ... and was not finished yet. However, he did want an answer to his question about my posting. I thought about it. Then realizing that a possibility might have occured here, I finally said that if he would take care of my wiring, I would let it drop. And I would have. He wasn't happy about that, but PROMISED he would get back with me later that week. I got two more estimates on the wiring recently, in which both contridicted the first electrcian's (hummmm .. another potential ripoff??). Both companies, unknown to each other, said to bring it up to code, and to pass a full inspection, could be done without tearing all the wiring out. Both companies said they could just replace the really old wiring, add new electrical wiring boxes in the attic, and replace switches, and sockets as needed. The estimate BOTH companies gave was $1,450.00. Quite a difference from the first one of $5,???.??. However, it's now been three weeks, and not one word have I heard from Brad Beasley! Does that alone tell you anything? He never had any intention of calling. This is what liars, and scuzzses are all about. And he DOES fit the criteria of being that, plus unethical, unfeeling, (except for his own reputation), preying on older people, and simply out for what he can grab for himself. It's all so pathetic.


To Susan ...

#6Author of original report

Tue, July 15, 2008

August 14, 2008 Thank you for your comment, Susan To answer it ... in restropect, I cannot argue your point. As you have surely read in my report it's self. In it, I admitted being naive and ignorant. However, that did NOT give that realtor an excuse to LIE to me about anything! And that's where the real crime comes in. Had he been a man with an ounce of charcter and ethics; a man with a sense of morals as to rights and wrongs, this would never have happened. But irregardless of how naive I was, he is still a ball of slicky, stinking slime. I wouldn't hesitate to say he is a genuine psychopath. An analogy; if you purchased a automobile and it turned out to be a lemon; the dealer being well aware of it but had lied to you about everything. Would you expect people to tell you that you should have know how to tear down an engin? That you should have been educated enough to realize the car was bad just by 'listening' to it? That you should have been smart enough to 'inspected' it yourself? And especially at your age? And ESPECIALLY had you never purchased a car before? At least there is a lemon law for bad automobiles There should also be a lemon law for home buyers. A the age I was when I purchased the house, I also was not educated in the laws governing real estate. I had NEVER had reason to be exposed to any of it before, so I was in essence a turnip waiting for a pot of boiling water. The pot and water came in the form of a man by the name of Bradley A. Beasley. Have you or your mom, or anyone you know ever been in that pot? Don't give up hope, for you'll never get too old for it to happen! And don't make the mistake of thinking you're too 'worldly' to be taken in. Believe me, you aren't! No one is. Are you be any chance in real estate. Hmmmmm ... Just curious.


This City,
Sorry Hun

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2008

Your complaint is really only against yourself. No matter who said what you should have gotten your own inspection. Fact is, at 65 years old you should have well known to read everything before you signed it.


I still have not heard from anyone at all.

#8Author of original report

Tue, June 17, 2008

It is now Tuesday June 17, 2008 ... I still have not heard from anyone at all. But, I see now my report is not where it can be found easely. It stands alone. There are many complaints/reports on Remax (55?), yet they are NOT in the' top' listing you see at the bottom of the home site. (According to Ripoff, it only needs five.) My own report should be placed under 'Remax' since the complaint is about them AND Brad Beasley. Maybe the lack of interest is because it only shows up as a single complaint, since it is NOT under all the the other complaints against Remax. ?? Hopefully, they will change it and put it where it belongs. I have requested that. We'll see ...


I still have not heard from anyone at all.

#9Author of original report

Tue, June 17, 2008

It is now Tuesday June 17, 2008 ... I still have not heard from anyone at all. But, I see now my report is not where it can be found easely. It stands alone. There are many complaints/reports on Remax (55?), yet they are NOT in the' top' listing you see at the bottom of the home site. (According to Ripoff, it only needs five.) My own report should be placed under 'Remax' since the complaint is about them AND Brad Beasley. Maybe the lack of interest is because it only shows up as a single complaint, since it is NOT under all the the other complaints against Remax. ?? Hopefully, they will change it and put it where it belongs. I have requested that. We'll see ...


I still have not heard from anyone at all.

#10Author of original report

Tue, June 17, 2008

It is now Tuesday June 17, 2008 ... I still have not heard from anyone at all. But, I see now my report is not where it can be found easely. It stands alone. There are many complaints/reports on Remax (55?), yet they are NOT in the' top' listing you see at the bottom of the home site. (According to Ripoff, it only needs five.) My own report should be placed under 'Remax' since the complaint is about them AND Brad Beasley. Maybe the lack of interest is because it only shows up as a single complaint, since it is NOT under all the the other complaints against Remax. ?? Hopefully, they will change it and put it where it belongs. I have requested that. We'll see ...


I still have not heard from anyone at all.

#11Author of original report

Tue, June 17, 2008

It is now Tuesday June 17, 2008 ... I still have not heard from anyone at all. But, I see now my report is not where it can be found easely. It stands alone. There are many complaints/reports on Remax (55?), yet they are NOT in the' top' listing you see at the bottom of the home site. (According to Ripoff, it only needs five.) My own report should be placed under 'Remax' since the complaint is about them AND Brad Beasley. Maybe the lack of interest is because it only shows up as a single complaint, since it is NOT under all the the other complaints against Remax. ?? Hopefully, they will change it and put it where it belongs. I have requested that. We'll see ...


Another attemp to rip off ...

#12Author of original report

Wed, May 07, 2008

May 6, 2008 The insurance agent that I use also knows the Beasley family as they live close to each other. (Small world) Recently, we were discussing again what had happened to me, and Carol said she had heard other complaints against him. One being a family that had listed thier home with him to sell. They waited .. and waited, but never heard from him. So a while(?) later when they called him on it, he said he had not been able to show the house because he had lost the key to the lock that realtors put on a home when empty. I guess unknown to them ... other realtors are allowed to show houses, so he could have just called one of them! However, I don't believe he 'lost' anything. As their neighborhood is small, word gets around quickly. The agent said that Beasley had told a friend who was very interested in purchasing the house to hold off for just a little longer, that he could probably get the price knocked down by about $200,000 dollars! When the owners demanded their keys back to list with someone else, they said he got very angry with them. He is really a lying slime ball.


Still no positive responses. In fact, no responses at all.

#13Author of original report

Thu, April 17, 2008

As of April 17, 2008 I have still heard from no one though I have continued to write letters. It appears that not a soul has the time to focus on an old woman and her house problems. I know matters in this world are in very sad condition, and and I realize that is utmost in peoples minds today. It is a grave concern to me as well. However, I also know that anyone with authority could take a few minutes and look into this horrible miscarriage of justice I have been served with. What do I have to do ... call myself Katrina before anyone will pay attention? I am not taking anything away from the poor people that suffered from that storm. In fact, they probley have a much better understanding of my own misery. I am ashamed that this United States, particularly Alabama, has so little concern for it's elderly. If I could, I would sell this house and move to another state. But ... I would never again deal with Remax. Never. I will continue to fight, though.


More on Re-Max and Brad Beasley

#14Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

I neglected to mention that no one in Alabama Government saw a reason to dicipline this man .. in any way. Even the Alabama Board of Realtors saw nothing wrong after looking at pictures of the distruction. Not enough 'evidence' they said. A 'he said, she said' thing, though I did go on and take the polygraph, which showed no deception on my part. I would be willing, and safely too, to bet my life that he would refuse one himself. Please, veiw the several pictures I sent. I have more. Why anyone would think I would knowling buy a house in that condition, I can not understand. Neither would a turnip.


WALA-Fox 10 TV in Mobile, Alabama

#15Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

I did not elaborate om the TV report, so let me do it now. WALA-Fox 10 Television interviewed me on January 6, 2008 for a place on their segment of news called 'Moment of Truth'. They were interested in my reasoning on having a polograph test done. They had been interviewing people all day who had taken the test for whatever reasons. My time came, and I simply took them thouugh my buying of the house, and everything that went on afterward. Including pictures, which have been posted to the original ripoff report page now. My interview was the only one they showed. It aired on February 6 at 9:00 pm.



#16Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

I was 65 years old when I purchased my first home three years ago. I was alone, and knew nothing about buying a home. Being raised in Mobile, Alabama, I had moved back in 2003 and had lived with my brother until I bought this house. There was an article printed in the Mobile Press-Register about my purchase, but it only told part of this story. The closing on my house was March 1, 2005. However, I did not move in until around the middle of May due to a sever illness and recuperation time. That was when I realized there were major problems with the house. I immediately called Donald/Ronald Holyfield who had supposedly done this home inspection, but he would not return my calls. I then called the realtor who said he would try to contact the inspector for me. When the Beasley called back, he said my file had been 'lost' and nothing could be done until it was found. I started writing to any and everyone I could think of that might be willing to help i. e., Alabama Board of Realtors, HUD, my mortgage company, FHA, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General himself, all Alabama Senators that had I could find email addresses for, Federal Justice Bureau, USA Today, local TV stations (of which WALA-Fox 10 news picked up on), and Sean Reilly, political reporter based in Washington DC, even Hillary Clinton, and Jimmy Carter (on whom I have no political views one way or the other). Just thought they might reach out a hand). I have sent mail to so many, that I'm not too sure I have named them all ... and I will continue to do so. However, Sean Reilly is the only one that showed any interest. The other answers were 'Sorry, but ... ' I never heard back from Hillary Clinton, nor Jimmy Carter. Mr. Reilly's intention had been to print names, but his Editor was concerned that giving this realtor's name in the paper would damage his ability to make a living. Yet, Brad Beasley is the one who ruined me financially, and has made the rest of my life a living nightmare. There are several points the Press-Register did not mention. One is the fact that this realtor who worked for Re-Max at the time, deliberately and maliciously lied to me before, during, and after this transaction. The first, being said several times was that he would "look after me". The second and most devastating one was, "Miss Orene, this house has already been inspected, so save your money". Yet another lie was saying that the file he had given me (right after the closing) had a copy of all the papers I had signed in it. He knowingly had left out the most important document! I finally consulted an attorney. However, the first one would have had a conflict of interest being that his son worked in the same office with Brad Beasley. The second attorney would not work pro-bono. The third attorney ask me to drop my file off at his office. I did, and did not hear back from him until eight weeks later when he sent the file back to me in the mail. He had never returned any of my phone calls, either. Knowing I was ruined financially, I called the Legal Aid offices and made an appointment. I was accepted, and given another appointment with one of the attorneys. After meeting with him, he thought it would be best if I spoke with attorney Henry Callahand. After meeting with Mr. Callahand, he informed me that the only report in the file was an appraisal report. (Even it had several misrepresentations in it, giving thought to Mr. Holyfield never even seeing this house.) There was no inspection report anywhere. I was then urged to obtain copies of the signed documents. I did, and though there was no such document in the file that was given me before leaving the closing that morning, there was an "as is" document in the signed ones. The realtor had said during the signing that it was a document showing that I accepted the house 'as is' since the short time after which the inspection had been done. This document was placed before me after I had already signed what he had explained to me, was the "inspection/Appraisal" report. My attorney said the only thing he could do was file a civil suit, but that it would never get as far as a court room since I had signed the 'as is' document, regardless of what I was told it was. Is lying not a crime in a case of this magnitude? It being the biggest investment an average person will ever make? Also, not knowing about any statue of limitations, I was three days late in him filing suit. Though I had done everything I knew to do up to that point, including seeing three other attorneys, it was still past the time allowed. Mr. Callahand did file suit against Beasley and Re-Max. After he was served, Beasley adamantly denied per phone to my attorney, saying he had never told me about any inspection having being done. He said he had 'strongly advised me to get one', which is still another lie. It upset me quite a bit because my word is all I really have, being from the old school where a person's word was of great value. For about two weeks I tossed it around in my mind trying to think of a way to repute his accusations. I finally thought, if it is done in criminal cases, why can't it be done in mine? Therefore ... I took a polygraph test. Mr. Clay Pouche', who is retired FBI, tested me. He had given polygraph tests the last few years before his retirement, and his credentials are impeccable. One of the many being that after his retirement Governor Riley named him over all polygraph testing in AL. Mr. Puuche' ask me specific questions relating to the realtor, and what I had been told by him regarding the purchase of the house. After it was over, he later came back and said "'Mrs. Fennell, you breezed right through it'. The polygraph, though not accepted inside a court of law, proved I had not lied about anything. I still have to have all the wiring replaced as it is in such dangerous condition i.e., old cords frayed, open boxes, etc. The electrician said it could catch fire anytime. He also advised me to get a home inspector out here, which I did .. and would have in the very beginning, had I not been lied to. The inspector also said himself that the wiring was extremely dangerous, and that the duct work was just laying all over the attic i.e., open in places, torn in others, etc. Brad Beasley now owns his own real estate company named Beasley Elite Realtor, in Mobile. After this horrendous education, I fully realize just how foolish and naive I was in trusting this man. Though I had once considered myself to have a bit of common sense, apparently I was wrong. Even realizing people of that caliber existed; I was not prepared for him. He was so charming (cunning), and he lied so well. I most likely will not live long enough to purchase another home .. or even get this one fixed to sell. And there is no way I would try and sell it in the condition it is in, and at this point, I cannot afford to fix what is left to fix. I have already spent my nest egg on floors, ceilings, etc. In my heart I do not believe this should have been a civil case. Rather it should have been a criminal case, tried in front of a jury, in that he knowling misrepresented the whole thing costings me thousands of dollars. It should be a felony. Orene Chickasaw (surburb of Mobile), Alabama U.S.A. Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Remax Realtors

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