R+L Carriers damaged our shipping crate and denies responsibility. I left my custom made shipping crate on the loading dock in Dallas at a hotel that did not have a fork lift - only a pallet jack. Our custom crate was returned to us with obvious fork lift damage. My office manager didn't read the agreement and signed for it upon delivery - even though our custom pallet crate was on a pallet provided by R+L carriers. This didn't make sense because the crate was a pallet. But they did this because after they busted ours, it was no longer a pallet crate.
I posted about my experience with
R+L Carriers on my blog and included pictures that explain the damage. I also included pictures of emails that clearly document the timing of our response regarding the damage. I then notified them about the post to make sure they had my full story including the emails that show my response time since we had a third party handling this for us... just in case sufficient documentation was not provided on our behalf. After all, I wouldn't want to give RL Carriers a bad name if they didn't deserve it. But despite the documentation, they still have not responded to my claim.
It has been almost three months since this shipping company damaged my custom shipping crate. I spoke with R+L Carriers company representatives directly and sent enough email. They clearly explained to me that since my office manager signed for the crate, I can not file a claim. So the lesson is, don't sign for anything from R+L Carriers until you are certain there is no damage. I will update my post on my blog if anything significant regarding my claim ever happens.