I do affiliate marketing for a living (well trying to at least) and I came across this website called www.silvania-mails.net, not knowing what it was. So i joined it, so when i joined it, they automatically gave you $2,000 to sign up to their site. I thought, this is to easy. So i tried it, just to be curious.
After about a month, I joined like a hundered of these sites, to find out half of them are a scam. So i decided to delete my account to the ones that were, but this one. The lady who is affiliated with them promotes all his 22 sites (still not knowing why, but she does)
Now, before I upgraded, i did a search, I emailed people off the exchange, and I got a email from a lady who upgraded to one of his sites, but a different one, www.chobits-mail.net (not to sure which one is it, it might be .com)
She sent me an email back stating that she wasn't happy with it, and when she put in how much money she got back i thought she got 2,000, but come to find out she only got $2.00 just like me today.
I have emails from the lady, I have the email from the lady who is affiliated with them (she even has her paypal account on the website, with her driver's license) So you would think she was ligit....THINK AGAIN!!!! I have never been so mad and furious in all my life.
I reported this guy to the FBI, my next agenda is this and BBB to have him and his sites thrown off the net. I am on a mission to stop all these scammers on here! I will get my $2,349 back with your help and all my resources I can find.
I hope you guys help me out with this. I am in desperate need right now. I should have known better
Somerset, Pennsylvania