Chicago,#2REBUTTAL Owner of company
Sat, December 31, 2011
Since we have no way to have this false report removed we hope anyone reading this will search or click on Stephen Ames, and his alias Darkstar & his company on this website and see how many complaints have been filled against him and his company which provided false & misleading data lists to our company and is the reason why we disputed the purchase of data with our credit card company.
Hodgenville,#3Author of original report
Thu, February 07, 2008
CRedit card companies accept any lie someone tells them, out of 1000s of clients NOT ONE OTHER PERSON has ever claimed we ripped them off, why did we put you on here, because we have no fear, our reputation is impeccable, unlike yours...Your thieves and that money wont' break anyone but homeowners get to come here and see the real you...You're very typical of why the mortgage crisis is the way it is...We can only imagine what you do to homeowners with the ethics you've demonstrated...This will be here forever for all to see the real you...They can come see the real us anytime, you didn't put us here for ripping you off, we put you here, anyone with a brain can see who's real here...
Chicago,#4REBUTTAL Owner of company
Wed, February 06, 2008
Thank god we purchased his data with a credit card. We filed a credit card dispute & won, because we were sold a list that was not exclusive as this vendor told us it would be. Now this guy is bitter and trying to tarnish our good name. Why did the credit card companies side with us the buyer? Because we were right.