I signed up for MYLIFEREUNION-SEARCH on 9/22/09. They didn't have any information they said they did that I wanted to find out. It was only a lot of wasted time searching their site for any reliable information, so I decided to call and cancel their service. I called and was told that the $36.00 I paid with my debit MC was non refundable and all I could do was cancel their automatic renewal charges to my debit card again when my year of their services was up. They don't refund 1 cent for any reason. I hope my call stopped any charges after year is up.
I didn't look at my last bank statement until I went on-line on 10/30/09 to see if my retirement check had been electronically deposited yet because 11/1/09 is on Sunday. I saw a $19.95 debit charge paid on 10/29/09 to "(SAVEACE 89944292 888-593-5216)" listed at top of my acct transactions. I have never authorized any debit card purchases to any place online called SAVEACE. I never even heard of it before now. I looked down my list of account transactions and noticed another $19.95 debit card transaction listed on 9/29/09 paid to "(SAVEACE 8599442 888 10/28SAVEACE)." $20.00 a month is a lot of money added to the 36.00 of non-refundable wasted money I lost.
I never authorized anything called SAVEACE to use my debit card for any reason. The charges appeared on my account 7 days after I used my debit card at MYLIFEREUNION-SEARCH or almost immediately after I called to cancel any and all automatic yearly charges to my debit card by MYLIFE. SAVEACE may be illegally stealing MYLIFE'S customer's creditcard information and using it for fraudulent non-existent purchases. I have not contacted them yet because I am not sure who to call yet. I've been reading all the other reports you have on SAVEACE ripping people's money off with debit by illegal unauthorized use of their debit cards. It's the weekend now and my bank hasn't added an overdraft fee as of yet probly because my check will be automatically deposited on Sunday. I wanted to add myself to the list of SAVEACE rip-offs. I will update this after I figure out what to do next.