I received a letter from a lady named Kirsten or Katie no last name, but she said that she belongs to a secret society that has many famous members, these members discovered me because I have very special and rare traits therefore they want me to become a member of their secret society so that they can send me their Greatest Kept Secrets that will lead to wealth, love and the most phenomenal personal abilities and for free. This has to be sent or faxed to them before a certain date or it will be to late for me to take advantage of this offer because I will be to far into the cycle two stage of my life for it to work. The scarey thing is this letter had been sitting in a box unopened since the end of August, today I was looking for something else and somehow this letter ended up in my hand and not even knowing I went to my office to grab something and must have set it on the chair. shortly after I had been praying a very detailed prayer to God and when I was done I went to the office and see this letter so I decided to open it, which normally it would have never gotten opened because I would have considered it junk mail. the thing is some of the things in the letter kinda hit on things that I had just prayed about, and this is normal for God to give me answers in this way, so my initial thought was is this you talking to me or the devil trying to trick me, so I asked God for direction which lead me here to read others dealing with these people. My point is be very careful because the devil is on attack and he's very tricky. and he will even try to use your faith against you, I'm glad I checked, this was a warning that the devil is trying to attack. keep your gaurds up always because he's waiting for the moment when he sees you with your gaurds down when you are at your weakess point, he's trying to destroy Gods people and stop us from our mission, if we are blessed God will teach us what to do with that we not need a book from a unknown source to tell us how to release these powers to be, and if they did actually send you something it would be just more trickery and you could end up worshiping the devil and not even knowing it. God doesn't hide who he is but the devil always disguises himself...he's out to steal, kill and destroy so of course he's not going to reveal himself to you. Pray Pray Pray
Chico,#2General Comment
Sun, September 12, 2010
You can easily find the Devil. He will ask you to Google something.
Somewhere,#3Consumer Comment
Sun, September 12, 2010
This is some seriously goofy stuff, that is, if you actually believe this crap.
- Secret Society
- Special and rare traits
- Greatest Kept Secret
- Cycle 2 stage of life
- the devil will get you
- short time limit
These are many of the buzz words they use to sucker in naive suckers. they are prepping you for serious fleecing!
Millbrook,#4General Comment
Sun, September 12, 2010
these members discovered me because I have very special and rare traits
What? that you're gullable and they can easily screw you out of some cash.
Lady your only trait is that you're a fool if you believe ANY of this scam.
If you dobt it, look for these sure signs, You are asked to use Western Union to send money for this worthy reason (Whatever lie they think you'll fall for) and Repeatedly saying you're SPECIAL, Over Intelligent, and GOD WILLS IT.
Scammers do.