  • Report:  #817535

Complaint Review: Sierra Richmond - Internet

Reported By:
Pinkerton - Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.

Sierra Richmond
Santa Barbara Troy Michigan Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Sierra is a child abductor, major manipulator, raises a false alarm, alienates her child from the biological father as well as others, and is an abusive parent. She has hurt her own child's development, the lives of the people who have helped her, and has used her child as a selfish tool making her a parental ripoff.

Sierra Richmond (Sara Richmond) in Los Angeles

I met Sierra just after 2001 when she lived in Los Angeles California. I met her through Barry who I had known before Sierra started dating him. Barry is a responsible, safe, caring, and loving person who helped many people including underprivileged kids and disabled people sail and have access to the ocean environment. He also worked at corporations, professional sailing schools, spent time with local friends, enjoyed yacht racing as well as hockey, and expressed his love for his family as well as his local culture. Once Barry started dating Sierra he did not date anyone else. He would support her, have her over to my place frequently, cook food for her, and take her out sailing as well as around the community.

Sierra Richmond Shows Affection In My* Bed

One of my most memorable times of Sierra Richmond was when I came home from a long work week in Chicago where I was providing coordination at an international sailboat show. I came into my apartment, went to my room to remove my clothing and relax, and there was Sierra, completely naked on Barry in my own bed. Certainly she was showing her affection for Barry and was consistently attracted to him. She seemed to make him believe that she was the one, seemed to want to marry him, and spend the rest of her life with him. Of course they did not need to use my bed and she could have taken her affection to the other room or at least tried to be out when I was expected back. You could not keep Sierra away from Barry for years but after her child Blaise Shantay Bourdon's birth things seemed to change.

Sierra Richmond's Hurtful Email Manipulation

One of the first messages I had from Sierra was when she asked me to join her at the birth of her child even though she knew it would be too far to travel on a moments notice. She also gave me her phone numbers 805.965.0282 and 805.284.3223 (now disconnected) in the message and said that I would be welcome to stay at her place while I helped her with the end of the birthing process. This seemed to be typical of Sierra in that she would seem like she wanted your help or that you were her friend but really she would know that you could not easily attend her invitation. Sierra then sent many more emails about Barry's job, when he was working, and that she was available to take guests while Blaise was in the hospital for additional time.

I received emails mentioning the birth of "Blaise Shantay Bourdon" born Nov 13 9:49 AM in Santa Barbara California with photos of the happy family, the parents, and the baby. Things started to change tone about a month later in December of 2004. Sierra's emails would mention Barry but she would only say negative things about him like how he was sick or was unable to help her. I am certain Barry did help and was there to support his child as well as the mother of his child at all times. He moved all the way up to Santa Barbara for Sierra, found work there, and made the best life he could to support Sierra's dreams. Sierra had many points against her drivers license, was in poor health because of the way she cared for her conditions, and always seemed resistant to developing a relationship with any of Barry's good friends.

Sierra Richmond (Sara Richmond) Mass Emails

Sierra would send mass emails to me and others that would say how much she enjoyed our friendship, wanted to support us, and that there was a "reason" for us to be in her life. Of course if you send bulk mail to Sierra she will treat you with disrespect and harm. It does seem like the reason I was in Sierra's and Blaise's life was so that I could make sure that Blaise will always know who her real, safe, caring, and loving father is and that he always did everything possible to be with her. The only reason that Blaise is not able to spend quality long term time with her father is because Sierra Richmond hides her, will not let Barry see her, and will move states or change her location if there is a court order for Blaise to spend time with Barry. This action alienates the child from their biological father and is child abuse. Sierra also does not allow Barry to make decisions about the life of her child, she gives her child drugs with many negative side effects against the will of the biological father, will not send any photos, or even allow the child to speak with her father. Sierra is one of the worst child abductors and alienating parents I have seen that seems to have stayed in the United States.

Barry's Love For His Child Regardless Of Sierra's Abuse

Blaise, if you do see this, know that your father is looking for you and fighting for you every day.  You will be able to be with him soon.  He loves you more than anything and soon you will be back together with him regardless of your mother's manipulation. Know that your father has many friends that are helping him and the community around you wants to help you spend quality long term time with your biological father. We know it is good for your health and we are sad that you have been put through this by your mother and her small gang of abusive manipulators. Know that your real name is "Blaise Shantay Bourdon" even if your mother tries to change it or manipulates you to believe something else. Know that your father Barry Bourdon is alive, he is a great man, a internationally desired sailor, and an amazing dad. He only did things in a safe way that would help your life and it is only because of your mother that you are not able to be with him right now. You will find that Barry, like everyone, is not perfect but he will aways be your father, he always wants to be with you, and he will always love you. I hope you are able to know him in a deep long term way.

As the months went by Sierra started to manipulate Barry's friends and would try to remove Barry from his child's life. Sierra would say things like, "Barry doesn't respect me in the slightest, at least
that's the way he treats me." or "Blaise and I will always be 3rd or lower on his priority list." I know for sure this was not the case, and I believe that Sierra and Blaise were on the top of his mind at all times. Sierra would even say things to Barry's friends like, "I never should have named her Bourdon" which of course is just another way of trying to remove Barry from his child's life. Barry and Sierra did name the child with the last name of Bourdon and that is the way we will always know it to be.

Sierra's Lies For Profession

Sierra claims to, "work fabulously under high-stress conditions without losing composure" however I have seen her loose it many times. When she does not get what she wants she will just manipulate and use people around her until she gets her way. This is now seen at the expense of her child's health by keeping her from her biological father. Sierra even went out of her way to make sure Barry, who is an excellent US citizen, had a DV on record after she threw his laptop against the walls of their house violently. That is right, Sierra lost it, threw technology, and then called the local police to arrest Barry just because he was trying to keep things safe in their place around the child. If you have ever been through this you will know that almost every time the police just arrest the man and take him to jail for the investigation even if the woman is the violent person at the time.

Richmond also claims that, "and have fabulous verbal and written communication and people skills." Again, this is not correct grammar and Sierra like to spell "alot" in many messages. I have never seen Sierra have "people skills" and many people around me will say that you have pulled a "Sierra" when you bad talk your ex or use manipulation to try to make yourself look better.
Sierra claims this education:

DeVry University Online
Avid Film Camp
Ex'pression College For Digital Arts
Hillsdale College
Harrison High School

Sierra also claims that she has worked at these locations:
Protection Detail/Surveillance
Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations, MI
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; Security and Investigations industry
May 2011 Present (9 months) Troy, MI
Personal/Executive Assistant
Individual CEO
May 2010 January 2011 (9 months)
Personal/Executive Assistant
Bayhopper Designer Resort Wear
February 2007 November 2009 (2 years 10 months)
Managed all aspects of personal & professional life; schedule, appointments, travel arrangements, itineraries, computer database & file maintenance, all correspondence, Quicken finances, errands, gift purchases, & party/event planning.
General Manager
Jamba Juice
Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; JMBA; Food & Beverages industry
April 2006 February 2007 (11 months)
Managed staff of 15-30, P & L, hired, fired, scheduling, ordering, customer service, inventory. Caught & corrected entire franchise inventory stock errors to bring accuracy of costs up from 79% to 98% in 1st 3 months.
Freelance Head Asst Editor
Paradise Hotel
May 2003 July 2003 (3 months)
Managed & trained 15 asst editors, maintained & repaired 15 edit bays, set
up master organization of all video clips for all 25 editors to work off of.
Freelance Head Asst Editor/Editor
Extreme Makeover/Lighthearted Entertainment
May 2002 December 2002 (8 months)
ABC reality episodic
Responsible for set-up & maintenance of 15 edit bays, assistant to 25 editors, set-up of organizational system of all footage for show, supervisor to 15 assistants, promoted to Editor after 2 weeks.
Freelance Head Asst Editor
Temptation Island 2/Rocket Science Laboratories
November 2001 May 2002 (7 months)
FOX reality episodic
Set-up & maintenance of 15 edit bays, assistant to 25 editors, organization of daily influx of footage & all footage for show, supervisor to 15 assistants.
Freelance Asst Editor
An Amazing Race/WR Productions
September 2001 November 2001 (3 months)
CBS reality episodic
Importing, labeling, & organizing footage, finding footage for editors.
Freelance Asst Editor
Temptation Island/Rocket Science Laboratories
September 2000 September 2001 (1 year 1 month)
FOX reality episodic
Maintaining Avid edit bays, getting editors whatever they needed from
footage to food, importing, organizing, & labeling footage, outputting shows, &
finishing special effects on sequences.
Panama City Brewery
April 1998 September 1998 (6 months)
Customer service, financial handling, scheduling, hiring, firing, training &
Asst Manager
Bully Ranch/Sonnenalp Resort of Vail
December 1997 April 1998 (5 months)
Customer service, nightly staff meetings & financials, & increasing business.

I know for a fact that Barry is closer then ever to recovering his child but now he has more backing including the assistance of the national and local court systems.  There will be more on this and Sierra's abuse shortly.  It would be a miracle if Sierra would just help her child spend quality long term time with her biological father for the health of her child.  Blaise would be able to be happy and not a statistic that just keeps getting bounced around where ever her mother wants to go.  If anyone does know where Blaise Shantay Bourdon is located or has any information nationally on Sierra and her parental child abuse please contact the National Center at 1-800-THE-LOST and ask for the case manager on "Blaise Shantay Bourdon" so that she can be returned to her father as court ordered and as Blaise needs for her health.  There are already cases pending and soon she will be uncovered and given back to her safe father Barry.  Please read over this and help this child spend quality time with her father:

72% of all teenaged murderers grew up without fathers. 60% of rapists were raised in fatherless homes.
Cornell, Dewey et al. Characteristics of Adolescents Charged with Homicide. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 5
70% of the kids now incarcerated in juvenile corrections facilities grew up in a single-parent environment.
Beck, Allen, Susan Kline, and Lawrence Greenfield. Survey of Youth in Custody, 1987. US Bureau of Justice Statistics. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 
Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school as their classmates who live with two parents.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Center for Health Statistics. Survey on Child Health. Washington, D.C.: GPO,
Fatherless children are eleven times more likely than are children from intact families to exhibit violent behavior.
Barber, Nigel. Single Parenthood As a Predictor of Cross-National Variation in Violent Crime. Cross-Cultural Research 38
Children whose fathers are absent consistently score lower than the norm in reading and math tests.
Teachman, Jay, et al. Sibling Resemblance in Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes: The Role of Father Presence. Journal of Marriage and the Family 60
75% of teen suicides occur in single-parent families. 
Jean Beth Eshtain, Family Matters: The Plight of Americas Children. The Christian Century
Children who live apart from their fathers experience more accidents and a higher rate of chronic asthma, headaches, and speech defects.
Harknett, Kristin. Childrens Elevated Risk of Asthma in Unmarried Families: Underlying Structural and Behavioral Mechanisms. Working Paper #2005-01-FF. Princeton, NJ: Center for Research on Child Well-being,
 80% of the adolescents in psychiatric hospitals come from fatherless homes.
Jack Block, et al. Parental Functioning and the Home Environment in Families of Divorce, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27
 Compared to girls raised in homes where both parents are present, the daughters of single parents are 164% more likely to become pregnant before marriage, 53% more likely to marry as teenagers, and 92% more likely to dissolve their own marriages.
Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, Atlantic Monthly 
A growing body of evidence shows a high correlation between fatherlessness and violence among young men (especially violence against women).
F.R. Duplantier, The Importance Of Fathers, HERITAGE FOUNDATION HOME
The absence of a biological father increases a daughters vulnerability to rape and sexual abuse by 900%. (Often these assaults are committed by stepfathers or the boyfriends
of custodial mothers).
1988 National Health Interview Survey conducted by the National Center for Health StatisticsNational Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

When you help Sierra, you are helping to abuse a child in need of their safe parent (Barry).  Remember, it is the business of everyone when abusive mothers are hurting the children in your community by keeping them away from their biological fathers.  Blaise, you will be able to get through this but you will need to work harder because of the developmental problems your mother has allowed though child abduction and continued alienation from your biological father.  More to come shortly.
Report Attachments

14 Updates & Rebuttals


"Monster" settlement? Really?!?! lol

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 10, 2014

To whomever this anonymous person is that does not have the guys to indentify themselves, you've been greatly misinformed and lied to about any MONSTER settlement.  Another deranged lie in the convicted's lack of reality.  If you want the truth, which you obviously don't, check the public records on my supposed MONSTER settlement, and you'll see what was actually received.  You wil also find the truth in court documents to all the original anonymous reporter claimed, who is actually Gregory Hillman of Ventura, CA, and see it is all lies.  I am far from wealthy, and correctly barely getting by, without help from my parents that are in their late 70s.  Even IF they had money, I would not take it from them.  Posting lies and not taking the time to find out the truth, is a very sad way to be. 

To all of the incorrect and made up information the original post contains, I'm not going to justify any of it by responding, or wasting my time doing so.  It is all lies, other than I did meet the sperm donor, yes sperm donor because that's all he's ever been, and that's as much truth in this that there is.  


bloomfield hills,
Good Ole Barry

#3General Comment

Tue, October 08, 2013

 Does anybody know where the supposed father of the year is these days? I can tell you where he's at he's in prison for attempted murder attempted kidnapping for what he did what he tried to do to Sierra. So for the moron that was singing his praises on here you look like in other idiot right now. And I can tell you I will make sure that Ciara and myself read his parole hearings to make sure that he's where he belongs behind bars. I have met and spent time with Sierra and she's a very good person and better than that she's a very good mother who really loves her daughter. Blaise Is in my opinion very well behaved and very courteous and kind. You can tell she loves her mom a lot. Sears both very kind and gentle as a person I can see where she be manipulative or abusive in the time that I've spent with her. She is in my opinion an imcredible woman. So reading the prior report it just makes me laugh because it's hilarious the lies that were told to discredit por si era she's off like I said a very good mother. And a very loving person. I can only sit here now and hope and pray that I meet Barry. So I can tell him what a s****** he is in a weasel who won't pay his child support but that's coming to an end as well I haven't Vesta Gators investigating his financial records and everything else about him while he's in prison. And I Ciara and I are keeping all these little tidbits of information for when her daughter is of age so she can see what a s****** her biological dad is I don't even calling my dad or father to her because he's nothing to her. So in closing if you have any doubts check the Department of Corrections Michigan and you'll see a picture of good ol Barry in there.


United States of America
Poor Sierra RIchmon

#4General Comment

Sun, April 15, 2012

"She is a great mother doing the impossible with what very little Blazes father gives in money to raise her."  I laughed out loud.  Sierra's parents have money & have ALWAYS given Sierra & Blaise whatever they want/need.  AND Sierra received a MONSTER settlement in the not too distant past.  Sierra does not need money from anybody to help her raise a child.  She's doing fine financially.  The fact that she's seeking money for child support is a joke and really does point out one of the many things wrong with this legal system/child support system.


Sierra Richmond Just Wants Money And A Selfish Tool

#5Author of original report

Tue, March 27, 2012

Sierra obviously wants money and to continue to abuse her child in a selfish way.  I am sure she works really hard so that she can scrape by and continue to hide the child like a pet.  If Sierra wanted what was best and healthy for her child she would allow the child's real father (Barry) to care for her and spend his money on her directly like he has wanted to do this entire time instead of forcing him to spend his money in court and in travel expenses to locate and return the child to the biological father after years of this parental child abuse by the child's mother.

B. D.

United States of America
Eff U - Dats YOU

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 04, 2012

You all r f***ing scumm trash. Get a life. How dare ugo2 some website about me. I will sue all of you b**ches.

Report Attachments

M L Story

United States of America
Sierra Richmond

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 03, 2012

I want to start out by saying that this report about Sierra Richmond was not reported by Pinkerton as stated in the beginning.  Pinkerton has nothing to do with this report. Sierra has worked for Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations and is a very good EP person who knows how to handle herself in stressful situations. I have met former employers of Sierras and they speak highly of her and the work that she does. I will be glad to stand next to and work next to Sierra Richmond anytime, anywhere. She is a great mother doing the impossible with what very little Blazes father gives in money to raise her. Reading the report praising the father is a shame and he should father up the back child support that he owes and continue till Blaze is 18 and not just give 20.00 here and there and not provide to the court system sll of his proper income and residence. He has been lying to the courts about his income and were he resides.


Sierra Richmond is abusing children

#8Author of original report

Fri, March 02, 2012

I saw first hand for many years how well the father (Barry) treated his child and friends.  Barry is an outstanding father, a moral, safe, loving, and caring person.  It is Sierra that is hurting Barry's child by hiding the child, abducting the child to other states, and alienating the child from her father.  Sierra is hurting the child's health.  After this Sierra starting giving the child drugs and continues to blame the father even though the father has done nothing wrong.  Any court and any judge will be able to see this right away.  I would be honored to go into court to help Barry's child be with him at any point.


United States of America
Sierra RIchmond protecting her child, saving child from molesting father, father abusing child

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, February 29, 2012

All I am hearing is that you are a child abuser and she is protecting her child. You posting this about her already shows you clearly have mental issues. That you are very angry person. Noone who is sane posts things like this about personal people unless they are mentally disabled. Perhaps you should get some help and stop harassing this women. 

First. You never married her which clearly shows a lack of morality on your part. 
Second. You posted this clearly that shows mental issues.
Third. You left gaps and wholes throughout your little post clearly showing that you have something to hide. 

The fact that you posted such things about a mother of your child shows you have no respect for women, have no respect for your own privacy, and have no consideration for your child. 

By posting this you are abusing your child. One day your child will read what you posted about her mother and it will mentally and socially harm your child. Posting this is child abuse. 

Why did you molest your child? Is that the real reason you were kept from the child. Or that you were so violent that this woman did the thing she had to do to protect her child. Most women want a man in their life for their child, unless they fear danger or the child is being harmed. So what did you do?

The fact that you posted any of this information shows you are very harmful to be around for the child. I think you should never get this child as you are a danger to the child and to others. Sure this post probably isn't supposed to influence the decisions of the court or others, but clearly it is going to. They are going to see you as a danger to the child and the mother. I am mailing this to them also so you know what powerful thing words are. Please sierra contact me with court info so I personally can give my professional opinion on this post and this person;)...


santa fe,
New Mexico,
United States of America
Abusive Mothers Have Unresolved Issues

#10General Comment

Sat, February 11, 2012

This report caught my eye due to the similar situation which has happened in my family.  I agree with the information stated regarding the child's mother because I have witnessed this same destructive, manipulative, deceitful behavior exhibited by the mother of my grandchild.

It is mainly the child that suffers and everyone that comes in contact with a false mother will fall prey to her continual playing the victim.  These false mothers have no business being parents, unfortunately they are out there, lying to themselves and everyone with whom they contact.

Their only temporary friends also have mental health issues which seem to stem from their own abuse as children and abusing drugs and alcohol throughout their young lives.  I have no viable answers.  I wish that I did, for the sake of these innocent children given over to their cruel and hurtful mothers by do-gooder social workers and state program workers who should know better.

Father's and those who support them must continue to live decent lives free from reproach, such as maintaing their education and/or gainful employment, joining Father's support groups and speaking with their local government, church members, senators, congressmen, state representatives, anyone who will listen.

Obtain proof of the mother's hurtful action/s toward the child.  Never stop fighting for the children - these children must know that their father's and other caring family members will always love them and never stop fighting for the child's well-being and future happiness.

From a medical perspective the mother's actions lead one to believe that she may have one or several mental health issues.  Hiding and concealing her whereabouts not allowing the child to have an open relationship with the father and other relatives - looks to me like child abuse. 

If you look at the statistics don't be fooled by what you read in the mainstream media, the numbers are manipulated to obtain free money from the goverment.  It is mother's who kill their young.  If not physically they do it little-by-little, belittling the child and/or blaming the child for what the father does or does not do. 

It is the mother who acts like it is the end of the world to have her child away from her and yet it is the mother who forces the child to kiss the mother's adult friends and sit on their laps!

Yes, I have witnessed the most horrific abuse to a child, excuse me, I meant to say I have witnessed the result of what the child has experienced after being left with her abusive mother as well as other abuse, like not feeding or changing the child's diapers, forcing the child to eat food an adult would eat like steak! - potato chips, fritos, corn nuts, sunflower seeds in the shell, you know this is no food for an infant of 8 months. 

I disagree with the person who signs their name as Amerikan....they don't have a clue of what they are saying or they for some reason feel they need to protect the mother and not the child.

It is the children that are the victims not necesssarily the mother.  In my case it was the mother who was abusing the father!  Of course most father's will find it difficult to admit they have been victimized by the child's mother and may even try to cover it up.  Keep looking, when things don't add up you will know who is the victim and who is manipulating the court system, law enforcement, social workers and people in their own family. 

In many states CYFD is one of the largest ineffective institutions that protects mothers at any cost, even making false statements and documents in the mother's defense.  Get the best lawyer your money can buy and go out and find your lost daughter.  Go to the courts, file paperwork to obtain your rights.

Put your information on Facebook and all media -possible - make it known that you will never give up and never forget your daughter.  My father tried his best to keep in contact with me when I was a child and showing me that he cared fostered the love and care I passed on to my children.

When it comes to children showing them you care goes further than saying you care.  

My grandchild's abusive mother learned to say "I love you" and practices the words on her child when others are watching.  When my granddaughter surfaces weeks later she is covered with bruises from head to toe, has nightmares, tells me that her mother and her mother's friends hit her as do the children of her mother's friends and more.  Actions speak louder than words!

Although I am elderly and disabled, I am not without resources and one day the world will know exactly how much this child has suffered at the hands of her mother.  Be consistent and persistent love never fails.###


Sierra Richmond Is A Selfish Child Abuser

#11Author of original report

Wed, January 25, 2012

There will be much more coming out Sierra shortly but just know that she did not hide from me, I have had my check ups each year with professionals, any personal putdowns directed to people who try to help children spend quality long term time with their biological parents are not needed, and she has been taken to court for this.  I have watched the father follow the court orders but I have also watched Sierra go against them, bounce around, keep the kid with other strange men, and cause massive developmental harm to her own child in a selfish way.

My hope is that one day this child will be able to start healing by spending the time she needs with her healthy hard working father.  It is so sad when a mother and little gang of her friends continue to hurt a child by keeping them from the life they need with their father.  I see it frequently at courts and I do help other parents file paperwork each week so that their children will always know they tried in a legal safe way to help their children spend long term time with them.  Most of the time the legal system including alerts and protective services are not able to help in an easy way because the mother has taken off to a different state or country (just like Sierra Sara Richmond did) but soon she will be found and the child will start a healing process with the parent that is does not alienate or abuse his child like the mother did for so many years.

Amerikan_lady(conserned citizen)

Also did it ever occur to you?

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

 Did it ever occur to you Sir if she indeed is hiding it's because of freaks like youself? and if I was her I'd keep myself, children, and animals "hidden" from you and your friends even if it is the kids dad your friends with they are better off away from you freak sychos

Amerikan_lady(conserned citizen)

comment for the freak that pretends to care about a child that's not even his

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

 Ok sir, ordinarily I wouldn't even bother responding however, You say you've recently had evaluations? Obviously there was a reason for this. None -the-less, I still believe your a disgruntled man that is slandering this woman for your own selfish reasons wheather you'll admit this or not. I frankly, don't care. What I do care about is you state this woman is " hiding" with HER child? Honestly Sir, do you know how patheic that sounds? And worse your not the father and accrding to you were never the boyfriend what were you a fly on the wall that all the sudden developed these concerns on behalf of others?

    It's nearly impossible to hide espesially with a child in this day and age. Also there is such thing as an AMBER ALERT. Ever here of it? So again if anything you said was true this would be on the news and everyone would know ESPECIALLY IF SHE WERE HIDING WITH A CHILD SHE ALLEGEDLY HS NO RIGHTS TO. I hope you can grow the balls to stop this nonsence slander and the heart to move on and the understanding that 99% of the people don't really care about what you say wheather true or not.

   I couldn't help but comment. I believe your a liar both pathelogical and habitual did you have tests for this too? Good luck buddy


It is true Sierra Richmond (Sara) Is An Abusive Manipulator

#14Author of original report

Sat, January 21, 2012

This report was not filed by the father or anyone related to Sierra.  It was filed by a real person that only wants the best for the child, has never wanted a relationship with Sierra, and never will.  The child is not being used as a tool by anyone but Sierra because Sierra is the only one who hides the child away from the child's family, father, and other friends who want to be in the child's life.

There is more to come about Sierra, who is a rip-off of a parent, including how she keeps the child with other boyfriends and people who are not responsible for the child like the father can be.

Sierra does not and did not have legal custody of the child.  She did not have permission to remove the child from the county or state and continues to manipulate and hide from the people who do need to be with the child for the child's health.  She abducted the child to another state and hides.  There are cases filed for this and services are being used.

Again, I never had a relationship with Sierra, but I did see how she abused her other relationships and used other people for her own selfish ways.  I have no disorders, I have had chemical tests and health evaluations completed from professionals recently, I am in excellent health, and part of the problem that Sierra has is placing blame on others for the abusive selfish actions she takes which has harmed her child for the rest of her life. 

The services available have been used and contacted, there are many services that are investigating her right now, but she continues to hide and keep the child away in an unhealthy way.  Where is she at?  Where is the child at?  Why does she hide and bounce around?  Why does she give people the cold shoulder and destroy her relationships?  It is because she is angry, she did not get her way and the people she was with did not fit her needs.  Instead of working out a healthy solution, she abducted the child in a selfish way and continues to do so.  I hope the services are able to find the child and help the child be with her safe, caring, healthy, and loving real biological father soon.

The absence of a biological father increases a daughters vulnerability to rape and sexual abuse by 900%. (Often these assaults are committed by stepfathers or the boyfriends of custodial mothers).

1988 National Health Interview Survey conducted by the National Center for Health StatisticsNational Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Amerikan_lady(conserned citizen)


#15Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

 I think it's quite obvious this man is jealous and hopelessly love sick over this woman or he wouldn't have went on and on about this woman. First of all I would think if there were any truth or validity to what your saying your ex partner would not have possesion/custody of her child. Secondly Sir, you had a relationship at one point with her and children? was she all these things while you were with her?
I don't like how when a relationship goes sour for what ever the reason it's appauling for a man to try to use a woman's children to tarnish her reputation. You have some sort of control issue maybe even impulse disorders bipolar. You have my pity and I hope you can move on and next time u have concerns about children address it with the police or Child services. That's what they are there for but only ligitiment conserns not just because your a disgrunteled man.

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