Justice For All
80234,#2Author of original report
Tue, March 18, 2014
Matbe that was your experience, maybe he is a good guy but he had to go by what he was being told which was not true, politics are politics not matter the new people were a threat to those hours, all kinds of changes, you were not there your job was already secure you did not live it!
Howard safran
Denver,#3UPDATE EX-employee responds
Tue, March 18, 2014
I, Howard Safran, was a Denver - Ramp employee for 18 months and had to quit to take care of my dad who was passing away from cancer.
I personally worked for Shawn Steinke and can tell you that Shawn was a very good manager, and he and his management was much better than the way Denver - Southwest Airlines was managed (in my opinion).
"SkyWest" has almost 300 planes a day out of Denver and Denver - Southwest has about 225. I am not meaning to say anything bad about Denver - Southwest, but I can tell you, that these comments about Shawn looking like he is out of touch with allegations of bad training would not be in the proper context.
"SkyWest" has training on several types of planes because of the nature of their business. There are several types of plane models involved. There may be times where a new employee perceives that a trainer does not like them; it can be stressful because all of the different types of planes; I believe that there may be times when new employees do not realize that the trainers feel a lot of liability in the training because of the turns and different types of planes.
Consequently, a new employee may honestly believe that the trainer may not like them, when the trainer is actually just trying to train and do not want the employee to fail either during their training or afterwards.
If Shawn Steinke ever applies to be a manger for another airline, I would recommend him for the position.