  • Report:  #256498

Complaint Review: Sleeper Hosting - JJI Hosting - Cherry Valley Illinois

Reported By:
- fernandina beach, Florida,

Sleeper Hosting - JJI Hosting
P.O. Box 180 Cherry Valley, 61016 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
HE CLAIMS THIS....With over 10 years of website design experience we know how to make a working and functional website to meet your needs. We take pride in building a practical and effective website for what ever your needs are. We also deal in website redesign. Which can include...

HIS DEDICATED SERVERS....HE CLAIMS...ARE THE BEST....99.99% uptime (details)

- Cost efficient Servers

- Linux, Unix, or Windows OS

- Cpanel, Plesk, or Direct Admin

- Quality High speed connection

- Starting at just $99.99 a month!

- Fantastico available

- Custom built servers available

Sorry for the delay. With the pain from my back and the pills they have me on I cant allways go to sleep at a normal time. So somedays I can't fall asleep till 5 or 6am wich today was around 5:30am and I just woke up shortly ago. I have not heard from the tech yet. It wont likely be till later in the day. They ordered the parts last night so they should get in this afternoon. He knows the situation and wants to not only get the server built but get all the updates needed before we put the server live so that its all ready to go and not being slowed down by the updating while its being used. I know your sitting at about 305 right now and im listening and it dose buffer a bit. I was realy hopying that by taking the site off of the server it would help yah out a bit there till we got the other server up. All I can tell you right now is we know the situation your in and are trying to get the server up asap, but I expect it to be up later this afternoon or evening at the earliest. As soon as they let me know its up and ready I have to go in an do a few things and get the shoutcast set up on that server for you and then i will get with you on the info so we can get it all switched up and ready to broadcast. Then after a day or two ill switch the site over. This way if all goes well the site should have no down time.


Jim / Sleeper

Sleeper Hosting

have you heard from your guy yet..how close are we do we have a time frame it's been a week this buffering is killing my station..etc etc etc...thank you have a good day


Ok rigt now im just waiting on pricing. Hes recomending a memory upgrade and moving the server up to a core duo wich will put two chips in there insted of the dual core wich will alow for growth. I am very sorry . I didnt see this being an issue but ive never had a station with this many listeners either. That server is running on a 100 mbps connection so its nota bottle kneck issue so its just the server is not able to handle the load. ..............

Im afraid my lack of experiance in this department has caused the issue and im sorry for that but im trying as fast as we can to fix the situation. As soon as he gets me pricing ill let you know

After admitting he didn't have the experiance,then he starts to blame it on our system and my dj's ive been doing this 7 years and this is the 1st place we ever had and issue with

Two things can happen to make you loose or buffer out the station. One is the dj on air is not able to push the stream fast enough to the server. Or two someone is atacking the server to make you drop out. If its the second you would also see the website lag out. I would recoment logging into the main WHM cpanel area with the root password and on the left hand side there is a option name server status. You can keep an eye on this threw out the day and if you see the server load ever goes red that means the server is laggin out. As I said on the phone an extra gig or memory will allways help and we might need to upgread the servers bandwidth speed to accomadate the listeners. For now it might just be some server tweeking that needs to be done. I have a tech looking into the situation now. Ill get back with you shortly with his resaults.



Sorry had to fix some scripting and restart the server. The site is comming up now and i got the shoutcast started back up now. I had to manualy restart it after the reboot.


Jim / Sleeper

Sleeper Hosting


yanno im sorry iam not satisfied with these results iam getting iam thinking of pulling my station and going some where else.


I understand . Were looking into the best options right now. I just got of the phone with him and hes going to call me back after he looks at a few things. He recomending a slitly differt http softwear sence its only the one site witch will free up some usage and posibly upgreading to a dual core procecer. I explained to him that the load you have right now will be trippled or more on a good day so we want to make sure the changes we make now will support the high spots too.


Jim / Sleeper

Sleeper Hosting


okay this new server that is suppose to suppport the station it hasnt ....the new one we were told it would nt it dropped us again at 200 listeners..you assured us the other night this wouldnt happen any more...this isnt a good thing IAM NOTTT A HAPPPPY CAMPER..SAME OLD STUFF AS ALL LAST WEEK..I DO NOT KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE...but it needs to FIXXXXXXED AND FIXXXXED LIKE YESTERDAY.

then i asked for a refund and this is what i was told.....

since you didn't give me a month's notice to you leaving my hosting this is my bill to you Server one was up and being used for 8 days. At $4.90 per day that's a total charge of $39.20. Server two was up and being used for 6 days. At $8.66 per day that's a total charge of $51.96. And with the $75.00 set up fee your total charge came to $166.16. Subtracting that from your total paid of $260.00 your refund amount is $93.84.


this is all i recieved...even after all the issues i had with this hosting company for 2 weeks. i was totally ripped off he became my friend while i was there untill i asked for a refund then he turned against me and gave me a bill .instead of him giving me my full refund of $260.00..

what a ripp off artist he is,even after admitting he didnt really know what he was doing he was listening to others tell him what to do...and nothing ever worked....I GOT THE SHAFT AND IF ANYONE ELSE USES THIS GUY THEY WILL ALSO GET THE SHAFT...IM JUST GLAD I MOVED MY STATION AWAY WHEN I DID...


Fernandina beach, Florida


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Cherry Valley,
Actuly Let's clear the air once again.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 23, 2007

Once again you forget things to make your self feel better about your actions. I told you after the first week when the server we where trying to get up was still waiting on the second chip that If you wanted to bail I understood and I would offer a refund to you. Then after day of not being able to get you and your djs to be able to stream correctly I made the offer again and you repeatedly stated that you where willing to stick it out so we could get it right. So once again you where not ripped off you where offered twice to step out of you wanted to with a refund per the TOS agreement and you decided not to. As far as your new host, I have been watching cause I wanted to see how things worked out. You have been at two hosts from what I have seen since me and the one you are with now is not cheaper then what I quoted you. I even turned in a ticket for pricing on the amount of listeners you have at a lower bitrate and it was almost double for that, unless you have switched again to the 3 hosts since me. Lets face it I admitted that it was a learning experience for me and you should admit that you never had the amount of listeners on your station that you had after the switch and I never said that was cause of my server, simply saying you didn't know about the issues cause you never had that many. Now you can speak to the opposite of that but your partner already pointed out your lie on that one. To cap it off, I spent hours and hours each day trying to make that server work with you and gave you more then one opportunity to walk away cause I understood your situation, and finally when you decided to walk away you wanted every thing back and are simply upset cause you didn't get what you wanted. Well sorry Russ but welcome to the real world. You have to pay for what you use. And yes you did make threats after you left, but I'm to mature to drag that type of thing into a site like this. I think by this point the people can see that I tried to make you a happy client and failed. I can't win them all. I also gave you back every penny you deserved. I don't expect this to make you happy an anyway, but like I said I cant make everyone happy. As I said before I wish your station the best of luck. And I'm glad your happy with your new host.


Fernandina Beach,
I see good that you responded let's get into the technical side of this

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 15, 2007

1st of all i didnt threatin you.not like you saying i did...2nd....my broadcaster didnt do anything different from my other dj's,he couldnt hold 300,400.or 500 because it was buffering on him every 2 or 3 min the reason it looked like he was holding onto it was because if you know anything about sams broadcasters you have encoders and he had his set for auto reconnect at 1sec intervals i didn't because you had me set mine at higher ones to see if i could hold it if i had set mine at a 1 second pace of course i could have held it to.....but the issues here is buffffffffering,,,you did not know how to build a shout cast to hold as many listeners as we do.....you wouldnt admit that you kept holdig us there i can fix this i can fix this...i can fix this....being a man of your word like you kept claiming you were**A MAN OF YOUR WORD** YOU SAID GIVE YOU A CHANCE I GAVE YOU 2 WEEKS...AND NOTHING ....TOTAL DESASTER..i have a server now...that i bought for $125.00 cheeper than what you ripped us off with,and we havn't had one problem ..why havnt we..because this company knows how to build shoutcast and windows media servers...now let get on the subject of the man of you words....after seeing the 2 weeks go buy out of you being the man of your words you should have offerd us a full refund without me asking for a refund seeing that you could build this and get it up and running for us..hel no you waited and waited ...for each week to go by so you could charge us more rent.....buttttttttttttttttt after the 2 weeks REMEMBER YOUR A MAN OF YOUR WORD ...WHETHER YOU HAVE A TOS NO REFUND....BEING A GOOD HONORABLE COMPANY THAT YOU SAY YOU ARE.....JIM YOU SHOULD HAVE OFFFERD US A FULL REFUND..... but noooooo you made me ask for a refund so you could use the TOS no refund policy against me....TO ME THATS A SORRRY a*s RIPPPPPOFF ARTIST...AND AS LONG AS THE RIP OFF WEB SITE IS HERE ..UNTILL I FEEL I GOT MY SATISFACTION I WILL CONTINUE TO REPORT PEOPLE LIKE YOU IT'S MY GOD GIVEN AMERICAN RIGHT ...JUST LIKE IT I GUESS FOR YOU TO RIPP OTHERS OFF TOO......and so far i feeeeeeeel im not satidfied...so dont blame it on my people....the server i have now we've hit 800 on several occasions and havn't buffferd or dropped server not onnce and the dj i have in australia....she hasnt had one problem connecting either....so Jim a man of you word....ive got a word for you....YOUR ONE OF THE BEST RIPOFF PEOPLE IVE EVER COME ACROSS GOD BLESS AMERICA


Cherry Valley,
In response to your accusations

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 15, 2007

For one, your responses where not as nicely stated you left out the nice little threats that you sent to me. Also you leave out that you and your partner had not broken over 300 with your previous company and when he ran the station he could hold over 500 listeners and you couldn't hold it past 300 and your third dj couldn't even hold over 75. Right there tells me that you have three different people getting different results. If the issue was just the server then you would have similar responses not totally different responses from different djs. Now that being said I also told you that I had never had a shoutcast client who had that many listeners and did say sorry for you to be the one I had to learn on. I also made that statement to let you know that since you where running up to 800 listeners which is 500 more then your used to there may be issues with your set up and not the server. I stated a few times that I didn't have a full reason to give you as to the cause. There was not a clear issue to blame the situation on. All of the shoutcast set up was verified and re-verified as correct. At that time you understandable didn't want to wait around anymore to find the answer and you choose to left. I then let you know what my TOS stated in this matter and refunded the correct amount that was due to you with the TOS that you agreed to when you started. Legally the TOS stated I didn't owe you any refund, yet I chose to give you a partial because I understood you situation and could not point and say this or that was the issue. So please don't talk negative about my company when I did everything I could to help you out. Thank You

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