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Sonny Duboise DcGrindhouse Hired for art, then refused to pay. Washington DC, Washington DC
Answered an ad posted by Mr. Duboise. I agreed to do some budget work for him.
The first warning sign should have been that all his emails were answered from an iPad despite his claims of low funds.
The first logo, after completion, was deemed "too ugly" for use. He offered an alternative idea.
After providing the art, Mr. Duboise said he would pay. He said he was having difficulties with PayPal and would send the payment the next morning.
The next morning Mr. Duboise asked for a higher res version of the watermarked sample image. I complied, but still sent a watermarked image. He didn't respond.
Several emails and several days later, Mr. Duboise responded, claiming a loss in the family as a reason for his absence and lack of payment. He assured me it would be cleared by the following Wednesday.
Wednesday came and passed without word from him. Thursday he responded saying he needed clarification on which logo I was talking about. He never didn't respond any further.
The whole time this occurred, including times of where it was implied he was without computer access, he was regularly updating his Twitter. When I made my final request for payment, he posted a tweet laughing about it.