  • Report:  #461145

Complaint Review: STEVE PELL LAW OFFICES OF STEVE PELL - Ventura California

Reported By:
- ventura, California,

2633 Loma Vista Ventura, 93003 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had a HORRIBLE life-changing NIGHTMARE experience with The (so-called) Law Offices Of Steve Pell. They ruined my life. I recomend finding a lawyer that is interested in helping not in taking the money and then... never returning a call.....

His assistant convinced me they could solve my problem with $3,500. His assistant PROMISED Steve would make sure that I wouldn't lose my driver's license over a simple cs issue. And it was months before the deadline in which I could lose my license. I had a simple case of showing proof in court, and yet STEVE PELL NEVER did a thing! Nothing!

Never even returned a phone call.... The office help would just brush me off the phone saying he's working on it.... But days turned to weeks and weeks turned to days..... and then months! No return call!

I couldn't believe I trusted this lawyer who took my money like a common crook, not because he was recommended but because I had seen him on the back of all the phone books... (Now I know where he gets the money for those ads!) so I believed them during the slick consultation, that Pell could easily assist me on this case.

But I never got to see him. Never! He never returned my calls. Nothing.... Just took my hard-earned money and disappeared!!! Even when I sued him for malpractice the wimp didn't show! He must have been ashamed at what he did to me, and now I've uncovered scores of other mistreated ex-clients with their shocking stories to hear!

You're taught at a young age to look up to the court system. To believe that honesty will win out. The last hope of fairness for the mistreated and downtrodden. To be represented by a lawyer should be an honor. I was raised to believe in lawyers. Steve Pell changed my belief system instilled in me from my father-He took the money and never did a thing, like a crook, but far worse-this was the counsel I had turned too!

Steve Pell ruined my life.

I ended up LOSING my driver's license that summer!! This could have been prevented had STEVE PELL or his assistant (Who I later found out was NOT even a lawyer!!). ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS simply file my papers. Imagine the frustration of trying to get to work in taxis and the bus, let alone the embarrassment of walking and catching rides from friends. A NIGHTMARE!!

Lied and cheated They lied to me about solving my problem. They cheated me out of services paid so they stole from me. Guess what?! The STATE BAR agreed and I got a refund check. So this is all true documented and the facts! Steve Pell, ha! The lawyer I turned to in need, RUINED my life, my reputation, my relationship. He ruined my life.

But what a costly mistake it is when you pick a crooked lawyer. Your life could crumble away while you try to stay afloat like mine did. Have you ever been hungry and wanted to go to the store to get something to eat but yet you couldn't even use your car because a lawyer you paid all your bank account too didn't do anything to help you? It's a terrible, lonely feeling. I hope nobody goes through what I wwent through.

At least the STATE BAR agreed....... MALPRACTICE! I keep a copy of the check he was forced to write me as a reminder that the little guy can win. Maybe if we all posted our hearts out on the internet these crooks would be forced out of business.

What happened to Pell because of this action? Did they pull his license? Because he promptly put up a PELL REAL ESTATE sign...haha! Can you imagine him taking all those commissions from your house..? Whew!! Watch out for the small print!

Happy to send you this ACTUAL case paperwork on request. Nobody should hire a bad lawyer. I guess my dear father was right. I still hold fast to the American dream and the belief that the court system IS ultimately fair and congruent, and that honesty DOES win out!

Documentation gladly emailed on request!!! Ask for GEORGE............. THANK YOU EVERYBODY-and TELL YOUR STORY!!!!


ventura, California


3 Updates & Rebuttals


WOW! Ladies and Gentleman~The Lies Pell Tells!


Tue, September 22, 2009

About Us: False report about me on this site!

I am Steve Pell's legal assistant. I am not an attorney. Even my listing on our website makes this disclaimer. For anyone to make allegations that I have ever represented myself as anything other than that is outrageous.

Let's see if I understand this right. Someone hires an attorney because they've gotten themselves into a mess of their own doing; then complain because they got sentenced or received the legal penalty of what the State of California prescribes as their punishment.

And that's what this rebuttal is about: Somebody doesn't want to admit to what they did on their own, for acts they did before hiring an attorney, and then they complain it's the attorney's fault because that party had a punishment imposed on them, for an act they did prior to hiring a attorney, irrespective of their own fault.

The Superior Court in the State of California prescribes the punishment for a parent who willfully disobeys a legal court order to pay child support arrears. THE DMV WILL REVOKE THEIR DRIVERS LICENSE.


R. James Peterson, J.D. an "employee" of Steve Pell Law Offices


Dear Mr. R. James Peterson aka "J.D."... How convenient that you don't remember me.... Maybe photos of the files, receipts, the findings of the Ventura Bar, and other proof of my horrible experience with YOU misrepresenting and posing as a lawyer for the law office of Steve Pell Ventura Ca.

Read on... This gets juicy!!!!!!!!!!!

First: What a shame that you deny knowing me Mr. Peterson. There's a special place for liars like you! I called for a "Consultation with a lawyer" and you clearly LED ME TO BELIEVE YOU WERE A LAWYER! You took my money... and promised to solve my very simple problem, do you remember that? Then you or the firm NEVER called me again!

Second: I called every lawyer in town and they ALL ALLOW YOU TO ACTUALLY CONSULT WITH A REAL LAWYER... If you need a consultation you should check that the person you are meeting with is ACTUALLY A LAWYER and not an "Employee" or in R. James Peterson case a "Sales Intake Specialist"... Yes - I made a huge mistake consulting with a lying used car salesman type instead of an actual lawyer. Huge mistake.

Third: Thanks for the extra slap in my face by saying that about the DMV! DUH! That's why I hired your "law firm"... DUH! I WAS THE CUSTODIAL PARENT...MY EX OWED ME $16,800 in unpaid support, yet remember there was a glitch in the paperwork that didn't acknowledge me as the custodial parent. I paid you $3,500 simply to change that paperwork. You looked me in the eyes and PROMISED me it would be done and Stave Pell would fight on my behalf... you conned me and I bought it and gave you the money and guess what... like a bandit... you NEVER RETURNED ONE PHONE CALL and to this day I NEVER EVEN MET STEVE PELL!!! You took my money and ran!

You didn't care about me at all. You cared only that you had my money. So while I was believing that my lawyer was fixing the problem.... you did nothing. And I wrongly lost my driver's license until I found an HONEST LAWYER who wrote a simple letter for me for $200. I wish I never met you liars! You ruined my life and reputation AND unfairly made me lose my driver's license for a month...AND NOW YOU CONVENIENTLY DENY THAT THIS HAPPENED.... That's why I am posted photos of the files! And started a web site on how to sue an incompetent law firm step-by-step..............

Well-so you say this is a fraudulent report...? Gee... you were too chicken to show up at the malpractice hearing when the Ventura State Bar agreed with me..... So I guess I get the last laugh despite the horrible wreckage you made my life back then....

SHAME on you, J.D.,  R. James Peterson, Non-lawyer, Salesguy or whatever they call you..... Shame.

I'm hurt you don't seem to remember ripping me off but I'm just glad you responded to show the world what kind of people you really are! SEE MY PHOTOS! PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING!

I filed a claim with the Ventura State Bar and won. Case closed. People who take money under false pretenses while posing as a lawyer is immoral, unethical and illegal. 


This is awesome! First I want everybody in the world to read this:

R. James Peterson, J.D.


About Us: False report about me on this site!

I am Steve Pell's legal assistant. I am not an attorney. Even my listing on our website makes this disclaimer. For anyone to make allegations that I have ever represented myself as anything other than that is outrageous.

Let's see if I understand this right. Someone hires an attorney because they've gotten themselves into a mess of their own doing; then complain because they got sentenced or received the legal penalty of what the State of California prescribes as their punishment.

And that's what this rebuttal is about: Somebody doesn't want to admit to what they did on their own, for acts they did before hiring an attorney, and then they complain it's the attorney's fault because that party had a punishment imposed on them, for an act they did prior to hiring a attorney, irrespective of their own fault.

The Superior Court in the State of California prescribes the punishment for a parent who willfully disobeys a legal court order to pay child support arrears. THE DMV WILL REVOKE THEIR DRIVERS LICENSE.


R. James Peterson, J.D. an "employee" of Steve Pell Law Offices


Dear Mr. R. James Peterson aka "J.D."... How convenient that you don't remember me.... Maybe photos of the files, receipts, the findings of the Ventura Bar, and other proof of my horrible experience with YOU misrepresenting and posing as a lawyer for the law office of Steve Pell Ventura Ca.

Read on... This gets juicy!!!!!!!!!!!

First: What a shame that you deny knowing me Mr. Peterson. There's a special place for liars like you! I called for a "Consultation with a lawyer" and you clearly LED ME TO BELIEVE YOU WERE A LAWYER! You took my money... and promised to solve my very simple problem, do you remember that? Then you or the firm NEVER called me again!

Second: I called every lawyer in town and they ALL ALLOW YOU TO ACTUALLY CONSULT WITH A REAL LAWYER... If you need a consultation you should check that the person you are meeting with is ACTUALLY A LAWYER and not an "Employee" or in R. James Peterson case a "Sales Intake Specialist"... Yes - I made a huge mistake consulting with a lying used car salesman type instead of an actual lawyer. Huge mistake.

Third: Thanks for the extra slap in my face by saying that about the DMV! DUH! That's why I hired your "law firm"... DUH! I WAS THE CUSTODIAL PARENT...MY EX OWED ME $16,800 in unpaid support, yet remember there was a glitch in the paperwork that didn't acknowledge me as the custodial parent. I paid you $3,500 simply to change that paperwork. You looked me in the eyes and PROMISED me it would be done and Stave Pell would fight on my behalf... you conned me and I bought it and gave you the money and guess what... like a bandit... you NEVER RETURNED ONE PHONE CALL and to this day I NEVER EVEN MET STEVE PELL!!! You took my money and ran!

You didn't care about me at all. You cared only that you had my money. So while I was believing that my lawyer was fixing the problem.... you did nothing. And I wrongly lost my driver's license until I found an HONEST LAWYER who wrote a simple letter for me for $200. I wish I never met you liars! You ruined my life and reputation AND unfairly made me lose my driver's license for a month...AND NOW YOU CONVENIENTLY DENY THAT THIS HAPPENED.... That's why I am posted photos of the files! And started a web site on how to sue an incompetent law firm step-by-step..............

Well-so you say this is a fraudulent report...? Gee... you were too chicken to show up at the malpractice hearing when the Ventura State Bar agreed with me..... So I guess I get the last laugh despite the horrible wreckage you made my life back then....

SHAME on you, J.D.,  R. James Peterson, Non-lawyer, Salesguy or whatever they call you..... Shame.

I'm hurt you don't seem to remember ripping me off but I'm just glad you responded to show the world what kind of people you really are! SEE MY PHOTOS! PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING!

I filed a claim with the Ventura State Bar and won. Case closed. People who take money under false pretenses while posing as a lawyer is immoral, unethical and illegal. 

Lee Goldman

See! They have a NON Lawyer running the business! AVOID STEVE PELL!!


Thu, August 27, 2009

This rebuttal only proves the point that STEVE PELL uses NON-LAWYERS! Steve Pell takes his client's money and then has NON-LAWYERS working the case! When you work with a lawyer or attorney make sure they are who they say and verify them with the STATE BAR. If you hire Steve Pell you might as well flush your money down the drain. If anyone wants PROOF please contact me JIM GOLDMAN at [email protected] and I will BE HAPPY to send ACTUAL COURT DOCUMENTS PROVING STEVE PELL IS GUILTY OF MALPRACTICE! I don't want anyone else to go through a horrible experience with him!

R. James Peterson, J.D.

About Us: False report about me on this site!

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 04, 2009

"About Us: False report about me on this site!" The Ripoff Report is not here to give you legal advice... They have a simple policy when they receive emails like this...we do NOT release the name/identities of authors of Reports. According to the Ripoff Report website: "First, the Terms of Service clearly say that our users will NOT use this site to post false, defamatory, inaccurate, etc., information. Of course, we cannot and do not fact-check every word posted on this website before publication." "Second, Section 7 of our TOS indicates that Ripoff Report will maintain the confidentiality of all users of the website to the maximum extent permitted by law. In short, we will not simply hand out the name of an author because someone asks us to." * Quote marks above represent language from the Ripoff Report website. I am Steve Pell's legal assistant. Although I am a law school graduate, I am not an attorney nor have I ever represented myself as one. Even my listing on our website makes this disclaimer. For anyone to make allegations that I have ever represented myself as anything other than that is outrageous. Let's see if I understand this right. Someone hires an attorney because they've gotten themselves into a mess of their own doing; then complain because they got sentenced or received the legal penalty of what the State of California prescribes as their punishment. And that's what this rebuttal is about: Somebody doesn't want to admit to what they did on their own, for acts they did before hiring an attorney, and then they complain it's the attorney's fault because that party had a punishment imposed on them, for an act they did prior to hiring a attorney, irrespective of their own fault. The Superior Court in the State of California prescribes the punishment for a parent who willfully disobeys a legal court order to pay child support arrears. THE DMV WILL REVOKE THEIR DRIVERS LICENSE. The Law Offices of Steve Pell has been voted as the BEST OF VENTURA COUNTY - READERS CHOICE AWARDS every year since 1996: winning categories such as FIRST PLACE, the BEST DIVORCE LAWYER, and BEST LAW OFFICE. These awards are voted solely by the readers of the Ventura County Star. Steve Pell has been a working attorney since 1976. He has successfully handled thousands of cases in the courts in the following areas: Criminal Law including Drunk Driving & DUI Juvenile Law Family Law including Divorce/Custody/Child Support/Spousal Support Civil Law Personal Injury Matters Social Security Appeals Bankruptcy Probate Law including Guardianship/Conservatorships/Wills/Trusts Writs and Appellate Law.

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