  • Report:  #290299

Complaint Review: T Mobile - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- orlando, Florida,

T Mobile
tmobile.com Orlando, 32826 Florida, U.S.A.
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i am just over a year into my 2 year contract with t mobile. i purchased a samsung phone and began having issues with connecting to the network, and call quality. i called them they said it would take a few days and would be fixed.it didnt, they told me to go back to the store and have them verify. i did.

then they said they refreshed the network. removed me. then readded me, reset my phone and that would fix it. give it a few days and see if that works.it didnt, and now the return policy had expired and i was locked in to my contract. i called them back after an hour of going through tech support they said the phone was defective and they would send me another. 10$ shipping charge

the new samsung phone arrived. i mailed my old one back and had to call t mobile- the earpiece didnt work. they sent me another. another 10$ shipping.

the 3rd samsung phone came and the call volume would go from whisper quite to screaming loud, on its own. after convincing the tmobile rep that my fingers were accidently increasing/decreasing the volume while i talked- and having a tmobile store employee get on the line and verify what was happening they told me that they would send me out a new phone, however their policy states that you cant get 4 of the same phones- and they would ship me a "compariable" phone.

The compariable phone they were going to ship me was a basic phone- no myfaves (the plan i have) compatiable, no camera, no mp3 player- all of which are features i had on my samsung. i told them that the phone wasnt compatable and they told me they are doing me a favor because i signed a contract with tmobile for cell service not a cell phone and i had 3 options. 1) buy a phone at full cost from them, 2) take the free phone that they would give me that wouldnt work with my plan- then edit my plan-extending my contract for another 2 years, or 3) cancel and pay termination fee.

I bought a new nokia phone. ( $200 + $10 shipping)

a few weeks later people couldnt call me and i would get a network error when trying to make calls. they told me it was a sim card issue. go get a new sim card

the problem kept happening. they shipped me out a new phone. ($10 shipping)

i got the new phone. tried to change myfave contact and the phone froze. i called t mobile they told me to just dial the number- there was nothing they could do and they would realize a over the air update. i did that for 5 months- no update. i called back-they told me to take my sim card and put it in another activated phone without the myfaves plan when i told them i dont have another activated phone .they told me to drive up and down the street stopping in every tmobile store i saw and ask them. when i said that was outragous, the manager said i could pay $200 and cancel my contract.i finally found one after 7 stores.it didnt work. i called tmobile back and they sent me out a new phone. (another $10 shipping, but for my troubles they added 40txt messages for a month)

the phone they shipped wouldnt connect to the network. they sent a tower engineer out to the tower and told me that several other people in the area were having a problem with connectivity when too many people were trying to use the tower- but "it is not in the budget, or worth our investment at the present time" and advised me to either port my number to another company if i was unhappy and pay $200 cancel fee. or try purchase another phone ($10shipping plus $50- they gave me the at the new line cost without extending contract)

i got a new phone. it has the worst echo i have ever heard both inside and out. i call tmobile. they say its a sim card issue. i get a new sim card, doesnt fix the problem. while on the phone with them tech support places a test call to my cell and tell me to place the earpiece of the phone to the mouthpiece of the other phone so they could speak into it to see if they could hear the echo. they couldnt-of course and they tell me the work around fix is to shut the phone off in the middle of the call. wait. then turn it back on and try again. very inconvenient. they say the phone is like a computer you have to keep it off most of the time so it can refresh.

i call back a month later. they say its a sim card issue and i get another new sim card. it still does it. i call them back and they say its a sim card issue and i need another new sim card. i tell them i just got a new sim card and they say its a phone issue and i need another new phone. after 1 hour of talking with the manager, i agree for another new phone to be shipped out. if this doesnt work then they are going to send the engineer back to the tower- or i can cancel my plan and pay $200.

The phone reception sucks. i live in orlando fl, and have no coverage in most buildings. calls drop like crazy. cant connect to the towers. not enough towers for customers. customer service seems nice and helpful until you find out they just give you the run around.


orlando, Florida


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