  • Report:  #585735

Complaint Review: Talecris Plasma Resources - Milwaukee Wisconsin

Reported By:
Fed up in Milwaukee - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America

Talecris Plasma Resources
2530 West North Avenue Milwaukee, 53224 Wisconsin, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If you ever considered donating blood for cash, let me tell you what it is really all about.

I am currently laid off, and struggling to make ends meet.I found a ad in my local community paper offering $50.00 dollars to donate blood.

I thought right away, sure whats the catch? so I called Talecris Plasma center and asked how long it would take to donate this blood.I was told 3-31/2 hours. I thought ok, thats reasonable. So I went to their web site talecrisplasma.com. The web site reinforced the same thing I was told on the phone. In fact the site states 21/2 hours to donate.

So I headed down to the center, I went in threw the front doors, and found myself standing in garbage, yes inside the double doors. Papers, cigarette butts etc..

I finally made it to the front desk, and was told that it would take a few hours.I said what is a few hours? it was 8:30am. He said I could sign in and come back at 1:30 and I would be seen. I did that, which was about 10 miles from my home.

I arrived back at 1:30pm exactly. I had to stand at the desk for 15

minutues, being ignored while the staff walked by numerous times as if I didnt exist.

Finaly, I was told it would only be a hour wait. I repeated back one hour? she said yes.

I sat for several hours, never being called.I watched all walks of life come threw the doors, the homeless, drug addicts, the mental ill. People were sleeping along chairs, loitering outside etc..

The entire facility is filthy. I mean dirty floors, garbage in and all over the lot. They do not disinfect the donation chairs after each use. The hazards garbage can is over flowing.

At one point I was required to read a book about their polices, have a booking photo, and finger printed.

I made sure that I met all the qualification required on their web site and in their book I had to read.

I sat for several more hours. I then had to go to the bathroom, but was told that I would be called for a physical any minute and I would be required to give a urine sample, and if I couldnt, I would have to come back the next day and start all over.

I sat for two hours, having to go to the bathroom but being told I cant because they will call me any minute. I like to add I was the only one left in the lobby at this time.

Finnaly, at 8:30pm, I am called for this physical. I was told it would take 45 minutes to complete the physical. 45 minutes? my back surgery didnt take that long.

So we go down the whole run down about my health, and I told them I take a prescribed pain medication for back problems.I was told then I could not donate because I take this medication.

I asked why they do not explain this on their site, or in their book. She said, because if we told people how long the process takes, and about the medication restrictions people would not donate and lie about their health. So in other words, we lie to get people in here, we could care less about your time and gas to come here.

The manager Cynthia Cummings, made no sense when she told me the person who said it takes 31/2 hours,was grossly mistaken on the phone. But their own web site back up this lie.

So I sat for close to 12 hours, treated like a criminal, or like cattle being hearded around.

This place has no regard for you as a person. They lie to get you in there, and the chances of actually donating are very slim. My 12 hours wasted was nothing to them.

I find it funny that they couldnt accept my blood, because I use a pain medication prescribed by a pain specialist, but they can use the blood of cocaine and herion users.

Do not waste your time, the $50.00 payment never happens, you will waste your entire day and be treated like a animal in their filthy rudown clinic.

I now see why they need donors so bad, who in their right mind, would ever subject themselves to this?

They need to get their act together, clean up that place, and start treating people like patients.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


This person is so wrong it is not funny

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, November 12, 2013

I dontate plasma. You do not donate blood so get it right. Yes the first time can take longer because you need to be screened. Not everyone is a candidate to donate. I take some medications. I had to take a form to my doctor and have it signed by him stating that it was fine that I donated plasma and it would not interfer with my medication. Yes they do give you the money when you donate.

First time doners do receive $50.00 as long as you donate. The second time you go in as long as it is in the the same week you will receive your other $50.00 as long as you donate. It takes me about 2 hours total from the time I walk in the door as a walk in not with an appointment which you can do up to 1pm to the time I walk out. I receive $25 my first time and the second time I go back in the same week I receive $35.00.

If you are on medication and it is on their list that states they cannot accept your donation do not blame that on them. They have a job to do and this plasma goes to saves lives. They do not need someone who is on a medication that can cause an illness or death because you feel you deserve to donate. I can tell you that they do not take cocaine and heroin people and let them donate. In the past they may have but since this new company took over things are run much better.

Organized, screened properly. The only fault that I see here is yours because of your pain meds. I am sure that you need them but because of that they could not use your plasma. Once you are off your pain meds you can try again. One bad time does not mean that they are always like that. I have been donating for about 6 years or so. The old company was bad and took a long time for doner to be able to donate I will agree with that but since the new owners have taken over it is quick an easy. I am very please with the way the facility is run now. I donate 2 times a week. 


Were they reported?

#3General Comment

Mon, September 30, 2013

Dude. Did you ever report them to the Department of Health? They would have gotten shut down so fast, their heads would spin.


North Carolina,
United States of America
It's not that bad

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 22, 2012

I'm pretty sure that this guy is exagerating a good bit. While I can't speak about the center that he went to, I've been donating at another Talecris center for awhile now and it's nowhere near as bad as he described. There's no cigarette butts on the floor because you can't smoke in the building and they keep these places pretty clean. And it's policy that they wipe down the beds with disinfectant after each donation. And while the first donation can take a little while (2-4 hours), after that each donation usually takes 1-1/2  to 2-1/2 hours. And in my city they pay 50 bucks each  for the first 2 visits and then it rotates--you make 20 bucks the first donation of the week and 40 bucks the second donation of each week, not so bad considering that it only takes a couple of hours and don't have to do any work for it, lol.


United States of America
Not all facilities are like the one mentioned

#5General Comment

Tue, June 19, 2012

I have donated for several years at the facility in Waukegan, IL. Yes it is a long process to become a donor but once you are a donor it is not that bad. I will admit that they do take people who have smoked pot. You can smell it a mile away on some people. I asked one of the persons who does the actual sticking of you to start the donation and this person stated that they will not stick someone if they feel they are high. Just because they smell of pot does not mean they are high. I am not one to judge and they have the right to accept or deny a donor.

I have always seen the donor tables wiped down with calvicide which is a disenfectant. I have always been treated with respect. There are all walks of life that come in. The facility is relatively clean. Needs more parking and it can be imtimidating with the people who hang out in front of the facility smoking and such. I just mind my business and I am left alone. I have never seen this facility open any later than 6pm and the person who stated they were there until 8:30pm I find hard to believe. This facility has closed early due to bad winter storms or not even open because of the weather. The one thing I wish they would do is take appointments for new donors. It is on a first come first serve basis and most of the time if you are not at the facility when they open to start the process to become a donor you will be turned away because of how busy they are.

Not everyone takes an hour to donate. Some are faster and some are slower. This is where the time factor comes in. You must be patient if this is what you are going to do to get extra cash. It pays my property taxes every year. It can take half of your day to donate but to know that you will have the money to pay for your taxes or an emergency, vacation, or whatever to me it is worth it.

Just because an ad says you will receive $50.00 today does not always mean you will. It is to get you in the door. Once you are in you have guidelines that you must meet and if you do not then you are not eligible. It is just like an ad that says you can get a loan for 0% interest. You have to meet the guidelines first and if you do not then you get no loan. Same concept. Remember nothing in life is free or easy especially when it comes to money.


United States of America
Yeah, right

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

You say you arrived at 1:30 pm and then you sat for 12 hours? Give me a break. It didn't happen, they are not even open that late! If you never got to donate, how would you know if the chairs were disinfected or not? I can go to almost any hospital or doctors office and find people sleeping in chairs. You sound like someone who had a bad experience and wants to slander a company.


West Allis,
Very accurate discription

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, April 03, 2011

I found this place to be exactly as described.

Yes people expect to be paid for sitting 8 hours in that filthy, disgusting hell hole.

They advertise in the local paper with large print EARN $50 today. So please don't so shocked that people are doing this for money.

I highly doubt anyone would go to that gang infested hood out of the goodness of their heart.

I am sure the two guys smoking crack outside the clinic didn't get up that morning and say" I really want to sit at that dump for hours, being treated like a pig, so I can help a stranger out."

The complaint is identical to what I experienced.

Have you actually ever been in this clinic?

if you did you would not be defending that squallier.


North Carolina,
Distorted perception

#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 19, 2010

This report is absolutely absurd and I suspect if one is looking for a quick buck, Talercris Plasma donations facilities are not the place to get your pay off. And what in the world facility this man walked into was assuredly not a TPR FDA regulated donation center. We don't discriminate as to how you may look as a person, but I assure you we do when it comes to your medical history! Here at Talecris we make life saving drugs that are derived from plasma donations, the process in becoming a donor is very long and time consuming, WHY? Because we first do an extensive screening, even if one were to lie about what medication they were taking we would know based on the results of the tests we put the prospective donor through.Sorry for the long wait and we don't profess to be a fast food chain, but every patient taking our drugs is grateful for the effort put forth. And should you be qualified as a prospective donor the then process is roughly 3 1/2 hours, your plasma SAMPLE is then sent to our lab in Raleigh, NC and tested, if your sample is not 100%, sorry we can not allow you to donate.This man stated we need to treat people like patients, donors are not patients sir but individuals who care enough to want to be a donor and not for the compensation but for the reward in knowing you as a donor prolong and aide in saving and sustaining the lives of our patients.

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