  • Report:  #1113048

Complaint Review: Tescher & Spallina P.A. - Boca Raton Florida

Reported By:
Eliot - Boca Raton , Florida,

Tescher & Spallina P.A.
4855 Technology Way Boca Raton, 33431 Florida, USA
(561) 997-7008
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CNN I-REPORT - Kimberly Moran Florida Notary Public, Tescher and Spallina Law Firm involved in Forgery and Estate Fraud


By CrystalCox |  Posted January 3, 2014  |  Boca Raton, Florida


Kimberly Moran Florida Notary Public, Tescher and Spallina Law Firm ( Robert Spallina and Donald Tescher ), Ted Bernstein of Life Insurance Concepts and the Bernstein Family Foundation involved in Estate Fraud, Insurance Schemes, Fraud on the Courts, Forgery, Possible Murder and other illegal and unethical behavior. The Judge in the Case is Judge Martin H. Colin.

Kimberly Moran Florida Notary Public of Tescher and Spallina Law Firm,  Robert Spallina, Donald Tescher, Ted Bernstein of Life Insurance Concepts sure seem to have a lot of explaining to do, check out the forgery, fraud on the courts, flat out lies and for some reason none of these folks are in jail.  The Judge in the Case is Judge Martin H. Colin, we will be watching to see if he follows threw with those Miranda Rights and to see if Kimberly Moran who is already confirmed to have committed forgery, sees any jail time and how this Notary at a law firm got such a high priced criminal attorney ?

Take a look at the details of this Florida Estate Fraud, Forgery, Real Estate Fraud, Child Endangerment, Fraud on the Courts and Possible Murder Case is playing out.

Kimberly Moran, Florida Notary Public involved in Fraud, Forgery, Estate Fraud ..

Motion to Freeze Assets in Shirley Bernstein Estate


ARREST has been made in the Estate of Shirley for FRAUDULENT NOTARIZATIONS and admitted FORGERIES of five documents in our names and one in our father’s name, which was FORGED POST MORTEM for him by Donald and Roberts Legal Assistant and Notary Public, Kimberly Moran.


Kimberly Moran State of Florida Notary Suspension


Court Petition Naming Kimberly Moran, Florida Notary Public docstoc.com/docs/160162877/Ted-Bernstein-Petition



Additional Respondents Added


More information on this Estate Fraud, Forgery, Fraud on the Courts Case


Insurance Schemes and Fraud on the Court, Ted Bernstein



“That Case No. 502012CA013933XXXX, Stansbury v. Ted Bernstein et al. is a lawsuit with a claim against the estate, where RICO Defendant Greenberg Traurig acts as counsel to Plaintiff’s brother Theodore. However, after Plaintiff points out to his brother and Spallina that Greenberg Traurig is conflicted with assets of the estates, including but not limited to the approximate 30% interests held in the Iviewit Companies, the Iviewit Intellectual Properties and this RICO lawsuit, Greenberg Traurig suddenly withdraws as counsel in the matter, months after the lawsuit was instituted”

Source and Full Document


Hearing Transcript where Judge Martin H. Colin clearly knows of fraud on the courts, and has yet to actually follow through with the threatened reading of the Miranda rights.


Lawsuit filed against Ted Bernstein



Florida Estate News


Contact Information for Eliot Bernstein

Eliot I. Bernstein


Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL (yes, two identically named)

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL

Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL

Uviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Uview.com, Inc. – DL

Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL

Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL

I.C., Inc. – FL

Iviewit.com LLC – DL

Iviewit LLC – DL

Iviewit Corporation – FL

Iviewit, Inc. – FL

Iviewit, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Corporation

2753 N.W. 34th St.

Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459

(561) 245.8588 (o)

(561) 886.7628 (c)

(561) 245-8644 (f)

[email protected]

[email protected]









Also, check out

Eliot’s Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Professional Video courtesy of NY Senate, my fav part at end


Eliot’s Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Professional Video Handheld Camera View, my favorite version at the very end



Christine Anderson New York Supreme Court Attorney Ethics Expert Whistleblower Testimony, FOX IN THE HENHOUSE and LAW WHOLLY VIOLATED TOP DOWN EXPOSING JUST HOW WALL STREET / GREED STREET / FRAUD STREET MELTED DOWN AND WHY NO PROSECUTIONS OR RECOVERY OF STOLEN FUNDS HAS BEEN MADE. Anderson in US Fed Court Fingers, US Attorneys, DA’s, ADA’s, the New York Attorney General and “Favored Lawyers and Law Firms” @


and finally latest blog


Eliot Part 1 – The Iviewit Inventions @


Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #1


Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #2


Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #3


Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #4


Eliot Bernstein Iviewit Inventor Televison Interview d**k Woelfle Network 125


Eliot for President in 2012 Campaign Speech 3 Very Important


Ellen DeGeneres on Iviewit


Simon Bernstein on Iviewit


Gerald Lewin on Iviewit


Eliot on Iviewit Funny


Other Websites I like:



















VoteForGreg.us Greg Fischer



killallthelawyers.ws/law (The Shakespearean Solution, The Butcher)

Jonathan Turley Blog

“We the people are the rightful master of both congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.” — Thomas Jefferson, The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

“Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” – Robert F. Kennedy

“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” – Patrick Henry

I live by the saying,


The greatest want of the world is the want of men, –men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. -Education, p. 57(1903)

If you are one of these people, nice to be your friend ~ Eliot

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Port Townsend,
Simon Bernstein Estate, Florida Fraud, Forgery and Possible Murder Case

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, January 09, 2014

Simon Bernstein Estate, Tescher and Spallina, Ted Bernstein, Mark Manceri, Judge David French, Judge Martin Colin Florida Estate Case involving Fraud, Forgery and Possible murder.


Tescher & Spalina are clearly involved in what sure seems to be violating their clients wishes, enabling or allowing forged documents in an Estate case, allowing misrepresentation of Trustees and sure seem to have ran over the rights of their clients who have passed away and truly trusted Robert Spallina and Donald Tescher to honor their dying wishes.


Read the Court Documents in this Case involving Simon Bernstein Estate, Tescher and Spallina, Ted Bernstein, Mark Manceri, Judge David French, Judge Martin Colin Florida Estate Case involving Fraud, Forgery and Possible murder. And decide for youself if you WANT to do business with Ted Bernstein of Life Insurance Concepts, Robert Spallina and Donald Tescher of Tescher & Spalina or their attorney Mark Manceri.


Petition to Freeze Bernstein Assets in Florida Fraud, Forgery Case


Motion to Remove Personal Representative in Simon Bernstein 

and Shirley Bernstein Estate Case



Court Petition Naming Kimberly Moran, Florida Notary Public, Tescher, Spallina, Ted Bernstein and More



It is clear from court documents that Donald Tescher and TESCHER & SPALLINA, P.A Law Firm will do as they please after you die, regardless of what your wishes are as their client and regardless of how much you pay them to carry out those wishes.


With this, it also seems, as far as I see it thus far, that Florida Estate and Probate Judges such as Judge Martin Collin and Judge David French protect law firms such as Tescher and Spallina to violate your rights, sign documents in your name after you die and swear you were there, in person, there by putting your heirs, your children and grandchildren under extreme duress, hardship, financial distress and endangering their life and quality of life.


Why would a Judge show that he has clear knowledge of fraud, forgery and threaten Miranda Rights and not follow through? Does Judge Martin Colin intend to actually read the Miranda rights to those he threatened to do such?  In the transcripts linked below of a hearing regarding the Shirley Bernstein and Simon Bernstein Estate it is clear that there is forgery and fraud that has left children's life and quality of life in danger and has VIOLATED LAW and Constitutional Rights?


Here is the Transcript where Judge Martin H. Colin clearly knows of fraud on the courts, and has yet to actually follow through with the threatened reading of the Miranda rights. Hopefully he still will read those Miranda rights and protect the Public from these clearly non-law abiding lawyers.docs.google.com/file/d/0Bzn2NurXrSkia3NzaDd1NG45aUk/edit


What if your OWN attorneys had a NOTARY in their office FORGE documents swearing that you signed them, AFTER YOU DIED, so that your Estate Goes to WHO they want it to?


This is exactly what happened in this Simon Bernstein, Shirley Bernstein Florida Estate And Probate Case. Florida Judges, Governor, and Palm County Sheriff knows and yet it still seems that there are no criminal convictions, why? 


Palm Beach County Sheriff Offense Report Kimberly Moran



Response to Florida Governor in Kimberly Moran Notary Fraud, Forgery Case



If Tescher and Spallina really did not put Kimberly Moran up to this forgery then who is paying for her lawyer? And why did they not fire her? Why is she not in jail? Millions in this estate and documents forged, swearing a man who had already died signed them and all this continues? And it seems that after all this CLEAR Fraud and FORGERY Judge Martin Colin appoint the, what sure seems to be criminal, Ted Bernstein in charge of this estate somehow? Is this true? Well do your homework folks, this could be YOU, next.


Further research into pattern and history regarding Ted Bernstein and his Company Life Insurance Concepts as well as the Bernstein Family Foundation

Links to further research this case involving Simon Bernstein Estate, Tescher and Spallina, Ted Bernstein, Mark Manceri, Judge David French, Judge Martin Colin Florida Estate Case involving Fraud, Forgery and Possible murder.


Judge David E. French, Petition to FREEZE Estate Estates


Simon Bernstein Estate Case Docket


Shirley Bernstein Estate Case Docket


Below is a link to a motion to re-open a MASSIVE technology theft case with new information that is also part of the above Estate Fraud and Forgery case out of Florida. And sure looks like motive for possible murder, fraud and forgery to me, in my personal opinion.




Docket for the above case



Motion to ReOpen Case


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