Kempner,#2Consumer Comment
Tue, January 31, 2006
Tony, after reading your submission I fail to see where you did any research. I'm just wondering because I have heard negative things about this company as well and when I researched them I came up with nothing but negative results. The reason I ask is because you seem to be one of the many who are looking for a better way to make money. So that you can have a better lifestyle for yourself and your family. I hate to see people like you stop looking at home-businesses and ventures such as this because of negative ones like this one. There are illegal companies out there in every level of business, even law firms if you can believe that. Myself, I have found a really great company and have spent a year building my income from very small checks to about $1600+. I don't want to say what company here because that's not what this is about. I just want to encourage you to do plenty of research and always, always question things. Remember Edison found what like 999 ways not to bring light to us before he finally did it.