  • Report:  #853370

Complaint Review: The Lee Arnold System for Real Estate Investing Verified TRUSTED Business | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing accomplishes that goal through its world class and certified training for real estate rehabbers and private money brokers. The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing does not believe in the one-and-done transactional relationship common to the real estate investing educational community. - Internet Internet

Reported By:
jrcox2 - St Peters, Missouri, USA

The Lee Arnold System for Real Estate Investing Verified TRUSTED Business | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing accomplishes that goal through its world class and certified training for real estate rehabbers and private money brokers. The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing does not believe in the one-and-done transactional relationship common to the real estate investing educational community.
P.O. 2002 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 Internet, Internet, United States of America
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Report Attachments
Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW

EDitor's UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing for its full commitment to quality customer service.

Ripoff Report's discussions with The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing have uncovered an ongoing dedication by the company to total client satisfaction. This means that clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any concerns. The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the services offered and the support for those services.

The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing's principal, Lee Arnold, has informed us that his personal philosophy is that client success is the heart of the business. As a successful businessman, Mr. Arnold feels it is critical to listen to his clients and respond properly. By always putting his customers first, Mr. Arnold hopes to build a successful enterprise both now and for many years to come. Another top executive told us that Mr. Arnold's personal business philosophy is based on the premise that he "strives to add value in service, understanding that a successful business model is based on value-added services, and client care". Mr Arnold added, "We are one of the top private money lenders in the United States. With us, you'll always receive a customized approach to funding your loan and real estate investment that comes from a team who consistently works with new clients as if they had been clients for years."

One of the things Ripoff Report learned in the course of its review is that typical customer feedback reads, "The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing truly communicates all aspects of the service in a timely and effective manner. We are very pleased with the responsiveness that the employees show us. They are serious about meeting commitments, and deliver on their promises."

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Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by Lee Arnold during an onsite inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases towards The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing.

The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing educates their clients on how to invest in real estate, while simultaneously lending them money to invest in that real estate. Lee Arnold further explained the processes of his company, "we will take anyone, not matter the background, income, credit score, and teach them how to invest in real estate. [We] lend them the money they need to buy and sell real estate for a profit with the hopes that they generate enough income and eventually come back to become a lender through our company to the new people coming into the fold." Their loans are funded by private investors who have IRA funds that they are looking to deploy.

CEO, John Cain, explained how leads are obtained for The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing, "In a number of ways we acquire leads through people who are interested in real estate investing. People who are interested in getting private money capital, referrals, attending conventions, Internet advertising, and print advertising." Once a potential customer has expressed interest in their services they will be contacted so The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing can further understand their needs. Mr. Arnold expressed, "if their interested in borrowing money we respond to them and we ask them about the deal that they want to get funded on. If they are responding to interest in attending a live event, we sign them up. We do not cold call. We only call those who express interest in our products and services.


During the onsite interview, Mr. Arnold was asked to describe a situation where a client was not satisfied with the level of service they received. Mr. Arnold expressed a complaint that was also placed on Ripoff Report's website. One of their clients purchased a phone coaching program which costs $12,500, he additionally purchased a business setup entity LLC formation package which costs $6,000. Mr. Arnold further explained, "he called in saying he was unhappy and not satisfied with the level of service he was receiving and requested a refund. We called back asking if he would like a refund or if he would rather us send someone out to his home to work with him for three days, which is a $25,000 one-on-one mentor ship which we sent to him at no cost. We did it because we wanted to make this customer happy. While our mentor was out there he identified several deals, and he ended up buying one of them with the money we lent him. He fixed it up, sold, it, made a $40,000 profit, and still complained that we did not do a good job...in the nature of our business, bad press costs us a lot more than the individual customer themselves...it's not just a loss of that customer on that particular sale, it's a loss of future loans, future opportunities, that borrower becoming a lender through us--we take customer complaints very seriously." This is not a common complaint for Secured Investment Corp, and they will do whatever they can to ensure customer satisfaction.

When asked what type of changes they have made to honor their commitment to make things right with the consumer per the request of Ripoff Report, Mr. Arnold Stated, "but we certainly added fail safes to ensure that our clients had a better customer experience."

The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing is proud to be a part of Ripoff Reports Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program, "to me it means the opportunity to actually be able to address customer complaints. My main interest in the efficacy program is it gives us the opportunity to handle, and help the customer without them just anonymously land basting us online for stuff we didn’t even know we did. So, it is a checkpoint to determine either the validity of the complaint, or give us the opportunity to resolve it before it has to be brought to the public’s attention. And we have very few of them, but the ones we do have we’d like the opportunity to fix whatever we did in the customer’s mind. So that’s, to me, what the efficacy program provides."


" We are one of the top private money lenders in the United States. With us, you'll always receive a customized approach to funding your loan and real estate investment that comes from a team who consistently works with new clients as if they had been clients for years. Please take time to review our site, learn about some of our products and services, understand our history, and receive answers to some of your questions.

The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing's entire staff shares Lee's commitment to world class service and support of its customers and clients. The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing takes employee satisfaction seriously as well. Employee feedback and surveys reveal comments such as this, "The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing provides a very positive environment to work. Opportunities for suggestions and improvements are encouraged. Mr. Arnold is truly concerned about our contribution to the company and providing growth opportunities for us. He takes the time to listen and communicate with employees and customers." Ripoff Report was pleased to learn that The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing's past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards client and employee satisfaction.


The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Report's review, The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing has made organizational changes allowing its clients and employees a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a commitment to a great client experience.

In summary, after our review, which included discussions with Lee Arnold, Ripoff Report is convinced that The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.

How does a business get Ripoff Report Verified™

The member business allows Ripoff report to email everyone from the past. Those who respond to Ripoff report with a valid complaint must be take care of. They have made a commitment that if anyone contacts Ripoff Report in the future, they will make things right within 14 days. The member business must err on the side of their customers. Otherwise the member business is off the program.

Ripoff Report has determined that The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing meets Ripoff Report Verified™ standards which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. Members of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction program do pay a fee for our on-site review, 24-hour monitoring and for support with customers to resolve any disagreements.

Ripoff Report sends a 3rd party service to do an onsite inspection of the new member business. The on-site inspection / review does not mean that the products or services offered by the business have been evaluated or endorsed by Ripoff Report, and has not made a determination as to the business' product quality or competency in performing services. We can verify, that Ripoff Report went to the business, verified their business or “work from home business”, there for, if a customer in the future does not get treated correctly, Ripoff Report can get the problem resolved. If not, and the customers is right, the member business will be taken off the Corporate Advocacy Program. Remember, Ripoff Report emailed every customer from the past that filed a complaint to make sure the member business made things right with customers from the past. Again, to err on the side of their customer, those from the past and those in the future.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.



Lee Arnold PMB International Internet

A Letter I Wrote To Lee Arnold and never heard from him as follows;

To Whom It May Concern (probably nobody),

Hey.  I just wanted to return this stuff and save a few trees and enable Mr. Arnold to make another
$1,000 on another poor sucker.  YOU can through my cards away if you want but you should be able to
box the rest of it up and send it back out again.  Im sure that Mr. Arnold needs the money more than I do
and thats why he works so hard.  

My biggest complain is with myself really.  You see I gave this guy $5,000 a few years ago for his private
coaching and didnt make a dime but I thought this was a great idea and took my mortgage money and
used it to sign up because Mr. Arnold made it sound SSSSSOOOOO easy.  

Now, mind you, I understood it would be work.  I did mind that I chose to split pay and found out later that
I dont get anything until Im paid in full.  So I took the rest of my money out of my bank account so I
could get going.  Three days later, I have to call to get my info put in for my website.  In the mean time I
was into his training website, and found it wonderful UNTIL I found the tapes and books are so out of
order and messed up that I spent much of my time trying to figure out where I was.  Then after I got all of
my website info in I had to call back and find out where my back office info was because I used a
different email address for my business than I use for my back office.  Thats OK people make
mistakes.....no problem.  Ill be raking in the big bucks soon and it wont matter.

So I started advertising and I started my own Private mortgage lender website and blog to drive more
traffic to my website to sign up for loans etc.  I got leads, called them and talked to them like I was
instructed to do and.........nothing happened.  The thing that really got me was I was on the next call a
few days later and heard about PMB International and was really mad because I thought that this pretty
much was the same thing I just joined, only better and cheaper AND more lucrative.  Of course nothing
was mentioned about this OTHER program on the first call.  Now you guys were very nice and even
offered me a discount on signing up with PMB International several different times BUT I already spent
all of my money on Private Money Bank.  How much of my money do you want, ALL OF IT?

Some things started coming back to me that I had heard on the calls and they really started bugging me.
First, Mr. Arnold said that he just signed a contract with Google a few days ago and I guess that was
supposed to put him or Private Money Bank or PMB International up in the number one spot.  Really?
Isnt that our job to promote his business?  Could there be a conflict of interest?  Second, one of the top
marketers who had only been in the business a couple of months had OVER 350 leads and soon will be
getting a check.....What?  I know this is a numbers game but ONE CHECK out of 350 people?  Wow,
maybe this isnt as easy as falling off of a log like Mr. Arnold makes it sound.

Yes I did ask for my money back several times and was always told that I had went past the you can get
your money back time frame.  So I looked into the fine print on his website and found out that the time
frame was THREE DAYS, REALLY!?!  You had half of my money for a week and I didnt even have
access to his awesome teaching website, let alone time enough to find out it was messed up. Certainly
not enough time to figure out that he is blowing smoke up my rear and this really wasnt the business for

Checking around I found MANY complaints with BBB and all over the web on MANY different websites,
about Mr. Arnolds I got your money, now go pond sand return policy.  Thats OK though.  You know
what they say once bitten, twice shy and screw me once shame on you-screw me twice and shame on
me. So Mr. Arnold got to me twice and I am out $6,000 and it is of no concern to him, I am sure, that I
had to file bankruptcy or lose my home.  If I would have been smart I would have kept that money in my
pocket it would have helped me avoid filing bankruptcy. Thats why I am sending this stuff back. So he
can use it again and again to get some more people to send him their hard earned money reaching for
the brace ring.  

I am DONE with all of these incestuous real estate gurus who all get together and try to sell each others
programs to each others mailing lists and their businesses-in-a-box pipe dreams.  You should sign up for
ONE guru and watch your in-box explode with offers from every guru in the country.  Its reminds me of
how sharks react when there is blood in the water.  Its really pretty unbelievable.  Ill go to work at
McDonalds or somewhere where at least I know if I WORK Ill get PAID.  Ill rest easier after you get this
though and know that I helped a multi-millionaire make at least one of his house payments.  I really
dont care if he has church on Sundays and says he is a Christian.  His actions speak louder than his
words.  Ill just let Jesus sort it all out in the end.  

Thanks again for the life lesson,

PS  Please take me off of your mailing list and out of your auto-responders.

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