  • Report:  #1093658

Complaint Review: The Stinking Rose Farm - Williams Arizona

Reported By:
Former Employee - Phoenix, Arizona,

The Stinking Rose Farm
Williams, 863046 Arizona, USA
(928) 853-1622
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

The woman who runs the "business" called The Stinking Rose Farma is not licensed as a business, registered with the Dept of Agriculture or the IRS.  She has duped many people.  She enlisted the hired help off of craigslist to help plant garlic with the promise that they would make about $10,000 at harvest time.  

After the garlic had been planted, she forced those she hired to leave and refused to pay them one cent.  

Several of us were living on the property, helping Ms Uszenski out when she needed it.  She lives with her younger sister who is wheel chair bound.  What I witnessed was inexcusable and very cruel.  

Her wheel chair bound sister had a sizable bank account when Victoria had taken her in and gets a sizable monthly alimony check each month- about $2500 per month to which she pays Victoria $1000 a month.  Victoria had also acquired power of attorney over her sisters bank account.  The sister would constantly ask for her bank statements and for 6 months, I listened to Victoria tell the sister that it was the banka foul up and she'd straighten it out.  Every month they went through this same discussion.  

Well, January 2013, Victoria went out of town for a family event.  I did as I was asked and picked up the mail.  Low and behold there was a bank statement.  When I brought it to the sister, she was excited she had finally gotten a statement.  That was a very short lived excitement though.  When she had opened the statement, she broke into tears.  Victoria had taken her bank account from over $10,000 to about $1,900.  Early in the month Victoria had withdrawn $500 three different times.  It seems to me that that goes over and above the agreed upon amount of $1000 per month. 

The sister told me she felt betrayed and couldn't believe what had happened.  You have to understand that during this 6 month period, Victoria had been harassing her sister to also give her power of attorney over her 401k which held a very handsome amount- tens of thousands.  The sister remained stedfast by refusing to sign it over (thank God).  

I also witnessed other things.  Her sister is wheel chair bound due to a botched angio gram.  She only has her tv and very few visitors.  Victoria had decided to change the dish network cable plan, which in essence changed the available channels.  This caused the sister to lose her favorite channels.  I was told not to say anything to her about the switch.  When the sister asked about it, victoria just said "I don't know, that's weird" and she never told her sister the truth.  After seeing the confusion she was having, thinking she was losing her mind, I finally told the sister the truth and apologized for not speaking up sooner.  From that point on, the sister would bring it up to Victoria to see if she would finally tell her the truth and Victoria would just ignore her.  Ignoring her sister comes easy to Victoria.  She did it all the time.  She even walked away while her sister was in the middle of talking to her.  

The people in Williams refer to Vicotia as the Black Widow because she has scammed properties and emptied bank accounts of unsuspecting men.  One of those men now lives in a studio apartment flat broke while she lives in the house he built on 15 acres that she continues to claim she designed and built.  

Another man wasn't so lucky.  He had put Victoria in his will.  After spending time with her, he went to a neighbors house and asked them for a ride to town so he could change his will.  He never made it to see the next day.  

Please beware and use caution with this woman.  She's a smooth talker and quite the charmer.  DON'T BELIEVE A WORD OUT OF HER MOUTH and WATCH YOUR BACK.  

3 Updates & Rebuttals

The TRUTH has NO agenda

West Palm Beach,
Michelle Lynn Shaw Wolff BELL is a fraud & convicted felon

#2General Comment

Sat, November 09, 2013

The person who filed this "report" against the farm owner is a self admitted drug addict and convicted felon. She was terminated due to neglect. She lives in welfare housing and collects SSI and spends 20 hours a day pretending to be an animal advocate when in fact, she is anything but. NO where do you see any pictures of her at protests that she claims to be at.

She lets her own dogs get pregnant and then dumps them at the shelter.


She is one of the nastiest people on social media and thankfully people are starting to see what and who she really is. Her name is not "Shaw. It is Michelle Bell, just like in all those court records. Just keep it up Michelle Lynn Shaw Wolff BELL. 

She claims she once worked for the Yavapai County sheriff's office Search & Rescue. Another lie.  He ONLY connection to law enforcement is through her parol officer.

She has solicited hundreds of dollars from people on facebook to pay her cell bill and buy clothes. Once fired from the farm for neglect, she then hijacked the farm page costing the owner thousands in damages.

If you continue to post lies about legitimate rescues and innocent people, we will see to it that the slander, fraud, harassment , identity theft and stalking lawsuits will never end. We are watching every step you take. You have multiple lawsuits stacking up. Just because you don't have a pot to piss in doesn't mean you cannot be sued.

It's past time for you to go quietly away. Shut down your scam pages and go away. We will never give up. We are anonymous and we watching you.

Report Attachments

Fact Checker

New York,
New York,
Disgruntled Employee has a History of Defamation

#3General Comment

Sat, November 09, 2013

The disgruntled employee seems to make it a habit of attacking, defaming, and hiding behind a keyboard to do damage.  The author of this fallacious complaint, Michelle Bell/Shaw is a defendant in a current defamation lawsuit filed by a Massachusetts non-profit organization. In researching the lawsuit, it appears that this person is falsely using a fake name and whose legal name is currently Michelle Lynn Bell, aka Michelle Shaw, aka Michelle Lynn Wolff from Williams, Arizona.  

I requested the proof from the Massachusetts County Clerk's office and they provided the lawsuit papers.  Here is the cover sheet and you can clearly see her name as a defendant.  Along with the lead defendant, Gordon Macey and the Toronto Pet Daily, is listed Michelle Shaw who is now attacking this woman simply because this woman has exposed her for what she is:  A lying, manipulating, keyboard attack dog that will stop at nothing to destroy someone.   

In reviewing Michelle Bell/Shaw's Facebook page she states that she was "part owner" in the garlic farm that she is now defaming.  This is a conflicting (lying) statement since now she states here that she was an employee. Clearly, we're dealing with a disturbed chronic liar here.  No one should give any credence to anything she may write. In the real world, people like her are shunned, but on the Internet she's given a megaphone to spout off her ignorance and anti-social behavior.

Report Attachments


South Carolina,
poor attempt to get even?

#4General Comment

Sat, November 09, 2013

The so called report here is a reaction to a blog that has been circulating in Facebook and on the web about this former employee who shall not remain nameless. Her fake name is Michelle Shaw. Her real name is ...


10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive

liarsandthefakelivestheylive "Michelle Shaw"


Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud?

Many of you have heard of “Michelle Shaw-Animal Activist” and admin to several activists pages on facebook and blog talk radio.

But do you know the TRUTH of who she really is? The answers here may shock you! Her entire online persona hasbeenacompletelieandfabrication. Nothingthat“MichelleShaw”hastoldyouistrue.SheisNOanimal activist at all. She never worked for the Yavapai Sheriff search & rescue. She was never half owner/partner of the Northern Arizona Garlic Farm in Williams, Arizona.

facebook.com/AnimalAbuseISaCrime (https://www.facebook.com/AnimalAbuseISaCrime)

facebook.com/America4ever (https://www.facebook.com/America4ever)

facebook.com/chelle.shaw.7 (https://www.facebook.com/chelle.shaw.7)

facebook.com/jessica.ames.52 (https://www.facebook.com/jessica.ames.52)

facebook.com/laura.leigh.14418 (https://www.facebook.com/laura.leigh.14418)

facebook.com/SeaShepherdSupportTasmania?ref=ts&fref=ts (https://www.facebook.com/SeaShepherdSupportTasmania?ref=ts&fref=ts)

facebook.com/pages/Imagine-That-wMichelle-Shaw-Barbie/286083131526391 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Imagine-That-wMichelle-Shaw-Barbie/286083131526391)

.facebook.com/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogtalkradio.com%2Fimaginethat&h=wAQEqhSQQ (http://www.facebook.com/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogtalkradio.com%2Fimaginethat&h=wAQEqhSQQ)

https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Good-the-Bad-the-Unforgivable-of-Animal-Rescue/344666565559561 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Good-the-Bad-the-Unforgivable-of-Animal-Rescue/344666565559561)

https://www.facebook.com/GlobalWildlifeWarriors (https://www.facebook.com/GlobalWildlifeWarriors)

liarsandthefakelivestheylive.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/is-michelle-shaw-really-an-animal-activist-or-a-complete-liar-and-fraud/ 1/13

10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive

https://www.facebook.com/groups/GlobalWildlifeWarriors.1/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/GlobalWildlifeWarriors.1/)

https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Army-of-the-Kind/137894782932692 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Army-of-the-Kind/137894782932692)

https://www.facebook.com/debunkingtheliarsbytellingthetruth (https://www.facebook.com/debunkingtheliarsbytellingthetruth)

https://www.facebook.com/RIDERZFORRESCUES?ref=ts&fref=ts (https://www.facebook.com/RIDERZFORRESCUES?ref=ts&fref=ts)

https://www.facebook.com/SolomonDolphinSaviours?ref=ts&fref=ts (https://www.facebook.com/SolomonDolphinSaviours?ref=ts&fref=ts)

https://www.facebook.com/closedfile?ref=ts&fref=ts (https://www.facebook.com/closedfile?ref=ts&fref=ts)


I wonder if all these page owners know the TRUTH about Michelle Lynn (Shaw) Bell and her drug use and animal neglect?

“I hired her to care for my disabled sister but had to terminate her due to neglect. She was supposed to drive my sister to the doctor and we found out that her drivers license has been suspended for years because of no proof of insurance and dozens of traffic tickets. She said she used to work for a doctor who was in a wheelchair that had died. The only reason I allowed her to move in with me was because she was evicted for not paying her rent and had no where to go. As soon as she moved in, I knew I had made a huge mistake. When I fired her, she hijacked my business web site for the garlic farm and would not give it back.”

She never had anything to do with the garlic farm at all. She was only a caretaker of my disabled sister . I have since filed a report with the police.”

liarsandthefakelivestheylive.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/is-michelle-shaw-really-an-animal-activist-or-a-complete-liar-and-fraud/ 2/13

10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive







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10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive


The TRUTH is that her REAL name is Michelle Lynn Bell

(DOB 5/26/1968) and she has a very long record of arrests and convictions for drug abuse, obstructing police officers,failingtoappearforhercourtdates, andhavingasuspendedlicensebutcontinuestodriveillegally.Her court history will shock you.

People who have witnessed her treatment of animals say she “evil” and they way she treats her own animals is terrible. Just terrible.

THIS is the REAL Michelle Lynn (Shaw) Bell! Sitting on the very same couch....we were told she weighs well over 300 pounds


“When she told me she did animal activist pages on facebook, I first laughed to myself because I thought she was kidding. Then I realized she was serious and I told her maybe she should take care of her own dogs first. She was always sitting on the couch and playing on her computer. I fired her for neglecting my disabled sister, who she was hired to care for.”

liarsandthefakelivestheylive.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/is-michelle-shaw-really-an-animal-activist-or-a-complete-liar-and-fraud/ 4/13

10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive


Her “ex” did not die. He is very much alive and is a Prescott area attorney who was disbarred for ethics violations. He was just recently readmitted to the Arizona bar association.

She did not “leave him”. He divorced HER in 2011. She also changed her name from Michelle Lynn Shaw to Michelle Lynn Bell at this time.


http://www.prescottaz.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=1086&ArticleID=79429 (http://www.prescottaz.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=1086&ArticleID=79429)


Michelle Bell has lied to not only everyone she has ever come into contact with on Facebook, but to several law enforcement agencies (including the FBI) when she created fake profiles of people she has been stalking and harassing. She continues these posts today and claims “WHY would I lie?”

Because your entire life is a LIE Michelle Bell.

And you involved several other animal “activists”. What does that say about them? Do they support a LIAR or

did you LIE to them as well?

liarsandthefakelivestheylive.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/is-michelle-shaw-really-an-animal-activist-or-a-complete-liar-and-fraud/ 5/13

10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive


Should we talk about YOUR “secret hate groups to run YOUR agenda” Denis? (Yes, we have everything)



http://www.facebook.com/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DmFtnJ9aeQgc&h=eAQGPd8i4 (http://www.facebook.com/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DmFtnJ9aeQgc&h=eAQGPd8i4)

Here are just a few of her fake profiles she has used.

liarsandthefakelivestheylive.wordpress.com/2013/10/17/is-michelle-shaw-really-an-animal-activist-or-a-complete-liar-and-fraud/ 6/13

10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive





Michelle Lynn Bell is NOT a “legal gun owner”. She is a CONVICTED FELON and per Federal law cannot LEGALLY own or posses a firearm of any kind.

So did she LIE about owning a gun or does she, in fact have ILLEGAL weapons violating Federal law? The WilliamsArizonapoliceandFBI wouldliketoknow!

Hereisthepublicrecordsofconvictions/feloniesonMichelleLynn(Shaw)Bell. Knock,KnockMichelle... lCiarasasnedtNhefuakmelivbesetrheNylivae.mwoerdpPreasrst.cyomT/2y0p13e/10B/1i7r/tish-mDichaetlele-Ashdawd-reasllsy-aCn-oaunirmtal-activist-or-a-complete-liar-and-fraud/ 7/13

10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive

Case Number Name Party Type Birth Date Address Court

J-1301-SW-20000009 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Mayer Justice

M-1347-CR-99000118 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-CV-20000042 MICHELLE LYNN BELL PLAINTIFF 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-CR-99000042 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-TR-20000634 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-CR-99000043 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-TR-20001430 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-CR-99000200 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal M-1347-TR-20001831 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 Prescott Valley Municipal J-1301-TR-20013984 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Mayer Justice

M-1353-CR-200200186 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 CHINO VALLEY, AZ 86323 Chino Valley Municipal

M-1353-CR-200200239 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 CHINO VALLEY, AZ 86323 Chino Valley Municipal

M-1353-CR-200200366 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Chino Valley Municipal

M-1347-TR-20050003 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Prescott Valley Municipal

M-1347-TR-200600202 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Prescott Valley Municipal

P-1300-CR-20060309 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Yavapai County Superior

M-1347-CR-20070844 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT, AZ 86301 Prescott Valley Municipal

M-1353-TR-200800638 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Chino Valley Municipal

M-1347-SW-20080054 MICHELLE LYNN BELL DEFENDANT 05/1968 PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 Prescott Valley Municipal

All these PUBLIC court cases can be confirmed here:

http://www.facebook.com/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fapps.supremecourt.az.gov%2Fpublicaccess%2Fcaselookup.aspx&h=dAQFdnE6i (http://www.facebook.com/l.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fapps.supremecourt.az.gov%2Fpublicaccess%2Fcaselookup.aspx&h=dAQFdnE6i)

Michelle Bell has been EVICTED several times as well. PAY YOUR BILLS MICHELLE!

“She was evicted because she did not pay her rent” (former landlord)

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10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive



Now the person claiming to be “Michelle Shaw” on facebook and on numerous blogs is nothing what they claim to be. Pretending to work for the Coconino County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue? Claiming to be a “animal

activist”? Claiming to have a JOB? ALL complete lies. She lives in welfare housing in Williams, Arizona (confirmed with landlord)

The FACT is Michelle Lynn Bell neglects not only the disabled people she was hired to care for, but her OWN animals as well.

Remember her dogs Freedom & Justice?

Andhersnake“Slither”andhercat“Liberty”? Let’stalkabouttheTRUTHofwhatshedoestoheranimals! This quote comes directly from an eye witness who filed a report with the Williams police.

“How she treated those two dogs was horrible, horrible neglect. They were just left out in the snow without food and water, never talked to or walked, She would stand at the back door and just throw the food to them in the mud or snow. Horrible neglect of those dogs. She is really evil”.

Michelle Bell lied to several activist when questioned about the litter of puppies her dog “Justice” had given birth to.

Michelle (Shaw) Bell is nothing but a BACK YARD BREEDER for profit.

It appears she only got Freedom to use as a stud and then DUMPED him at the pound!

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10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive







10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive



One of several dating profiles Michelle Lynn (Shaw) Bell uses with old pictures that have been photo shopped





10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive

Lawsuits for slander!

(http://liarsandthefakelivestheylive.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/michellelagsuitdefendants.jpg) More SLANDER lawsuits about to be filed...

(http://liarsandthefakelivestheylive.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/michellerescueinksuit1.jpg) NOW the truly SAD ending for “Freedom” the Rotty....

“I know her dogs names were Freedom and Justice. Freedom went to the pound in flagstaff and Justice went with her. I never saw a snake or cat”

The one she DUMPED at the pound....




10/17/13 Is Michelle Shaw really an “Animal Activist” or a complete LIAR and Fraud? | liarsandthefakelivestheylive

And the one “worth” keeping?


“How she treated those two dogs was horrible. Horrible neglect. They were just left out in the snow without food and water, never talked to or walked, She would stand at the back door and just throw the food to them in the mud or snow. They had no shelter or fresh water. Horrible neglect of those dogs. She is really evil”.

So now that you have seen just the tip of the information on Michelle Lynn (Shaw) Bell, will YOU still support her?

Remember, the entire time she claimed to be all about TRUTH, she was living a complete and total LIE.

After all the TRUTH has no agenda!

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