First off they never provided me with consitant internet speeds as promised. After my inital contract with them ended I called to cancel, well i had to give a 30 day notice so i told them that this was my 30 day notice pls disconect the internet.
Three monts later I get a call from them saying that i owed over 130$ for services and that I never set up an appointment for them to retreave equipment that was on the out side of the house. Oh and they keep trying to charge me for a modum that I didn't get. I fought with the company about it tryed to speak with a suporvisor and was told that i would be unable to bc the guy I had prviousely talked to was the billing suporvisor, and I could not talk to anyone above him.
finaly they told me that me giving a 30 day notice was not a cancalation, and that I had to pay them the money.
I called back and talked to someone else and they told me that I wouldn't be able to find out how much I owe till they got the equipment form the house.
The last person I talked to reviewed the phone calls and said she would try to get the 3 months waved but I still haven't heard from them
Also they do not inform you that they are recording the conversation, per Law.