  • Report:  #761040

Complaint Review: TriCoast International LLC - Culver City California

Reported By:
Sara - , California, United States of America

TriCoast International LLC
11124 W. Washingtone Blvd. Culver City, 90232 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As new filmmakers my partner and I made a great little horror flick and had interest right away from several distributors.  We went with TriCoast because they seemed like a nice small company that promised to pay us a minimum guarantee and sell the film in Europe and the US.

Unfortunately they turned out to be dishonest and didn't honor the contract we signed with them.  They told us lots of reasons why they couldn't pay us what was agreed upon including that they'd gone out of business.

Well, they haven't - they just changed their name from TriCoast International, LLC to TriCoast Worldwide. We've tried to get our lawyer to intercede on our behalf but he said it would cost more to sue them than what they owed.  

We've kept quite for a fews years and now it's time to warn other filmmakers to stay away from TriCoast and the people who own the so called "out of business" company; Strath Hamilton and Ami Artzi who we found out has done this many times before.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Strath Hamilton

Culver City,
United States of America
No one's fooled by this ex-employee hate rant

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 30, 2017

Finally we have found the source of these virulent, anti semitic attacks on my family and our company. We now know who this person is, a former sales-person, who is now working for our competition.

Given the hateful nature of these attacks, we will respond, even though it probably hurts our company to do so.

Firstly, This is person who wrote tis  post, already stole the identity of one of our Producers, Timothy Hines,  slandered and defamed our company in Tim's name on other websites. Tim Hines was shocked, and debunked these myths about himself and TriCoast on those websites. Anyone interested can contact Tim, timothy_hines@pendragonpictures. com 

Much of the same language is used in this posting, on this website.

Now to the outrageous claims made by this very sick ex-employee.

Yes we have multiple companies, film investors requre special purpose companies so as not to co-mingle funds between films and funds. This is standard business practice, and protects our invrestors and producers. Our lawyers arrange these special purpose vehicles, they are all legal entities.

Yes we have our name on lawsuits. Mainly as plaintiffs, protecting our producers. Earlier this year we suceeded in gaining for our producer Tony Didio a judgement in Federal Court for $460,000, protecting his ToolBox Murders Franchise against Piracy by another Sales Agent. This is a matter of court records. You can also email Tony Didio TWDidio@gmail. com for confirmation.

We are also referring this post to the anti-defamtion league. The attacks on me; my family; our former partner; and our religious practices is a hate crime. Whether emboldened by the alt-right or, for whatever sick reason, we cannot stand by and let someone attack us on the basis of our religion. That just tells you who this person is.

The other charges in this posting are also completely unfounded, we have a separate royalty department that pays producers. Any questions on reporting, please contact heather@tricoast. com

An ex-employee attacking our company with Fake News and an anti-semitic rant will never succeed in hurting our company. Every month another happy producer works with our studio, for 30 years we have built this business, we are proud of the work we do, and proud of our partners, who currently include the major studios, largest retailers, national theater chains and VOD platforms.

Anyone who is remotely concerned by the veracity of her fake claims, should call Marcy or i at TriCoast 310 458 7707. 

Unlike this sick ex-employee who masquerades behind other people's identities, and discriminates against people, we are a diverrse group and we stand by our word and our work - and here's our message to this person. We know who you are, isn't it time other people knew who you really are? 


You cant fool all of the people all the time

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 02, 2017

Mr. Hamilton will want readers to think there are two sides to this story. There are not. His invitation to coffee sounds innocent. He is not. He steals from those he does business with. There are NO former people who have done business with Mr. Hamilton and his wife Marcy Hamilton who have ever been paid what they have promised. They steal all profits. They are continually sued (multiple times a year) and reincorporate under new names when they often lose in court. Over time, they owe large sums of money to everyone they encounter.

Strath Hamilton writes: "TriCoast International LLC and TriCoast Worldwide have always been different companies with different slates of films; one did not replace the other. 

Ami Artzi does not work for TriCoast Worldwide, is not a partner or officer of TriCoast Worldwide and is not affiliated with TriCoast Worldwide. 

If you want references on TriCoast Worldwide, call us at the number below and we're happy to give references of producers who are very happy with the way we've distributed their films."

This section is perfect to demonstrate how Strath Hamiltons lies work. When he says that TriCoast International LLC and TriCoast Worldwide have always been different companies, he doesn't say that he was involved in a corporate way in both. In fact, Starth and Marcy Hamilton have a long list of corporations using the name TriCoast. TriCoast LLC, TriCoast Worldwide, Tricoast Worldwide International, triCoast Worldwide 2017 and on. They assign their product when they gut the original company as people come after them to sue for money they have stolen through cleaver accounting tricks.

Ami Artzi, that Strath Hamilton refers to, is in constant contact with him and is his close friend and advisor. Artzi taught  the Hamiltons how to cook the books when money comes in for product in an endless series of schemes in order to never pay. Artzi's philosophy is to only protect the family, and go to war on everyone else. The Hamiltons see thamselves at war with those they do business with and keeping profits not due them is fair game as all they encounter are combatants.

Strath is an atheist who cynically converted to Judaism for business and political reasons. Those close to him know he has no religious faith, especially in the religion of his conversion.

Artzi got into to trouble and the Hamiltons took over as front men to help him hide moneys stolen. These people are personable as all good conmen are. They are not transparent and their references are fake, friends and associated of them.

If you do business with this family. A family who renames and reincorporates TriCoast companies every year of so, but always operates from the same desk in the same office in Culver City, you will lose your product and all of your money to them. Also, their lie that they have been in business for 25 years is shameful. They were a trailer cutting house that turned to international sales out of desperation when their company collapsed due to the big studios beginning to cut their trailers in house instead of farming them out.

Check up on them outside the references they give. Research the court records of the dozens of lawsuits against them and see how the behaved toward those they did business with. Do not take their word. It is meaningless sound to distract as they steal you blind. They even lie to their own employees and steal their pay. They make their interns fly to Cannes on their own money with false promises and candied dreams.

Strath, did you and Marcy think you could steal from absolutely everyone including your trusted employees forever and not have it come back at you. The time has come. You cannot fool all of the people all of the time. You should be in jail.

Strath Hamilton

Culver City,
United States of America
We've been in business for 25 years

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 04, 2012

To interested readers:

Those of you who know our family run business know we've been around for 25 years and have produced and distributed hundreds of hours of TV and film product. This is the first internet complaint we've had but I'm sure not the last, as this is a very easy medium to discredit  a company while hiding behind fake names  - we chose our films to distribute very carefully and have never distributed a film by anyone named "Sara". 

There's two sides to every story and many reasons why sales expectations are not met. Since the international film market took a dive in 2007, very few independent films have performed up to expectations. Not all producers elect to 'shoot the messenger'.

However, there are also factual mistakes in this consumer report, that are easy to confirm:

TriCoast International LLC and TriCoast Worldwide have always been different companies with different slates of films; one did not replace the other. 

Ami Artzi does not work for TriCoast Worldwide, is not a partner or officer of TriCoast Worldwide and is not affiliated with TriCoast Worldwide. 

If you want references on TriCoast Worldwide, call us at the number below and we're happy to give references of producers who are very happy with the way we've distributed their films. 

I'm surprised that "Sara" feels the need to tarnish me personally by filing this inaccurate report, my wife and I strive for honesty and transparency in all our our transactions and we invite "Sara" to call us or come by to solve her issues, our door is always open.

Strath Hamilton
TriCoast Worldwide
+1 310 458 7707
[email protected]

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