  • Report:  #390936

Complaint Review: Ufirst Direct - Christian M Dillon Attorney At Law - Santa Monica California

Reported By:
- Los Angeles, California,

Ufirst Direct - Christian M Dillon Attorney At Law
www.ufirstdirect.com Santa Monica, 90401 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I got a recorded message from ufirst direct about 6 times a day at my house and I finally decided to dial 1 to be connected to an agent.At the time I was current on my mortgage but was having a hard time keeping it up so I thought what the hell lets see if these guys have anything to offer.

The rep I spoke to sounded like she knew what she was talking about and told me that they would audit my loan documents to find violations and use it against my lender to modify my loan, more specifically to reduce my interest rate and LOWER my principal mortgage by $200,000. I was also told once I signed up I could stop making payments to my lender (which was the only way I could afford the service).

Obviously I was suspicious off such a "too good to be true" statement but for some (stupid) reason I went along to see what they could do for us.

This is where it gets interesting, I was told that an attorney would review my file and that someone would call me back to tell me if I was one of the fortunate few that were "approved" for the service.

I later found out that not only is there no attorney in that office but the rep admitted (after I told her I was going to sue) that they "approved" every file and a lawyer never saw my information, even though the sleazy guy who called me back the next day told me that the attorney said I have a slam dunk case and then insisted on getting payment before they sent me any paperwork.

That LIE cost me and my family $4,000 and more frustration than you could put a price on!

To make a long story short, I later called the attorneys office (in a different county) direct when I didn't hear anything for 3 weeks and was mislead consistently by D Sandoval who told me verbally and via email that the lawyer was working on my file and that my lender had been notified.

Surprise surprise, the attorneys office did not know who I was and the lady who I spoke to said that this was happening with other people who were also calling. She then tried to tell me that they are not responsible for the claims made by Ufirst Direct!

I told her that I paid $4K and signed a power of attorney agreement with Christian M Dillon's name and Dana Point (Orange County) address on it, to which she replied: "I'm sorry but we don't have a file for your name or address".

I'm not sure whats happening here but I know I paid $4000 nearly a month before this conversation and after telling the lady my situation she said I was not a candidate for Loan Modification since me and my wife still work!


Needles to say I am looking for a lawyer that can represent me in a civil suite against these bottom feeders.Hope this helps someone.


Los Angeles, California


8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Tom Hergenroeder Rebuttal

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, October 25, 2010

This letter applies to everything I went thru with this firm except my cost was $3495.00 I have all reciepts and documents


Christian M. Dillon is a SCAM. Was De-Barred by the CA State Bar on August 3, 2009


Mon, September 07, 2009

I'm not sure where Jonnie gets her/his information from, but these are not facts.  There is no way that Christian Dillon has helped 4000 customers with "loan mods" over the last 15 years because the loan modification process has not existed more than 3 years.  Impossible!!!

The other fact is that Christian Dillon has had his attorney's license revoked and has pending criminal and state bar charges against him (as of August 3, 2009).  Here is the report from the www.BBB.org (Better Business Bureau) and all the facts are right there --- see for yourself.


"On August 3, 2009 State Bar prosecutors obtained attorney Christian Dillon's (Bar No. 89376) resignation with charges pending. At that time, Dillon was under investigation for consumer complaints received by the bar regarding his affiliation with USMAC Law Group. Dillon is an inactive member of the State Bar and is ineligible to practice law pending a Supreme Court Order accepting his resignation."


Good luck to everyone,


Los Angeles

J Royburt

Aliso Viejo,
Here is the Truth

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 17, 2009

Christian Dillon does not do anything but is a front or an employee to say they are a law office. Scott Gimble (also known as Scott S) is the real owner. He is what you would expect a crook they do not care who they help or if they do help anyone. The only reason they have a lawyer is to collect the money upfront and say its retainer for the Lawyer and they will not need to refund your money. Christian Dillon is actually a salaried employee nothing more.

Lady Lu

Who Are You Scott S. ? Obviously You Work For Christian M. Dillon

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, April 17, 2009

In regards to the response by some guy named Scott S. Are you calling me a liar ? Interestingly enough there was some knowledge and information you stated in your response that was not disclosed to us by the law office, so thanks for the information, but now it's too late. If I had known some much about refinance and loans I wouldn't have been so blind to all the scam loans to begin with. And for the record, there is loan modification scam going on. Fox News Channel 13 had stories in March. The Law Office in Woodland Hills, CA is looking into these cases. Your response seemed very mean spirited for you to comment and make it seem as if my family deserved to loose our home " You borrow, you pay". What do you think we bought a home for, we were paying for it. It doesn't matter now, we don't have a home. It would have made more sense to give $3950.00 to Aurora and deal with them ourselves. Lady Lu

Scott S.

Laguna Hills,
Lady Lu, you're not telling the whole story

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, April 02, 2009

Lady Lu, It looks to me like you left out a few important details about your loan. IF your neg am lon started out at 320K, then the maximum it can defer to is 400k. Most likely your loan tops at 115% which would be 368K so you must have conveniently left out a few details such as that you probably took out some cash at your last refinance. Sorry to hear that all you got was a forbearance as that is typically all that Aurora will do. However, it's unfair to call Dillons operation unethical because you didn't get a mod. They were honest up front telling you that Aurora was difficult but what other choice did you have but to try? It sounds like you only make the minimum payment which indicates to me that you most likely cannot afford your house. Once your loan truly does recast (which sounds like any day now) your payments will double and you will definitely lose it to foreclosure. Loan modifications are not about principal reductions, they are about making the payment affordable for someone. Banks don't like to write down principal and no one forced you to sign the docs. You borrowed the money and you are obligated to pay it back. Don't blame someone else for your mistakes. They did their job. Not everyone gets a mod and there is no way of knowing unless you try.

Lady Lu

My Family Also Ripped-Off from Christian M. Dillon

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2009

Reading the report filed from Robmit, Los Angeles Ca was scarry because our family who had already been so skeptical of all so-called scam companies took a risk and signed with Christian M. Dillon in 10/08. We just like other families were originally scammed by a greedy mortgage broker back in 2005 who did not explain what a negative amoritizing loan really is. Our home loan went from $320,000 in 2005; now the balance is $ 476,000. Market value only at $ 280,000. We took the risk of attaining what we thought was legal representation from Christian M. Dillon. The amount to obtain services is $ 3950.00. We didn't have that kind of money unless we skip mortgage payments obviously. So we made the payment in 2 installments. It is now Feb, 2009. We have a sale date on house for 4/10/09. The company always claimed that the loan company Aurora Loan Service was a difficult loan company and didn't want to negotiate. The law office finally thought they did us a favor by getting a forbarrence agreement. If you don't know what this is trust me it is higher payments than you already had plus it's probational, they can still sell your home if they don't receive the payment ontime and then want a huge balloon of $ 10,000 after 4 months. Plus no reduction in principal balance, which is what the whole purpose of a loan modification program is about. Watch out people, I really got some legal advice and this is not ethical business practice. I really do hope that what goes around comes around to the Law Offices of Christian M. Dillon. Lady Lu, Temecula, Ca

Scott S.

Laguna Hills,
The Law Offices of Christian Dillon has helped all of my clients

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 03, 2008

As a business associate of Christian Dillons law office I felt the need to express my experience with his law firm. I do not know who this alleged complaintant is and if the above story is even true (unlikely) but this is what I do know: I have sent several of my clients to his law office for loan modications and have had nothing but a successful outcome with every single one of them. The man has done well over 4000 loan modifications over the course of 15 years! How can he be a scam with over 4000 satisfied clients including mine? There are a lot of desperate ex mortgage brokers out there that will say or do anything to hurt the competition. As far as asking to speak directly with the attorney, let's get real. If he talked to every prospect directly the man would never get anything done. IF anything, ask for references when speaking with an agent. I checked out several attorneys and in my humble opinion, Dillon is at the top of his class. Take the above story for what it is; A STORY! Scott Orange County, CA


Dana Point,
Christian M. Dillon Attorney At Law/uFirst Direct - False Claim Made Against These Companies

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 19, 2008

This rebuttal is in response to a false claim made by Robmit in Los Angeles and signed Robert - #390936. This claim was made by a disgruntled former marketing contractor who was terminated for cause. We had been warned of a possible attempt by this person to damage our reputation in this manner. We have been advised that uFirst Direct records all phone conversations and that no agent ever promised principle reductions nor advised borrowers to discontinue making mortgage payments. We do not state that an attorney will review each person's file, however, a trained compliance officer individually reviews each case based on the Senior Attorney's approval criteria; the Law Offices of Christian M. Dillon then employs highly-skilled modification processors who perform excellent service - and who do consult and advise Mr. Dillon personally of any problem cases. Mr. Dillon also reviews successful modification paperwork and turndowns. The Law Offices of Christian M. Dillon has successfully handled over 4,000 loan modifications in the past 14 years. We continue to work persistently on behalf of our clientele to achieve the common goal of obtaining a successful loan modification. We are in regular contact with our clientele, and often receive positive feedback as to our due diligence and integrity. Jonnie The Law Offices of Christian M. Dillon To reach the Customer Service Department at The Law Offices of Christian M. Dillon, please call (949) 600-8920.

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