  • Report:  #402182

Complaint Review: United Recovery Systems - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Chaffee, Missouri,

United Recovery Systems
5800 Worth Course Houston, 77072 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I opened a Capitol One credit account approximately 2 years ago with a $500.00 balance. I paid the minimum payment satisfactorily up until April of this year. Due to changes in my finances, rising fuel prices and the recession that we are in I fell behind on this credit card and others. My over limit and late fees were outrageous and I honestly could not afford any payment arrangements offered. I honestly admit, I, like a majority of Americans am in debt over my head and am struggling to pay minimum monthly payments on my credit cards. I am not excusing the fact that I did not honor my financial obligation to this company, but I am trying to explain that Capitol One was not on my list of priorities when it comes to a $35 monthly payment to Capitol One or gas in my car to get to work.

I took a phone call from United Recovery Systems today (12/16/2008) with Donna Lantz. Immediately I was informed that I needed to grab my checkbook or debit card and set up a payment for $930.46 to be auto-drafted from my account today. I explained that I could not set up a payment for that amount. She then asked me why. I replied that with the holidays approaching that it would be financially impossible. She asked me why I fell behind in the first place. I explained to her that my financial situation had changed and that, I like many other Americans are struggling in this economy. She thanked me for being honest and then asked when I could make a payment. I told her that I planned on using my income taxes to catch up

on my credit cards and start repairing my credit. I explained to her that I could work out something after the holidays in January. I also informed her that I would be willing to settle for the balance owed if some of the late fees could be eliminated. I was told that I needed to pay it off by the end of December or legal action would be taken. I explained to her that this was impossible due to the fact that the holidays are right around the corner. I mentioned once again that I would be willing to settle in early January. She then became very condescending and told me that if I had enough money to buy Christmas presents then I could pay the 930.46 owed to Capitol One! She also informed me that Capitol One loaned me money and that I should be responsible and pay the debt owed. I tried to reason with her and explained more of my financial situation than I should have. She would not listen to reason and was very rude. I then made it clear that I did not appreciate being talked to like a child, sarcastically wished her a Merry Christmas and hung up...all while she is telling me that if I had money set aside for the holidays then I could pay off my debt with Capitol One.

I was outraged when I hung up the phone, but I had taken the company contact info with her name and extension. I called back and spoke to the first representative who answered. I explained that the rep who called me, Donna Lantz was rude and I felt that I had been harassed. This rep was very understanding and apologetic and transferred me to her manager.

He answers and I explained that Donna Lantz was unreasonably rude overly disrespectful. He then became rude and told me, "Well, from what I understand you have enough money for Christmas presents, but not enough to pay off a debt that you owe." I explained to him that I live on a fixed income and that I would not compromise my children's Christmas to pay Capitol One. I then told him that I would make arrangements in January to settle the debt. I was told that Capitol One does not care about my financial situation or if my children have Christmas presents or not. I was also told Capitol One did not work around my budget. He told me that if I did not have the 930.46 by the end of December that legal action would be taken. I inquired about what type of legal action and he told me that Capitol One would sue me. He also told me that he pulled my credit inquiries and that I had applied for Capitol One Auto credit in April. I disputed that and told him that I would pull my credit reports. I explained that I wouldn't apply for auto credit from Capitol One if I was behind with them. He was very rude and would not listen to me, instead he accused me of being an idiot for trying to get more money from them and not pay them back. (I am going to pull my credit report and make sure I am not a victim of identity theft)

He then told me that he seen in my credit report that I had assumed a home loan and had money to make my mortgage payment. I told him that I prioritized my mortgage payment and that it comes first. He then told me that I didn't realize the severity of the situation and that I didn't know who I was talking to or who United Recovery Systems was. He told me it wasn't "registering" of how much legal trouble I am in. I told him to explain the legal action that would be taken. He was vague and informed me that I would be sued by Capitol One if I did not send money by the end of the month. He would never disclose how much of a payment would be needed. After threatening me with legal action he told me he was not at liberty to disclose what type of legal action would be taken. I guess I called his bluff on that one.

I tried over and over to explain my financial situation as he treated me like a lying, irresponsible idiot. He then asked why I couldn't just borrow the money a family member or friend. I explained that if I could borrow money from family that I would not have had to open credit accounts. He threatened me with legal action again if the money was not in by the end of December. I explained again that I did not have the money and once again he told me that I had money to buy Christmas presents.

He stated that he seen on my credit report that I had assumed a home mortgage in February and that stated that if I assumed a mortgage and could make that payment then I could also pay Capitol One. I again explained to him that my mortgage payment is my priority. He brought up legal action again, but yet would not explain.

He told me that I had assets and that he was not going to work with me anymore. He realized that I wasn't willing to pay so he was going to take "legal action." I explained that I could settle in January, but he would not listen. I finally told him that I would just have to go to court and settle the debt. He then threatened my assets and said that he would get in contact with Flagstar (my mortgage company). This idiot threatened to take my house! I then told him, "What, you are going to take my house over 930, ha!?" I then had to hang up.

I looked under Missouri law and am reporting them to the Federal Trade Commission for the harassment and threats. They made a big mistake by threatening to take my property, which is illegal. Really, I gave them more financial information than I should have and I was willing to settle the debt, just not by the end of December, but within the next 30 days. It's really none of their business what I spend my money on. If I have to, I will seek a lawyer and take my own, "legal action."

BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY. Google them and you will find so much crap on them it is unbelievable. Lawsuits and many consumer complaints. They are relentlessly harassing and abusive when they attempt to collect debt. Do not give them your financial institution account numbers or send them money until you check them out. householdwatch.com/wp/2005/03/01/united-recovery-systems

And before there is a rebuttal by another idiotic employee unfortunate enough to work for the company this is a rip-off report because it is illegal under the FTC acts to harass, use abusive language or make illegal threats to seize one's personal property in an attempt to collect a debt.


Chaffee, Missouri


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Bottom Line

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 31, 2009

What everyone who is complaining about URS forgets is that YOU used the credit that was issued to YOU by a credit card company. When YOU accepted the credit card you were sent the terms and conditions of use. Did you read these terms and conditions? I ask you to show me proof that your agreement with the card company stated that if things got rough (economy, unemployment, medical issues, etc, etc, etc) you did not have to pay the money the company extended to you. YOU gave your word to the credit card company that you would/could use the extended credit and you would pay it back according to the terms and conditions. If you are getting calls from URS means you have failed to pay back any money you borrowed for at least 4 months (usually 8-10). Did you think you could run up debt on the card and ignore it for months and it would be forgiven? The members of URS job is to make a new agreement with you to pay back the money you borrowed. As with any business, at times there are employees who don't follow the rules, but I know for a fact (I'm a former employee) that ALL calls are monitored and ANY abuse, harrassement to the card member is NOT tolerated and employees who use these tactics are IMMEDIATELY terminated. Bottom line, grow up. Be an adult and step up to the plate and pay your bills. Quit whinning about your situation. You are not unique, many folks are going through tough times right now but a majority continue to honor their word and pay their bills.


New York,
Time to put a muzzle on this former employee

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, January 25, 2009

No words need to be spoken to the creditor or any 3rd party agency. Stay off the phone! Simply send a dispute and request for validation letter regardless of the size or nature of the debt in question.Make sure you say 'alleged claim', never admit in your validation request letter. Needs to be mailed WITHIN 30 days of date on initial dunning letter and always send it certified mail return receipt requested. As I said on other posts, whenever you pay a 3rd party agency, it gets credit reported as a 'paid charged off collections account' for an ADDITIONAL 6 years!That LOWERS your credit score and REAGES the debt for an extra 6 years as a derrogatory remark on your CBR. If you dispute within the initial 30 days governed by the FDCPA, 3rd party agencies CANNOT credit report the account. It will show as a DISPUTE which doesn't lower your score. Most likely the agency can't or won't bother trying to validate so it will show as a dispute. Consumers have NO INCENTIVE to pay a collections account. #1) The debt is reaged for an additional 6 years on your CBR as a derrogatory paid collections account. #2) When Equifax,Experian and Transunion no longer ding your 3 digit FICO score (roughly 350 to 850) for paying an old debt (reaging) but instead improve consumers scores by paying an old debt, I may change my tune on not paying a collections account. Again, lenders only care about your credit score (FICO) and income. Not 'morals.' Lastly, bill collectors NEVER tell a consumer/debtor that paying them will add 6 years as 'paid collections account' on CBR. They would never get paid if they did! Chargeoffs fall off after 6 years of chargeoff date OR last payment. If it's a small debt well under $1000, it will hardly ever see the inside of a court room. Just keep requesting validation from agency to agency to keep it reported as 'in dispute' on CBR within that initial 30 day window governed by the FDCPA upon receipt of first dunning letter. If they report it without validating upon receipt of your letter within 30 days, they are in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Naturally you can go after them in court for damages at that point. The green card returned to you after they sign off on, you can use as proof they acted in bad faith despite signing off on your validation notice certified mail return receipt requested within the 30 day window. Now lets say they successfully validate and take you to court. I'm not an attorney either. 1) In answering your summons and plaintiff/creditor questions, DENY EVERYTHING. The burden of proof is on them, not you.It's called GENERAL DENIAL. 2) File a notorized typed sworn denial letter with your courthouse clerk when answering a summons. Sign it when you give the letter to the clerk to notorize. Send a copy and all other paperwork certified mail return receipt requested to the plaintiffs attorney as well. The sworn denial statement is as followed. "I deny this is my debt and if it is my debt, I deny that this is still a valid debt and if it is still a valid debt, I deny the amount of the plaintiffs claim is correct." This ELIMINATES the plaintiffs sworn affidavit and forces the plaintiff to produce a live witness. 3) Demand Discovery and production of documents and requests for admissions. Specifics can be found in The Rules of Civil Procedure. The idea is to demand authentic paperwork from date the alleged debt was opened to every creditor who has been assigned and/or purchased the alleged debt. The idea is to break the plaintiff/creditors "chain of custody". Unless a creditor/plaintiff has immaculate record keeping from start to finish and doesn't mind racking up thousands in legal fees flying in live witnesses from every creditor who owned the alleged debt, the chances of your case being dismissed are much better. Attack their credibility in request for admissions as well. Make the judge see they are known violators of the FDCPA and FCRA to further attack the plaintiff/creditors credibility.Attack the live witnesses job description,whether they had knowledge of your alleged account at the time they owned it, if you had a signed contract with the creditor,etc. Again ,specifics are in The Rules of Civil Procedure.

Current Student

ex employee

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 25, 2009

I'm a former employee for URS. It's a tough, nasty job, but there is something folks seem to forget. You, as the card holder seem to forget, you agreed when you started to use the credit that Capitol One granted you to PAY IT BACK. I bet if you looked at your agreement, (yes, it was sent to you...did you read it?) nothing was said about forgiving your debt if the economy tanked. You, yes YOU, chose to live on this credit. No one twisted your arm to charge up your balance on this card. Yes, I agree that if you say is true, you should not be treated poorly, but you have to remember, you made a promise a long time ago to pay this debt back. Whose fault is it that you are now receving calls from URS. Think about it, if you gave a friend 1000 dollars and they then refusede to pay it bac, wouldn't you go to any lengths to get it back? You would be singing a different tune if that was the case. Grow up. Accept responsibliitly and make arrangements with this women you claimed is so hateful. No one wants to take you Christmas away from your kids. Maybe the best present you could give your kids is not the lastest toy, but the idea that they must learn to accept responsibility for their actions. How about instead of giving your kids the latesr toy, taking them down to the homelss shelter and teaching them to give back to those who have nothing.

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