I just read reports by two other complainants on this website that nearly matches what I experienced this morning when a woman called my business and stated that she was from the US Corporate Compliance Office and that there was to be an audit of my business next week and that the local fire marshall would be entering my place of business to ensure that we were in compliance with federal laws relating to employee safety (we have no employees). She said that, when the marshall arrives, to have him call her immediately. She said she was calling to help us prepare for this audit that all new businesses are subject to undergoing and that we had to have certain things ready for the fire marshall and in good repair such as the fire extingusher and an up-to-date first aid kit. She said in the very end of the conversation that there would be a one time fee of $189 which, foolishly, I paid. Afterwards, I felt something wasn't quite right so I contacted a Nashua NH police officer and then my landlord and building manager and both of the latter said it sounded like a scam. They advised me to immediately cancel my credit card which I did. However, the charge appeared before I could cancel. Chase Bank advised me to call "the merchant" to see if they would cancel the transaction. I called the corporate agent with whom I had approved the transaction and asked her if she was from the United States goverment. She replied that she was not. I replied that, in that case, I felt there had been a misrepresentation of her company's actual identity and I wanted her to cancel my transaction. I said I paid the "one time fee" of $189 believing that she was from the United States Comliance agency relating to workers rights (OSHA) as that is the US agency that she mentioned several times in the conversation. She finally said there had been a misunderstanding and she would cancel the transaction.
I must say this was slick. I am a former NYC teacher and a long time journalist who is not taken in very easily so I find this scheme to have been really smooth. Watch out! I not only wasted several hours today in this busy holiday season but bank employees also wasted their valuable time and the fraud division is investigating this scheme. I cancelled related bank cards. How many others has this happened to? Please feel free to let me know at [email protected]
I also think that the name alone - US Corporate Complance Office - which is a private for-profit company, shows rather graphically the ill intent of this company to gain financial advantages that are just a hair on the side of ligitimacy.