Late August of 2015 I took my healthy seven year old pug with absolutely no health problems other than scratching from seasonal allegies which can be documenred through VIP Pet Insurance records going back to when the pug was a puppy. Other than the scatching the dog was healthy, no health issues whatsoever. Instead of putting the dog on something mild like doggy Benadryl this vet put the little dog on large doses of steriods for a month to six weeks. I wasn't crazy about the idea but the vet insisted. Steroids on dogs are dangerous - especially small breeds with short noses like Boston Terriers or Pugs. Most vets due to the risk will not even use steriods on dogs, But not this one. After about three weeks the pug got sick and was rushed to the Dog ER. The Steriods had basically burned up his insides, liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach rupture, blood in the urine, enlargered heart & congestive heart failure. It was a painful, miserable death for a happy, healthy very trusting liittle dog, This crazy vet virtuallly butchered the little guy. The dog lived about 3 hours. Then lasped into a coma. I told the er just to let him go, I couldn't stand the needless suffering. I have before and after photos - a healthly little dog late August with a clean bill of health till after this sadistic vet fed him full of sterouds & photos 3 weeks later where he looks like death. My Attorny contacted VCAs home office in Los Angeles & to;d them point-blank we are going to sue, We are also sueing the Mill Run location for allowing it to haoowb=n, You entrust your pets die quality care - not to be butchered,