  • Report:  #6262

Complaint Review: Wal-Mart - Niagara Falls New York

Reported By:

5555 Porter Road Niagara Falls, 14305 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
this is an exact copy of my letter to wal-mart

To Whom It May Concern:

Here I am at 1:26 in the morning and I still have 20.00 dollars in my pocket, would you like to know why? I'll tell you. I came to your store with the intention of purchasing a pillow for my dorm room. On the way to this department, my two friends and my boyfriend stopped at the purse section at my request because I was interested in purchasing a new bag. I will admit our actions were childish, however, they were completely harmless and we had no intentions of doing anything worthy of the condescending whims of lower management.

My boyfriend had tied a scarf around his head and was mimicking my friends grandmother when an associate approached us and said "Can I help you with anything?" so, naturally we responded "No", and with a sneer he said "There's cameras right above you". All four of us were extremely angered by the implication that we were shoplifting. I will admit that prancing my boyfriend around in a scarf was hardly adultlike behavior but I see no reason to imply theft.

The next issue I would like to discuss is that I feel a very real part of this incident is the fact that our ages range from 18 to 20. If we were four forty-somethings joking around in the middle of your store, I am sure we would not have been treated in such a rude way. Age Discrimination. Those two words are just as valid in legal jargon as any other hot button discrimination topics.

This incident took place at the Wal-Mart located in Niagara Falls. The exact address is as follows:


5555 Porter Road

Niagara Falls, NY 14305.

So here I am, now at 1:47 AM and I still have 20.00 in my pocket.

Yours Truly,

Erin Adkins

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13 Updates & Rebuttals


It Happens

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 24, 2002

I'm a Wal-Mart employee and I agree with on acting like a child get treat like a child. Being 22 I can agree with what she is saying about implied shopping lifting.

A lot of times I see where I work and in other places the reaction to teenagers and young adults. It's sad that people are based on their appearance. Just because they are young doesn't mean that they are going to steal. There are some young adults that do steal or just cause problems in the store and they make things harder on the ones that don't. I am sorry that you felt discriminated against. That individual should have never made that comment.

All would agree that you would have been angry if it were implied that you were shoplifting. Some of you are basing your comments on the fact that they were goofing off. She even said that she was acting like a child. She is not denying it but you all are to stuck on that one part to get the overall point. It was implied that she was stealing and it does happen.


It Happens

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 24, 2002

I'm a Wal-Mart employee and I agree with on acting like a child get treat like a child. Being 22 I can agree with what she is saying about implied shopping lifting.

A lot of times I see where I work and in other places the reaction to teenagers and young adults. It's sad that people are based on their appearance. Just because they are young doesn't mean that they are going to steal. There are some young adults that do steal or just cause problems in the store and they make things harder on the ones that don't. I am sorry that you felt discriminated against. That individual should have never made that comment.

All would agree that you would have been angry if it were implied that you were shoplifting. Some of you are basing your comments on the fact that they were goofing off. She even said that she was acting like a child. She is not denying it but you all are to stuck on that one part to get the overall point. It was implied that she was stealing and it does happen.


It Happens

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 24, 2002

I'm a Wal-Mart employee and I agree with on acting like a child get treat like a child. Being 22 I can agree with what she is saying about implied shopping lifting.

A lot of times I see where I work and in other places the reaction to teenagers and young adults. It's sad that people are based on their appearance. Just because they are young doesn't mean that they are going to steal. There are some young adults that do steal or just cause problems in the store and they make things harder on the ones that don't. I am sorry that you felt discriminated against. That individual should have never made that comment.

All would agree that you would have been angry if it were implied that you were shoplifting. Some of you are basing your comments on the fact that they were goofing off. She even said that she was acting like a child. She is not denying it but you all are to stuck on that one part to get the overall point. It was implied that she was stealing and it does happen.


It Happens

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 24, 2002

I'm a Wal-Mart employee and I agree with on acting like a child get treat like a child. Being 22 I can agree with what she is saying about implied shopping lifting.

A lot of times I see where I work and in other places the reaction to teenagers and young adults. It's sad that people are based on their appearance. Just because they are young doesn't mean that they are going to steal. There are some young adults that do steal or just cause problems in the store and they make things harder on the ones that don't. I am sorry that you felt discriminated against. That individual should have never made that comment.

All would agree that you would have been angry if it were implied that you were shoplifting. Some of you are basing your comments on the fact that they were goofing off. She even said that she was acting like a child. She is not denying it but you all are to stuck on that one part to get the overall point. It was implied that she was stealing and it does happen.

[email protected]

Sorry, Rick....no cigar for you....

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 08, 2002


I think I can appreciate where you are coming from. But the simple fact is that other shoppers don't like horseplay around them while they are shopping. Horseplay in a tight environment like a department store usually leads to accidents like:

--knocking a customer's baby out of a shopping cart.
--knocking over displays onto passing customers.
--slip and fall accidents

I could go on and on. The injured won't sue the thoughtless morons who caused the injury or death. They sue the deep pockets--Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Target, Sears, etc. for not stopping the nonsense.

Erin is just embarrassed--that's all. No one said she or her friends were stealing--so let's stay away from the drama. I was 18 once, I've been in Erin's shoes--I've been embarrassed by an adult who pointed out my thoughtless behavior. It was embarrassing for sure--but deserved.

Behave yourselves in public places where people want to quickly handle everyday mundane chores like shopping. Save the fun and games for the right places and the right audience.

Good Luck,



Palm Beach,
subjective thinking....

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, August 18, 2002

In response to the people that went into Wal-Mart to purchase a pillow. Humor is so, so, important, especially these days. Sure,you were acting a little silly, so what? Enjoy yourself.

Evidently, the person working there had the attitude problem. I am sure some of the other employees would of found it funny. And as for the other commentors on this issue, remember, every situation is different, and most of you commentors need a spelling lesson too, and get a life... I vote for the one with the scarf around your head, we need more like you to keep us laughing...ttyl


Age Discrimination?

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, June 13, 2002

In response to Erin's comment:

"If we were four forty-somethings joking around in the middle of your store, I am sure we would not have been treated in such a rude way."

Realize that forty something ADULTS would probably NOT act the way you did in a store. Society may say your age classifies you and your friends as adults, however, your actions represent those of children.

Act like a child, get treated like a child!


North Carolina,
Is Wal-mart a playground for teens?

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, June 10, 2002

The Wal-mart I use to shop at is a playground for teens. Teens would gather in the wal-mart parking lot every friday and saturday night to race their cars. I refused to shop there anymore because I was worried of getting hit with the obsene amount of cars there. Most of the public said well atleast their not out robbing someone or doing drugs, WRONG! They need to realize it is a place for families to do their weekend shopping, not a race track! Besides racing in NC is against the law! So if the law is allowing them to break it, why cant adults?? As for age discrimnation, if your that pathetic go buy some coffee at Mc D's, spill it on yourself and sue! As for my local Wal-Mart, its still a playgound for teens BUT there was a article in the paper not to long ago that it is becoming a problem!


North Carolina,
Is Wal-mart a playground for teens?

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, June 10, 2002

The Wal-mart I use to shop at is a playground for teens. Teens would gather in the wal-mart parking lot every friday and saturday night to race their cars. I refused to shop there anymore because I was worried of getting hit with the obsene amount of cars there. Most of the public said well atleast their not out robbing someone or doing drugs, WRONG! They need to realize it is a place for families to do their weekend shopping, not a race track! Besides racing in NC is against the law! So if the law is allowing them to break it, why cant adults?? As for age discrimnation, if your that pathetic go buy some coffee at Mc D's, spill it on yourself and sue! As for my local Wal-Mart, its still a playgound for teens BUT there was a article in the paper not to long ago that it is becoming a problem!


North Carolina,
Is Wal-mart a playground for teens?

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, June 10, 2002

The Wal-mart I use to shop at is a playground for teens. Teens would gather in the wal-mart parking lot every friday and saturday night to race their cars. I refused to shop there anymore because I was worried of getting hit with the obsene amount of cars there. Most of the public said well atleast their not out robbing someone or doing drugs, WRONG! They need to realize it is a place for families to do their weekend shopping, not a race track! Besides racing in NC is against the law! So if the law is allowing them to break it, why cant adults?? As for age discrimnation, if your that pathetic go buy some coffee at Mc D's, spill it on yourself and sue! As for my local Wal-Mart, its still a playgound for teens BUT there was a article in the paper not to long ago that it is becoming a problem!


North Carolina,
Is Wal-mart a playground for teens?

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, June 10, 2002

The Wal-mart I use to shop at is a playground for teens. Teens would gather in the wal-mart parking lot every friday and saturday night to race their cars. I refused to shop there anymore because I was worried of getting hit with the obsene amount of cars there. Most of the public said well atleast their not out robbing someone or doing drugs, WRONG! They need to realize it is a place for families to do their weekend shopping, not a race track! Besides racing in NC is against the law! So if the law is allowing them to break it, why cant adults?? As for age discrimnation, if your that pathetic go buy some coffee at Mc D's, spill it on yourself and sue! As for my local Wal-Mart, its still a playgound for teens BUT there was a article in the paper not to long ago that it is becoming a problem!


Wurd Up Kerri !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 10, 2002

You are speaking the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last thing I want to is see a bunch of jive a*s brats actting like a**holes in public. Or have to avoid them when I am trying to shop for my pit stick and doritos. Wurd UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!


kids playing at walmart

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, June 08, 2002

I work in retila and I personilly I am tired of teen agers using bussiness for there playground. Perhaps security was either trying to mantane the comfirt of there other shoppers who may want to purchase the merchandise your boyfreind had wrapped around his head or maybe they wanted to point out you were makeing assess of yourselfes in public. I would suggest finding something else to do rather then makeing a scene at Wal-Mart.

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