  • Report:  #98023

Complaint Review: Walker Services - Hollywood Florida

Reported By:
- Grover Beach, California,

Walker Services
315 Jackson St Hollywood, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Eric C walker, who emailed thousands of people with email spam regarding their resumes he pulls from monster.com, is scamming every salesperson he can convince into working for him. He currently owes his former sales people over $25000.00 in commissions, salary and bonuses. Initially, he asked us to work for him under the following conditions:

Hiring Salespeople: $24k to 45k/yr plus commission and bonuses and benefits.

We were supposed to sell locations for AMERIPOS and CASHLESS atm terminals for him, and were to be paid the salary mentioned plus $125.00 TO $150.00 PER sale plus overrides on the sales peoples sales if we were managers. I was National VP of sales for him and was to get $60,000 a year plus commissions and overrides/bonuses, and over the 4 months I worked for him, I received around $6500.00 out of almost $10,000 owed to me, and my sales people, collectively were paid about $5000.00 and are still owed over $25,000.00 (maybe more)

One lady I hired on named Mumtaz(a SINGLE MOTHER OF THREE YOUNG CHILDREN), worked very hard for him and sold three accounts which he promised to pay her on and she never got a dime even and had to go to welfare to provide for her children because she spent the time she could have spent getting a real job, working for this creep who ripped her off.

He then sent me a $2750.00 BAD CHECK,which almost put my family out on the street because it happened the same time we had to stay in a hotel during moving and I couldnt pay for my new rental house after we had already moved out of the old house nor could I pay for the hotel. If it werent for God and Jesus my family of three (3 year old, my beautiful wife and myself) we would have been living out of the car with no food or shelter.

Eric Walker knew about it, said he would send me money and that the bounced check was in error and he would make it good. Not long after that,the cell phone he sent me for use he had shut off, and my number removed from the service, and he had his cell number changed so I could not get ahold of him to "bother" him about the bad check anymore. I found this out by calling nextel with his account info and found it out.

Anyway, I called Rick Nye and AmeriPOS and informed him about Eric walkers bad check, rick nye told eric to pay me or else, so eric finally did western union me the money for the check, but not for the fees it caused me at my bank, or the days for the hotel I had to stay at because I didnt have the money from the check to move, (I Had to borrow money and sell posessions to stay in the hotel and feed my family-for which he could care less) but by that time, since the original check was late, he owed me another 3 weeks salary, which he claimed he didnt owe me.

There is a lot more to the story that I could possibly write in a sitting, but believe me, I have over 20 people who can back up this claim of fraud by eric walker. He defrauds everyone who comes in contact with him and was deeply in bed with AmeriPOS which should tell anyone who knows about this who he really is.

Then the jerk has the audacity to tell the salespeople and other people that every salesperson was not owed ANYTHING because they breached a contract with him, (Which by the way would be void anyway because Walker Services Inc was disolved by the florida dept of corporations as of mid-2003) and that he was not going to pay anyone anything.

He also had the balls to post on here about me saying I was a liar and cheat and stole 6000$ from him. He is demented and totally believes whatever lie his rotten mind can conceive of. He also tried to hide the fact that he has been attempting to run a hooker service, aptly named "Florida Exotic Escorts" or "Flexotics" on the internet. He even admitted to me that the girls he sends out on his "dates" do actually screw their dates for money.

This guy is the epitomy of a scumbag and anyone who has been adversely affected by this impotent jerk or by AmeriPOS, SuccessPOS, Cash-Link, Tel2Net can contact me. And if your an investor who is missing terminals , we may actually have possession of them and want to return them to their rightfull owners asap.

This Eric Walker of Walker Services Inc, is a part of the AmeriPOS scam as much as anyone else in the company and this proves it. He was also calling people who were posting on www.ripoffreport.com and threatening them with lawsuits and slander and such.

This is more information for anyone who was looking to work for these criminals.

The walker website is: www.walkerservicesinc.com and then click on the contact us tab.

Go to this website, it is Walker Services Inc official website and this is his contact info, which is the exact same addy and phone as AmeriPOS.


I pasted this from the above page:


If you would like to contact us for more information regarding our different products and services, please feel free to e-mail us and ask us for more information by clicking here. Or you can reach us by any of the other more conventional methods at:

Walker Services, Inc.

1250 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd.

Suite 505

Hallandale Beach, FL 33019

Phone: 9 5 4-3 4 7-0 4 2 5

Fax: 800-859-9156

Email: [email protected]

Thank you so much for your interest in our business. We look forward to developing a true relationship with you!

Thank you,

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Grover Beach, California

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