  • Report:  #267855

Complaint Review: 14DailyPlus -14 Daily Plus - Bill Fox - Tony Renfrow - Holton Buggs - Folsom California

Reported By:
- Overland Park, Kansas,

14DailyPlus -14 Daily Plus - Bill Fox - Tony Renfrow - Holton Buggs
14dailyplus.com Folsom, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I want to let others know about my experiences with Bill Fox, Holton Buggs, and Tony Renfrow as it relates to 14DailyPlus. I feel that it is time to relay to others why I am so disappointed and how I fell into this scam! I had listened to many of the conference calls for the 14daily program before I decided to participate. I knew that Bill Fox and Holton Buggs were very successful in Cyberwize and participating in teaching me the network marketing business. From their success in that business I had no reason to doubt that 14daily was not a legitimate business opportunity. I had personally been working with Bill Fox on Cyberwize and felt that he had excellent business ethics and motivation to succeed. I read the 14DailyPlus business plan, understood the advertising and long-term investment ideas. They had conference calls, associations with legitimate payment processors, authentic literature, and advertising sponsors like Toyota, Mountain Dew, etc on their system.

Along with the fact that Bill and Holton were involved, that is why I agreed to start with the $9000 advertising investment. I started, performed the viewing of the advertisements, met all of the criteria for the business and then waited for my first payment, and then waited... and waited. I listened to several conference calls about the change to the new payment processor, the issues that they were having with the "transition" and how this was causing the slow payment for services. They had us setup the MidasTouchTransfer site, and a Speedywallet account. The payment for services was placed in the account and I was told that I could withdrawal the payment and / or reinvest. I attempted to withdrawal $3000 and planned on reinvesting the rest after I had secured my first payment.

After months of the delays, I still believed that these 2 successful people could not be involved in a Scam. After several more months of waiting, being threatened to not email the 14daily site due to automatically not being paid for the service, I still believed. At this point I did not care about the money that I had earned by meeting all of their criteria in my services rendered, I just wanted to get my initial investment back. Finally, I was told that if I would like to get a refund I simply had to send an email (see Attached) and I would be refunded due to the technically difficulties they were having, I still had hope. As soon as I sent the email, I was locked out of their site and sent an email that I would forfeit any payment if I sent another. Now 8 or 9 months later I am realizing that these Business professionals that live in their million dollar homes, made this money from ripping of hardworking people like my self. I don't understand how people that make hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in a legitimate business like Cyberwize would risk being involved in 14DailyPlus and their reputation is the sole reason why I invested. I am sure that $9000 doesn't seem like a big deal to them, but that is 9 months of mortgage payments, or a great start to my kids college fund. I can't honestly believe that it has turned out to be a scam, but it appears that it is. My wife and I are so upset that we have agreed to stop our auto ship of Cyberwize products (that we love and use every day). Bottom line is that I do not want to ever be associated with Bill Fox, Holton Buggs, or Tony Renfrow again. BEWARE OF ANYTHING THAT THESE PEOPLE AR INVOLVED IN!


Overland Park, Kansas


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Overland Park,
Take Ownership? Good Points, But.......

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2007

I agree with many of the statements that you made in your rebuttal. The only problem is you dont know all the details about the 14Daily Scam. I do not know personally if Holton Buggs took cash out of the system, and paid himself. I do know that Bill Fox did take cash. I also know that Bill was following Holtons lead with how he approached 14Daily. They were both the Kingpins, so to speak, of their respective cities. They both profited a ridiculous amount of money, and others lost thousands. Why is that important? Had they played by the rules and put all of the money into the system then everyone on here would be saying they got scammed by Tony Renfrow. The fact is that Bill Fox did not play by the rules. He took CASH out and put it in his pocket. That is theft no matter how you put it. The individuals that invested the money didnt stand a chance of getting it back because large portions of it never went into the company like it was supposed to.



#3Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2007

I have read through this complaint and several similiar ones regarding the alleged scammers and although i empathize with those who seem to be the "victim" and validate their emotions, i don't hear a good argument for why 3 people should not be trusted because She (the alleged victim) made a calculated choice (for whatever reason) to make an investment (which most understand denotes risk). I would have like to have heard more substantiated claims and not assumptions like these people pocketed the money and used this money to buy the mansions in which they live. How does she know that this is what they did with the money and that they actually kept the money. It's not clear if all 3 of the people took her money and kept it for themselves and bought the homes they live in. (Now did the people in question buy the homes they live in after they got involved in this opportunity or did they have them prior to this particular opportunity. Has the alleged victim communicated with those who got her involved and what did they say when she addressed these issues with each of them which i am sure she must have done prior to posting something that could be damaging to a person's reputation. As i read this complaint, i was wondering if the alleged victim talked to the alleged perpetrators to find out what they thought about the opportunity when they recommended it and what was their thought process as they made their calculated decision to get involved in the company when they got involved as well. Did the alleged victim have anyone who got involved in this opportunity because of her credibility and if so, would that person or those persons be justified in also writing up a complaint about her because they based their decision to get started upon her credibility or would she want her freind to understand that she doesn't own the company and went through her own deliberating process like the friend did and did not know either. If this were me, these are some of the questions i would pursue or ask myself prior to deciding whether i would choose victim status as oppose to victor status. I would also at least give the person who introduce me the benefit of the doubt, based upon my personal experience with them and my beliefs about their character until i found out they really did scam me (which suggests to me, intent). I think that this site provides people with an opportunity to vent and get things off their chest, however, one of the things that i find missing in this situation is ownership. Most people don't take ownership for their decisions. No one put a gun up to your head, you seemed to have done a thorough job investigating the information to make the calculated decision to take a risk of getting a return on $9k or losing the entire amount waged. In my opinion, as soon as you take some responsibility for your own decision to get involved, you will grow and learn from the experience. Now let me say, I only know 1 of the people in question personally, (from a mentor/mentee standpoint. Holton Buggs, in my opinion is one of the best leaders i know and has gone out of his way to help so many people like myself learn principles and techniques to help us grow financially, intellectually, spiritually, and personally. Although he's not perfect, i have never known him to intentionally do anything to hurt people financially or have the philosophy that he has to take from others in order to succeed. I literally know numerous people who are financially free because of the heart and labor of Mr. Buggs. Isn't paradoxical that we're reading a report about someone who allegedly scammed someone who literally stated that they got involved because of the character & integrity of this person. It seems that prior to this experience, all previous experiences with the alleged perpretrator were on the up & up so much so that it was one of the factors that helped the alleged victim decide she would take the risk and invest yet since she did not have a profitable outcome, these 3 guys are now the cause of it and none of the responsibility is hers. Do you ever read any of these where people take responsibility for their part in their situation. I also wonder how many people who read these really take into account that there are always 2 or 3 sides to every story.

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