  • Report:  #469731

Complaint Review: 3bsoftware.com 3bSoftware Inc 3B Software Inc (DTVSEEP) DTV4PC - Arlington Texas

Reported By:
- lexington, South Carolina,

3bsoftware.com 3bSoftware Inc 3B Software Inc (DTVSEEP) DTV4PC
P.O. Box 181989 Arlington, 76096 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had their site bookmarked for several weeks I think it was...some sites as you know come/go, but when it was still there & I had some time to look over their product, I went ahead and took the bait.

That was at 4:56 EST...I realized shortly thereafter that the program was not for me...poor quality, takes too long to load a station, and most all stations are meaningless. This program is NOT to be compared to having cable or a dish at your home...WORTHLESS STUFF folks by any standard.

I tried calling to let them know, "Hey...I am going to take advantage of your 30 day refund". After all, this was HOURS after I downloaded the program. Ok...I figured it was after hours and I then had to leave a message.

I tried calling in the morning again (THEIR time!), and again...the same recorded message to the effect, "We're not in...plz leave a message". I followed up with an email.

I called during the day from the office...aGAIN, same recorded message. There are red flags going up folks...NO return call to my 2 voice mails at this point. I emailed them once I got home and noted I would appreciate the courtesy of a return call letting me know they've received my request.

To make a short story long (or long story short), I have now emailed them FOUR TIMES and left FOUR voice messagaes, NONE of which have been acknowledged by these lo-lifers.

Earlier today I called my bank to let them know what I was dealing with. I received an temporary credit to my account while they "fully investigate" the matter. They will of course will attempt to reach them (GOOD LUCK I told 'em!).

It might get drawn out, longer let's say than a Paypal dispute, but it will be satisfied in my favor. Can you say "H-A-S-S-L-E"?

I just now found yet a THIRD email address of theirs!?!?! They're not trying to make themselves accessible, but several aliases and trying to skate! Here's yet a 3rd email of theirs: [email protected]

I call 'em like I see 'em...not pulling any punches... these folks are in the category of SCUM... LOSERS... CRIMINAL... DEADBEAT... LO LIFERS!!!


lexington, South Carolina


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