  • Report:  #718104

Complaint Review: America Home Mortgage - Irving Texas

Reported By:
Jackie Jean - Ledyard, Connecticut, USA

America Home Mortgage
P.O. Box630467 Irving, 75063-0467 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have never seen such corruption in my life.Nor could I have imanged that I could become a Victuim like this.I am not very good at putting in writeing but I will try the best I can .
This is a unbeliveable case of Fuard.

This is a very long history but I will try to shorten the transactions that took place.
My husband & I bought a home at auction 18yrs ago.(1993)
We were raising 5 children & that was what we could afford.

It started out with Eastern Mortgage Services in 08/1993
There were lots of repair needed. We were handed a slip where to send our first payment to.
So we followed thru. Our Mortgage Company was changed faster then I change shoes.
But it was always paid .Although it appeared that extra fees were added to us.

The mortgage ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 
Our payments kept getting higher. My husband went thru layoff  after 10yrs of the same company. After a long stretch & Wells Fargo trying to Foreclose on us 2 times paying them much in fees to keep our home . My Husband did return to steady work .

ThenI lost my job over medical problems.More problems arose due to loss of one of our incomes. We ended up in chapter 13.After a few years and still in BK13 ,we were assisted to get a loan to clear up BK13.We need to do something due to it was hard to keep up ,for one of the creditors
was getting paid thru the Trustee and US.The creditor was placeing the payments all on instrest and rejust kept adding more.I reported it but nothing was done.

At the closing in 2007 something didn't look right with the amount they stated the loan was for.
I was unable to read the papers being passed to sign .( I need my glasses ).I did tell them I could not see to read what I was signing.It did nt matter to them so I trusted they were being honest with me.
Our Mortgage owed was only due $64,000. to pay off .Even with what they were claiming had to
be paid It did not come to $150,000.
For weeks I kept trying to find the problem.We had 2 different loan papers and none mad sense.
2 years later I find that the escroll for taxes was not paid by them. I was given a run around .
By then another company clamed to have our loan.America Home Mortgage
I called them with the problem and They claim to have paid the Taxes in the amount of $10,000. That they would get back to us ,This would be added to our loan .That it would be broke into payments.Thats not what they did.I had to beg them to brake it into payments that it was unafordable to us. For Our mortgage had gone from ; $698. to $789.72 to $1132.56 to back to 
$789.72 to $2000. then droped to 1345.54 and out of no were to $1545.44 in the mist of winter.
I had a agreement to pay $1345.54 for the next 2yrs. . Our taxes were inculded with that payment.
I tryied over and over and only recived the run arround with them.

In the coarse of all this I have found;
1) Our home sold to us for $1.00 by HUD
It was a forclosure that was backed by HUD .we were charged a higer amount and who the money went to "no idea.I am sure the home was paid off by hud.

2) At the closing they had us sign the deed to them for est. $79,000.
    The deed state we bought the house for $1.

3) The date on the closing papers and the note were incorrect.
      I told them the incorrect date was on the docket.
       I was told that they would correct this. 
4) we received no funds but we did pay closing fees.
 5) Mortgage ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortg
    Then later in time we big problems with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage .
    They work with no one.         

 after all the problems the loan was changed to;

1) Civic Mortgage (2007) to-
2) Option One   (note)
  Who after the fact sent us a letter of denial for the Mortgage.
 Then us payment slipsto pay them.
 (note) Then we received payment slips from;--- American Mortgage.
 To make paymentsto them.

Things became even worse from there .
Our loan kept going up when it wasn't suppose to.Funds were not placed where they should of been .

We did keep trying to get them to correct this only to find that always after thinking we had resolved the matter it would increase again .Making it impossible to keep up It was as if they were pushing us into default with intent to do so.                

My  husband has had two heart operations .He is back to work.We have taken some loss of income.We have a increase of expenses due to medications need and doctors  receive help with heating fuel due to we have income. Heating fuel went up to $500.00 every 2 weeks for 150gals. )and every thing else went up.

After my brother passed away we found our selfs now raiseing 2 more children.And support of them
This January 3,2011 I was the victim of a auto accident in which I received disk injury.
I am just starting to heal.

Now I received a letter from a collector that we owe $168,000.Hunt Leibert Jacobson P.C.
two ;   HSBC Bank USA, National Association  
that they are our mortgage company?(never took a mortgage with them).
 We did answer them and are still awaiting a reply.We can make monthly payments ,but need help to  regroup from all we have been thru.
The Same collector sent us another letter that they will file to forclose any way. 

Now today we recive a letter from Amercian Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. On Apirl 14.
that they no longer going to be my servicer.That they are assigning,sold or transferred.
To Saxon Mortgage Services Inc  effictive on Apirl 24,2011. That the law requires them to send
notice 15 days before.I belive there is something wrong with this notice.

 At this point we do not know who has our " Mortgage " or if there realy was one in the start.
 or should of been one .
After carefully study and review of all the documents we have it looks like we have been ----defrauded. Now they want to put us out of our home.
Is there any one willing to help us save our home?
I belive that being in the same home for 18 years should speak for its self.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Jackie Jean

complaint made formal

#2Author of original report

Thu, April 28, 2011

This is a copie of a formal complaint I filed with the State and others.
These people are more then just bad mortgage handlers.They are stealing homes from people.
I have not filed this complaint just due to haveing tempory problems .I have been wanting to file for quite some time now .Since I first suspected things were not right right with them .

I just had to be sure of what had transpired.
These people take advantage of good people who just want to do the right thing and pay there bills.These people claim to be going to help you and the only thing they do is put you more into debit and then steal from you for their own greed. 

Re: Racketeering, breach of contract,unfair dept collection practices, overcharging borrowers bogus service,late and escrow fees, harassment,fraud;

Re: All involoved

Amercian Home Mortgage Servicing Inc
America Home Mortgage
HSBC Bank USA, National Association
Option One Mortgage Corporation
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Civic Mortgage Group
Reiner,Reiner & Bendett,P.C.
Hunt Leibert Jacobson P.C.
Saxon Mortgage Services Inc

I have never seen such corruption in my life.Nor could I have imanged that I could become a Victuim like this.After carefull review and all documents researched both myhusband - and I have come to find the the proof that we have been had . We have been defuarded out of funds and now they are trying to take our home.We were made to sign over our deed to our home for a fuardlent mortgage.We recived no funds in return.
I am not very good at putting in writeing but I will try the best I can .
This is a unbeliveable case of Fuard.
This is a very long history but I will try to shorten the transactions that took place.

 My husband & I bought a home at auction 18yrs ago.(1993)
We were raising 5 children & that was what we could afford.
The Home was a Hud Forclosed home .Hud backed the mortgage and paid it off.The home was then deeded to Both my Husband & I .A realtor had us approved thru a mortgage company to get a loan for $80,000.
After the auction at closing for the home is were we were told that we needed to sign the deed over to the mortgage company . Then they had us sign for a loan ,but we recived no funds to repair the home.The dates were incorrect on the contract for the loan.I was told that they would correct this later and that it was just a error.Today I have come to belive that was not so and we were just robbed of the deed to our home.

It started out with Eastern Mortgage Services in 08/1993
We were handed a slip where to send our first payment to.
So we followed thru. Our Mortgage Company was changed faster then I change shoes.
But it was always paid .Although it appeared that extra fees were added to us.

The mortgage ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Our payments kept getting higher. My husband went thru layoff after 10yrs of working at Electric Boat. After a long stretch & Wells Fargo trying to Foreclose on us 2 times paying them much in fees to keep our home . My Husband did return to steady work .

Then I lost my job over medical problems.More problems arose due to loss of one of our incomes. We were Forced into BK. to save our home by Wells Fargo who works with no one.,we were assisted to get a loan .For one of the creditors was getting paid thru the Trustee and by us.The creditor was placeing all payments on instrest.I reported it to our attonery .but nothing was done.In the end the billing was still $7,000 and $7,000. instrust more..

At the closing in 2007 something didn't look right with the amount they stated the loan was for.
I was unable to read the papers being passed to sign .( I need my glasses ).I did tell them I could not see to read what I was signing.It did nt matter to them so I trusted they were being honest with me.
Our Mortgage owed was only due $64,000. to pay off .Even with what they were claiming had to
be paid It did not come to $150,000.
For weeks I kept trying to find the problem.We had 2 different loan papers and none mad sense.

2 years later I find that the escroll for taxes was not paid by them. I was given a run around by the Attonery Firm.
By then another company clamed to have our loan.America Home Mortgage Serviceing Inc.
I called them with the problem and They claim to have paid the Taxes in the amount of $10,000. That they would get back to us ,This would be added to our loan .That it would be broke into payments.Thats not what they did.I had to beg them to brake it into payments that it was unafordable to us. For Our mortgage had gone from ; $698. to $789.72 to $1132.56 then back to $789.72 to $2000. then droped to 1345.54 and out of no were to $1545.44 in the mist of winter.I had a agreement to pay $1345.54 for the next 2yrs. . Our taxes were inculded with that payment.
I tryied over and over and only recived the run arround with them.This was just instrest and we were lied to about every thing.

In the coarse of all this I have found;

1) Our home sold to us for $1.00 by HUD
It was a forclosure that was backed by HUD .we were charged a higer amount and who the money went to "no idea.I am sure the home was paid off by hud.

2) At the closing they had us sign the deed to them for est. $79,000.
The deed stated we bought the house for $1.from HUD? We recived no funds.

3) The date on the closing papers and the note were incorrect.
I told them the incorrect date was on the docket.
I was told that they would correct this.

4) we received no funds but we did pay closing fees.

5) Mortgage ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.
Then later in time we big problems with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage .
They work with no one.Even with a forbearence agreement they took the money and tried to forclose.Their attonery told me I do not need a house. 

 After all the problems and to get the mortgage out of the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. The loan was changed to;( With the assistence of a attonery.)

1) Civic Mortgage (2007) to-

2) Option One (note) Who after the fact sent us a letter of denial for the Mortgage.
Then sent us payment slipsto pay them.Made no sense but we needed our home .

(note) Then we received payment slips from;--- American Mortgage.
To make payments to them.

Things became even worse from there .
Our loan kept going up when it wasn't suppose to.Funds were not placed where they should of been .

We did keep trying to get them to correct this only to find that always after thinking we had resolved the matter it would increase again .Making it impossible to keep up It was as if they were pushing us into default with intent to do so.
They were makeing it not only impossible to keep up ,but impossible to pay on other bills .Pushing us further in debit.

My husband has had two heart operations .He is back to work.We have taken some loss of income.We have a increase of expenses due to medications need and doctors.We tried to get help with heating fuel only to be turned down due to we have income. Heating fuel went up to $500.00 every 2 weeks for 150gals. )and every thing else went up.

We found our selfs now raiseing 2 more children.And support of them
This January 3,2011 I was the victim of a auto accident in which I received disk injury.
I am just starting to heal.

Now I received a letter from a collector that we owe $168,000.Hunt Leibert Jacobson P.C.
two ; HSBC Bank USA, National Association
that they are our mortgage company?(never took a mortgage with them).
We did answer them and are still awaiting a reply.We can make monthly payments ,but need help to regroup from all we have been thru.
The Same collector sent us another letter that they will file to forclose any way.

American Home Mortgage Serviceing ,Inc. sent us paper work what they call a applacation for a afforable mortgage After reading them it appears that they were nothing more then a packet for them to have information to do further harm.

Now today we recive a letter from Amercian Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. On Apirl 14.
that they no longer going to be my servicer.That they are assigning,sold or transferred.
To Saxon Mortgage Services Inc effictive on Apirl 24,2011. That the law requires them to send
notice 15 days before.I belive there is something wrong with this notice.

At this point we do not know who has our " Mortgage " or if there realy was one in the start.
or should of been one .
After carefully study and review of all the documents we have it looks like we have been ----defrauded. Now they want to put us out of our home.
Besides a lot of missing funds in which no proof of recipts of what they did with all this money will be provided to us ,
I have tracked down that Wells Fargo home mortgage is still in the picture..

Now I find that a forcloser was filed by a unknown lender .
we were never serviced notice and to top it off there is a new system called a paper less case.
These people are allowed to have access to the file on line only if
you are a civilian haveing to protect yourself Pro Se you have no access unless you go to the court daily to look on their computer.

I feel that this is voilation of ones rights .This puts one at a disavantage to protect our self .

Now I have to find a attonery that will help with this case .

Jackie Jean

American Home Mortgage and Wells Fargo Corruption does it again

#3Author of original report

Sat, April 16, 2011

I have never seen such corruption in my life.Nor could I have imanged that I could become a Victuim like this.I am not very good at putting in writeing but I will try the best I can . This is a unbeliveable case of Fuard. This is a very long history but I will try to shorten the transactions that took place. My husband & I bought a home at auction 18yrs ago.(1993) We were raising 5 children & that was what we could afford. It started out with Eastern Mortgage Services in 08/1993 There were lots of repair needed. We were handed a slip where to send our first payment to. So we followed thru. Our Mortgage Company was changed faster then I change shoes. But it was always paid .Although it appeared that extra fees were added to us. The mortgage ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage  Our payments kept getting higher. My husband went thru layoff  after 10yrs of the same company. After a long stretch & Wells Fargo trying to Foreclose on us 2 times paying them much in fees to keep our home . My Husband did return to steady work . ThenI lost my job over medical problems.More problems arose due to loss of one of our incomes. We ended up in chapter 13.After a few years and still in BK13 ,we were assisted to get a loan to clear up BK13.We need to do something due to it was hard to keep up ,for one of the creditors was getting paid thru the Trustee and US.The creditor was placeing the payments all on instrest and rejust kept adding more.I reported it but nothing was done. At the closing in 2007 something didn't look right with the amount they stated the loan was for. I was unable to read the papers being passed to sign .( I need my glasses ).I did tell them I could not see to read what I was signing.It did nt matter to them so I trusted they were being honest with me. Our Mortgage owed was only due $64,000. to pay off .Even with what they were claiming had to be paid It did not come to $150,000. For weeks I kept trying to find the problem.We had 2 different loan papers and none mad sense. 2 years later I find that the escroll for taxes was not paid by them. I was given a run around . By then another company clamed to have our loan.America Home Mortgage I called them with the problem and They claim to have paid the Taxes in the amount of $10,000. That they would get back to us ,This would be added to our loan .That it would be broke into payments.Thats not what they did.I had to beg them to brake it into payments that it was unafordable to us. For Our mortgage had gone from ; $698. to $789.72 to $1132.56 to back to  $789.72 to $2000. then droped to 1345.54 and out of no were to $1545.44 in the mist of winter. I had a agreement to pay $1345.54 for the next 2yrs. . Our taxes were inculded with that payment. I tryied over and over and only recived the run arround with them. In the coarse of all this I have found; 1) Our home sold to us for $1.00 by HUD It was a forclosure that was backed by HUD .we were charged a higer amount and who the money went to "no idea.I am sure the home was paid off by hud. 2) At the closing they had us sign the deed to them for est. $79,000.     The deed state we bought the house for $1. 3) The date on the closing papers and the note were incorrect.       I told them the incorrect date was on the docket.        I was told that they would correct this.  4) we received no funds but we did pay closing fees.  5) Mortgage ended up in the hands of Wells Fargo Home Mortg     Then later in time we big problems with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage .     They work with no one.           after all the problems the loan was changed to; 1) Civic Mortgage (2007) to- 2) Option One   (note)  Who after the fact sent us a letter of denial for the Mortgage.  Then us payment slipsto pay them.  (note) Then we received payment slips from;--- American Mortgage.  To make paymentsto them. Things became even worse from there . Our loan kept going up when it wasn't suppose to.Funds were not placed where they should of been . We did keep trying to get them to correct this only to find that always after thinking we had resolved the matter it would increase again .Making it impossible to keep up It was as if they were pushing us into default with intent to do so.                 My  husband has had two heart operations .He is back to work.We have taken some loss of income.We have a increase of expenses due to medications need and doctors  receive help with heating fuel due to we have income. Heating fuel went up to $500.00 every 2 weeks for 150gals. )and every thing else went up. After my brother passed away we found our selfs now raiseing 2 more children.And support of them This January 3,2011 I was the victim of a auto accident in which I received disk injury. I am just starting to heal. Now I received a letter from a collector that we owe $168,000.Hunt Leibert Jacobson P.C. two ;   HSBC Bank USA, National Association   that they are our mortgage company?(never took a mortgage with them).  We did answer them and are still awaiting a reply.We can make monthly payments ,but need help to  regroup from all we have been thru. The Same collector sent us another letter that they will file to forclose any way.  Now today we recive a letter from Amercian Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. On Apirl 14. that they no longer going to be my servicer.That they are assigning,sold or transferred. To Saxon Mortgage Services Inc  effictive on Apirl 24,2011. That the law requires them to send notice 15 days before.I belive there is something wrong with this notice.  At this point we do not know who has our " Mortgage " or if there realy was one in the start.  or should of been one . After carefully study and review of all the documents we have it looks like we have been ----defrauded. Now they want to put us out of our home. Is there any one willing to help us save our home? I belive that being in the same home for 18 years should speak for its self.

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