  • Report:  #165968

Complaint Review: Americredit Financial - Arlington Texas

Reported By:
- Walkertown, North Carolina,

Americredit Financial
4001 Embarcadero Arlington, 76014 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is Jack and my opinion of Americredit is a bunch of lowlife loan sharks. They charge ridiculous interest rates and they do take advantage of you every chance they can get their greedy hands on more money.

The first incident was right after we purchased the vehicle. A 92 year old man hit my wife trying to make a left turn where their wasnt one. At first the car seemed to be totaled, but after weeks of going back and forth with Allstate, it was fixed.

We told Americredit this and assumed we would be paying the car off. Well since it was repaired, and never fixed properly after returning it over 5 times. We sent in a payment by western union to get there faster. We had to pay 40 dollars extra to do this and the crooked americredit never posted our payment. That is when the fun began.

They had charged all these trumped up late fees since they refused to post the payment. We called and called they passed us around from this one to that one and still neer got anything settled. We were just ignored, so they could do their underhanded loan shark tactics that they are so good at.

I am an active member of the Air National Guard and my problems with these loan sharks got worse while I was trying to get my interest rate reduced from 18 percent to 6 percent under the SSCRA. I faxed numerous orders to them, sent them emails, phone calls, left messages and also sent certified mail.

This was going on before I left for Kuwait and continued on after I got to Kuwait. These people ignore the law, which most crooks do. I sent a letter from the JAG and also faxed it to the proper dept. in Huntersville, as I was told to do. THey ignored these too and so I SENT A CERTIFIED LETTER, which they said they didnt receive until I named the party who signed it. Then and only then did they decide to acknowledge me. Two months had passed since the first time we had tried and had given them the same orders that they had to accept.

My wife had power of attorney which she kept faxing a copy of it to them and they ignored her too. Finally after going to Bank of America so much to get these faxed, the Bank even said that Americredit was just playing games. She sent a certified letter also, These sharks are crooked and are downright evil and are nothing but a bunch of liars. Americredit kept attaching all these fees to my account because of their incompetence.

I finally had to go to my Senator of my state and eventually got the Pentagon involved. This idiot named Amy Quinn, who signs her name as an attorney, then VP executive and also passes herself off as PResident, well she kept intercepting all my emails and phone calls and then is when she really but the screws to me.

She refused to post our payments correctly and also never showed that we had sent in over 5,000 dollars in less than three months. She put the account in recovery while I was still on active duty in Kuwait and nothing was done to stop her. Americredit does just exactly as they please and will continue on until they are stopped. AMY QUINN IS A FRAUD AND SHE NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED AND NEEDS TO SERVE JAIL TIME. SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT HER TITLE IS, AND IT SOUNDS LIKE SHE IS NOTHING BUT A GOPHER TO DO THE DIRTY WORK OF OTHERS, WHO HAVE A REAL TITLE.

The Huntersville Office is also a bunch of lowlifes and liars. They called around to family members and friends of mine while I was in Kuwait asking if I really went to Kuwait after the idiots had copy after copy of my orders and even had a copy of orders sent from the JAG in Kuwait.

Once again, they don't abide by the law. They were asking what my military duties were in Kuwait and what my rank was and so on. That is none of their business and they should be arrested for trying to find out military information. These people are the scum of the earth and do what the heck they please. I sent them 60 emails myself from Kuwwait and also my wife sent over 100 from home. I also had to use 8 AT&T calling cards from Kuwait to keep calling these idiots. I had to go explain to my commander why I was using so many. These were supposed to be for me to call my family while I was gone. Since, I was gone for several holidays and also for my anniversary. But, instead I had to stay on Americredit, because they are the pure essence of EVIL.

SO, the outcome is that when I returned I found out my account was in charge-off and tried to get this straightened out for months. I kept sending in money and it was not posted on my account. AMY QUINN kept putting it in her pocket and acting like we never sent anything. Each month we would send a copy of the last payment we had sent and she ignored it. You can tell when Americredit is really up to no good, because they ignore you even more.

I finally got through to a Frank Delgado and he said the account was turned over to him in Recovery. AMY QUINN emailed me then and told me I could not speak to anyone but her after she had deliberately kept ignoring me. I told Frank Delgado that all these trumped up fees were put on my account and I wanted them removed. He said that we would have to pay the car off to get it out of charge-off. Well a 33,0000 vehicle, that we had paid over 19,000 dollars on, well it became that we owed 28,000 still on the car.

Somebody is using an awful big pencil figuring up that amount. I told him that we were waiting for my wife's settlement from her accident and that what was the bottom line for us to get the car back. HE said that it would probably only bring 18,000 in an auction and that we may could get it for that. So, I told him that I would contact him as soon as the settlement was back. It is and was then at the Insurance company and my wife's lawyer was waiting on a response. These things take time it seems. We asked Delgado why our payments were not posted correctly and he said that was not his doings, that it was Amy Quinn's.

So, I told him that the best thing I could do was just surrender the vehicle and take a loss. He said not to , that they would work with us on it. I would rather surrender it than have it repossessed with my property in it. I was assured since the account was illegally put in charge-off while I was in Kuwait, that they would not reposess the car until we worked something out. I was also told they didnt want me to involve the Pentagon again with this matter.

Well guess what the loan sharks did? They came to my house after no notification by mail, email or phone, and took my vehicle and my personal property. After the liars said they would not do that. This is what Americredit does to their customers and to Military People. They dont care at all as long as they can sock it to somebody. Also, I had been gone fighting fires in Idaho and also had to get help with the Katrina victoms and the whole time Americredit was waiting to stab me in the back.

I think they are worse than loan sharks and rank right up there with the Maffia. Now, they have my vehicle and still have some of my personal property. Americredit sent these lowlifes from Complete Asset Recovery out to get my car and they came like a bunch of theives in the night. We never even heard them.

We had to go pay 50 dollars to get our property back and some of it is missing. My wife's wallet with her social security card was missing, some sterling silver earrings, and some lose change, my daughter's cd's and one of her books. Also a Bible, which we can't figure out why these Satan worshippers would want that.

Also, my military sticker which was on my vehicle, well it belongs to Homeland Security and they refused to give that back to me until I called the place in Charlotte, where they took my vehicle and told them they could deal with HOmeland Security. Americredit said it wasn't their problem and they refused to do anything about this. Now, we have filed a police report for the missing items along with the Social SEcurity card and we have named Americredit and also Complete Recovery Asset as being responsible for these items. I think it is pretty lowdown to have to pay 50 dollars to get what is already yours and then some of it has been stolen and looked through also. My daughter's things were rummaged through and just thrown in the bottom of a garbage bag.

My daughter was 4th runner up in the Spokesmodel Division of the National American Miss North Carolina Pageant. Well, she had 4 trophies in the back of the vehicle in a bag, along with 3 copies of her speech and the lowlifes stold her speeches. Also, they broke one of her trophies. I think that is pretty low down and rotten. She is only 12 years old and she is very upset over all this and also upset over her missing property.

I think the executives at Americredit should be jailed for being and acting out as Loan Sharks, which is a crime in all States. The sad part is, the worse they treat people, the more proud they act. They act so arrogant and high and mighty, that they think they are untouchable. I know this has taken a toll on my family and I think it is a dirty shame for anybody to uphold this kind of behavior. It doesnt matter if you have good credit or not, you are supposed to be given credit for your payments and not keep adding on trumped up charges that make it impossible for anyone to get out of debt.




Walkertown, North Carolina

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Americredit Auto Financial Services

6 Updates & Rebuttals


defend yourself when they sue you ..You were in the milatary helping our country and you deserve better.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

Oh it burns me to see all the complaints especially this one. You were in the milatary helping our country and you deserve better. It seems like someone has given the green light to ruin peoples lives. They want to to destroy people bring them to beggers. You'll have a honeymoon period of little bit then they will assign your case to a law firm who is also a collector. Then they'll sue you like they did us. UNLESS, You go and defend yourself in front of the judge and show all your records you've saved. Even better hire a lawyer to go with you it would be worth it. Now, we have to live with them garnishing part of your wages. Or you have another option file bankruptcy and get chapter 7 so you can get it all erased. Wish you luck,


Rip Off Artists Americredit

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, March 28, 2006

I feel for Jack. I just want you to know that! N0! You are not an isolated case. Any lawyer who would take the time and log onto this website would see how many cases there are in the US alone (and these are only the ones that would stand up and say something on a web site)! Lord only knows how many cheated, brow beaten, verbally abused Americredit customers are out there! I had many, many problems with Americredit. I worked my butt off to pay them amost $1500 to get my car caught up. Well, of course "my payments" weren't posted as fast as I was required to send this money, so I was always getting calls that my payments were late! The car was in my husband's name, under his credit. We told them so many times that I was the one that made the payments - not him - that we were blue in the face! We also told them until we were blue in the face that they were not supposed to call us at work - we would get in trouble if they did. My husband got so sick and tired of having them call at work, he got to the point of having a "pat" answer of "I really don't know what is going on with the car and I don't care." Well, when I did talk to someone, they asked me if my husband and I were living together! Hello, none of your business people! They had the gall to tell me that it was breaking some contract if I wasn't living with my husband. I sure would like to know what contract that was especially where the loan was ONLY in my husband's name. They also thought it pretty incredulous that I don't generally talk to my husband in the morning! Well, hello, he gets up an hour before I do to go to work. No, I don't talk to him, I am trying to get some rest in! Then they even acted more in shock when I told them my husband and I worked at the same company. Well this company is spread out over several miles and he works on one side of the plant and me on the other - of course we don't see each other during work! Needless to say, we finally surrendered the car and are just waiting for wonderful maffia Americredit to come back and stick it to us for whatever amount of our loan is left from them selling the car. But I guarantee you that the peace we have had since surrendering the car has been heaven! I was treated like I was an idiot and verbally abused. Saddens me that in this so called free country of ours, we can't do one d**n thing to Americredit! (or so it seems)


North Carolina,

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 27, 2006

WE ARE STILL HAVING TROUBLE WITH AMERICREDIT AND THEY REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH US. THEY ARE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH THE BBB AND THE BBB WILL DO NOTHING TO HELP US. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THINKS WE ARE AN ISOLATED CASE. You can read our report above and just see how much Americredit is capable of doing to consumers. they refuse to answer our certified letters and also when they receive them , they scribble an initial that is not legible and refuse to date it also. We have continually emailed, mailed and faxed the CEO's the same requests and we are still ignored. Americredit tells the BBB and the Attorney General that they do this and that and it is all lies. We never recieve any of the info they tell the BBB that is sent to us. Americredit still refuses to give me credit for the payments I sent to them while I was in Kuwait and now they have even added trumped up charges I have no idea where they came from. From reading other rip-off reports, they seem to treat all military personnel like garbage. Americredit is very arrogant and they are nothing but a bunch of liars. I have read every rip-off report about americredit and also have sent copies of several of them to the attorney general's office. They try to ruin your credit, turn in all these crazy amounts to credit bureaus and now they think they are going to start harassing me through their collection agency. Since the government will not put a stop to these loansharks, guess it is up to the consumers to just have to keep on until somebody sits up and takes notice. Chris Choate, Daniel Berce, Amy Quinn, who never knows her title , because it changes so much, and all ther other CEO's are liars and thieves. AMY Quinn claims to be the PResident but you never see her picture with the rest of the CEO's. Americredit had one of their gophers to write to the Attorney General and make out like we were a bunch of retards that just cant understand anything. They are making out like we just refuse to listen to them. We havent received anything to listen to, because they ignore all our requests for info and wont acknowledge our certified letters. Amy Quinn, wanna be President admited to the BBB, they have received our letters, but they just plain refuse to answer them. I guess they are so crooked, they know they have lied so much, they have no facts to back anything up, but yet are allowed to still operate and practice as loansharks. All AMericredit wants is for customers to go away and just pay the outrageous amounts they have added to the loans and not to ask any questions about anything. We wish that they would be forced to stop doing business at all.


North Carolina,

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, March 27, 2006

WE ARE STILL HAVING TROUBLE WITH AMERICREDIT AND THEY REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH US. THEY ARE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH THE BBB AND THE BBB WILL DO NOTHING TO HELP US. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THINKS WE ARE AN ISOLATED CASE. You can read our report above and just see how much Americredit is capable of doing to consumers. they refuse to answer our certified letters and also when they receive them , they scribble an initial that is not legible and refuse to date it also. We have continually emailed, mailed and faxed the CEO's the same requests and we are still ignored. Americredit tells the BBB and the Attorney General that they do this and that and it is all lies. We never recieve any of the info they tell the BBB that is sent to us. Americredit still refuses to give me credit for the payments I sent to them while I was in Kuwait and now they have even added trumped up charges I have no idea where they came from. From reading other rip-off reports, they seem to treat all military personnel like garbage. Americredit is very arrogant and they are nothing but a bunch of liars. I have read every rip-off report about americredit and also have sent copies of several of them to the attorney general's office. They try to ruin your credit, turn in all these crazy amounts to credit bureaus and now they think they are going to start harassing me through their collection agency. Since the government will not put a stop to these loansharks, guess it is up to the consumers to just have to keep on until somebody sits up and takes notice. Chris Choate, Daniel Berce, Amy Quinn, who never knows her title , because it changes so much, and all ther other CEO's are liars and thieves. AMY Quinn claims to be the PResident but you never see her picture with the rest of the CEO's. Americredit had one of their gophers to write to the Attorney General and make out like we were a bunch of retards that just cant understand anything. They are making out like we just refuse to listen to them. We havent received anything to listen to, because they ignore all our requests for info and wont acknowledge our certified letters. Amy Quinn, wanna be President admited to the BBB, they have received our letters, but they just plain refuse to answer them. I guess they are so crooked, they know they have lied so much, they have no facts to back anything up, but yet are allowed to still operate and practice as loansharks. All AMericredit wants is for customers to go away and just pay the outrageous amounts they have added to the loans and not to ask any questions about anything. We wish that they would be forced to stop doing business at all.


North Carolina,

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 27, 2006

WE ARE STILL HAVING TROUBLE WITH AMERICREDIT AND THEY REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH US. THEY ARE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH THE BBB AND THE BBB WILL DO NOTHING TO HELP US. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THINKS WE ARE AN ISOLATED CASE. You can read our report above and just see how much Americredit is capable of doing to consumers. they refuse to answer our certified letters and also when they receive them , they scribble an initial that is not legible and refuse to date it also. We have continually emailed, mailed and faxed the CEO's the same requests and we are still ignored. Americredit tells the BBB and the Attorney General that they do this and that and it is all lies. We never recieve any of the info they tell the BBB that is sent to us. Americredit still refuses to give me credit for the payments I sent to them while I was in Kuwait and now they have even added trumped up charges I have no idea where they came from. From reading other rip-off reports, they seem to treat all military personnel like garbage. Americredit is very arrogant and they are nothing but a bunch of liars. I have read every rip-off report about americredit and also have sent copies of several of them to the attorney general's office. They try to ruin your credit, turn in all these crazy amounts to credit bureaus and now they think they are going to start harassing me through their collection agency. Since the government will not put a stop to these loansharks, guess it is up to the consumers to just have to keep on until somebody sits up and takes notice. Chris Choate, Daniel Berce, Amy Quinn, who never knows her title , because it changes so much, and all ther other CEO's are liars and thieves. AMY Quinn claims to be the PResident but you never see her picture with the rest of the CEO's. Americredit had one of their gophers to write to the Attorney General and make out like we were a bunch of retards that just cant understand anything. They are making out like we just refuse to listen to them. We havent received anything to listen to, because they ignore all our requests for info and wont acknowledge our certified letters. Amy Quinn, wanna be President admited to the BBB, they have received our letters, but they just plain refuse to answer them. I guess they are so crooked, they know they have lied so much, they have no facts to back anything up, but yet are allowed to still operate and practice as loansharks. All AMericredit wants is for customers to go away and just pay the outrageous amounts they have added to the loans and not to ask any questions about anything. We wish that they would be forced to stop doing business at all.


North Carolina,

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, March 27, 2006

WE ARE STILL HAVING TROUBLE WITH AMERICREDIT AND THEY REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH US. THEY ARE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS WITH THE BBB AND THE BBB WILL DO NOTHING TO HELP US. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THINKS WE ARE AN ISOLATED CASE. You can read our report above and just see how much Americredit is capable of doing to consumers. they refuse to answer our certified letters and also when they receive them , they scribble an initial that is not legible and refuse to date it also. We have continually emailed, mailed and faxed the CEO's the same requests and we are still ignored. Americredit tells the BBB and the Attorney General that they do this and that and it is all lies. We never recieve any of the info they tell the BBB that is sent to us. Americredit still refuses to give me credit for the payments I sent to them while I was in Kuwait and now they have even added trumped up charges I have no idea where they came from. From reading other rip-off reports, they seem to treat all military personnel like garbage. Americredit is very arrogant and they are nothing but a bunch of liars. I have read every rip-off report about americredit and also have sent copies of several of them to the attorney general's office. They try to ruin your credit, turn in all these crazy amounts to credit bureaus and now they think they are going to start harassing me through their collection agency. Since the government will not put a stop to these loansharks, guess it is up to the consumers to just have to keep on until somebody sits up and takes notice. Chris Choate, Daniel Berce, Amy Quinn, who never knows her title , because it changes so much, and all ther other CEO's are liars and thieves. AMY Quinn claims to be the PResident but you never see her picture with the rest of the CEO's. Americredit had one of their gophers to write to the Attorney General and make out like we were a bunch of retards that just cant understand anything. They are making out like we just refuse to listen to them. We havent received anything to listen to, because they ignore all our requests for info and wont acknowledge our certified letters. Amy Quinn, wanna be President admited to the BBB, they have received our letters, but they just plain refuse to answer them. I guess they are so crooked, they know they have lied so much, they have no facts to back anything up, but yet are allowed to still operate and practice as loansharks. All AMericredit wants is for customers to go away and just pay the outrageous amounts they have added to the loans and not to ask any questions about anything. We wish that they would be forced to stop doing business at all.

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