  • Report:  #858496

Complaint Review: Andrew Larew - Larew Doyle and Associates - Syracuse, New York

Reported By:
Roger - Fairfield, Connecticut, United States of America

Andrew Larew - Larew Doyle and Associates
2 West 45th Street, NY NY 10036 Syracuse,, New York, United States of America
(212) 269-1312
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
In 2005 Andrew Larew was ordered by the Connecticut Superior Court to pay his ex-wife, Rebecca Larew, $8,500.00 per month and 1/3 of the profits from all of his LLCs.  In his sworn court testimony, Andrew Larew testified that he sold all LLCs to his partners, Anthony Fiorito and John Funiciello (in a sweetheart deal for pennies on the dollar).  Andrew Larew swore under oath in court that his 1/3 interest in these assets were worth $500,000.00.  Soon thereafter, Tony Fiorito and John Funiciello listed these underlying assets as being worth in excess of $15,000,000.00 on sworn financial affidavits that were used to obtain mortgages on these assets.  The question is: who was lying?  Was Andrew Larew lying under oath to the court when he stated the $500,000.00 value?  Were Tony Fiorito and John Funiciello lying when they submitted mortgage applications that stated the $15,000,000.00 value?

In April of 2006, barely 4 months after the divorce was final, Andrew Larew filed suit in court to have his child support obligation slashed due to his change in financial condition.  Throughout the ensuing court hearing Andrew Larew testified under oath that he was financially destitute and on the verge of homelessness.  He stated that his new wife, Chrissy Wojcik, would likely not allow him to live with her.  With tears in his eyes, Andrew Larew begged the court to eliminate his child support obligation altogether.

Not two weeks after this testimony Andrew Larew's new wife, Christine Wojcik, closed on a $1.7 million house in Westport, Connecticut's swanky Compo Beach neighborhood.  The couple moved in on September 1, 2006.

On January 1, 2007, Andrew Larew's former partners, Tony Fiorito and John Funiciello transferred all of Andrew Larew's "former" assets to Larew's new wife, Christine Wojcik.  Sworn court testimony by Chrissy Wojcik states that Andrew Larew's "former" partners, Tony Fiorito and John Funiciello, gave her these assets for no consideration or remuneration whatsoever, and with no cost to her.  Again, in later mortgage applications, Tony Fiorito and John Funiciello valued these same assets in excess of $15,000,000.00.

Within a week of Andrew Larew's tear-filled testimony about his dire financial condition in August 2006, check number 2203824 for $37,500.00 was drawn from Webster Bank and payable to "Partnership Properties" (company headed by Tony Fiorito).  This check was clearly noted, in Tony Fiorito's own handwriting, that this check represented Andrew Larew's contribution to their latest multi-million dollar deal - the purchase of the "Shoppers Garage" complex in Syracuse, NY.  Tony Fiorito further noted that this check represented "member contribution." However, Andrew Larew swore under oath on multiple occasions that he did not own any part of this asset.

This is but a very short synopsis into the allegedly fraudulent business dealings of Andrew Larew, Chrissy Wojcik, Tony Fiorito, John Funiciello, and others.

In the 2005 divorce decree, Andrew Larew was ordered to pay the mortgage on the home where his ex-wife and children resided.  Andrew Larew refused to pay these mortgages at one point for a period of 6 months.  He allegedly stated to his ex-wife, Rebecca Larew, that "I will have you living out of a cardboard box."  Under threat of foreclosure by 2 mortgages that Andrew Larew had taken out on the house, his ex-wife and children were forced from their home.  They have since been forced to move an additional 4 times since, due to Andrew Larew's refusal to pay child support on a consistent basis.

On April 23, 2009 a Capias was issued by the court for Andrew Larew's arrest.  He was placed in handcuffs at his children's school, and taken to County Jail.  The next morning as he was taken into court in shackles, Andrew Larew testified that he had no money to pay his ex-wife, and that he was completely destitute.  The Judge released him after Andrew Larew finally agreed to pay $5000.00 of his child support arrearage that totalled $22,000.00 within 2 hours.  Within an hour Andrew Larew appeared with the $5000.00, taken from a bank account at HSBC that he had sworn in court that he did not have any knowledge or control of.  On other occasions Andrew Larew refused to pay child support of over $60,000.00 and $20,000.00 in arrearage.

Several witnesses have since been interviewed by the FBI, U.S. Secret Service, IRS, and Westport CT police regarding Andrew Larew's allegedly fraudulent business dealings.

In 2006, Andrew Larew's children's Pediatrician reported physical abuse on one of his children to the Connecticut Department of Children and Families.  The physical abuse and assault upon Andrew Larew's son allegedly took place in clear sight of his other two children, who were hiding and cowering underneath the kitchen table.  Within days, court orders were issued including restraining orders against Andrew Larew disallowing all visitation with his children.  Andrew Larew was eventually allowed visitation with his children, but on a limited basis and only with approved supervision.  Additionally, Andrew Larew was ordered to attend anger management courses.  Andrew Larew never provided evidence of attendance or completion of any such course.

Documents filed with the court allege that Andrew Larew has recently smashed his children's laptop computers and video game consoles in fits of anger and rage.

While the underlying documents to list all of Andrew Larew's alleged underhanded and fraudulent business and personal dealings are far too numerous to list in this forum, please refer to the following documents to get a very bright picture of who this man is:

a. Copy of Pediatrician's report of physical abuse and accompanying photos, restraining orders, transcripts of testimony, and other underlying documents.

b.  Copies of Police reports detailing additional alleged incidents of Andrew Larew's physical abuse and assault of his children.  Additionally, multiple Police reports of Andrew Larew putting his 11 year old son in jail for disobeying him, and multiple Police reports filed because Andrew Larew's children refused to have visitation with him due to being "afraid of him."  Also see copies of Police reports whereby Police were called by the children's teachers who were "concerned for the children's safety" due to Andrew Larew's alleged violence upon the children.  Police reports include multiple incidents where Andrew Larew's children report being assaulted by Larew.

c.  Copy of court transcript whereby Christine Wojcik, Larew's current wife, testifies how she obtained Andrew Larew's 1/3 share ofover $15,000,000.00 in assets, without payment, from Tony Fiorito and John Funiciello.  She further testifies how no papers were ever drawn up for this "gift" with value over $15,000,000.00.  It was "all done on a handshake."

d.  Copy of Judge Owens' orders where the Judge states "Andrew Larew and his wife Christine Wojcik conspired against Rebecca Larew..."

e.  Copy of the Capias arrest warrant that was issued due to Andrew Larew's refusal to pay his child support obligation. 

f.  Photos of Andrew Larew being put in handcuffs.Copy of tear filled testimony whereby Andrew Larew tells the Judge of being destitute and near homeless, 2 weeks later he moves into the $1.7 million beach house.

g.  Copy of Complaint filed with the Connecticut Real Estate Board of Overseers against Andrew Larew for alleged fraud in connection with the purchase of the aforementioned $1.7 million beach house.

h.  Copy of transcript where Andrew Larew claims "memory loss" for his failure to remember anything, including signing documents whereby he owns 25% of yet another multi-million dollar company.  When asked what he can't remember, Andrew Larew states "I can't remember what I can't remember."  (very comical)

i.  Copy of Andrew Larew's amended 2005 tax return filed in 2008 that shows $150,000.00 in additional income that Andrew Larew "forgot" to claim in his 2005 tax filing.  Coincidentally, 2005 was when the court originally established his base amount of child support. Andrew Larew also conveniently "forgot" to claim this additional income to the court which was figuring the amount of his child support obligation for the next 10 years.  Outrageously, Andrew Larew's accountant, Paula Deckman of Testone Marshall & Descenza, wrote a letter to the IRS blaming Larew's ex-wife for "hiding" this W-2 for $150,000.00 in undisclosed income.  No ex-wife would "hide" her ex-husband's additional income.  This is preposterous - child support is based on income.  Ex-wives would want the ex-husband's income as high as possible."

j.  Copies of multiple emails whereby Andrew Larew tries, and succeeds, in obtaining financing of further multi-million dollar deals where he claims ownership of the very assets he claims in court are owned by his ex-partners.  The emails clearly show Andrew Larew's claim that he still owns the assets in "a trust like entity for tax reasons."

k.  Copies of foreclosure actions on Andrew Larew's children's home that he refused to make court ordered mortgage payments; 

l.  Copies of Judge's orders admonishing Andrew Larew for not paying said mortgages and forcing him to pay.  Copies of Judge's orders admonishing Andrew Larew for his lavish lifestyle instead of paying his child support.

NOTE: all of the above documents are publicly available through the Connecticut Superior Court clerk's office in Bridgeport, CT.

Please see addional web pages for documents that show exactly how the alleged co-conspirators allegedly assisted Andrew Larew in his alleged schemes to allegedly defraud his ex-wife, and allegedly cheat his children out of their child support.

Also of great interest are the individual mortgage financial affidavits where the alleged co-conspirators claim the underlying collateral for the mortgages they are seeking are worth up to 10X what Andrew Larew proved in court they were worth.
Report Attachments

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