  • Report:  #444639

Complaint Review: Bank Of America - Nationwide

Reported By:
- nampa, Idaho,

Bank Of America
www.bankofamerica.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We recently overdrafted our account 9 times in two days on accident because apparently BOA can take the money out tht u charge to ur debit card when ever they like be it immediatly or 5 days later..each item was only like $1 here $2 there..all together the 5 items came to -$8.54..we put that back in plus an extra $10 and 3 days later checked our balance and found out we were negative $290 for the fees.a $30 dollar fee for each item,so a dollar burge at mcdonalds costs us $31.

Now i know it was our fault we overdrafted but u cant tell me its cost BOA $290 to cover our $9 we went over..they took everything in our savings account ($210) and said we had to pay the remaining $80 or we ill be charged $25 for every day that our account was overdrawn...this is rediculous...and to think we bailed you out bank of america..

how bout returning the favor and bail us out..we have been a customer with BOa for 5 years and have been overdrawn before and never got charged fees,,i hate u bank of america,,i hope someone pulls of a heist on u and robs u of everything u have like u have done to 1000s of your customers.where is danny ocean when we need him...DONT USE BANK OF AMERICA (UNLESS U ARE AN ILLEGAL NEEDING A CREDIT CARD) i cant even get a credit card but an illegal alien can from bank of america


nampa, Idaho


9 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, April 21, 2009

AD refers to the date of Christ's crucifixion!!! Batman: Robin, we all know that the SANHEDRIN sent Christ to his crucifixion when he was 33 years old, correct? Robin: Absolutely, Batman!!! I thought everyone knew that the SANHEDRIN (you can 'Google' it!) sent Christ to his crucifixion in 33 AD, which was 33 years after he was born, making him 33 years old when he was crucified!!! Batman: Boy-wonder, we now know that there are people who don't even understand history, and people who cannot even do simple math. Anyone can 'Google' this- AD, and read all about it. And anyone can 'Google' this- SANHEDRIN, and read who they were. Robin: Right, Batman! Since Christ was crucified in 33 AD, and it's now 2009, then Christ was crucified 1976 years ago!!! It's simple math!!! 33 + 1976 = 2009! Or, 2009 - 1976 = 33! Batman: Precisely, Robin. Robin: I wonder what was going on in Striderg's head for him to 'believe' in what he was saying, if in fact Striderg is a 'he'? Batman: Striderg has obviously become ALIENATED, like the majority of mankind, & the majority of our so-called 'leaders'. Robin: And these so-called 'leaders' from around 2000 years ago were NO DIFFERENT than the 'leaders' of today, right Batman? Batman: Correcto-mundo, Robin. History is simply being repeated, and the 'leaders' of today have IMPRISONED the PEOPLE all over the world, & that's WHY there are so many people SPEAKING-OUT. Robin: WOWSY-WOW-WOW, Batman!!!! Batman: Quickly, Robin, to the Bat-Cave. We must SPREAD THE WORD!!!! Robin: Okay, Batman. I'll call Aunt Bee & OP!!!!! End. QUOTE: 'It was once stated that Einstein said that there were only two things that were infinite; the universe, & people's stupidity. And then he said that he wasn't so sure about the universe.' - Pete Seeger QUOTE: 'A time for PEACE...I swear it's not too late.' - Pete Seeger QUOTE: 'When money alone becomes the goal, it ALIENATES you.' - Deepak Chopra, page 118, 'The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire- Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence'.


Highlands Ranch,
WORLDWIDE MATH ALERT: Striderg said the following in his Update here- "If you can't do the math then get a calculator."

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, April 21, 2009

Please read Striderg's 'Update' here entitled- 'They have developed a method'...... That quote appears in his 'Update', correct? Now 'Google' this- RIP OFF REPORT BANK OF AMERICA WONT GIVE MY FAMILY OUR MONEY, and read Striderg's 'Updates' from 2-12-2009!!! I believe that both 'Updates' appear on 2-12-2009. One 'Update' is entitled this- 'Karl's math'.... The other one is this- 'Correction on my previous post'..... If we are to BELIEVE anything that Striderg says, then we MUST believe that it is the year 1976, correct? Striderg obviously BELIEVES, or believed, that AD meant the year that Christ was crucified, correct? But we KNOW that Christ was crucified in the year 33 AD, right? SO, if we are to BELIEVE in Striderg, then we are BELIEVING in someone who doesn't even understand history, and someone who obviously doesn't know HOW TO DO THE MATH, correct? Since Christ was crucified in 33 AD, which we know to be a fact, then he was 33 years old, right? He wasn't crucified when he was a new-born baby, as Striderg believed, correct? Not only did Striderg do the MATH inncorrectly, he doesn't even understand HISTORY, right? So WHY would anyone believe ANYTHING he says? POWER TO THE PEOPLE


Bank Lawsuit May Mean Money To You

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, April 21, 2009

Bank of America is paying out $78 to individuals who overdrafted their accounts after they allowed transactions to be processed that resulted in the overdrafts, as a result of a class action lawsuit. If you had an overdraft and you were charged fees for this within five days after the occurance, you will be paid the $78. You have to prove it (old bank statement), and it must have occurred since December, 2000. It is reported that Bank of America has set aside $35 million dollars to pay this class-action suit. As we speak, Congress is curently looking into the practice of banks that take it upon themselves to pay overdrafts, and then charging the customer for them making the payment for the customer without their consent. People are finally beginning to step up to the plate, and look at some of these questionable practices of the banks.


South Carolina,
They have developed a method...

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, April 19, 2009

it's called a check register. If you have bad hand writing then practice until it's better. Since most of the information would be numbers it shouldn't be too hard. if you can't do math then get a calculator. You can use your iphone if it has one. Your line of it's the bank's responsibility is the funniest in a long time. It's your account, it's your money, it's your responsibility to not overspend. there are ways to help. Ask your bank if your card can be set to only be approved up to the available balance. it seems some banks can do this and others can't/won't. But bottom line is it's still your responsibility. if you can't handle the check register you might want to consider going with cash only and just leave home that day with the amount you want to spend.



#6Consumer Comment

Sun, April 19, 2009

You know when I first read this I actually did not know if you were serious. The sad part of it is that I think you are serious. So let me go over this very s...l...o...w...l...y for you. If this is how you actually feel cut up and throw away your debit card ASAP. If you have money in any checking account get it out now and use cash from now on. I'll bet you will wise up and won't "loose" it like you say you would once you realize it is your responsibility. Never sign any contract or legal agreement without someone with you who can actually comprehend and is not as bad at math as you are. If you go to buy a car under no circumstances should you go alone. Needless to say your entire premise and logic is 180 degrees from reality(that means very..very..wrong). I'm not going to go into all of the legalities of spending money you don't have because I think it may just go over your head. Now even if the bank did what you said and stop you from making purchases you can still..yes STILL overdraft. A very good example is when you use your card to get gas. The gas station authorizes $1, so as long as you have $1 it will be allowed. However, if you only have $20 in your account but pump $40 it will still go through because of the authorization. Once the card is authorized the bank can not deny the charge..hence overdraft. Another example is that the bank has no idea what you have charged until the merchant submits the ACTUAL charge. They could authorize the charge on one day, but if they don't submit the actual charge for 3-4 days the bank in the interum remove the authorization. But again since it is a debit card the bank has no choice but to approve it when it does come through. If you are truly bad at math get a calculator. I am sure your iPhone has one, if not go to the dollar store and pick one up. In the amount of time you take to go to the web site, look up your balance you can easily write down your transactions. So it is YOUR laziness. "SINCE THE BANK AUTHORIZES EVERY CHARGE TO MY ACCOUNT, IT IS THERE RESPOSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE." - I figure I would just let this one stand for you to really think about how dumb it sounds. "I don't care whos FAULT this is.. -This is the first thing you said that was correct. You don't care because it is you." Oh and your suggestion of having some "service" for $35 a year is crazy. If you want someone to manage your account call an accountant and see what the true cost is. You will find it is probably closer to $35/hour for a very basic accountant(double or tripple for a higher level one). Makes keeping track of your own balances a little more apealing doesn't it.


Glen Burnie,
Just a suggestion

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, April 19, 2009

It's not asking too much to ask our banks to come up with a computer program or website that does transaction tracing for us so that those of use who are terrible at keepng track of our transactions can better manage our money. They shouldn't do it for free- I think those of us who wish to use this system should pay a maintenance fee on it each year (say, 35 dollars?). The banks shouldn't let us overdraft our accounts just based off of debit transactions from our cards. That is ridiculous, this is something the banks CAN and DO track. They know when our account is going to overdraft. It's automatically tracked. Why not leave these little transactions on our accounts when they go through? Seems like a waste of programming to have a transaction show, then taken down, then put back up 1-3 days later when it's *actually* posted to our accounts. They dont want us using them for cash advances right? Then don't let us. Don't charge us for you being dumb enough to let the account overdraft. It's the institutions fault if you've only used your debit card, you get direct deposit, and the account winds up overdrafting. In this scenario, I don't play around with checks. I don't withdraw from ATMs. I only use my card as my source of money. It's convenient, if I lose it I can cancel it without having to worry about replacing my money whereas if I had REAL money on me I'd lose it all the time. It's in a banks best interest to keep its customers loyal happy and depositing money. It's counter productive to sabotage your customer base by displaying inaccurate information and advertising fasley about the benefits of online banking. Why would a person care what their account balance is if it's not an accurate representation of what it actually is? If I charge something to my account, I am promising the merchant that I have the money and my bank is going to send it to them. It's the banks responsibility to ensure that the money is there, not mine, if they are the one authorizing me to use my card. Wait- let me say this again in case you missed it. SINCE THE BANK AUTHORIZES EVERY CHARGE TO MY ACCOUNT, IT IS THERE RESPOSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE. Becaus if it wasn't, then they could just say no, and the transactions that CAUSE overdraft fees no longer exist. Bank said "sorry you dont have the money". Whoever stated that the bank can't be responsible for that, I'd like to know your rational. Every transaction I make through my bank is electronic- I only use my card. It goes into their system, they know I've made a purchase, the transaction is posted in my account. This is logic. Logic falters and commits suicide when the transaction I know I made and saw in my account disappears the next day only to reappear a few days later. It's embarassing that no one has come up with a convenient solution to this. Those of you who use checks, use your check register thing. Those of us relying on our check CARDS, well why can't we rely on the technology that made them possible to exist? It's not just laziness that keeps people away from using a check register. I can't write well and I can't do math well, the practice of keeping a register is laughable in my case because I'd never be able to read it. Most of us born 1984 and after have been acclimated to iphones and iapps and the computerized world. We've had the most convenient, connected, informed, technologically advanced lives based around mass marketing, television, and the internet that a small black book with lines and a pencil looks like a pain in the butt. Being more connected, having access to more up to date information, etc, is what this century seems to have been about. We've developed cars and computers and space ships and atomic weapons- why can't we develop a way to help the little folk manage their money easier? It's simply not fair. I know I've rambled a bit but I tried to make it clear that it's bad business for BOA to not offer resolution or solutions to this problem that MANY times MANY of their CUSTOMERS (you know, the SOURCE Of their continued success) are experiencing. Stop blaming "well its your fault its my fault its the banks fault" just try to help solve the poblem. I don't care whos FAULT this is, I just want to see a resolution.


New York,

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

Why is Karl allowed to continue polluting Ripoff Report? Ripoff has been serving a useful and needed service since 1998 (that I know of) but continued pollution by Karl with his irrelevant, childish, INACCURATE rants will drive folks with legitimate problems to look elswhere for assistance.


You're right

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

The original poster was right, it was your fault you overdrew your account. Whether a company got a bailout or not has nothing to do with the terms of your account. Keep an accurate register and don't spend what you don't have in the account. Keeping an accurate register for both savings and checking accounts is the only way not to have overdrafts. Did BOA pay the venders for the purchases you made when the funds were not available? I've said it before, nobody likes when a bank charges fees so perhaps you would rather have Mcdonalds just charge you an NSF fee which the average seems to be about 35.00. Then the other transactions you bounced could also have 35.00 NSF charges from those venders. This way you wouldn't have to pay BOA. But wait, Mcd's sells billions of burgers so they should just let the NSF slide also. Same with the other venders, one small purchase wouldn't make that much of a difference. As the second poster may put it "lots of lame excuses Batman" People make mistakes but blaming a company, any company for following the terms when it is not in your favor is not right. Then if the venders decided to seek a judgment in court then you would not only owe for the purchase, but also the NSF fee, and the court cost. And you would also have a judgment for each of these tranactions added to your credit report.


Highlands Ranch,

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

out of control! They're doing everything in their power to take money from innocent customers! What should we do? Batman: You are correct, Robin. The banks are doing everything in their power to take money from innocent people due to all of the mistakes they made regarding the MORTGAGE MESS in America, which has become a global crisis. Robin: Why won't the U.S. government do something, and HELP the PEOPLE of the USA? Batman: I hate to say it, boy-wonder, but it's become clear that the U.S. government is obviously on the side of the banks since they have handed over 'TARP' money to many of them. Robin: But 'TARP' money is TAXPAYER'S money, isn't it? Batman: Correcto-mundo, boy-wonder! You are right, as usual. Robin: So what we really have is a country going into a deep crisis mode, due to MORTGAGES that were never really regulated, and MILLIONS of people swallowed the bait that was 'dangled' in front of them, and now we're watching ALL Americans suffer the consequences of what transpired in the last 5 or 6 years, huh? Batman: Yes! Robin: And now the government, & the FED, are trying to fix the problem that was started by the banks, & the bankers, by charging ALL Americans an outrageous amount of money that doesn't even exist!!! Batman: Yes! Robin: So, in essence, EVERY American is bailing-out the banks, the government, & the FED, huh? Batman: Correcto-mundo, Robin. Robin: Will this plan work, Batman? Batman: No! Robin: GOLLY-GEE WILLAKERS, Batman, what should we do? Batman: Quickly, Robin, to the web!!!! We must spread the word! Robin: If EVERYBODY spreads the word.....it'll be like a celebration. Batman: Ya! And all across the world...in every nation......it'll be time for the good times. Robin: And people can forget about the bad times. Batman: Oh ya! Robin: One day we'll come together and release all this pressure. Batman: We need a holiday!!! Robin: You hit the nail on the head, Batman! We need a HOLIDAY!!!!! End. Don't forget to 'Google' this- AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM, and watch it on the web!

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