  • Report:  #67576

Complaint Review: Carsdirect.com - Internet

Reported By:
- New Haven, Connecticut,

Carsdirect.com Internet, U.S.A.
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I attempted to buy a new Wrangler Jeep through Carsdirect.com. I went over the options with the representative and he began a search for the vehicle. I told him I had to have two tops, soft and hard. He assured me that they both were available on the X model.

When he claimed he found the vehicle (which was supposedly close to what I wanted) he quoted me a price and confirmed the terms of the transaction via email. He sent me a "contract" which contained the options (2 tops), the price and the financing terms. At the end of the contract it says that my credit card will be charged a non-refundable deposit of $250.00. It further states that if Carsdirect.com "fails to facilitate" delivery of the above described vehicle the deposit is refundable. It is non-refundable if I fail to proceed with my new vehicle order.

He said that the closest place that could arrange for me to pick up my vehicle was 90 miles away. I discussed my reluctance to give him my credit card number, since I was concerned that if the vehicle wasn't what he claimed it was, I don't want to lose the $250.00. He assured me that wouldn't be a problem and I agreed to the terms of the contract.

When I didn't hear from him for a couple of days, I called, only to find out the car had been sold to someone else! My credit card was charged the $250.00 and now I can't get them to credit my account.

To make matters worse, I later discovered that dual tops do not come with the X package. I would have drove 90 miles only to find out the vehicle was not the vehicle he claimed he found for me!

What a rip off!


New Haven, Connecticut

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