  • Report:  #246136

Complaint Review: Debbie K. Rockett Beautician Landlord - Cedar Hill, Midlothian Texas

Reported By:
- Ellis County, Cedar Hill, Waxahachie Areas, Texas,

Debbie K. Rockett Beautician Landlord
Belt Line Rd, Pimlico Cedar Hill, Midlothian, 76065 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If you ever come across any business dealings with Debbie Rockett "Bunnell" you will get cheated. No matter what it is whether it be renting a house or an appointment in her beauty shop, she will rip you off - one way or another.

She has also been an executor of her own mother's estate, and she was taken to court just recently and sued by her sister because she was pilfering money and swindling funds from her mother's accounts and frauding her own sister for her share of her inheritance.

Debbie Rockett lost her case in court because #1 - she won't pay an experienced an attorney to help her so she tries to go it "pro se" and doesn't know the first thing about being organized or knowledgable in law.

#2 - she thinks she can sweet-talk her way into "winning" a serious financial court battle to a judge who just doesn't play that game.......... So she lost her court battle that day and was removed as executor of the estate. Now that's pretty serious when a judge removes an appointed, independent executor. It was quite obvious she lying through her teeth. Not good in court.

She has been taken to court as well, by several of her ex-boyfriends over other financial disputes. The boyfriends sued her because she owes them money and she tries to keep their belongings when they move out and get away from her. She is constantly in financial disputes with any and everyone who does any sort of dealings with her at all. she wouldn't give the shirt off her back to her dying loved one in a blizzard. She just don't work that way.

Just beware - anyone who signs a lease or other contracts with her. She will cause you problems. Her past tenants have also had to take her to court because she refused to give back "HUGE" deposits. There are some people in this world who work very hard at getting back their deposits, especially when it's a super large deposit in the range of $2,000 - 3,000. Debbie makes these deposits so large because she never has intentions on returning them from the git-go.

She rented her own mother's house out for 4 years after her mother died, and put all the funds into her own private bank account = when she was supposed to SELL the house and divide the funds. The judge had to MAKE her put the house of up for sale (rather he had to put a 3rd neutral party in power over the sale of the house). If it was all up to her, she'd kept the house forever and kept the rent coming in for years and years to come - right into her personal checking account.

She owes a lot of money to her sister for the fraud she committed on her mother's estate. she's in some heat over that one.

Someone who knows........

Ellis County, Cedar Hill, Waxahachie Areas, Texas

3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 30, 2011

         After discovering the letters written here by my sister, Valerie Herman, I am appolled and and angry to believe anyone, including my sister could write these lies and false statements about me and  still live with herself! She didn't put her name on the post, but it is clear to see it is Valerie who did this. This a very bitter and  hateful person who has made such a mess out of her own life, with the wrong friends, boyfriends,  and paths in life. She has done so many things to hurt me in the past, I guess those weren't enough. She has used my identity on several occaisions, when she knew she would go to jail. I received warrants(unknown to me,in my name) when she gave officers my information on several traffic violations. I had to hire an attorney, and go to court, to defend myself.  She told me later she had to do it, she would die in jail without the HEROIN. She has had this addiction for 20 yrs, It has turned her into a evil, hateful and jealous person. It is a shame that she is so bitter in life, but she can only blame herself. She made these choices, too bad she wouldn't accept help when it was offered to her.       

       I   have to prove she is wrong in both the first and second posting, They both were made by her. She received over 40K from my Mother's estate, and blew  it in months,  then later took me to court, because that wasn't enough, she needed more money. I would like to correct the remarks about my exboyfriends taking me to court, I have documents where on a couple occaisions, I took them  to court, One owed me money, I helped him fix his credit, and he quit paying on his debt, another took a car, I had to win it back in court. I am a stylist, and have been for 35 yrs. I have wonderful clients, and have made very good friends in my business. I also have rentals, that has provided me a second income, I hope this will help in my retirement years. I know my Mother would come unglued to see the stuff that she said and here to slander me. My father has seen the worst  in  Valerie now, I wish there was a way,  a miracle, that she could change, getting free from the drug , that has controlled her for so may yrs, would be the start. I am not perfect, and have made my share of mistakes, but I put my best foot forward and try to correct them.  I am proud to say, I'm a good person, honest and respect others! Hopefully, in reading these comments and statements against me, you can be the judge!~~ Sincerely, DEBBIE ROCKETT   

Report Attachments


Wichita Falls,
I Disagree!

#3General Comment

Wed, June 29, 2011

I have known Debbie for many many years (25 at least) and my experience with her has never included any of the things that were mentioned in this report.  Debbie is a good person, getting better all the time.  She is an astute business woman who has tried and tested and succeeded in every area of her pursuits.  She is extremely talented and skilled everything she does, whether it be her artwork, her hair care and in her real estate endeavors. 

I do know who has written these untrue and at best, exaggerated stretches of events in Debbie's life and this person is not just "bitter", but she is basically unable to manage her own life, due to heroin addiction and bad choices. 

A closer look at Debbie's accomplishments and her large circle of friends would reveal a much different story of who she is and what matters to her.  She fights for those that she cares about and right now - she's fighting to help her father who has been unrightfully and cold-bloodedly placed into a place he doesn't want to be and doesn't need to be.  This is a very time consuming and costly battle, but she has taken it on because she loves her dad!  She has raised decent children and she loves God...I know this because I know her personally. 

Her life does not now and never has included alcohol or drug addiction or even USE of those counterfeits, instead she works harder than anybody I know, besides myself, and then enjoys the life that bears fruit of seeing places and having a nice home, something to show for right choices! I admire her SO much and I know if I need her, she'll be there! In fact, she had helped me and my children before, when I had nobody else! 

The same person that wrote the original complaint obviously needs to get a life and stop obsessing on Debbie just because she's made a good life for herself and she needs to "let it go" because it's a fabrication and the facts are NOT accurate!   In the midst of many many business transactions, there will be opportunities for people to disagree and have to work out differences, but Debbie knows how to handle her affairs and does it well....and with integrity!


Definiately a RIP OFF !!! Liar, No Integrity, Scam Artist.

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 04, 2010

Oh yes, the reports about Debbie Rockett, in Midlothian, Texas are absolutely true!  I've been ripped off by her also, but I worked with  her once; and her neighbors have been ripped off by her, I know she ripped off her family, and she's ripping off someone from sunup to sundown every day. 

Everybody in the beauty shop hated her; the girls despised her and they all talked and laughed at her behind her back.  One girl practically jumped her and wooped her a*s, right there in front of customers and everyone.  She's been dismissed by every beauty shop she's worked at; that's why she finally had to get her own shop one day; her mother helped her with the loan or she wouldn't gotten it.  But then she really feels high on the hog with this new shop!  But it doesn't take long before she's ripping off her employees, not doing them right, and she starts to lose her help and clientele drops too.   She's making enemies quicker than most people change their underwear!   She eventually has to sell shop and figure something else out; find another man to pull her through the mess, and then kick him to the curb when she's through using him. 
This girl is an absolutely psychopathic liar and has no conscious.  She owes so many people money it would make your head spin; but the real deal is that she doesn't care; although I've heard she looks out her windows everytime a car goes down her dead - end street.   I think she knows her time may run out soon because she's burned so many men and friends & family.  She has no heart.  Money is her top priority in life - forget family, friends, or others.  I've never seen one like her in my life.  She's venomous.

DONT DO BIZNESS with DEBBIE ROCKETT.  She will rob you blind.  When she is sued, she even avoids going to court.  Generally she doesn't show up; she only shows up if she thinks there's a chance of her winning the case.  But her type is dangerous in the sense that she's evil; anyone who will go into a court of law, per being sued, and lie through her teeth several times right to the judge - is just downright evil & horrible.  She's been caught by several judges for lying; she doesn't seem to notice...... that's how bad she is, to apparently not even notice when a judge has caught her in several lies and is dismissing her case accordingly.  She still walks out with a smile on her face so that whoever on the outside sees her might think "oh wow she looks happy, she must have won her case" - if you can understand psychology & mental disorders, you'd be able to understand what I'm saying here.  It's all about the outside view with her - the looks, the outward appearance, perfect hair, makeup, etc. so that others wont notice the diseased insides - especially the heart, where love is stored, so to speak.  As long as she can keep her demons and skeletons in the closet without anyone finding out, she feels like a million dollars floating on air, out there to be chased by the next unsuspecting man.  She is a lying, scamming, unethical, psychopathic excuse for a human being, and ........  just beware if you ever cross paths with her - she will put the screws to you before you've even noticed the toolbox missing!

10 boyfriends in 8 years??????  they take off running with their a*s in their hands......... then she's being sued 3 months down the road by said boyfriend just to get his belongings from her.  She refuses to let you move out with anything you brought in!  Now it's hers.....  She doesn't find men with a home of their own; she finds ones that are freshly divorced usually, a little weak and vulnerable, and that will move in with her so she can get tons of "remodeling, barn work, painting, yard maintenance, diamond rings, Rolex watches, new cars, etc" from her newly-found fresh meat.  Oh they are so glad to help at first, but when she starts begging them for certain diamond rings & Rolex watches, they begin to feel weird - "who is this girl that asks me for Rolex watches & very expensive diamond rings?  She doesn't wait for me to come to her with a surprise".   But hey, what's a little yard work, barn work, house work - for some O that hot stuff in return??  Right?  Man O Man, if they only could see the future - what lies ahead for them with this black-widow spider who eats her men for lunch!!!!  & spits out the parts that just aren't very tasty.  Look OUT!  She lives in Midlothian and hits the country/western clubs to go "dancing" (hunting).  If you are her lucky pick that night, you are doomed.  How she's still in existence is a sheer miracle.

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