  • Report:  #1170110

Complaint Review: Delivery IT - Brian Houston - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
Deadbeat CEO - Phoenix, Arizona,

Delivery IT - Brian Houston
1747 E Morten Ave, Ste 204 Phoenix, 85020 Arizona, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Delivery IT of Phoenix, AZ is acting as a tech start-up looking to attract investors.  Their Software As A Service platform claims to help brick and mortar retailers order same day delivery from the Point of Sale.  The company claims to have Cost Plus World Market as their flagship account but this claim is false; they have no customers. Delivery IT also claims Spencers and Ace Hardware are clients but this is a false and misleading statement.

Over the past few months, a number of employees have not been paid.  Employees are hired as contractors and not W-2'd which makes collecting monies owed even more difficult.  On a company wide conference call on the afternoon of August 13th, Brian Houston was forced to admit that the company could not make it's payroll. Subsequently 3 of their Phoenix based sales reps quit.  Days later, Delivery IT placed job ads on Craigslist http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/sls/4620342205.html  and Localwork.com  localwork.com/job-detail/2367-independent-sales-agent for Sales Agents.

In 2013, Delivery IT was awarded a $250,000 grant from the Arizona Commerce Authority. It is believed that all information given to the Arizona Commerce Authority by Delivery IT was false and misleading.  They have no platform, no customers, no patents, and are acting as merely a shell company to defraud investors.  Our hearts go out to the Arizona Commerce Authority.

Brian Houston is currently in arbitration with American Express according to public records.  Brian Houston is also a convicted felon.  More information about Brian Houston's prior convictions can be obtained from his parole officer, Karla Clanton at 602-245-4351.

Doug Bell, Mike Lyons, and Daren Sygrove are acting as officers in the company and it is believed they are complicit in helping to facilitate Wire Fraud.  

Please do not invest nor accept employment from Delivery IT.  You will not be paid back nor paid at all.

15 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Sat, June 13, 2015

Brian is still humping away at the American Dream.  Now armed with a new domain name, Delivery It or DeliveryonDemand.us  can finally say it has a customer.  Or at least that's what the website says.  

Also, it's been nearly a year and Deadbeat Brian has yet to pay anyone.  Keep those grants rolling in boys.

Deadbeat CEO

Brian, Get Off The Drugs

#3Author of original report

Sun, November 02, 2014

Are you insane Mr Houston?  Seriously, wtf was that diatribe all about?  650k that you're entitled to.  Does that entitlement allow you to hire people then not pay them?  Who the hell calls himself a CEO and doesn't see 2 weeks into the future regarding cash flow for payroll?  Then you have the audacity to post a rebuttal bashing someone you screwed over?

Go to jail already.  I think Karla Clanton needs an annonymous tip that you've been hitting the sauce.  That should violate your parole and do society a world of good. How many divorces, criminal charges, judgements, and write-offs will it take to get through to you?  You need jail or some sort of therapy Brian, you (((redacted))).

Brian Houston

Mr. Davis has finally crossed the line and now we are pursuing criminal charges against him!

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 31, 2014


As aforementioned we terminated Mr. Davis for cause (several causes, in fact) after only 5 weeks of employment. Since that time, he has made numerous unfounded claims in an attempt to extort money from me and Delivery IT, Inc. I knew if I gave him enough rope he would eventually hang himself and in his latest demands he finally did. Mr. Davis has demanded that we pay him for 6 weeks of pay including 2 weeks for pain and suffering and 2 weeks of “earned” vacation pay, again he only worked for us for 5 weeks…and he states that his demands are “non-negotiable”. As such we are now pursuing criminal charges for intimidation and extortion against Mr. Davis and will pursue him with the full power of our attorneys and the law.

As for Mr. Davis prior claims: As I have invested almost $650,000 of my own money into this company over the years – I didn’t – but should I choose to take money out of it, I’m very entitled to do so. Secondly, Mr. Davis simply conducted a name search on the State of Arizona’s criminal database and found someone who shares my same first and last name, who he then claims is a convicted felon. Let’s be perfectly clear on two points – 1. That person is NOT me and 2. That person is NOT a felon either, in fact he was only convicted of a misdemeanor. So this serves as further proof of the lies and misrepresentations that Mr. Davis will make in an attempt to intimidate and extort money from legitimate and honest people. Finally, Delivery IT is and always has been a legitimate business, Mr. Davis’ lies to the contrary are as falsified as are his claims of me being a felon or crook.

On this website, he has called out and provided personal contact information for my employee’s spouses and he has called their employers and threatened them, he’s also listed personal home addresses specifically to create fear and intimidation of me and my employees. If you are reading this, I ask that you consider the kind of person that Mr. Davis is; that he would call employees spouses at work and threaten them, that he would intentionally lie and misrepresent facts for money, that he believes he can use websites like this one for his own unlawful gain. When in fact, he also lied on his resume, lied to our customers, lied to his fellow employees and lied to his former boss, and finally lied to you as revealed above.

Nonetheless, we will find and prosecute Mr. Davis to the fullest extent of the law!!

Deadbeat CEO

$42,000 Brian Owes

#5Author of original report

Fri, September 05, 2014

$42,000 owed to AMEX plus the $500,000 they've pilfered over the last 3 years.  And yet he hired people knowing that they could not pay them.

Where did the money go?  Delivery IT has no assets, no proprietary software, and no receivables.  

Is it time for an audit?  Did personal expenditures end up on their unbalanced sheet?


Clock is ticking boys.  

Do Not Fall For IT

They Are At It Again

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, August 24, 2014

These cons are on the prowl again. Do not h*o work for these thugs, they will not pay you. Do not invest in their shell. They have no clients. Do not hire them if they are looking for work. Brian Houston is a convicted felon fefer to previous posts and call his probation officer. See link after they screwed all their sales staff out of 40,000 dollars and scammed the Arizona Commerce Authority Do not fall for it



On The Move

Doug Bell On The Move

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 23, 2014

Doug Bell is on the move!!! Be very aware, very aware! Here is where is is. Advising his client's to hire people as "contractors" and not pay them, scam the Arizona Commerce Authority, and lie on people and not pay them when he supposedly fires them.  bellconsultingllc.net/doug-bell.html

That's the kind if "consulting" Bell Consulting offers. Again, if this was false, he would be suing people or showing us where he paid people. Did Brian Houston, Darren Sygrove and Mike Lyons invest the Arizona Commerce Authority money in Bell Consulting? 

did you pay anyone yet

Doug Bell On The Move

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 23, 2014

Doug Bell is on the move!!! Be very aware, very aware! Here is where is is. Advising his client's to hire people as "contractors" and not pay them, scam the Arizona Commerce Authority, and lie on people and not pay them when he supposedly fires them.  bellconsultingllc.net/doug-bell.html

That's the kind if "consulting" Bell Consulting offers. Again, if this was false, he would be suing people or showing us where he paid people. Did Brian Houston, Darren Sygrove and Mike Lyons invest the Arizona Commerce Authority money in Bell Consulting? 

did you pay anyone yet


#9UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, August 22, 2014

Please Contact Dana M Lyons and let her know that Michael Lyons is under felony investigation for fraud by the FBI, Arizona Attorney General, IRS and Arizona Commerce Authority. If you need her contact information, you know who to contact. She is the mother of Michael’s four children and also let her know that her children are exposed not only to criminal behavior committed by her husband and he doesn’t pay his employees, but his children are exposed to convicted felons like Brian Houston. Also, Let Heather Sygrove know the exact same thing about Darren Sygrove. She will love to know this after what he put her and his family through after losing everything with his company that he had to constantly change the name of before bankrupting. But if you need help, “Brian Houston” can help you find them. Send Heather an invoice. That is what Darren did to the Arizona Commerce Authority when he took the money for our paychecks and instead of paying us, he split the money between him, Doug Bell, Brian Houston and Michael Lyons. Ask Randy ate the Arizona Commerce Authority. Right Brian Houston? Where is that paycheck from that guy you fired?

did you pay anyone yet

Still Waiting Brian

#10UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 21, 2014

Brian, those employees you "fired" supposedly, they are waiting to be paid. And where is the proof you paid them? No one has seen it. Not your so called lawyers, not the Arizona Commerce Authority, The FBI, The Arizona Attorney General or Any Of Your Neighbors In Your Office. (((REDACTED))), (((REDACTED))) And (((REDACTED))). You, Mike Lyon's, Doug Bell and Darren Sygrove. If you weren't, you would be showing proof you paid people, or atleast offering to try and pay people. Not lie about them!

Deadbeat CEO

All Interested Parties Have Been Alerted

#11Author of original report

Wed, August 20, 2014

Arizona Commerce Authority, FBI, IRS, to name a few.  The clock is ticking.


Next time you hire people, pay them.  

did you pay anyone yet

Must Be Several Angry Employee's Brian?

#12UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 20, 2014


Sent from my IPhone 

Begin forwarded message:


Date: August 13, 2014 at 3:28:41 PM MST

To: Randy 

Subject: Fwd: No Pay for Sales Either - Delivery IT


Sent from my IPhone 

Begin forwarded message:

From: .gmail" <

Date: August 13, 2014 at 3:19:35 PM MST


Subject: No Pay for Sales Either - Delivery IT

Hello Larry,
We just had a company wide conference call and they announced they still can't make payroll.
Thanks for your emails and I'm sorry you had to go through this too.  Feel free to reach out if you hear anything.

did you pay anyone yet


#13UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, August 19, 2014

Mr. Houston, you said Larry worked at your company for five weeks? How many weeks did you pay him for? Or did you pay him at all? Or anyone else?

did you pay anyone yet

Mr. Houston, You Are A Liar

#14UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 19, 2014

Anyone who has any question about Delivery-IT, and Brian Houston, Darren Sygrove, Doug Bell or Michael Lyons, call for yourself. Call Cost Plus World Markets. Ask them if they use a software for deliveries. They will say NO. Ask if they ever heard of Delivery-IT. They will say, NO. Ask them if they ever heard of Brian Houston, they will say, NO except until people began calling and asking the same questions! Same thing about ACE Hardware, Bass Proshops, Spencer’s. and the list goes on! Mr. Houston, where are those paychecks? Have you paid your employees? Show this community you paid your employees and no one would be angry, disgruntled. No one would care about you and felony or your wreck of a life. Where is the money you, Michael Lyons, Doug Bell and Darren Stole from People? Pay your bills, or come clean and we can end this.

Deadbeat CEO

Email To Larry from Brian Houston

#15Author of original report

Mon, August 18, 2014

 Good Morning Larry,

First I apologize for being the cause of everything you are feeling. Second, I truly appreciate your commitment to staying. The next 3-4 weeks will be the toughest we will ever face. As such it is my responsibility to ensure that the company survives and endures. Every decision I make puts the company first.

 Beyond that, please do not confuse rumors and grievances with the facts and our plan. Everything I told you yesterday are the facts. Pleasant or not.

 As for your specific issues.

 1. There will never be any kind of retribution as long as I'm in charge. I simply will not tolerate such a thing. Furthermore, I ask for total honesty in all our dealings, that includes good and bad. Without it, I cannot ensure I'm making the right decisions. Your comfort in telling me we have problems, does confirm for me that at least I've got that part right :)

 2. I did not receive the draft agreement from the attorneys yesterday. If I do not receive it by lunch today, I will follow up with a phone call. I will let you know once it goes to the investor.

 3. The best I can commit to at this point is keeping you informed as to the execution of the agreement between us and the investor. I am working as diligently as possible on it. Once it's executed We will have a steadfast plan. Timing on getting this closed is something I can influence but not directly control.

4. Has been resolved.

 5. Sales people are paid on a monthly cycle, so they will not receive their draw until after this has all been resolved. Doubtful (and hopefully) they will never know there were issues. We need them to be positively motivated. Furthermore, their pay structure will continue to be fluid until we identify what works best. The final decision is up to Doug.

I am very greatly interested in your suggestions for a hybrid model. You have proven a fantastic willingness and ability to help in this area and believe you could be a great asset to getting things moving a lot faster. Can you please sit with Doug today and create a plan to do so. I consider myself very fortunate to have you on our team and wish to keep it that way.

> Also, as for hiring a marketing professional; first he doesn't start until after we receive the money from the investor (2-3 weeks), and second since Ron is leaving us it doesn't add anything additional to the payroll burden.

 I hope this helps clear things up just a little. I will be in touch as soon as I learn more. Again, I apologize for any confusion and your resentment.

 -Brian Houston

Brian Houston

Disgruntled Ex-employee

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 18, 2014

Delivery IT terminated the employment of Mr. Larry Davis on August 11, 2014 for falsifying his work, failing to perform as required for the job and lying to his director. It was learned after his termination that he also mislead customers and provided inaccurate information on his resume leading us to believe he was qualified for a position when in fact he was not.

Mr. Davis was a service level manager, who DID NOT have access to business documents, financials or any other confidential company documentation which he claims to have direct knowledge of in his complaint of our company. Furthermore, he only worked for the company for 5 weeks.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Davis feels it is necessary to hurt others when he should be expending his energy bettering himself and getting the skills and education necessary to legitimately get a decent job.

Delivery IT values our customers and offers only superior levels of customer service. We have never had a complaint from any customer on here, the BBB or any website. We guarantee our services, and as a software company allow our customers to cancel at anytime if they are ever unhappy with our service or our software. They never do!

For more information, please visit our website at delivery-it.com or contact us directly at 1-888-920-5682.


Brian Houston

CEO and Co-Founder

Delivery IT, Inc.





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