  • Report:  #437237

Complaint Review: Direct Capital / RBSL Group / Unsecuredline.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Ventura, California,

Direct Capital / RBSL Group / Unsecuredline.com
directcapital.com / unsecuredline.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My story starts out with a letter I received from Direct Capital on August 18, 2008, signed by John Goodwin, letting me know I was pre-approved for a loan of up to $150,000.00 and to call or email for details. Being an Electrcial Contractor I could always use a diiferent source of operating capital so I decided to contact them. I waited about a week and thought "what the hell" and sent them an email (first big mistake).

I was informed by Christopher Haskins of Direct Capital that my "pre-approved" amount was only $2,000.00 but they had ways of cleaning up my credit and applying for me on my behalf for the amount I was seeking which was not a loan but a line of credit for $80,000.00.

I thought it strange that my company, a sole propriatorship, with gross sales for 2007 at 1.6 million and my personal credit score at 739 to be only approved for $2,000.00 but I figured they must just be conservative and needed more info from me.

Again, I waited about a week and discussed the situation with my wife and thought it may be worth persuing. I called them up and I was told that in order to "clean up" my credit I needed to purchase a credit "score card". I was told it was a full analysis of my credit profile, the cost, $395.00. The saleman talked a good game so I decided to do so.

Three days later I received a call from Christopher Haskins of Direct Capital stating that my credit "score card" was complete and they feel that my credit score could be raised as much as 80 points. I thought, "Wow, a guess the $395.00 may have been money well spent". To the contrary, he then informed me that in order for this increase to take place I would in fact have to purchase thier "optimizer" program. I told him I would think about it and he said I would now be handed over to Troy Zsofka if I decdided to proceed.

After a rather heated discussion with my wife (her having common sense) I decided I would do what I wanted regardless of her rational thinking. I contacted Troy Zsofka and inquired about the "optimizer" program. He explained that it would super charge my credit and make my company stronger and more credit worthy to the financial institutions. The price? $3,500.00 if I do the work myself or $5,000.00 if they do it for me. I went for it like an idiot. I chose to do it myself, Troy zsofka said it wasn't rocket science and he would lead me every step of the way.

I decided my time was better spent working in the field to pay for this so I turned this "not exactly rocket science" task over to my office manager and also enlisted my Wife to come into the office as well. After 30 days of contacting everybody on my credit report and doing exactly what was requested of us they were finished. I was told to sit back and wait about 30 days and I would be good as gold.

On December 17, 2008 I was turned over to Michael Millward with the RBSL Group and he sent over a "consulting agreement" to view, sign and return. I thought "finally a light at the end of this expensive tunnel". I was wrong. Thier idea of "consulting" was a few pages of common sense things in regards to dealing with banks. However, I was impressed that they stated in writing that they were going to submit to banks and other financial institutions on my behalf and all I had to do was sign the paperwork, sit back and wait for my line of credit. Of course this was to come at a cost, 5% of all amounts I was approved for.

On December 23, 2008 Michael Millward with RBSL Group sent over to me the name, addresses and contact info for 4 local banks in my city. I was told to go apply for my own loans and if I got approved to kick them back 5%. I explained that was not what I agreed to and that was not what was stipulated in our agreement. Mr. Millward explained that they would no longer apply or submit on my behalf because it just became to much of a hassle to them.

I told Micheal Millward that I had had it and to cancell the whole d**n thing if they were not going to apply on my behalf. He said they would not and since he had sent me over the names of 4 banks he wanted a $250.00 fee for each bank sent ($1,000.00) and then I could walk away. I told him to read his company's contract with me carefully and note the many things his company is not in compliance with and I would give him nothing. End of phone call.

Now to be honest, Troy Zsofka with Direct Capital is actually a "honest" con man if there is such a person. During this entire ordeal I had kept him informed of all of the hoops and obstacles I was facing and he would try to straighten them out with all parties involved. I called Troy Zsofka and explained the RBSL Group's breech of contract and he agreed and said that he did not blame me for my irritation and would handle it. He is the 1 small bright spot of honesty which you will see further into my ordeal.

Just when I thought the whole ordeal was over and done with, February 11, 2009 I receive an email from a Jonathan W. Fink, Legal Administrator with unsecuredline.com. He wants the $1,000.00 Michael Millward was asking for and 24% interest due to me not contacting them if I was approved at the banks they supplied me with. Can you believe this s**t?

I explained to Jonathan W. Fink that I did not know who he was and that I never applied to those banks just as RBSL Group had never applied to those banks on my behalf. The agreement clearly states 5% of any money's approved or $250.00 penalty per bank if not sent an approval or denial letter to RBSL Group. Since I never applied there could be no approval or denial letter and since they nor I ever submitted applications for credit there is no money to get 5% of. He threatened to sue me for the money in Utah. I told him go ahaed, that is what courts are for and I could use a vacation.

I once again contacted my trusty "honest con man" Troy Zsofka. I explained the situation and he again agreed with me a promised to take it fom there and end my misery. To Troy's credit he did just that. Finally over? No!

I decided to just apply to a local bank on my own (not one of the 4 they sent me) for a line of credit. After appliying did I get blind sided. I was denied, why? Because thier $3,500.00 "opimizer" program actually damaged my credit by the tune of 103 points. That's right, a credit score of 636.

Now I am $3,895.00 poorer, my credit score is in the toilet and 6 months of my life has passed since I started with these thieves. If there is any way of taking these characters to court then I would be all for it. By the way, I have all paperwork, emails and letters to back up every single thing I have mentioned in this report. Just ask and I will deliver.

Please, do not get involved with these companies and for God sake, men, listen to your wives.


Ventura, California


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Update from original poster / victim

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 30, 2009

Well, as requested I did contact Mr. Paul Ringuette via email and not much became of it. It seemed that with my story, names of people involved, my name and my city he still could not figure out who I was. Mr. Ringuette did finally find my file and read through it but never offered as much as even an apology. I did notice an additional post that claims to be an Owner yet in his first sentence claims not to be the owner?!? So I just left him alone entirely. Here is where it gets ironically funny, since this whole situation has transpired and I basically fired their butts for non performance I have been contacted an additional 11 times by these jokers to try and sell me the same pitch. Each one is a different salesperson (or at least a different name). I let them give there little sales pitch then inform them that they already have my "score card" on file and I have already suffered through their oh so great "optimizer program" all they have to do is get me my d**n loan! Of course once they see they can no longer drag me out and get any more of my money they quickly decide not to proceed. I mean after all they would just have to PERFORM for me, and apparantly that is WAY to much to actually expect from them. In these strenuous econonic times it is just sad to see companies like these and even more dissapointing is to see employees so soleless that they would actually w***e themselves out like this for a paycheck. If anyone hears of legal action against any of the companies I have mentioned in my original post please contact me, in my opinion it is just a matter of time.


South Jordan,
Response from Company Owner

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 13, 2009

My name is Richard, and I'm an owner of RBSL. I'm sorry you have had an unpleasant experience with this process. As I'm not an owner of Direct Capital, who sends us their clients from time to time, I cannot comment on your charges against them. But I see a posting from their sales manager to speak with you in an effort to resolve your concerns. If you have any problems with RBSL, I invite you to contact us at our main number - 801-255-2495 and ask to speak with me. We are not in the business of trying to scam people out of money. We work with literally hundreds of new clients per month, and our only desire is to provide a service which is in so needed in our economy today. It is possible that the hand off from DCC to RBSL was mishandled, for which we're sorry, and wish to resolve. Sincerely, Richard

Paul Ringuette

New Hampshire,
Please contact me

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, March 25, 2009

I would like to assist but cannot determine who you are. Please contact me at 603-373-1342. Best regards, Paul Ringuette VP Sales

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