  • Report:  #1120747

Complaint Review: Eckankar - Chanhassen Minnesota

Reported By:
Annette Weihreter Horn - Upland, California,

ECKANKAR PO Box 2000 Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 US Chanhassen, 55317 Minnesota, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have bit my tongue for years and have restrained myself by bitting my tongue. I cannot in clear conscience do this another day. I do not want my friends, family and people in general to include me as one of those deranged Eckankar people. I must tell you this so you know the depth of deceit and control placed on us in Eckankar. I have been so afraid not to cooperate with Eckankar. I have regularly invited detective and police friends to cleverly question and spy on Eckankar members here at cafes and coffee houses while we sat under the guise of pleasant day out with them. Members that higher ups in the Eckankar headquarters and locally are consider threatening. Threatening because of finding out schemes our members have been utilizing to use our study groups as fronts to launder their personal monies and not pay required income tax on incomes. It is downright illegal and I know it. We are registered as a study group and not religion in our local area. Now my husband and I have been forced to use our local media business or loose our Eckankar initiations. We have videotaped and photographed members and sent this on to Eckankar headquarters. We have forwarded photographs and video films across the world to Eckankar headquarters to alert RESA's and higher initiates of threatening members. Our activity is illegal here as we are using film and image distribution without written authorization to do so by those we photograph and video tape. We have been instructed by the local RESA to call local and international centers to report the geographic location of Eckankar members who are considered a threat legally to our centers and the Eckankar headquarters. Eckankar members who will expose our tax avoidance and money laundering schemes. I just feel awful for having photographed and video taped these Eckankar members. I am being run ragged by constant surveillance of questionable members and threats of being thrown out of Eckankar if we do not continue to cooperate. I am in so much fear of being looked upon by my Eckankar friends as being a bad person if I do not do what the Eckankar headquarters and the local RESA asks us to do. It is time people realize Eckankar is a fake spiritual path out for control of members and non entitled tax privileges. I cannot believe that I would be asked to pass on illegally photographed and filmed people without their written consent and permission!

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Irmgard Greszbal

Slick Willy

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2016

Yes, the high initiate slick Willy Weihreter he is well known in our community for shady business deals with people who have bad reputations and he still does business with these folks. Most of his business is underhanded and people quietly warn about doing any dealings with him. He is a sneaky character.


No Longer Quiet As A Church Mouse

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, June 02, 2015

I tried to file a separate report in relation to this particular group and woman but it did not work. So I am writing in relation to this woman and those in association with her at this particular eckankar center. Note that we cannot participate in our studies unless we pay sometimes high donations which we are always forced to pay by pressure. I kept my mouth shut and did not want to say anything but this group is so bad that I cannot not say anything anymore. What follows really happened I am sorry to say. What would drive people to do this is paranoia. If these people are so spiritually developed and are offering classes to develop spiritual qualities why are they such bad apples and so corrupt? I know what they teach does not work otherwise they would not be so troubled and twisted.

So here is my original post with complete accuracy. I joined an Eckankar study group thinking it would be informative and fun. I was searching for a spiritual study group and thought I had found a good one but I was wrong. I joined, paid a donation at the end of each class and watched as a horrible drama unfolded before my eyes. I watched a class instructor Annette along with the area representative look into personal belongings while the class participant was using the toilet. It is very odd rummaging through other peoples personal belongings while those people are in another room. I know she passes information onto another woman who calls herself by a pseudo name. This woman is a known police informant!

This study group was so corrupt that I went back to the study group I had previously belonged to because so much illegal money business was going on there at that study group. I heard a disabled man say at a meeting at this study group that he got money to pay for his auto from a foundation when I know he got it from a business man who regularly passes his money through this study group's accounting system. The study group president in our location does not go to that study groups center because he does not want to jeopardize he and his family by being associated with them. It is appalling to see how much people get away with using this center and study group to do their dirty business. I have never witnessed a religious group doing these things.

These members do tax evasion and other illicit things as business transactions under noses of tax authorities. They make claims they are a spiritual study group when their whole purpose is to use the center to do illegal business transactions under guise of religious meetings. Now I am wondering what I got mixed up in! I am leaving these classes altogether. You should know these things before you join them. There is something terribly wrong with them. I have always felt like a science experiment too many there. They try to coerce me to react specific ways to their beliefs and teachings and when I don't they shun me or try to make me look stupid or dangerous. Their gossip is appalling and damaging. I think someone should report them to the police they are just not right.

Truth or Dare

San Antonio,
Added To What Has Been Left Out

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2014

You have missed some points which I will add. The husband and wife do unauthorized background checks on newbies and those deemed by eckankar as trouble makers.

The RESA's and HI's use her to spy out anyone that will ruin the groups secret cash pot and secrets. Tax and constitutional authorities have had bad reports and there have been police cars parked close to their meeting building observing.

She can't keep her mouth shut and is a known gossip who can be depended on for any information on anyone but especially those who don't follow orders .

I agree with others in this forum that what ever spirituality there may be in eckankar is based wholly on profit and filling the pockets of those at the top with coin.

I have not seen one balanced person in eckankar. They all seem terribly disturbed. They are like off and on light bulbs constantly going up and down.

I know in our area we tried to run this woman out of town because she was such a nuisance. Now I have heard she is a leader in another area creating the same craziness that made us here rid ourselves of her.

Advisory on this woman is to stay clear of her and that group. I was associated with eckankar for 7 years and just could not deal with the nutter mentality I felt after mixing with them.

Eckankar can make you unhappy when you realize you have been duped and taken. 




New York,
New York,
Setting Comments Straight

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2014

Ah yes miss eck. You have missed some points which I will add. The husband and wife do unauthorized background checks on newbies and those deemed by eckankar as trouble makers.

The RESA's and HI's use her to spy out anyone that will ruin the groups secret cash pot and secrets. Tax and constitutional authorities have had bad reports and there have been police cars parked close to their meeting building observing.

She can't keep her mouth shut and is a known gossip who can be depended on for any information on anyone but especially those who don't follow orders .

I agree with others in this forum that what ever spirituality there may be in eckankar is based wholly on profit and filling the pockets of those at the top with coin.

I have not seen one balanced person in eckankar. They all seem terribly disturbed. They are like off and on light bulbs constantly going up and down.

I know in our area we tried to run this woman out of town because she was such a nuisance. Now I have heard she is a leader in another area creating the same craziness that made us here rid ourselves of her.

Advisory on this woman is to stay clear of her and that group. I was associated with eckankar for 7 years and just could not deal with the nutter mentality I felt after mixing with them.

Eckankar will make you unhappy when you realize you have been duped and taken.



I Dispute Accuracy Of This Report

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2014

This woman and her husband are well known. She is still defending her actions. I want to offer more evidence of the fraud involved in the eckankar group she belongs to. I put a link to an eye opener story and video.  I don't believe the intentions are honest for what she says.  I would like to make clear the foundation on which her group is based on. Read the evidence and watch the video. You cannot believe a word of any in this religion. I think they only want people's money and do not really care about anyone. They are sneaky and dishonest.  worldcultwatch.org/2013/04/08/eckankar-a-scientology-clone/

Annette Weihreter Horn

Encyclopedia Britannica

#7Author of original report

Thu, August 21, 2014

Here is the most recent entry from Encyclopedia Britannica on Eckankar.

I am shocked at what the  entry reveals!




San Bernardino,
Terrible Invasion Of Privacy

#8General Comment

Sun, August 03, 2014

I do not completely agree with the Annette Horn person. What she wrote is far from the truth.

She has down played her involvement with eckankar. I think her goose is cooked?, someone reported her and now she is owning up in calculating terms to avoid the blunt end of the law?

She is part of a team. Her and her husband Willie. I know they have been doing this photography scam for many years, since  6 or 7 years ago.

They make up fake photography projects then invite specific persons to their studios to be filmed and photographed.

These invited guests are considered trouble makers. They are filmed and photographed, then the film is sent on to the head eckankar office.

I know this because I was at a restaurant and they sat within listening distance and discussed various private things. Luckily they did not recognize me. It was an eye opener!

I overheard the names and even locations of where these black listed eckankar members lived. There was very cruel gossip disscused about them and plans to ruin them because of their bad person status.

I was really shocked because I thought this husband and wife team were really nice persons but low and behold they were spying on us!

There older children are even involved in the scam by taking photos.

They have film studios in europe and they regularly live and work in the USA where they hustle in the baddies for film and photography besides their normal work.

I saw this thread by coincidence and had to respond to set the record straight.

I don't think any arm bending has made these 2 involve themselves in this.

From what I have heard from others they approached eckankar and suggested the practice of photographing enemies.

I just feel raped by these people and cannot do anything about it. They think they are above the law and what they are doing is right.

They justify their actions based on fantasies. There is no one who can stop them.

This is my only course to feel justice. I have written what I know and hope others will smarten up. 

I have viewed other complaint threads about eckankar on this site and it seems their supporters write off all of eckankar and its followers foul behavior against their enemies as though it's not a big deal-so what!

I don't think these eckankar people have any conscience.

They remind me of thugs.

I was really dupped by their charm when I joined but had the sense to leave after 6 months.

I saw so many contradictions and lies I could not stand being associated with them.


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