  • Report:  #958955

Complaint Review: End of the Line Horse Placement - Harmony Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Canterbury33 - , Pennsylvania, United States of America

End of the Line Horse Placement
Harmony, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This organization takes horses from a horse dealer and resells them to the unwitting public as a "service" to the horses.  They do not give full disclosure and incorrectly represent them selves/horses.  They are selling lame, skinny, sick and unsafe horses to the public. Horses are cheap, but the new owner spends hundreds more to get them well.  They are taking "donations" for these horses and I think are pocketing the money.  They are not charging PA sales tax [illegal] and do not give receipts.  I bought a horse from them said he was gentle and quiet, he turned out to be a raging nut after 2 days.  He was lame in one foot and had rain rot and went after my daughter teeth bared twice.  He caught her the second time and I had him PTS.  This FB organization is nothing but a scam, maybe some of the horses are ok but these people are not honest and are just shoving as many horses through as they can to pocket money, not caring about anyhing else.  Beware and go to an honest dealer or better yet a rescue if you want to buy a horse.

9 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
End of the Line HOrse placement

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 17, 2013

EOTL gets horses that DID NOT sell at auction, this is the last stop before heading to Canada or Mexico for slaughter.  They have only a certain amount of time to sell these horses before they are again loaded up in an overfilled KillBuyer trailer.  
I just got a horse from End of the Line Placement.  I had looked at the picture and comments.  She is a wonderful little girl who had actually put on a bit of weight  before she got here.

There is no such thing as a "perfect" horse.  All horses take time, money and effort, if you don't have that, you shouldn't get a horse pure and simple


End of the Line finds homes for horses at a slaughter yard

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 17, 2013

End of the Line Horse Placement posts pictures of horses that are on a kill buyer lot ready to go to slaughter.  The fee listed is what the kill buyer would get for the meat of the horse.  End of the Line Horse Placement does not call itself a rescue or anything of the sort.  The fee for a horse is paid down by people that are willing to help to save that horse.  They may pay $1.00 for the horse or more.  End of the Line makes NO MONEY on these horses.  They do not raise the fee charged by the kill buyer.  

When a horse's fee is paid, the horse is listed as FEE PAID.  Then everyone works to attempt to get someone to commit to taking the horse for a forever home.  A paid fee may buy the horse a few extra days but most will ship out within a week or less if a home is not found.   Never ever does End of the Line claim to know much about a horse.  They ride the horse once to tell if it is rideable.  They check it over to see if there is anything obviously wrong.  They do not make any claims as to the horse's health and actually recommend the horse be quarantined prior to travel.

Once a person commits to a horse, they must arrange for someone to haul the horse.  It is pulled off the killbuyer lot at that time.  The new owner can also pay boarding for the 30 day quarantine if they wish.  

My horse was paid for when I learned about end of the line I did not pay a penny for him. I had him hauled across state lines so he needed a coggins test and a health certificate.  I had to arrange for a hauler.  He was 300 pound underweight when he arrived.  He had only back shoes on and a scratched eye.  All of which I've had taken care of.  The point is, I didn't expect a show quality horse or one not in need.  I knew I was saving a life and also would incur costs.  

That is what End of the Line Horse Placement is all about--not getting a horse that is show perfect or has no problems.  It is about saving the life of one horse. It may not save every horse but if it saves one horse, it certainly matters to that one horse that is saved.  My "rescue" is a very sweet guy that I will never be sorry for getting.  I will always help End of the Line.  They are the greatest!


Ellwood City,

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, April 01, 2013

To me this post is hilarious. I just happened to google search End Of The Line Horse Placement and this popped up. I personally have homed multiple horses off of EOTLHP and I think it is a wonderful service that they are providing to the horse community. I see that you are clearly not aware of what EOTLHP is all about so let me educate you since I have been in the horse industry my entire life and since I have saved horses from multiple "rescues." For starters the horses that come from the "holding lot" are kill buyer owned horses that are slaughter bound. These horses get a second chance at life at the holding lot which is where EOTLHP comes in. The kill buyer lets the horses stay at the holding lot for 5 days hoping that their very minuscule fees are paid and the horses are homed before they are loaded back onto the truck and headed for the Mexican border. You say that you recieved a horse from them that was nuts after 2 days.... well for starters it takes more than two days for a horse to acclimate into their new home.. secondly the people at the holding lot are volunteers that volunteer their time FOR FREE to mess with all these kill horses that come in whether they are nuts or just need some weight on them or they are blind or crippled or a combination of all of the above. You just never know, the horse may have been okay for the volunteers. I have asked extensive questions to Renee and have been to the lot to pick up my horses. Maybe you should have done the same before you publicly run your mouth. Horse slaughter is not a pretty thing but clearly if you think that your horse is nuts then maybe that is the explanation of why it was slaughter bound to begin with. If you do not have the time or patience to work with a horse I feel that maybe you should not own horses at all.. period. If you dont feel like doing that and still want to complain I would go and pay the extra $500 and get a horse off of a rescue which ENTLHP is not because they do not tack on extra fees. Go to a sale and see what the kill horses are bringing. 25 cents a pound and then see how much they are pocketing.. Get your facts straight get out from behind the computer and go to a sale, adopt another, we are all working toward the same goal here. Saving HORSES from slaughter.


United States of America
Marge ..Marege.. Marge !!!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 25, 2013

I am sorry you feel this way and are posting things against ANYONE that is associated with Jess , So PLEASE let me set the record straight , first YES our horses are kept at a dealer/stable after commitment , YES this person buys their PERSONAL horses for the business at auction , WE DO NOT buy EOTL horses UNLESS we are outbidding a kill buyer and that is very rare, As for watching us at auctions "buying " horses I am sure you know who the kill buyers are as you yourself have direct shipped horses to them ( remember your preg mare?) 

FACT ! Canada takes horses between 1000-1040 lbs , they must be clean and no noticeable problems and ARE inspected at the boarder, The horses we get ARE bought and owned by a kill buyer and WILL ship to slaughter, where exactly do you think all the horses under 1000 lbs go ?? let me tell you MEXICO !! they will take anything that is not noticeably blind OR has an open gash !

So my question to you is IF you are so busy watching us or having your "followers" watch us WHY are you not saving some of these horses ? oh yea that's right because they are not shipping these horses , The  kill buyers are taking them home to let them live out their lives in a pasture with green grass and lots of love ...So people PLEASE come to an auction save a horse or 2 , save yourself hauling and QT cost , but be aware ALL horses brought out of any situation should be QT'd for 30 -60 days as any horse stressed is prone to some form of sickness .  

lil grand farm

homer city,
United States of America
Did my homework, ask any dealer about this place

#6General Comment

Sat, February 16, 2013

After asking some of our local dealers and friends about end of the line horse placement.   Found out that these so called meat horse are horse that the meat line does not want.   Meat buyers buy aprox. 15 hand horses about 900-950 lbs. and have to be sound as a vet inspects the horses as the unload and go up a shoot to the kill floor.   Understanding the KILL buyers will help you see the truth in this report.   If you go to horse auction ask the dealer and they will tell you...  and watch what they buy, no skinny, no lame, they avoid Tb, ans standard breds because of tainted meat from meds.   It was explained to me that this place has buyers buying horses for them to post on the sight to so call save.   They pick and choose the one that they want to post as the also run a riding stable, if the horse will not sit for the riding stable they are posted on their page as needing saves from the kill buyer.    I was at a few sale were they had purchased themselves.    Any horse that goes through here with a coggins is from a sale in Ohio.    They are also shipping horses that have been exposed to stangles as they have had many that have been there sick and joke about popping abscesses.   

So I feel if you want to save a horse go to your local horse sale and see the horse and touch it and you will know about as much as they know about the horses they are "selling" and buy it on your own and save alot of unknowing people lots of $$$$$ so more can be saved.. Think about this if they get $ 100-200 for said horse and a hauler gets $$$$ to ship horse to XYZ's farm to QT horse and that person makes $$$$ for keeping the horse soon this cheap horse has cost lots of $$$$$ and you could have saved five $50.00 sale horses for what you have in one, just think of how many horses don't get saved  because of places like this!!!!


New York,
End of the Line HOrse placement

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 07, 2012

EOTL is the last stop a horse gets before it heads to slaughter.  The horse is NOT brought over by a dealer, it is brought over by a KillBuyer.  This horse has been dumped, sent to auction, bought by a kill buyer.  One reason these poor horses are where they are is that people, such as yourself Canterbury 33 want a perfect horse/animal but don't want to pay for it nor do they want to work on/with the horse.  There is no such thing as a perfect or even "bombproof" horse.  They all take time and effort.  If you want a perfect horse/animal buy a toy.

Horse savvy

United States of America
End of The Line Horse Placement

#8General Comment

Wed, November 21, 2012

I would like the opportunity to comment on the Rip Off Report made by Canterbury33. Any person adopting a horse from a kill pen rescue organization should do so at there own risk. If the adopter has no knowledge of The Inherit Risks of Horses, that is not the horse nor the organization fault. It sounds like the adopter does not have any horse savvy, or horse knowledge, or horse handling experience, and was looking for a cheep, free dead broke child horse that would be a robot. 

Horses are prey animals; some live in fright, fight and flight mode, and some have a take charge personality. Any experienced horse person knows that, or should. Its a shame when something doesnt work out; they blame the horse, when its actually the handler/riders fault. Sound like Canterbury33 should take some natural horsemanship lessons, and get some horse savvy then they would have known how to handle such a horse. But they chose the easy way out, blame someone else on line for the whole world to see, and destroy the horse. What a sad person that is. You dont deserve to own a horse, youre not worthy.


United States of America
EOTL Horses

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 25, 2012

This is Renee' form EOTL Placement , I am very saddened to hear that someone actually posted this complaint with out contacting us to see if we could help, First of all a reminder these are kill buyer owned horses not our personal horses ,we do not know these horses or claim to ,yes some are skinny .sick and lame and  we are as honest as we can be about the condition of each horse and how they rode and behaved for the brief time we get to ride/handle them, we are not vets and can not detect every problem . when you take a horse in need you assume that they have some problem, if you are looking for perfection why did you not purchase a horse from a rescue where they evaluate and vet them?

Why were we not contacted about said horse ? we would have gladly re funded your money and tried to rehome said horse with an experienced person, We have never had a vicious horse that we are aware of nor would we have ever placed one with a home with a child , These horses should all be QT and evaluated prior to letting a child in a field with them ,and after the first time this said horse tried to attach your child why did you  let her/him back into the field . And we do not sale horse we re home them we do not nor will we ever profit from a life in need , we do not take donations we take pledges and if that horse can not or is not offered a home we refund the money and it ships ,to assume and throw this accusation  proves your ignorance and lack of knowledge of this organization frankly you are not even correct with the names involved .

we do not pocket anything and please do not assume we pocket the money as our records reflect quit the opposite, trust that ALL vet bills and feed and hay comes direct out of pocket, and as far as "DISCLOSURE " ask and we will be more than happy to talk to you about what we do and who we are , but PLEASE do not ask the name of the kb's we work with as that we will not disclose, so if you have questions ask until then PLEASE do not wast my time trying to defend nonsense when I have lives in need .

PA coal

United States of America
End of the line

#10General Comment

Wed, October 24, 2012

    I did recive a horse from EOTH. They were very up front with me about thier conserns about our new little Appy (1 yr old). They stated that he might have been moon blind. I had no problem with that since my family and I work with the county as fosters for abusied large and exotic animals. I got this Appy with out paying for him.  They delivered him. They also stated that he was tempermental due to the blindness. When He arrived, I quarenteened him and started his recovery. The Vet cost $65 to check out his eyes (they were great by the way). No moon blindness. Started to serch for the reason. Contacted EOTL about were he came from. Got all records! Found out he was bought from a rescue for slaughter.

yes it was fron a broker that buys for the slaughter house up north of us. Found out that the horse came fron a poor breeder. The horse was sold to a family that saw a picture and thought he was cute. Contacted the original owner and inquired about his temper. The horse was never handeled or taught manners. He did not know how to deal with people and did not trust them. Now after 2weeks he is being handed over to my son (5 yrs of age) to learn to work with kids. The complaint #1 did you meet the horse or just look at a picture? #2 did anyone ever see why the horse was being mean or did you just put it to sleep because you did not know any better? #3 have you even work with them before ( get horses in my barn every day due to some one little girl or boy saying ( daddy I want a pony and do not know what they are getting into. #4 Did you even try to work with it ( never found one yet that was a instant perfict fit. You have to earn thier trust!

    Answer for you before you pull the trigger. #1 No I do not reguarly work with them. #2 No I do this as a favor to the animals. #3 Yes,  I do think that you did kill the horse just like a kill buyer would have ( just my opinion and dose not mean a thing)

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