  • Report:  #248894

Complaint Review: Eugenia Brennan - Coxsackie New York

Reported By:
- Beacon, New York,

Eugenia Brennan
P.O. Box 217 Coxsackie, 12051 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This women persoanlly attacked me in court over child support and demolished my attorney. This was when I was trying to come up with a resonable solution. Her solution was to make me go bankrupt.

Actually it turned out worst, I am bankrupt and can not afford an attorneys help. Plus I owe 6 months back support because I was laid off 2 or 3 times due to all the legal and social stress put on me. I am being threatened with jail time because I have to pay the child support anywyas for time I was out of work.

Then she had my child taken from me in court. She did this by having me drug tested in court. I failed the marijuanna test because the weekend before I went to the Tom Petty concert. So I lost custody of my daughter and I have to pay for suporvised visits. Which I can not afford. Plus my ex-wife is able to cancel whenever she wants with no legal consecenses.

The man has to pay and be jailed and the women can act like pemiscuse tramps and they get away with everything. Makes us all with we were women, huh?


Beacon, New York

20 Updates & Rebuttals


It's also interesting to note...

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 30, 2007

that the ONLY Eugenia Brennan listed in Coxsackie, NY is an ATTORNEY. I'm guessing that she woke up and realized one day that she had married a deadbeat loser, got out and took your meal ticket with her. Now, she has the gall to expect you to actually WORK? That would explain the bitterness and your apparent need to slander the woman for expecting you to take care of your responsibilities.



#3Consumer Comment

Tue, May 29, 2007

I still don't understand how you see yourself as having no responsibility in this situation. You state that you were paying child support, but then you were laid off and unable to pay, so you fell behind. However, you also blamed the "legal and social stress" of your child support as the reason that you got laid off. You blamed her for catching you out on smoking pot, not yourself for smoking it. Then, we got two different explanations for why you tested positive. Which is it? As for the notion that this came from a "contact high", whoever posted that apparently has no real knowledge of the standards used for this type of testing. "Second-hand marijuana smoke buzz producing, or not can leave traces of the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in your urine for a day or so after breathing the smoke. Usually, the amount is not enough to make you test positive. Most drug tests have intentionally high standards to avoid false positive results due to incidental ingestion of second-hand smoke. By the way, in order for you to test positive for THC, the marijuana smoke would have to be so thick that it would irritate the eyes of smokers and passive smoke breathers alike. " This is from a study done by Columbia University. I'm betting they have a little better idea of what they are talking about. Bottom line: You claimed that paying child support distressed you to the point that you got laid off, and couldn't pay it. You're blaming your ex for that. You claimed that after getting laid off, you still continued to rack up unpaid child support. You're blaming your ex for that. Rather than make arrangements with the prosecutor's office to pay the arrearage, you chose to hire an attorney and fight it. You lost. You're blaming your ex for that. You chose to smoke pot at the Tom Petty concert (Let me guess, you were using it to deal with all of the "legal and social stress" that you're under, huh?), and you tested positive for it when you went to court the following week. You're blaming your ex for that. What's next? Was she on the grassy knoll in Dallas? Was she the real "20th hijacker"? Did she cause the space shuttle to crash, too? My God, this woman is a menace! She must be stopped, before someone else has to face the consequences of their own choices! Apparently, you have no responsibility in this whole situation. It's all someone else's fault. Quit making excuses and pointing fingers, quit looking for someone else to blame, and learn to own your mistakes. I'm betting that would get you a lot more leniency from a judge than these pathetic excuses will.


Crime of Passion?

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 23, 2007

Just the fact that you are discussing it in this forum has taken it out of that category - crime of passion is in the heat of the moment. Furthermore, if that were the case, you wouldn't "get away with it". If it is truly in the heat of the moment, it simply makes the charge manslaughter rather than murder. I would watch what I say on this board if I were you.


New York,

#5Author of original report

Tue, May 22, 2007

I have been harrassed, stawked, and threatened by Carli, her friends and her attorney for 4 years now. I have filed countless police reports and called everyone I can about this. I think it if this does not stop it is exactly like Fatal Attraction. To get this women to leave me alone I am going to ahve to kill her or soemthing? Now that is a serious crime, the problem with it beinga crime of passion I would get away with it. So how much more is this going to pursist. I have changed my address and telephone number 4 times to get this to stop. I have sold my cars and can only have things that if they are vandalized by these people I do not care about. What is up? sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


and you wonder why everyone's confused??

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007

Ok, Damon, let's get real here. First, let me say this--I do not know you or your ex wife. My views are strictly my views with no hidden agenda. That said, lets get to it. 1-- --Then she had my child taken from me in court. She did this by having me drug tested in court. I failed the marijuanna test because the weekend before I went to the Tom Petty concert.-- You then say that you have a prescription. Why wouldnt you have just said that to begin with? Why would you even mention the concert? Seems to me that you are being less than honest in this report. You smoke pot for medical reason, and under the prescription of a doctor....if there is nothing wrong with that, why did you lie about it and say you failed being pissed because of a concert? HONESTY, Damon--if you need to lie to make a report, then you legitimately do not have a reason to make a report. 2-- --This women persoanlly attacked me in court over child support and demolished my attorney.-- Then either you simply had no leg to stand on from the start or your attorney sucked. You had a child. You have the obligation to support that child. Man up and do it already. Which brings me to: 3-- --Actually it turned out worst, I am bankrupt and can not afford an attorneys help. Plus I owe 6 months back support because I was laid off 2 or 3 times due to all the legal and social stress put on me. I am being threatened with jail time because I have to pay the child support anywyas for time I was out of work.-- Let me ask, what is your career field? What do you do for a living? This sounds like a poor me sob story to me, to be honest. Let me spell it out for you--I had a great career that paid fairly well. Then, some years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. Because of the physical nature of my career, I was forced out of it. I then had to fight cancer, find a way to pay my bills and survive, and get healthy. THEN, I had to start all over, and find a new career. THEN, I had a butt-load of medical bills to pay off, which I did. By myself. With no one's charity or help. Know how I did it?? WORK. Thats how. I had it bad, completely broke, and I busted my hump and made it better. THEN, to top it all off, Hurricane Katrina destroyed my house, and I had to start over yet again! AND THEN, if all that wasnt enough, I had to leave THAT career because of knee surgery that I had in March 2006, and had to find a different line of work AGAIN. But find a new career I did...And HARD WORK is what did it. Perhaps if you were more willing to work yourself instead of make excuses and feel sorry for yourself, you would have a different life too....but until then, this is all youre gonna have. Put the pity party to rest and try actually doing something with yourself. Because of my persistence and hard work, I provide for my family despite all the roadblocks I have encountered. So you have no excuse in the world as far as I am concerened. If you really wanted it to be better you would have it better already. By the way, many states have legal aid resources for people who have a demonstrated inability to afford an attorney. They can help you for free. Bet you didnt check into that....well, just for ha-ha's, I just did. I did a simple search for --legal aid New York--, and found a bunch of references. You can even search the Dept of Justice website for such information. You havent found it because you havent looked for it. Why not stop feeling sorry for yourself and try putting that energy into getting somewhere in life?? Finally, you were not --laid off-- because of your personal problems. People get laid off when a company downsizes or when business slows down. You were let go because your personal issues were most likely interfering with your job performance. And there's nothing wrong with getting stressed--but you could at least be man enough to call a spade a spade. Stop trying to sugar-coat your problems like none of it is your fault. Man up, grow a pair, and start taking responsibility. If nothing else, imagine the horrible example youre setting for your daughter! 4-- --The man has to pay and be jailed and the women can act like pemiscuse tramps and they get away with everything. Makes us all with we were women, huh?-- You asked about slander--here it is. You just in effect called your ex-wife a promiscuous tramp. Do you know what promiscuous means? The term slander means making false statements designed to negatively affect a person's reputation.....and her dealings with you in the child issue have nothing to do with being promiscuous. Stop whining and claiming that your ex sleeps around, learn how to be a man, and try taking some friggin responsibility for your own life.


San Antonio,
That Explains It

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007

"I failed the marijuanna test because the weekend before I went to the Tom Petty concert". I didn't know that attending a Tom Petty concert could make you fail a marijuanna test. Dummy me.


San Antonio,
That Explains It

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007

"I failed the marijuanna test because the weekend before I went to the Tom Petty concert". I didn't know that attending a Tom Petty concert could make you fail a marijuanna test. Dummy me.


San Antonio,
That Explains It

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007

"I failed the marijuanna test because the weekend before I went to the Tom Petty concert". I didn't know that attending a Tom Petty concert could make you fail a marijuanna test. Dummy me.


New York,
Modern life for me is more like...

#10Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

Like a lion. Lions have dens and social situations also. But the women hunt for food and the men are around for breeding and protection. Kind of like me... except I blow glass also and do this stuff with the internet. So I support myself really and the women are really incharge of the children financially. I guess that is how things are heading. The court is not recognising any of this. That is an issue now and will become more of an issue in the future. So I would like to work something out better than it is now. Right now the situation is very damaging for everyone including the child that is caught up in it. I do not aprove of this situation.


New York,
Modern life for me is more like...

#11Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

Like a lion. Lions have dens and social situations also. But the women hunt for food and the men are around for breeding and protection. Kind of like me... except I blow glass also and do this stuff with the internet. So I support myself really and the women are really incharge of the children financially. I guess that is how things are heading. The court is not recognising any of this. That is an issue now and will become more of an issue in the future. So I would like to work something out better than it is now. Right now the situation is very damaging for everyone including the child that is caught up in it. I do not aprove of this situation.


New York,
Modern life for me is more like...

#12Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

Like a lion. Lions have dens and social situations also. But the women hunt for food and the men are around for breeding and protection. Kind of like me... except I blow glass also and do this stuff with the internet. So I support myself really and the women are really incharge of the children financially. I guess that is how things are heading. The court is not recognising any of this. That is an issue now and will become more of an issue in the future. So I would like to work something out better than it is now. Right now the situation is very damaging for everyone including the child that is caught up in it. I do not aprove of this situation.


New York,
Modern life for me is more like...

#13Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

Like a lion. Lions have dens and social situations also. But the women hunt for food and the men are around for breeding and protection. Kind of like me... except I blow glass also and do this stuff with the internet. So I support myself really and the women are really incharge of the children financially. I guess that is how things are heading. The court is not recognising any of this. That is an issue now and will become more of an issue in the future. So I would like to work something out better than it is now. Right now the situation is very damaging for everyone including the child that is caught up in it. I do not aprove of this situation.


New York,
I did pay child support to begin with

#14Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

The issue is about when I get laid off and that no one can legally dock my paychecks because of the kind of work I do.


New York,
It's the system

#15Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

The CHild Support system is not perfect. It is not flexible enough for it to be fair to artists. It has nothing to do with anything that the judge told me to do because I have done all of them. I am not intentionally not paying my support. My income changed because I was being nice to Carli and that is not in the courts documents either. So it is an unusual situation I guess? Not criminal...


New York,
new message and coversation on issue

#16Author of original report

Sat, May 19, 2007

Yes I am very upset also. I get letters from people I do not know acusing me of things... It all speaks about my ex-wife also. I am not slandering. I am just writing my opinion. ....... Slander is a statement which is intended to have the result of bringing its subject into disrepute ......and is against the law. Identifying Carli's name and adress, and saying that she is dating bisexuals is slanderous. Becareful about what you write publically regarding others. why are we being threatened by the court again? You can not edit it... I tried. Plus which is slander? I've seen what you posted about Carli and her lawyer on the internet. I understand that you are upset and angery but your posting is slanderous and you may be hauled into court for writting such things. Don't forget that her lawyer is now a judge. It's best to stay low and keep your thoughts to yourself or you will end up in jail. I suggest that you contact the site and have them take off your posting.


So, let me see if I've got this straight?

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, May 18, 2007

You didn't pay your child support, she took you to court and won. You did drugs at a concert, and you got caught out. You were unable to hold down a job, but you are being held responsible for that. You chose to go to court and fight paying your child support, rather than just step up and pay it. Now, it's her fault that you have attorney's fees, too? Had you paid your child support to start with, there would have been no "legal and social stress", no attorney's fees, no back child support to pay, and probably no drug test. Sounds like the big problem here is YOU. Get, and keep, a job. Pay your child support. Don't do drugs. How hard is that? It's like you're whining because she won't let you be a deadbeat dad without facing the consequences.


New York,
Legalize it!

#18Author of original report

Fri, May 18, 2007

Could have the fact that this women was up against a big marijuanna legalization advocate have anything to do with this attack? Was this your plan to begin with? To reuin my political carear? By the way I do not pay for my prescription. I have political connections to provide my medical marijuanna for free. I am against prescription drugs with harmfull side effects. Actually the bill past in the state of New York three weeks ago to have my medication legalized. Will that change any of the courts rullings? I think I am totally inocent and if this bill gets me a legal prescription then I can prove my case!


New York,
I am glad someone is listening

#19Author of original report

Fri, May 18, 2007

So I get a letter from someone who I believe is questionable and has contact with these people... I guess I am being threatened? The letter states: "I've seen what you posted about Carli and her lawyer on the internet. I understand that you are upset and angery but your posting is slanderous and you may be hauled into court for writting such things. Don't forget that her lawyer is now a judge. It's best to stay low and keep your thoughts to yourself or you will end up in jail. I suggest that you contact the site and have them take off your posting."


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Thomas

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 17, 2007

I don't know why you are confused, you seem to be attacking this poster. let me try to explain for him: My reply: He was hit with a high child support rate which coupled with being laid off forced him into bankruptcy. It happens all the time. Since child support doesn't stop if you lose your job, you continue to rack up arrearages which coupled with the high rate originally designated, makes the amount owed a burden that's impossible to overcome for some people. And now that arrearages and amounts are not allowed to be adjusted or forgiven based on a federal law, he is forced to try and pay a huge amount of money or go to jail Then you post "How did you manage to absorb that "marijuanna" (marijuana) at the Tom Petty concert? Did you (GASP) actually SMOKE it? With your court date so NEAR?" **It's called a "contact high" and is a very real and dangerous thing. Since marijuana is smoked and exhaled, if you are in the audience, there is a good possibility that you will pop positive simply from breathing in what veryone else exhales, even if you yourself do not partake. It's fact, look it up. In fact, it's no different that breathing in the smoke from someone smoking a cigarrette next to you. Just because they have exhaled it doesn't make it less dangerous to you does it? "If you smoked your OWN marijuana at that Tom Petty concert....well, how about that child support? Marijuana is expensive." **Ummm...lol...no it's not.


South Carolina,
Help everyone understand this, Damon....

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007

From your post: 1. "I am bankrupt and can not afford an attorneys help. Plus I owe 6 months back support because I was laid off 2 or 3 times due to all the legal and social stress ...." and 2. "...I am being threatened with jail time because I have to pay the child support anywyas for time I was out of work." Ohhh-Kayyy.... Then you post 3. "Then she had my child taken from me in court. She did this by having me drug tested in court. I failed the marijuanna test because the weekend before I went to the Tom Petty concert. " This raises a question or three: Who paid for your admission to the Tom Petty concert? If you- well, how about that child support? How did you manage to absorb that "marijuanna" (marijuana) at the Tom Petty concert? Did you (GASP) actually SMOKE it? With your court date so NEAR? If you smoked your OWN marijuana at that Tom Petty concert....well, how about that child support? Marijuana is expensive. I know there are more questions that you could be asked but these could provide very interesting answers - couldn't they?

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