  • Report:  #194585

Complaint Review: H.S. Attorneys Barrister Huang Shen Barrister Illin Yung - Menara Keck Seng Malaysia

Reported By:
- Lake City, Georgia,

H.S. Attorneys Barrister Huang Shen Barrister Illin Yung
14th Floor Menara Keck Seng 203 Menara Keck Seng, 55100 Malaysia, Malaysia
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was contacted first by Barrister Illin Yung, by email, on Wednesday, May 24th. He said that I am being contacted because I have the last name Barker, and that a Mr. Andrew Barker has died, and he left $6 million behind in the bank. He said that the government there in Malaysia will take control of the money if he cannot locate the next of kin. I advised him that I had no such relative, so how can I be the next of kin. He said that he would introduce me to the lawyer who is handling this case, Barrister Huang Shen, of H.S. Attorneys, and that Barrister Shen will go to court and have the next of kin papers finalized, pending my cooperation. He advised me that it is not important for me to be actually related to Mr. Andrew Barker, he and his lawyer friend will ensure that the paperwork is done and that I am legally named the next of kin. He also advised me that it was 100% risk free and legal, and to keep this situation completely confidential until the funds are remitted to me. So, I said ok. The following day I got an email from Barrister Shen, he requested that I fill out a "Representation Permission Form" and email it to him, giving him permission to represent me in a foreign country. I did. Then I got a phone call from Barrister Shen, and he said he would go to court and get the permission to represent me finalized and all the requirements to name me as next of kin. The next day I get an email from Barrister Shen, it has the supposed court documents attached. They require a court fee of $2500 be paid first before any money could be transferred. This was supposed to be a bank to bank transaction, also. I asked if I could take that out of the inheritance money, he said no. I couldn't afford it, so I called Barrister Illin Yung, and he told me that if I couldn't come up with the money, he would just have to find someone else with the same last name who could. I asked him why he couldn't help me. I was, after all, supposed to give him 60% of the money, a whopping $4 million dollars, for this transaction. Why couldn't he come up with $2500 and I would add that amount to his payment. He said that he was broke and his bank account was overdrawn, what! He is supposed to be a lawyer. Broke is not a word in the vocabulary of a lawyer. But, he insisted that he couldn't help me come up with the money, and neither could Barrister Shen, who was getting a massive $50,000 out of this deal as well. I was getting the short end of the stick at less than $2 million for me. That is when red flags shot up, and I realized that this who thing might be a scam. I have kept all of the emails supporting this claim. Including a cc of every email I ever sent to them. I would like to know if this is something you have heard of before.


Lake City, Georgia

18 Updates & Rebuttals


Again it was stealing

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, June 26, 2006

You wrote: I know that I am not related to Mr. Andrew Barker, but if the money was just going to be reposessed by the government, and the whole situation is sworn, by the attorneys, to be legal, what did I have to lose, right What you fail to see is even if it was real, you had no right to the money, it would be you stealing the money from the government. I love the no monetary reward from the FBI comment, do you really think they would reward someone who was trying to steal? These scams work because of greedy people. Sorry to be so harsh, but turn it around, what if you were entitled to some money for some reason and a Malaysian guy found a legal way to take it from you, is that OK? After all it was legal.


Lake City,
ok, that is interesting

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

Well, I understand how you would associate this with something illegal, like buying stolen goods. However, when I approached the attorneys, they assured me that it was 100% legal and risk free. So, I was concerned about the legality of the situation, and possible reprecautions. But, after being consoled and assured that it is legal, I believed them. I know that I am not related to Mr. Andrew Barker, but if the money was just going to be reposessed by the government, and the whole situation is sworn, by the attorneys, to be legal, what did I have to lose, right? So, that was my thought, and I know, in the end, that the truth will prevail. So, based on the compilation of evidence I have, to support my side of the story, I am going to go forward and contact the FBI. I expect no monitary reward, I just want them to be informed of the situation. Thank you for your input, though. Have a great day. If anyone else has a comment, please feel free to post it. take care.


Just like buying stolen goods, you would be guilty too

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

The reason the Feds won't do anything is because it is a scam that depends on the person being scammed, trying to pull one over on someone. Lets say it was real and the Malaysian gov't was going to get the money, why does that make it OK for YOU to get it instead? It would be the same as knowingly buying a stolen car then complaining when the police took it away from you.


Kristina..The FBI tracks these advance fee scams..

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 25, 2006

The FBI has an entire division of enforcement that handles nothing but internet crimes. Many of these scams generate money for larger more serious crimes. Just go to the FBI website, and follow the links to submit your complaint. They are more agressive if you actually lost money. However, they archive your evidence along with other complaints, and eventually someone gets busted. Advance fes scams are a serious problem, and a major crime. They need to be taken very seriously.


Lake City,
Thank You

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

Ok, so there is really nothing I can do about this, right? Well, I guess I am just all the wiser for having experienced this type of situation, and now I will do my best to educated everyone I know on what the signs are and how to avoid being scammed. I really do appreciate everyone for taking the time to post a comment here and I want to let all of you know that it has really helped me feel a lot better. At least I am not alone. And, there maybe nothing I can do to retaliate right now, but I will definitely lobby for consumer protection and more stringent laws against such acts of violence. Maybe this isn't physically violent, but emotionally and mentally, this could be someone's worst nightmare. Like the man who had his account overdrawn by $50,000. Get real, this is very serious, and I think our government should be making an effort to find ways of tracking and convicting these criminals. Because, without fear of retaliation, these criminals basically feel that they are "untouchable." We definitely need to send them a different kind of message. One that says, "I will not stand by and let you attempt to harm me or my family, and I am going to find you and you will be brought to justice." Until we have the means to "bring them to justice" we have to just keep getting the word out for others to BEWARE of the 419 scammers. Well, thank you all for all your words of encouragement and advice. Feel free to post any reply you want, all are welcome. Thanks again.


Get the same emails Kristina

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

Kristina, dont send these people any money or contact them again. The scam they are running on you is called a NIGERIAN SCAM. I contacted the FBI about my emails and they said its really nothing they can do because the Nigerian government is allowing this. She also told me that, thats all thoes people do is sit in front of computers doing scams. What they will do is tell you they need to wire the money in your bank account and you send them some of the money,but all the time they will be putting something illegal in your account then withdraw all your funds,(like a check that will eventually bounce) then whatever they take out your account will show a negative of that amount. I did a goggle search and this one man said they had his account 50,000 negative.


Get the same emails Kristina

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

Kristina, dont send these people any money or contact them again. The scam they are running on you is called a NIGERIAN SCAM. I contacted the FBI about my emails and they said its really nothing they can do because the Nigerian government is allowing this. She also told me that, thats all thoes people do is sit in front of computers doing scams. What they will do is tell you they need to wire the money in your bank account and you send them some of the money,but all the time they will be putting something illegal in your account then withdraw all your funds,(like a check that will eventually bounce) then whatever they take out your account will show a negative of that amount. I did a goggle search and this one man said they had his account 50,000 negative.


Get the same emails Kristina

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

Kristina, dont send these people any money or contact them again. The scam they are running on you is called a NIGERIAN SCAM. I contacted the FBI about my emails and they said its really nothing they can do because the Nigerian government is allowing this. She also told me that, thats all thoes people do is sit in front of computers doing scams. What they will do is tell you they need to wire the money in your bank account and you send them some of the money,but all the time they will be putting something illegal in your account then withdraw all your funds,(like a check that will eventually bounce) then whatever they take out your account will show a negative of that amount. I did a goggle search and this one man said they had his account 50,000 negative.


Get the same emails Kristina

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, June 25, 2006

Kristina, dont send these people any money or contact them again. The scam they are running on you is called a NIGERIAN SCAM. I contacted the FBI about my emails and they said its really nothing they can do because the Nigerian government is allowing this. She also told me that, thats all thoes people do is sit in front of computers doing scams. What they will do is tell you they need to wire the money in your bank account and you send them some of the money,but all the time they will be putting something illegal in your account then withdraw all your funds,(like a check that will eventually bounce) then whatever they take out your account will show a negative of that amount. I did a goggle search and this one man said they had his account 50,000 negative.


Just report them to the FBI

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 24, 2006

There is no such company, they just make these names up out of thin air, or copy the name of some innocent company, you're wasting your time trying to retaliate. If you want, contact me and I'll be glad to send you the 200 or so "Nigerian Scam" E-mails I've collected, not a one uses the same name or address, all fake. Best thing to do is broadcast far and wide this "Type" of scam, be sure that it's the "Type" that gets through, individual details are meaningless. My solution, whenever I get another scam e-mail, I flood them back with the last 200 or so that I've received, (50 A Day) their Internet access is very expensive over there, and I figure this costs them big bucks to wade through all the garbage, usually on the second day or so my e-mails get returned, they've blocked me from sending more garbage for them to pay high fees to read this junk.


Lake City,
Steve, how would I go about reporting them to the FTC or the FBI?

#12Author of original report

Fri, June 23, 2006

First, I want to say that, in my own defense, I am NO liar. I was contacted by email, by Illin Yung, the aforementioned attorney, and given what I thought, was a legitimate offer. The money would be reposessed by the government if a next-of-kin could not be found. I did have the same last name, though I knew of no such relative, they assured me that that didn't matter. I was promised that this whole process was 100% "risk free." Being that I am a single parent of 2 small children, and I have some health issues, I thought, man, God must be smiling down on me, or this is my luck day. But, I was very wrong. Thankfully, my logical thinking kicked in, and I began to question this process and the legality of it. Now, James, I am not sure if you wanted to post that I was a liar for constructive critism, or whatever. But, I am young, and I have the same human nature as everyone else does. If someone sent you an email offering you $6 million dollars, you would jump, too. If you didn't know what a 419 scam was, or if you were just desperate and needed a miracle. So, walk a mile in my shoes a moment before you reply with harsh words and judgements. STEVE-your advice is very helpful; however, I would like more information on how I could report them to the FTC or the FBI. I have kept all corrospondence and emails on file, and have them ready. Also, do you believe that there this may be a possible case to speak to a lawyer about, for possible class action lawsuit?


James...WHAT are you talking about????

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, June 23, 2006

James, Your "rebuttal" was posted as an EMPLOYEE. Are you employed by one of the firms the OP reported? I doubt very seriously the OP chased down someone in Malaysia to collect an inheritance from a relative she does not have! Think about it! She was contacted randomly by a spam email. For the OP..All records of this communication need to be forwarded to both the FTC and FBI for investigation.


New York,

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 23, 2006

Kristina Barker is actually a lier as She wanted to claim fund belonging to someone else. She had an evil intention and now she is trying to prove she is innocent


New York,

#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 23, 2006

Kristina Barker is actually a lier as She wanted to claim fund belonging to someone else. She had an evil intention and now she is trying to prove she is innocent


New York,

#16UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 23, 2006

Kristina Barker is actually a lier as She wanted to claim fund belonging to someone else. She had an evil intention and now she is trying to prove she is innocent


New York,

#17UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 23, 2006

Kristina Barker is actually a lier as She wanted to claim fund belonging to someone else. She had an evil intention and now she is trying to prove she is innocent


Oklahoma City,
Common 419 Scam

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 03, 2006

This is what is known as a 419 scam , for the nigerian law prohibiting such scams. There is no 6 million , and once you send the money , they will break contact or find a way to convince you to send more. To get more information on how these scams work as well as how to combat them or even REVERSE the scam , google 419+eaters and read the info , see the pictures and thank god you were unable to come up with the money.


New York,
you are being SCAMMED!!!

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

You need to immediately cut off all contact with this person. This is a very old scam (do a Google scearch on "advanced fee scams") I will guarentee this guy is NOT an attorney, there is NO $6,000,000 and, if you send the money, will be out $2,500, assuming thats all he ask for.. Its a scam, a very old one, but still a scam!!

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