  • Report:  #560950

Complaint Review: Interactive2K Studios - Internet

Reported By:
Elder - Ringgold, Georgia, United States of America

Interactive2K Studios
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Here is an exerpt from Brian Mann's last email to give you an example of the arrogance, conceit, and unethical character behind this man that refused to perform in accordance with the website development agreement we had, and was warned that he would be reported on this website, after three weeks of silence and failure to correspond with me (NOTE: all correspondence is on file and witnesses are available to substantiate all provided herein):

"Do what you have to do buddy, and stop bothering me as I should charge you for harassing me on a daily basis [sic]. I work for fortune 500 companies on a daily basis for contracts and I have plenty of recommendations so what ever you may do would be like killing a mosquito that's how much it would hurt." Brian Mann was never harassed, and the use of "daily basis" is false, absurd and impossible for him to substantiate. Attempts were made to contact him on ocassions to see if he was going to complete the job. 

He further writes:

"This is why I do not do business with amateurs as the notmal industry standard is 110 and hour for layout, 130 hour for graphic design, and 150 hour for development...". In this comment Brian Mann reveals the real reason why he did not want to do the job he agreed to do for me, the creation of a couple of flash webpages and a flash banner, and why he did not want to accept the advance payment I offered him for the small task that was laid out in clear detail for Brian Mann to accomplish.

Brian Mann felt that he was too good to do the job for me that he agreed to do. There was another reason he reniged on the agreement with me. Another company employed him, which offered him a big contract, and he simply did not want to take the time to complete the job he agreed to do for me - typical of webmasters who juggle clients to their advantage like Brian Mann.

To Brian Mann I was a mere mosquito to kill, a veiled threat to my life. After all, Brian Mann has worked for powerful people and powerful government agencies. He feels like he's untouchable and above the common man. If you are a fortune 500 company or a company which intends to be seen with integrity, from here on be warned that if you employ Brian Mann you will be associated with him and his arrogant, conceited and unethical character. There are lots of good webmasters available that can accomplish anything Brian Mann does, without the risk of being associated with Brian Mann.

Despite Brian Mann calling me an "amatuer", I've developed several websites of my own and created still and animated graphics for 15 years. I am the owner and developer of two of the best health products in the world backed by $1million in gold - operating in 131 countries. I'm no amateur. My product has been declared the #1 health supplement by the government of Ghana because ot its success - a nation plagued with AIDS, MALARIA and other deadly illnesses.

Brian Mann closes his last email with the following: "Have a good one buddy and do not email me back as I will not even waste my time reading it and you should be glad that I am siting on a plane and typing an email to you as I should charge you for that as well."

Brian Mann does not care at all that his deliberate delay in completing my webpages  may have caused damages to my business. Brian Mann does not care that he violated our agreement. Brian Mann is a ripoff.

If you have been ripped-off by Brian Mann, contact me. If you want more evidence about this ripoff report, contact me. I have everything documented and witnesses to substantiate my ripoff report on Brian Mann and Interactive2K Studios.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann agreement with Victim and more exposed

#2Author of original report

Mon, February 01, 2010

Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann has made false claims. Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann said that we did not have a written agreement, implying that we made no written offer and we did not accept it in writing. An agreement may be considered a contract. Note the following legal definition of Offer and Acceptance:

Offer and Acceptance analysis is a traditional approach in contract law used to determine whether an agreement exists between two parties. An offer is an indication by one person ("offeror") to another ("offeree") of the offeror's willingness to contract on certain terms without further negotiations. A contract is then formed if there is express or implied agreement. A contract is said to come into existence when acceptance of an offer has been communicated to the offeror by the offeree.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 10:14 PM I wrote Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann the following (excerpt from email):

"I was wondering if you are in a tight spot financially, as I would send a down-payment for the website work to assist you. If not, I can pay you all at once or as you prefer."

On Monday, December 28, 2009 11:30 PM, Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann replied (excerpt from email):

"I indeed trust you so don't worry about paying until I deliver the final. I will give you a call on the 4th and we will start to rock and roll on the development. Enjoy your time and looking forward to delivering you a great polished piece!"

In the written email correspondence above is an offer and acceptance that perfectly fits the definition of Offer and Acceptance above that clearly establishes the traditional approach in contract law used to determine whether an agreement exists between two parties.

There are more emails with more details regarding specifics of the website work that was agreed to be done that supports the offer and acceptance provided above in email evidence. There is no doubt that there was a written agreement, and the written email correspondence evidences an agreement under the "legal litmus test" to determine that an agreement/contract exists between two parties.

But as stated already in this report, Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann reniged on the agreement, and Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann's rebuttal, meant for his gain here, stating that there was no written agreement is purely false and deceptive.

But Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann's victimization does not stop there. He threatens to ruin my business and my life. Please note Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann's following emails excerpts in Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann's own words:

Thursday, January 28, 2010 7:15 PM: "You have 24 hours to remove or post an official signed agreement to rip off report or I will post and spam to make sure bionade gets the fair shake as well."

Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:14 PM: "So like I stated before, you know what needs to happen before close of business tommorrow. If not I have a heavy market on web marketing and search engine crawlers..you do the math"

Friday, January 29, 2010 5:04 PM: "You have about an hour:) don't make this mistake!"

After Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann being repeatedly told to stop emailing me and using my email with authorization Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann wrote (vulgar language altered):

Friday, January 29, 2010 7:41 PM: "I enjoy emailing u regardless of your research and your staff..that's what kills me...your staff so so funny..what your old a*s mom probably has a audio recording device in her hearing aide..so does that constitute as an audio conference:) dumba*s over the hill motherf**ker go take your wanna be knowledge about contracts and do somemore research because it takes a written signed document to be official...if u post another thing on ripoff report I will spend the entire weekend to destroy and crediable customers u may have on any of your sites remember I know everything about u and your business and even your credit card so dont f**k around and leave this alone for your own good...trust me don't step in sh*t!"

After explaining to Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann that Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann has violated my terms and service of use wherein he has used my email address without authorization and that Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann was warned not to write me or use my email address by Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann and billed him for the costs in accord with my terms of service and use for unauthorized use of my email Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann wrote:

Friday, January 29, 2010 9:16 PM: "Well thats 10,000 for unpaid consultation bring it!"

I never agreed to the fraudulent internet bill from Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann for $10,000 in consultation. Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann did not discuss consultation fees with me till the fraudulent charge was emailed to me.

I firmly believe that I was further victimized by Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann wherein Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann threatened, "I will spend the entire weekend to destroy and crediable customers u may have on any of your sites remember I know everything about u and your business". Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann's statement regarding my credit card was considered by my bankers and I to be an implied threat to fraudulently use my banking information and my bankers recommended that I shut down my online banking, which I did Friday night.

My mother and I have gone through alot of grief over what Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann has done the last few days, and we are still very upset and afraid that Interactive2K Studios / Brian Mann will cause some harm or damage to our business/mission, and our lives.

Brian Mann

United States of America
No signed or written agreement

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 30, 2010

This individual didn't have a written agreement or signed agreement between his company and mine.  I never agreed to perform the work stated nor did I confirm working on his website for a said price.  The email that he referenced is the last email of many emails he harassed me with, and there were many hours trying to nail down information that he was wanting to have updated on his website which keep changing day to day which we never billed him for nor did I even attempt to send a bill.  If there is a signed agreement then please provide said agreement, if not then please do not post fraudulent reports on this site.  Continued harassment will lead to further discussions with the courts.  I appreciate your diligence in this matter. 

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