  • Report:  #384920

Complaint Review: Internal Revenue Service - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Mayfield Heights, Ohio,

Internal Revenue Service
200 N. High St., Room 425 Columbus, 43215 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The Ohio IRS allows The State Medical Board of Ohio to arbitrarily order women physicians to endless evaluations (if they disagree with a male colleague(s) in an abusive situation), and if the woman physician doesn't go to these 'fixed' neverending evaluations (with no purpose other than to embarrass or 'fish' in her personal life), she is declared IMPAIRED for earning an income in the practice of medicine and for taxation purposes LITERALLY FOREVER - when she has an IQ of >150 and isn't IMPAIRED IN ANY PATIENT SENSE - just trying to save herself from abuse and medical misdiagnosis/orthopedic mistreatment (and the ABUSE OF MULTIPLE SEQUENTIAL AGGRESSIVE PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS discussing mostly her getting along with men, dating history, why she doesn't like Dr. Nice, and why she won't refer enough patients to Dr. Nice, etc). In Ohio my ever working again is ALL ABOUT DR. NICE, his getting referrals, and my saying that what he did to me was JUST FINE. I nearly lost the function of my R hand when he wouldn't check/change a cast, and then went 3 weeks without care as I didn't 'deserve' care.

So far there have been 5 evaluations in my case, just because I complained about a Dr. Timothy Nice leaving fractures uncasted, making fun of the situation, and refusing to refer or send his medical records to the consultants = his immaturity. Three national experts have told that State Medical Board of Ohio that I am not IMPAIRED for the practice of medicine - that it was a difficult situation, there wasn't much care, and that the orthopedic results were horrible and the orthopedics a bit arrogant, immature, abusive and vindictive. And these experts have been very glossy about huge abuses, just trying to resolve the issues, and improve the process, get me back to work. Drs. Nice & Keith have yet to be evaluated once, and they have serious numbers of patient complaints that are 'confidential.'

My complaint about orthopedic care & Dr. Nice was a straight-forward complaint, after several phone calls trying to get HELP from the Board in a non-official way, about a colleague's care practices that fell below national/local Cleveland standards - for personal reasons - he gets that way and I didn't 'understand him' or wasn't a Catholic girl who was 'easy.' Because of this I've been declared IMPAIRED, and unable to work in medicine, and I wasn't the one with the POWER imposing my needs on the patient = that was Dr. Nice = a standard SPEX test question.

I have to say that everything is FINE?, and that the situation is over?, and that my health is fine or whatever lies they want me to tell and get evaluated on whim for 2 years and my practice monitored = can't do that to pay taxes. There was never anything wrong with my practice of medicine, and the State Medical Board had to admit that in 1993, but this is now 2008. None of the impairment is true, and none of the CRITERIA (required for DISABILITY DETERMINATION in all other instances, with judge/court review) are known. So The Ohio State Medical Board determines IMPAIRMENT for medical practice by political 'confidential' reasons, and therefore defrauds the Federal government of my physician taxes, and other physician taxes, for at least the last 16 years so far. I'd like to pay taxes, rather than be IMPAIRED and evaluated continuously for sport.

The Ohio IRS goes along with this DISABILITY TAX FRAUD WHERE THERE IS NO DISABILITY or IMPAIRMENT = the physician had no patient complaints, no drug or alcohol problems that were documented or viewed. Lots of hearsay, fabrications, lies, exaggerations were never proved and can't EVER be proved. You can't earn a very good living outside of medicine unless the employer can get the file and judge what happened - no expert has been able to get the file that started this IMPAIRMENT = huge CV 'black hole.' And I'm supposed to tell every potential employer about Dr. Nice = that I couldn't satisfy him or work with him. No employer wants to hear about that guy, and that's probably not his REAL NAME as he isn't 'nice.'

The file about what this is about is CONFIDENTIAL for 16 years now, and it's not a patient care situation - it was about my not going along with the boys at Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights Ohio, my being senile that I didn't the jokes. There are lots of boy MDs out there, and patients are WARNED. But apparently, there are quite a number of Ohio physicians now PUBLISHED IMPAIRED, and unable to earn a decent living for taxes, from anything about child support payments to refusing to sleep with Dr. Timothy Nice - it's not about patient care or real impairment - it's about POLITICS and corruption in Ohio. And the Ohio Medical Board just keeps ordering evaluations while Senator Grendell looks the other way. And as far as another psychiatric evaluation by the new 'right' Ohio psychiatrist Dr. Phillip Resnick - well his institution was involved in the subpar care and unable to do even routine blood work in my case. The diagnosis of why I was fracturing University Hospitals missed (don't believe the advertisement boards all over town), so a University Hospitals nationally known criminal forensic expert will suddenly make the psychiatric diagnosis of the century? to get the Ohio State Medical Board out of liability for lying for 16 years? It's all about money; the Ohio State Medical Board not having to admit a MISTAKE = a mistake that the Ohio Court of Appeals told them in 1993 to admit and end the case -- in OPEN COURT this was discussed while the girl attorney talked about her marriage and couldn't get the point.

Dr. Nice was IMPAIRED that he couldn't do wrist fracture casting, reduction or change a cast (cut himself removing one cast), and Dr. Keith couldn't do it either - but these male physicians were so IMPAIRED that they couldn't consult, refer the case to CCF (Cleveland/Mayo Clinic), or send the medical records even = the records showed up edited years later. Out-patient care in Ohio leads to a lot of falsifications/editing of medical records, and care that never occurred being billed to the insurers = Ohio State Medical Board Fraud. And when a physician says something about this, they are published IMPAIRED. The care on my medical records DID NOT OCCUR. When this gets translated into good physicians not being able to work, because they are falsely declared IMPAIRED, and unable to defend themselves against confidential ever-changing files, then the IRS is out the money for any taxes for years = why America is going broke. The Ohio State Representatives involved over the years, have admitted that my confidential file has probably been changed (= evidence) many times now, in undetectable ways.

Dr. Nice is a bully. I'm not IMPAIRED for complaining about abusive patient care situations that I'm part of or witness - because the patient comes complaining to my office. My office had about a dozen 'serious' complaints about Dr. Nice at this time - his care, procedure results, behaviors, billing, etc. But the IRS is out the money that I should have earned and paid taxes on for the LAST 16 YEARS, and Governor Strickland knows all about this fraud and has so far refused to put some reforms/oversight or review, of State Medical Board of Ohio decisions, into place. He's changing the Members SLOWLY, but they aren't any better MEMBERS. The Cleveland Clinic has no Members on the Ohio State Medical Board.

The IRS needs to get the statistics on how many Ohio physicians are impaired and what the criteria for this were/are, and how many can be put back to work with just opening the files and allowing the physician to defend themselves against hearsay = like every criminal is able to defend. Complaints against physicians in Ohio are 'confidential' - which allows all manner of spurious complaints, jealous colleague complaints, and just craziness to enter into the process of physician peer review. All other states have a way for the accused physician to get the complaint, and for the physician to fix, amend or rebuke the situation alleged, and a way to remand the physician BACK TO WORK AND PRACTICE for tax purposes.

The IRS puts up with the Ohio fraud for whatever reason, unlike the situation IN EVERY OTHER STATE - where the Medical Boards can't arbitrarily declare a physician IMPAIRED with no evidence or rules of evidence. I did nothing wrong to any patient, and I've been out of my medical license and practice for 16 years of lies, coverups, etc. Dr. Nice can't be held responsible for bad care outcomes as his wife controls the Medical Board (& the OHIO IRS?), so Dr. Nice continues to practice and hurt patients without review, or CME rechecking of his casting/reduction skills. Dr. Nice leaves fractures until they become EXCRESCENT before he casts - but he isn't IMPAIRED - just taking his frustrations out on seductive woman patients? Dr. Nice has you come to his office and plays with you that he didn't order the cast material, so you should use the splint for a couple days when you can't use the hand and have to have your mother drive you around. . . IMPAIRMENT is political in Ohio. But for TAX purposes alone this situation should be FIXED.


Mayfield Heights, Ohio


4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2008

I never thought I would be any kind of advocate for the IRS but I am really struggling to see where they fit in all of this. Dr. Kralik needs to slow down, take a breath, and, as I said on her other post, get some professional help.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Let the Harassment continue!

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Intersted Person Shelby Ohio, Ohio U.S.A. We will just have to disagree. Unlike you, I cannot bring myself to harass an apparently mentally handicapped individual just for fun, bringing up her past with reports generated by people who POSSIBLY have had specific self serving reasons to say particular things. When a person is mentally ill, it means just that! They very well may not be able to control what they are saying or doing. Just beating on them for 'sport', which is obviously what you are doing, is very sadistic and very cruel. Maybe someday you will finally 'mature', grow up, and think "why in the world did I even care if Rita, who may be mentally handicapped, posted those things? What made me think I needed to make her look even worse than her postings do, just for the fun of it?" Everybody can see by your comments and link, that you are 'enjoying' this sick harassment of a mentally handicapped individual. Someone like you, who has no evident human compassion and sadness for someone who appears this ill, must be a very special kind of person indeed! This is my last post to you. You make me sick! Go ahead, try all you can to justify your harassment and apparent 'stalking' of this apparently mentally handicapped lady. Let the Harassment continue! The readers will probably determine that you and perhaps Rita need some Psychiatric help. Have a sick life... The above statements are my opinion only.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Just my opinion

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 14, 2008

I read the report. Tell me doctor 'interested person', Why didn't her doctors order Thyroid and Parathyroid tests and Calcium and Phosphorus tests when she started to fracture? We are all waiting for your answer 'Doctor'! Tell us on your next post. You are doing a lot of guessing and interpreting using evidence that may or may not be totally factual and may have been altered. Did you miss that when you read the report, or just choose to leave it out? Tell us on your next post. I think anyone who would make 'fun' of someone's problems is a 'very sad little person' who probably needs counseling to find out why they they choose that behavior. In case you don't know, I mean YOU. Explain this on your next post. What is your connection to the Medical Board, and why are you defending them so vigorously? Why don't you put YOUR real name and location here? Rita had the courage to do that! Ill bet it is because Rita knows you. Explain this on your next post. Unless you have constructive information that can help Rita NOW, your posts are not relevant, and should be in a 'chat' room. This website is to offer good help and advice to people who honestly feel they were treated badly. RipOffReport thread authors are 'protected' on here! Here is a quote from the founder of RipOffReport: START OF QUOTE 'If you are familiar with this site, as you seem to be, you will know that we are dedicated to the plight of victims. In the event a victim comes to this site for safe harbor to obtain support/solutions, we are further dedicated to precluding further victimization by attorneys, corporate shills, or heartless bastards who just don't care who they attack. We may get more than a little vigorous, but it is important that all victims understand that these waters are truly friendly.' END OF QUOTE This means YOU Dr. interested person! WISE UP DUMMY!

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
How the heck is this an issue with the IRS

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

This is the silliest thing ever. What does the IRS care about your lost medical license. Fo those readers who are trying to figure this out, they should refer to the official report on this case: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf

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