  • Report:  #87240

Complaint Review: JD Byrider CNAC - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- columbus, Ohio,

JD Byrider CNAC
5634 Morse Rd Columbus, 43119 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am an ex Manager for CNAC and I know all of the laws involved for collecting debts owed to them. If you feel harassed or violated ( you probably are) or want advice contact me by using the rebuttal box below. I will tell you how to stop the calls and to know your rights.

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columbus, Ohio

32 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
CNAC collection agency!??

#2General Comment

Tue, March 27, 2018

 I have a credit repair guy telling me that he settled a debt that was on my credit report for $6800 for $1400. He will not provide me with anything but a piece of a bank statement that simply says CNAC Collectionsettle then it has my name and 5 numbers that are similar to my dob but not the same and mixed up a little. I’ve never bought a car from JD Byrider in my life. Is there another CNAC that I don’t know about or that isn’t pulling up when I search? All I find is the finance company. Help!


United States

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 06, 2017



CNAC got me good

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 20, 2017

 Can you help me



#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 06, 2016

I purchased a car in april 2015 in a Saturday, the ac went out the following day. I tried to return vehicle the following business day they wouldn't accept it They stated if inleft the car they would put a repo on credit. Few.weeks.later back in shop to have alternator replaced alongside the ac motor. In October 2015 my car died, the said it was internal and would need to replace engine they kept car 2 weeks. Once getting the car back I drove 10 miles and check engine light back on, they wouldnt allow me to bring car right back in i needed to make appt. Bring the car in and they replaced spark plugs. Foward to march 2016, check engine light back on the car needed ignition coils i purchased them. I drove 1200 miles to a wedding and car breaks down, theybtwll me to tow it to nearest dealership. My car has been there for 8 days now with noone even looking at it. Im stuck 1200 miles from home, just lost my job as a result of this, they have not even looked at the car yet. They keep telling me they're backed up and are trying to get to it as fast a possible but its been 8 days that ive been stuck out of state with no car and i have a warranty. Ive contacted corporate, they refer me to dealership in houston. They will not give me a rental or cover any expenses to have car fixed at another shop. Im still under warranty and never been late on payment. Ive had this car 11 months and it has been in shop so far for month. I need to get away from the people any help will do. The manager of jd byrider in n houston was really rude to my atty and initially refused to proved the general counsel info.


San Antonio,
Cnac repossession

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, August 03, 2015

 I have question for you does cnac/jd byrider file a judgement after repossession has been made and cat has been sold?


upside down loan with satanic CNAC

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 08, 2013

so nine days after making the biggest mistake in my life by purchasing a vehicle through cnac and jd, i was rear ended. long story short, i financed a 06 hyundai elantra that blue booked around 5700, but my loan was for $9995.00. the damages exceeded the value of the vehicle and the are recieving a check from the insurance company for around $3200.00 and are not willing to work with me time wise or adjust my payments so i can get into another vehicle and get to work and make money so i can pay these a#$holes. They have been nasty to me and are not willing to work with me and harrasing me for money i dont have because ive been paying them when i had the car. the vehicle was totaled out and im left with nothing due to the fact that the insurance company is taking the car. ive asked them if they can just wipe the 3200.00 balance clean since they wont give me time to get on my feet and still harrasment and horrible customer service, how is this right? i was ripped off on the car to begin with and was never told anything about the vehicle.


Call Your Rep--

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2013

The economy is bad right now and everyone knows it.  I would be proactive and talk to your rep.  They probably want you to stay in your car and they will probably be happy to work with you.  Give it a shot.

Vince B.

United States of America
Tylina, I need your advice!!

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 29, 2013

I'm currently financing a vehicle from JDByrider(CNAC). I've been on time with all my payments. I was laid off my job about a month ago, but I was still able to make a few payments on time. This week I'm not going to have the money to make a payment. I thought about about contacting someone at CNAC to inform them of my situation, but I know how nasty they can be and I didn't put up with that scrap!! Now I do have another job lined up but I just started and I won't get paid until next week. I'm conflicted on what to do. Should I let them know whats going on? Can they repo my car?


West Virginia,
Just came out of Bankruptcy!

#10General Comment

Wed, October 07, 2009

I just came out of bankruptcy, and wish to just pay off the crappy truck. Unfortunately got myself about 3 payments behind during all of this. I won't be able to go back making normal payments until like next month. Is there anything I can do, or am I just stuck. It was re-affirmed in the bankruptcy I think. But the problem is, I never signed a thing. I thought from what my attorney told me I have to sign a reaffirmation paper to keep the vehicle. What can I do?


Mike W.

(((ROR redacted))) I am also going to contact a attorney I believe.

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Wed, September 02, 2009

i got a van from them on aug 11 2009 and i also traded my old van in for this one and gave them $300 cash with it they gave me $500 for my van and put me in the van but not even two days later the van would not start they had it towed in and said they fixed it not only that same thing happend again like the next week  and i end up geting it start up but beside that it had a sound in the right tire sound type of clicking noise and the ac would not work and when i got the van i asked him did everything work far as ac and other e.c.t and his respond was yes so about a week ago wed i took it in and he put me in a loaner car and i had it up untill tue and i got feed up with the run around and told them wanted out of the loan they let me but what i'am not getting is the left me and my children without a van and sold mines said they we're not giving me any money back i'am on ssi and times is to hard to get messed over like that i only had the van for maybe 3weeks if that it not my problem they van and cars or juck and make the people who buy them return and they don't give you notthing come on that crap this is just part of it if you can help in anyway to sue get my money back or whatever i will apprecate it and tell you more about it this is just half of it


Record them.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 03, 2009

Buy a tape recorder and record everything they ever say to you. record phone calls, record the contract signing when starting a new loan, and make sure that when you do sign that contract, that everything is filled in. and take photos. DO NOT SIGN A CONTRACT WITH ANY BLANKS ON IT. demand to have it completely filled in prior to signing, and get a good camera to take a picture with. that way, when they try to harass you, you have records. you could easily have that person fired, and possible put in jail. as for those of you who dont have the ability to record things, i say, its time to beat some a*s. get your grandson, your husband, a guy you met at a bar to go in there and tear s**t up. they harassed you, now you harass them. of course, i would record some of their harrassment first, because you know they are gonna record that a*s beating.


New York,
New York,
Biggest rip off i have ever seen

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 07, 2004

Where should i start? ok how about From the beging. I bought the car in early 2004.(feb-mar) The car was ok shape(altho it was dark out)I had taken a beter look at and asked if i had ever been in an accedent. I was told "no it hasnt and i can show you the carfax to proveit." So i belived him and bought the car. the rear windsheild was not fitted correctly, so the molding was poping out. they said they would fix it and i was satistfied. about a week later i had to make a long trip from illinois to new york to get my belongings. and about 3/4 the way there my exaust started to get loud. so i got to ny and it was all rotted out. of coarse the warrente dose not cover that so that was $300 that was almost the entire exaust. then somthing came up so i stayed in ny and then the transmission went on me after about 3000 miles. so i got that fixed and it costed me the $75 co pay. next i find out from my g/f father (who has been an auto body guy for 25 years) that my car was in a MAJOR accedent. Not only that but it was fixed improperly. My chasis (sorry i cant spell all that well) is still bent to this day. causing other problems such as leaks and poor handling. a couple months down the road my exuast went again but not the part that i had fixed. this time it was the flex pipe, the reason for this peice busting is due to the improper fix on the chasis. well that costed another 300 bucks and about a week later my starter went that was about 400+ with labor do to the fact that the starter was welded befor(dont know how that happened? lets ask jdbyrider) so they could not give me the core depost back. besides thouse major things i have replaced the brake rotors (warped) turn signal relays and some other minor things out of my pocket. the only thing they paid was the starter. so that is the extent of how much the cars they sell suck now to price. I paid over 8000 bucks for this car that in the real world is worth (correcton would be worth if it was a good car about 2500) oh yea finacing how about paying 12000 for a car that is worth 3000 i am soo disgrunteled about this car that i can barley type this out. What else can i write thats true about this discrace of a company. oh how about me sending my payments ontime every 2 weeks and the one week that it had a problem in the MAIL i was called 2 times a day untill i decied to pay it on my credit card. I can go on and on but why make you suffer for their lack of Good buisnesship. lol brian


CNAC Dishonest, Theives

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 16, 2004

I bought a car from JD Byrider about three years ago now. I am a single parent and had just started a new job. My original cars engine had went and I had 300 dollars in my pocket and no credit. I went to JD Byrider cause they promised that they could get me in a car and would help me fix my credit and as long as my payments where in on time in a year and a half I could trade the car in anywhere and be on my way to better credit. Well that wasnt the case. So after I got the car I noticed that it stayed on the hot side if it idled to long. When I took it in for my oil change they claimed that there was nothing wrong with it and not to worry. Even though after there so called look into the problem it still did it. I would make a lot of trips to columbus,ohio due to me and my family moving and on the way home we noticed steam coming from the engine. At first we thought it was maybe the water pump so we just watched it all the way back to Ashtabula. The next day my boyfriend took it to a auto service center and had it checked out. Come to find out they had sold me a car that the seal around the engine was warped and that my heads were also possible warped. A car dealership was offering a 3000 dollar trade in on all cars no matter what condition so I take it in and tried to get a new car. I was approved as long as CNAC would take the by out. Now mind you that I had to put a thousand dollars down on this vehicle and had been paying on it for about 7-8 months. When I contacted CNAC and asked for a buy out price and then informed them that I was trying to give them a 3000 dollar buy out they wouldnt take it because they would be losing out on 2500 dollars that would have been left after they buy out. So I got stuck again with this car that the engine could go at anytime and they didnt even care. Now, I drive over a hundred miles a day to work and back. I didnt realize that my warranty was up due to milege and since I was stuck with this care I called to get it renewed cause I new I was going to need it due to the condition of this car. When I called they claimed that you have to renew it 30 days before it runs out. I went through all my paperwork and never once found that statement, so once again I was screwed with this car. During the time I had this car I also had other problems for one I was buying front tires for this car everymonth. I had front end alignments on it quit a few times. But a couple of days later it was like I never had it fixed. So now Im buying tires every month, have no warranty and to fix the engine is going to cost me 900 dollars that I dont have. But what choice did I have I was stuck and they new it and didnt care. I ended up having this car for almost a year and a half and I took my car once again and tried to trade it in to get rid of it and get me a quality car. The first lot said they would finance me but could not and would not do anything with my car because it was a JD Byrider car and that there was a class action law suit against them and that I should just take the car to them and leave it in there parking lot. Still to this day I can not find out about this law suit. I also looked at another dealership they didnt know about the law suit cause I did ask but they were also in a different county. Anyway I take my car in and they look at it ask me how much I have to put down and we go from there. I test drive a car and they do there appraisal. I get back to the dealership and they say that the car is only worth maybe 50 dollars and thats being generous. Later after I purchase a new vehicle from this lot I ask the man whether me buying this car actually helped my credit or not and all he would say was that JD Byrider got more out of this deal than I did. Now a year later they are trying to sue me. I took the car to them and left it in there parking lot. I got a letter a long time ago that they sold that car at auction for only 5 dollars and now they want me to pay them 5200 dollars for the car. Now Im probably going to have to file bankruptcy to save myself from these people. Cause I refuse to pay for a care that was only worth 5 dollars in the first place. I strongly hope that someone will finally be able to help us against this company who feed on innocent people and really in the end hurt them more than they do help.


CNAC Dishonest, Theives

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 16, 2004

I bought a car from JD Byrider about three years ago now. I am a single parent and had just started a new job. My original cars engine had went and I had 300 dollars in my pocket and no credit. I went to JD Byrider cause they promised that they could get me in a car and would help me fix my credit and as long as my payments where in on time in a year and a half I could trade the car in anywhere and be on my way to better credit. Well that wasnt the case. So after I got the car I noticed that it stayed on the hot side if it idled to long. When I took it in for my oil change they claimed that there was nothing wrong with it and not to worry. Even though after there so called look into the problem it still did it. I would make a lot of trips to columbus,ohio due to me and my family moving and on the way home we noticed steam coming from the engine. At first we thought it was maybe the water pump so we just watched it all the way back to Ashtabula. The next day my boyfriend took it to a auto service center and had it checked out. Come to find out they had sold me a car that the seal around the engine was warped and that my heads were also possible warped. A car dealership was offering a 3000 dollar trade in on all cars no matter what condition so I take it in and tried to get a new car. I was approved as long as CNAC would take the by out. Now mind you that I had to put a thousand dollars down on this vehicle and had been paying on it for about 7-8 months. When I contacted CNAC and asked for a buy out price and then informed them that I was trying to give them a 3000 dollar buy out they wouldnt take it because they would be losing out on 2500 dollars that would have been left after they buy out. So I got stuck again with this car that the engine could go at anytime and they didnt even care. Now, I drive over a hundred miles a day to work and back. I didnt realize that my warranty was up due to milege and since I was stuck with this care I called to get it renewed cause I new I was going to need it due to the condition of this car. When I called they claimed that you have to renew it 30 days before it runs out. I went through all my paperwork and never once found that statement, so once again I was screwed with this car. During the time I had this car I also had other problems for one I was buying front tires for this car everymonth. I had front end alignments on it quit a few times. But a couple of days later it was like I never had it fixed. So now Im buying tires every month, have no warranty and to fix the engine is going to cost me 900 dollars that I dont have. But what choice did I have I was stuck and they new it and didnt care. I ended up having this car for almost a year and a half and I took my car once again and tried to trade it in to get rid of it and get me a quality car. The first lot said they would finance me but could not and would not do anything with my car because it was a JD Byrider car and that there was a class action law suit against them and that I should just take the car to them and leave it in there parking lot. Still to this day I can not find out about this law suit. I also looked at another dealership they didnt know about the law suit cause I did ask but they were also in a different county. Anyway I take my car in and they look at it ask me how much I have to put down and we go from there. I test drive a car and they do there appraisal. I get back to the dealership and they say that the car is only worth maybe 50 dollars and thats being generous. Later after I purchase a new vehicle from this lot I ask the man whether me buying this car actually helped my credit or not and all he would say was that JD Byrider got more out of this deal than I did. Now a year later they are trying to sue me. I took the car to them and left it in there parking lot. I got a letter a long time ago that they sold that car at auction for only 5 dollars and now they want me to pay them 5200 dollars for the car. Now Im probably going to have to file bankruptcy to save myself from these people. Cause I refuse to pay for a care that was only worth 5 dollars in the first place. I strongly hope that someone will finally be able to help us against this company who feed on innocent people and really in the end hurt them more than they do help.


CNAC Dishonest, Theives

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 16, 2004

I bought a car from JD Byrider about three years ago now. I am a single parent and had just started a new job. My original cars engine had went and I had 300 dollars in my pocket and no credit. I went to JD Byrider cause they promised that they could get me in a car and would help me fix my credit and as long as my payments where in on time in a year and a half I could trade the car in anywhere and be on my way to better credit. Well that wasnt the case. So after I got the car I noticed that it stayed on the hot side if it idled to long. When I took it in for my oil change they claimed that there was nothing wrong with it and not to worry. Even though after there so called look into the problem it still did it. I would make a lot of trips to columbus,ohio due to me and my family moving and on the way home we noticed steam coming from the engine. At first we thought it was maybe the water pump so we just watched it all the way back to Ashtabula. The next day my boyfriend took it to a auto service center and had it checked out. Come to find out they had sold me a car that the seal around the engine was warped and that my heads were also possible warped. A car dealership was offering a 3000 dollar trade in on all cars no matter what condition so I take it in and tried to get a new car. I was approved as long as CNAC would take the by out. Now mind you that I had to put a thousand dollars down on this vehicle and had been paying on it for about 7-8 months. When I contacted CNAC and asked for a buy out price and then informed them that I was trying to give them a 3000 dollar buy out they wouldnt take it because they would be losing out on 2500 dollars that would have been left after they buy out. So I got stuck again with this car that the engine could go at anytime and they didnt even care. Now, I drive over a hundred miles a day to work and back. I didnt realize that my warranty was up due to milege and since I was stuck with this care I called to get it renewed cause I new I was going to need it due to the condition of this car. When I called they claimed that you have to renew it 30 days before it runs out. I went through all my paperwork and never once found that statement, so once again I was screwed with this car. During the time I had this car I also had other problems for one I was buying front tires for this car everymonth. I had front end alignments on it quit a few times. But a couple of days later it was like I never had it fixed. So now Im buying tires every month, have no warranty and to fix the engine is going to cost me 900 dollars that I dont have. But what choice did I have I was stuck and they new it and didnt care. I ended up having this car for almost a year and a half and I took my car once again and tried to trade it in to get rid of it and get me a quality car. The first lot said they would finance me but could not and would not do anything with my car because it was a JD Byrider car and that there was a class action law suit against them and that I should just take the car to them and leave it in there parking lot. Still to this day I can not find out about this law suit. I also looked at another dealership they didnt know about the law suit cause I did ask but they were also in a different county. Anyway I take my car in and they look at it ask me how much I have to put down and we go from there. I test drive a car and they do there appraisal. I get back to the dealership and they say that the car is only worth maybe 50 dollars and thats being generous. Later after I purchase a new vehicle from this lot I ask the man whether me buying this car actually helped my credit or not and all he would say was that JD Byrider got more out of this deal than I did. Now a year later they are trying to sue me. I took the car to them and left it in there parking lot. I got a letter a long time ago that they sold that car at auction for only 5 dollars and now they want me to pay them 5200 dollars for the car. Now Im probably going to have to file bankruptcy to save myself from these people. Cause I refuse to pay for a care that was only worth 5 dollars in the first place. I strongly hope that someone will finally be able to help us against this company who feed on innocent people and really in the end hurt them more than they do help.


Harassment by CNAC

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2004

HI, I am not sure if you can help me or not. I recently purchased a car from JD Byrider in Maumee, Ohio. When I was filling out the paper work I told them that I got paid on the 15gth and last day of every month. I told them this at least 3 times. They then proceeded to write up the contract...and we agreed to bi monthly payments or so I thought....They are now saying that I agreed to Bi-weekly, which is fine, and I am having to make up some slack to get on their schedule, and sometimes I run maybe a day late. Well, the financial manager at CNAC calls me and harrasses me, calls me at work even though I have repeatedly asked him not to. He is verbally abusive, calls me names, calls my place of employment and requests to speak to my supervisor, threatens me, etc. He has called me a deadbeat, a stupid b****, and left many intimidating messages on my voice mail. I have requested a copy of the Video that is taken of the signing of the contract but to no avail as of yet, because I know on this video I told him that I got paid the 15th and 30th of every month, and he took the liberty of changing that on the contract. Last month, when my payment was due, he started harrassing me at work, so I sent him a letter requesting that he not call me at work, so then he proceeded to start calling my cell phone every 3-5 minutes, over and over and over for at least 30 minutes. Then he bagan to call my home, blocking the number using *67 so I would not know it was him. I have been having oil leaks and issues, so now my car is in for repair, and the payment was "Due" yesterday. When i called this am to check on the status (they have had it since Friday) they put Dave the manager on the phone and he said that I would not get my car back unless i made the payments when I agreed to them and hung up on me. I called the service dept back and told them that I would make the payment when I came ot pick up the car and theyw ere very nice about it. Is there any recourse for a consumer who is constantly harrassed, verbally abused, called names, intimidated, etc, by this guy? I have only had this car since July, 2004. I made the first 2 deferred downpayments as instructed, with no harrassment, but as soon as the first payment was due and I was not there on a Sunday to pay it, the abuse started the next day. Thank you


Harassment by CNAC

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2004

HI, I am not sure if you can help me or not. I recently purchased a car from JD Byrider in Maumee, Ohio. When I was filling out the paper work I told them that I got paid on the 15gth and last day of every month. I told them this at least 3 times. They then proceeded to write up the contract...and we agreed to bi monthly payments or so I thought....They are now saying that I agreed to Bi-weekly, which is fine, and I am having to make up some slack to get on their schedule, and sometimes I run maybe a day late. Well, the financial manager at CNAC calls me and harrasses me, calls me at work even though I have repeatedly asked him not to. He is verbally abusive, calls me names, calls my place of employment and requests to speak to my supervisor, threatens me, etc. He has called me a deadbeat, a stupid b****, and left many intimidating messages on my voice mail. I have requested a copy of the Video that is taken of the signing of the contract but to no avail as of yet, because I know on this video I told him that I got paid the 15th and 30th of every month, and he took the liberty of changing that on the contract. Last month, when my payment was due, he started harrassing me at work, so I sent him a letter requesting that he not call me at work, so then he proceeded to start calling my cell phone every 3-5 minutes, over and over and over for at least 30 minutes. Then he bagan to call my home, blocking the number using *67 so I would not know it was him. I have been having oil leaks and issues, so now my car is in for repair, and the payment was "Due" yesterday. When i called this am to check on the status (they have had it since Friday) they put Dave the manager on the phone and he said that I would not get my car back unless i made the payments when I agreed to them and hung up on me. I called the service dept back and told them that I would make the payment when I came ot pick up the car and theyw ere very nice about it. Is there any recourse for a consumer who is constantly harrassed, verbally abused, called names, intimidated, etc, by this guy? I have only had this car since July, 2004. I made the first 2 deferred downpayments as instructed, with no harrassment, but as soon as the first payment was due and I was not there on a Sunday to pay it, the abuse started the next day. Thank you


Harassment by CNAC

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2004

HI, I am not sure if you can help me or not. I recently purchased a car from JD Byrider in Maumee, Ohio. When I was filling out the paper work I told them that I got paid on the 15gth and last day of every month. I told them this at least 3 times. They then proceeded to write up the contract...and we agreed to bi monthly payments or so I thought....They are now saying that I agreed to Bi-weekly, which is fine, and I am having to make up some slack to get on their schedule, and sometimes I run maybe a day late. Well, the financial manager at CNAC calls me and harrasses me, calls me at work even though I have repeatedly asked him not to. He is verbally abusive, calls me names, calls my place of employment and requests to speak to my supervisor, threatens me, etc. He has called me a deadbeat, a stupid b****, and left many intimidating messages on my voice mail. I have requested a copy of the Video that is taken of the signing of the contract but to no avail as of yet, because I know on this video I told him that I got paid the 15th and 30th of every month, and he took the liberty of changing that on the contract. Last month, when my payment was due, he started harrassing me at work, so I sent him a letter requesting that he not call me at work, so then he proceeded to start calling my cell phone every 3-5 minutes, over and over and over for at least 30 minutes. Then he bagan to call my home, blocking the number using *67 so I would not know it was him. I have been having oil leaks and issues, so now my car is in for repair, and the payment was "Due" yesterday. When i called this am to check on the status (they have had it since Friday) they put Dave the manager on the phone and he said that I would not get my car back unless i made the payments when I agreed to them and hung up on me. I called the service dept back and told them that I would make the payment when I came ot pick up the car and theyw ere very nice about it. Is there any recourse for a consumer who is constantly harrassed, verbally abused, called names, intimidated, etc, by this guy? I have only had this car since July, 2004. I made the first 2 deferred downpayments as instructed, with no harrassment, but as soon as the first payment was due and I was not there on a Sunday to pay it, the abuse started the next day. Thank you


Harassment by CNAC

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2004

HI, I am not sure if you can help me or not. I recently purchased a car from JD Byrider in Maumee, Ohio. When I was filling out the paper work I told them that I got paid on the 15gth and last day of every month. I told them this at least 3 times. They then proceeded to write up the contract...and we agreed to bi monthly payments or so I thought....They are now saying that I agreed to Bi-weekly, which is fine, and I am having to make up some slack to get on their schedule, and sometimes I run maybe a day late. Well, the financial manager at CNAC calls me and harrasses me, calls me at work even though I have repeatedly asked him not to. He is verbally abusive, calls me names, calls my place of employment and requests to speak to my supervisor, threatens me, etc. He has called me a deadbeat, a stupid b****, and left many intimidating messages on my voice mail. I have requested a copy of the Video that is taken of the signing of the contract but to no avail as of yet, because I know on this video I told him that I got paid the 15th and 30th of every month, and he took the liberty of changing that on the contract. Last month, when my payment was due, he started harrassing me at work, so I sent him a letter requesting that he not call me at work, so then he proceeded to start calling my cell phone every 3-5 minutes, over and over and over for at least 30 minutes. Then he bagan to call my home, blocking the number using *67 so I would not know it was him. I have been having oil leaks and issues, so now my car is in for repair, and the payment was "Due" yesterday. When i called this am to check on the status (they have had it since Friday) they put Dave the manager on the phone and he said that I would not get my car back unless i made the payments when I agreed to them and hung up on me. I called the service dept back and told them that I would make the payment when I came ot pick up the car and theyw ere very nice about it. Is there any recourse for a consumer who is constantly harrassed, verbally abused, called names, intimidated, etc, by this guy? I have only had this car since July, 2004. I made the first 2 deferred downpayments as instructed, with no harrassment, but as soon as the first payment was due and I was not there on a Sunday to pay it, the abuse started the next day. Thank you


please help

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 07, 2004

this is the letter i wrote to the corporate since then (2 days) the gaskets in the head are blown so i realy want to turn this junker in but i am afraid they will go after me... To Whom It May concern I bought a 96 Dodge caravan from JD Byrider in Emmaus. It has been absolutely a nightmare, I called them a week after I had it and told them my trans was slipping and they told me yo tow it in. I got a call the next day and they said nothing was wrong with it. I picked the car up and to make a short story sweet........ The trans went the next day they made me pay for towing once again they had it sor 2 months to fix and lied and said(tommorow for about a month) it would be fixed i went up there a couple times to see it sitting in the parking lotwhen it should actualy have been in the garage with the wheels off cause that is what they told me they were doing after 1 1/2 months it was "finaly fixed" i got 1/2 mile down the road and the transmission wouldnt shiftand had to bring it back the next day they informed me thatit was fixed but theybroke a sensor and also put a filter on it and it would have to come back exactley 30 days to remove it the van still ran horrible and i called back for my appointment and no one would take me into get it removed finaly we yelled and screames and i finaly gota appointmentwith these incopatent people they lied about what they did to the car and conveintley lost all the paper work and said there computer lost all there information the van was running horrible once again and they replaced the sensor but BROKE the fan i got a summons that they were riding in my van and didnt have a insurance card so i got a 385. ticket i talked to the police officer and he will testify to this they put on a extra 100 miles in my car and when i called Randy (manager) he said that the guy took it home with him because he had to drive it at least 80 miles to pass inspection i called the place that past the emissions and they said it had to be driven at 55 mph for at least 6 miles (big difference the manager Randy told me to drive it for a while and see if runs ok if not they would talk it back when i went back cause everything they fixed does NOT work they told me no deal anyway now that i have vented and i know nothing will probaly become of this i just wanted to have proof for the bbb and attorney general that i tried to resolve this, have a great day sincerely, Michelle


Layed off and vehicle seized!!!!!!!!

#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 06, 2004

Hi I am writing about an experience I had a couple of years ago with the J D Byrider company. First of all I went and purchased a vehicle and everything was fine for the first month or so,untill I had an accident and totalled the vehicle. I had full coverage insurance mind you and the vehicle was an 1995 grand am the accident happened in 2002 ,the insurance paid what the car was valued at like around four thousand leaving me owing a substantial amount. So when I spoke with JD Byrider they told me I would have to come and purchase another vehicle from them to reliquish my debt. I went to purchase another vehicle because I had to have an vehicle for work transportation when I got there I had like three vehicles to choose from because they were adding what was left of my old debt on top of my new one. I was like fine cause I really needed a vehicle for work and wanted get my credit straighten out so anyways like a month later, I was layed off from work, but I had never missed a payment and had money saved up to pay like the next six months they had called my job and found out on their own saying they do that month to month to verify employment. They told me they would no longer accept my payments because I had to redo my budget I couldn't understand their reson's for that and because live like an over an hour away didn't have the time to spend another eight hours with re-doing my budget. Two weeks later they repo-ed the vehicle. What can I do to get this off my credit record?



#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 15, 2004

I Need Help. MY husband purchased a car that was three times what it was worth from CNAC (JD Byryder), but he did not know, he just needed a car quick. It was purchased in Columbus approx 2 years ago. He lost his job in March 2004, which I called and told them and since then we have had hell! We have been harassed by a rep named Howard, he has called my relatives constantly. He is now calling my mother's church because I called them from there one time and I guess they have caller ID. I have requested that he stop but he refuses to do so. Now I am working because my husband can not find a decent paying job so I am paying that bill. When I informed Howard of this fact he totally trashed my husband, called him a deadbeat. He said he was not a man because his wife had to pay his bills, etc. Trust me, I told him off and told him not to call me again. if I pay, I pay if I don't, I don't. I have called several times to have Howard taken off my account and to complain about him and was informed that they can do and say what ever they want because they are not governed by anybody. Now when Howard calls and I answer the phone he hangs up. Something has to be done. I am very tempted to file bankruptcy because they could never find my car if I choose to hide it. But I really do not want to do that. Can they be sued for false advertisement? They do not help people they harass and imbarass people. What I really need is help to get them to stop calling my mother's church.



#24Author of original report

Thu, August 12, 2004

Paul, They do have loaner cars. The people they give loaners to are the ones who threaten to walk away and let them keep the car. It's risky, but the bottom line is they need to get you back in the car and get you to paqy to make any money on the loan. The squeaky wheels get the loaner cars. Who is your Collector on the account? Call them and say what's going on and tell them you are going to walk away and take a reposession on the loan. The collector only makes a bonus check if your loan is current and they have a goal on how many cars that can come back as a repo. The collector will be the one to go complain about service for you as well to keep you making your payments on time. It has always been a battle between service keeping cars running, CNAC collecting the loan on time and avoiding repo's and the lot making the sale. It is all a big inner struggle. I think my advice will work for you because i have seen this happen over and over. I was a collector before I became the manager. I faught for loaners to keep my people in their car to make a bonus check all the time. Let me know how it plays out.


On a positive note

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

I know that many people have been ripped off by JD Byrider. I mean, all you have to do is read the long list of rip-offs on this site. However, I want to express that as consumers of JD Byrider, we have never experienced any of these type of stories (knocks on wood). Our JD Byrider is located in St. Clairsville, OH. Late last week, my wife's overdrive light came on, and only $1200 was owed on the 1995 Mazda 626 for payoff. We decided to go with a local dealership (offering 3000 trade in for any used car). We were approved yesterday for a car loan at a local dealership (2003 Pontiac Vibe 26K miles). It has been 24 hours since our purchase, 48 hours since I called JD Byrider for the payoff amount. We have received no phone calls, no one has come to our house to repossess my vehicle (we had 2 from JD Byrider - now just my car). I am not saying your stories are false. My wife and I just have had a better and more positive experience. It may be true that it is too early in this "game" to determine if anything like these stories will happen to us, but these folks in St. Clairsville, OH have been very nice to us (except for one of the tellers always forgetting our name LOL). All of our payments have been on time, we only had two delays - one of them was a check that bounced and I knew we had the money for it, and when I was informed of it I immediately withdrew the money and paid cash (it was a bank error where I made the deposit to cover the check, but the bank still refused the check due to funds availability - even though I used to work as a teller and was told that deposits ALWAYS come before withdraws). A second time was when our neighborhood was under 4 feet of snow, and work crews didn't even start on the US route roads the day payment was due. We have had a positive experience from JD Byrider. I think a lot of this has to do with the personality of the people who own a specific franchise. From what I have read, some of your experiences are related to people on staff at JD Byrider / CNAC who are just mean spirited and cold -hearted business loan sharks. That is not the experience that we have received from our local JD Byrider in St. Clairsville (by the way, we recently moved as of July 1, and they are no longer "local" to us, but still have one car from them). All I am going to close with is if you are buying from JD Byrider, please keep in mind that you may be "purchasing" the staff too. If at any reason you feel uncomfortable, just get out of the office before they lock you in on a deal. My wife and I were very fortunate, because the staff at JD Byrider in St. Clairsville has been nothing but a positive experience.


On a positive note

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

I know that many people have been ripped off by JD Byrider. I mean, all you have to do is read the long list of rip-offs on this site. However, I want to express that as consumers of JD Byrider, we have never experienced any of these type of stories (knocks on wood). Our JD Byrider is located in St. Clairsville, OH. Late last week, my wife's overdrive light came on, and only $1200 was owed on the 1995 Mazda 626 for payoff. We decided to go with a local dealership (offering 3000 trade in for any used car). We were approved yesterday for a car loan at a local dealership (2003 Pontiac Vibe 26K miles). It has been 24 hours since our purchase, 48 hours since I called JD Byrider for the payoff amount. We have received no phone calls, no one has come to our house to repossess my vehicle (we had 2 from JD Byrider - now just my car). I am not saying your stories are false. My wife and I just have had a better and more positive experience. It may be true that it is too early in this "game" to determine if anything like these stories will happen to us, but these folks in St. Clairsville, OH have been very nice to us (except for one of the tellers always forgetting our name LOL). All of our payments have been on time, we only had two delays - one of them was a check that bounced and I knew we had the money for it, and when I was informed of it I immediately withdrew the money and paid cash (it was a bank error where I made the deposit to cover the check, but the bank still refused the check due to funds availability - even though I used to work as a teller and was told that deposits ALWAYS come before withdraws). A second time was when our neighborhood was under 4 feet of snow, and work crews didn't even start on the US route roads the day payment was due. We have had a positive experience from JD Byrider. I think a lot of this has to do with the personality of the people who own a specific franchise. From what I have read, some of your experiences are related to people on staff at JD Byrider / CNAC who are just mean spirited and cold -hearted business loan sharks. That is not the experience that we have received from our local JD Byrider in St. Clairsville (by the way, we recently moved as of July 1, and they are no longer "local" to us, but still have one car from them). All I am going to close with is if you are buying from JD Byrider, please keep in mind that you may be "purchasing" the staff too. If at any reason you feel uncomfortable, just get out of the office before they lock you in on a deal. My wife and I were very fortunate, because the staff at JD Byrider in St. Clairsville has been nothing but a positive experience.


On a positive note

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

I know that many people have been ripped off by JD Byrider. I mean, all you have to do is read the long list of rip-offs on this site. However, I want to express that as consumers of JD Byrider, we have never experienced any of these type of stories (knocks on wood). Our JD Byrider is located in St. Clairsville, OH. Late last week, my wife's overdrive light came on, and only $1200 was owed on the 1995 Mazda 626 for payoff. We decided to go with a local dealership (offering 3000 trade in for any used car). We were approved yesterday for a car loan at a local dealership (2003 Pontiac Vibe 26K miles). It has been 24 hours since our purchase, 48 hours since I called JD Byrider for the payoff amount. We have received no phone calls, no one has come to our house to repossess my vehicle (we had 2 from JD Byrider - now just my car). I am not saying your stories are false. My wife and I just have had a better and more positive experience. It may be true that it is too early in this "game" to determine if anything like these stories will happen to us, but these folks in St. Clairsville, OH have been very nice to us (except for one of the tellers always forgetting our name LOL). All of our payments have been on time, we only had two delays - one of them was a check that bounced and I knew we had the money for it, and when I was informed of it I immediately withdrew the money and paid cash (it was a bank error where I made the deposit to cover the check, but the bank still refused the check due to funds availability - even though I used to work as a teller and was told that deposits ALWAYS come before withdraws). A second time was when our neighborhood was under 4 feet of snow, and work crews didn't even start on the US route roads the day payment was due. We have had a positive experience from JD Byrider. I think a lot of this has to do with the personality of the people who own a specific franchise. From what I have read, some of your experiences are related to people on staff at JD Byrider / CNAC who are just mean spirited and cold -hearted business loan sharks. That is not the experience that we have received from our local JD Byrider in St. Clairsville (by the way, we recently moved as of July 1, and they are no longer "local" to us, but still have one car from them). All I am going to close with is if you are buying from JD Byrider, please keep in mind that you may be "purchasing" the staff too. If at any reason you feel uncomfortable, just get out of the office before they lock you in on a deal. My wife and I were very fortunate, because the staff at JD Byrider in St. Clairsville has been nothing but a positive experience.


On a positive note

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2004

I know that many people have been ripped off by JD Byrider. I mean, all you have to do is read the long list of rip-offs on this site. However, I want to express that as consumers of JD Byrider, we have never experienced any of these type of stories (knocks on wood). Our JD Byrider is located in St. Clairsville, OH. Late last week, my wife's overdrive light came on, and only $1200 was owed on the 1995 Mazda 626 for payoff. We decided to go with a local dealership (offering 3000 trade in for any used car). We were approved yesterday for a car loan at a local dealership (2003 Pontiac Vibe 26K miles). It has been 24 hours since our purchase, 48 hours since I called JD Byrider for the payoff amount. We have received no phone calls, no one has come to our house to repossess my vehicle (we had 2 from JD Byrider - now just my car). I am not saying your stories are false. My wife and I just have had a better and more positive experience. It may be true that it is too early in this "game" to determine if anything like these stories will happen to us, but these folks in St. Clairsville, OH have been very nice to us (except for one of the tellers always forgetting our name LOL). All of our payments have been on time, we only had two delays - one of them was a check that bounced and I knew we had the money for it, and when I was informed of it I immediately withdrew the money and paid cash (it was a bank error where I made the deposit to cover the check, but the bank still refused the check due to funds availability - even though I used to work as a teller and was told that deposits ALWAYS come before withdraws). A second time was when our neighborhood was under 4 feet of snow, and work crews didn't even start on the US route roads the day payment was due. We have had a positive experience from JD Byrider. I think a lot of this has to do with the personality of the people who own a specific franchise. From what I have read, some of your experiences are related to people on staff at JD Byrider / CNAC who are just mean spirited and cold -hearted business loan sharks. That is not the experience that we have received from our local JD Byrider in St. Clairsville (by the way, we recently moved as of July 1, and they are no longer "local" to us, but still have one car from them). All I am going to close with is if you are buying from JD Byrider, please keep in mind that you may be "purchasing" the staff too. If at any reason you feel uncomfortable, just get out of the office before they lock you in on a deal. My wife and I were very fortunate, because the staff at JD Byrider in St. Clairsville has been nothing but a positive experience.


JD Byrider - Repairs - Does it really take 9 days?

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, August 10, 2004

Tylina: I have bought a car from JD Byrider 3 months ago. All my oayments have been on time. Since I have had my car, I have had to fix the a/c ($90), replace the fuel pump ($650) and now I have a blown head gasket. The blown head gasket is covered under warranty to which I will have to pay a $75 deductible. However, I was initially told they would only need my car for 2 days. I am forced to rent a car because JD Byrider does not give out loaners probably because they would have no cars left if they did. I dropped off my car today and now I was told it would be about 9 days before my car is ready. So now I have to pay an additional $200 for a rental car. Can I be lehgally force them to reimburse me for my rental car? 9 days seems like an extraordinary long time to have a car to make this kind of repair.


Hope to resolve problem with D Byrider

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, July 19, 2004

Tylina: Thank you for your quick response. JD Byrider can notrepo the car as they have signed off of the title and told me and my wifethey no longer have any claim to the car. It was deemed totaled by the insurance company due to storm damage. I bought the car fro the insurance company, JD Byrider signed off of the title then threatened my self and my wife hat payments must be made or they will take us to court. They did not do repair work that it was taken to their shop for. My selfnd my wife went to JD Byrider and requested to see all the paper work reguarding the car and to speak about the abusive calls I was recieving from one of the many new account managers they assigned o my account who has no clue as o what is going on!. Then the account manager we were dealing with (The Head Honcho) kicked me and my wife out of the building. Nice way to treat your customers. This is a long complicated story. Would like to speak or E-mail you directly if at all possible. Thank You


Here's a few suggestions

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 18, 2004

Gene, Put them on notice in writing per registered mail not to call you at home or at work. Also, put in the letter that they are not to call any of your references at all, per FDCPA federal laws. Secondly, go on line and file a complaint with the attorney general and the Better Business Bureau. They will have to respond to stay in good standing with the two agencies. A series of complaints to the attorney general could ignite a class action lawsuit. Two things you will be risking by doing this... 1) they will probably not bend over backwards to help you with any service issues. 2) if you get behind on your payments and they are not allowed to contact you, then they may decide to repo your car more quickly. If they repo your car, you have 15 days to redeem it but you have to catch up and typically pay a month in advance. Let me know if you have any other questions. Typically, they HAVE to reposess a car by the time it is 99 days delinquent. That is the maximum you would ever be able to keep their car before they repo it. They lose when they repo your car so usually they try to avoid that unless it gets personal.


Hope to resolve problem wth JD Byrider aka CNAC

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Tylina: I have been reading these rip-off reports. I find myself in the same situation as most all complaintants. I need information that you may have on taking these (people) down for their lies, rude behavior and threats. Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated as I am retaining a laywer to deal with the Harold Ziegler Auto group division of Jd Byrider aka CNAC. Thank You.


Tylina!! HELP ME! It was by pure luck I stumbled upon your response.

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, May 18, 2004

Tylina, It was by pure luck I stumbled upon your response. I recently recieved a card from CNAC, offering me a 12000 credit limit. I'm looking for a car, but. . . I only have about 500$ cash. I've read the CNAC/JD Byrider horror stories, and am wondering. . . Would I be better off taking that 500ish$ and getting a cheap cheap car from a private owner, or would I be better off using it as a downpayment, with the 'pre approved' amount from CNAC at JD Byrider? Thanks sooo Much.

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