  • Report:  #404910

Complaint Review: Landmark Education Forum And Advanced Course - San Fransisco California

Reported By:
- Paris, Texas,

Landmark Education Forum And Advanced Course
www.landmarkeducation.com San Fransisco, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I happened to take landmark education forum and advanced course in India. My friend who had many ill judgements about me decided to correct me by taking me there.

They threaten your very exitence in this world and make u beleive that u r wrong always...then they say...there is no right no wrong. To prove the side of the story, they are very particular to choose the type of participants to share a given topic to prove their point. For example, they chose a school immatured girl of 15 yrs to prove that people misunderstand the behaviour of their parents!!!!

If you have any problem related to ur health is because u have certain incompletions with ur relations!!!! no biology, no medicines needed just go and complete the relations..

If your girl friend promised to marry you and she left you to marry someone else..then they will shout and humilate you to go to that person and say that its ur mistake not hers...

If you been raped by a man four times...the leader will shout. "so what!!!!!" He will prove you are more corrupt than that rapist..so go and 'complete' with that person and say 'you' not 'he' is responsible for that!!

If you stand to ask any question,, the leader will humilate and criticise..

and yes...the people who take you there, they will constantly ask you what u felt..and if u say..i m not comfortable..it would certainly mean that you did not get it and therefore you need to do another course and if even after that if 'u dont get it' means your past and strong suit is blocking you. complete and clear urself...

Within this drama.. many people do realise their mistakes but many loose the ground and become totally insane and confused!!!!

Within each session, there would be brainwashed tactics and blackmails to call other participants into that and register for courses.

Now the advance course!!

just the repitition of the forum with little more philosophical. and yes..even u know them..u r wrong.. because you are always wrong remember only they are right.."You are an a*s from the groundhole"

Your advance course main success depends on how many people u can bring to sessions and seminars to enrol..and if you dont..means u r failure and u cant do that course.

Many people do get peace at that time. realise their mistakes..but all temporary...since you will be made permanent insane and confused!!!!! and no questions..since whatever u say is a racket....and strong suit...

Life is empty and meaningless.. so sometimes..sex is not love..sometimes.. love is sex..and sometimes...'so what' if ur partner cheated you..and if he/she cheated..its ur story..she just slept with other guy and u called her cheating..go and complete and say "I m responsible not you" because you r more corrupt than her and if u say i dont do corruption..and ur true heart knows u r honest..to commitments at least..you r justifying urself and hence get humilated in public. If u say u r humilated, its ur past and racket..

Now see how people behave there. If they give you certain advice..its their stand!!! and if they make some good comments of motivation to enrol people in course..its their "creation".

People who have done landmark have own language and they strictly beleive that thier language is only right language and all other courses and teachings of the world is useless.. You think you know everything???

I strongly advice to Just be yourself, peep inside yourself and help yourself improve..nvr nvr go to this cult education it has nothing to do to solve your problem but would just threaten your existence. people who are followers of landmark reading this statement..would say that u need to do next course and ur past is before you just complete it. how to complete it is to melt ur self respect since there is no difference between morality and lies, ego and self respect, right and wrong in a given situation,

People who recommend you are dubious and secretive. They will nvr say what they want but will play games and blames.. act and then say 'wolrd is nothing'

Its a professionally marketing firm where strategy is 'forced and given word in mouth that u have to vomit with enrolment to people to get them registered with landmark' and then dont say its marketing since landmark is above all religion, business .. Forum leader is your God. If he shouts, he is enrolling you and if u shout, you are egoistic. So dont say anything about them.

They make people emotional and you are transformed on one night time of third day..and leader will declare you r transformed!!!! what a nonsense and this is true since leader is always right.

Totally dubious and nonsense humilating baseless course to waste ur time and money. Avoid people who been blind followers of this snce they themselves dont know to what extent they r trapped.

Inspite of being toughest person in my life, I got emotional and brainwashed after attending the forum and to save my face I did the mistake of praising the course in public inside the forum. I regained myself gradually after about a month.

The followers of this 'religion' are so engrossed and 'enrolled' in their terminology that they wont accept a single criticism by you for them.

Remember, its a pure cult, trained leaders to strategically hypnotise and confuse people. France has banned this course and since many people are not able to express with authenticity of their achievements from this course since they get trapped emotinally and mentally, I think many other countries are not able to ban them.

Just be aware of this new religion called landmark education

Dilip ****

Paris, Texas


2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2General Comment

Tue, November 30, 2010

It is difficult to take any of what you wrote as worthwhile when you write cutesy fashionable constructions like "in this world and make u beleive that u r wrong always."

Perhaps this will make you credible with the soul patch and neck tattoo crowd but for those who have read anthing written before 2009, it saps away any semblance of intelligence that may be in what you wrote (whatever that may have been...I quit after the first sentences.)


San Francisco,
This was not my experience at all

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2008

I recently took the Landmark Forum course, and the report above was so at odds with my own experience that I felt compelled to respond. Although the above report is somewhat incoherent, two things that I noticed the reporter saying were that 1) they found the course humiliating, and 2) they found it to be religious in nature. I didn't find the course to be humiliating in the slightest, in fact, I found that it had deep respect and compassion for people and what we have to deal with in life. One tenet of the course seemed to be that while we aren't responsible for everything that happens to us, we are 100% responsible for how we deal with what happens to us. I could see how someone could find it upsetting if they confuse these two ideas. As to the course being religious in nature, I can only scratch my head and wonder if the person took the same course I did. There was no mention of religion in the course, unless someone taking it was dealing with religion in their own life. I saw religious and non-religious people alike get a lot out of it. Finally, this report seems based on the customer simply liking the course - I don't see how this qualifies as some kind of ripoff or scam.

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