  • Report:  #1029175

Complaint Review: LFC Longhorn Fragrance Company From Scentura Founder Larry Hahn - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

LFC Longhorn Fragrance Company From Scentura Founder Larry Hahn
2734 West Kinglsey Rd Suite L3 Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
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So I moved to a new area and was searching the internet for jobs. I found an ad on the internet for open-minded, young, like loud music and work well with opposite sex. So I really needed a job so I applied. I was called in for an interview and then asked back for a second one. It was just later that day and there were about 12-15 ppl there. The second interview lasted about 3 hours and the company was explained a little bit. We were told to take really good notes and smile cause that is how the boss would pick who would be accepted. The bosses name was Jeremy Haniquet. His assistants name was Joel Davern. The Regional manager is Richard Greenley. We took lots of notes about the company. They said we would make about 30k a year and then in 3 years we would be making 60k. I didn't know how that was possible because they wanted ppl with no experience. But I stayed and listened anyway. We were told that it was the 3rd fastest growing private industry in North America. They said they sold more perfume than Avon. Jeremy was very convincing, he told his story of how he was a waiter before he started working for Scentura. The Boss said they were in the middle of an expansion program and they wanted to expand to the southern region. I started to get uneasy when he said all of the fragrances were Renditions of other ones. So they are all knock offs!!! They talked about the training program and having a store at the end. I was really sceptical of it because everyone in the room was around 20 years old. I couldn't believe that they wanted to train and 18 year old in 60-90 days to manage a store alone. Not that being young is bad. I am just 20, but it really sounded weird. After the interview they told everyone whether or not they were accepted. They told me I was and to come back on Monday with a great attitude and ready to learn. It all sounded too good so I checked it out on the internet as soon as I got home. I really felt like an idiot to say the least. I am glad that I am not the only person who has been scammed by this company. Needless to say I will not be showing up for training on Monday.


Dallas, Texas


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