  • Report:  #512572

Complaint Review: LUCRATIVE MANAGEMENT - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
CaptinSkeptical - Portland, Oregon, USA

13826 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

So i guess i'll through in my own "near-brush" with LM.

 This also began with me with an ad on CraigsList (i'm beginning to wonder whether ANYONE'S every gotten a ligitimate job via CraigsList). I actually applied to them two before, way earlier this year - but that was to a SE 122nd location (since closed, apparently). THIS time i actually got called back for a second interview. Both the NE (141st?) Sandy location i went to last month (Sept.) & the SE 122nd location i went to earlier were nothing more cheap store fronts with bare walls, little furnishings, no signs, etc. The whole thing seemed un-nervingly "fly-by-nightish", as if they were really to pack up & close shop on a moment's notice. I give it a shot anyways b/c i'm looking for work & want to explore all avenues.

 I go to the 2nd "interview" under the pretense that this is [probably] some sort of management/trainee position where i'd be over-seeing a warehouse, product, accounts, shipping, etc.  A guy named "Charles" gives the interview. The entire 2.5-3.0 hour long group interview was one of the strangest & sketchest experiences i've ever had, as it relates to job searching. There was this one loud-mouthed, extremely obnoxious woman there as one of the "intervuees", but i vaguely suspect was a "plant". One man got up, said thanks, & left & "Charles" & this obnoxious woman started talking mad s#!t about him which i thought was increadably rude & childish. "Charles" goes on to talk about how this company got started in Altanta,GA 35 years ago, how they'll set you up with a vehicle, how they take all these wild vacations, how great their "perfummes" are, etc.

 This 2nd interview was on a Friday & we were all schedueled to begin our 4 or 5 week training course that Monday. So i went home that night realising to myself, after two days at this place i seem to know very little about them. I have NO idea what their perfummes were called - i seriously doubt they were called LUCRATIVE MANAGEMENT PERFUMMES. So i looked them up. I figured, a perfumme distro that's THIS good, that's doing SO-MUCH expansion in this depression, that's been around for 35 years must surely have a web-site, right? WRONG! NO web-site, of ANY kind. Not even a wikipedia reference. I googled "Lucrative Management", & a direct link to this very RIP-OFF site was the 1st thing that came up, WOW! Needless to say, i did NOT show up that Monday. Funny thing is "Charles" himself kept saying that he just knew that many of us would not be back on Monday, he just KNEW it. Happens every time. Yeah, yeah, that happens b/c people go home then go on-line trying to find something, ANYTHING out about a perfumme/sales co. that they were about to embark upon that they knew next to NOTHING about! A co. that sales nothing but perfummes/colones that's supposedly been around for 35 years that hasn't so much as a damned web-site, who's only contact is a phone with a single line, & a generic-sounding name that doesn't at all reflect it's product! EVERYONE READING THIS, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A PERFUMME or COLONE CALLED "LUCRATIVE MANAGEMENT"? I didn't think so... neither did i, which is why i tried looking them up to begin with.

 Now for me this was 3 weeks ago. But LM is still posting on CraigsList. They have an ad up as recently as Tuesday Oct. 20, 2009 in the General Labor section, so WATCH OUT! There's alot of scams out there looking to take advantage of desparate people who're out of work. Infact, i've since come across two other frauds with ads on CL, that are also mentioned here on Rip-Off Report (Pro Services & Maxis Consulting).

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Anyone who says they are an employee

#2General Comment

Fri, January 29, 2010

You people are a pack of LIARS!

I had an interview recently at the 141st and Sandy location. No company sign out front, just a "help wanted" sign. No literature anywhere in the "office" about the "company", and I have yet to find anything positive about them on the internet.

During the interview, "Charles" was unprofessional at best, answering his cell phone several times over the course of the farcical "mass" interview.

I truly feel sorry for anyone who has been, or will be, suckered into working for this company. Do not be fooled by the hype!

If something on Craigslist seems too good to be true, it probably is.


United States of America
is there such thing as a WPS?

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 14, 2009

I used to work for Scentura Creations, and my opinion is that it is not a scam. I was there long enough to witness 4 people to get there own office. Now if this was a scam then the government must be missing something because it would make crop circles and UFO's look like nothing. In my experience working there I had a lot of fun, made many friends and was constantly sick, but they call anyone who doesnt make it through a WPS (weak piece of ***). Now an assumption like that is bullshit to me because just because I decided to leave the training program they had no idea what I have been through in my life to get me there. I look at everything as a learning experience that builds character. My mindset changed since I left, I am a rhino in life, I dont give a *** anymore and it is freeing. Despite the fact the boss never really took anything serioulsy, and the place seemed like a joke everyday and it was ruining a relationship with a woman I love. Anyone who leaves I dont consider a WPS because whether they know it or not they take away something from it. So before you jump to conclusions, consider this.. I have no job, but I am in school and I have the greatest woman in my life who supports me in any desicion I make and I am the happiest I have ever been, so if you do decide to go to one of these offices think about what you have.. money isn't everything, trust me, there was a point where I was making ALOT of money before I moved to Portland, but it never makes you as happy as you think. All these people are "money motivated" and bring down college like it never does anything for anyone. Thats bullshit, college never did anything for them because they had no idea what to do with a degree afterward, trust me college is the *** and you life will change tremendously. Like Scentura Creations getting through college and finding a job afterward is up to how much work you put into it. I made it through and I am getting another degree. All I am saying is follow your heart, something may sound amazing, but it may or may not be for you. Working for them was the best time I have had since I moved to Portland, but in my heart it wasnt what I wanted. So to sum up, there is no such thing as a WPS, if you are going through hardships in life and making it without killing yourself then you are a true Rhino. I always understood peoples mindsets after they left, its a recession and people need money coming in. Dont call anyone who doesnt make it through a WPS because you have no idea what they have been through or what they are going through. Peace.. 




Rebuttal to LM Stooge

#4Author of original report

Thu, November 12, 2009

I can tell you that i (& more than a dozen other people) spent 3 hours in that office on 141nd & Sandy back in Sept. ON A FRIDAY. So either you're incorrect, or lying. You claim to be a manager trainee for LM, so what is the OFFICIAL website for this company? What is the NAME BRAND of the product? Because "Charlse" never told us that. If i wanted to look for it in a store, how would i find it?

And it's easy to scam someone who doesn't have any money or has very little of it. Simply con the person into a bogus sales jobs under false pretenses, then NOT pay them for labor rendered. I was scammed out of $6 bus fare for the two trips i wasted going to that office over a two-day period.



#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 06, 2009

so check it out.  I am currently a manager in training at lucrative management.  so whoever wrote really has no clue what he is talking about.  we dont even do interviews on Fridays.  it is not said that training is 4-5 weeks we tell you its aprox. 8-10 weeks.  it is up to you how quick you get through training. The more effort you put in the better results you will get.  the name of the perfumes are not lucrative management, that is the name of the office.  It is really amusing to me that these people writing all these "horrible" things about us never even made it to orientation or didn't even stay a full week.  these people know absolutely nothing about this business.  Its also funny because the office that was located on 122 was the office that charles was promoted out of (141 and sandy) and the office on 122 relocated into a bigger office in the portland area.  Ask yourself this do u really believe everything you hear on the internet?  I mean really if you read online that the president had lunch with big foot would you think it was true?  This guy is right, there are alot of scams going on, but its pretty hard to scam someone who doesnt have anything to be scammed out of.  They have never asked me one time for money,  this carrer oppurtunity has changed my life  in so many good ways.  I have become  a better person thanks to this oppurtunity!  I am lucky to have stumbled upon this and you are to if your smart!

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