  • Report:  #351620

Complaint Review: Marcus Evans - THG Worldwide - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
- Chicago, Illinois,

Marcus Evans - THG Worldwide
marcusevans.com Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Since everyone seems to have a gist of the company, I bring to you instead:

A day in the life of THG Worldwide,:

It's a freezing cold, 5-degree January day and I begin my daily 1.5 hr commute by train (and foot) to the NBC Tower in Chicago, the home of my day job and nightmares. When my train arrives to the loop, I'm greeted by the automated Ogilvy Transportation Center voice, a perpetual cacophony of track number updates for people who cannot read. Much like the receptionist in Office Space: Track Number 1. Track Number 9. Track Number 8. Track Number 2. Track Number 3.

Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

I traverse through the city in one of my two suits, watching the salt gather on my pants like herpes does on a Marcus Evans phone (I'll get to that later). I pass over the Chicago River with the NBC logo in sight and with one last f**k you for good measure a gust of 40 mph wind piercing my face I reach the NBC Tower.

No, I'm not a frequent contestant on Jerry Springer or NBC news anchor. I'm an 8th floor Marcus Evans THG Worldwide employee, and I'm riding up the elevator to begin an 8-hour day of hell, accompanied by my 40-something co-worker, who recently attempted to hook up with a craigslist casual encounters hooker only to find out it was his Marcus Evans colleague playing a prank. (Wait. Collegiality is improper here. There is no governance or purpose between any two employees in this company)

I get to the fully furnished, modern lobbythe same lobby that is the kicker for many first time employees and see some fresh meat waiting for their own pre-determined fate. Part of me wants to whisper run and hide to them, but part of me is satisfied that I wasn't the only one stupid enough to fall for this place.

The minute I scan my card and enter through the prison doors, I'm greeted with sights that define the company: work station tables lined with germ-infested phones circa 1985, white-trash looking employees--some hung-over, some just naturally ugly--an off-white kitchen overflowing with boxes of s****y coffee, filters and Swiss Mix, and the usual employees who just injected caffeine into their veins: Lady who bangs the bell for every worthless sale she makes with so much force she's like a carillonneur, Jon Stromberg, the GM who's yelling orders at 8AM to get decisions from Presidents and CEO's of major corporations.

I then sit at my desk and begin my day, but first I'm told to not drape my winter coat over my chair because it somehow denigrates the professionalism of the office (hours later a co-worker would tell a story of a bird flying out of a Vietnamese woman's vagina loud enough for everyone to hear).

I start by making 5 or 6 phone calls and lucky me I reach one such executive who promptly tells me to stop calling because another THG rep just did. In fact, 95% of the phone calls on this particular day end in the very same fashion.

An hour later I'm told we're going to do a power hour where everyone stands up for one hour while we make sales calls to executives. Everyone's pitch is the same, minus a few words here or there. And 99% of the time, people still fail.

During lunch time, they advise you do lead research, as if trading your much needed vent-time for information on reputable companies will drastically improve your chances of getting a sale. Even if this were the case, there are 5 computers (98 Windows included!) to share among 15 sales executive. Keyboards come with residual fingerprints from every employee who circled the ME grounds.

Another 60 calls and my day ends. Repeat two-mile walk.

Well folks, high income potential is possible in the long run, I mean just look at the GM!

All you have to do is trade your soul to the devil for 17 years of deceit and acidic business practices, maybe a BJ or two if you're a woman, and your there.


Chicago, Illinois


4 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States of America
Everyone is right this company is terrible........

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 07, 2010

When I read about the bad things about Marcus Evans online prior to my start date with them, I was terrified. I had read all these awful things, yet I felt the need to experience it myself. I wanted to see if it was as bad as people said it was and maybe even prove these people wrong, so I made myself a guinea pig or sacrificial lamb.

After some time with the company( i think i stayed too long to be honest), I can honestly say that every negative piece of information written about them is 100% TRUE. I would even go as far as to say that the online posts were a little too kind.

This company is nothing more than a ruthless telemarketing company. They would like to let employees believe they are Account Executives, but really it is nothing more than a dressed up telemarketing gig.They may have nice offices, and may look presentable, but at the end of the day....a pig in lipstick is still a pig.

Anybody that has some work experience should forget about working for this company, apply to McDonalds instead if you are desperate for a job. I AM SERIOUS

Marcus Evans Managers are heartless gutter snipes, and I believe some of the RUDEST folks you will ever meet. They could never excel anywhere else in life. They force you to do things against your will, they teach you how to lie and manipulate, they snoop around your stuff(forget privacy),they steal your leads and possibly even your sales.

The poor unsuscpecting clients are being promised heaven and earth(none of which Marcus Evans can deliver) for an astronomical amount of money. They tell you to bully the clients into making a decision to spend $45,000 on a non existent event within 24hrs. If you try to extend some courtesy to the client, like a normal company does, you get your head blown off.

Unfortunately, for a lot of the kids just fresh out of college, they know nothing else. For them, starting their first job at Marcus Evans is like being thrown into the Lions Den. These kids are brainwashed, and after a while they start to believe the utter crap they are being asked to regurgitate.

1) Marcus Evans is a Toxic Environment
2) The most you learn there is from your training
3) The pay is less than minimum wage,they even find a way to screw you out of that.You get paid once a month and that's IT. I believe it amounts to something like $1000 a month after taxes.
4) Full of young impressionable kids living in a bubble thinking they are in an episode of MTV's "The Hills" when in fact they don't have a pot to piss in.

Actually you know what? I am going to do Marcus Evans a favor and place an ad for them right now, since they hire new employees daily due to such high turn over. It's the least I can do.

Marcus Evans, the leader in Bullshit is seeking no talent, impressionable drug addicts to work ridiculously long hours.
The company is looking for angry,shallow, bitter, depressed individuals who feel they are getting something out of life by sitting on the phone all day trying to sell bullshit products.
Employees will get no immediate health benefits, and all commissions will be ripped off from under them as soon as the manager gets wind of your sale.
The salary is "sort of like" $1000 a month, but can be discussed at a later date.
Sleeping with Managers is optional but is encouraged
******Please make your way to your closes Marcus Evans office, where everyone deserves a shot(and by shot I mean tequilla, Vodka, and anything else you can get your hands on)*****


Unwitting Scammer Rep

New York,
New York,
THG and Marcus Evans curse at secrectaries and assistants to sound like CEOs

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 07, 2010

Hi to the Secrectary/Assistant to wrote last,

I am former employee of Marcus Evans Summits division but the office building's signs and direectories all said THG just so they could hide better from angry ripped off client victims and former employees. We worked directly in the same room as people who were selling the THG sports hospitality. they do not make enough money to pay for the overhard and rent to not share work space with their other divisions. They have very very few existing clients who rebook and buy a second time. all sales exec and managers and heads of offices are trained daily on how to lie and use words to convince people to buy something that they dont want.
Thank you for writing your input on ripoff's site. We appreciate it. Please inspire your co-workers to do the same. The more reports, the more hits this site will get and then the higher it will come up on search engine results pages.
Anyway, there is a legit no-call list that does circulate every Monday throughout the entire company. The one guy who runs it is great but he wouldnt go by CRM division. A CRM is something or a software that almost every sales force in the world has and uses but its never a name of a department. So its not shady for the receptionist to not know what you wanted. The thing is that not one of the entire company's sales executives is given a computer on their desk. So therse no call lists are not circulated well enough. One cant easily pull it up on their computer to cross check if the company that theyre about to call is on the list. some people print the 50ish page document out every monday but after a month of working, most ppl get too lazy and just call every company that they find through their research.
We were all trained daily to disresepct assistants or talk to you as a CEO would as to make you think we are a CEO. The thing is that this may have worked sometimes in the 1990s when mean was still in and all rich CEOs were all assholes but now nice is in but THG uses methods that worked for them in the 1990s.
    But please tel your boss that a former employee tells him to never listen to or buyt from THG or Marcus Evans. Search this site for other complaints on these two companies from around the globe. It's fun and scary. They use fake urgency story lies to force you to make a buying decision withing 24 hours or they take it away from you. If you like what they sell, there are a handful od other companies who sell the same service but will be ethical and honest and transparent with you and give you the time you need to make this big approx $50,000 decision.
    Please add more to this site.


From a Personal Assistant's Point of View

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, April 30, 2010

I have been fielding their calls for 5 years and have had to deal with threats, double talk, cursing, hang-ups, and insults. Each time I call their main office asking to be taken off of their call list. I was informed that each sales person does their own research and that's why over time, I get repeated calls.

On Tuesday, 04/28/10, I spoke with Ben Sheppard at 312.894.6324; he is the sales manager for THG. He told me that the only way to get the calls to stop is for my President or CEO to make the request. I said, "so for the past 5 years I've been lied to by your staff about the 'do-not-call list'?" He wouldn't answer me.

He told me that since I'm ONLY an admin, I should respect THEIR rules. I told him that there is no way my boss will call him back and HE should respect MY boss' rules about not wanting them to call ever again.

I asked for the name of his superior and he gave me the name of his CEO, John Stromberg at the main number in Chicago. I called John and was surpisingly nice. I told him exactly what I wrote above and he said that HE could put me on their Do-Not-Call List. Apparently the list is published weekly by their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Team. The head of CRM is Peter Laspas (sp?).

Fast forward to today. I called the main number and asked for the CRM team. The receptionist's response was, "Huh?" I asked her again, spelling it out for her. She told me she didn't know what that was and she was pretty sure they didn't have such a department. Awesome.

But when I asked for Peter Laspas, she knew who he was and put me through immediately. I hung up because I wanted to know his title. 20/20 told me I should have asked for him first and the CRM department last because when I called back and asked his title, she said, "... umm... customer relati... umm... customer service." No actual title, just a department name.

So, I did speak with Peter and was giggling the entire time. I couldn't believe my stupidity in believing anything any person from their company says. He went on and on about how he'll put me on the list on Monday, blah blah blah. Yeah, I've heard it all before. What-the-eff-ever.

I would love to work there for a couple of days to hear about what they're supposed to say to secretaries to get through to the big guys. Because you know what? Pretending that you're a friend of my boss, using his first name, telling me that he'll know what it's about, saying, "just put him on the d**n phone," etc. is NOT going to work. Oh, and saying "F*ck you" right before you hang up on me? Yeah, that just causes me to send an e-mail to all the admins in my office that you people are calling again and to write a report here on Ripoff Report.

They're just a company of liars.

Unwitting Scammer Rep

New York,
New York,
confirmed shi*y sad job in other office as well

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 25, 2010

Yea I had the same experience in another of the US offices of marcus evans. It sucked to work there every day and it made me sad to be at work every day when Im otherwise a happy person. The managers did not like me or favor me like they did to others so obviously I had trouble making sales compared to the favorites who got personal mentoring during their calls. Literally every single other person that I asked told me they were currently interviewing and looking for a new job and I must have asked at least 3/4 of the office. Boiler room. Everybody hates their lives while working there unless they are lying to themselves about the illegitimacy and low value of the service they are pushing on execs who dont need or want it.

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