  • Report:  #285315

Complaint Review: Mary Prantil - Astoria New York

Reported By:
- Driggs, Idaho,

Mary Prantil
C-2 32-85 Th St, Astoria New York Astoria, 11106 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hello and Greetings to All. My name is James Morgan of the former Dragon Spells LLC and current Dragon Spells. I have been retired for over a year now however I continue to to work with Miss Windglows on her site of Blood Love And Lust Spells found at www.bloodloveandlustspells.com in the capacity of a magical Adviser only. My old site of Dragon Spells is now utilized as a Information Site only to Blood Love And Lust Spells and no longer takes clients on of any kind period. My active part in the Blood Love And Lust Spells company is in helping Jan out with her counseling program in my free time to which I don't receive any compensation for, because as I previously stated, I am in fact retired. This brings me to my personal account and dealings with Mary Prantil. Mary came in to Jan's site for some spell work. Jan had reservations about this case however did reluctantly accept Mary's case despite the fact that this person had been engaging in some rather odd activities regarding the paying of her fee.

There was talk between Jan and I about rejecting this case on the grounds of deception however being the good hearted person that Jan is she proceeded to take the case despite these questionable actions or activities on Prantil's part. Looking back now we both regret ever taking this person on for any kind of work as this individual has proved to be any spell caster's worst nightmare to say the least. As you read these following paragraphs below, please keep in mind that this is what I witnessed and experienced not to mention observed as a private citizen performing a free service out of loyalty and respect for Miss Windglows and her site.

After Miss Prantil's package arrived, Jan began to take her through the spell process however Prantil was a high maintenance Client from the start and very hard to work with and thus I volunteered to take this counseling case on so that Jan could obtain some relief in the way of not having to deal with this particular Client. Also so she could move on to handle other Clients with more serious problems. What I'm about to explain to you in the following paragraphs below would be my own experience in dealing with this particular individual on through the counseling part of her spell. My Opinions and personal observations are just that. My personal account of what I again, personally experienced, heard, and saw during the progression of this person's case. In other words my truthful testimony to the actions of Mary Prantil's behavior and or actions concerning the spell process that she was engaged in with us at the time. Firstly, Mary understood and agreed to follow all the clearly posted site policies and to remain within the clearly posted spell criteria to which she didn't in the remotest sense now that it's all said and done.

Why am I taking the time in writing not to mention posting this?. For far to long have people such as Prantil NOT followed the rules and made the lives of those around them including their Casters miserable by entering into a spell process or any kind of life event doing and saying whatever they want to whomever they wish. This is where we as Spell Casters take A Stand by not putting up with persons like this anymore. This is where we start pointing the finger of blame back at the Client who doesn't want to listen to good advice given. For Far to long has certain individuals appeared on sites like this pointing the finger of blame by blaming their Casters for their short

comings. This has to end. These Clients slide around back and fourth between sites while stabbing the very people that are trying to help them in the back. It's hard to help anyone when they don't care to follow the rules or moreover refuse to listen to the Caster's advice. It's hard for the Client to receive valid spell casting assistance when all they want to do is throw money at Casters and are not willing to educate or even help themselves on any real level.

In my OPINION, Mary Prantil is by far the worst of Clients and a "Magick Site hopper" to boot, who likes to go around ripping off magick sites after they have performed her work for her. She does this by charging back on them or moreover bad mouthing them up on the forums such as this one. She tends to do this even if her spell is granted believe it or not. If your a Spell Caster reading this and you run across Crazy Mary then DO NOT ACCEPT HER CASE, because she will NOT listen to any of your instructions. She will waste your time and effort on absolutely NOTHING. It won't be worth the fee that you charge her. Then she'll go on to bad mouth you in any way she can by posting false allegations against you or moreover start filing false reports against you with any State or Federal Agency that she possibly can, just because she didn't get her way with you, or her spell such as what she is currently doing with us on this site of "Rip Off Report".

Mary Prantil is a highly obsessive, arrogant, and shallow person that tends to dominate an entire telephone conversation and does not give you a chance to get a word in edgewise then she WONDERS WHY you do not want to get on the telephone with her. Mary likes to blatently abuse site services as she did with Jan's service of spiritual counseling. Mary likes to write as many as 15 to 20 E-mails a day while making a pest and or nuisance of herself while also leaving numerous messages on your telephone answering machine. Her telephone calls will tie up your phone line with long and meaningless conversations that can range from one to three hours. She has Absolutely NO CONSIDERATION WHATSOEVER about any others that may wish to speak with you that day. Mary Prantil doesn't care what you are doing at the time as long as you take her calls anytime of the day or night to no matter if her calls are emergency related, regular calls, urgent calls or just a regular call. Should you be taking a shower, "busy" in the bathroom or no matter where you are or WHAT you are doing, she would still insist on talking to you about all of her drama even when she calls and is told that you are engaged in another matter and cannot speak to her, it does not matter to her, even if you are right in the middle of casting a spell or helping another client on another phone line, she has no consideration at all.....and just keeps you detained.... This girl is one pathetic mess.

After you manage to get her off the phone and she hangs up then she will proceed to send yet more e-mails. If you do not address them within an hour after she sends these worthless emails she starts calling up again on the phone at all hours of the day or night asking the very same questions that were addressed in the two or three hour phone conversation she had previously with you. She MESSES up her spells by doing the very exact things you previously ask her Not to do countless times before, yet she never seems to hear or remember what you have told her . Moreover, she tends to blame her spell caster and everyone else because her spell did not work as a result of her direct negative actions and or violent behavior. If she gets mad at you she will then tell you that you that you are a dishonest person, a freak, a con, announces to you that she wants a refund, and how you ripped her off, and also calls you very bad names, verbally assaults your gender, and appearance etc. Even though I'm not a doctor of any kind and and don't profess to be, after seeing this behavior first hand, I personally consider Miss Prantil to be a Psychopath with a uncontrollable temper who fly's off of the handle when ever she again doesn't get her way on any level. Prantil is a pathological or habitual Liar that doesn't retain facts very well.

She is very controlling, and dictates to you how you should do your work with total disrespect and no regard whatsoever even when your trying your hardest to help her. No matter how nice or kind you are to this person the fact is that Mary Prantil is someone that hardly anyone can stand to be around because she turns into an evil vindictive Bit _ _ if she cannot dictate to you exactly how she feels her work should be done or the way people should respond to her LOL. Miss Prantil is again, In my opinion a PUSHY, Ignorant not to mention the Sorriest Excuse for a human being that I've ever had the misfortune of encountering in my 27 years of magical practice. This women is a Evil Hypocrite. Lier. Cheat. Bull s**+ _ Artist just to mention a few things that I've noticed about her personally. She has no problem in stirring up trouble for not only professional people but private people around her in her personal life as well. This Bit _ _ doesn't care about anyone else or who she has to hurt while trying to fill her own perverse sexual void.

She believes that if she wants someone or feels her twisted brand of love for another, it doesn't matter what they want as long as she can dominate them. I consider Mary Prantil to be Perverse. Uncaring. Crude. Obnoxious. Bigoted and moreover Narcissistic. and or passive and aggressive type of personality and or individual who is totally out of control in every respect and or regard of trained mindset or thought process. I know of at least two Magic Sites who have been ripped off by Miss Prantil and several other persons that have been subjected to her unbridled fits of raging cursing over and over again. I myself have been subjected to her wrathful ignorance on numerous occasions via the telephone and email. Again, In my opinion Miss Prantil doesn't possess the ability to listen or discern the most basic of Instructions not to mention the capability of following any sort of spell criteria to no matter how simple it might be. As far as I'm concerned, Miss Prantil is a self-absorbed individual that is all about herself and or is wrapped up in only what she wants out of life and moreover could care less about those around her or what they need in life. She has no respect or regard for Divinity or the people trying to help her. She just wishes to throw money at a person while saying, "here fix it for me", with very little or no effort on her part. Mary liked to take what was convenient for her out of our spell process while disregarding what wasn't convenient for her. Miss Prantil also likes to engage in making others feel bad about themselves via her domineering disposition and loud, crude remarks about one's physical appearance and lifestyle. If the fact be really known everyone would be interested to know that Mary Prantil is nothing more then a ageing anorexic female with a possible drug addiction judging from her hyper and overly emotional behavior, who furthermore finds comfort in the fact that she can cause conflict for others. Perhaps she actually finds meaning to her life by creating havoc in a persons life. Furthermore, if she can in some way cause others to feel bad about themselves, then she can achieve a feeling of being more superior over those same others. Who Knows what goes on in the mind of a person like this. You've Been Warned About Crazy Mary.....SO, ALL SPELL CASTERS PLEASE BEWARE!!!!!!


Driggs, Idaho


80 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom
Scary reviews

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 31, 2017

Is it so bad with his honesty? I am a bit confused. Can you tell me which sepllcaster is th best? I need good magical help to get my girlfriend back.



Mary Prantil Jan Windglow James Morgan Scam artists

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, April 16, 2013

These guys have been reported a lot on onlinespellscams.com  I know i spend a lot of time in that chat there where you can talk and ask who is real. So far though, no one has turned out to be real.  All these online spell are bologney.


United States of America
ON-LINE SCAM ALERT BEWARE: On-line Thief Jan Windglows just takes your moneyJan Windglows spells do not work because Jan Windglows does no work and just steals your money and Identity.Jan Windglows

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 08, 2013

Internet Hacker & Thief, talentless Song Writer and SCAM Life Coach Jan
Windglows. Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Janhet T Windglows aka Mystical Jan
208 is a convicted criminal for Deception Fraud, Grand Larceny, Aggravated Harassment, and Identity Theft. Jan
Windglows is a FAKE Spell caster !!


I am not a Paid Informant
Spell caster Jan Windglows is a verified on-line scam that will steal your money and identity.

ON-LINE SCAM ALERT BEWARE: On-line Thief Jan Windglows just takes your  moneyJan Windglows spells do not work
because Jan Windglows does no work and just steals your money and Identity. Jan Windglows the SCAM that steals your money and Identity thru her Trojan Virus infected websites and Trojan Virus infected email: http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
and http://fast-acting-black-magick-love-spells.com/  Jan Windglows contact: PO
Box 118, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 83805 PH: 208-714-4348. Trojan Virus
Email: [email protected] (only a scam leaves a post office box as an address-Jan Windglows is hiding her address
for fear of an arrest for Deception Fraud & Theft) http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJan208

WARNING On-line Crime Alert: Spellcaster Janhett T. Windglows Of The Sacred High Magickal Arts is a Ripoff that steals BY POSING AS FAKE SPELLCASTERTAKING CASH FOR SPELLS AND THEN JAN WINDGLOWS DOES NOT PERFORM
SERVICES  http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
208-714-4348http://fast-acting-black-magick-love-spells.com/  Jan Windglows contact Phone: 208-714-4348
email: [email protected] Jan Windglows doesnt answer her phone or emails after you fie her money.  Jan Windglows does no spellcasting work and just steals your money. BEWARE!

Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  sounded too good to be true and it was, READ
real complaint on www.RipoffReport.com   http://www.ripoffreport.com/jan-windglows/palm-readers/internet-internet-14318.htm

Janhett T. Windglows @JanWindglows High Enchantress
Janhett T. Windglows http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  and http://cdbaby.com/cd/windglow
and http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJan208 Tetonia, Idaho phone: 208-714-4348  email [email protected] 

Spell casting SCAM: Enchantress Janhett T Windglows aka Jan Windglows of the Advanced Sacred Magickal Art is
a scam that steals your money and Identity thru her infected websites and email. http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
and http://fast-acting-black-magick-love-spells.com/  Jan Windglows contact Phone: 208-714-4348
email: [email protected] Jan Windglows is a complete FRAUD- Too good to be true...Jan Windglows is a SCAM
Spellcaster that steals your money DO NOT USE: SCAM Jan Windglows http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJan208

Extortionist and SCAM Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows

PO BOX #118, PO Box #712 Driggs or Bonners Ferry, Idaho United States of America http://www.ripoffreport.com/cult-organizations/extortionist-jan-win/extortionist-jan-windglows-aka-9c736.htm



is a Scam Spell caster On-line Dangerous Cyber Scammer Jan Windglows aka
Mystical Jan 208 - is a verified convicted criminal for Deception Fraud, Grand
Larceny and Identity Theft by downloading Trojan Virus into your computer via
her thru her infected websites and email. DO NOT USE: http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
and http://fast-acting-black-magick-love-spells.com/  Beware of Jan Windglows Trojan Virus email: [email protected]

Get your money back that Jan Windglows stole from you by calling Criminal Jan Windglows' lawyer is Scott Chapman, Esq located in Vegas, NV ph: 702-949-1100.
8337 W Sunset Rd Ste 350 Las Vegas, NV 89113 and give lawyer
address to the police as well. SCAM Jan Windglows recent ADDRESS: 118 Polk, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805; PH 208-714-4348  Jan Windglows spells do not work: Jan Windglows is a scam artist.
GET your money back Contact: Jan Windglows lawyer in Las Vegas NOT Idaho.

Lawyer Scott E. Chapman, MBA,CIPP
McCormick Barstow, LLP
8337 W. Sunset Road, Suite 350
Las Vegas, Nevada 89113 (702) 949-1100

DECEPTION FRAUD is a REAL CRIME, associated with Psychics, Spell Casters and almost most Con-Artist convicted of Grand Larceny. Deception Fraud is the CRIME of promising results for a price.

For Example For $5000 I will reunite you with your X-wife.

Janhett T. Windglows @JanWindglows High Enchantress Janhett T. Windglows http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  and http://cdbaby.com/cd/windglow and http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJan208 Tetonia, Idaho phone: 208-714-4348
email [email protected]

Call Police give whereabouts of SCAM Jan Windglows who only offers a PO BOX. 
Everytime Scam Jan Windglows offers to do a SPELL for MONEY - SCAM Jan Windglows  is committing a CRIME.
Spellcasting SCAM: Enchantress Janhett T Windglows Of The Sacred High Magickal
Arts is a scam that steals  http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com 208-714-4348

Jan Windglows stole from many of my clients;
Jan Windglows is a total ripoff that steals your cash.  Victims of
Spellcasting SCAM Jan Windglows call Sheriff Greg Sprung in Idaho @
208-267-3151 report all scams by this phony spell caster check the Most Wanted
list, Jan Windglows a on-line scam. 

Spellcaster, Internet Hacker & Thief, Song Writer and Life Coach Jan Windglows - is a

convicted criminal for Deception Fraud, Grand
Larceny, Aggravated Harassment, and Identity Theft.  Spellcasting SCAM:
Enchantress Janhett T Windglows aka Jan
Windglows of of The Advanced Sacred Magickal Arts;and
of is a scam that steals your money and Identity thru her infected websites. http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
and http://fast-acting-black-magick-love-spells.com/  Jan Windglows contact Phone: 208-714-4348
email: [email protected]

 Ripoff Report | SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mystical Jan 208 aka Enchantress | Complaint
Review: 628350 http://www.ripoffreport.com/cult-organizations/scam-jan-windglows-a/scam-jan-windglows-aka-mystica-f3d2b.htm   @ripoffreport

Ripoff Report SCAM Life Coach and Spellcaster Jan Windglows http://www.ripoffreport.com/jan-windglows/palm-readers/internet-internet-14318.htm Too good to be true.

Report Attachments


United States of America
i got one

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2013

i dont know how to express my gratitude to magic and spellcast. i have been a single mum for two months when my husband left me for another woman.i couldnt cope without him. i was devastated and so lonely. i tried to beg him to come back but he wouldnt listen. then i decided to take to bringing him back at all cost. i tried a couple of spellcasters but no evidence that my hubby was coming back till i came acroos this man through a ref. i didnt expect anything to happen but i kept my fingers crossed. and just as magic is unbelievable my man came back to me some weeks ago. begging me to take him. making promises of never leaving me and my son. now i need advice and suggestion on how to reward this man that made me happy. write my ymail account which is audietayl. thank you.

High Enchantress Jan Windglows


#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 11, 2012


Mary Prantil SUED by Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan......all malicious posts on ROR are being made by only ONE person- Career Criminal Mary Prantil. Wanna see how we handled this nut case? READ THE LAWSUIT and find out how an idiot stalker criminal should be treated. Much more information about CRIMINAL Mary Prantil aka "PsychicNSeattle" ( PSYCHO ) and her criminal records, the lawsuit on her, and our Attorney's contact information via this link: http://www.mary-prantil.com/readlawsuithere.html

 Our attorney encourages anyone being stalked or harrassed by someone like Prantil to contact him. Any and or ALL derrogatory posts and or comments about us here on ROR? DISREGARD THEM, as they are all UNTRUE. READ THE LAWSUIT AND MUCH MORE INFORMATIVE AND EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT MARY PRANTIL AND HOW CRIMINALS AND STALKERS SHOULD BE HANDLED. NEVER BACK DOWN FROM A PIECE OF CRAP LIKE MARY PRANTIL AKA PSYCHIC ( PSYCHO ) N SEATTLE.

 In Divinity's Service,
 High Enchantress Janhett T. Windglows



Back to Index Incident and Arrest Incident Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN:63355383N

Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #:M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20

Back to Index Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk,

Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:June 30, 2010 Court Part:B Phone:000 - 000 - 0000 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Back to Index Next Appearance Date:April 30, 2012 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence PL 240.30 01 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAgg Harass-2:communicate/alarm PL 215.50 03 A Misdemeanor, 2 counts, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionCrim Contempt-2nd:disobey Crt PL 240.30 02 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAgg Har-2nd:telephone PL 240.30 1A A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAggravated Harassment-2nd Deg PL 205.30 00 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionResisting Arrest PL 120.50 03 **TOP CHARGE** A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionStalking - 3rd PL 240.30 02 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAgg Har-2nd:telephone PL 215.50 03 A Misdemeanor, 2 counts, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionCrim Contempt-2nd:disobey Crt PL 240.30 1A A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAggravated Harassment-2nd Deg Wanna see how we handled this nut case? READ THE LAWSUIT and find out how an idiot stalker criminal should be treated. Much more information about CRIMINAL Mary Prantil aka "PsychicNSeattle" ( PSYCHO ) and her criminal records, the lawsuit on her, and our Attorney's contact information via this link: http://www.mary-prantil.com/readlawsuithere.html Our attorney encourages anyone being stalked or harrassed by someone like Prantil to contact him. Any and or ALL derrogatory posts and or comments about us here on ROR? DISREGARD THEM, as they are all UNTRUE. Call Attorney Scott Chapman ESQ. at his office any time if interested ( and I doubt you are LOL ) in any of these threads. This will all be over soon enough, thank goodness! Prantil will be gone!!!!!


 http://www.mccormickbarstow.com/s****.> Scott E. Chapman, MBA, CIPP Of Counsel (702) 949-1100 (Phone) (702) 949-1101 (Fax) [email protected] Las Vegas, Nevada 8337 W. Sunset Road, Suite 350 Las Vegas, NV 89113


Report Attachments


Crime Alert Spellcasting SCAM: STOP Cyber Thief & Stalker Jan Windglows aka Janhet Windglows of many fake websites, most well known www.bloodloverandlustspell.com Cyber Thief, Stalker & Ripoff SCAMMER

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 11, 2012

Crime Alert Spellcasting
SCAM: STOP Cyber Thief &
Stalker Jan Windglows aka Janhet Windglows of many fake websites, most well
known www.bloodloverandlustspell.com
Cyber Thief, Stalker & Ripoff SCAMMER Spellcaster; Worst Service; Jan
Windglows Spells do not work..STOP SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows from
hurting anymore innocent people; Jan Windglows has many complaints filed on
Ripoff Report.com http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx
Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan use fake names, and Fake Lawyer Scott
Chapman. FACT: Google Scott Chapman and finf out Jan Windglows lawyer, Scott
Chapmans license has many complaints filed against him with the Nevada State
Bar Association.  Scott Chapman is
also a Voodoo Master into Satan and Witchcraft.

Spellcasting is a SCAM. I f you have
been scammed with Deception Fraud by On-line Criminal Jan Windglows and/or
Jim Morgan of scam website www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
and www.dragonspells.com then call
SCAMMER Jan Windglows hack & corrupt lawyer and Voodoo Master Scott
Chapman, Esq and get you money back today.
Absolutely call Scott Chapman, Esq who is located in
Vegas, NV ph: 702-949-1100. 8337 W Sunset Rd Ste 350 Las Vegas, NV 89113  Office: 702-949-1100. Report Jan
Windglows to the local police; Jan Windglows steals your cash. GET YOUR MONEY
BACK from Criminal Jan Windglows contact Scott Chapman or serve summons on
Jan Windglows on her lawyer Scott Chapman. Esq. Scott
Chapman, Esq is located in Vegas, NV ph: 702-949-1100. 8337 W Sunset
Rd Ste 350 Las Vegas, NV 89113  Office: 702-949-1100.
On-line Spellcaster Jan
Windglows is SCAM SpellcasterJan Windglows u can't run from the law anymore.
Jan Windglows is a Con-Artist that is revealed on Ripoff Report.com with many
complaints for Theft & Worst Service.
Spellcaster & Cyber
On-line Ripoff Jan Windglows has a bad reputation for stealing, scamming,
stalking & harasssing her clients; BEWARE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
is a total scam ponzi operation owned by SCAM Jan Windglows. 
NEW Address: Jan Windglows @JanWindglows  Janhet Windglows poses as a SCAM Spellcaster
& Life Coach and steals money from all of her 0n-Line clients. Jan
Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows New phone: 208-714-4348 NEW Scam
Address:70512 Philips Rd. Tetonia, ID 83452 Call Jan Windglows lawyer Scott
Chapman, Esq 702-949-1100 get your money back.Jan Windglows aka Janhett
T., Windglows aka Janhet Windglows  is
a complete scam and ripoff. @JanhetWindglows - Your spiritual intelligence is your most
important virtue. @JanhetWindglows many people have been scammed and have
had money stolen thru Jan Windglows many fake spellcasting sites.
Alert: SCAM Jan Windglows is a LIAR makes Fake claims on spellcasting
websites: Blood, Love and Lust, Spells and Dragon Spells. Jan Windglows
steals your cash. BEWARE OF JAN the SCAM.
Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan 208, Jim Morgan aka Micheal Jenkins  Mike Cahill, Kim Thrasher and Matilda
Sommerfield are all Cyber Criminals working for Queen Lilith Spellcasting
RipoffJan WindglowsSCAMMERS Jan Windglows & Jim Morgan have Police
warrants, wanted for Stealing, Slander, Liable, Grand Larceny, Identity
Theft, Aggravated Harassment, Extortion, On-line Deception Fraud, Tax
Evasion, and more- SCAMMERS Jan Windglows and Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan
aka Mike Cahill are Pathological LIARS, Socio-paths for Satan-Spellcasting
SCAM with Fake names, Fake websites all to scam your Money! Blood, Love and
Lust Spells is a ripoff scam spellcasting website owned by Queen Lilith
Scammer Jan Windglows. http://www.ripoffreport.com/cult-organizations/scam-jan-windglows-a/scam-jan-windglows-aka-mystica-f3d2b.htm
Jan Windglows is a SCAMREAD real complaints on Ripoff Report.com about
On-line thief; http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx  Jan Windglows is a LIAR that steals cash
from her spellcasting ripoff website: Blood, Love, and Lust, Spells http://www.ripoffreport.com/liars/jan-windglows-aka-ja/jan-windglows-aka-janhett-t-w-e7fde.htm
Alert: SCAMMERS Jan Windglows aka Enchanstress Jan, Micheal Jenkins aka Jim
Morgan aka Mike Cahill are Cyber Criminals-SCAMMERS Jan Windglows &
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan R SCAMS
All Spiritual Healers of
God: In the name of Jesus Christ I pray: Cyber SCAMS Jan Windglows & Jim
Morgan must be stopped in their money laundering SCAM Spellcasting Ponzi
SCAM. Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan use fake names, are verified criminals 4
Grand Larceny
SCAMS-Jan Windglows aka
Enchantress Jan, Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan all FAKE Websites-Fake Names.
Owned by SCAM Jan Windglows - ALL Coven of Criminals to SCAM you $1000's for
Spells that do not work. Jan Windglows spells do not work. Spellcasting is
SCAM Michael Jenkins has reincarnated as Jim
Morgan working with FAKE SpellcasterJan Windglows ALL CRIMINALS Double the
SCAM Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan to RIPOFF you of your $1000's for Spells
that do not work! Jan Windglows is a SCAMMER. Witchcraft is EVIL.
SCAMMERS-Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan,
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan all FAKE Websites-Fake Names. Owned by SCAM
Jan Windglows - ALL Coven of Criminals to SCAM you $1000s 4 spells that dont
Hi. I am an American Citizen and I wish to express my
Freedom of Speech. I surf the Internet daily. I am against Witchcraft and
this SCAM called Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan who is the husband of SCAMMER
Jan Windglows of Scam Site Blood Love and Lust Spells, PO Box 118, Bonners
Ferry, Idaho,83805 Internet & phone Contact ph: 208-714-4348 Michael
Jenkins  1-727-216-9750 10120 South Eastern Avenue Ste 200 Henderson,
Nevada 89052 http://www.extremeblackmagic.com/contact_info.htmlWitchcraft
is a SCAM! Jan Windglows is a SCAM! Michael Jenkins is Jim Morgan! Multipe
reports filed on Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan www.extremeblackmagic.com
COVEN of Criminals Satan worshipers Spellcasting SCAMMERS !!!  Michael
Jenkins Doubles as Jim Morgan of Jan Windglows Coven of Criminals Ripoff Site
Jan Windglows offers DOUBLE the Rip-ff 2x thru Impersonator Michael Jenkins
aka Jim Morgan!
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan steals from ALL Clients
bcs Michael Jenkins is a SCAM Artist scamming $1000's for Witchcraft! 
DOUBLE the Ripoff by SCAMS Jan Windglows aka Queen
Lilith and Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan
  www.lovespells-magicspells.com - 


Multiple complaints from many unsatisfied Global Internet customers
that reported Michael Jenkins who is Jim Morgan to the police for Deception
Fraud and Frand Larceny for scamming $1000s for spells that never 

SPELLS DO NOT WORK!!! http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Michael-jenkins.aspx
  So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints filed
about SCAM Ripoff Micheal Jenkins who is Jim Morgan on Ripoff Report.com here
is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Michael-jenkins.aspx

  SCAMMER Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan - Jan Windglows is a
SCAM! Witchcraft is a SCAM: Jan Windglows SCAMS Multiple People; DO NOT USE:
Ripoff SCAM Fake Psychic Jan Windglows is a SCAM, Verified Serial Cyber
Predator and Criminal; Jan Windglows Verified Cyber SCAM & Serial Stalker
As an American I have a right to my American Opinions. Witchcraft to me
is a SCAM. SPELLS to me are a SCAM. SCAMMERS Jan Windglows aka Janhett T.
Windglows aka Emchantress Jan 208, Jim Morgan aka James Morgan aka Dragon ,
and Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka Jim Morganaka Stanley are all
SCAMMERS! I have a right to many American opinions and as long as I do not
lie or post false Cyber ID Theft intending to do harm  then I am not
committing any cyber crimes, Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows. I believe anyone in
the Spellcasting Business is a complete SCAM. I believe anyone in the
Witchcraft business is a complete SCAM, like SCAM Jan Windglows of Scam Site
Blood Love and Lust Spells. How do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  Witchcraft
is a SCAM. Jan Windglows is a Scam.
SCAMMERS Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka
Jim Morganall are Con-Artist wanted by the POLICE!! I told Psychic in
Seattle, about the worst service I received from Blood Love and Lust Spells.
I spoke with all 3 of these character Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Mike
Cahill. And, I  was ripped off of MONEY then SCAM Jan Windglows wanted
more MONEY...JAN WINDGLOWS charged my PayPal Account $1000s and I got a legal
Charge Back then Jan Windglows starts posting lies on the Internent about me
and contacted my employers and lovers! Jan Windglows attempted Grand Larceny
and Deception Fraud by charging me over $1000 and providing proof of service.
I got a legal charge back from PayPal! How do you SCAM the SCAMMER? Jan
Windglows is the SCAM. Rip-off Scam Jasn Windglows uses the Psychic Reading
to lure for Spells, SCAM Jan Windglows stole MONEY from me. Jan Windglows is
the SCAMMER soliciting SPELLS on the Global Internet - that is the Crime -
Deception Fraud and Grand Larceny. SCAM Jan Windglows commits a crime
everytime she offers to do a SPELL for money.

  DO NOT USE:Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan Henderson Jan Windglows aka
Janhett T. Windglows, Jim Morgan, Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka Jim
Morganof www.bloodloveandlustspells.com , www.dragonspells.com , and
www.angelicseals.com ph: 714-208-4348 www.extremeblackmagic.com Michael
Jenkins  1-727-216-9750 10120 South Eastern Avenue Ste 200 Henderson,
Nevada 89052
Address of Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan


(Master of the Arts)


801 W. Bay Drive Suite 471

Largo, FL 33770

TWO Fake Twitters of Michael Jenkins http://twitter.com/m2011jenkins
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan AND Fake Twitter #2 http://twitter.com/#!/jimmorgan1
Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins - the same person - DOUBLE the Rip-off -
working for SCAM Jan Windglows - scam sites www.bloodloveandistspells.com,  www.extremeblackmagic.com & www.lovespells-magicspells.com &

  READ MULTIPLE REPORTS about SCAM Michael Jenkins aka Jan Windglows 
husband James Morgan  on Rip-off Report.com



Ray Meseroll is a SCAMMER- that claims to run a real Radio Show.
http://www.ripoffreport.com/cult-organizations/scams-jan-windglows/scams-jan-windglows-jim-morg-3f686.htm  Jan Windglows On-line SCAMMER

  Many ppl have been ripped off of MONEY and TIME by the SCAM Fake Psychic Jan
Windglows who uses a free psychic reading to lure you into to buying
SPELLS!!! DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows, Jim Morgan,
Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka Jim Morganof
www.bloodloveandlustspells.com , www.dragonspells.com , and
www.amgelicseals.com ph: 714-208-4348  www.extremeblackmagic.com Michael
Jenkins  1-727-216-9750 10120 South Eastern Avenue Ste 200 Henderson,
Nevada 89052 http://www.extremeblackmagic.com/contact_info.html


SCAMMERS Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka
Jim Morganare all Professional Criminals that are on the RUN from POLICE so
they only list a PO BOX not a real address just like a Cyber SCAM! Michael
Jenkins  1-727-216-9750 10120 South Eastern Avenue Ste 200 Henderson,
Nevada 89052

  SCAMMERS Michael Jenkins aka Jom Morgan, Jan Windglows are all an
immature jealous teenage jealous of Psychic in Seattle who gives free
readings and helped me after Jan Windglows stole money from me. Jan Windglows
does not perform any spells. Jan Windglows is a complete waste of time and
money. ALERT Jan Windglows is a wanted criminal for Deception, Frand Larceny
and Identity Theft.

   So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints
filed about SCAM Ripoff Jan Windglows on Ripoff Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx

  So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints
filed about SCAM Ripoff Michael Jenkins who is Jim Morgan on Ripoff
Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Michael-jenkins.aspx

SCAM Jan Windglows aka Janhet Windglows- no matter how many lies you come
up with - SCAM Jan Windglows you are the one SCAMMING for SPELLS!!  SCAM
Jan Windglows caught in her LIES of DECEPTION FRAUD to get anyone to pay
$1000s for SPELLS. SCAM Jan Windglows ripped me off. READ multiple valid
complaints filed about SCAM Ripoff Jan Windglows on Ripoff Report.com here is
the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx

So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints filed
about SCAM Ripoff Micheal Jenkins who is Jim Morgan on Ripoff Report.com here
is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Michael-jenkins.aspx
FACTS: SCAM Jan Windglows and Micheal Jenkins are  the Criminals for
Deception Fraud and is currently owns several Spell Sites that SCAM people
for Money. Blood, Love and Lust Spells, Dragon Spells, Angelic Seals, and the
new Castle Eye. DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows, Jim
Morgan, Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka Jim Morganof www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
 , www.dragonspells.com  ,
and www.amgelicseals.com
 ph: 714-208-4348 www.extremeblackmagic.com
 Michael Jenkins  1-727-216-9750 10120 South Eastern Avenue Ste 200
Henderson, Nevada 89052
So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints
filed about SCAM Ripoff Micheal Jenkins who is Jim Morgan on Ripoff
Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Michael-jenkins.aspx
Scam Jan Windglows is the SCAMMER committing Deception Fraud and Identity
Theft!! In 2011 Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Michael Jenkins is James Morgan
aka Jim Morganall will go to JAIL!! In the meantime - SCAM Jan Windglows get
a life and real job. SCAM Jan Windglows is a complete waste of time and
money. Do not call 208-714-4348 Do not use Blood Love and Lust Spells - SCAM
Jan Windglows aka Janhet Windglows will harass you and stalk you the post
lies on the Global Internet about you and your family.  BEWARE!!I pray
for all the victims of Jan Windglow. Psychic in Seattle told me to Turn to
READ up to date daily complaints on Rip-off Report.com about SCAM Jan
Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows!!! READ multiple valid complaints filed
about SCAM Ripoff Jan Windglows on Rip-off Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx
  READ up to date daily complaints on Rip-off Report.com about SCAM Jan
Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows!!! READ multiple valid complaints filed
about SCAM Rip-off Jan Windglows on Ripoff Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx

How do you SCAM the SCAMMER? DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Janhett T.
Windglows, Jim Morgan, Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka Jim Morgan of
www.bloodloveandlustspells.com , www.dragonspells.com , and
www.amgelicseals.com ph: 714-208-4348 www.extremeblackmagic.com 
Read MULTIPLE REPORTS of SCAM Michael Jenkins aka Jan Windglows aka
Janhet Windglows alleged husband Jim Morgan  on Rip-off Report.com


  Crime Alert: Jan Windglows stole my money. I am against Witchcraft and this
SCAM called Jan Windglows of Scam Site Blood Love and Lust Spells, Mystcial
Spellcasting Services PO Box 18, Bonners Ferry, Idaho,83805 ph:
208-714-4348. Witchcraft is a SCAM. Do Not Use: Micheal Jenkins  www.extremeblackmagic.com or Jan
Windglows of Blood, Love and Lust Spells. 

  Witchcraft is a SCAM! Jan Windglows is a SCAM? How do you scam the
Scammer?  You dont only a SCAM would be in the Spellcasting Business!

  Jan Windglows is a SCAM! Witchcraft is a SCAM: Jan Windglows SCAMS
Multiple People; DO NOT USE: Ripoff SCAM Fake Psychic Jan Windglows is a
SCAM, Verified Serial Cyber Predator and Criminal

  DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows, Jim Morgan,
Michael Jenkins is James Morgan aka Jim Morgan of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
 , www.dragonspells.com
 , and www.angelicseals.com
 ph: 714-208-4348 www.extremeblackmagic.com
Report: #383921

Report: Client Of Micheal Jenkins

Reported By: (UK Other )

Client Of Micheal Jenkins Recent Experience with the Spell Caster
Michael Jenkins UK England

*Consumer Comment: beware: michael jenkins is james morgan of

  I have recently ordered a love eternal spell, and hate to say that i am
getting extremely worried that ive been scammed... i came accross this site
and thought it cant be true. My spell is due to be cast soon and i have not
heard from michael for a week now and starting to wonder why. I will
obviously post again if he does happen to respond and give me any proof of
his casting for me, but if not then this man is a liar, and i am going to
take further action.

Anyway.. more will be posted once i receive (or dont) receive a reply from
michael jenkins.



United Kingdom

   READ up to date daily complaints on Rip-off Report.com about SCAM Jan
Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows!!! READ multiple valid complaints filed
about SCAM Ripoff Jan Windglows on Rip-off Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx
  READ up to date daily complaints on Rip-off Report.com about SCAM Jan
Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows!!! READ multiple valid complaints filed
about SCAM Rip-off Jan Windglows on Ripoff Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx
Report: #414157

Report: Michael Jenkins And His Father Jim Morgan

Reported By: (Washington D.C. Washington )

Michael Jenkins Love Spells ,Magic Spells Michael Jenkins & Jim
Morgan, Michael Jenkins And His Father Jim Morgan I am scared of Michael
Jenkins and his father Jim Morgan Henderson, Las Vegas Nevada

*Consumer Suggestion: Facebook Hacker - Cyber SCAM Michael Jenkins
aka jim Morgan commits Federal Cyber Crime HACKS into Facebook
posts March 5, 2011 on this report

I am never giving my name because I am very scared of Michael
Jenkins and his father Jim Morgan. I am writing from Washington D.C. Why did
they hurt me?

I thought that Michael was honest and thought he told me the truth. I
was very wrong. He was so nice to me too at first.

Michael Jenkins told me lots of times he and his father Jim Morgan were
working together on all my many problems. That was less than only a month
ago, but I only spoke to Michael because he said his dad Jim was busy casting
a spell and could not talk to me on the phone.

I spent so much money on all of this, over seven thousand and never heard
back from either of them. Goodbye everyone, and stay away from them Michael
threatened me many times.

Patty in washington d.c.

Washington D.C., Washington



Michael JENKINS Of Www.extremeblackmagic.com & Www.lovespells

Michael JENKINS Of extremeblackmagic.com &
lovespells-magicspells.com scammed $1000s out of me & my friends, cast
love spells that yielded no results, refused to refund ...

www.ripoffreport.com/con-artists/?michael-jenkins-of-w/... - Cached

So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints
filed about SCAM Ripoff Jan Windglows on Ripoff Report.com here is the link http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/jan-windglows.aspx

So how do you SCAM the SCAMMER?  READ multiple valid complaints
filed about SCAM Ripoff Michael Jenkins who is Jim Morgan on Ripoff
Report.com here is the link  http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Michael-jenkins.aspx

Report: #283569

Report: Michael JENKINS Of Www.extremeblackmagic.com &

By: (WARWICK Other )

Michael JENKINS Of
extremeblackmagic.com & lovespells-magicspells.com scammed $1000s out of me
& my friends, cast love spells that yielded no results, refused to refund,
made false promises & claims, didn't do the free recasts, never sent the
spell kits or spell pictures, failed to provide 24/7 customer support, gave no
advice, responded with long silences/meaningless monosyllabic remarks Reported
from HENDERSON, Nevada United States of America

Jenkins proclaims to sell a wide range of spells, including love and revenge
spells. His prices are expensive - they average $900 upwards, but for that he
claims to offer 24/7 customer support, saying he is available to discuss client
cases day or night. He also promises results within a matter of weeks, and to
send out individual spell pictures and the kits that need to be done to
accompany the spells. He claims he has a 97% success rate overall and even a
100% success rate for some of his spells.

The reality is very different. I and several of my friends bought a number of
Michael's spells, including his Love Eternal + 30-day casting for $1400. He
promised us that we would be reunited with our partners and that all the other
results we wished for would appear within a few weeks. He also promised to send
us the Negativity Releasing Prayer kits that we had to do in return for
Divinity granting us our requests and pictures of our spells. However, the NRP
kits never arrived and nor did he ever e-mail the spell pictures.
We chased him up over and over for these to no avail. All we received were
false promises.

In addition, while we were waiting for results, if we ever managed to get hold
of Michael on the phone, all we received were long silences and the same old
standard monosyllabic replies, namely "keep me posted" and "be
patient". If we tried to get the advice and support we so desperately
needed, again all he replied was "I dunno, go ask a psychic". This is
just not the way to deal with people who are upset, desperate and in
heartbroken states, plus it's a far cry from what he promises on his web site.
He also failed to respond to our e-mails or if he did, the replies were just as
brief and unsatisfactory.

All in all my friends and I spent $1000s with Michael and not one of us got
results. There wasn't even any proof that he cast the spells we paid for and as
for getting the so-called 3 free recasts that the spells are supposed to come
with, all he ever did was try to persuade us to part with more money and buy
additional spells. 1 of my poor friends was so vulnerable that she was
persuaded to part with $6000 - her whole life savings and in return, Michael
left her broke, pregnant and without the boyfriend she so desperately yearned
for and whom he promised to return to her. Another one of my friends is getting
divorced - so much for getting her husband back via Michael's spells!
Furthermore, if you try to get your money back from him, then he throws his
disclaimer at you in defence, saying no refunds and no guarantees, and tells
you your case is closed. As for him having years of experience, he is only 26!

If you want to go the spells route, there are way better web sites out there
like spellmaker where you are given a personal caseworker who stays with you
until results appear or divinelovelight who offers phenomenal e-mail support.
Michael Jenkins is nothing but a greedy money-grabbing scammer and con artist -
DO NOT go near him please!



United Kingdom
Michael JENKINS Of Www.extremeblackmagic.com &

Address-Michael Jenkins

183 Kachina Drive

HENDERSON,  Nevada 89074


Phone: 727-216-9750

Present Address of Micheal Jenkins aka Jim


Double the Ripoff Jim Morgan is Micheal Jenkins:

1.) Michael Jenkins aka 2.) Jim Morgan steals from ALL Clients bcs
Michael Jenkins is a SCAM Artist scamming $1000's for Witchcraft!  EVIL
BEGETS EVIL !!!!!  Double the Ripoff as
Jim Morgan poses as 2 people on both Micheal Jenkins and as Jim Morgan.  Jim Morgan is Micheal Jenkins. Micheal
Jenkins is Jim Morgan.

Michael Jenkins

(Master of the Arts)


801 W. Bay Drive Suite 471

Largo, FL 33770

Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan and FAT-FAKE SCAMMER Queen Lilith Jan
Windglows - ALLL Coven of Criminals to SCAM you $1000's for Spells that do not
work thru Blood, Love and Lust Spells.  www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  Ripoff website owned by Queen Lilith  Scammer Jan Windglows.

SCAM Michael Jenkins has reincarnated as Jim Morgan working with FAT-FAKE Jan
Windglows - CRIMINALS Double the SCAM to RIPOFF $1000's for Spells that do not
TWO Fake
Twitters of Michael Jenkins http://twitter.com/m2011jenkins
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan AND Fake Twitter #2 http://twitter.com/#!/jimmorgan1 Jim
Morgan aka Michael Jenkins - the same person - DOUBLE the Ripoff - working
for SCAM Jan Windglows - scam sites www.bloodloveandistspells.com,  www.extremeblackmagic.com & www.lovespells-magicspells.com &

Jenkins aka Jim Morgan steals from ALL Clients bcs Michael Jenkins is a SCAM
Artist scamming $1000's for Witchcraft!  EVIL BEGETS EVIL !!!!!
Cyber Criminal Jan Windglows & Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan have Police warrants, wanted for MURDER, Extortion,
Deception Fraud, Tax Evasion- Pathological LIARS, Socio-paths for Satan
Crime Alert: Micheal
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a Cyber Criminal SCAMMERS Jan Windglows & Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan have Police warrants, wanted for Grand Larceny,
Aggravated Harassment, Extortion, Deception Fraud, Tax Evasion- Jan Windglows
and Micheal Jenkins are Pathological LIARS, Socio-paths for Satan-Spellcasting
SCAM with Fake names, Fake websites all to scam your Money!
SCAMMERS-Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan and FAKE Websites-Fake Names of Jan
Windglows - ALL Coven of Criminals to SCAM you $1000's for Spells that do not
Crime Alert:
Scammers Jan Windglows aka Enchanstress Jan, Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan are
Cyber CriminalSCAMMERS Jan Windglows & Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan have
Police warrants, wanted for Grand Larceny, Identity Theft, Aggravated
Harassment, Extortion, Deception Fraud, Tax Evasion, and more- SCAMMERS Jan
Windglows and Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan are Pathological LIARS,
Socio-paths for Satan-Spellcasting SCAM with Fake names, Fake websites all to
scam your Money! http://www.ripoffreport.com/liars/jan-windglows-aka-ja/jan-windglows-aka-janhett-t-w-e7fde.htm

SCAM Michael Jenkins has reincarnated as Jim Morgan
working with FAKE SpellcasterJan Windglows ALL CRIMINALS Double the SCAM
Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan to RIPOFF you of your $1000's for Spells that do
not work! Jan Windglows is a SCAMMER. http://www.ripoffreport.com/liars/jan-windglows-aka-ja/jan-windglows-aka-janhett-t-w-e7fde.htm
Spellcasting PONZI
SCAM Crime Alert:  SCAMMERS-Jan
Windglows aka Enchantress Jan, Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan all FAKE
Websites-Fake Names. Owned by SCAM Jan Windglows - ALL Coven of Criminals to
SCAM you $1000's for Spells that do not work. Jan Windglows spells do not

  Spellcasting SCAM
Jan Windglows aka Enchanstress Jan 208, Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan aka Mike
Cahill, Kim Thrasher and Matilda Sommerfield are Cyber CriminalSCAMMERS Jan
Windglows & Jim Morgan have Police warrants, wanted for Grand Larceny,
Identity Theft, Aggravated Harassment, Extortion, Deception Fraud, Tax Evasion,
and more- SCAMMERS Jan Windglows and Micheal Jenkins aka Jim Morgan aka Mike
Cahill are Pathological LIARS, Socio-paths for Satan-Spellcasting SCAM with
Fake names, Fake websites all to scam your Money!

  On-line Spellcasting
Crime Alert: SCAMMERS Jan Windglows aka Enchanstress Jan, Micheal Jenkins aka
Jim Morgan aka Mike Cahill are Cyber Criminals-SCAMMERS Jan Windglows &
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan are SCAMS. Do Not Use: Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspellls.com
because Jan Windglows wil steal you cash. Jan Windglows spellcasting is a ponzi
scam.  SCAMMERS Jan Windglows and Jim
Morgan hace the BAD reputation for stealing cash thru their many scam
spellcasting scam websites: Blood, Love and Lust Spells is a ripoff operation.
DO NOT USE: SCAMMER Jan Windglows.
SCAM Spellcasting
Crime Alert: SCAM Jan Windglows is a LIAR makes Fake claims on spellcasting
websites: Blood, Love and Lust, Spells. BEWARE OF JAN the SCAM. Jan Windglows
steals your cash. SCAM Jan Windglows is an on-line scam that will only harm
you. Spellcasting is a SCAM. Jan Windglows is a career criminal and career
on-line scam. DO NOT USE: Scam socio-path/career criminal Jan Windglows of scam
website www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
Crime Alert: SCAM Jan
Windglows is a LIAR
makes Fake claims on spellcasting websites: Blood, Love and Lust, Spells. Jan Windglows steals your cash. BEWARE OF JAN
the SCAM.

  SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows
has a bad reputation for stealing, scamming, stalking and suing her clients;
BEWARE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is a total scam ponzi operation owned by
SCAM Jan Windglows.
SCAM Alert: Spellcaster &
Cyber On-line Ripoff Jan Windglows has a bad reputation for stealing, scamming,
stalking and harasssing her spellcasting clients; BEWARE
www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is a total scam ponzi operation owned by SCAM
Spellcaster Jan Windglows. 

 Jan Windglows is SCAM Spellcaster..Jan Windglows u can't run from
the law anymore. Jan Windglows is a Con-Artist that post her own rebuttals on
Ripoff Report.com.
Windglows aka Janhett T., Windglows aka Janhet Windglows  is a complete scam and ripoff.
@JanhetWindglows - Your spiritual
intelligence is your most important virtue. @JanhetWindglows many people
have been scammed and have had money stolen thru Jan Windglows many fake
spellcasting sites.
Spellcasting is a SCAM. I f you have been
scammed by On-line Criminal Jan Windglows of scam website www.bloodloveandlustspells.com
then call SCAMMER Jan Windglows hack & corrupt lawyer and Voodo Master
Scott Chapman, Esq and get you money back today.  Absolutely call Scott Chapman, Esq who is
located in Vegas, NV ph: 702-949-1100. 8337 Scott
Chapman, Esq is located in Vegas, NV ph: 702-949-1100. 8337 W Sunset Rd
Ste 350 Las Vegas, NV 89113  Office: 702-949-1100. Report Jan Windglows to the local police; Jan
Windglows steals your cash. GET YOUR MONEY BACK from Criminal Jan Windglows
contact Scott Chapman or serve summons on Jan Windglows on her lawyer Scott
Chapman. Esq. Scott Chapman, Esq is located in Vegas, NV ph: 702-949-1100.
8337 W Sunset Rd Ste 350 Las Vegas, NV 89113  Office: 702-949-1100.
Jan Windglows and JimMorgan
Spellcasting SCAM Alert: STOP
Jan Windglows STOP Jim Morgan who are Scam Ripoff Spellcasters; Worst Service;
NO Proof of Spells; Jan Windglows and Jim Morgans Spells do not work..STOP
SCAM Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan.

   Spellcaster & Cyber On-line Ripoff Jan Windglows anf
Jim Morgan have a bad reputations for stealing, scamming,

stalking and harasssing her clients; BEWARE
www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is

a total scam ponzi operation owned by SCAM Jan

   Crime Alert Spellcasting
SCAM: STOP Cyber Thief & Stalker
Jan Windglows aka Janhet Windglows of many fake websites, most well known www.bloodloverandlustspell.com
Cyber Thief, Stalker & Ripoff SCAMMER

She''s HOTT

New York,
Mary Prantil is HOTT-But Who Taught You To Write?

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

1.  Why do you have to underline everything.  Who Taught You To Write? (as in previous posts)

2. Why did you have to write these long titles under her pictures so that now No One can even see her pictures when they click on it (like in previous reports)-Who Taught You To Write?

She's HOTT

A.  Does she have a black man in her life?

B.  Does she need a black man in her life?

....Because she is HOTT

Report Attachments



#9Consumer Comment

Fri, July 23, 2010




Posted: 2010-07-22 by  Ripoffreport Report Image  Mary Prantil 2 Arrest Warrants Out 4 U
Complaint Rating:  0 % 
with 0 votes
Company information:
Astoria, New York
United States
Phone: NA

This Report Concerns Mary T. Prantil of Queens County Astoria New York. You can also find Scam Prantil posting on Rip Off Report and other Forum sites posting against us and others under AKA Honest Person AKA Honestperson AKA Park City USA, AKA Uta,

AKA Pittsburg, AKA Pennsylvania, AKA Washington D.C. AKA Washington, AKA Astoria, New York, AKA Pittsburg, AKA Pennsylvania AKA Park City, AKA Utah AKA Astoria New York AKA Phoenix Arizona AKA SadisticPsychicJanWindglowsHURTME2 - Houston (USA

AKA Unhappy Client - Xxx (U.S.A AKACONArtist-JimMorganNOTaWizardorMagicalPowers AKA Houston (USA AKA SCAMJanWindglowsSpellCastingSchemeOperation AKA Settle USA AKA Astoria USA AKA Honestperson Pittsburg U.S.A.

AKA Cc - Essex United Kingdom AKA Enforcer Of Justice AKA Washington D.C., Washington AKA New York, New York AKA Phoenix Arizona AKA Honestperson Pittsburg U.S.A AKA Enforced Justice

AKA Phoenix USA AKA UK Other AKA PsychicHater (Seattle Washington)United States of America, AKA do not tread on me (Astoria New York AKA OpinionatedAmerican (Tampa Florida)United States of America .

Update On Mary T. Prantil Of Astoria New York

I've waited so long, to both find and post this information on the Forum sites against Miss Prantil. You know, Mary T. Prantil the two bit Internet CRIMINAL Cyber Stalker, LOL. You know, the same IDIOT that just wouldn't go away while the getting was good.

Who moreover felt so compiled in getting up on the internet everyday for four years attempting to scam free services out of unsuspecting online businesses and then viciously attacking and SLANDERING them just because they wouldn't let this parasite get away with conning them.

Of course, she would eventually re-scam and slander the ones she did have a chance to rip off as the years unfolded as in the case of the Mike Cahill and prantil incident, of scandal.

This report is a UPDATE to the first report that focused on revealing Prantil's Criminality, or unlawful activities against 11 to 12 people as the record reflects, and another EIGHT people that the record isn't showing at this time.

I think Prantil was accusing us of stalking at one point along with her other lunatic charges such as us allegedly hacking, tax fraud, credit card fraud etc. Get a load of this charge that was just recently launched against Miss Congeniality by the N.Y Court system just yesterday : 120.50 FE (STALKING 3RD DEGREE E Felony.

I'm sure you've all ready read our charges against her by now such as PROLONGED Telephone and email harassment, Habitual lieing, Tax Evasion, Extortion, Blackmail etc. Get a gander of her updated eight different charges on prantil provided below,

YES I said 8 different charges that she's currently being held there in NY on until she can go to back to court to explain all her actions to the JUDGE'S.

Again, yes, I said Judge's as there are five or six of them all together, Why ? because little Mary has been keeping them all very busy while being brought up on several charges of harassing others around her.

Of course, mary leads a very full life without a dull moment and that's why she's been running around on the internet trying to convince everyone else that she wasn't a two bit low life criminal while all this has been going on behind the scenes.

Running around while hiding behind one of her 33 fictitious names professing to speak the truth, telling her story in how she was the VICTIM of all those big nasty online magick casting businesses. Oh help me, help me everyone because I am the victim of being scammed, being hacked, stalked, slandered etc etc etc.

Poor Little Mary. Did mary get a bad rap by the New York Court system to ?. I mean, are they lieing as well ?, perhaps their just picking on little scammer mary as well. Mary likes to hear herself talk when repeatedly saying " I didn't do anything ",

" I didn't rip off anyone ", "I don't have a criminal record, blah, blah, blah. And lets not forget go ramblings about how great, or how prestigious the prantil family is LOL.

What was it prantil says on one of her sites ? wasn't it something like " Birds Only Pick At The Best Fruit " LOL, I think in Mary's case it would be Buzzards and Crows as they like their fruit rotten. Mary does remind me of something rotten, maybe not fruit but rotten just the same. Maybe I'm thinking rotten with a side order of pound scum when I think of mary.

Of course between bashing Jan and myself Prantil goes on to tell everyone that she's living the American dream and how Madonna is her mentor regarding her seven or eight blog pages. Please keep in mind that this is a 46 year old woman who says this along with her wanting to look like Kate moss lol.

One minute she's a hand and hoof model, and in the same breath she's a cooperate executive on wall street. In all reality prantil was nothing but a assistant secretary working for temporary services making a meager wage far from the six figures she had boasted in making earlier on.

If you visit her blog sites, you'll see this in her job description. Basically, she made the coffee, shuffled papers, received calls, greeted people at the front desk and passed messages to folks working in the various offices from time to time. Of course these jobs didn't last as the longest held job may have been a year or a little over before she was fired for misconduct.

All in all, this is a far cry from her being a self-proclaimed Corporate Executive for HBO, CNN and Cinimax she ranted and raved about over the last three years. Really when you look over prantil's life, you can see that she's always lead a menial life with no hopes of ever going anywhere in the cooperate world.

Maybe this is why she felt it so important to fabricate, or lie about everything under the sun to make a impression on others, to come off bigger then life. Of course this fantasy, illusion of distorted reality became a way of life for prantil and moreover came in handy when mary started her little slamming campaign against us on the net. Her finally tuned imaginary skills came handy when it came to lashing out at others who rubbed her the wrong way, like us lol.

It's interesting how Miss Prantil repeatedly states on her blog pages how Jan and myself are guilty of this and that but never seems to come up with any proof to back up any of her pathetic statements or charges against us, especially when given four years to produce anything to back up the smallest statement made.

Miss Prantil was taken into custody before she could remove these blog pages just for the record, I also think it's important to explain that prantil never dreamed that her criminal records would be made public record by the courts and thus directly disproving her claims of not having a criminal record of any kind.

When she saw these criminal records posted for the first time I bet the blood just drained down to her feet while she was knocked back with surreal disbelief lol. To be on the net bashing several people and then to see your own criminal activities revealed must be a sobering feeling indeed.

Mary also likes to talk about karma and how it's real, well, KARMA is real as she is now finding out. I hope that she thinks of us while sitting in her small little nut cell and how we assisted the DA in putting her there.

I certainly hope she thinks of all the people she's ripped off and harassed over the years, she will have plenty of time to think about a lot of things in my opinion, especially about the curse we placed on her and how it will never go away, it will never be broken,

it will never fade, it will be there looming over her forever. Please read her criminal reports and then go check out these links going to prantil's FANTASY pages. The links are as follows:


Prantil is very direct when repeatedly stating that she has Never been arrested, Never been in jail, Never was committed into a psychiatric ward, Never used or sold drugs, Never ripped off online or land biased businesses, Never used any online spell casting services, Never went bankrupt, Always paid her taxes and on and on. Ok, well, Miss Prantil is nothing but a lieing CRIMINAL and I'm about to prove it over and over again.

In the previous report you can see where she owes the U.S Government $ 4000.00 in federal tax & $130.00 state or county tax, not only this but this report shows the Tax Warrants out on her. Prantil does in FACT have a civil and criminal record going back 20 years, back to her childhood in California while growing up under her unethical attorney father that was Disbarred twice

for drug abuse, stealing $700, 000 and lieing over and over to the court when asked about his shady activities with one or two of his Clients that he became personally involved with. The man seems to have been the lowest low life of the legal community when you read what others in the legal community have to say about him, it's all very involved and likened to a scandalous novel when reading over or through it.

As the records show below, Prantil has been arrested several times, then incarcerated as a result for a array of charges ranging from harassment, resisting arrest on to criminal contempt etc. Mary Prantil has been committed to the state hospital in the past however she vigorously denied this,

and then again here recently as you can see when you look her up on the link provided below concerning the RIKERS ISLAND JAIL facility called Rose M. Singer Center. Miss Scammer Prantil will be a guest here in this jail for the next two weeks because their afraid that she will flee justice, as she's done so many times before.

Prantil has also been Court Ordered to submit to a in-depth psychological exam to determine her sanity and moreover her distinction between right from wrong. Mary's not crazy more so then just a out of control petty criminal who's been caught, as they will all find out at the end of the study.

This Simpleton was just picked up on one out of two state Warrants and thus was taken directly to the NUT HOUSE to await the remaining hearings and sentencing that they will ultimately produce against her. seven to eight charges against this five foot and three inch 46 year old woman who starves herself down to a very thin 95 lbs is in a lot of trouble at this point.

You would think that by the time you get to this point in your life it would be apparent that it's not prudent to act like a thirteen year old juvenile delinquent.

The police and Courts have just had enough from what I understand and their tired of her games and thus they locked her up tight to be sure she wouldn't RUN, RUN, RUN away from them again, well mary should be happy now as she's finally around people of her own station, birds of a feather flock together in jail.

Further down in this report it states that bail wasn't an option and that the court ordered her right into the hospital for a undetermined time for the mental evaluation. Again, Mary T. Prantil isn't Crazy even though it would seem so however, she is a two bit manipulating criminal piece of New York TRASH who really knows how to play the system. I wonder how long she can keep up her act for the doctors and courts.

A trick she learned off her UNETHICAL ATTORNEY FATHER I'm sure. Especially, when it came to getting out of drug charges and expunging criminal records in the state of California. Mary says that she doesn't abuse drugs but that not what she told others and ourselves.

I mean, doesn't everyone sit up all night long calling, emailing, maliciously harassing and stalking 16 to 20 people a night four over a four year period and for no apparent reason ? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE ?, WOW the energy that must take on a nightly basis. I have trouble sending out five emails a day for this or that lol.

Mary says that she doesn't drink but again, we beg to differ with her lol. Mary says that she never had a spell cast with any service be they online or land based. Again, there are five or six on-line magic sites who beg to differ with this claim coming from prantil as we all have records to show service rendered to her.

Prantil states that she never ripped anyone off, yet there are two or three sites who can show that prantil obtained services and then charged back, or wrote them rubber checks for their trouble. We have several on-line businesses who have been harassed by prantil who moreover kept records and recordings of her twenty to thirty calls a night.

Well, Mary can get her head checked out while she waits for judgment day, , maybe she can manipulate her way out of the charges coming down on her. Maybe she can tell the Judge how the whole world is against her and moreover how her voices from God told her to rip off, scam and slander whomever she thought was evil.

Perhaps her voices weren't from God after all and just herself talking to herself. You know, this happens a lot when people start coming apart at the seems, especially when nearing the end of their cycle of terror against others.

We've read when little Mary started using words like scam, liar and slander while accusing others of these despicable acts yet, she was the perpetrator of all of these low caliber deceptions. Again, we hear little miss innocent proclaiming to the world: "Don't believe Rip Off Reports",

" Ed Magedson is a criminal" yet it was Mary Prantil up on the site of Rip Off Reports under twenty or thirty different user names posting liable speech against the innocent in order to destroy their businesses, Not Ed Magedson.

I don't care for ROR but let's give credit where credit is due. ROR may be guilty of being a opportunist site along with many other forum sites however, I've never seen any of these sites openly carry out against others what prantil has consistently carried out against the innocent.

We hear Prantil stating that no one should believe Jan or my reports on the Internet yet, we have produced endless documentation, or piles of verifiable proof against Prantil regarding police records, police eyewitness accounts, accounts from four other magick site owners in what had transpired when prantil came calling on them for the services they
offered and then rendered.

We have produced verifiable records, old and current civil and criminal court records along with audio sound files catching prantil admitting that her spell work did in fact work until she messed it all up through her malicious, disruptive, hostile and over all out of control behavior due to the drug and alcohol abuse.

Miss Prantil likes to use the word HOAX a lot however, the only hoax here was perpetrated on her end. Again, we hear the words scammer, scam, rip off artist yet, when you look back at all the evidence against this fool you can't help knowing who the real scammer, fake or con artist is, wouldn't you agree ?

I know you do especially when looking over the records below. Lastly, when reading over her seven or eight blog pages that she currently has up on us, you will notice her one resounding message being (" DO NOT USE " DO NOT USE " ).

Yes, this statement has been posted over and over again all over the Internet, posted under her thirty or more User names on about every scam site over the net. Further under about every disingenuous story that you can think of as she's attempted to pass herself off as different people in a effort to both draw sympathy and fool the public.

You know, as stupid as it is prantil's reasons were for trying to destroy our business you'd think that she would have just faded away after a while, but as you can see she was still with us four years latter.

Basically her reasons for four years of lieing and harassment was because we wouldn't take any s**t from her, nor would we permit her in scamming us out of services. We wouldn't permit her in bossing us around or posting blatant lies about us on the Internet without confronting her with factual proof disputing all her lies for all to see.

That's it, that's all it took for this scammer to repeatedly attack us for close to four years. The thing that really angers her is in that we EXPOSE her every time we get a chance, or when we see her attempting to scam private persons or businesses.

Miss Prantil said it best when she said " Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves " SHE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN HER OWN ADVICE as she gave everyone the rope to hang her high through her own evil actions against others. Internet Terrorist Mary T. Prantil will now face real justice in the courts of New York while being made to face up to everything she's ever carried out against anyone,

this criminal can get three to five years from what I understand when reading over what she's been technically charged with concerning the N.Y state codes, let's hope so any way.

I hope my faith in the Justice system can be restored once again. As I've said before, we as a Nation should be protected by our laws and thus people like prantil should be locked away under a deep, cold and dark jail in Siberia somewhere far away from the rest of us.

I feel Mary T. Prantil was someone in search of the American dream but never seem to attain it on any level, and it was then that she decided to take a lesser version of it by force by resorting to the loathsome actions as stealing, conning,

lieing and attempting to steal or destroy this same dream that others are so earnestly trying to attain in these despairing times. Again, Marys distorted view of the world and they way things should be carried out in life.

It all came down to jealousy, greed and reinventing herself into something that prantil never had any real hope of becoming in reality. She fancies herself as a Comedian but how can you bring laughter to the world when your bringing so much sadness in its place through your own selfish actions ? you can't.

How can the hopeless one bring love, laughter and hope to the world ?, They can't because love, hope and laughter is nonexistent within them and can't give what you have not to give.

Prantil is a person whom feels that the American dream let her down, or left her behind and thus she decided that she should go for broke and attain this dream in any way possible even if it came at the great expense of others, even if it met breaking societal and spiritual rules across the board.

In short, site policies, state laws, ethics, good morals or positive standers mean ABSOLUTY nothing to this Individual. Religion, faith and other principal's are merely things she stands behind when it's convenient for her to do so, or can be used to achieve her goals.

Mary Prantil is someone who believes the world owes her a living in the process of achieving what she considered to be the American dream. As I've stated in other post, Miss Prantil sure has a funny way of achieving her dreams and further has very little to total disregard for the rights of others in the process.

Many people all over the country have suffered emencly as a direct result of prantil's speech and actions over the last four years and back, Why ? because this person was left unchecked by the legal system for so long not to mentioned her despicable behavior being enabled by her family and others just because they were afraid to step in and do what needed to be done in committing her early on.

Well, it looks like it all coming full circle for prantil now, and the crow has finally come home to roost for lack of better words, I believe that our work has been completed in exposing this sick but criminal personality and there's really nothing more to say other then let this be a lesson to any scammers out there who, like mary,

believe that they are above the laws of the land and like to hide behind little fake names on the Internet while attacking the innocent, or ripping off the innocent. Scammers run both ways on the Internet, or can be found in the Client just as well as in a bad company is the lesson for today.

I will say this to folks out there who like to pick on businesses: Without us you would still be growing your own s**t to eat and making your own clothing to wear, AREN'T YOU HAPPY you have someone to do this for you ? Most Companies and or small businesses AREN'T CRIMINALS so DON'T TREAT US as such. Have some dam respect, Remember that word ? we have respect for you so be kind to us next time you see a Vender on the street or visit a web site.

I would like to say to everyone else that has had a personal conflict with Mary to rest easy now, I don't believe this moron will ever be back to hassle any of us ever again, time to release it and get back to our lives, time to enjoy the peace and quiet we once had before this menace of society came knocking at our doors with all her deceptions,

trickery and games of scorn. Enjoy the postings exposing this Internet criminal for what she has always been, a ignorant fool. Even though Mary had spells cast for her situation many times over she never believed in them even when they worked in her life.

Ok, back to Miss Prantil, I wonder if she believes in the Curse we cast against her now because she didn't seem to before lol. The spell we cast against prantil in order to stop her madness against the innocent. What was that you said Mary ?,

wasn't it something like God shall TRAMPLE the Dragon ? Well mary, someone did get trampled here but it wasn't my beautiful Jan or Dragon self, I think it's safe to say that you were trampled under Divinities foot as evil can't exist in the presence of divine righteousness.

Let's hope that the state of New York continues to carry out its duty in the instance of Mary T. Prantil. Perhaps when it's all done, and when the judgments have been all passed, we as a society can been secure in that our system continues to work. Again, perhaps Mary T. Prantil will be lawfully RESTRAINED and kept away from law abiding citizens until which time she can function normally in society, if ever.

If you would like to verify this on going criminal record on Miss Mary T. Prantil then please go to the address link below, be sure to click for updates as this case is still unfolding. If your not into looking up records we understand and thus the easy to access and read Queen Lilith Site is there for you at www.ashrinetoqueenlilith.net.

The Lilith site was constructed out of necessity due to the prolonged cyber attacks we've endured as a direct result of mary prantil attempting to destroy our business over the last four years. On this particular site you can view her entire criminal history along with several sound files catching her in the act of habitually lying, threatening, blackmailing, extortion etc.

You will also read through the transcripts and eyewitness accounts along with transcripts of what actually transpired between her and the sites that were foolish enough to take on her cases.

The entire purposes of this site isn't to defame, embarrass or humiliate prantil however, it is about presenting the facts in a fair and truthful way while defending ourselves against the onslaught of her endless accusations. This is a defense site that were in essence excursing our right to free speech found under the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

Instructions Of How To Look Up Mary Prantil's Incarceration Information By Following These Instructions. Go to the following link which is the NYC jail inmate lookup:http://a072-web.nyc.gov/inmatelookup/

After the page has been pulled up, you will see the place where to enter Mary Prantil's Booking and Case Number, which is 3471001054- simply enter that number in the white box, as shown below.

As you will see, the NYC Department Of Corrections has all her criminal information and charges posted. As we have said numerous times in the past, we have proof of what we have been warning the public about this criminal Mary Prantil all along,

so see for yourself- go to the link, enter her book and case number, the information is current and is all there for anyone because it is PUBLIC RECORD. The facts, simply put.



NYSID: 03088617J

Age: 46

Sex: Female

Race: White

Height: 5 ft 3 inches

Weight: 95 lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Nativity: New York

Booking Information Incarceration: 2010-06-14

Book & Case Number: 3471001054

Facility: Rose M. Singer Center

Arrest Date: 2010-06-14

Arrest Number: COURT DIRECT

Next Court Date: 2010-06-30

Projected Release Date:

Actual Release Date:

Discharge Reason:

Bail & Bond: Remanded

Charge Information

Docket: 2010NY022485

Indictment: 00000 0000

Charges: 120.50 FE (STALKING 3RD DEGREE E Felony)



Docket: 2009NY002655

Indictment: 00000 0000

Charges: 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor)

205.30 MA (RESISTING ARREST A Misdemeanor)

Docket: 2009NY046033

Indictment: 00000 0000




215.50 MA (CRIMINAL CONTEMP- 2ND A Misdemeanor)

Ten Jails on Rikers Island
List Part 2
Rose M. Singer Center
19-19 Hazen St.,
East Elmhurst, N.Y.

Rose M. Singer Center was opened in June 1988 as an 800-bed facility for female detainees and sentenced inmates. http://www.correctionhistory.org/html/chronicl/nycdoc/html/jailst1a.html#RMSC

Section 240.26 Harassment in the second degree

A person is guilty of harassment in the second degree when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person:

1. He or she strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects such other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or

2. He or she follows a person in or about a public place or places; or

3. He or she engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such other person and which serve no legitimate purpose.

Sub-divisions two and three of this section shall not apply to activities regulated by the national labor relations act, as amended, the railway labor act, as amended, or the federal employment labor management act, as amended.

Harassment in the second degree is a violation.

Section 240.30 Aggravated harassment in the second degree.

A person is guilty of aggravated harassment in the second degree when, with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person, he or she:

1. Either (a) communicates with a person, anonymously or otherwise by telephone, or by telegraph, mail or any other form of written communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or (b) causes a communication to be initiated by mechanical or electronic means or otherwise, with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, or by telegraph, mail or any other form of written communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or

2. Makes a telephone call, whether or not a conversation ensues, with no purpose of legitimate communication; or

3. Strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same because of a belief or perception regarding such person's race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct; or

4. Commits the crime of harassment in the first degree and has previously been convicted of the crime of harassment in the first degree as defined by section 240.25 of this article within the preceding ten years.

Aggravated harassment in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.





Criminal Records For Mary T. Prantil In Queens Astoria & Manhattan New York

NEW YORK New York Criminal Court
Docket: 2009NY046033
Defendant: Prantil, Mary T
Born 1964

Defendant Characteristics

Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5 Feet 3 Inches
Weight: 100 pounds
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond
Ethnicity: Unknown

Arrest/Incident Date/Time

Arrest Date: June 9, 2009
Arrest Time: 11:00
Incident Date: May 6, 2009
Incident Time: 04:42

Case Related Numbers

Criminal Justice Tracking Number: 63615729R
NYSID Number: 3088617J
Arrest Number: M09652561
Summons/Ticket Number:

BAC and Vehicle Info

Blood Alcohol Content:
Vehicle Info: N/A

Arresting Officer Info

Shield Number: 6560
Tax Registry Number:
Agency: NYPD
Officer Command: 20

Confidentially Search for Records

You are searching for records on
First Name: mary
Last Name: prantil
State: NY
DOB: 19640127


Address City State Zip

32-85 C2 33 ST ASTORIA NY 11106

3285 33RD ST C2 ASTORIA NY 11106

32-85 33 ST ASTORIA NY 11106

251 E 32ND ST 2C NEW YORK NY 10016

251 E 32ND ST 17F NEW YORK NY 10016

3285 33 WUSD 69 ASTORIA NY 11106

1352 PO BOX NEW YORK NY 10150

PO BOX 1352 NEW YORK NY 10150

Voter Information Name : MARY T PRANTIL

Residential Address : 32-85 33 STREET C2, ASTORIA, NY 11106

Mailing Address (if any) : Political Party : Democratic

Voter Status : Active

Voter District Information Election District : 59

County Legislative District :

Senate District : 12 Assembly District : 30

Congressional District : 14 Town : QUEENS Ward :

Case Information Court New York Criminal Court

Case # 2009NY002655

Defendant Prantil, Mary T


* Name:Prantil, Mary T
* Birth Year:1964
* NYSID: 3088617J
* Status:

Incident and Arrest

* Date:June 22, 2008
* Summons/Ticket #:
* CJTN: 63355383N


* Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45
* Arrest #: M09602686


* Agency:NYPD
* Command:20

Attorney Information
Defense Attorney

* Name:Unk,
* Type:Private (Retained)
* Court Date:January 10, 2009
* Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney

* Name:
* Assigned:February 20, 2009

Next Appearance

* Date:June 14, 2010
* Court:New York Criminal Court
* Part:B

Docket Sentence
No Sentence Information on File
Incident and Arrest

* Date:June 22, 2008
* Summons/Ticket #:
* CJTN: 63355383N


* Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45
* Arrest #: M09602686


* Agency:NYPD
* Command:20

Attorney Information
Defense Attorney

* Name:Unk,
* Type:Private (Retained)
* Court Date:January 10, 2009
* Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney

* Name:
* Assigned:February 20, 2009

Next Appearance

* Date:June 14, 2010
* Court:New York Criminal Court
* Part:B

Docket Sentence
No Sentence Information on File

* Name:Prantil, Mary T
* Birth Year:1964
* NYSID: 3088617J
* Status:

Incident and Arrest

* Date:June 22, 2008
* Summons/Ticket #:
* CJTN: 63355383N


* Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45
* Arrest #: M09602686


* Agency:NYPD
* Command:20

Attorney Information
Defense Attorney

* Name:Unk,
* Type:Private (Retained)
* Court Date:January 10, 2009
* Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney

* Name:
* Assigned:February 20, 2009

Next Appearance

* Date:June 14, 2010
* Court:New York Criminal Court
* Part:B

Docket Sentence
No Sentence Information on File

* Name:Prantil, Mary T
* Birth Year:1964
* NYSID: 3088617J
* Status:

Incident and Arrest

* Date:June 22, 2008
* Summons/Ticket #:
* CJTN: 63355383N


* Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45
* Arrest #: M09602686


* Agency:NYPD
* Command:20

Attorney Information
Defense Attorney

* Name:Unk,
* Type:Private (Retained)
* Court Date:January 10, 2009
* Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney

* Name:
* Assigned:February 20, 2009

Next Appearance

* Date:June 14, 2010
* Court:New York Criminal Court
* Part:B

Docket Sentence
No Sentence Information on File
Case Information Court New York Criminal Court
Case # 2009NY002655
Defendant Prantil, Mary T

* Name:Prantil, Mary T
* Birth Year:1964
* NYSID: 3088617J
* Status:

Incident and Arrest

* Date:June 22, 2008
* Summons/Ticket #:
* CJTN: 63355383N


* Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45
* Arrest #: M09602686


* Agency:NYPD
* Command:20

Attorney Information
Defense Attorney

* Name:Unk,
* Type:Private (Retained)
* Court Date:January 10, 2009
* Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney

* Name:
* Assigned:February 20, 2009

Next Appearance

* Date:June 14, 2010
* Court:New York Criminal Court
* Part:B

Docket Sentence
No Sentence Information on File

Case Details - Appearances

Case Information Court New York Criminal Court

Case # 2009NY002655

Defendant Prantil, Mary T


Part Judge Calendar

Section Arraignment/

Hearing Type Court

Reporter Outcome/

Release Status


B Unknown, PENDING No Type Test,
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

B Whiten, M PENDING No Type Johnson, S
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

PENDING No Type Unk,
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued
PENDING No Type Oviedo, Y
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

B Mcgrath, K PENDING No Type Barna, C
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

B Burke, J PENDING No Type Morrison,
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Released on Recognizance

B Burke, J PENDING No Type Barna,
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Cash $1 (Cash)

B Whiten, M PENDING No Type Burrofato,
Court Adjourned - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bond $1 (Not Posted)

B Ross, N PENDING No Type Barna,
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

B Kamins, B PENDING No Type Rodriguez, I
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

B Burke, J PENDING No Type Bent, A
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued

APAR3 Allen, B PENDING Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given Harris, V
Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Released on Recognizance

Case Details - Charges
Case Information Court New York Criminal Court
Case # 2009NY002655
Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence
PL 205.30 00
**TOP CHARGE** A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Resisting Arrest

PL 240.30 01 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Agg Harass-2:communicate/alarm

Case Details - Motions
Case Information Court New York Criminal Court
Case # 2009NY002655

Defendant Prantil, Mary T
There are no motions on record for this case.

Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence L 240.30 02 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge
DescriptionAgg Har-2nd:telephone

L 215.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge
DescriptionCrim Contempt-2nd:disobey Crt
L 240.30 1A

**TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge
DescriptionAggravated Harassment-2nd Deg

Court: Queens Civil Supreme
Index Number: 022186/2009
Case Type: Other Real Property
Track: Expedited

Motion Information:

Number Date
Filed Filed
By Relief Sought Submit
Date Answer
Demanded Status Decision Order
Signed Date

001 02/04/2010 PLAINT Change Or Remove Attorney 03/04/2010 No Decided: 04-MAR-10
Before Justice: PINEDA-KIRWAN Short Form Order 03/04/2010

Court: Queens Civil Supreme
Index Number: 022186/2009
Case Type: Other Real Property
Track: Expedited
RJI Filed: 01/26/2010
Date NOI Due:
NOI Filed:
Disposition Deadline:
Disposition Date:
Calendar Number:
Jury Status:

Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
MARK S. FRIELANDER Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active
NEW YROK, N.Y. 10038
212 962-2877

Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
ATTORNEY RELIEVED Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active
32-30 87th Street
East Elmhurst 11369

Part Judge Calendar
Section Arraignment/
Hearing Type Court
Reporter Outcome/
Release Status 6/14/2010

B nknown, ENDING o Type est,
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued 3/09/2010

B hiten, M ENDING o Type ohnson, S
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
RoR Continued 3/03/2010

B ENDING o Type nk,
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Released on Recognizance 2/17/2010

B ENDING o Type viedo, Y
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bail Continued 2/10/2009

B cgrath, K ENDING o Type arna, C
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bail Continued 0/28/2009

B urke, J ENDING o Type orrison,
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bail Continued 8/10/2009

B urke, J ENDING o Type arna,
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bail Continued 7/28/2009

B hiten, M ENDING o Type urrofato,
ourt Adjourned - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bail Continued 6/15/2009

C andelbaum, R ENDING o Type ames, C
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bond $500 Cash $500 (Cash) 6/10/2009

APAR2 hiten, M ENDING re-Arraignment Deposition Given ilion,
ase Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued
Bond $500 Cash $500 (Not Posted)

NEW YORK New York Criminal Court
Docket 2009NY046033
Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Law Code and Code Section/Subsection

PL 240.30 02

Charge Detail

A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge


Law Code and Code Section/Subsection

PL 215.50 03

Charge Detail

A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge


Law Code and Code Section/Subsection

PL 240.30 1A *** TOP CHARGE ***

Charge Detail

A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge


Court: Queens County Civil Court

Index Number: CV-071786-09/QU


Case Type: Civil

Classification: Consumer Credit

Filing Date: 06/18/2009

Disposition Date:

Calendar Number:

Jury Demand: No

Judge Name:

Attorney/Firm(s) For Plaintiff - GE MONEY BANK:

Rubin & Rothman LLC Attorney Type: Firm

1787 Veterans Highway Suite 32

P.O.Box 9003

Islandia, New York 11749-

(631) 234-1500 ext:

Attorney/Firm(s) For Defendant - MARY PRANTIL:



County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched:


Your name selection(s) has returned 1 State Tax Lien Notice histories.
Back Button

Warrant ID# : E-029211902-W001-3

Name of Taxpayer as appears on warrant

Address of Taxpayer as appears on warrant



Date Warrant docketed by county clerk County where Warrant is docketed Tax Liability amount as appears on Warrant Date notice of tax warrant, amendment, vacation or satisfaction was filed by the Department of Taxation and Finance with the Department of State.

Date Warrant satisfaction docketed by county clerk Date Warrant Vacate Notice docketed by county clerk Date Warrant amendment docketed by county clerk
June 10, 2008 QUEENS $106.21 June 20, 2008

Warrant ID# : E-029159448-W001-7

Name of Taxpayer as appears on warrant

Address of Taxpayer as appears on warrant



Date Warrant docketed by county clerk County where Warrant is docketed Tax Liability amount as appears on Warrant Date notice of tax warrant, amendment, vacation or satisfaction was filed by the Department of Taxation and Finance with the Department of State. Date Warrant satisfaction docketed by county clerk Date Warrant Vacate Notice docketed by county clerk Date Warrant amendment docketed by county clerk
February 14, 2008 QUEENS $4, 072.14 February 14, 2008

* Filed with Department of State on or prior to implementation of electronic filing system, January 8, 2004. Dates for filings made prior to January 8, 2004 must be derived from paper filings and should be obtained from the Department of Taxation and Finance.

Taxpayer Name(s) Selected: City specified in warrant address record of Taxpayer Searched: County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched: MARY PRANTIL Not Applicable QUEENS

NEW YORK New York Criminal Court
Docket 2009NY046033
Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Appearance Information: Appearance

Part & Date Judge Calendar

Section Court

Reporter Release

Status Arraignment

Type Hearing

Type Docket


B, June 14, 2010 Pending No Type

B, March 24, 2010 UNKNOWN, Pending TEST, RoR Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, March 9, 2010 WHITEN, M Pending JOHNSON, S RoR Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, March 3, 2010 Pending UNK, Released on Recognizance No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, February 17, 2010 Pending OVIEDO, Y Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, December 10, 2009 MCGRATH, K Pending BARNA, C Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, October 28, 2009 BURKE, J Pending MORRISON, Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, August 10, 2009 BURKE, J Pending BARNA, Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

B, July 28, 2009 WHITEN, M Pending BURROFATO, Bail Continued No Type COURT ADJOURNED - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

C, June 15, 2009 MANDELBAUM, R Pending JAMES, C Bond $500 Cash $500 (Cash) No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

APAR2, June 10, 2009 WHITEN, M Pending FILION, Bond $500 Cash $500

(Not Posted) Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued

Docket Information:
Standards and Goals Age Defendant Status

Docket Sentence Information:
Docket Sentence
No Data Available

Defense Attorney Information:
Name Type Court Date Court Part Firm Name Phone Number Address
UNK, 18B (Assigned) June 10, 2009 APAR2

Assistant District Attorney Information:
Name Assignment Date
June 15, 2009

Defendant Docket Number Summons Number Appearance Date County / Court / Part Judge Prantil, Mary T 2009NY002655 06/14/2010 NEW YORK / New York Criminal Court / B Prantil, Mary T 2009NY046033 06/14/2010 NEW YORK / New York Criminal Court / B

State of California & Queens NY Criminal & Civil Records On Mary T. Prantil

Civil Supreme - Case Detail

Court: Queens Civil Supreme

Index Number: 031093/2002


Case Type: Motor Vehicle

Track: Complex

RJI Filed: 11/28/2003

Date NOI Due:

NOI Filed:

Disposition Deadline:

Disposition Date:

Calendar Number:

Jury Status:


Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
GEOGHAN & COHEN Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active

Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
JERROLD N. COHEN Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active
1 - 718 - 895 - 3215

ISSERLIS AND SULLIVAN, ESQ., Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active
516-349 0111

Court: Queens Civil Supreme
Index Number: 022186/2009
Case Type: Other Real Property
Track: Expedited

Appearance Information:


Date Time On For Appearance

Outcome Justice /

Part Comments Motion

05/24/2010 Supreme Trial DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN

05/19/2010 Supreme Trial Remove Stay DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN

03/04/2010 Motion Fully Submitted DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN

02/22/2010 Supreme Trial Stayed-Attorney Relieved DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN

02/08/2010 Supreme Initial (first time on) Adjourned DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN

Previous address Locations & Criminal Records Of Mary T. Prantil
3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106

32nd St, New York, NY 10016

3285 33 Wusd # 69,
Astoria, NY 11106

3044 1st Ave, San Diego, CA

1352 PO Box, New York, NY

3044 Juniper St # 2, San Diego, CA

1154 22nd # 2, San Diego, CA

319 Gravilla St, La Jolla, CA

Criminal Court Records

Subject Name:
12/8/2007 3:45:39


Offense: 1
Offense State:
Offense County:
Case Number:

Source State:

Offense: 1
Offense State:
Offense County:
Case Number:

Source State:

Offense: 1
Offense State:
Offense County:
Case Number:

Source State:

Offense: 1
Offense State:
Offense County:
Case Number:

Source State:

Offense: 1
Offense State:
Offense County:
Case Number:

Criminal Court

Case Number: M598531
Case County: San Diego
Source State: CA
Case File Date: 03/23/1990

Case Number:
Case County: San Diego
Source State: CA
Case File Date: 02/01/1995

Case Number:
Case County: San Diego
Source State: CA
Case File Date: 11/13/1992

Case Number:
Case County: San Diego
Source State: CA
Case File Date: 01/04/1993

Case Number:
Case County: San Diego
Source State: CA
Case File Date: 02/02/1993

Case Number:
Case County: San Diego
Source State: CA
Case File Date:

Bankruptcies, Tax Liens & Judgments by Name for:

$1, 310.00/NA

251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY

(NEW YORK County)

251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY

(NEW YORK County)

Judgement Against
Address: 3038
Case: 570215
Liability/Assests: $2,

Supreme Court - Motion Detail

Court: Queens Civil Supreme
Index Number: 031093/2002
Case Type: Motor Vehicle
Track: Complex

Appearance Information:


Date Time On For Appearance

Outcome Justice /

Part Comments Motion


10/26/2004 Supreme Trial Stayed-Bankruptcy ALLAN B. WEISS

01/05/2004 Supreme Trial Preliminary Conference Held ALLAN B. WEISS

12/22/2003 Supreme Initial (first time on) Adjourned ALLAN B. WEISS

Mary T. Prantil's Father Frank G. Prantil DISBARMENT Records


No. D-787

110 S. Ct. 493, 493 U.S. 972, 107 L. Ed. 2d 497, 58 U.S.L.W. 3351, 1989.SCT.45677 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

November 27, 1989


For earlier order herein, see Rehnquist, Brennan, White, Marshall, Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy

It having been reported to the Court that Frank G. Prantil, of Fair Oaks, California, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Supreme Court of California and this Court by order of May 15, 1989, having suspended the said Frank G. Prantil from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred;

And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued;

It is ordered that the said Frank G. Prantil be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court.


Disbarrment entered.


1998 VersusLaw Inc.




United States of America
Verified CRIMINALS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan - DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com EX-employee reveals life of CRIME;

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 21, 2010

Verified CRIMINALS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan - DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com EX-employee reveals life of CRIME;


Verified CRIMINALS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan - DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com EX-employee reveals life of CRIME;Jan Windglows changes alias as much as WIGS !!!   SCAM Jan Windglows is BALD for anyone that knows her personally.  SCAM Jan Windglows uses WIGS to disguise herself.  Jan Windglows changes WIGS as much as she changes her name, alias, website, wmails, and PO BOX.


PO Box #118
Bonners Ferry Idaho
#712 Driggs
United States of America
Phone:  208-714-4348
Web Address:  www.bloodloveandlustspells.com , [email protected], www.dragonspells.com [email protected]  

Category: CULT Organization Astrologers & Psychics


Submitted: Wed, July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010 Verified Criminals - SCAMS Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows - DO NOT USE - Ph: 208-714-4348 of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com, [email protected] , [email protected] or www.dragonspells.com


When is SCAM jan Windglows telling a LIE? Everytime she opens her mouth or posts a FRAUDULENT BLOG onto the Internet. 


Hey - SCAM Jan Windglows - where is your REAL ADDRESS - everyone knows only a SCAM post a PO BOX.  SCAM Jan Windglows is a VERIFIED CONVICTED CRIMINAL- I know because I used to work for her in Bushnell Florida.


DO NOT USE - SCAM Jan Windglows Verified Criminal of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com




I live in Seattle, Washington now but I used to work for SCAM Jan Windglows when she lived in Florida.  I learned the trade of SCAMMING innocent people for SPELLS and Psychic Readings.  Jan Windglows taught me well. SCAM Jan Windglows target Old people with a huge inheritance or retirement, widows, or desperate people going thru a divorce or break up.  SCAM Jan Windglows uses the Psychic Reading to find out details then she suggest SPELLS.


EX employee says: I have since reported Jan Windglows to the Florida Police ANd absolutley will be a PAID informant against this SCAM site called www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  - 208-714-4348  [email protected] PO Box 712 Driggs, Idaho and PO Box #118 Boners ferry, Idaho.  BEWARE SCAM Jan Windglows is a verified Criminal with a Criminal Record.


Cyber Stalker and Verified Criminal with Criminal Convictions that span YEARS !!!  Jan Windglows skipped her PROBATION in Bushnell Florida an has been on the RUN ever since.


DO NOT USE - SCAM Jan Windglows or her employee, Jim Morgan - PO Box #118, Bonners Ferry, Idaho  - is the most recent PO BOX.  P: 208-714-4348.


SCAMMERS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan do not provide a REAL Address on their SCAM site www.bloodloveandlustspells.com - Because they are VERIFIED CRIMINALS.


X- employee of Jan Windglows - I used to work for SCAM Jan Windglows - now i am a PAID informant  Jan Windglows you can RUN but you cannot hide.  Your DECEPTION FRAUD, Western Union Ripoff SCAM has hurt a lot of innocent people throughout United States and Canada.






1.                              DO NOT USE - Verified Criminal Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Bonners Ferry, Idaho passionspells@aol.com 208-714-4348 about 4 hours ago via web


2.                              WARNING http://www.ripoffreport.com/cult-organizations/scams-jan-windglows/scams-jan-windglows-jim-morg-3f686.htm about 1 hour ago via web about 4 hours ago via web



http://twitter.com/JanWindglowSCAM  - The Global Internet is onto the VERIFIED COVEN of CRIMINALS at www.bloodloveandlustspells.com






Report Attachments


United States of America
Jan Windglows CRIMINAL RECORDS - EX-employee reveals life of CRIME; Jan Windglows changes alias's as much PO Box's !!!

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 21, 2010

Jan Windglows CRIMINAL RECORDS - EX-employee reveals life of CRIME; Jan Windglows changes alias's as much PO Box's !!!


Verified CRIMINALS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan - DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com EX-employee reveals life of CRIME;Jan Windglows changes alias as much as WIGS !!!   SCAM Jan Windglows is BALD for anyone that knows her personally.  SCAM Jan Windglows uses WIGS to disguise herself.  Jan Windglows changes WIGS as much as she changes her name, alias, website, wmails, and PO BOX.


PO Box #118
Bonners Ferry Idaho
#712 Driggs
United States of America
Phone:  208-714-4348
Web Address:  www.bloodloveandlustspells.com , [email protected], www.dragonspells.com [email protected]  

Category: CULT Organization Astrologers & Psychics


Submitted: Wed, July 21, 2010

July 20, 2010 Verified Criminals - SCAMS Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows - DO NOT USE - Ph: 208-714-4348 of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com, [email protected] , [email protected] or www.dragonspells.com


When is SCAM jan Windglows telling a LIE? Everytime she opens her mouth or posts a FRAUDULENT BLOG onto the Internet. 


Hey - SCAM Jan Windglows - where is your REAL ADDRESS - everyone knows only a SCAM post a PO BOX.  SCAM Jan Windglows is a VERIFIED CONVICTED CRIMINAL- I know because I used to work for her in Bushnell Florida.


DO NOT USE - SCAM Jan Windglows Verified Criminal of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com




I live in Seattle, Washington now but I used to work for SCAM Jan Windglows when she lived in Florida.  I learned the trade of SCAMMING innocent people for SPELLS and Psychic Readings.  Jan Windglows taught me well. SCAM Jan Windglows target Old people with a huge inheritance or retirement, widows, or desperate people going thru a divorce or break up.  SCAM Jan Windglows uses the Psychic Reading to find out details then she suggest SPELLS.


EX employee says: I have since reported Jan Windglows to the Florida Police ANd absolutley will be a PAID informant against this SCAM site called www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  - 208-714-4348  [email protected] PO Box 712 Driggs, Idaho and PO Box #118 Boners ferry, Idaho.  BEWARE SCAM Jan Windglows is a verified Criminal with a Criminal Record.


Cyber Stalker and Verified Criminal with Criminal Convictions that span YEARS !!!  Jan Windglows skipped her PROBATION in Bushnell Florida an has been on the RUN ever since.


DO NOT USE - SCAM Jan Windglows or her employee, Jim Morgan - PO Box #118, Bonners Ferry, Idaho  - is the most recent PO BOX.  P: 208-714-4348.


SCAMMERS Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan do not provide a REAL Address on their SCAM site www.bloodloveandlustspells.com - Because they are VERIFIED CRIMINALS.


X- employee of Jan Windglows - I used to work for SCAM Jan Windglows - now i am a PAID informant  Jan Windglows you can RUN but you cannot hide.  Your DECEPTION FRAUD, Western Union Ripoff SCAM has hurt a lot of innocent people throughout United States and Canada.






1.                              DO NOT USE - Verified Criminal Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Bonners Ferry, Idaho passionspells@aol.com 208-714-4348 about 4 hours ago via web


2.                              WARNING http://www.ripoffreport.com/cult-organizations/scams-jan-windglows/scams-jan-windglows-jim-morg-3f686.htm about 1 hour ago via web about 4 hours ago via web



http://twitter.com/JanWindglowSCAM  - The Global Internet is onto the VERIFIED COVEN of CRIMINALS at www.bloodloveandlustspells.com





Report Attachments



#12General Comment

Sat, July 03, 2010

Update On Mary T. Prantil Of Astoria New York
I've waited so long, to both find and post this information on the Forum sites against Miss Prantil. You know, Mary T. Prantil the two bit  Internet CRIMINAL Cyber Stalker, LOL.  You know, the same IDIOT  that just wouldn't go away while the getting was good. Who moreover felt so compiled in getting up on the internet everyday for four years attempting to scam free services out of unsuspecting online businesses and then viciously attacking and SLANDERING them just because they wouldn't let this parasite get away with conning them.  Of course, she would eventually re-scam and slander the ones she did have a chance to rip off as the years unfolded as in the case of the Mike Cahill and prantil incident, of scandal.
This report  is a UPDATE to the first report that focused on revealing Prantil's Criminality, or unlawful activities against 11 to 12 people as the record reflects, and another EIGHT people that the record isn't showing at this time.  I think Prantil was accusing us of stalking at one point along with her other lunatic charges such as us allegedly hacking, tax fraud, credit card fraud etc. Get a load of this charge that was just recently launched against Miss Congeniality by the N.Y Court system just yesterday : 120.50 FE (STALKING 3RD DEGREE E Felony.
I'm sure you've all ready read our charges against her by now such as PROLONGED Telephone and email harassment, Habitual lieing, Tax Evasion, Extortion, Blackmail etc.  Get a gander of her updated eight different charges on prantil provided below, YES I said 8 different charges that she's currently being held there in NY on until she can go to back to court to explain all her actions to the JUDGE'S.
Again, yes, I said Judge's as there are five or six of them all together, Why ? because little Mary has been keeping them all very busy while being brought up on several charges of harassing others around her. Of course, mary leads a very full life without a dull moment and that's why she's been running around on the internet trying to convince everyone else that she wasn't a two bit low life criminal while all this has been going on behind the scenes.
Running around while hiding behind one of her 33 fictitious names professing to speak the truth, telling her story in how she was the VICTIM of all those big nasty online magick casting businesses.  Oh help me, help me everyone because I am the victim of being scammed, being hacked, stalked, slandered etc etc etc. Poor Little Mary. Did mary get a bad rap by the New York Court system to ?. I mean, are they lieing as well ?, perhaps their just picking on little scammer mary as well.  Mary likes to hear herself talk when repeatedly saying " I didn't do anything " , " I didn't rip off anyone ", "I don't have a criminal record, blah, blah, blah. And lets not forget go ramblings about how great, or how prestigious the prantil family is LOL.
  What was it prantil says on one of her sites ? wasn't it something like " Birds Only Pick At The Best Fruit " LOL, I think in Mary's case it would be Buzzards and Crows as they like their fruit rotten. Mary does remind me of something rotten, maybe not fruit but rotten just the same. Maybe I'm thinking rotten with a side order of pound scum when I think of mary. Of course between bashing Jan and myself Prantil goes on to tell everyone that she's living the American dream and how Madonna is her mentor regarding her seven or eight blog pages. Please keep in mind that this is a 46 year old woman who says this along with her wanting to look like Kate moss lol.
One minute she's a hand and hoof model, and in the same breath she's a cooperate executive on wall street. In all reality prantil was nothing but a assistant secretary working for temporary services making a meager wage far from the six figures she had boasted in making earlier on. If you visit her blog sites, you'll see this in her job description.  Basically, she made the coffee, shuffled papers, received calls, greeted people at the front desk and passed messages to folks working in the various offices from time to time. Of course these jobs didn't last as the longest held job may have been a year or a little over before she was fired for misconduct.
All in all, this is a far cry from her being a self-proclaimed Corporate Executive for HBO, CNN and Cinimax she ranted and raved about over the last three years. Really when you look over prantil's life,  you can see that she's always lead a menial life with no hopes of ever going anywhere in the cooperate world. Maybe this is why she felt it so important to fabricate, or lie about everything under the sun to make a impression on others, to come off bigger then life. Of course this fantasy, illusion of distorted reality became a way of life for prantil and moreover came in handy when mary started her little slamming campaign against us on the net. Her finally tuned imaginary skills came handy when it came to lashing out at others who rubbed her the wrong way, like us lol.
It's interesting how Miss Prantil repeatedly states on her blog pages how Jan and myself are guilty of this and that but never seems to come up with any proof to back up any of her pathetic statements or charges against us, especially when given four years to produce anything to back up the smallest statement made. Miss Prantil was taken into custody before she could remove these blog pages just for the record, I also think it's important to explain that prantil never dreamed that her criminal records would be made public record by the courts and thus directly disproving her claims of not having a criminal record of any kind.
 When she saw these criminal records posted for the first time I bet the blood just drained down to her feet while she was knocked back with surreal disbelief lol. To be on the net bashing several people and then to see your own criminal activities revealed must be a sobering feeling indeed. Mary also likes to talk about karma and how it's real, well, KARMA is real as she is now finding out. I hope that she thinks of us while sitting in her small little nut cell and how we assisted the DA in putting her there.
I certainly hope she thinks of all the people she's ripped off and harassed over the years, she will have plenty of time to think about a lot of things in my opinion, especially about the curse we placed on her and how it will never go away, it will never be broken, it will never fade, it will be there looming over her forever.   Please read her criminal reports and then go check out  these links going to prantil's FANTASY pages. The links are as follows: http://maryprantil.wordpress.com/   http://maryprantilripoffreport.blogspot.com/  http://maryprantilcorrectstherecord.blogspot.com/  http://www.correcttherecord.com/index.php/main_profile/view/53 ..
Prantil is very direct when repeatedly stating that she has Never been arrested, Never been in jail, Never was committed into a psychiatric ward, Never used or sold drugs, Never ripped off online or land biased businesses, Never used any online spell casting services, Never went bankrupt, Always paid her taxes and on and on.  Ok, well, Miss Prantil is nothing but a lieing CRIMINAL and I'm about to prove it over and over again. 
In the previous report you can see where she owes the U.S Government $ 4000.00 in federal tax & $130.00 state or county tax, not only this but this report shows the Tax Warrants out on her. Prantil does in FACT have a civil and criminal record going back 20 years,  back to her childhood in California while growing up under her unethical attorney father that was Disbarred twice for drug abuse, stealing $700,000 and lieing over and over to the court when asked about his shady activities with one or two of his Clients that he became personally involved with. The man seems to have been the lowest low life of the legal community when you read what others in the legal community have to say about him, it's all very involved and likened to a scandalous novel when reading over or through it.
As the records show below, Prantil has been arrested several times, then incarcerated as a result for a array of charges ranging from harassment, resisting arrest on to criminal contempt etc.  Mary Prantil has been committed to the state hospital in the past however she vigorously denied this, and then again here recently as you can see when you look her up on the link provided below concerning the RIKERS ISLAND JAIL facility called Rose M. Singer Center. Miss Scammer Prantil will be a guest here in this jail for the next two weeks because their afraid that she will flee justice, as she's done so many times before. 
 Prantil has also been Court Ordered to submit to a in-depth psychological exam to determine her sanity and moreover her distinction between right from wrong. Mary's not crazy more so then just a out of control petty criminal who's been caught, as they will all find out at the end of the study. This Simpleton was just picked up on one out of two state Warrants and thus was taken directly to the NUT HOUSE to await the remaining hearings and sentencing that they will ultimately produce against her. seven to eight charges against this five foot and three inch 46 year old woman who starves herself down to a very thin 95 lbs is in a lot of trouble at this point. You would think that by the time you get to this point in your life it would be apparent that it's not prudent to act like a thirteen year old juvenile delinquent.  
The police and Courts have just had enough from what I understand and their tired of her games and thus they locked her up tight to be sure she wouldn't RUN, RUN, RUN away from them again, well mary should be happy now as she's finally around people of her own station, birds of a feather flock together in jail.  Further down in this report it states that bail wasn't an option and that the court ordered her right into the hospital for a undetermined time for the mental evaluation.  Again, Mary T. Prantil isn't Crazy even though it would seem so however, she is a two bit manipulating criminal piece of New York TRASH who really knows how to play the system. I wonder how long she can keep up her act for the doctors and courts.
 A trick she learned off her UNETHICAL ATTORNEY FATHER I'm sure. Especially, when it came to getting out of drug charges and expunging criminal records in the state of California. Mary says that she doesn't abuse drugs but that not what she told others and ourselves. I mean, doesn't everyone sit up all night long calling, emailing, maliciously harassing and stalking 16 to 20 people a night four over a four year period and for no apparent reason ? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE ?, WOW the energy that must take on a nightly basis. I have trouble sending out five emails a day for this or that lol.
Mary says that she doesn't drink but again, we beg to differ with her lol. Mary says that she never had a spell cast with any service be they online or land based. Again, there are five or six on-line magic sites who beg to differ with this claim coming from prantil as we all have records to show service rendered to her.  Prantil states that she never ripped anyone off, yet there are two or three sites who can show that prantil obtained services and then charged back, or wrote them rubber checks for their trouble. We have several on-line businesses who have been harassed by prantil who moreover kept records and recordings of her twenty to thirty calls a night.
Well, Mary can get her head checked out while she waits for judgment day,, maybe she can manipulate her way out of the charges coming down on her. Maybe she can tell the Judge how the whole world is against her and moreover how her voices from God told her to rip off, scam and slander whomever she thought was evil. Perhaps her voices weren't from God after all and just herself talking to herself. You know, this happens a lot when people start coming apart at the seems, especially when nearing the end of their cycle of terror against others.
We've read when little Mary started using words like scam, liar and slander while accusing others of these despicable acts yet, she was the perpetrator of all of these low caliber deceptions. Again, we hear little miss innocent proclaiming to the world: "Don't believe Rip Off Reports",  " Ed Magedson is a criminal" yet it was Mary Prantil up on the site of Rip Off Reports under twenty or thirty different user names posting liable speech against the innocent in order to destroy their businesses, Not Ed Magedson.  I don't care for ROR but let's give credit where credit is due. ROR may be guilty of being a opportunist site along with many other forum sites however, I've never seen any of these sites openly carry out against others what prantil has consistently carried out against the innocent.
We hear Prantil stating that no one should believe Jan or my reports on the Internet  yet, we have produced endless documentation, or piles of verifiable proof against Prantil regarding police records, police eyewitness accounts, accounts from four other magick site owners in what had transpired when prantil came calling on them for the services they offered and then rendered. We have produced verifiable records, old and current civil and criminal court records along with audio sound files catching prantil admitting that her spell work did in fact work until she messed it all up through her malicious, disruptive, hostile and over all out of control behavior due to the drug and alcohol abuse.
Miss Prantil likes to use the word HOAX a lot however, the only hoax here was perpetrated on her end. Again, we hear the words scammer, scam, rip off artist yet, when you look back at all the evidence against this fool you can't help knowing who the real  scammer, fake or con artist is, wouldn't you agree ? I know you do especially when looking over the records below.  Lastly, when reading over her seven or eight blog pages that she currently has up on us,  you will notice her one resounding message being (" DO NOT USE "  DO NOT USE " ).
 Yes, this statement has been posted over and over again all over the Internet, posted under her thirty or more User names on about every scam site over the net. Further under about every disingenuous story that you can think of as she's attempted to pass herself off as different people in a effort to both draw sympathy and fool the public. You know, as stupid as it is prantil's reasons were for trying to destroy our business you'd think that she would have just faded away after a while, but as you can see she was still with us four years latter.
Basically her reasons for four years of lieing and harassment was because we wouldn't take any s**t from her, nor would we permit her in scamming us out of services. We wouldn't permit her in bossing us around or posting blatant lies about us on the Internet without confronting her with factual proof disputing all her lies for all to see. That's it, that's all it took for this scammer to repeatedly attack us for close to four years. The thing that really angers her is in that we EXPOSE her every time we get a chance, or when we see her attempting to scam private persons or businesses.
Miss Prantil said it best when she said " Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves " SHE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN HER OWN ADVICE as she gave everyone the rope to hang her high through her own evil actions against others.  Internet Terrorist Mary T. Prantil will now face real justice in the courts of New York while being made to face up to everything she's ever carried out against anyone, this criminal can get three to five years from what I understand when reading over what she's been technically charged with concerning the  N.Y state codes, let's hope so any way.
I hope my faith in the Justice system can be restored once again.  As I've said before, we as a Nation should be protected by our laws and thus people like prantil should be locked away under a deep, cold and dark jail in Siberia somewhere far away from the rest of us.  I feel Mary T. Prantil was someone in search of the American dream but never seem to attain it on any level, and it was then that she decided to take a lesser version of it by force by resorting to the loathsome actions as stealing, conning, lieing and attempting to steal or destroy this same dream that others are so earnestly trying to attain in these despairing times. Again, Marys distorted view of the world and they way things should be carried out in life.
It all came down to jealousy, greed and reinventing herself into something that prantil never had any real hope of becoming in reality. She fancies herself as a Comedian but how can you bring laughter to the world when your bringing so much sadness in its place through your own selfish actions ? you can't.  How can the hopeless one bring love, laughter and hope to the world ?, They can't because love, hope and laughter is nonexistent within them and can't give what you have not to give.  
Prantil is a person whom feels that the American dream let her down, or left her behind and thus she decided that she should go for broke and attain this dream in any way possible even if it came at the great expense of others, even if it met breaking societal and spiritual rules across the board. In short, site policies, state laws, ethics, good morals or positive standers mean ABSOLUTY nothing to this Individual.  Religion, faith and other principal's are merely things she stands behind when it's convenient for her to do so, or can be used to achieve her goals.
Mary Prantil is someone who believes the world owes her a living in the process of achieving what she considered to be the American dream. As I've stated in other post, Miss Prantil sure has a funny way of achieving her dreams and further has very little to total disregard for the rights of others in the process. Many people all over the country have suffered emencly as a direct result of prantil's speech and actions over the last four years and back, Why ? because this person was left unchecked by the legal system for so long not to mentioned her despicable behavior being enabled by her family and others just because they were afraid to step in and do what needed to be done in committing her early on.
Well, it looks like it all coming full circle for prantil now, and the crow has finally come home to roost for lack of better words,  I believe that our work has been completed in exposing this sick but criminal personality and there's really nothing more to say other then let this be a lesson to any scammers out there who, like mary, believe that they are above the laws of the land and like to hide behind little fake names on the Internet while attacking the innocent, or ripping off the innocent. Scammers run both ways on the Internet, or can be found in the Client just as well as in a bad company is the lesson for today. 
 I will say this to folks out there who like to pick on businesses: Without us you would still be growing your own s**t to eat and making your own clothing to wear, AREN'T YOU HAPPY you have someone to do this for you ? Most Companies and or small businesses AREN'T CRIMINALS so DON'T TREAT US as such.  Have some dam respect, Remember that word ? we have respect for you so be kind to us next time you see a Vender on the street or visit a web site.
 I would like to say to everyone else that has had a personal conflict with Mary to rest easy now,  I don't believe this moron will ever be back to hassle any of us ever again, time to release it and get back to our lives, time to enjoy the peace and quiet we once had before this menace of society came knocking at our doors with all her deceptions, trickery and games of scorn. Enjoy the postings exposing this Internet criminal for what she has always been, a ignorant fool. Even though Mary had spells cast for her situation many times over she never believed in them even when they worked in her life.
Ok, back to Miss Prantil,  I wonder if she believes in the Curse we cast against her now because she didn't seem to before lol. The spell we cast against prantil in order to stop her madness against the innocent. What was that you said Mary ?, wasn't it something like God shall TRAMPLE the Dragon ? Well mary, someone did get trampled here but it wasn't my beautiful Jan or Dragon self, I think it's safe to say that you were trampled under Divinities foot as evil can't exist in the presence of divine righteousness.
Let's hope that the state of New York continues to carry out its duty in the instance of Mary T. Prantil. Perhaps when it's all done, and when the judgments have been all passed,  we as a society can been secure in that our system continues to work. Again, perhaps Mary T. Prantil will be lawfully RESTRAINED and kept away from law abiding citizens until which time she can function normally in society, if ever. If you would like to verify this on going criminal record on Miss Mary T. Prantil then please go to the address link below, be sure to click for updates as this case is still unfolding. If your not into looking up records we understand and thus the easy to access and read Queen Lilith Site is there for you  at www.ashrinetoqueenlilith.net.
The Lilith site was constructed out of necessity due to the prolonged cyber attacks we've endured as a direct result of mary prantil attempting to destroy our business over the last four years. On this particular site you can view her entire criminal history along with several sound files catching her in the act of habitually lying, threatening, blackmailing, extortion etc. You will also read through the transcripts and eyewitness accounts along with transcripts of what actually transpired between her and the sites that were foolish enough to take on her cases. 
 The entire purposes of this site isn't to defame, embarrass or humiliate prantil however, it is about presenting the facts in a fair and truthful way while defending ourselves against the onslaught of her endless accusations. This is a defense site that were in essence excursing our right to free speech found under the first amendment of the United States Construction.

NYSID: 03088617J
Age: 46
Sex: Female
Race: White
Height: 5 ft  3 inches
Weight: 95 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Nativity: New York
Booking Information Incarceration: 2010-06-14
Book & Case Number: 3471001054
Facility: Rose M. Singer Center
Arrest Date: 2010-06-14
Arrest Number: COURT DIRECT
Next Court Date: 2010-06-30
Projected Release Date:
Actual Release Date:
Discharge Reason:
Bail & Bond: Remanded
Charge Information
Docket: 2010NY022485
Indictment: 00000 0000
Charges: 120.50 FE (STALKING 3RD DEGREE E Felony) 
240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 
240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 
Docket: 2009NY002655
Indictment: 00000 0000
Charges: 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 
205.30 MA (RESISTING ARREST A Misdemeanor) 
Docket: 2009NY046033
Indictment: 00000 0000
240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 
240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 
215.50 MA (CRIMINAL CONTEMP- 2ND A Misdemeanor) 


Ten Jails on Rikers Island
List Part 2

Rose M. Singer Center

19-19 Hazen St.,
East Elmhurst, N.Y.

Rose M. Singer Center was opened in June 1988 as an 800-bed facility for female detainees and sentenced inmates. http://www.correctionhistory.org/html/chronicl/nycdoc/html/jailst1a.html#RMSC



#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 18, 2010

Mary T. Prantil is a LIAR, computer hacker, liar, stalker, and highly abusive to legitimate businesses that she cannot steal from.  At NO time whatsoever did Jan Windglows OR her husband Jim Morgan steal any funding from Mary Prantil. 

Call 208-714-4348 and I will gladly have you speak to Miss Windglows who will connect you to Pay Pal's manager that has all of Jan's Pay Pal records to prove this.

Miss Windglows is an upstanding lady and pays her taxes.  She will also be happy to provide the telephone number of her Certified Public Accountant who does her business and personal taxes every year- so Mary Prantil is also not telling the truth about that, either. 

I have never seen one person tell so many lies as Mary Prantil has. Mary Prantil is a very unhappy person and blames others for her unhappiness when she is the one that should look in the mirror and see herself for who and what she really is.

Mary Prantil is an actual criminal on her way to jail, and she is highly jealous of Miss Windglows and has a hatred for her and Mr. Morgan due to the fact that Mary Prantil had her case dismissed due to her very bad and abusive behavior- so she has been up on forums slandering Miss Windglows and Mr. Morgan ever since because she could not get her way. 

Mary Prantil is a adult child that has been badly spoiled and is extremely poorly bred.  She has no manners, no respect for herself or anyone else.

In other words, Mary Prantil is posing as her uncle, trying to side track everyone who reads these threads from the real truth of what she only attempted to do to Miss Windglows and her outstanding spell casting business of Blood Love And Lust Spells, but that is not working for her so she continues to lie and actually thinks the public believes her.

She states "she is a male from Texas" yet the "male" as she states herself to be knows all the contact information for Mary Prantil's relatives, plus this "male" from Texas writes exactly the same things as Mary Prantil writes, in the same fashion. 

It is apparent to everyone that Mary Prantil has truly lost her mind but even still continues to lie and try to mis guide the public into believing her outlandish schemes.

All I have to say to Mary Prantil is that you are truly pathetic.  Every time you get write anything here or on any forum, you are quickly proved WRONG. 

You do have not nor do you not produce any type of factual information so why should anyone ever believe you?

Miss Windglows and Mr. Morgan have and will continue to tell the truth about the sad creature of Mary Prantil, so is in fact a criminal, on her way to jail.  She cannot face the truth nor can she face herself.

Miss Prantil does not know the definition of larceny, identy theft, or the like.  She is merely a mud slinger with nothing good or decent to say about anyone who does not agree with everything she says or does.

Any questions about Mary Prantil's lies simply give Miss Windglows a call and she will be happy to address any questions about any of these threads concerning Mary Prantil and produce actual hard copy records of the check that Mary Prantil wrote to Miss Windglows for her spell services at the time she was a client plus give phone numbers to the NYPD that will attest to Mary Prantil being a criminal that they wish they could lock up and get off the streets and out of society.

Here is another copy and paste of the real truth, just for the record, about Mary Prantil.  The reason we continue to post the truth is because criminals such as Mary Prantil do get exposed and we feel the public has a right to know so that in the future any other legitimate and highly reputable business owners do not get scammed by Mary Prantil.

MARY T. PRANTIL is up here AS USUAL because she has nothing BETTER to do with herself writing and telling lies again trying to hide your bull crap as always WHAT ELSE IS NEW LOL??

Jan Windglows is NOT a convicted felon nor did she get arrested for larceny because Jan and James are home and happy just call them at 208-714-4348 if anyone wants to call the Idaho State Attorney go ahead because the Idaho State Attorney does not have any charges on Jan OR James...neither does any other state.

Mary your little bull crap of trying to cover up your little fiasco up here is not working, so give your liar mouth a vacation or wash your mouth out with A BIG BAR OF SOAP at least, LOL.  How in the WORLD can anyone commint larceny daily on the global Internet, DUH how stupid is that?

If Mary T. Prantil does not have a criminal record, then WHY are the case numbers for her criminal records plastered all over the Internet? Mary has a favorite hobby of filling out FALSE police reports and obtained her "good conduct certificate" by paying twenty dollars at her local police station, but apparently Mary T. Prantil is nothing but a LOSER that does not even know what good conduct IS otherwise she would shut up and stop telling lies about two beautiful innocent people that are happy and successful in their lives.
GET OVER YOURSELF, Mary T. Prantil. The way you are trying to come across like you are Richard Prantil is such a JOKE because everyone can plainly SEE your style of writing which is YOUR writing and how you word what you are saying, and everyone knows it is YOU posting and NOT Richard Prantil. The fact is that Mary T. Prantil is an Internet terrorist, a Internet and telephone stalker, she goes after people that do not take s**t from her and does not care if she lies about anything and everything as long as she can run her filthy lie filled mouth.
There is no larceny charges, Jan was not arrested, she did not rip Mary T. Prantil off, on the contrary Mary T. Prantil BEGGED Jan to resume her case after Mary screwed it up SEVERAL TIMES. Jan has all the proof Mary T. Prantil has nothing but LIES coming our of her ROTTEN MESSED UP MOUTH.
Ya just can't stand being exposed, can ya, Mary? What's the matter? Doesn't anyone reading these posts believe you? NO THEY DO NOT. Richard Prantil is probably ashamed of the way you have slandered the Prantil family name all over the Internet and is laughing at the way you have made a TOTAL a*s out of yourself, just like you do every time you get up on any Internet forums. NOT WORKING, MARY.
If Mary T. Prantil is a successful media executive, then I AM QUEEN ELIZABETH, lol. Call Jan Windglows and she will gladly produce Mary T. Prantil's criminal records, her attempts to scam Pay Pal, and much more incriminating information about CRIMINAL MARY T. PRANTIL.
Mary T. Prantil is a real life criminal who will probably get banned from ever using a computer ever again by the time she goes back to court to her trial to face the many charges that are currently against her.
GET A LIFE, MARY. If you are going to continue to be a garbage mouth, go find your local CITY DUMP and vent your lies and unhappiness there. Everyone on the Internet is FINISHED WITH YOU and knows you have been exposed as the liar and criminal you really are.
Mary T. Prantil is a pathetic LOSER who has lost her battle on the Internet and cannot do anything positive or constructive because she is a criminal and a compulsive liar. She is a REAL IDIOT to get up here and try to pass herself off as her uncle, Richard Prantil LOLOLOLOLOL !!!
Jan and James' correct phone number is 208-714-4348 and invite anyone interested in finding out the real truth about these threads to call them and they will continue to provide actual factual proof of Mary T. Prantil being who and what she is-  A CRIMINAL, LIAR, EXTORTIONIST, TROUBLEMAKER, CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATOR, etc.
In fact, Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan invite anyone who reads these threads to call EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY IN THE UNITED STATES if you want to, LOL and then you can join us in helping Mary T. Prantil finish making a JACK a*s out of herself like she has been doing for the past three years or so, LOL and it just keeps getting WORSE for her because she JUST CAN'T DO LIFE.
This post is about a true scam artist AND CRIMINAL named Mary T. Prantil, who decided to come up on the Internet one day going on three years ago to obtain spell casting and other on-line services in which she had no intention in paying for at any time.
This is about a person that not only stole from legitimate businesses but slandered them over the entire Internet under numerous fictitious names in a effort to ruin their businesses after she was through using and scamming them. 
This report is on a true criminal who hides behind religion and the Constitution Of the United States while proclaiming herself to be a patriot, comedian, and spiritual woman who believes in God, while accusing everyone of doing the very things that she is carrying out in the shadows against the innocent privately.
This report is about a scam artist that doesn't appear to have any set ethical standards, values or morals whom is to cowardly to even make her outlandish and fictitious charges against others under her true name for fear of legal retribution. 
She's a cowardly, shallow, ignorant individual who is conflicting by nature that thinks she can play with the lives of people wherever she meets them.
Her conflicts and arguments are full of lies, inconsistencies and contradictions steaming from her delusional mind set who's further been fired from about every job she has ever worked. 
This person is a attention seeker, self-mutilator, compulsive, obsessive, habitual liar that can't get along with anyone privately or in the work place. This can be proven with her long track record found in public records, background search and employment history.
Mary T. Prantil is currently attempting to group and slam several independent magic sites and other private persons who have absolutely nothing to do with each other because these same sites and persons are exposing her for her fraudulent activity against them at various times. 
So, when going over the gripe sites please recognize that any negative statements or post made against us are more then likely coming from this out of control moron of Mary T.Prantil who thinks she's making some sort of case against us without ever producing one shred of evidence to support her numerous fictitious claims. Who fails repeatedly in proving our charges against her as being false.
Let's review one of Miss Prantil's web sites, more specifically her site of ( "SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT" ) found at www.correcttherecord.com/main_profile/view/53  , to further establish her personal CREDIBILITY and REPUTATION since these issues seems to be of great importance to her currently.
Let's also recognize her statement of not believing anything that is posted on Rip Off Report as she repetitively stated over and over on her site in question.  Miss Prantil states, and I quote ( "Mary Prantil CORRECTS THE RECORD and tells the true story about Ripoff Report.com! Mary Prantil Defends the truth - DO NOT BELIEVE RIP-OFF REPORT.com" ), Again a quote from Prantil, ( "Hello...This is Mary Prantil. Credibility is everything !! Protect your Internet Reputation!! ").
Well, well, for a person that goes around bashing legitimate businesses, and further the good personal names of other private individuals both on and off the Internet, she sure likes to fall back on this little song and dance of truth and protecting your reputation, doesn't she ? 
Especially when it's Prantil  herself that is, and has engaged in this sort of attacks against others with hostile gossip, slanderous and lieing activity against others on the Internet over the last three years as can be proven on the site of Rip Off Reports and numerous other forum sites. 
Prantil states, and I quote: ("I have been the victim of Identity Theft as a result of a 3 year Internet Hoax on Rip-off Report.com, . After I randomly bought a Psychic Reading On-line.")   One little Psychic Reading, she says?
Who might this Psychic be that she's talking about on her site that is propagating this "hoax" against her ?  I wonder if she, meaning Prantil could be more specific regarding this statement found on her site so that the Psychic in question could either substantiate or deny her statement and charges coming from Prantil. 
Perhaps she can provide tangible, detailed legitimate hard copy proof that proves that she has been ripped off or that she doesn't have ANY criminal records over the last eight years either in California or New York, or hasn't been engaged in any court action or other legal activity brought against her by others over the last eight years in either the state of New York or in California contrary to what public records indicate in both California and New York. 
Again, perhaps she can prove that she doesn't abuse or sell drugs from her apartment in tangible legitimate hard copy record, or report from the District Attorney's Office. Maybe she can post this information for all of us up here in a effort to clear her name. 
Here's a post from a brave young man who is also tired of Miss Prantil's games, whom moreover validates the claims that she is a Wh_ore, drug abuser and dope pusher. Now, you have to give this man credit where credit is due as he has even posted his picture on this site under his report.
Please lets see what this person has to say about Prantil and her postings on ROR, also we would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to this upstanding individual for stepping forward and telling us what he knows of his personal interactions with Miss Mary T. Prantil.  Please read the following paragraphs on the site of : http://www.spaceghetto.st/sgd/?q=node/14090#comments
(((((((((" Blood Love and Lust Spells, I came here to speak about Mary, Who Mary Prantil really is. I used to live next door to her Mary T. Prantil lies telling the public she is a MALE from Houston Texas but let me tell you who Mary T. Prantil REALLY is. Mary T. Prantil is a strung out drug addict and a sex addict who goes crazy when she does not have a man between her legs having sex with her twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Mary T. Prantil is a FAT SLOPPY w***e who weighs about 200 pounds who pops pills and drinks like a fish all day and all night- how do I know? I used to party with her. She DOES keep illegal drugs hidden in her apartment and even sells them at her drug parties passing out free drugs to guys she wants to get into bed with her.
She is cheap, A SL_T and I consider Mary Prantil the typical New York crack head/wh_re/prostitute and feel she would be happy if she were in porn instead of working in corporate America like she says all the time. At least she could have sex whenever she wanted it. Which is about every five minutes. She habitually uses crack cocaine, marijuana, LSD, crank, speed, angel dust, she drinks and drives and is a ROAD RAGE MANIAC who places herself and others in danger constantly with her evil and malicious behavior. I cannot tell you how many times she has been in trouble with the cops. Her parties usually go into sex parties because Mary is always looking for a man and uses her parties as an excuse to get a man into her bed.
If she has a man to give her sex, she latches on to him like a black widow spider thirsty to drink his blood and feed on him day and night with her sex addictions until he is sucked dry. Then she is finished with him and throws another party to get herself another man. ( or MEN I have known her to have SEVERAL all at one time) when some of my friends and I went to one of Mary Prantil's parties as soon as we were all like passed out she got into our wallets and took all of our money.
 Two of my friends sued the crap out of her after that. Mary Prantil has a one track mind which is SUCK and FU_K some guy and take all the drugs she can get her hands on. If she cant, she goes BONKERS! Which is why she is all over these forums. I know her ex boyfriend and the last time I talked to him he told me he was always trying to get away from her because all she wanted was sex and drugs. That is all she cared about. Something else about her is that she is in trouble for illegal drug possession, drug dealing, check forgery, check kiting, fraud, disturbing the public peace, tax evasion, and a few other things too many to name. Fact is the woman really is a criminal in every respect.
The best thing to do is not even talk to her. She doesn't really have any friends because she is too fake and too crazy to be real to anyone which is why she hides and cannot show her real name. I have an IP tracer and have traced all the reports here and on rip off which show her apartment address for all the mean posts she keeps making on several people and business owners too. Go away, Miss s**t Mary. Everyone knows that you are not worth a sh_t
and neither was your late dad. Why don't you do something nice for yourself and move to another country? YOU ARE BUSTED EVERYONE KNOWS IT" ))))

Ok, great, now let's move back to the topics at hand.  I quote Prantil in saying : ("The Psychic Scam Artist posted all these falsehoods on Ripoff Report.com in retaliation because I could not be scammed for thousands of dollars for love spells and more Psychic Readings.
I did not buy a spell or put a spell on my lover or any person/lover I know.  I am not into spell casting.")  THIS IS A SET OF LIES BY PRANTIL AS IT HAS BEEN PROVEN AS FACT THAT SHE DID CONTRACT SPELL WORK AND MULTIPLE READINGS FROM SEVERAL MAGICK SITES AND READERS."
Ok, fair enough to Miss Prantil and we will take your statements at face value for now, however, can Prantil explain to us how and why four separate spell casters that she claims NOT to know possess legitimate hard copy records of having casted spells for her through their companies? 
That moreover possess ALL legitimate proof of payment of her spell castings, proof of payment or partial payment or no payment for psychic reading/s and spell castings, Prantil's business voice messages and emails back and fourth between these companies and herself  throughout the course of her cases, and over the last three years;  not leaving out other legitimate and  tangible evidence that links her directly to them as a client ?
Quote from Miss Prantil : ( "I paid for my Psychic Reading, I did not rip off anyone as the Gypsy Scam Psychic falsely posts about me, Mary Prantil on Ripoff Report.com. I got ripped off by the Gypsy Scam Psychic. 
I asked for my money back instead of getting my refund the Scam Psychic began posting falsehoods about  me on Ripoff Report.com.  DO NOT BELIEVE POSTS on Rip-off Report.com about me, Mary Prantil. Rip-off Report.com is not a legitimate site and only writes propaganda for dishonest merchants.") 
DIDN'T RIP OFF ANYONE ? ???, I THINK THE INFORMATION BELOW WILL SPEAK OTHERWISE and for itself. What about Mr. Cahill's and Celeste reports against Prantil that the Viewer can read down further in this report, I think there's a matter of $ 2,100.00 owed by Prantil that she's telling Cahill that she can't, and won't pay him for the services he rendered.  If there's any question about this then give Mr. Cahill a call at 1-727-787-0988 or write him at [email protected], his site is www.magicangelspells.com.
I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions concerning ROR, However it is also a matter of record concerning Ed Magedson and his site of ROR in that Prantil has written several testimonials into him personally via email, and then thanked him publicly on the site of ROR on her posts.  
Perhaps Ed would like to post Mary Prantil's  testimonials so everyone can read over them.  I believe there's a conflict of statement here on Miss Prantil's part as she is PRAISING Ed Magedson on ROR one minute and then seemingly bashing him on all over the place on her own little dumpy web site when her scamming fiasco turned against and backfired on her. This can be seen on the following link of www.correcttherecord.com/main_profile/view/53.
Also, you can see where Prantil is thanking Ed on ROR  while calling us, meaning Jan Windglows and James Morgan "GYPSY SCUM" in her posts. We also have this specific language coming from Prantil in emails, recorded messages and other mediums such as messengers along with 66 pages of our phone records.
There are four different sites out here in whom Prantil has contracted for spell work and readings, who further have her posted ror statements probatum in numerous email communications and recorded messages not to mention online account information showing her scam activity through Pay Pal. Here are the links Prantil posted on ROR under countless fictitious names thanking Ed Magedson, and calling us "Gypsy Scum": http://www.ripoffreport.com/fortune-tellers/mary-prantil/mary-prantil-mary-praintil-jam-939g7.htm.
 Quote:from Prantil under one of her many fake names ("THANK YOU ED MAGEDSON FOR PROVIDING ACTUAL EVIDENCE OF JAN WINDGLOWS-JIM MORGAN-MIKE CAHILL - WHO ARE BOTTOM FEEDERS-CRIMINALS ANS TRULY SICK DEMENTED INDIVIDUALS THAT ARE NOTHING ABOUT GOD OR ANGELS !!! ":)   http://www.ripoffreport.com/con-artists/mary-prantil/mary-prantil-wanna-be-stand-up-e68fa.htm.
I wonder who Mary T. Prantil is specifically accusing in the way of attempting to steal $5000.00, then $7,500 and eventually $ 50,000 from her ?  No one shows any record of these amounts in question regarding the sites that did perform work for her, perhaps Mary T. Prantil would like to humor us all by yielding the actual legitimate hard copy record of this actually transpiring, or allegedly occurring between her and a spell caster or reader in question. Maybe Prantil can scan her evidence of this and post it on all the forum sites so everyone can see it instead of running off at the mouth with her half baked accusations without actually providing any type of legitimate documented hard copy PROOF.
Maybe she would like to name these alleged offenders on her own personal web site.  If the informational is factual then she has nothing to worry about legally; however if not, then she's got plenty to worry about in the way of  unending legal repercussions against her for slander.  Other posts that can be linked to Mary Prantil on ROR are as follows : http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/blood-love-and-lust-spells-c283109/page/1.html#c525350. Observe the language and phrasing of her sentences and the content of the statements themselves and you'll see this is the same person talking this junk.
In Prantil's ROR reports, and aside from all her rantings and ravings against Jan, myself and others, SHE CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING to anyone other then the fact that she's being a STUPID half witted attention seeking moron with criminal tendencies, who apparently learned her ignorant criminal behavior from her unethical attorney father Frank G. Prantil.
It's all so irrelevant, when she talks to everyone about her dirty criminal father and how much property he acquired as a result of ripping people off throughout his career, her statements have no bearing regarding this case or what she has personally carried out against others.
 It doesn't matter how many names she chooses to SHAME by posting the names of her mother, father, sister, uncle or dad's ex business partners.  WERE NOT IMPRESSED OR AFRAID, Miss Prantil. It doesn't matter how many outlandish things she chooses to say about others without a trace of proof, or all the little names she calls others. All her mud slinging is hitting her right back in her UGLY face.
What matters is the proof you present to which we have posted below and the proof Prantil fails to produce.  This is real proof and can be verified through legitimate hard copy records that moreover hasn't been changed in any way. Prantil's emails haven't been altered either no more then her nasty voice messages she left on countless occasions.
It really doesn't matter when Mary Prantil  tells us about her alleged "college degree" or how she ran to the bed side of her dieing father, or how she was late in getting there because she was tied up doing other more important things like smoking crack or getting herself into some other trouble elsewhere, in our opinion.
What matters, is what she has carried out against others over the last three years and the proof that many people have of her unlawful activities, these are the relative facts. So, I guess Miss Prantil can just stop attempting to obtain sympathy from others off the net by singing this little sad story/song and dance of hers.
She can stop acting all patriotic with her little 911 poem and the "god bless America" thing because no one is buying into it.  WHAT A HYPOCRITE.   Prantil is the biggest abuser of the United States Constitution that I've ever seen. 
Mary T. Prantil abuses the first amendment covering free speech and the privacy of others. She uses law enforcement along with other agencies to harass others by fling false police reports against them.
Prantil abuses the Internet by posting junk on anyone who has offended her to which includes everyone under the whistle blowers act giving her anonymity. This is a worthless piece of flesh that sits up all night just to prank and harass others because they wouldn't let her rip them off. 
What about all the businesses she's ripped off because she torments them until she gets something for free?  She sounds just like her worthless daddy in all her conning and greedy ways. 
What's patriotic about attempting to harm business in a shit_y economy for no good reason other then her own scamming greed?  Please Prantil, don't talk to us about the constitution, truth and protecting your so called "good name" as your name is anything but good and your motives are evil, wicked, and abusive in every way. 
Your rampage against others for no good reason is over and you are the one WHO HAS BEEN EXPOSED for who and what you are, A TWO BIT PIECE OF CRIMINAL GUTTER TRASH.
 If anything you are a ENEMY of this country and everything it stands for as you abuse any law that you can use for your own self-gain. Like I said, your comedy thing SUCKS and should be illegal. 
Is it any wonder why they threw you out of the comedy club?  Couldn't cut it, huh?  I guess your not as funny as you thought.  Why don't you go perform your act over in the middle east some place to see if you can raise a few laughs there ?
I'm sure they would find something to do with you quickly as their justice system isn't as bogged down as ours.
Now, I like this one. Quoting Prantil : (" So I went to the police for help.  It was here I learned of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 that protects web-owners like Ed Magedson. Truly, we are at the mercy of web-owner like Ed Magedson that allow a false forum. ")  
Hey Prantil DUMMY.......  This law is to protect web site owners from scum buckets like you who violate the site policies in the way of posting false statements about others on a forum site like ROR. Why should a site owner take the heat for some lieing piece of human trash like Mary T. Prantil ? 
Why should a site like ROR be closed down just because some low life like prantil wants to abuse it like she abuses everything else in her life?  YES, PRANTIL, THIS PROTECTS SITE OWNERS FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU who don't have enough good sense to be civil in a civilized society.  Ed isn't going to vouch for you and post your lying statements as truth on his site, you  DUMB A_S.
Miss Prantil didn't mind too much when this site was posting all her trash up here in the beginning of the Cahill conflict under her fictitious name of  "HONEST PERSON"  when she had allies.  What's wrong Prantil ?  Don't you like all the good people on the Internet being warned about you ? 
SCAMS  LIKE TO STAY HIDDEN IN THE SHADOWS SO THEY CAN GO FROM PERSON TO PERSON or business to business, however when light is shed on the scam artist like Prantil, then others become aware and STOP THE SCAM CRIMINAL IN HER TRACKS before she can scam again. 
Maybe this is why scam criminal Prantil has been trying so hard to cover our posts with her endless postings of s**t and endless lies.  Maybe Prantil doesn't want others to be turned on to her Fu_ked up scamming games. 
Prantil likes to accuse ROR and  Ed Magedson of spreading  propaganda about her, but there again, IT'S PRANTIL THAT'S TALKING TRASH ABOUT OTHERS and not Ed Magedson.  Isn't it true that ROR has a no spamming policy now that prevents a person like prantil from filing 8 to 10 rebuttals all saying the same garbage ?
 Isn't it true that every time a person makes a post that they have to check a box declaring that their statements are true ? I guess this is why Prantil's posts aren't so numerous on this site in particular.  Congratulations, Ed for a job well done.
Quote from Prantil: ("The Scam Artist Psychic posted these falsehood on over 7 different web sites about 3 yrs ago:a couple of porn sites, dating sites and Ripoff Report.com.  So I went to the police for help.  It was here I learned of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 that protects web-owners like Ed Magedson.
Truly, we are at the mercy of web-owner like Ed Magedson that allow a false forum. So at the instruction of the FBI - I sent all web-owners proof of my Clean Criminal Record to show that I was telling the truth.  The good news is that All 7 web owners respected the seriousness of my request to remove the false postings and instantly took off the false postings - except Ed Magedson. 
To this day Ed Magedson refuses all my request to please remove my name, address, and all falsehoods about me, Mary Prantil. So for over 3 years Ed Magedson hosts propaganda about me, Mary Prantil on his site Ripoff Report.com." )
Fact: the F.B.I doesn't involve themselves in low level matters such as postings on the Internet. 
Fact : they WILL NOT send anyone a record of anything unless another federal agency requests it such as the Department Of Justice.
This is yet ANOTHER LIE on Mary Prantil's part and over all deception against the public. Perhaps she could scan us all a copy of this report and post it on her web site or up here on ROR. 
It was yet another friend of the victim person that went to these web sites created by Mary Prantil who had this information removed by speaking to the web owners.  LIAR, LIAR, LIAR---- Prantil distorting the facts again.  Of course this can be proven as well with hard legitimate factual proof as well.
You know, I'd love to post a lot of other stuff up here in this report regarding Prantil, but that's for another day. All I can say is you'd better win your court cases Prantil, or your going down BAD, both in the courts and on the net.   Keep running and telling lies, you Fuc_ing criminal, because your time is getting short.
QUOTE:(  "I, Mary Prantil, am the Victim of Identity Theft and what I see as an Internet Hoax on Rip-off Report.com. All Rip-off Reports.com posts are false posted by a Psychic claiming that I am a Rip off Scam artist and into spell casting. THE TRUTH: I have a clean Criminal Record.  I did not Rip-off anyone. I was ripped off by this Psychic. ") .  
Well, Prantil, and firstly, there are a lot of people on and off the net who you've ripped off or harassed; however let's stay with the issues at hand. YOU DID RIP OFF MR. CAHILL of "Magic Angel Spells" as he can prove with hard copy evidence, you did attempt to scam us which we can prove and have proven to the police, you did rip off some psychic readers which they proved through records being Pay Pal. 
You, Mary Prantil have harassed others endlessly both on the net and off that is a matter for the courts presently regarding your actions.
 NO ONE IS STEALING YOUR IDENTITY, NOR ARE THEY HARASSING YOU UNNECESSARILY;  however we aren't going to take your crap and we will show everyone exactly who, and what you are being a SCAM ARTIST CRIMINAL.
FACT: No one ripped you off, but you rip others off. FACT: You HAVE  CRIMINAL RECORDS AND OTHER LEGAL ACTIONS PENDING AGAINST YOU currently in the state of New York.  ( Don't lie to everyone, Bi_ch. )
FACT : YOU MARY PRANTIL ARE  THE HACKER, STALKER, HABITUAL LIAR and SCAM ARTIST here and not us and we can prove this with the little virus, Trojan you just sent us that didn't work.
Yes, we found you attempting to get into our computers and  trying to acquire credit card information, trying to acquire the private information of Michael Jenkins etc, CRIMINAL HYPOCRITE.  We all hope they put you away soon, Mary Prantil Internet Terrorist.
You should be humiliated, Prantil, and yes, we do live in  funny times, however this is no joke and your a SCAM ARTIST CRIMINAL, a true Internet terrorist.  Please don't talk to us about slander or defamation on the net and how others can say whatever the want against others as you are the QUEEN of slander and defamation.
It's only a matter of time before your karma comes full circle for you, MONKEY GIRL. Ok, everyone, please read the information below, and if you have any questions or would like the proof of our statements then just contacts us and we will turn it over to you so you won't be scammed by this idiot Mary T.Prantil.
Mary T. Prantil Caught Slamming & Scamming
Let us begin by viewing Miss Prantil's sites that go on in explaining how she has never and at any time ever had a spell cast in her and that some gypsy scum reader, as she likes to call us, or clairvoyant had tried to rip her off for $ 5000. When I personally read over her sites it's really hard for me to stomach this boloney for more then five minutes as I know the real truth about this person. After reading some of her so-called "STELLAR REVIEWS", fake resume and questionable character references on these questionable sites please come back to this report.
Now that your back and laughing really hard to the point of tears, I'd like you to read the following statements below from another spell caster being Mr. Cahill of magic angel spells whom actually performed work for prantil at one time in the recent past. The same Spell Casting site in whom Miss Prantil attempted to have curses cast on Jan and myself for allegedly ripping her off according to Mr. Cahill.
Please see where Miss Prantil became very angry with Mr. Cahill for not assisting her in cursing us, Again, according to Mr. Cahill, then see where Miss Prantil contacted my Ex-wife, Miss Schaub after Mr. Cahill apparently dropped Prantil for charging back on him a couple of times for services he rendered to Miss Prantil. Again read the statements Celeste Schaub is making concerning her encounter with Prantil in the way that Prantil is asking her to throw curses on not only us in this instance but Mr. Cahill as well for dropping her case.
Look up the information below if you like as it's all factual and can be confirmed by Mr. Cahill himself or Pay Pal. I believe Mr. Cahill would welcome your questions at this point regarding this matter as he's tired of Prantil's games along with my Ex, or being pulled up in the games of Miss Prantil regarding ror and prantil other statements on air found on many other gripe sites.
In other words, Prantil is saying one thing to folks and doing another thing in private, stating something completely opposite to factual information and truth on the net and carrying out slanderous and harassing deeds in private. Miss Prantil's constant or repeated claims that she was ripped off from various spell sites from behind her numerous fictitious names on ror is in all actually the exact opposite of what had occurred with prantil in real life and this is proven in this post and in other verifiable documentation.
It was Miss Prantil that was carrying out the con games, or rip offs against these magick sites and not the sites ripping her off, WOW, isn't this a eye opener ? Her pages on her site should be: Mary T. Prantil The Stellar Rip Off Artist lol. So, what I'd like to ask Prantil would be : You say that you were never ripped off on your sites and that you alone prevented this, correct ? yet state the opposite thing by saying that you were in all your belligerent postings and direct telephone calls and nasty emails to not just one, but all of us. We all have all the emails and voice recordings over a three or four year span of time pertaining to these nasty communications. We also have Prantil's statements that not only did she trust us, but was extremely happy with her services from ALL OF US.
Prantil, how can you state otherwise on your sites by saying that you never had, or engaged in any type of black magic spell castings against anyone, how do you explain these hard copy records below ? not to mention the current ones we hold on you ?. Wow, there seems to be a little discrepancy in your statements, wouldn't you agree ?. In short your telling people one thing on your sites but we can prove otherwise and thus showing that your a liar. So, which is it Miss Prantil ? did you get ripped off ? or did you escape the clutches of some nasty Psychic as you go on about on your sites ?. We have recording of Miss Prantil calling us gypsy scum that correlate with her postings on Rip Off Reports not to mention her calling us scams and con artist.
Are you lying Prantil ? or did you have spell work performed in your behalf ? What about Your claim of Identity theft ?, who would want your identity ? I wouldn't. What is your basis for the claim of identity theft ? would that be you actually signing contracts and making deals for black magic spells to dominate someone else's mind to your own needs ? Well, we have your records and can prove all your dealings with us. You rail on Rip Off Reports while stating that any one can say whatever they want, and that Ed Magedson is a criminal, Well you should know Prantil as you've been up there posting enough s**t on innocent people.
Don't bother answering any of these questions above Miss Prantil, as it is hugely apparent to everyone at this point in what your really doing up here not to mention what you've carried out to innocent businesses along the way in the past and recent past. You attempted to rip off one site and was successful in ripping off another magic site along with a another unrelated Tarot Reader that I know of so far, and this is setting the record straight by confirming it with proof. Everyone can see how you've jumped from one site or business to another while trying to get them to cast negative spells on another including death spells, love spells and sexual spells.
We can see all your begging and threats to slander us along with you actually carrying these threats out with your obvious postings on ror and other sites, We can see how poorly you lie. We can see quite clearly in how you've played these sites against one and the other in the past. It's now quite evident that your nothing but a really nasty, two bit scam artist who is pis_ed off because you've been EXPOSED for your scams that everyone moreover sees you for what you are and knows what you've doing little miss self-proclaimed NY stand up comic from corporate America Whanna BEEE.
You know, we all have pages and pages of phone records and harassing phone voice messages connecting you to us through your threats, we have canceled checks from you not leaving out charge backs in various pay pal accounts and attempted charge backs. We have you on tape threatening to turn in every one of us to this state of federal agencies with false allegations, charges or police reports. You know we do prantil, Don't you ?. It seems to me that you were telling us at one point in your postings how much Mr. Cahill had helped you along with the communications we've shown to everyone where your making this same positive statement about Jan and myself. So why are you posting s**t on us now ? Why are you trying to connect us to each other in your post when you know were separate rival sites, and or competitors ? sounds like some more slamming and scamming going on here on your end, HUH Mary ?.
Miss Prantil yells the loudest about being scammed, yet she is the biggest scam artist in the world and on the net, Miss Prantil talks about FRAUD yet it's on record regarding her attempted and actual credit card fraud through Pay Pal to my understanding. Miss Prantil brags about how she can acquire services or items, only to use them and return these items back to the store on a regular basis.
Moreover how she obtains services from on-line business only to harass and threaten this same business in question until they refund her money back just to get rid of her. What does this make Mary T. Prantil ? Let me answer this for you : She is a petty two bit CRIMINAL, Thief, scam artist of the worst kind and a habitual lire to boot. Please read the Cahill and Schaub information below, Again, call them and inquire about this posted information and I believe that they will address your questions in a forthright and honest way.
My Story: About 3 years ago (Oct 2006) my Father died of cancer and to deal with it, I foolishly went to a Psychic for a Psychic Reading who wanted to also scam me for thousands of dollars by encouraging me to buy Psychic Love Spells. It was this Scam Artist Psychic that retaliated when they realized I could not be scammed for thousands of dollars. So for over 3 years now, the Scam Artist Psychic posted all the false claims about me on Rip-off Report.com. I originally went to the Psychic because I was very devastated by my Dad's untimely death. It's not a crime to go to a Psychic or even buy a Psychic Reading. I did not Rip-off anyone. I asked the Psychic for my money back when I realized my mistake. So the Scam Artist and "so called Psychic" retaliated by posting all of these false claims on Ripoff Report.com for over 3 years without my permission. Clearly, the Scam Psychic has no life or real business with legitimate clients to continue for 3 years to post more false claims with no contact from me.
3 years ago, I asked the Scam Artist Psychic for a refund for a pathetic Psychic Reading where I was not satisfied and made it clear I felt I was ripped off. And I stated to the scam Psychic that I did not want to purchase any future Psychic Readings or any spells whatsoever. I wanted my money back for the Psychic Reading. It's not a crime to get a Psychic Reading. The only thing I was guilty of was being foolish to ever contact this Psychic. I believe in God and I now realize it was wrong to go to this Psychic. I learned my lesson to rely on my faith and not get Psychic Readings from Scam Artist on-line who prey on vulnerable innocent people. But again - getting a Psychic Reading is not a crime. In retrospect, I was really missing my Dad. I made a mistake to ever purchase a Psychic Reading on-line but it is not a crime. Over 3 years ago, I asked Ed Magedson to remove the false information about me from Ripoff Report.com and he refuses. I even scanned and sent him my Clean Criminal Record. Therefore, Ed Magedson is the real Criminal and Ripoff King not to be taken seriously.

Mary T. Prantil's BOGUS Web Sites:



Mike Cahill & Celeste Schaub Tells All, How To Catch A Theif Named Mary T. Prantil
----- Original Message -----
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: PayPal: Initial Inquiry: Case ID - PP-467-553-217

Dear stanley cahill,
We recently received a complaint regarding merchandise that was never
received or received significantly not as described. The details of this
transaction are as follows:

Buyer's Name: Mary Prantil
Buyer's Email:
[email protected]
Buyer's Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542
Transaction Date: Sep 6, 2007

The REAL Truth Still Prevails All Over The Internet

New York,
Mary Prantil Mary Praintil James Morgan Jan Windglows blood love and lust spells Check FRAUD Of BAD CLIENT Mary T.PRANTIL LIAR and FAKE CLIENT who rips businessess off

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, December 10, 2009


Mary T. Prantil Caught Slamming & Scamming The proof is HERE all about Mary T. Prantil's lies concerning her getting ripped off, her lies of being a victim of "identity theft", and the real truth about Mary Prantil charging back with Pay Pal after services were rendered to her the liar criminal Mary T. Prantil's LIAR mouth is on fire as usual, does anyone out here have a BIG fire hose so we can put it out, LOL???

Let us begin by viewing Miss Prantil's sites that go on in explaining how she has never and at any time ever had a spell cast in her and that some gypsy scum reader, as she likes to call us, or clairvoyant had tried to rip her off for $ 5000. When I personally read over her sites it's really hard for me to stomach this boloney for more then five minutes as I know the real truth about this person. After reading some of her so-called "STELLAR REVIEWS", fake rsum and questionable character references on these questionable sites please come back to this report.

Now that your back and laughing really hard to the point of tears, I'd like you to read the following statements below from another spell caster being Mr. Cahill of magic angel spells whom actually performed work for prantil at one time in the recent past. The same Spell Casting site in whom Miss Prantil attempted to have curses cast on Jan and myself for allegedly ripping her off according to Mr. Cahill.

Please see where Miss Prantil became very angry with Mr. Cahill for not assisting her in cursing us, Again, according to Mr. Cahill, then see where Miss Prantil contacted my Ex-wife, Miss Schaub after Mr. Cahill apparently dropped Prantil for charging back on him a couple of times for services he rendered to Miss Prantil. Again read the statements Celeste Schaub is making concerning her encounter with Prantil in the way that Prantil is asking her to throw curses on not only us in this instance but Mr. Cahill as well for dropping her case.

Look up the information below if you like as it's all factual and can be confirmed by Mr. Cahill himself or Pay Pal. I believe Mr. Cahill would welcome your questions at this point regarding this matter as he's tired of Prantil's games along with my Ex, or being pulled up in the games of Miss Prantil regarding ror and prantil other statements on air found on many other gripe sites.

In other words, Prantil is saying one thing to folks and doing another thing in private, stating something completely opposite to factual information and truth on the net and carrying out slanderous and harassing deeds in private. Miss Prantil's constant or repeated claims that she was ripped off from various spell sites from behind her numerous fictitious names on ror is in all actually the exact opposite of what had occurred with prantil in real life and this is proven in this post and in other verifiable documentation.

It was Miss Prantil that was carrying out the con games, or rip offs against these magick sites and not the sites ripping her off, WOW, isn't this a eye opener ? Her pages on her site should be: Mary T. Prantil The Stellar Rip Off Artist lol. So, what I'd like to ask Prantil would be : You say that you were never ripped off on your sites and that you alone prevented this, correct ? yet state the opposite thing by saying that you were in all your belligerent postings and direct telephone calls and nasty emails to not just one, but all of us. We all have all the emails and voice recordings over a three or four year span of time pertaining to these nasty communications. We also have Prantil's statements that not only did she trust us, but was extremely happy with her services from ALL OF US.

Prantil, how can you state otherwise on your sites by saying that you never had, or engaged in any type of black magic spell castings against anyone, how do you explain these hard copy records below ? not to mention the current ones we hold on you ?. Wow, there seems to be a little discrepancy in your statements, wouldn't you agree ?. In short your telling people one thing on your sites but we can prove otherwise and thus showing that your a lire. So, which is it Miss Prantil ? did you get ripped off ? or did you escape the clutches of some nasty Psychic as you go on about on your sites ?. We have recording of Miss Prantil calling us gypsy scum that correlate with her postings on Rip Off Reports not to mention her calling us scams and con artist.

Are you lieing Prantil ? or did you have spell work performed in your behalf ? What about Your claim of Identity theft ?, who would want your identity ? I wouldn't. What is your basis for the claim of identity theft ? would that be you actually signing contracts and making deals for black magic spells to dominate someone else's mind to your own needs ? Well, we have your records and can prove all your dealings with us. You rail on Rip Off Reports while stating that any one can say whatever they want, and that Ed Magedson is a criminal, Well you should know Prantil as you've been up there posting enough s**t on innocent people.

Don't bother answering any of these questions above Miss Prantil, as it is hugely apparent to everyone at this point in what your really doing up here not to mention what you've carried out to innocent businesses along the way in the past and recent past. You attempted to rip off one site and was successful in ripping off another magic site along with a another unrelated Tarot Reader that I know of so far, and this is setting the record straight by confirming it with proof. Everyone can see how you've jumped from one site or business to another while trying to get them to cast negative spells on another including death spells, love spells and sexual spells.

We can see all your begging and threats to slander us along with you actually carrying these threats out with your obvious postings on ror and other sites, We can see how poorly you lie. We can see quite clearly in how you've played these sites against one and the other in the past. It's now quite evident that your nothing but a really nasty, two bit scam artist who is pis_ed off because you've been EXPOSED for your scams that everyone moreover sees you for what you are and knows what you've doing little miss self-proclaimed NY stand up comic from corporate America Whanna BEEE.

You know, we all have pages and pages of phone records and harassing phone voice messages connecting you to us through your threats, we have canceled checks from you not leaving out charge backs in various pay pal accounts and attempted charge backs. We have you on tape threatening to turn in every one of us to this state of federal agencies with false allegations, charges or police reports. You know we do prantil, Don't you ?. It seems to me that you were telling us at one point in your postings how much Mr. Cahill had helped you along with the communications we've shown to everyone where your making this same positive statement about Jan and myself. So why are you posting s**t on us now ? Why are you trying to connect us to each other in your post when you know were separate rival sites, and or competitors ? sounds like some more slamming and scamming going on here on your end, HUH Mary ?.

Miss Prantil yells the loudest about being scammed, yet she is the biggest scam artist in the world and on the net, Miss Prantil talks about FRAUD yet it's on record regarding her attempted and actual credit card fraud through Pay Pal to my understanding. Miss Prantil brags about how she can acquire services or items, only to use them and return these items back to the store on a regular basis.

Moreover how she obtains services from on-line business only to harass and threaten this same business in question until they refund her money back just to get rid of her. What does this make Mary T. Prantil ? Let me answer this for you : She is a petty two bit CRIMINAL, Thief, scam artist of the worst kind and a habitual lire to boot. Please read the Cahill and Schaub information below, Again, call them and inquire about this posted information and I believe that they will address your questions in a forthright and honest way.



My Story: About 3 years ago (Oct 2006) my Father died of cancer and to deal with it, I foolishly went to a Psychic for a Psychic Reading who wanted to also scam me for thousands of dollars by encouraging me to buy Psychic Love Spells. It was this Scam Artist Psychic that retaliated when they realized I could not be scammed for thousands of dollars. So for over 3 years now, the Scam Artist Psychic posted all the false claims about me on Rip-off Report.com. I originally went to the Psychic because I was very devastated by my Dad's untimely death. It's not a crime to go to a Psychic or even buy a Psychic Reading. I did not Rip-off anyone. I asked the Psychic for my money back when I realized my mistake. So the Scam Artist and "so called Psychic" retaliated by posting all of these false claims on Ripoff Report.com for over 3 years without my permission. Clearly, the Scam Psychic has no life or real business with legitimate clients to continue for 3 years to post more false claims with no contact from me.

3 years ago, I asked the Scam Artist Psychic for a refund for a pathetic Psychic Reading where I was not satisified and made it clear I felt I was ripped off. And I stated to the scam Psychic that I did not want to purchase any future Psychic Readings or any spells whatsoever. I wanted my money back for the Psychic Reading. It's not a crime to get a Psychic Reading. The only thing I was guilty of was being foolish to ever contact this Psychic. I believe in God and I now realize it was wrong to go to this Psychic. I learned my lesson to rely on my faith and not get Psychic Readings from Scam Artist on-line who prey on vulnerable innocent people. But again - getting a Psychic Reading is not a crime. In retrospect, I was really missing my Dad. I made a mistake to ever purchase a Psychic Reading on-line but it is not a crime. Over 3 years ago, I asked Ed Magedson to remove the false information about me from Ripoff Report.com and he refuses. I even scanned and sent him my Clean Criminal Record. Therefore, Ed Magedson is the real Criminal and Ripoff King not to be taken seriously.

Mary T. Prantil's BOGUS Web Sites:







Mike Cahill & Celeste Schaub Tells All, How To Catch A Theif Named Marry T. Prantil
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: PayPal: Initial Inquiry: Case ID - PP-467-553-217

Dear stanley cahill,

We recently received a complaint regarding merchandise that was never
received or received significantly not as described. The details of this
transaction are as follows:

Buyer's Name: Mary Prantil
Buyer's Email: [email protected]
Buyer's Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542

Transaction Date: Sep 6, 2007
Transaction Amount: -$1, 500.00 USD
Your Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542
Case Number: PP-467-553-217

Seller's Transaction ID: 77E56376XD890860G

Your Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542
Buyer's Transaction ID: 77E56376XD890860G

We are contacting you to let you know that we will not be continuing this
investigation because this complaint was filed 45 or more days after the
original transaction date. However, we reserve the right for the next 180
days to begin an investigation if we later determine that this complaint
should be examined.

We are committed to providing our community a safe environment in which to
transact. As stated in the PayPal User Agreement, we reserve the right to
close or limit an account in response to excessive complaints received
about failure to ship merchandise, non-delivery of services, merchandise
not as described, or problems with merchandise shipped.

You do not need to contact PayPal at this time, however, we encourage you
to work directly with the buyer to amicably resolve this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

PayPal Protection Services Department

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link located in the top right corner of any page. If
your inquiry is regarding a claim, log in to your PayPal account and go to
the Resolution Center.


PayPal Email ID PP822


----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 5:39 PM
Subject: Notification of chargeback reversal: Case ID #PP-396-648-789 - PM001

Dear stanley cahill,

We recently notified you that one of your buyers filed a chargeback stating
unauthorized use of a credit card.

It is PayPal's standard practice to dispute unwarranted chargebacks. Using
the information you provided, we are in the process of disputing this
chargeback with the buyer's card issuer.

Because the card issuer has reversed this charge, PayPal is temporarily
holding an amount equal to the disputed funds until this matter is
resolved. If the card issuer decides the case in your favor, the funds will
be available in your PayPal account.

The credit card company has charged PayPal a settlement fee for this
chargeback. In accordance with the terms of the PayPal User Agreement, we
have debited your PayPal account to cover this fee.

Transaction Details

Buyer's Name:Mary Prantil
Buyer's Email:[email protected]
Transaction Date:Oct 12, 2007
Your Transaction ID: 9ET7904456341182W
Buyer's Transaction ID: 3617020566305634D
Transaction Amount:-$900.00 USDCase #:PP-396-648-789

What to Do Next

To learn more about how to respond to this chargeback, visit the Resolution
Center and click "Resolution Center tutorials".

If you have additional information youd like to upload or fax to us,
please provide it as soon as possible. Just log in to your PayPal account,
go to the Resolution Center, and click the Details link next to this
case. For faster processing, choose Upload files.

We understand that you may not have been expecting this chargeback. If this
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us by adding funds to your account or by sending a check to the following

Attn: Accounting Department
P.O. Box 45950
Omaha, NE 68145-0950
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Due Dates

Please submit your response in the next 72 hours. The chargeback dispute
process is subject to strict timelines. If you are unable to respond within
72 hours, we may be limited in the ways that we can dispute this
chargeback. After we receive and review any additional information, we can
determine if we can take any further action. While we need to you respond
quickly, a final decision about this chargeback may take up to 75 days.
- If your PayPal account balance has become negative, please reimburse us
within 60 days of the date of this email.

Other Details

This transaction was reversed for the following reasons(s):

- We did not receive signed proof of delivery.

For further assistance, please log in to your PayPal account and click the
Help link located in the top right corner of any page, or email our
Chargeback Department at the email address below. Be sure to include your
case ID number in the subject of the email.

Chargeback Department
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 402-537-5755


PayPal Email ID PP800

Jim, I'm sending this in to clear my name with you. I'm sending this as proff that I no longer have Mary as a client and that she took back several of the payments made to me through pay pal and that I'm not involved in any kind of plott conspiracy with Mary or anyone against you and jan - I hope this will put an end to you thinking I'm part of any kind of attacks on you - we have had a few disagreements over the years but until now we have always worked them out and you know that attacking you on the internet is not my style - as always I remain here willing to discuss any of this with you at any time - sincerely mike

brief summary
Mary prant came to me in sept of 2007 and stated that you and jan cheated her and she begged me to take her case and help her - M agreed to pay me $3200.00 + $ 100.00 for pay pal fees and cost totaling $3300.00 and I was to cast repetitive type love and disruption prayers on her B.F. hani in sept, oct, nov and dec of 2008 and weekly updated prayers were also cast every week for M case - the e mail below from mary was her promising to repay the two charge backs and the amount due if I would continue her case - then a short while later she again tried charging back the 1st $ 1500.00 made in sept 2007 through pay pal and also on the $300.00 she paid on march 5 2008 through pay pal which was so I'd do more work for her etc - it's been several times she promises top pay me if I'd work on her case again after she cheated me by filing charge backs with pay pal - and I took her back several times based on her saying she was sorry and that she promised to pay the full balance due plus all charges added by pay pal and I did more work on her case and then a few weeks later she'd get mad and try more charge backs all over again and she stopped payment on a check she sent me omn 4-10-08 - this was the last straw and I have had no contact with her since - I tried my best to help her but she continued filing charge backs against me and stopped payment on that check too - also in sept 2007 when she first came to me I refused to do the curses that she wanted me to do on you and jan as you know that is not the way I work and I told her we may not be getting alone now but we were friends for many years - and I explained that you were within your rights to drop her as she was so obsessive and clearly abused you and jan and your services - I'm always here to discuss this with you at any time and I hope you and jan can see that I'm not involved in any conspiracy with anyone against you - sincerely mike

$2000.00 BALANCE DUE AS OF MARCH 17 2008

$ 300.00 CHARGE BACK 3-5-2008 PAYMENT
$ 200.00 CHECK 4-10-2008 M STOPPED PAYMENT
----- Original Message -----
From: Stanley Cahill
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Payment Plan - What is owed?

mary I just finished building more dolls for your prayers to be continued - you can write another handwritten letter of request and request exactly what you want - and send it when you can send a payment toward the balance due I need to buy suppliers materials and offering to make up the alchemy's to continue casting these prayers for you - without these implements they are not very effective - I will expect and honest effort that you are making payments to me on a regular bases - also my pay pal account is frozen - all payments must be made by cashiers check or money order - I'm always here for you mary - sincerely mike

our original
$3200.00 u.s.d was our original agreement in sept 2007
$ 100.00 u.s.d was added to help cover the fee pay pal charges and you agreed to that after the first payment
$3300.00 u.s.d
- $1500.00 u.s.d. paid through pay pal around sept 10 2007
$ 1800.00 u.s.d. balance due
- $ 900.00 u.s.d. paid through pay pal on aprox oct 10 -15 2007
$ 900.00 u.s.d balance due this was originally promised to be paid by nov 10th 2007
$ 450.00 u.s.d. paid through pay pal on aprox noc 10-15 2007
$ 450.00 u.s.d. bal due on or before dec 10 2007
+ $900.00 u.s.d the oct 2007 payment wascharged back by you through pay pal aprox in nov of 2007
+ $450.00 u.s.d. the nov 2007 payment charged back aprox late dec 2007 or early jan 2007
$1800.00 u.s.d balance past due
$ 500.00 u.s.d job payer done when you lost your job
$2300.00 u.s.d
- $ 300.00 u.s.d paid by you to pay pal aprox 2 weeks ago 3-5-08
$ 2000.00 u.s.d balance past due

also you agreed to pay the fee pay pal charged for the charge backs - there not that much 80 - 90 bucks
they charged 29-30 bucks on the 450 - I'm blocked from even viewing that account
in reality other than the $300.00 you just payed to pay pal considering the charge backs I haven't gotten anything from you since the first payment - yes I got the other two payments but pay pal is demanding their money and they have put a report against my credit because I actually owe them that money being you did the charge backs and the $300.00 did not come to me it went toward the amount I owe them plus the fees they added

if you have any questions you can call this evening as I'm doing a ritual most of today and I won't be able to talk
thanks mike

----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 3:12 AM
Subject: Payment Plan - What is owed?


I do not wish to cheat you but I also concerned about the case. I want a reuniting and disruprion on all other people that interfere...for Hani to move back in and make a commitment to me leading to marriage...honestly where is the case ???

I need to make monthly payments to you.

You got $300 last week.

So $1800.

What is owed?



----- Original Message -----
From: Celeste Schaub
To: Mike
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:41 PM
Subject: hello

HI Mike,

Just want to take a few minutes to go over what we talked about the other day, in reference to M P, your past client. I remember when you were working with her, and on the phone day and night for hours trying to calm her down, as I witnessed this more than once when I was down at your place doing spells together and even blooded on her spell while you were doing it along with my clients spells.

In November of 2007 she emailed me when she was involved with you still, and had Pay Pal take back the money she had sent you for these same spells (prayers) work I already described above. I am not sure of the amount but believe it was around $1, 800.00 for several different spells. Because the two of you were involved in the charge back she was doing with Pay Pal, she was asking me to do spell work for her. I declined doing anything for her for various reasons; one being she was already your client and I don't work with clients who are already engaged with another spell caster; two she wanted me to do spell work against Jim and Janhett (curses), as well as to get her boyfriend back. I got one more email from her the next day saying she really needed this work done, almost begging me to take her on as a new client. I again wrote her back, she wanted me to call her, and stated the same to her again and forwarded you the emails she sent me, along with my responses. The next thing I knew she was sending me emails she was sending to Jim and Janhett, that had been cc'd to you and me, implying you and I were involved in some sort of conspiracy "to get Jim and Janhett". This never was as you know and I had to finally block her emails, but I was informed from a client of mine at the time that she was suppose to have told Jim that she flew down to meet you and I...how preposterous, I never even talked to this woman, or saw her before in my life, too much drama for me. I told her Jim and I were having enough problems trying to work out our divorce with everyone else interfering and I wasn't getting involved in any of this bs. But yes she definitely did contract you for spell work, and I was there for at least two of the spells myself. I told her, her problems with Jim and Janhett were hers to work out and not to involve me. I told her you were in my opinion, which I still feel today, the best person to work with her for spell work as you were always completely dedicated to your clients and do things as Divinity dictates. You always answer the telephone and emails no matter when they come in. Your honesty and integrity is of the highest qualifications I know. Hope this further clarifies our discussion the other night. Take care,

Your friend and fellow magician,


Mary Prantil Scamming Yet Another Magick Site She Claims Not To Know.

Set the record straight, huh ?. Well I will set the record straight for you in this post ok ?. Ok Viewers, lets look at what Mary T. Prantil attempted to do to us on top of what she's done to these other sites in question. Please see the articles below outlining Prantil's negative scam plot that went horrible wrong with Miss Windglows Pay Pal account, You will further see the pattern unfolding in the Prantil scam routine.


Matilda the Psychic writes to Jan : "I've forwarded you two e-mails in regard to Mary Prantil. Yes, I did read for her, also she spent over 3 1/2 hours on the phone to me. During said time she cried, cursed and begged me to do a spell for her. I said that I don't usually do spells for people that I do not know.Also I told her that usually people charge 1, 000.00 for the type of spell that she wanted, as that is High Magic, not something simple.

Also the first card I got for her situation was the Heirophant, follwed by the four of wands. I asked Mary if H _ _ _ _ was married, she said "No, not my H".

Well she begged me ( begged Matilda the psychic NOT Jan ) so many times, interrupted my other business, called at all hours. she cried so much to me. I finally gave in and said I'd do the spell. Then she bargined with me to do it for 800.00. Later she said that she had soooo many bills and could I do it for $500.00.

I did it .It worked immediately, as her e-mail proves. Then she found out that H---- is a drug addict and that he is married and has several other girlfriends. I told her it was a moral choice, she admitted that in the past she "was no angel" with Jan's service when I ask her what happened. She charged me back on her credit card with Paypal and tryed to claim that the "merchandise" was not the quality that she expected. Spell work is NOT merchandise because it is SPIRITUAL in nature and therefore not tangible.

I said I would reverse the spell if she didn't pay me, I told her that she should get professional therapy and I even arranged free drug counseling for her boy friend; all of which she refused. I sent her a photo of part of the spell and a paper tailsman as proof that I performed the service." ( Direct email quote from Psychic Matilda to Jan )

HERE'S WHERE MARY REPORTED JIM MORGAN TO PAY PAL FOR FRAUD. MY QUESTION FOR MARY IS (HOW CAN YOU STEAL SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXISTS?). THESE INVOICES WERE NEVER PAID BY MARY PRANTIL TO START WITH LOL. The invoice was initially sent to Prantil ( numerous times because her credit card would not go through for the charge ) and the invoice was never paid by Prantil. She sent a signed personal check through regular first class mail for her spell services, then once her castings were completed and she messed up her relationship with her now ex, she then tried to go into Pay Pal and put money on the open invoice to which Jan promptly cancelled the invoice before Prantil had a chance. Everything was explained to Prantil and she clearly understood that there would be no refunds because once a spell is cast it is a done deal.

Mary Prantil tried to mess up Jan's Pay Pal account by attempting to pay her own invoice after her personal check that was written to Jan cleared so that she could force Jan to give her a refund anyway despite what she had already been told and had agreed to regarding payment, the casting, no refunds, etc. until Jan found out what she was doing and informed pay pal as to Prantil's fraudulent activities. Prantil was going to pay off on her own invoice.

Again, Jan caught on to what Prantil was getting ready to do which was to rip Jan off, so Jan cancelled the invoice from Prantil. Prantil then became so angry she reported Jim Morgan to Pay Pal and it was not even Mr. Morgan's Pay Pal account. What Prantil did at the point that she realized that she could not charge back on the open invoice that Prantil never paid but was getting ready to put funds on so she COULD charge back and force a refund anyway, Prantil then in anger wrote a complaint to Pay Pal and placed a claim of Fraud against Jim Morgan on this account, again which was not even his.

Again, Jim Morgan doesn't even own the company nor does he have anything to do with the administrative functions of this company such as receiving monies for anything especially spell work. Of course Pay Pal laughed at this little Prantil Con Game and Denied Prantil's fraudulent claims against us. Mary also was confused in the way that she was trying to report Jim Morgan to pay pal for running and or owning a company to which he has no connections to other then helping out with the counseling part of the operation to which he doesn't get paid for.

See how miss-informed Mary Is. Basically what Mary was trying to do was get her work performed for free by paying Jan with checks and then attempting to get her money back for these cashed checks through pay pal. Notice where this email originated from below and who it was sent to under the original message heading. To those of you that know how to check IP Addresses this should clear up any doubts that this is her actual communication to pay pal. So Much for Mary Prantil's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part.

-----Original Message-----
From: m prantil
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:12 pm
Subject: Invoice From James Morgan


I wish to report James Morgan for internet Fraud. There is a $1200 invoice currently on my PayPal account form this site Love lust and Blood spells.

I will forward emails to Payapal saying he is going to refund me. I will also call directly to file my complaint to prevent others form getting conned by him.


Mary Prantil

HERE'S WHERE MARY TRIED TO RIP JAN OFF BUT FAILED. MARY IS A RIP OFF SCAM WHO LIKES TO COMMIT FRAUD. MARY LIKES TO ACCUSE OTHERS OF THIS TO THROW SUSPICION FROM HERSELF. So Much for Mary Prantil's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part. Mary Prantil in her ignorance thought that just because Jan had sent her an invoice that she had NOT paid, that she still had money on THAT open invoice, LOL. ( isn't that like thinking you still have money in the bank as long as you still have checks, LOL????) ** NOTE** if ANYONE would like to see the original invoice record that was cancelled by Jan, then write and we will forward it to you to show that we are telling the entire truth about Mary's little Pay Pal temper tantrum.

Forwarded Message:
Date: 6/19/2007 8:36:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
From: Passionspells
To: Prant99


your pay pal invoices were never processed-- And this is my business- James is retired. How dare you say anything about him in a derrogatory manner after he went out of his way to help you. It is only because of the grace of Divinity and casting your spell that you have been getting along with H____ as well as you have been especially after you messed up your case and sent him nasty e-mails, etc.

We just sent you an e-mail and I strongly suggest you back off. I am getting ready to forward all of your e-mails to the FBI as I write this. You have, for one thing ( just one of many) already violated Federal Internet Law.

In addition, I will report you to our cell phone company immediately for harassing phone calls and telephone stalking.

In closing here are copies of the Pay Pal invoices you NEVER paid. You sent cash, and two personal checks. Here is a copy of your e-mail stating that:

6/14/2007 2:12:54 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
From: Prant99

Reply To:
To: Passionspells, Wizardmorgan2

I sent you 1. cash, and a 2. Citibank check and a 3. Bank of America check.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 4:08 pm
Subject: Verification Needed

Dear Mary,

This is Jan writing, dear. Could you please verify your method of payment with me when you initially came in for your spell work?

I am going through all of my client records doing verification, etc. for my records.

Thank you dear, I really appreciate it.


Here is a copy and paste of the pay pal invoices that you never paid. I will write pay pal and forward them all of your abusive e-mails so that they will be aware of the nonsense you have caused us. You have no credence in that matter.

Janhett T. Windglows
Mary Prantil ([email protected])


$1, 250.54 USD
Date Requested:
May 6, 2007


Spells Invoice
Janhett T. Windglows
[email protected]
Qty Item ID Description Unit Price Amount
1 050607 30 Day Spells Package For Mary 1, 200.00 1, 200.00 T
Subtotal: 1, 200.00
Shipping: 46.80 T
T = 0.299%tax applied to item Tax: 3.74
Currency is in U.S. Dollars (USD) Total: $1, 250.54 USD

Request Sent

Janhett T. Windglows
Mary Prantil ([email protected])


$500.00 USD
Date Requested:
May 8, 2007


Revised Invoice


Here is the first 500 will send the next one right after this one thanks dear

Request Sent

Janhett T. Windglows
Mary Prantil ([email protected])


$500.00 USD
Date Requested:
May 8, 2007


2nd one

In closing, I will now forward your e- mails to the F.B.I. for harassment, abuse, and stalking. Also your spell work is now being reversed. You should have listened to us and things would not have turned out this way for you. Perhaps you will learn a lesson from all of this, however if you do not, that is no longer our problem.



Subj: Jim - Sex spell on Hani - Disruption Spell on Tony
Date: 7/3/2007 1:37:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
From: Prant99
To: Wizardmorgan2
CC: Passionspells

Jim, (and Jan)

H - - - actually said he is NOT sexually attracted to me last night...H- - - - is prob mad at me too bcs I made out and kissed 2 of his friends this is one of the reason I think he is upset and fri I was a raging drunk lunatic...Fri - I was upset about the email and I started drinking around 7pm and saw H - - - - by 11pm totally wasted...then his Egyptian friends are making fun of me or so H - - - - says...it may not be true the gossip but H - - - is acting discusted with me...saying all will be OK if I just accept that...he confessed about T - - - - and the email.

T - - - - is the negative influence...For the last 2-3 weeks H- - - - has been around T - - - again now look...Please talk with Jan about these 2 spells.

Let me know.



Date: 8/21/2007 4:13:33 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
From: Passionspells
To: [email protected]

I wish to report an abusive e-mail sender. I have numerous copies of her e-mails. We have blocked her from our e-mail addresses, however she continues to send us more mail under different e-mail addresses.

Her name is Mary Prantil, and she has sent to us via the following e-mail addresses:

[email protected]

[email protected]

I have all of her contact information, home address and telephone number. I really do need this abuse from her to stop.

My other screen name is [email protected]

in which she has also been blocked from.


Jan Windglows


Subj: Sorry I want U on my case...$250 more 2 send T. F last phase...
Date: 6/15/2007 3:56:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
From: Prant99
To: Wizardmorgan2
CC: Passionspells

Jim, I am sorry for any character defect in me that has got again "reared it's ugly head". I respect you and Jan and I truly want your help. Yes. I am needy, Yes I need to let go and let Divinity. Please do not give up on me..no time is lost if we just get thru this 24 hr bump of mine. Help me please !!

I believe in you and your expertise and your morals as a caster are so pure and high.
I do not want you to send me back any money.

I want to send you the $250 discussed to complete the disruption spell with T. F. I also want you to please make H. so uncomfortable without me, , , that he can't stop thinking about me and what a great friend I am and lover. To be so sexually frusterated without me...who ever he f**ks or has a one night stand or bi-sexual 3-way with H. will think of me..how lucky he was to have my love...that he f- - - - - - it up between us not me...that he can't rest until he gets me back - even if it means leaving T.F and the office.

Are you still willing to help me?

I truly want your help - I am done today at 1pm I will call you then I can send the $250 today.

the needy brat...but lovable and willing to let go...




Due to you ongoing harassing to Kim, Matilda and myself, I have decided counseling with Matilda is not in anyone's best interest. I have instructed Matilda not to have any further communications with you. After I send this e-mail, I will also instruct Kim not to have any further contact with you either.

Your spell work with James and myself has been finished, and Kim is finishing your spell work that you hired her for. I paid for your counseling with Kim. Since I paid for your counseling, which I did not have to do, for some reason you think that Kim's spell work included your counseling, which it did NOT. I PAID FOR YOUR COUNSELING. The 400 that you paid Kim was FOR SPELL WORK-----NOT FOR COUNSELING. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS??????

I am officially ending all contact with you right after I send this e-mail. I do not want you for a client from this point on. You have exhausted all of your resources of obtaining any further help with any of us, because of your RUDE DEMANDING rebellious controlling attitude, and constantly continuing to break the rules of the spell criteria.


JUST SO YOU KNOW AND UNDERSTAND YOUR SPELL WORK HAS BEEN DONE SO WE DID YOUR WORK THAT YOU PAID US FOR. We did even more than that----numerous boosters, and re casts also.





Criminal Check for all Mary T Prantil in the state of CA
Record 1 of 6
Mary T Prantil

CASE NUMBER: M598531 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse

Record 2 of 6
Mary Theresa Prantil

CASE NUMBER: T105836 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse

Record 3 of 6
Mary Theresa Prantil

CASE NUMBER: T108343 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse

Record 4 of 6
Mary Theresa Prantil

CASE NUMBER: T110326 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse

Record 5 of 6
Mary Theresa Prantil

CASE NUMBER: T120948 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse

Record 6 of 6
Mary Theresa Prantil

CASE NUMBER: M695524 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse



No. D-787

110 S. Ct. 493, 493 U.S. 972, 107 L. Ed. 2d 497, 58 U.S.L.W. 3351, 1989.SCT.45677 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

November 27, 1989


For earlier order herein, see Rehnquist, Brennan, White, Marshall, Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy

It having been reported to the Court that Frank G. Prantil, of Fair Oaks, California, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Supreme Court of California and this Court by order of May 15, 1989, having suspended the said Frank G. Prantil from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred;

And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued;

It is ordered that the said Frank G. Prantil be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court.


Disbarrment entered.


1998 VersusLaw Inc.



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All contents Copyright 2008 - 2009 VersusLaw, Inc. Bellevue, WA, USA. All rights reserved

On trial before the bar court in San Francisco, FRANK PRANTIL [#35155], 67, of Sacramento is charged with multiple counts of failing to perform legal services competently. Prantil was disbarred in 1989, reinstated in 1994 and charged with misconduct in 2002. The trial on the new charges was ongoing at press time and although the bar had not formally asked for his disbarment, it is a possible penalty.

The 1989 disbarment was the result of convictions for forgery and being an accessory to possess cocaine.



In a case two miles across town at the State Bar offices on Howard Street -- and at the other end of the world of privilege -- 67-year-old defense attorney Frank Prantil is facing a task he's already performed numerous times -- defending himself against accusations that he's acted unethically as an attorney. In 1979, Prantil was suspended from practicing law after he was accused of improperly representing a client. While on probation, Prantil was alleged to have participated in a check-fraud scheme. He was convicted of forgery and disbarred, according to the California Supreme Court opinion confirming Prantil's disbarment.

Prantil later took advantage of California rules that allow disbarred attorneys to ask for reinstatement after five years. Prantil successfully argued that he had rehabilitated himself, and resumed practice in 1994.

Prantil is now facing State Bar disciplinary charges, which could potentially get him disbarred again, alleging that he failed to competently defend a client, then improperly charged the client for his services.

Prantil's case, along with three cases decided earlier this year in which California attorneys were disbarred for a second time, has added steam to a nine-year-old bureaucratic proposal to give judges the option of disbarring the worst attorneys for life.

In California, there now exists no legal concept of permanent disbarment. A State Bar committee on Nov. 15 will consider the possibility of changing that, if only slightly. Rather than making all disbarments permanent, it would extend from five to seven years the amount of time disbarred attorneys would have to wait before requesting to be reinstated, and would give judges the option of forever banishing the worst of California's worst attorneys.

The fact that it's taken nine years for such a mild proposal to reach this preliminary step hints at a lack of seriousness the California legal establishment lobby applies to abuses by its own members.



UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Frank G. PRANTIL, Defendant-Appellant.
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

June 25, 1985

764 F.2d 548

Charles F. Gorder, Jr., Asst. U.S. Atty., argued, Peter K. Nunez, U.S. Atty., Charles F. Gorder, Jr., Asst. U.S. Atty., on the brief, San Diego, Cal., for plaintiff-appellee.

Eugene G. Iredale, San Diego, Cal., for defendant-appellant.


Appeal from the United States District Court For the Southern District of California.

Before FERGUSON and NELSON, Circuit Judges, and JAMESON, * District Judge.

FERGUSON, Circuit Judge:

The defendant, a criminal defense attorney, appeals his conviction on eight out of eleven counts alleged in an indictment for the offenses of perjury, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1623; false statements, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001; and being accessory after the fact, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3. All of the defendant's convictions are predicated on actions he took while representing a criminal defendant, Betty Powell, in a separate criminal prosecution. After a seven-day trial the jury found the defendant not guilty on two counts of harboring a fugitive and perjury. The district court had previously dismissed the misprision of a felony count before the trial began. On appeal, the defendant raises a host of issues which, for the most part, we need not address. Three of the defendant's challenges, however, require reversal of the defendant's convictions for the reasons explained herein.


The defendant was retained by Ronald Powell to represent his wife, Betty Lou Powell, and her son in a federal criminal prosecution on various drug-related charges.1 Mr. Powell had been a previous client of the defendant in unrelated criminal proceedings. After Mrs. Powell and her son were arrested at the Powell residence on April 23, 1982 in connection with the narcotics charges, Mr. Powell, who was also named in the felony arrest warrant, remained a fugitive until his apprehension on August 10, 1982. On the day of his wife's arrest, Mr. Powell telephoned the defendant, Frank Prantil, and retained his services for the criminal proceedings against his immediate family. Throughout Mr. Powell's fugitive status, the defendant periodically telephoned Mr. Powell and met him on at least two occasions.

During their first meeting after the incarceration of Mrs. Powell, Mr. Powell presented the defendant with a partial payment of the retainer agreement and directed the defendant to the whereabouts of other sources of cash in various bank accounts and at the Powell residence. Mrs. Powell, unable to make a $750, 000 bond, remained incarcerated until the completion of her criminal trial. She gave the defendant the power of attorney to collect the funds from the various bank accounts. The defendant also retrieved a substantial sum of money from a floor safe at the Powell residence that had been overlooked at the time of the Powell family arrest. Although questions over the capacity in which Mr. Prantil retained custody of these monies (as attorney fees or in bailment for Mrs. Powell) occupied a substantial portion of the defendant's trial, we need not parse the evidence on this subject here. Pursuant to the retainer agreement negotiated by Mr. Powell, the defendant represented Mrs. Powell for the duration of her criminal trial. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Charles Gorder.

Mr. Prantil succeeded in obtaining an acquittal on all but four of the fifteen criminal counts leveled against his client Mrs. Powell. During the course of his representation of Mrs. Powell, the defendant also sent his sister-in-law, Malvina Schmidt, to meet the fugitive Ronald Powell for reasons not relevant here. Within the same time frame, the defendant, on several occasions, acted as the conduit for negotiations between the fugitive Ronald Powell and Assistant U.S. Attorney Gorder for Mr. Powell's surrender. During the period when Mr. Powell was a fugitive, the defendant was summoned before a grand jury and questioned by Mr. Gorder concerning his contacts and relationship with Mr. Powell. Three of the defendant's five perjury convictions rest on responses he made to Mr. Gorder's grand jury examination. The remaining two perjury charges and the two false statement counts stem from the events surrounding the defendant's efforts to obtain Mrs. Powell's release on bond pending the appeal from her criminal conviction. For purposes of this appeal, however, we need only discuss the evidence presented on one perjury count.

One of the defendant's perjury convictions rests on grand jury testimony the defendant gave under questioning by Mr. Gorder regarding a trip to Omaha, Nebraska. In his testimony the defendant stated that he was picked up by a blonde woman at his hotel in Omaha, Nebraska who took him to meet Mr. Powell and then transported the defendant to the airport. The defendant further testified that he did not know the identity of this woman. At trial the government contended that the defendant committed perjury when he denied knowing the name of this woman.

Under the government's theory, the defendant falsely denied knowing the identity of this blonde woman in order to protect the woman from the grand jury's investigation. The government unsuccessfully sought to prove that the blonde woman who met the defendant at his hotel was Malvina Schmidt, the defendant's sister-in-law. The evidence at trial revealed that although the defendant had been met and transported to a different airport by a blonde woman on a different occasion, no one picked up the defendant at his Omaha hotel. The evidence did demonstrate that the defendant eventually met his sister-in-law at a restaurant in the Omaha area. Accordingly, on appeal the government has shifted its perjury allegation by recasting the defendant's denial of knowledge about the name of the blonde woman who met him at his hotel into a denial of "knowing who was with [Mr.] Powell in the Omaha area." In response, the defendant claims his conviction should be reversed because the identity of the woman whom he incorrectly recalled to have met at his Omaha hotel is immaterial to any matters then before the grand jury and thus not perjurious.


The defendant has raised several challenges to his convictions on appeal. We reach only three of his challenges. The defendant's first allegation of error involves the refusal of the trial court to grant a pretrial motion to have the prosecutor, Mr. Gorder, recused from the case so that the defendant could call Mr. Gorder as a witness. The defendant also claims that the prosecutor exceeded the bounds of proper argument during closing argument and the defendant was thereby prejudiced. The final contention of error challenges the materiality of the defendant's allegedly perjurious statements regarding the blonde woman at the Omaha airport.

The defendant has also raised a claim of insufficiency of the evidence as to counts seven and eight of the indictment which charged the defendant with violations of the false statement statute, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001. In essence, the government presented evidence that the defendant attempted to secure the release of his client Betty Powell through the submission of an appeal bond form that the defendant knew was not authorized by the named bond company. Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution we find the evidence presented sufficient to enable a rational trier of fact to find the essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Jackson v. Virginia, 443 U.S. 307, 319, 99 S.Ct. 2781, 2789, 61 L.Ed.2d 560 (1979). Nonetheless, for the reasons discussed in the balance of the opinion, we reverse the defendant's convictions on these and the other counts of the indictment.

A. The Propriety of a Prosecuting Witness

The prosecutor in this case, Assistant United States Attorney Charles Gorder, was also the prosecutor in the previous trial of Betty Powell. Mr. Gorder not only opposed the defendant in that trial but also conducted the examination of the defendant in both the grand jury and bond proceedings that are the subject of defendant's perjury convictions in this case. Mr. Gorder was also involved in the discussions with the bond agency as to the adequacy of Mrs. Powell's bond collateral which gave rise to the defendant's false statement convictions. Finally, on several occasions Mr. Gorder negotiated directly with the defendant for the surrender of Ronald Powell, the fugitive whom the defendant was accused of harboring and giving aid. Thus, although he never took the stand, Mr. Gorder was a witness to, and indeed a participant in, some aspect of all of the events alleged in the indictment.

The defendant was charged and convicted of being an accessory after the fact to Mr. Powell's criminal offenses in that the defendant did "receive, relieve, comfort and assist Ronald Lee Powell in order to hinder and prevent his apprehension, trial and punishment, " in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3. During trial the principal defense asserted by the defendant to this count, and the harboring a fugitive charge, revolved around the defendant's efforts to successfully negotiate Mr. Powell's surrender with Mr. Gorder. Rather than harboring or assisting Mr. Powell, the defendant contended he was actively conducting the ongoing negotiations for Mr. Powell's timely surrender through direct communications with both Mr. Gorder and Mr. Powell. Obviously, this defense hinges substantially on the availability of evidence detailing the defendant's role in these surrender negotiations.

Both before and during the trial defense counsel unsuccessfully moved the court to recuse the prosecutor to enable the defense to call him as a witness. After final argument the defendant moved for a mistrial because the prosecutor's remarks "reaffirm[ed] Mr. Gorder's role as a witness in the case without cross-examination, because they appeared to be, in the way that they were framed, assertions of personal knowledge based on his dealings with Mr. Prantil." At every juncture, the prosecutor refused either to recuse himself or to testify. The trial court declined to disturb the prosecutor's decision and denied, without comment, all of the defendant's motions on this matter.

The prosecutor defended his decision, and the trial court concurred, on the grounds that his testimony was unnecessary and cumulative to the defendant's case. We recognize that a defendant has an obligation to exhaust other available sources of evidence before a court should sustain a defendant's efforts to call a participating prosecutor as a witness. United States v. West, 680 F.2d 652, 654 (9th Cir.1982). Nonetheless, the defendant's obligation to resort to alternative means of adducing factual testimony is not absolute. Both the quality and quantity of the alternate sources of evidence are proper subjects for comparison with that sought directly from the participating prosecutor. For example, in this case the prosecutor contends that his testimony on the defendant's efforts to arrange for the surrender of the fugitive Ron Powell was unnecessary and cumulative.


Jan Windglows-Jim Morgan-Stanley Cahill project own guilt and empty claims with no REAL EVIDENCE against X-client Mary T. Prantil

#15Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 07, 2009

I am a MALE that lives in Houston, Texas - unfortunately I had dealings with Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Stanley/Mike Cahill - BEFORE all these false postings about Mary T Prantil.  I only wish that Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Stanley Cahill had revealled their SICK MONTROUS CRIMINAL BEHAIOR BEOFORE...Because I would have been able to prevent the $7,500 these Criminals STOLE from me.

These claims about Ms. Mary Prantil are all false.  I DARE THESE SCAM ARTIST TO PROVIDE  an actual authorization from PayPal, American Express, Mastercard and VISA where Ms. Prantil gavwe permission to charge her card for these FALSE INVOICES where these Criminals - Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan and Stanley Cahill claim that they were RIPPED OFF !!

FACT - Jan Windglows has been arrested for LARCENY - CONNECTED TO CREDIT CARD FRAUD !!!!

FACT - Mary T Prantil reported the unauthorized use of her Credit Cards and PayPal account AND therefore - these Scam SCUM Criminals were NOT able to RIP her off the $5000.




Mary T. Prantil 917-224-6605 [email protected] is one of the coolest honest ppl that has does not have a Criminal Record and who never authortized use of her PayPal account in the amount of $5000 !!!





I was ripped off of $7,500 - unfortunately this con-artist did get my money.  I contacted Mary T. Prantil and she indeed did provide me with her clean criminal record that was official and did not cost $20 as idiot "Defender of the Innocent" claims...Mary T. Prantil - is innocent of all these claims and infact has reported all of this to the FBI, NYPD, Attorney General.

Frank G. Prantil died in Oct 2006 and he had his Law License - Jan Windglows do you even know who your Father was???   call 530-389-8969 and speak to the widow of Frank G Prantil - find out the real facts about this great man and lawyer...Frank G Prantil cleared his name over 10 yrs ago...Frank G Prantil owned over 200 acres in Napa Valley, CA and had a very active law practice.   Call Bill Bonham his law partner.

The only IDIOTS running out of lies are Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan and Stanley Cahill...if not - then start with the actual authorizations of these fabricated invoices where you claim Mary T Prantil ripped you off.

ADMIT defeat Jan Windglows - only you are projecting your own Criminal behavior of LARCENY and Credit Card Fraud !!!



Defender Of The Innocent

New York,
Mary T. Prantil is running out of lies and knows she will be incarcerated SOON

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009


Looks like Mary Prantil is running out of lies to tell about Jan and James so she is making up MORE LIES, and guess what?  NOBODY believes them !
Jan Windglows is home and happy running her business give her a call- just go to her web site and her phone number is there because I just spoke to her.  In fact, I spoke to BOTH Jan and James- and they are happy, successful, and enjoying their lives to the fullest every day.
These ongoing LIES of Mary Prantil saying that Jan Windglows was arrested for larceny is utter HOGWASH and more lies and s**t made up out of the crazy DRUG FRIED OUT brain of criminal Mary Prantil.

Yes ----the information about Mary Prantil's deceased father is CORRECT.  He has his name listed all over attorney's websites on the internet, and is not spoken of with any type of respect whatsoever. 

The fact of the matter is , Mary Prantil is up here shooting off her mouth telling lie after lie about Jan Windglows and James Morgan- who only tried to help her in times past when she was a client of theirs long ago.  They terminated her case because she broke all the rules and regulations she promised to keep when Jan first took her case, so who's fault is that?  It is Mary Prantil's fault. 

Actually I heard that Mary Prantil DID get her spell manifested with Jans' services, THEN PRANTIL MESSED EVERYTHING UP between herself and her then boyfriend, then was OUT OF CONTROL so Jan had to drop her case completely.

The facts are the facts-Mary Prantil is a criminal, she is a stalker, she is a computer hacker, a phone hacker, a liar, she has been arrested several times and currently is IN A LOT OF TROUBLE with the law.
Jan and James did nothing wrong, they were only defending themselves and their good names against this MONSTER Mary Prantil.

Have you ever read all the postings here about Mary Prantil and how she steals from businesses?  Apparently NOT.  Jan and James only deal in FACTS they are not liars or thieves that have to make up stories because they have FACTS AND THEY HAVE PROOF for everything they have said about her.

Prantil is going as far as to post lies such as Jan Windglows being arrested for larceny, which is another lie on Prantil's part.  All the posts on Mary Prantil and her father are TRUE.

Jan and James have every right to defend themselves against Prantil-----so if Mary Prantil does not want any more information being posted about her or her family that can incriminate her even MORE,  IF SHE CAN'T TAKE IT SHE SHOULD NOT DISH IT OUT.

Unfortunately for Mary Prantil, she feels she has to rely on lies to the public to try and discredit the names of Jan and James because she does not have anything else except the lies she dreams up in her attempts to cause trouble for Jan and James. 

I do defend the innocent- yes it is true that Mary Prantil's father is deceased, but that is NOT the point- the point IS, that Mary Prantil learned her criminal behavior from her father whether he is deceased or not.

Mary Prantil is a criminal, and so was her father.  The public needs to see Mary T. Prantil for who and WHAT she really is- A CRIMINAL AND LIAR.   If Mary Prantil does not like information about her deceased father being posted here, then she should STOP slinging mud constantly at two innocent people and telling lies about them on the internet. 

It is OBVIOUS that Mary Prantil is getting what is coming to her.   Jan Windglows is not guilty of any crimes neither is James Morgan.  But Prantil certainly is.

In fact, Mary Prantil started this scandal.  Jan and James did not come up here on this forum out of the blue for no reason or to hurt anyone, but only to defend themselves.

Jan and James were not attempting to pick on Mary Prantil's deceased father, but by showing the FACTS ( not LIES  or false information ) about Mary Prantil AND her deceased father, the public now knows where Mary Prantil learned to be a criminal and indeed Prantil IS following in her father's footsteps.

Mary Prantil brought this upon herself.  If she would have left these two innocent people alone to begin with, all of this could have been avoided. 
Jan and James are forthright, and do everything possible to help their clients in every way.

Mary Prantil lies, and lies, and lies......posting such GARBAGE up here like Jan and James are idolaters and that they drink their own blood.

The only other thing I have to say is that Mary Prantil's deceased father is probably rolling in his grave and looking down on his daughter with disappointment and disgust for all the trouble she is in, and has attempted to get other innocent people into.

Mary Prantil is going to BE INCARCERATED SOON  because Mary Prantil is in a LOT OF LEGAL TROUBLE RIGHT NOW so if anyone reading about Mary Prantil's deceased father feels sorry for Mary Prantil , then I DARE YOU to call Mary Prantil and give her your email address and your phone number. 
YOU WILL THEN SEE for yourself what kind of TRASH Mary Prantil REALLY is, and what she is capable of, because Mary Prantil will do all the same things to YOU that she has done to everyone with whom she cannot get her way with.

So if anyone thinks Mary T. Prantil is innocent, then type in Mary Prantil in your internet browser, I DARE YOU and get her phone number and write her an email.

Then come back and post on this forum after she has stalked you, harassed you, threatened you, etc. then Prantil will be on this forum making up all kinds of lies about you too, and she will also post lies about YOU or ANYONE all over the internet that she cannot get her way with or control or boss around that does not agree with her about something.

If anyone reading this decides to email Mary Prantil, make sure you have a good anti virus program on your computer.  She is mean and vindictive and outright EVIL and she is known all over the internet for sending people viruses to try and destroy their computers.

Mary Prantil TRULY IS following in her father's footsteps- THAT IS A FACT SO GROW UP AND FACE IT, Prantil.  I have no sympathy at ALL for Mary Prantil, for her father.

If you DO,  Mary Prantil will harrass and stalk you until you are forced to change your phone number and block her from your emails.....that is if your computer is still running because once Mary Prantil is on an evil angry outrage, she will send you a virus in your email and keep stalking and harassing you for as long as she can.
I DID call the NYPD and talked to Detective Carrano and all the other officers that were involved with Mary T. Prantil and NONE of them can stand her and ALL of them want to lock her up and get her away from public society.
....and the so called "Good Conduct Certificate" that Mary T. Prantil says she aquired from the NYPD is only a certificate that ANYONE can to to the police station in New York, and purchase with twenty dollars !!!!!
Too bad for you, Mary- but a good conduct certificate IS WORTHLESS when you continue to behave like you do- you EVIL WICKED WOMAN.

Concerning crooked attorney Frank G. Prantil and Mary T. Prantil drug addicts, liars, frauds, extortionists, criminals and thieves that love to manipulate the criminal justice system




it is no WONDER that Mary T. Prantil is such a CRIMINAL and SCAM CON...hey public take a look and read below and click the links to verify that Mary T. Prantil and her father are the same birds of a feather- criminals, liars, and drug addicts !!!

After you THE PUBLIC read the information below, you will learn all about Mary T. Prantil's father getting disbarred TWICE as a lawyer, charged several times for misconduct, all about his cocaine addictions, his lies, schemes, causing a mistrial for a famous controversial murder case, stealing money from a safe from inside a client's house...

Mary T. Prantil sure is a piece of slime gutter trash...like father, like daughter...A CRIMINAL, a liar, a piece of white trash gutter slime that cannot shut her OPEN GAPING HOLE in her face where her mouth used to be!!! Mary T. Prantil LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE !!!



No. D-787

110 S. Ct. 493, 493 U.S. 972, 107 L. Ed. 2d 497, 58 U.S.L.W. 3351, 1989.SCT.45677 <http://www.versuslaw.com>

November 27, 1989


For earlier order herein, see Rehnquist, Brennan, White, Marshall, Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy

It having been reported to the Court that Frank G. Prantil, of Fair Oaks, California, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Supreme Court of California and this Court by order of May 15, 1989, having suspended the said Frank G. Prantil from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred;

And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued;

It is ordered that the said Frank G. Prantil be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court.


Disbarrment entered.


1998 VersusLaw Inc.



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All contents Copyright 2008 - 2009 VersusLaw, Inc. Bellevue, WA, USA. All rights reserved

On trial before the bar court in San Francisco, FRANK PRANTIL [#35155], 67, of Sacramento is charged with multiple counts of failing to perform legal services competently. Prantil was disbarred in 1989, reinstated in 1994 and charged with misconduct in 2002. The trial on the new charges was ongoing at press time and although the bar had not formally asked for his disbarment, it is a possible penalty.

The 1989 disbarment was the result of convictions for forgery and being an accessory to possess cocaine.



In a case two miles across town at the State Bar offices on Howard Street -- and at the other end of the world of privilege -- 67-year-old defense attorney Frank Prantil is facing a task he's already performed numerous times -- defending himself against accusations that he's acted unethically as an attorney. In 1979, Prantil was suspended from practicing law after he was accused of improperly representing a client. While on probation, Prantil was alleged to have participated in a check-fraud scheme. He was convicted of forgery and disbarred, according to the California Supreme Court opinion confirming Prantil's disbarment.

Prantil later took advantage of California rules that allow disbarred attorneys to ask for reinstatement after five years. Prantil successfully argued that he had rehabilitated himself, and resumed practice in 1994.

Prantil is now facing State Bar disciplinary charges, which could potentially get him disbarred again, alleging that he failed to competently defend a client, then improperly charged the client for his services.

Prantil's case, along with three cases decided earlier this year in which California attorneys were disbarred for a second time, has added steam to a nine-year-old bureaucratic proposal to give judges the option of disbarring the worst attorneys for life.

In California, there now exists no legal concept of permanent disbarment. A State Bar committee on Nov. 15 will consider the possibility of changing that, if only slightly. Rather than making all disbarments permanent, it would extend from five to seven years the amount of time disbarred attorneys would have to wait before requesting to be reinstated, and would give judges the option of forever banishing the worst of California's worst attorneys.

The fact that it's taken nine years for such a mild proposal to reach this preliminary step hints at a lack of seriousness the California legal establishment lobby applies to abuses by its own members.



UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Frank G. PRANTIL, Defendant-Appellant.
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

June 25, 1985

764 F.2d 548

Charles F. Gorder, Jr., Asst. U.S. Atty., argued, Peter K. Nunez, U.S. Atty., Charles F. Gorder, Jr., Asst. U.S. Atty., on the brief, San Diego, Cal., for plaintiff-appellee.

Eugene G. Iredale, San Diego, Cal., for defendant-appellant.


Appeal from the United States District Court For the Southern District of California.

Before FERGUSON and NELSON, Circuit Judges, and JAMESON, * District Judge.

FERGUSON, Circuit Judge:

The defendant, a criminal defense attorney, appeals his conviction on eight out of eleven counts alleged in an indictment for the offenses of perjury, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1623; false statements, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001; and being accessory after the fact, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3. All of the defendant's convictions are predicated on actions he took while representing a criminal defendant, Betty Powell, in a separate criminal prosecution. After a seven-day trial the jury found the defendant not guilty on two counts of harboring a fugitive and perjury. The district court had previously dismissed the misprision of a felony count before the trial began. On appeal, the defendant raises a host of issues which, for the most part, we need not address. Three of the defendant's challenges, however, require reversal of the defendant's convictions for the reasons explained herein.


The defendant was retained by Ronald Powell to represent his wife, Betty Lou Powell, and her son in a federal criminal prosecution on various drug-related charges.1 Mr. Powell had been a previous client of the defendant in unrelated criminal proceedings. After Mrs. Powell and her son were arrested at the Powell residence on April 23, 1982 in connection with the narcotics charges, Mr. Powell, who was also named in the felony arrest warrant, remained a fugitive until his apprehension on August 10, 1982. On the day of his wife's arrest, Mr. Powell telephoned the defendant, Frank Prantil, and retained his services for the criminal proceedings against his immediate family. Throughout Mr. Powell's fugitive status, the defendant periodically telephoned Mr. Powell and met him on at least two occasions.

During their first meeting after the incarceration of Mrs. Powell, Mr. Powell presented the defendant with a partial payment of the retainer agreement and directed the defendant to the whereabouts of other sources of cash in various bank accounts and at the Powell residence. Mrs. Powell, unable to make a $750, 000 bond, remained incarcerated until the completion of her criminal trial. She gave the defendant the power of attorney to collect the funds from the various bank accounts. The defendant also retrieved a substantial sum of money from a floor safe at the Powell residence that had been overlooked at the time of the Powell family arrest. Although questions over the capacity in which Mr. Prantil retained custody of these monies (as attorney fees or in bailment for Mrs. Powell) occupied a substantial portion of the defendant's trial, we need not parse the evidence on this subject here. Pursuant to the retainer agreement negotiated by Mr. Powell, the defendant represented Mrs. Powell for the duration of her criminal trial. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Charles Gorder.

Mr. Prantil succeeded in obtaining an acquittal on all but four of the fifteen criminal counts leveled against his client Mrs. Powell. During the course of his representation of Mrs. Powell, the defendant also sent his sister-in-law, Malvina Schmidt, to meet the fugitive Ronald Powell for reasons not relevant here. Within the same time frame, the defendant, on several occasions, acted as the conduit for negotiations between the fugitive Ronald Powell and Assistant U.S. Attorney Gorder for Mr. Powell's surrender. During the period when Mr. Powell was a fugitive, the defendant was summoned before a grand jury and questioned by Mr. Gorder concerning his contacts and relationship with Mr. Powell. Three of the defendant's five perjury convictions rest on responses he made to Mr. Gorder's grand jury examination. The remaining two perjury charges and the two false statement counts stem from the events surrounding the defendant's efforts to obtain Mrs. Powell's release on bond pending the appeal from her criminal conviction. For purposes of this appeal, however, we need only discuss the evidence presented on one perjury count.

One of the defendant's perjury convictions rests on grand jury testimony the defendant gave under questioning by Mr. Gorder regarding a trip to Omaha, Nebraska. In his testimony the defendant stated that he was picked up by a blonde woman at his hotel in Omaha, Nebraska who took him to meet Mr. Powell and then transported the defendant to the airport. The defendant further testified that he did not know the identity of this woman. At trial the government contended that the defendant committed perjury when he denied knowing the name of this woman.

Under the government's theory, the defendant falsely denied knowing the identity of this blonde woman in order to protect the woman from the grand jury's investigation. The government unsuccessfully sought to prove that the blonde woman who met the defendant at his hotel was Malvina Schmidt, the defendant's sister-in-law. The evidence at trial revealed that although the defendant had been met and transported to a different airport by a blonde woman on a different occasion, no one picked up the defendant at his Omaha hotel. The evidence did demonstrate that the defendant eventually met his sister-in-law at a restaurant in the Omaha area. Accordingly, on appeal the government has shifted its perjury allegation by recasting the defendant's denial of knowledge about the name of the blonde woman who met him at his hotel into a denial of "knowing who was with [Mr.] Powell in the Omaha area." In response, the defendant claims his conviction should be reversed because the identity of the woman whom he incorrectly recalled to have met at his Omaha hotel is immaterial to any matters then before the grand jury and thus not perjurious.


The defendant has raised several challenges to his convictions on appeal. We reach only three of his challenges. The defendant's first allegation of error involves the refusal of the trial court to grant a pretrial motion to have the prosecutor, Mr. Gorder, recused from the case so that the defendant could call Mr. Gorder as a witness. The defendant also claims that the prosecutor exceeded the bounds of proper argument during closing argument and the defendant was thereby prejudiced. The final contention of error challenges the materiality of the defendant's allegedly perjurious statements regarding the blonde woman at the Omaha airport.

The defendant has also raised a claim of insufficiency of the evidence as to counts seven and eight of the indictment which charged the defendant with violations of the false statement statute, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001. In essence, the government presented evidence that the defendant attempted to secure the release of his client Betty Powell through the submission of an appeal bond form that the defendant knew was not authorized by the named bond company. Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution we find the evidence presented sufficient to enable a rational trier of fact to find the essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Jackson v. Virginia, 443 U.S. 307, 319, 99 S.Ct. 2781, 2789, 61 L.Ed.2d 560 (1979). Nonetheless, for the reasons discussed in the balance of the opinion, we reverse the defendant's convictions on these and the other counts of the indictment.

A. The Propriety of a Prosecuting Witness

The prosecutor in this case, Assistant United States Attorney Charles Gorder, was also the prosecutor in the previous trial of Betty Powell. Mr. Gorder not only opposed the defendant in that trial but also conducted the examination of the defendant in both the grand jury and bond proceedings that are the subject of defendant's perjury convictions in this case. Mr. Gorder was also involved in the discussions with the bond agency as to the adequacy of Mrs. Powell's bond collateral which gave rise to the defendant's false statement convictions. Finally, on several occasions Mr. Gorder negotiated directly with the defendant for the surrender of Ronald Powell, the fugitive whom the defendant was accused of harboring and giving aid. Thus, although he never took the stand, Mr. Gorder was a witness to, and indeed a participant in, some aspect of all of the events alleged in the indictment.

The defendant was charged and convicted of being an accessory after the fact to Mr. Powell's criminal offenses in that the defendant did "receive, relieve, comfort and assist Ronald Lee Powell in order to hinder and prevent his apprehension, trial and punishment, " in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3. During trial the principal defense asserted by the defendant to this count, and the harboring a fugitive charge, revolved around the defendant's efforts to successfully negotiate Mr. Powell's surrender with Mr. Gorder. Rather than harboring or assisting Mr. Powell, the defendant contended he was actively conducting the ongoing negotiations for Mr. Powell's timely surrender through direct communications with both Mr. Gorder and Mr. Powell. Obviously, this defense hinges substantially on the availability of evidence detailing the defendant's role in these surrender negotiations.

Both before and during the trial defense counsel unsuccessfully moved the court to recuse the prosecutor to enable the defense to call him as a witness. After final argument the defendant moved for a mistrial because the prosecutor's remarks "reaffirm[ed] Mr. Gorder's role as a witness in the case without cross-examination, because they appeared to be, in the way that they were framed, assertions of personal knowledge based on his dealings with Mr. Prantil." At every juncture, the prosecutor refused either to recuse himself or to testify. The trial court declined to disturb the prosecutor's decision and denied, without comment, all of the defendant's motions on this matter.

The prosecutor defended his decision, and the trial court concurred, on the grounds that his testimony was unnecessary and cumulative to the defendant's case. We recognize that a defendant has an obligation to exhaust other available sources of evidence before a court should sustain a defendant's efforts to call a participating prosecutor as a witness. United States v. West, 680 F.2d 652, 654 (9th Cir.1982). Nonetheless, the defendant's obligation to resort to alternative means of adducing factual testimony is not absolute. Both the quality and quantity of the alternate sources of evidence are proper subjects for comparison with that sought directly from the participating prosecutor. For example, in this case the prosecutor contends that his testimony on the defendant's efforts to arrange for the surrender of the fugitive Ron Powell was unnecessary and cumulative because the defendant could have presented some testimony on this point through an FBI agent who listened to some, but not all, of the relevant discussions. The prosecutor also avers that the defendant himself was available to testify as to any conversations for which there are no other witnesses besides the defendant and the prosecutor. The true worth of the prosecutor's generous suggestion that the defendant himself testify in order to "exhaust" all other sources of testimony, however, becomes self-evident when the prosecutor subsequently portrays the defendant's testimony as self-serving and "sleazy" in his summation before the jury.

Regardless of the prosecutor's view of the utility of his own testimony, the district judge is charged with the responsibility of making determinations as to the materiality of witness testimony. In so doing, the court must honor the defendant's constitutional rights under the confrontation and compulsory process clauses of the Sixth Amendment. The unequivocal admonition of the Supreme Court on this point bears repetition here:

The need to develop all relevant facts in the adversary system is both fundamental and comprehensive. The ends of criminal justice would be defeated if judgments were to be founded on a partial or speculative presentation of the facts. The very integrity of the judicial system and public confidence in the system depend on full disclosure of all the facts, within the framework of the rules of evidence. To ensure that justice is done, it is imperative to the function of courts that compulsory process be available for the production of evidence needed either by the prosecution or by the defense.


SCAM- www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Internet Hacking Operation ! I live in Houston, Texas got taken by Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com for $7,500!!!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 29, 2009

This is a real post. I live in Houston , Texas http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ robbed me of $7500 !!!  I was stalked by Jim Morgan and know that he lies blatantly about X-clientsdo not use http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ Jan Windglows: Owner of Internet Hacking Operation Not a Psychic or Spell Caster - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate Spell Casting site: DO NOT USE!! 805-455-6548   www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Beware:  www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  is an Internet Hacking SCAM: to steal your personal info on-line; download Trojan Virus into home computer and Jan Windglows; JimMorgan to stalk you thru your personal email accounts; then steal your Identity on-line scam and money from Credit Card Accounts;Paypal and your peesonal checking/savings accounts.   [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DO NOT USE!!!     BEWARE:805-455-6548 www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  is not a spell casting or psychic reading site but rather it is much sdangeropus than that...Jan Windglows owns www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  which is a scam Internet Hacking Operation - Jan Windglows Criminal Records Idaho State Attorney to arrest FBI involved. Jan Windglows is a viscious evil woman that steals your money; DO NOT GET SCAMMED by this Internet Hacking Operation - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate spellcasting site:DO NOT USE!!  Jan Windglows is a viscious evil woman that steals your money; DO NOT GET SCAMMED by this Internet Hacking Operation - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate spellcasting site:DO NOT USE!!  Jan Windglows Owner:  Employees: Jim Morgan, Stanly Cahill, Mike Cahill, Kim Thrasher, Matilda Somerfield...ALL INTERNET PREDATORS - WHO WILL SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFO ON-LINE THEN STALK U !!!   PSYCHIC SCAM EXPOSED:  http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ 805-455-6548 Internet Hackers download Trojan Virus into your email then stalk u on-line...scary scammer - NOT Psychics, Not spell caster: but real Internet Predators and Criminal Record: internet Crimes and Credit Card Debt!!! Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Jan Windglows: Owner and Employee James Morgan www.bloodloveandlustspells.com 805-455-6548, 208-714-4348 PO Box #712 Driggs, Idaho 83422 . DO NOT USE JAN WINGLOWS OR JIM MORGAN unless you want to be Ripped-off; Scammed for MONEY; then BREACH of CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY by posting clients full name with blatant lies about you on Rip-off Report.com !!!!   Only a con-artist would be in the spell casting business..they are Internet Predators !!   Jan Windglows is a viscious evil woman that steals your money;will download Trojan Virus into your personal email: DO NOT GET SCAMMED by this Internet Hacking Operation - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate spell casting site:DO NOT USE!!  Jan Windglows Owner:  Employees: Jim Morgan, Stanly Cahill, Mike Cahill,Kim Thrasher, Celeste MorganAll Internet Predatorsto commit Internet Crimes via downloading Trojan Virus into your email: then steal money form your PayPal Account; Checking and Savings Accounts and all Major Credit CardsDO NOT GET SCAMMED !!!   SCAM-   www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Internet Hacking Operation ! I live in Houston , Texas got taken by Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com   for $7,500!!!   SCAM-   www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Internet Hacking Operation ! I live in Houston , Texas got taken by Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com   for $7,500!!!   SCAM-   www.bloodloveandlustspells.com Internet Hacking Operation ! I live in Houston , Texas got taken by Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com   for $7,500!!!        


Scam psychic -Janhett T. Windglows 805-455-6548 is MENTALLY ILL AND BLATANTLY LIES about SEVERAL X-clients; saying they all have a Criminal Records; Not really spellcasters;Proven Internet HACKERS!!!

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009

Scam psychic -Janhett T. Windglows 805-455-6548 is MENTALLY ILL AND BLATANTLY LIES about SEVERAL X-clients; saying they all have a Criminal Records; Not really spellcasters but Proven Internet Predators that download Virus;s into your personal computer and steal your money; NOT SPELL CASTERS BUT COMPUTER Hackers, reported to FBI and Texas Police.
The fact is Janhett Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com at 805-455-6548 is creating all this conflict so that the X-client in the h*o[pes that they will buy more services then come back to her and her unethical COVEN of Scammers: Jim Morgan, Mike Cahill, Matilda Somerfield, Kim Thrasher and Michael Jenkins...so that she can then remove the BAD LUCK ...there is not BAD LUCK here except a Vindicate mentally ill woman named Janhett T. Windglows...I am the person that posted the recent comments bcs i was SCAMMED by this mentally ill person named Jan Windglows...the X-client does not have a Criminal Record...Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan are being investigated by the Sandy Point, Idaho District Attorney for Aggravated Harassment, Theft, Murder and Several Internet Crimes...STAY AWAY FROM THIS MENTALLY ILL WOMAN NAMED JAN WINDGLOWS...WHO WOULD BE IN THE SPELL CASTING BUSINESS???  ANSWER SOMEONE MENTALLY ILL...OR A CON-ARTIST...JAN WINDGLOWS IS BOTH ...DO NOT GET SCAMMED!
I live in Houston , Texas and this is a real post.
Sadistic Psychic-Janhett Windglows is MENTALLY ILL AND BLATANTLY LIES and commits Internet Crimes Theft and steal your money!!
SCAM-Janhett Windglows is MENTALLY ILL AND BLATANTLY LIES and commits Internet Crimes Theft and steal your money..This is a real post...I am an X-client that got scammed by www.bloodloveandlustspells.com 805-455-6548


Park City,
Jan Windglows Will Seek REVENGE on unsatisfied customers who ask for a refund by posting blatant lies on Rip-off Report.com: DO NOT USE: JAN WINDGLOWS or her employee James or Jim Morgan !!!!

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 04, 2009

SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] PO Box #712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422 . 805-455- Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Jan Windglows Will Seek REVENGE on unsatisfied customers who ask for a refund by posting blatant lies on Rip-off Report.com:   DO NOT USE: JAN WINDGLOWS or her employee James or Jim Morgan !!!!   NOT Psychics !!!   NOT Spell Casters ! Will BREACH client confidentiality and post blatant lies on the Global Internet about clients that are unhappy and want a refund.   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY, NOT Spell casters or Psychics, Scam clients for money then disappear Complete Rip-off!!   DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] .   PO Box # 712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422 . 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James Morgan and Jan Windglows BREACH Client Confidentiality , hack into clients personal computers to take your money out of checking accounts and credit cards; Stalk clients on Internet and post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet; Will NOT cast spells; and worse James Morgan and Jan Windglows are not spell casters or psychics; once they get your money they stop answering the phone!!!!  Do not use Western Union or PayPal you will never get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!          WARNING: Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      JAN WINDGLOWS HAS BEEN RUNNING AROUND THIS RIPOFF REPORT.COM WEBSITE STATING THIS AND THAT ABOUT X-Clients that asked for a refundWHILE NOT REALLY PRODUCING ANY SOLID EVIDENCE TO THESE CLAIMS MADE BY Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan...AGAINST unhappy clients that want a refund. NO VALIDITY AND OR SUBSTANCE AT ALL TO OF THESE Slanderous CLAIMS OTHER THEN THESE CON-ARTISTS VENTING ACCUSATIONS COMING AT X-clients that are simple retaliation for exposing this   Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      Here's where Jan Windglows tried to Rip-off both PayPal and clients by giving saying she gave psychic reading and that customers also wanted a spell but they didnt approve it and or Jan Windglows did not honor website offer of MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and clients never got their money back...Who is the real Fraud here I ask you? JAN WINDGLOWS OWNER OF www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 IS THE ANSWER. Jan Winglows SAYS THAT SHE Will refund the work...BUT APPARENTLY DOESN'T ACCORDING TO THIS UnHappy Customer BELOW. MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT THE OTHER STATEMENTS THAT JAN WINDGLOWS PROFESSES.     SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows Seeks revenge post Blatant Lies about unsatisfied X-client that ask for a refund! DO NOT USE 805-455-6548. COMPLAINT of Unhappy Customer: I've forwarded you two e-mails in regard to Jan Windglows. Yes, Jan did read for me.   The worst reading of my life TOTAL rip-off !!! During said time Jan conned me and begged me to let her a spell for me. Also I told her that I usually dont even get psychic readings..Jan wanted $5,000.00 for the type of spell saying that it was High Magic , not something simpleI want a refund to my $150 psychic reading from Jan Windglows as it was the worst of my life.pls refund my PayPal account.   I didnt want the spell and Jan Windglows said she would curse me and would reverse the spell if I didn't pay her $5000. I told her that she should get professional therapy. HERE'S WHERE JAN WINDGLOWS REPORTED CLIENTS TO PAY PAL FOR FRAUD. MY QUESTION FOR JAN WINDGLOWSIS (HOW CAN YOU STEAL SOMETHING THAT WASNT APPROVED   DOESN'T EXISTS?). THESE INVOICES WERE NEVER APPROVED To be paid. 0D Jan Windglows tried to screw up my Credit with Pay Pal account by attempting to pay her own invoices until as if it were me then saying I asked for charge back....the unhappy customer found out what Jan Windglows was doing and reported it to PayPal fraudulent activities. -----Original Message----- From: unhappycustomer to: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] ; [email protected] Sent: XXXXXXX Subject: Invoice20From James Morgan PayPay, I wish to report Jan Windlgows for Fraud she used my Credit Card without my permisssion and charged my Card $5000 There is a $1200 invoice currently on my PayPal account form this site Blood Love and Lust and Blood Spells...which I did not approve.   I didnt want the spell and Owner, Jan Windglows said she would curse me and would reverse the spell if I didn't pay her $5000. I told her that she should get professional therapy. Thanks, Unhappy Customer of JAN WINDGLOWS SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!    Will Seeks REVENGE on unsatisfied customers who ask for a refund WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] .   PO Box # 712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422 . 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James Morgan and Jan Windglows BREACH Client Confidentiality , hack into clients personal computers to take your money out of checking accounts and credit cards; Stalk clients on Internet and post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet; Will NOT cast spells; and worse James Morgan and Jan Windglows are not spell casters or psychics; once they get your money they stop answering the phone!!!!  Do not use Western Union or PayPal you will never get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!      WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Gypsy SCUM James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of several spell casting sites on the Global Internet including www.bloodloveandlustspells.com breach client confidentiality and are proven Internet Predators with no magical powers or wizardry.   These to Gypsy SCUM will commit DECEPTION FRAUD and IDENTITY THEFT and take clients for thousan ds and thousands of American hard earned dollars.  DO NOT USE or be RIPPED OFF by these SCUM idiots who stalk their clients and commit internet fraud by hacking into savings/checking accounts and posting personal information of clients on Global Internet.    WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Scam Spell Casting Scheme Operation James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  NOT WIZARDS- NOT PSYCHICS-NOT SPELL CASTERS !!! James/JIM Morgan and Jan Windglows have no magical powers and both are complete SCUM Rip-off Artist Scamming thousands of dollars off inn ocent CLIENTS...I know James/Jim Morgan AND Jan Windglows are complete Rip-off and Scam Artists whose only desire is to get as much money off their victims then NEVER answer their phone ever again...do not be taken by these CREEPS!!! WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     DO NOT USE: FAKE Spell Casters James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows do not have magical powers and will only try to scam you for thousands of dollars.     WARNING : Complete Spell Cast ing Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   BEWARE - Complete Rip-off !! : 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - w ww.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWA Y from these Internet Con-Artist !!!! Complete Scam Spell Casting Rip-off Scheme!!     BEWARE and DO NOT USE: James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows unless you want your money stolen from these Gypsy Scum 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224, PO Box #712 Driggs , Idaho 83422 . BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY: Do not send personal check or use Western Union or PayPal you will NEVER get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!      WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   ; BEWARE and DO NOT USE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglo ws of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] .   PO Box # 712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422 . 805-455- James/Jim Morgan and Jan W indglows: www.bloodloveandlustspells.com   Business phone: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 emails: Jan Windglows: [email protected] Jim Morgan: [email protected] 0A   "Blood Love And Lust Spells" Here are some of James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows sites to beware and not use: http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/lovespellcastings.html http://www.bloodloveandlustspell s.com/deathspells.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ultimatespells.html s.html http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/magicdisruption.html   http://www.bloodloveandlusts pells.com/removeacurse.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/spellcastingpreviews.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/testamonials.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/orderaspell.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/spellcastinginfo.html   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists James /Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: BREACH Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Intern et !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!! Complete Scam Spell Casting Rip-off Scheme!!   WARNING: Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   SCAM Psy chic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      Thank you Rip-off Report.com for exposing these Gypsy SCUM !!!


Park City,
SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING: Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!! DO NOT USE !!

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 03, 2009

SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!    Will Seeks REVENGE on unsatisfied customers who ask for a refund by posting blatant lies on Rip-off Report.com:   DO NOT USE: JAN WINDGLOWS or her employee James or Jim Morgan !!!!   NOT A psychics !!!   NOT Spell Casters ! Will BREACH client confidentiality and post blatant lies on the Global Internet about clients that are unhappy and want a refund.   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY, NOT Spell casters or Psychics, Scam clients for money then disappear Complete Rip-off!!   WARNING: Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      JAN WINDGLOWS HAS BEEN RUNNING AROUND THIS RIPOFF REPORT.COM WEBSITE STATING THIS AND THAT ABOUT X-Client that asked for a refundWHILE NOT REALLY PRODUCING ANY SOLID EVIDENCE TO THESE CLAIMS MADE BY Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan...AGAINST unhappy clients that want a refund. NO VALIDITY AND OR SUBSTANCE AT ALL TO OF THESE Slanderous CLAIMS OTHER THEN THESE CON-ARTISTS VENTING ACCUSATIONS COMING AT X-clients that are simple retaliation for exposing this   Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      Here's where Jan Windglows Ripped Off Another Spell Caster Sites By giving psychic readings that customers wanted their money back...Who is the Real Fraud Here I ask you?. JAN WINDGLOWS WOULD BE THE ANSWER. SHE SAYS THAT SHE Will refund the work...PAYS FOR HER WORK BUT APPARENTLY DOESN'T ACCORDING TO THIS SPELL CASTER BELOW. MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT THE OTHER STATEMENTS THAT JAN WINDGLOWS PROFESSES Unhappy Customer: I've forwarded you two e-mails in regard to Jan Windglows. Yes, Jan did read for me.   The worst reading of my life TOTAL rip-off !!! During said time Jan conned me and begged me to let her a spell for me. Also I told her that I usually dont even get psychic readings..Jan wanted $5,000.00 for the type of spell saying that it was High Magic , not something simpleI want a refund to my $150 psychic reading from Jan Windglows as it was the worst of my life.pls refund my PayPal account. I didnt want the spell and Jan Windglows said she would curse me and would reverse the spell if I didn't pay her $5000. I told her that she should get professional therapy. HERE'S WHERE JAN WINDGLOWS REPORTED CLIENTS TO PAY PAL FOR FRAUD. MY QUESTION FOR JAN WINDGLOWSIS (HOW CAN YOU STEAL SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXISTS?). THESE INVOICES WERE NEVER PAID BY JAN WINDGLOWS. Jan Windglows tried to screw up my Credit with Pay Pal account by attempting to pay her own invoices until as if it were me then saying I asked for charge back....the unhappy customer found out what Jan Windglows was doing and reported it to PayPal fraudulent activities. -----Original Message----- From: unhappycustomer to: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] ; [email protected] Sent: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:12 pm Subject: Invoice20From James Morgan PayPay, I wish to report Jan Windlgows for Fraud she used my Credit Card without my permisssion and charged my Card $5000 There is a $1200 invoice currently on my PayPal account form this site Loe lust and Blood spells...which I did not approve. Thanks, Unhappy Customer of JAN WINDGLOWS   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] .   PO Box # 712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422 . 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James Morgan and Jan Windglows BREACH Client Confidentiality , hack into clients personal computers to take your money out of checking accounts and credit cards; Stalk clients on Internet and post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet; Will NOT cast spells; and worse James Morgan and Jan Windglows are not spell casters or psychics; once they get your money they stop answering the phone!!!!  Do not use Western Union or PayPal you will never get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!      WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Gypsy SCUM James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of several spell casting sites on the Global Internet including www.bloodloveandlustspells.com breach client confidentiality and are proven Internet Predators with no magical powers or wizardry.   These to Gypsy SCUM will commit DECEPTION FRAUD and IDENTITY THEFT and take clients for thousan ds and thousands of American hard earned dollars.  DO NOT USE or be RIPPED OFF by these SCUM idiots who stalk their clients and commit internet fraud by hacking into savings/checking accounts and posting personal information of clients on Global Internet.    WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Scam Spell Casting Scheme Operation James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  NOT WIZARDS- NOT PSYCHICS-NOT SPELL CASTERS !!! James/JIM Morgan and Jan Windglows have no magical powers and both are complete SCUM Rip-off Artist Scamming thousands of dollars off inn ocent CLIENTS...I know James/Jim Morgan AND Jan Windglows are complete Rip-off and Scam Artists whose only desire is to get as much money off their victims then NEVER answer their phone ever again...do not be taken by these CREEPS!!! WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     0D DO NOT USE: FAKE Spell Casters James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows do not have magical powers and will only try to scam you for thousands of dollars.     WARNING : Complete Spell Cast ing Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   BEWARE - Complete Rip-off !! : 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWA Y from these Internet Con-Artist !!!! Complete Scam Spell Casting Rip-off Scheme!!     BEWARE and DO NOT USE: James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows unless you want your money stolen from these Gypsy Scum 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224, PO Box #712 Driggs , Idaho 83422 . BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY: Do not send personal check or use Western Union or PayPal you will NEVER get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!      WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   ; BEWARE and DO NOT USE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com James/Jim Morgan and Jan W indglows: www.bloodloveandlustspells.com   Business phone: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 emails: Jan Windglows: [email protected] Jim Morgan: [email protected]   "Blood Love And Lust Spells" Here are some of James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows sites to beware and not use: http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ lovespellcastings.html http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ deathspells.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ ultimatespells.html s.html http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ magicdisruption.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ removeacurse.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ spellcastingpreviews.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ testamonials.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ orderaspell.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ spellcastinginfo.html   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: BREACH Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Intern et !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!! Complete Scam Spell Casting Rip-off Scheme!!   WARNING: Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   SCAM Psychic-Jan Windglows: Owner of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- 805-455-6548 WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      Thank you Rip-off Report.com for exposing these Gypsy SCUM !!!


Park City,
Jan Windglows Seeks REVENGE on unsatisfied customers who ask for a refund by posting blatant lies on Ripoff Report.com: DO NOT USE: JAN WINDGLOWS !! NOT A psychic !!! BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 02, 2009

Jan Windglows Seeks REVENGE on unsatisfied customers who ask for a refund by posting blatant lies on Ripoff Report.com:   DO NOT USE: JAN WINDGLOWS !!!!   NOT A psychic !!!   Will BREACH client confidentiality and post blatant lies on the Global Interet about clients that are unhappy and want a refund. WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY, NOT Spellcasters or Psychics, Scam clients for money then dissappear Complete Rip-off!!   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     JAN WINDGLOWS HAS BEEN RUNNING AROUND THIS RIPOFF REPORT.COM STATING THIS AND THAT UNDER FALSE NAMES AND PLACES WHILE NOT REALLY PRODUCING ANY SOLID EVIDENCE TO THESE CLAIMS MADE BY Jan Windglows...AGAINST unhappy clients that want a refund. NO VALIDITY AND OR SUBSTANCE AT ALL TO HER CLAIMS OTHER THEN HER VENTING ACCUSATIONS COMING AT US OUT OF NOWHERE.   WARNING: WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Here's where Jan Windglows Ripped Off Another Spell Caster Sites By giving pyschic readings that customers wanted their money back...Who is the Real Fraud Here I ask you?. JAN WINDGLOWS WOULD BE THE ANSWER. SHE SAYS THAT SHE Will refund the work...PAYS FOR HER WORK BUT APPARENTLY DOESN'T ACCORDING TO THIS SPELL CASTER BELOW. MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT THE OTHER STATEMENTS THAT JAN WINDGLOWS PROFESSES Unhappy Customer: I've forwarded you two e-mails in regard to Jan Windglows. Yes, I did read for me.   The worst reading of my life TOTAL rip-off !!! During said time Jan   conned me and begged me to let her a a spell for me. Also I told her that I usually dont ewven get psychic readings..Jan wanted $5,000.00 for the type of spell saying that it was High Magic , not something simple. I didnt want the spell and Jan Windglows said she would curse me and would reverse the spell if I didn't pay her $5000. I told her that she should get professional therapy. HERE'S WHERE JAN WINDGLOWS REPORTED JIM MORGAN TO PAY PAL FOR FRAUD. MY QUESTION FOR JAN WINDGLOWSIS (HOW CAN YOU STEAL SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXISTS?). THESE INVOICES WERE NEVER PAID BY JAN WINDGLOWS TO START WITH LOL. Jan Windglows tried to screw up my Credit with Pay Pal account by attempting to pay her own invoices until as if uit were me then saying I asked for charge back....the unhappy customer found out what Jan Windglows was doing and reported it to PayPal fraudulent activities. See how mis-informed Jan Windglows s. Basically what Jan Windglows as trying to do was get her work performed for free by paying Jan with checks and then attempting to get her money back for these cashed checks through pay pal. Notice where this email originated from below and who it was sent to under the original message heading. To those of you that know how to check IP Addresses this should clear up any doubts that this is her actual communication to pay pal. So Much for Jan Windglows's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part. -----Original Message----- From: unhappycustomer to:[email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:12 pm Subject: Invoice From James Morgan PayPay, I wish to report Jan Windlgows for Fraud she used my Credit Card without my permisssion and charged my Card $5000 There is a $1200 invoice currently on my PayPal account form this site Loe lust and Blood spells...which I did not approve. Thanks, Unhappy Customer 'JAN WINDGLOWS TRIED TO RIP JAN OFF PAY PAL A RIP OFF SCAM WHO LIKES TO COMMIT FRAUD. JAN WINDGLOWS LIKES TO ACCUSE OTHERS OF THIS TO THROW SUSPICION FROM HERSELF. WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!      BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY, NOT Spellcasters or Psychics, Scam clients for money then dissappear Complete Rip-off!!   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     DO NOT USE www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] .   PO Box # 712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422 . 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James Morgan and Jan Windglows BREACH Client Confidentiality , hack into clients personal computers to take your money out of checking accounts and credit cards; Stalk clients on Internet and post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet; Will NOT cast spells; and worse James Morgan and Jan Windglows are not spell casters or psychics; once they get your money they stop answering the phone!!!!  Do not use Western Union or PayPal you will never get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!      WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Gypsy SCUM James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of several spell casting sites on the Global Internet including www.bloodloveandlustspells.com breach client confidentiality and are proven Internet Predators with no magical powers or wizardry.   These to Gypsy SCUM will commit DECEPTION FRAUD and IDENTITY THEFT and take clients for thousands and thousands of American hard earned dollars.  DO NOT USE or be RIPPED OFF by these SCUM idiots who stalk their clients and commit internet fraud by hacking into savings/checking accounts and posting personal information of clients on Global Internet.    WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Scam Spell Casting Scheme Operation James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  NOT WIZARDS- NOT PSYCHICS-NOT SPELL CASTERS !!! James/JIM Morgan and Jan Windglows have no magical powers and both are complete SCUM Rip-off Artist Scamming thousands of dollars off innocent CLIENTS...I know James/Jim Morgan AND Jan Windglows are complete Rip-off and Scam Artists whose only desire is to get as much money off their victims then NEVER answer their phone ever again...do not be taken by these CREEPS!!! WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     0D DO NOT USE: FAKE Spell Casters James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows do not have magical powers and will only try to scam you for thousands of dollars.     WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   BEWARE - Complete Rip-off !! : 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!! Complete Scam Spell Casting Rip-off Scheme!!     BEWARE and DO NOT USE: James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows unless you want your money stolen from you=2 0by these Gypsy Scum 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224, PO Box #712 Driggs , Idaho 83422 . BREACH CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY: Do not send personal check or use Western Union or PayPal you will NEVER get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows. False Claims on website: NO MONEY BACK Guarantee!! Infact, Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows will retaliate and seek revenge on clients that ask for refund by posting slander, including changing and editing clients personal emails with false statements then posting on Global Internet. Truly, STAY AWAY FROM Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows WHO are sick socio-paths!!!      WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   ; BEWARE and DO NOT USE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows: www.bloodloveandlustspells.com   Business phone: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 emails: Jan Windglows: [email protected] Jim Morgan: [email protected]   "Blood Love And Lust Spells" Here are some of James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows sites to beware and not use: http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/lovespellcastings.html http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/deathspells.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ultimatespells.html s.html http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/magicdisruption.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/removeacurse.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/spellcastingpreviews.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/testamonials.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/orderaspell.html   http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/spellcastinginfo.html   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!     BEWARE: 805-455-6548 or 208-639-2224 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: BREACH Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Intern et !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!! Complete Scam Spell Casting Rip-off Scheme!!   WARNING : Complete Spell Casting Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!          


Park City,
BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- Breach Client Confidentiality, NOT Spellcasters or Psychics,Scam clients for CASH

#22Consumer Comment

Tue, September 29, 2009

BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells. com- Breach Client Confidentiality, NOT Spellcasters or Psychics, Scam clients for money then dissappear Complete Rip-off!!   DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] .   PO Box # 712 Idaho , Driggs, 83422. James Morgan and Jan Windglows Breach Client Confidentiality, hack into clients personal computers to take your money out of checking accounts and credit cards; Stalk clients on Internet and post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet; Will NOT cast spells; and worse James Morgan and Jan Windglows are not spell casters or psychics; once they get your money they stop answering the phone!!!!  Do not use Western Union or PayPal you will never get your money back from James Morgan and Jan Windglows.   Gypsy SCUM James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of several spell casting sites on the Global Internet including www.bloodloveandlustspells.com breach client confidentiality and are proven Internet Predators with no magical powers or wizardry.   These to Gypsy SCUM will commit deception fraud and Identity Theft and take clients for thousands and thousands of American hard earned dollars.  DO NOT USE or be RIPPED OFF by these SCUM idiots who stalk their clients and commit internet fraud by hacking into savings/checking accounts and posting personal information of clients.    Scam James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  NOT A WIZARDS- NOT PSYCHICS-NOT SPELLSCASTERS James/JIM Morgan and Jan Windglows have no magical powers and both are complete SCUM Rip-off Artist Scamming thousands of dollars off innocent CLIENTS...I know James/Jim Morgan AND Jan Windglows are complete Rip-off and Scam Artists whose only desire is to get as much money off their victims then NEVER answer his phone ever again...do not be taken by these CREEPS!!!     DO NOT USE: FAKE Spell Caster James/Jim Morgan or Jan Widnglows do not have magical powers and will only try to scam you for thousands of dollars.       BEWARE - Complete Rip-off !! : 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!   BEWARE and DO NOT USE: James/Jim Morgan or Jan Windglows unless you want to be your money stolen from you by these Gypsy Scum 805-455-6548, PO Box #712 Driggs, Idaho 83422.. James Morgan and Jan Windglows Business phone:805-455-6548 emails:   Jan Windglows - [email protected] James Morgan - [email protected]   BEWARE and DO NOT USE: 805-455-6548 James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com "Blood Love And Lust Spells" Here are some of James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows sites to beware and not use:     http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ lovespellcastings.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ deathspells.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ ultimatespells.html s.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ magicdisruption.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ removeacurse.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ spellcastingpreviews.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ testamonials.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ orderaspell.html   http://www. bloodloveandlustspells.com/ spellcastinginfo.html     BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!   BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!   BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!   BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist!!!!   BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!   BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com  or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!   Thank you Rip-off Report.com for exposing these GYPSY SCUM!!!      


Park City,
James Morgan and Jan Windglows Scam clients for CASH !!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, September 28, 2009

BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- Breach Client Confidentiality, NOT Spellcasters or Psychics, Scam clients for CASH !!!

BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists/Internet Predators James Morgan and Jan Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com- Breach Client Confidentiality, NOT Spellcasters or Psychics, Scam clients for CASH !!

BEWARE: 805-455-6548 Con-artists James/Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows only want your money. DO NOT USE - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com or [email protected] or [email protected] NOT SPELLCASTERS; NO MAGICAL POWERS: Breach Client Confidentiality; post personal emails of clients; Internet Predators that hack into your personal checking accounts and steal your money; post blatant lies about clients on Global Internet !!!  STAY AWAY from these Internet Con-Artist !!!!
Thank you Rip-off Report.com for exposing these GYPSY SCUM!!!





#24Consumer Comment

Mon, August 03, 2009

THIS POST IS IN RESPONSE TO THE SCHAUB COPY CAT PAGE AND SITE Schaub camp, If anyone is distorted here it's you with your delusional and irrational mind set. For your information, I am free and entitled to tell my side of the story to whomever I like despite the order; the letter wasn't addressed to you nor was it asking anyone to yield any sort of a message from myself to you. Besides, I don't need a order to deal with your a_s as I can do it just fine by myself without the assistance of anyone else. If anything you are subject to mail tampering and stealing mail just like the good old days. I have the right to tell the truth to anyone I like in a effort to counteract all the lies you've told others about me. What's the matter don't you like anyone challenging your one sided stories full of twisting and deception ? Wait; don't answer that because I am so tired of hearing your mouth. THE LETTER WAS TRUTHFUL AND GAVE A HONEST ACCOUNT IN HOW THINGS ACTUALLY TRANSPIRED, BACKED UP WITH PROOF AND OTHER EYE-WITNESS ACCOUNTS ALONG WITH COURT RECORDS. The letter was a fair rendering of both sides, to people I once knew and further who you corrupted with your lies AND TURNED AGAINST ME until they read the letter of course. Your a sympathy and influence peddler if you ask me that is always trying to cover up your negative deeds. Your a COWARD because you attack people with all you have, especially when the person or persons in question aren't there to defend themselves against your deceptions and lies. Your a thief because you take advantage of those who loved and trusted you enough to blindly sign away their home to you, YOUR THE DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN RACE. The letter was anything but a book on how to "slam your ex-wife", YOU DULLARD. The letter in question also had a email on it to my recollection, that anyone could write to me to receive proof back of the statements being made in it. If anyone is "possessed" here it is you with the spirits of IGNORANCE and FOOLISHNESS, so DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GO BUY YOURSELF A EXORCISM. It's also my right to call old friends for your d**n information, only to hear that you've done your level best in smearing my good name, you HYPOCRITE. POST the letter if you like so everyone can really see what a piece of deceptive s_it you really are, and don't altar it in any way by editing out information here and there. You are GUILTY OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT by taking material off my Web Spawner page to which you were forced to take down by your hosting server Network Solutions, simply because you didn't have my permission to use it, DUH, NOT TO MENTION USING IT TO FURTHER YOUR SITE NAME BY DROPPING MY NAME to the public. My whole post and the posts of others against you and Cahill is in that your copy cat sites who steal the work of others off the net AND NOW WE'VE PROVED IT, just like you did with three other totally unrelated sites such as LLEWELLYN, CIRCLE OF LIGHT and WILKIPEDIA just to name a few. The Viewer can write to these companies to inquire about the "Schaub incident" if they like just to confirm my statements. Wow, were they trying to slam you as well or trying to delete your site as well by having you take their material off your site ? Am I to understand that everyone including your own server is out to get you ? IS THIS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST YOU ? Or are you just Fuc_king up as you normally do, AND HAVE DONE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. When Dragon Spells LLC was active, I did in fact have the works of other authors on the site, however the source was sited with links back to the sites and credit was given to the authors. d**n, is this so HARD for you to understand ? I didn't try to make people think that I wrote the books posted on my pages, now did I ? Your trying to make people believe this about me now, however it's just not true and can be proven on the "Way Back Machine" archives where a person can look up my pages. Also, if you just wanted to give the public some interesting things to read and weren't meaning to mislead them in any way, then why DO YOU STILL HAVE A PAGE HIDDEN ON YOUR SITE that you were ordered by the author and your host server to remove from your site? Why did this company lodge a complaint against you while threatening legal action for your copyright infringement of their intellectual property ? You know, you say that your not riding on my coat tails, but why are you seeking publicity through the use of our names on your web site and in making all your false allegations ? Incidentally, we're not done with you either as were very tired of your crack pot charges against us that you can't prove in any way, shape or form, you just might be hearing from our attorneys concerning your slanderous comments up on your site regarding us, you LUNATIC EX-WIFE. Plus the fact that you are now marketing your slander under you true name up on a site registered to you and thus this can now be easily traced back to you by the courts concerning your slander and breach of the civil order. Moving to the next issue, your statement pertaining to me stating that you don't know what your talking about magically, like you said on your site, EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN OPINION, and this is my opinion of you, especially when you can't even address a few simple magical questions pertaining to magick, self or your site. Like I stated in previous posts regarding the spawner page, Celeste Schaub was the site manager and edited the pages belonging to Dragon Spells LLC years ago; however past the administrative stuff she performed, she didn't perform spells with me other then being a gopher or being included in some photo shoots for the site from time to time. The real reason that Schaub left Dragon Spells, or resigned as its manager was for the sole reason that she didn't like Jan Windglows in the picture and decided to move out and leave everything for me to do at that point both administratively and spell wise, hoping that I would fail without her to do this for me. Yes, she bailed on me and a old man that was depending on her to get his medicine for him just because she couldn't get her way, NOT because she felt that unethical activity was going on concerning Dragon. Her withdrawal came much later after I left the home and when she started plotting with her good buddies Cahill and Mary Prantil, MORE LIES ON SCHAUB'S PART. Just for the record, this reading thing or the padding of readings is a old issue that I charged Cahill with in the beginning of this conflict regarding how he was using a reader to pad readings that in turn sent Clients to his site, and now we see the Schaub camp throwing this back at us. Cahill was also using this same reader along with the ex and Prantil to post negative comments about us. Take the time to read this as my ex is now trying to throw this back at us like she does with every charge given to her and Cahill that THEY are found guilty of; both now and in the past. I really don't have any reason to smear anyone on this site, however I will set the record straight when charges are leveled against us, especially by a disgruntled ex-wife who doesn't have the scruples to keep junk like this off her site just because she wants to get even for herself and her copy cat boy friend Stanley Cahill. Also, as stated by me in a previous post, it was mentioned that Jan was one of the top readers on the net at one time but stopped when she started up her magick sites, largely in part to my objections as reading and casting spells seem to be a conflict of interest quit honestly, especially when the reader knows all the case facts. As far as Jan padding readings for me in the past, this is ABSOLUTELY absurd in every way and took place with the Cahill camp rather then with us. Again, Schaub is attempting to throw suspicion off her friend Cahill. If Celeste Schaub is so magically knowledgeable then why does she have to drop my and Jan's names along with our link on her web site to get attention, I would think that a highly seasoned wanna B Enchantress or Priestess like Schaub wouldn't need to drop anyone's name and could go on her own merit, don't you think ? What exactly is her title any way and who gave it to her ? I didn't give her this title. One week she calls herself a High Enchantress and then the next week a High Priestess, WHICH IS IT; or do they both mean the same thing ? No, I'm not the "Internet police" or "Guru", but neither are these other unrelated sites lodging complaints against Celeste Schaub and her web site, as far as Schaub breaking what she calls the "bogus restraining order". YES YOU ARE Schaub camp, by mentioning our names on your pathetic web site and communicating slanderous content and messages directed at us over the net, Schaub, you moron. Why would Schaub's server being Network Solutions give her a ultimatum of either removing my material or getting her site suspended or deleted should she keep our text up on her site unless it was copyrighted text by another she was using ? Schaub states that none of what she's doing is for monetary gain but this is yet just another lie on her part like the many distortions of the truth she renders on a daily basis. Why is her site named similarly to the old Dragon Spells? Why does she copy and paste it's old key words and phrases to her pages? Why does she still act like she's some part of Dragon Spells when she has no affiliation to it in any regard; and hasn't for going on four years? Why was she made to remove my text from her site during the divorce and why is she now seeking public attention from using my text while pointing out a page that she edited and I let ride years ago concerning one little statement regarding her assisting me generally, especially if she is not trying to ride on my name or coat tails? As far as my copyrighted material goes, the divorce decree awarded all Dragon Spells copyright to me, PERIOD as thus Schaub has no rights to either use or post any of this material, including any text found on any other site I've created past this point. By the way, Dragon Spells has always been mine and my ex never had any right to the copyrights in the first place. She didn't help me in creating the site and did a poor job in assisting me in maintaining it when this was her job. Dragon Spells wasn't about spiritual things for my now ex as much as it was all about the money for her. Also, for your information Schaub camp, you bunch of dill weeds, like with any other site, our personal names are in the copyrighted text not to mention being our personal property, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ????? YOUR STILL IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT BY POSTING OUR NAMES AND LINKS ON YOUR SITE. DUH DUH DUH. If the truth be known, these negative postings by Schaub and her Cronies are all about money and Clients by blasting another site and persons with untruths, NOT about serving Divinity, protecting or being a benefit to the public in any way. Defrauding and defaming is the business of Cahill and Schaub as far as I'm concerned. It's the same old story that's been going on for all most four years now with the exception of Prantil being here, however Prantil's charges are still being mimicked through Schaub as this is where all this trash came from in the first place. Trash from white trash like yourselves is what it is. Ok,moving on, her statements about Jan are Bulls_it as well, Jan doesn't say anything about anyone's magical capabilities, however this is my opinion about Schaub being magically illiterate, knowing what I know of her personally, and her failure to address a few simple questions that any Client might ask of her when considering spell work. Schaub states that she is a High Priestess but DOESN'T HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO BACK THIS TITLE UP, why is this ? I'd like a free copy of the cr_p your handing out behind Jan's back to people, Slob, you bunch of jerk off's. Always doing s_it behind everyone's backs just like the bunch of low lives you are, Cahill and Schaub camps. Oh, and I NEVER tried to engage Cahill into any Bulls_it like padded readings, BESIDES, HE WAS IN ENOUGH TROUBLE with sexually harassing and bad mouthing his clients at times through out his time with me. Tell us it's not true Cahill. This can be proven on ROR in the beginning of the copyright conflict between Cahill and myself. I've never bashed anyone especially Cahill, DO YOU CALL DEMANDING THAT SOMEONE GET YOUR COPYRIGHTED TEXT OFF THEIR SITE BASHING ? Of course you do, Schaub, don't you also ? Especially when your engaging in this same sort of activity currently on the Internet. I was simply asking him to REMOVE MY COPYRIGHTED TEXT from his site. However, and at the time, you were giving him BAD LEGAL ADVICE that in turn caused CAHILL to refuse to take it down, that in turn caused him to lose one of his sites and be strongly reprimanded and forced to take eight of my Copyrighted pages off of his site as well by his server on another. It all most caused him a law suit with a chance of imprisonment and huge fines, right ? Celeste Schaub, then Celeste Morgan took her site down about a month after I requested that she take down my material as well, didn't ya Schaub ? Now she's back at it again, some people are just incapable of learning from their past mistakes. Oh, for your information, I AM A MASTER OF THE ARTS Cahill and Schaub camps and you are nothing but copy cat wannabe's. Again, for your information, Jan Windglows is what she says she is, AN EXPERIENCED ENCHANTRESS OF THE ADVANCED MAGICAL ARTS unlike you Schaub who only pretend to be one. "Hey, YOU MIGHT KNOW ME ON T.V AS A HIGH PRIESTESS, but I'm really not a high priestess in real life says Schaub, while pushing a beautyrest mattress or other house wears HA HA HA". Jan Windglows knew 100 times more then you ever knew right from the start, she retained everything I ever taught her and quickly drew up her own PROFESSIONAL spell charts, understands Universal principles and Angelic orders, makes her wax dolls correctly, she is a master spell writer and has spiritual gifts that I only wish I had. She's been with me for six years now but was already very highly skilled and had many years of magickal knowledge and expertise way before she ever studied under me, un-like you to which never really caught on to anything I tried to teach you. And Jan does have rights to my copyrights as they are on her site with my FULL permission both written and verbally, so what's the problem little copy cat sites ????? Lastly, it's never about Schaub admitting to anything even when she has been caught red handed in the act of copyright infringement by posting my page and the pages of others not related to me on her site. d**n, she even stated that she took the page of mine without permission on ROR under one of her fake little names and then said to the server that "she wasn't in admittance of guilt" LOL...... what an ass_ole. I do show courtesy to the public via addressing the questions the Schaub camp , however like always, she always has to throw the same charges made against her concerning things she has personally done back at others only to try to cover up her OWN wrong doings and nonsense, right Schaub? I simply get tired of addressing her same cra_ over and over again; due to the thickness of Schaub's skull and the minute size of her brain, somehow Schaub just doesn't "GET IT". Ok, now that were all done addressing these same old issues the Cahill and Schaub camps keep bringing up, that keep showing them for the IDIOTS they really are in real life, let's move on. Alright now everyone, as you've seen by reading the previous posts on this page and others while observing all the cross links showing the Schaub copying and pasting of other sites to her own, plus the one she actually took credit for writing as seen when you view this particular page, not to mention the one she has hidden that you can still view as we obtained the link before she tried to hide it. Be sure to read the previous posts. Now, didn't I just address a sh_t load of questions and accusations by Schaub, this is something else she states that I don't do such as addressing her statements even though she never addresses anyone else's questions, this is also something I've pointed out before concerning her in other posts. Another thing, if anyone wants to know where I've obtained my magical experience and why I call myself a Master Of The Arts, then all you have to do is to read the Dragon Spells archives found by clicking the banner to Castle Dragon's Eye that is displayed on Blood Love And Lust Spells. Where is Schaubs or Cahill's magical history aside from their BOASTFUL CLAIMS on their sites of being in the arts for X amount of years ? Now, may I present to you our latest proof concerning the Schaub web site and her copying and pasting text from yet other sites and then being warned by the company and host service to remove it immediately. Of course this is along with the transcripts of Jan and myself sighting her for the copyright infringement of our sites being the Spawner page and Blood Love Snd Lust Spells , GO BACK TO HER SITE PAGE OF ((( PLEASE READ ))) and then come back to this page and read the below information. THE FIRST COMPLAINT IS BY LLEWELLYN PUBLISHING'S and the second complaint is by us. ======================================= On July 29, 2009, Network Solutions received yet another claim of copyright infringement by Sally Heuer acting on behalf of the claimed owner. Please find attached the emailed complaint. The registrant (Ms. Schaub) of an affected site may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g) (2) and (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the material in question. To file a counter notification with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified this are claimed to be infringed. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. Once Network Solutions is in receipt of a properly filed Counter Notification we will promptly provide the person who filed the original notification with a copy of the counter notification and inform them that the material will be replaced or access to it restored in 10 business days. Please note that the material and website cease disabling access to it not less than 10 and not more than 14 business days following receipt of the counter notification. This does not apply, and the material should not be replaced, if the designated agent receives notification that legal action to seek a court order to restrain the subscriber from engaging in infringing activity to the material has been commenced. If Network Solutions does not receive confirmation that the alleged infringing content has been removed today by the 5 p.m. July 30, 2009 your site will be deactivated. Filing a counter notification does not prevent the site from being deactivated if the alleged infringing material is still on the site. In order to keep the site active you must remove the alleged material and if you so wish file a counter notification. Network Solutions is merely the Registrar and the Hosting provider for the above referenced domain name, we are not in a position to make judgment, and again we will comply with the DMCA. Respectfully, John David, Paralegal Network Solutions, LLC Telephone: 703.668.5615 Facsimile: 703.668.5959 Email: [email protected] =========================================== From: DMCA Subject: RE: DN: www.fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com Registrar: Network Solutions; Host: Network Solutions- Attention To John David URGENT To: "Celeste Schaub" , [email protected], [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 3:54 PM Network Solutions, LLC is not in a position to determine rights to use images, photographs and other content that may appear on a website. However, Network Solutions is bound by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( DMCA ), to take action when properly filed complaints have been made. The notice was sent July 21, 2009 along with the complaint by Janhett T. Windglows & James R. Morgan ll which listed the alleged infringing material. When the 48 hours expires and Network Solutions received no confirmation that the infringing material is removed the site will be taken down per DMCA and per our service agreement. On July 29, 2009, Network Solutions received yet another claim of copyright infringement by Sally Heuer acting on behalf of the claimed owner. Please find attached the emailed complaint. The registrant (Ms. Schaub) of an affected site may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g) (2) and (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the material in question. To file a counter notification with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified this are claimed to be infringed. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. From: Celeste Schaub [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:52 PM To: DMCA Subject: RE: DN: www.fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com Registrar: Network Solutions; Host: Network Solutions- Attention To John David URGENT Until proper facts are straightened out I will remove the one page alleged copy rite infringements Mr. Morgan has alleged to you I have committed, THIS IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF GUILT, THIS WILL BE ADDRESSED AT A LATER DATE I ASSURE YOU...CELESTE SCHAUB --- On Thu, 7/30/09, DMCA wrote: ========================================== Now, what isn't Schaub and her scum bucket friends not understanding here ? Schaub was forced to take down the copyrighted material from both sites and even admits to taking down my stuff because her server forced her to, but continues to use our private names and links on her web site without our permission. Schaub's rogue site is still guilty of copyright infringement as far as were concerned . And what does this mean ((( THIS WILL BE ADDRESSED AT A LATER DATE I ASSURE YOU...CELESTE SCHAUB ))) is this some kind of threat of more bashing on the way from the Schaub camp ? Is she just angry because she's been caught yet again ? It's a Copyright Infringement simply because our names are not only private property but are included in our Copyrighted material along with any links or domain names accosted with our sites. We AGAIN BOTH FORMALLY REQUEST AND PUBLICLY DEMAND THAT Celeste Schaub IMMEDIATELY REMOVE our names and anything else connected with us off of her site. Oh, and Schaub camp, no one said that "they owned The Angels Of Divinity"; especially Jan, so where in the hell are you getting this from ? More than likely the same place where your getting the rest of your cr_p from, I would imagine. How can you even call on Angels knowing what you've done, aren't you afraid they might come down and smite you or something ? I dare you to swear in the name of Divinity that you haven't done anything you've been accused of, I DARE YOU. I'm sure you will spew more garbage from your mouth but it doesn't matter as you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt who and what kind of a person you are, hell, you can't even write your own post without copying something I've said in one of my previous post about you or Cahill. All the Schaub and Cahill web sites amount to in essence is a lot of copying and pasting on their pages off other sites with very little to no magical information written by themselves personally about anything, these sites are very dull to look at, they look just like what they are; two ( AMATEUR ) sites that have no depth or any real meaning to either of them, who try so hard to look like something more then they are but fail miserably at best. These folks can't write their own text or produce their own spell pictures not to mention giving anyone a full and comprehensive run down or explanation of what is done for them magically should they dare ask. These sites talk about high alchemy, astrology, botany and other magical disciplines of study but can't satisfactorily explain anything from what I've heard, the only thing high here is their attitudes and egos, not anything magical. Again, this site belonging to Schaub can't even satisfactorily explain her ideologies or theology to passer's by without stumbling around and flubbing up her words from between uncertain lips. These two people in question always hope that the business of other sites are in decline probably because business sucks for them personally. The owner of this Schaub site seems to be a narrow minded little woman who enjoys making conflict so people will notice her even if it means stealing text and pictures from other sites or making slanderous comments about others. Cahill's site is just as dull and meaningless with about the same tone to it. Schaub talks about folks judging her when caught in the act of stealing other peoples text and how she does everything in Divinity's name, but I think she comes off as more of a Liar and Hypocrite through her proven negative actions, than she has the nerve to call other people a false prophet etc. d**n, I believe she was called this in a post against her by myself some time ago. These two sites are is a waste of space in my opinion who have been exposed over and over again, If I had to use some various words to describe these sites and the people that run them being Schaub and Cahill, I would venture to use such words as Nasty, Arrogant, Egotistical, Lying, Deceptive, Bigoted, self-righteous, Treacherous, Ignorant, jealous, petty, shallow, vicious, blaming, plotting, name dropping, attention seeking, self-serving and let's not forget self-absorbed and bitter because she Fuc_ked up her own life just to name a few things. In my opinion these traits found in them are the very traits that Divinity hates most in the human spirit and how can the sick heal the sick? Of course if I had to use some terms to describe them, I would venture to use such terms as Un-inventive, Un-imaginative, Masters of plagiarism and copyright infringing, un-learned in magical art and so fourth, this is only my opinion you understand and may not be the shared opinion or view of some that either have or will speak to them in the future at some point. Schaub speaks of me as, and I quote ( a so-called Wizard or self-proclaimed Wizard ) but I would say that I would match magical knowledge against her and Cahill's dull wittedness any day of the week AND IN MY SLEEP. You know, I don't think there's a real Wizard or Witch in the world who isn't looking at the Schaub posts under all her fake names while thinking what a liar and deceptive person she is. She should really be kind to herself and get a real job that she can actually perform or know something about AND QUIT STEALING THE WORK OF OTHERS and STOP gettting all pis_ed off and as a result writing a little messed up web page where you are bad mouthing us all over your poorly written "revised" page because YOU, Schaub who swore to the public that you NEVER copied and pasted ANYONE'S materials to your web site YET you got caught by Network Solutions and they forced you to take our Copyrighted text OFF your web site and if you did not, they would have deleted your web site entirely. That is NOT what a professional business savvy person would do, only a SORE loser who got caught in the act like you did, Schaub would behave in such a manner as you have. Oh, by the way BOO h*o h*o FOR YOU SORE LOSER SCHAUB ...... and thanks for putting our names and our web site link on the "revised page" of your web site, because it is driving new clients to us that will stay with us. We already have three people that are new clients that came to us from seeing our names on your site, LOL. Once people talk to Jan they stay with her because she knows how to take care of her clients....unlike "some" people that I know...... Ok Public, this is what you have on this fake site and self-proclaimed person who calls herself HIGH PRIESTESS, and thus take stock and draw your own conclusions. If you like, write into Network Solutions to confirm the emails above and what just transpired with the schaub site. WARNING TO THE PUBLIC AGAIN, these two sites owned and operated by Schaub and Cahill ARE NOT affiliated, connected or attached to Jan or myself in any way, shape or form. These sites do not follow our spell criteria and DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS to post any material being pictured, textual or method of operation from our sites. We consider these sites as rogue sites or cheap imitations of what we have successfully accomplished magically and spiritually with any that come to us. We DO NOT take any responsibility for any promises or claims these rogue sites make nor do we condone any method or methods they may use in the process of whatever perceived action they may be using in the name of magical art. We Do Not recognize these sites as anything to do with magical art more so then just trouble makers on the net bashing and stealing Copyrighted intellectual property from other sites with nothing to offer except pure propaganda. Here is the link to the hidden page that Celeste Ann Schaub is hiding from viewers on the net. http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/revisedpage.html Here is what Celeste wrote about us on that page....does what she wrote here below sound like something a "High Priestess" or an "Enchantress" would actually write and post on their own web page? Celeste Ann Schaub : " Hi Everyone, it has come to my attention from several past and current clients, friends and family members, that a certain person who has been bashing my private and public life has been posting blogs on the infamous "Rip Off Reports" site on the Internet. I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife", while in his distorted mind thought they would feel sympathy for him and side with him for what ever reason. The post mark was from "Sandpoint, Idaho, USA"...guess that would be your address as you stated you lived there in past postings, Jim (James ) Morgan II. He never left a return address as I am sure he thought they may answer and tell him what they thought of his foolish and childish attempts to slur me to them. He even called several family members trying to convince them of how he "was wronged" by me...All they had to say is "What is the matter with that man, is he possessed? My response I would say is probably so... He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view...what I did post is years of accumulated knowledge from books, etc. just to give the reader informed information about Magick, and the wonders of the angels and all of Divinity...many people want to know these things and when I read or hear of an interesting point of view or subject on anything to do with Divinity I let my readers know of this, as I often share the same views. I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers...just like when Jim Morgan used to go to the net and books and post views on his old retired site of Dragon Spells LLC he started in 2001...Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material, and when I wrote the author (of which her name was posted) she said she saw nothing wrong with my posting her info on my site, and then gave me permission to keep it on the site. There has also been postings he has continued to put on ROR for almost two whole years now, that I have no knowledge of Magick etc., yet I will copy and paste an actual page he has on the Internet, when we were still married, and still is on the net if you search, about my title and qualifications while working side by side with him on his site, this was posted in 2005. I ask you readers to review this then tell me, was he not telling the truth then about my qualifications, or is he not telling the truth now? Either way I am sure this very bitter, and unprofessional person I once called my husband, is not telling the truth either way you look at it.This is only yet another attempt to smear my name private and publicly, as well as that of my friend Mike Cahill and his site in his ongoing vendetta over a divorce that went seriously wrong, as far as he is concerned along with his fiance' Janhett T Windglows, as I have possession of her nasty mailed letters etc. as well. I think all readers would agree...come on Jim, get over it, you moved to get a new start on your life with Janhett, so please do so and MOVE ON...no one cares about you airing the dirty laundry you continue to carry around-you are not the GURU of the Internet, or Internet police, you and only you have tried your best to ruin the name of Magick on the net, by your child like behavior...true servants of Divinity do not act like you, I have not heard of any other site bashing another,as this is so unprofessional...if you are retired as you say, then go enjoy your life with Janhett, get married as she has proclaimed you both are to do, and forget your past...your past and your present and your future you create, no one else does...your choices, made freely, so please find something else to do with your free time and make your life productive. No one wants to hear your one sided views, most important, THEY DON'T EVEN CARE...and by the way, I do blood my spells and have been for a long time now, a mutual friend showed me the proper and safe way to blood a prayer by inserting a needle in my vein, and I do so freely, that along with a sincere desire to help my clients and a great rapport with all of Divinity, dark and light, makes my spells strong and work...all done in Justice name...something you used to know about but must have forgotten through the years on your rise to fame and fortune, and no I am not breaking any bogus injunction you and her put on me on your little trip to California last year, you have posted my name and my business all over the net, stalked me through my private and business life, and I have all the copies you sent out to my family and witnesses that will testify if needed that you started this fiasco, so you broke your own injunction you put on me by doing exactly what you falsely accussed me of. Injunctions work both ways-I don't bother you-and it does not give you a free license to harrass me and bother me, I do not care what you do in your private and business world and wish you would would find internal peace ...my words of advice are...move on. I have something I wish to share with my readers...I currently have been "ordered" by my website hoster, Net work Solutions, that Jim Morgan II (my ex) and Janhett T. Windglows, have filed Copy rite violations with me for posting the "Site 5" page my ex posted on the net, of which I stated previously that this was posted on my site just to show where he stated back in 2005 that I worked along side with him and did have "Magical" knowledge before I started my own site(s) and was NEVER intended for monetary gain. This was meant to contradict his accusations on ripoffreport.com that I had no prior knowledge and was only riding on his coat tails LOL... First off, riding on his or any ones coat tails to make a profit or to make my site come up on the search engines by de-frauding the public is not my style...I am here for one reason and that is to educate the public about Divinity whether they purchase a spell from me or not. Janhett Taylor Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspellshas HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF MY MAGICAL SKILLS, OR THE COPY RITES THAT WAS ACQUIRED AS SHE WAS A Physic ON JIM'S SITE OF DRAGON SPELLS LLC AFTER THEY WERE PURCHASED IN 2003. SHE WAS NOT LICENSED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA AT THAT TIME IN 2005 AS A PHYSIC AND WAS WORKING WITH JIM TO LEAD PEOPLE TO HIS SITE THROUGH PHYSIC READINGS TILL SHE STARTED HER SITE IN 2006 AS A SPELL CASTER. I RESIGNED AS AN Administrative OFFICER WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA, THROUGH THE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS, AS MANAGER AND REPORTING OFFICER FOR DRAGON SPELLS LLC THROUGH IRS, AS A SIGNER ON THE BUSINESS CHECKING ACCOUNT AND AS MANGER FOR FILING REPORTS WITH THE ACCOUNTANT JUST BECAUSE OF THE WAY THEY WERE Deceiving THE PUBLIC AND DEFRAUDING THE PUBLIC TO PURCHASE SPELLS (you can write the previous agencies and ask for the letter I sent to them, or me and I will send you a free copy). JANETT'S NAME WAS "NECTERES" ON JIM'S SITE IN MID 2005-2006. THEY WERE WANTING MY GOOD FRIEND AND SPELL CASTER MIKE CAHILL TO WORK WITH THEM AS WELL, AND WHEN HE REFUSED THEY HAVE BEEN BASHING HIM EVER SINCE. TRUTH IS JANHETT MOVED TO FLORIDA IN OCTOBER OF 2005, AND IN HER OWN WORDS AND IN FRONT OF MANY CREDIBLE Witnesses TO 'LEARN MAGICK FROM THE GREAT SELF PROCLAIMED WIZARD, MY THEN HUSBAND JIM MORGAN II. SO IN REALITY SHE HAD ONLY ABOUT A YEAR OF TRAINING BEFORE SHE GAINED ALL THIS ASTOUNDING KNOWLEDGE. WHY SHE FILED A COMPLAINT I HAVE NO IDEA, AS SHE HAD NO CLAIM TO THE COPY RITE EIGHT PAGES OF DRAGON SPELLS LLC, SHE DID THIS SIMPLY FOR SPITE. THIS IS IN NO WAY AN ADMITTANCE OF GUILT FOR ME REMOVING THIS "SITE 5" PAGE HE ALLEGES WAS COPY RITE, TRUTH IS COPY RITES WERE ON EIGHT PAGES OF DRAGON SPELL LLC IN 2003, THE POSTING I HAD WAS CLEARLY WRITTEN IN 2005. I SEE JIM WENT ON THE NET AND Accused ME OF "TAMPERING" WITH THIS PAGE I ADVISED THE PUBLIC TO GO AND Goggle THEIR SELF AND FIND...WHERE MY NAME AND HIS WAS MENTIONED IN 2005 THAT HE WROTE AND SIGNED, "SINCERELY JIM AND CELESTE", AND NOW HAS CHANGED/REPLACED MY NAME WITH JANHETTS...HOW CAN I CHANGE OR TAMPER HIS WEB SITE SUBMISSION, I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF HIS HOSTING COMPANY OR USER ID PASSWORD ETC...YOU CAN EDIT AN EMAIL, JUST ASK JIM AND JANHETT, THEY HAVE REPEATEDLY DID THIS TO TRY AND PROVE THEIR POINT...POINT IS YOU ARE BOTH A SHAME TO MAN KIND AND THE MAGICAL COMMUNITY...I AM SORRY TO HAVE TO POST THIS BUT GUESS WHAT THIS IS MY OPINION AND I BACK MINE UP WITH FACTS, NOT LIES AND DECEIT...AND JUST TO LET YOU KNOW....IT IS THOSE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONES, NOT ROCKS, BUT THEN AGAIN YOU TWO HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH ACCURACY, YOU NEVER ANSWER ISSUES ADDRESSED YOU JUST CREATE NEW ONES...AND JANHETT, YOU DON'T OWN THE ANGELS OF DIVINITY, THEY WERE PUT HERE FOR EVERY ONE, SO DON'T FLATTER YOURSELF...THIS WILL BE ADDRESSED AGAIN, IT ISN'T OVER....FALSE PROPHETS ARE ALIVE AND DOING WELL..." ......tsk tsk tsk......."High Priestess?" "Enchantress?" Everyone knows that Celeste Ann Schaub is mad because she GOT CAUGHT in MANY bare faced lies. She said over and over again that she would NEVER copy ANYONE elses' material, didn't she? How many times over the many posts did she say that in the course of over two years? In closing, since Celeste likes to quote scripture, we thought we would leave her with one in particular. We think it will REALLY hit home for her, lol after all her lies and talk about "false prophets", etc........YEAH she should look in the mirror and PREACH IT to HERSELF for a change. After all, a true servant of Divinity will admit that they have made a mistake, and then JUDGE THEMSELVES, right? .....oh but NOT Celeste, because she is too busy walking on water next to Jesus Christ Himself- right, Celeste? LOL. OOOOOPS looks to me like you are sinking now.....I would say that walking on water is no longer one of your better "psuedo" attributes, and never really was, now that the public knows the real truth about you. "Beware of false prophets, ( such as Celeste Ann Schaub ) which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." ( Matthew 7:15-20 KJV ) ..............hmmmmmmmmmmm I bet that fire must be getting pretty HOT for ya by now, huh Celeste?



#25Consumer Comment

Mon, August 03, 2009

THIS POST IS IN RESPONSE TO THE SCHAUB COPY CAT PAGE AND SITE Schaub camp, If anyone is distorted here it's you with your delusional and irrational mind set. For your information, I am free and entitled to tell my side of the story to whomever I like despite the order; the letter wasn't addressed to you nor was it asking anyone to yield any sort of a message from myself to you. Besides, I don't need a order to deal with your a_s as I can do it just fine by myself without the assistance of anyone else. If anything you are subject to mail tampering and stealing mail just like the good old days. I have the right to tell the truth to anyone I like in a effort to counteract all the lies you've told others about me. What's the matter don't you like anyone challenging your one sided stories full of twisting and deception ? Wait; don't answer that because I am so tired of hearing your mouth. THE LETTER WAS TRUTHFUL AND GAVE A HONEST ACCOUNT IN HOW THINGS ACTUALLY TRANSPIRED, BACKED UP WITH PROOF AND OTHER EYE-WITNESS ACCOUNTS ALONG WITH COURT RECORDS. The letter was a fair rendering of both sides, to people I once knew and further who you corrupted with your lies AND TURNED AGAINST ME until they read the letter of course. Your a sympathy and influence peddler if you ask me that is always trying to cover up your negative deeds. Your a COWARD because you attack people with all you have, especially when the person or persons in question aren't there to defend themselves against your deceptions and lies. Your a thief because you take advantage of those who loved and trusted you enough to blindly sign away their home to you, YOUR THE DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN RACE. The letter was anything but a book on how to "slam your ex-wife", YOU DULLARD. The letter in question also had a email on it to my recollection, that anyone could write to me to receive proof back of the statements being made in it. If anyone is "possessed" here it is you with the spirits of IGNORANCE and FOOLISHNESS, so DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GO BUY YOURSELF A EXORCISM. It's also my right to call old friends for your d**n information, only to hear that you've done your level best in smearing my good name, you HYPOCRITE. POST the letter if you like so everyone can really see what a piece of deceptive s_it you really are, and don't altar it in any way by editing out information here and there. You are GUILTY OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT by taking material off my Web Spawner page to which you were forced to take down by your hosting server Network Solutions, simply because you didn't have my permission to use it, DUH, NOT TO MENTION USING IT TO FURTHER YOUR SITE NAME BY DROPPING MY NAME to the public. My whole post and the posts of others against you and Cahill is in that your copy cat sites who steal the work of others off the net AND NOW WE'VE PROVED IT, just like you did with three other totally unrelated sites such as LLEWELLYN, CIRCLE OF LIGHT and WILKIPEDIA just to name a few. The Viewer can write to these companies to inquire about the "Schaub incident" if they like just to confirm my statements. Wow, were they trying to slam you as well or trying to delete your site as well by having you take their material off your site ? Am I to understand that everyone including your own server is out to get you ? IS THIS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST YOU ? Or are you just Fuc_king up as you normally do, AND HAVE DONE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. When Dragon Spells LLC was active, I did in fact have the works of other authors on the site, however the source was sited with links back to the sites and credit was given to the authors. d**n, is this so HARD for you to understand ? I didn't try to make people think that I wrote the books posted on my pages, now did I ? Your trying to make people believe this about me now, however it's just not true and can be proven on the "Way Back Machine" archives where a person can look up my pages. Also, if you just wanted to give the public some interesting things to read and weren't meaning to mislead them in any way, then why DO YOU STILL HAVE A PAGE HIDDEN ON YOUR SITE that you were ordered by the author and your host server to remove from your site? Why did this company lodge a complaint against you while threatening legal action for your copyright infringement of their intellectual property ? You know, you say that your not riding on my coat tails, but why are you seeking publicity through the use of our names on your web site and in making all your false allegations ? Incidentally, we're not done with you either as were very tired of your crack pot charges against us that you can't prove in any way, shape or form, you just might be hearing from our attorneys concerning your slanderous comments up on your site regarding us, you LUNATIC EX-WIFE. Plus the fact that you are now marketing your slander under you true name up on a site registered to you and thus this can now be easily traced back to you by the courts concerning your slander and breach of the civil order. Moving to the next issue, your statement pertaining to me stating that you don't know what your talking about magically, like you said on your site, EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN OPINION, and this is my opinion of you, especially when you can't even address a few simple magical questions pertaining to magick, self or your site. Like I stated in previous posts regarding the spawner page, Celeste Schaub was the site manager and edited the pages belonging to Dragon Spells LLC years ago; however past the administrative stuff she performed, she didn't perform spells with me other then being a gopher or being included in some photo shoots for the site from time to time. The real reason that Schaub left Dragon Spells, or resigned as its manager was for the sole reason that she didn't like Jan Windglows in the picture and decided to move out and leave everything for me to do at that point both administratively and spell wise, hoping that I would fail without her to do this for me. Yes, she bailed on me and a old man that was depending on her to get his medicine for him just because she couldn't get her way, NOT because she felt that unethical activity was going on concerning Dragon. Her withdrawal came much later after I left the home and when she started plotting with her good buddies Cahill and Mary Prantil, MORE LIES ON SCHAUB'S PART. Just for the record, this reading thing or the padding of readings is a old issue that I charged Cahill with in the beginning of this conflict regarding how he was using a reader to pad readings that in turn sent Clients to his site, and now we see the Schaub camp throwing this back at us. Cahill was also using this same reader along with the ex and Prantil to post negative comments about us. Take the time to read this as my ex is now trying to throw this back at us like she does with every charge given to her and Cahill that THEY are found guilty of; both now and in the past. I really don't have any reason to smear anyone on this site, however I will set the record straight when charges are leveled against us, especially by a disgruntled ex-wife who doesn't have the scruples to keep junk like this off her site just because she wants to get even for herself and her copy cat boy friend Stanley Cahill. Also, as stated by me in a previous post, it was mentioned that Jan was one of the top readers on the net at one time but stopped when she started up her magick sites, largely in part to my objections as reading and casting spells seem to be a conflict of interest quit honestly, especially when the reader knows all the case facts. As far as Jan padding readings for me in the past, this is ABSOLUTELY absurd in every way and took place with the Cahill camp rather then with us. Again, Schaub is attempting to throw suspicion off her friend Cahill. If Celeste Schaub is so magically knowledgeable then why does she have to drop my and Jan's names along with our link on her web site to get attention, I would think that a highly seasoned wanna B Enchantress or Priestess like Schaub wouldn't need to drop anyone's name and could go on her own merit, don't you think ? What exactly is her title any way and who gave it to her ? I didn't give her this title. One week she calls herself a High Enchantress and then the next week a High Priestess, WHICH IS IT; or do they both mean the same thing ? No, I'm not the "Internet police" or "Guru", but neither are these other unrelated sites lodging complaints against Celeste Schaub and her web site, as far as Schaub breaking what she calls the "bogus restraining order". YES YOU ARE Schaub camp, by mentioning our names on your pathetic web site and communicating slanderous content and messages directed at us over the net, Schaub, you moron. Why would Schaub's server being Network Solutions give her a ultimatum of either removing my material or getting her site suspended or deleted should she keep our text up on her site unless it was copyrighted text by another she was using ? Schaub states that none of what she's doing is for monetary gain but this is yet just another lie on her part like the many distortions of the truth she renders on a daily basis. Why is her site named similarly to the old Dragon Spells? Why does she copy and paste it's old key words and phrases to her pages? Why does she still act like she's some part of Dragon Spells when she has no affiliation to it in any regard; and hasn't for going on four years? Why was she made to remove my text from her site during the divorce and why is she now seeking public attention from using my text while pointing out a page that she edited and I let ride years ago concerning one little statement regarding her assisting me generally, especially if she is not trying to ride on my name or coat tails? As far as my copyrighted material goes, the divorce decree awarded all Dragon Spells copyright to me, PERIOD as thus Schaub has no rights to either use or post any of this material, including any text found on any other site I've created past this point. By the way, Dragon Spells has always been mine and my ex never had any right to the copyrights in the first place. She didn't help me in creating the site and did a poor job in assisting me in maintaining it when this was her job. Dragon Spells wasn't about spiritual things for my now ex as much as it was all about the money for her. Also, for your information Schaub camp, you bunch of dill weeds, like with any other site, our personal names are in the copyrighted text not to mention being our personal property, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ????? YOUR STILL IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT BY POSTING OUR NAMES AND LINKS ON YOUR SITE. DUH DUH DUH. If the truth be known, these negative postings by Schaub and her Cronies are all about money and Clients by blasting another site and persons with untruths, NOT about serving Divinity, protecting or being a benefit to the public in any way. Defrauding and defaming is the business of Cahill and Schaub as far as I'm concerned. It's the same old story that's been going on for all most four years now with the exception of Prantil being here, however Prantil's charges are still being mimicked through Schaub as this is where all this trash came from in the first place. Trash from white trash like yourselves is what it is. Ok,moving on, her statements about Jan are Bulls_it as well, Jan doesn't say anything about anyone's magical capabilities, however this is my opinion about Schaub being magically illiterate, knowing what I know of her personally, and her failure to address a few simple questions that any Client might ask of her when considering spell work. Schaub states that she is a High Priestess but DOESN'T HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO BACK THIS TITLE UP, why is this ? I'd like a free copy of the cr_p your handing out behind Jan's back to people, Slob, you bunch of jerk off's. Always doing s_it behind everyone's backs just like the bunch of low lives you are, Cahill and Schaub camps. Oh, and I NEVER tried to engage Cahill into any Bulls_it like padded readings, BESIDES, HE WAS IN ENOUGH TROUBLE with sexually harassing and bad mouthing his clients at times through out his time with me. Tell us it's not true Cahill. This can be proven on ROR in the beginning of the copyright conflict between Cahill and myself. I've never bashed anyone especially Cahill, DO YOU CALL DEMANDING THAT SOMEONE GET YOUR COPYRIGHTED TEXT OFF THEIR SITE BASHING ? Of course you do, Schaub, don't you also ? Especially when your engaging in this same sort of activity currently on the Internet. I was simply asking him to REMOVE MY COPYRIGHTED TEXT from his site. However, and at the time, you were giving him BAD LEGAL ADVICE that in turn caused CAHILL to refuse to take it down, that in turn caused him to lose one of his sites and be strongly reprimanded and forced to take eight of my Copyrighted pages off of his site as well by his server on another. It all most caused him a law suit with a chance of imprisonment and huge fines, right ? Celeste Schaub, then Celeste Morgan took her site down about a month after I requested that she take down my material as well, didn't ya Schaub ? Now she's back at it again, some people are just incapable of learning from their past mistakes. Oh, for your information, I AM A MASTER OF THE ARTS Cahill and Schaub camps and you are nothing but copy cat wannabe's. Again, for your information, Jan Windglows is what she says she is, AN EXPERIENCED ENCHANTRESS OF THE ADVANCED MAGICAL ARTS unlike you Schaub who only pretend to be one. "Hey, YOU MIGHT KNOW ME ON T.V AS A HIGH PRIESTESS, but I'm really not a high priestess in real life says Schaub, while pushing a beautyrest mattress or other house wears HA HA HA". Jan Windglows knew 100 times more then you ever knew right from the start, she retained everything I ever taught her and quickly drew up her own PROFESSIONAL spell charts, understands Universal principles and Angelic orders, makes her wax dolls correctly, she is a master spell writer and has spiritual gifts that I only wish I had. She's been with me for six years now but was already very highly skilled and had many years of magickal knowledge and expertise way before she ever studied under me, un-like you to which never really caught on to anything I tried to teach you. And Jan does have rights to my copyrights as they are on her site with my FULL permission both written and verbally, so what's the problem little copy cat sites ????? Lastly, it's never about Schaub admitting to anything even when she has been caught red handed in the act of copyright infringement by posting my page and the pages of others not related to me on her site. d**n, she even stated that she took the page of mine without permission on ROR under one of her fake little names and then said to the server that "she wasn't in admittance of guilt" LOL...... what an ass_ole. I do show courtesy to the public via addressing the questions the Schaub camp , however like always, she always has to throw the same charges made against her concerning things she has personally done back at others only to try to cover up her OWN wrong doings and nonsense, right Schaub? I simply get tired of addressing her same cra_ over and over again; due to the thickness of Schaub's skull and the minute size of her brain, somehow Schaub just doesn't "GET IT". Ok, now that were all done addressing these same old issues the Cahill and Schaub camps keep bringing up, that keep showing them for the IDIOTS they really are in real life, let's move on. Alright now everyone, as you've seen by reading the previous posts on this page and others while observing all the cross links showing the Schaub copying and pasting of other sites to her own, plus the one she actually took credit for writing as seen when you view this particular page, not to mention the one she has hidden that you can still view as we obtained the link before she tried to hide it. Be sure to read the previous posts. Now, didn't I just address a sh_t load of questions and accusations by Schaub, this is something else she states that I don't do such as addressing her statements even though she never addresses anyone else's questions, this is also something I've pointed out before concerning her in other posts. Another thing, if anyone wants to know where I've obtained my magical experience and why I call myself a Master Of The Arts, then all you have to do is to read the Dragon Spells archives found by clicking the banner to Castle Dragon's Eye that is displayed on Blood Love And Lust Spells. Where is Schaubs or Cahill's magical history aside from their BOASTFUL CLAIMS on their sites of being in the arts for X amount of years ? Now, may I present to you our latest proof concerning the Schaub web site and her copying and pasting text from yet other sites and then being warned by the company and host service to remove it immediately. Of course this is along with the transcripts of Jan and myself sighting her for the copyright infringement of our sites being the Spawner page and Blood Love Snd Lust Spells , GO BACK TO HER SITE PAGE OF ((( PLEASE READ ))) and then come back to this page and read the below information. THE FIRST COMPLAINT IS BY LLEWELLYN PUBLISHING'S and the second complaint is by us. ======================================= On July 29, 2009, Network Solutions received yet another claim of copyright infringement by Sally Heuer acting on behalf of the claimed owner. Please find attached the emailed complaint. The registrant (Ms. Schaub) of an affected site may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g) (2) and (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the material in question. To file a counter notification with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified this are claimed to be infringed. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. Once Network Solutions is in receipt of a properly filed Counter Notification we will promptly provide the person who filed the original notification with a copy of the counter notification and inform them that the material will be replaced or access to it restored in 10 business days. Please note that the material and website cease disabling access to it not less than 10 and not more than 14 business days following receipt of the counter notification. This does not apply, and the material should not be replaced, if the designated agent receives notification that legal action to seek a court order to restrain the subscriber from engaging in infringing activity to the material has been commenced. If Network Solutions does not receive confirmation that the alleged infringing content has been removed today by the 5 p.m. July 30, 2009 your site will be deactivated. Filing a counter notification does not prevent the site from being deactivated if the alleged infringing material is still on the site. In order to keep the site active you must remove the alleged material and if you so wish file a counter notification. Network Solutions is merely the Registrar and the Hosting provider for the above referenced domain name, we are not in a position to make judgment, and again we will comply with the DMCA. Respectfully, John David, Paralegal Network Solutions, LLC Telephone: 703.668.5615 Facsimile: 703.668.5959 Email: [email protected] =========================================== From: DMCA Subject: RE: DN: www.fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com Registrar: Network Solutions; Host: Network Solutions- Attention To John David URGENT To: "Celeste Schaub" , [email protected], [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 3:54 PM Network Solutions, LLC is not in a position to determine rights to use images, photographs and other content that may appear on a website. However, Network Solutions is bound by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( DMCA ), to take action when properly filed complaints have been made. The notice was sent July 21, 2009 along with the complaint by Janhett T. Windglows & James R. Morgan ll which listed the alleged infringing material. When the 48 hours expires and Network Solutions received no confirmation that the infringing material is removed the site will be taken down per DMCA and per our service agreement. On July 29, 2009, Network Solutions received yet another claim of copyright infringement by Sally Heuer acting on behalf of the claimed owner. Please find attached the emailed complaint. The registrant (Ms. Schaub) of an affected site may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g) (2) and (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the material in question. To file a counter notification with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified this are claimed to be infringed. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. From: Celeste Schaub [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:52 PM To: DMCA Subject: RE: DN: www.fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com Registrar: Network Solutions; Host: Network Solutions- Attention To John David URGENT Until proper facts are straightened out I will remove the one page alleged copy rite infringements Mr. Morgan has alleged to you I have committed, THIS IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF GUILT, THIS WILL BE ADDRESSED AT A LATER DATE I ASSURE YOU...CELESTE SCHAUB --- On Thu, 7/30/09, DMCA wrote: ========================================== Now, what isn't Schaub and her scum bucket friends not understanding here ? Schaub was forced to take down the copyrighted material from both sites and even admits to taking down my stuff because her server forced her to, but continues to use our private names and links on her web site without our permission. Schaub's rogue site is still guilty of copyright infringement as far as were concerned . And what does this mean ((( THIS WILL BE ADDRESSED AT A LATER DATE I ASSURE YOU...CELESTE SCHAUB ))) is this some kind of threat of more bashing on the way from the Schaub camp ? Is she just angry because she's been caught yet again ? It's a Copyright Infringement simply because our names are not only private property but are included in our Copyrighted material along with any links or domain names accosted with our sites. We AGAIN BOTH FORMALLY REQUEST AND PUBLICLY DEMAND THAT Celeste Schaub IMMEDIATELY REMOVE our names and anything else connected with us off of her site. Oh, and Schaub camp, no one said that "they owned The Angels Of Divinity"; especially Jan, so where in the hell are you getting this from ? More than likely the same place where your getting the rest of your cr_p from, I would imagine. How can you even call on Angels knowing what you've done, aren't you afraid they might come down and smite you or something ? I dare you to swear in the name of Divinity that you haven't done anything you've been accused of, I DARE YOU. I'm sure you will spew more garbage from your mouth but it doesn't matter as you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt who and what kind of a person you are, hell, you can't even write your own post without copying something I've said in one of my previous post about you or Cahill. All the Schaub and Cahill web sites amount to in essence is a lot of copying and pasting on their pages off other sites with very little to no magical information written by themselves personally about anything, these sites are very dull to look at, they look just like what they are; two ( AMATEUR ) sites that have no depth or any real meaning to either of them, who try so hard to look like something more then they are but fail miserably at best. These folks can't write their own text or produce their own spell pictures not to mention giving anyone a full and comprehensive run down or explanation of what is done for them magically should they dare ask. These sites talk about high alchemy, astrology, botany and other magical disciplines of study but can't satisfactorily explain anything from what I've heard, the only thing high here is their attitudes and egos, not anything magical. Again, this site belonging to Schaub can't even satisfactorily explain her ideologies or theology to passer's by without stumbling around and flubbing up her words from between uncertain lips. These two people in question always hope that the business of other sites are in decline probably because business sucks for them personally. The owner of this Schaub site seems to be a narrow minded little woman who enjoys making conflict so people will notice her even if it means stealing text and pictures from other sites or making slanderous comments about others. Cahill's site is just as dull and meaningless with about the same tone to it. Schaub talks about folks judging her when caught in the act of stealing other peoples text and how she does everything in Divinity's name, but I think she comes off as more of a Liar and Hypocrite through her proven negative actions, than she has the nerve to call other people a false prophet etc. d**n, I believe she was called this in a post against her by myself some time ago. These two sites are is a waste of space in my opinion who have been exposed over and over again, If I had to use some various words to describe these sites and the people that run them being Schaub and Cahill, I would venture to use such words as Nasty, Arrogant, Egotistical, Lying, Deceptive, Bigoted, self-righteous, Treacherous, Ignorant, jealous, petty, shallow, vicious, blaming, plotting, name dropping, attention seeking, self-serving and let's not forget self-absorbed and bitter because she Fuc_ked up her own life just to name a few things. In my opinion these traits found in them are the very traits that Divinity hates most in the human spirit and how can the sick heal the sick? Of course if I had to use some terms to describe them, I would venture to use such terms as Un-inventive, Un-imaginative, Masters of plagiarism and copyright infringing, un-learned in magical art and so fourth, this is only my opinion you understand and may not be the shared opinion or view of some that either have or will speak to them in the future at some point. Schaub speaks of me as, and I quote ( a so-called Wizard or self-proclaimed Wizard ) but I would say that I would match magical knowledge against her and Cahill's dull wittedness any day of the week AND IN MY SLEEP. You know, I don't think there's a real Wizard or Witch in the world who isn't looking at the Schaub posts under all her fake names while thinking what a liar and deceptive person she is. She should really be kind to herself and get a real job that she can actually perform or know something about AND QUIT STEALING THE WORK OF OTHERS and STOP gettting all pis_ed off and as a result writing a little messed up web page where you are bad mouthing us all over your poorly written "revised" page because YOU, Schaub who swore to the public that you NEVER copied and pasted ANYONE'S materials to your web site YET you got caught by Network Solutions and they forced you to take our Copyrighted text OFF your web site and if you did not, they would have deleted your web site entirely. That is NOT what a professional business savvy person would do, only a SORE loser who got caught in the act like you did, Schaub would behave in such a manner as you have. Oh, by the way BOO h*o h*o FOR YOU SORE LOSER SCHAUB ...... and thanks for putting our names and our web site link on the "revised page" of your web site, because it is driving new clients to us that will stay with us. We already have three people that are new clients that came to us from seeing our names on your site, LOL. Once people talk to Jan they stay with her because she knows how to take care of her clients....unlike "some" people that I know...... Ok Public, this is what you have on this fake site and self-proclaimed person who calls herself HIGH PRIESTESS, and thus take stock and draw your own conclusions. If you like, write into Network Solutions to confirm the emails above and what just transpired with the schaub site. WARNING TO THE PUBLIC AGAIN, these two sites owned and operated by Schaub and Cahill ARE NOT affiliated, connected or attached to Jan or myself in any way, shape or form. These sites do not follow our spell criteria and DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS to post any material being pictured, textual or method of operation from our sites. We consider these sites as rogue sites or cheap imitations of what we have successfully accomplished magically and spiritually with any that come to us. We DO NOT take any responsibility for any promises or claims these rogue sites make nor do we condone any method or methods they may use in the process of whatever perceived action they may be using in the name of magical art. We Do Not recognize these sites as anything to do with magical art more so then just trouble makers on the net bashing and stealing Copyrighted intellectual property from other sites with nothing to offer except pure propaganda. Here is the link to the hidden page that Celeste Ann Schaub is hiding from viewers on the net. http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/revisedpage.html Here is what Celeste wrote about us on that page....does what she wrote here below sound like something a "High Priestess" or an "Enchantress" would actually write and post on their own web page? Celeste Ann Schaub : " Hi Everyone, it has come to my attention from several past and current clients, friends and family members, that a certain person who has been bashing my private and public life has been posting blogs on the infamous "Rip Off Reports" site on the Internet. I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife", while in his distorted mind thought they would feel sympathy for him and side with him for what ever reason. The post mark was from "Sandpoint, Idaho, USA"...guess that would be your address as you stated you lived there in past postings, Jim (James ) Morgan II. He never left a return address as I am sure he thought they may answer and tell him what they thought of his foolish and childish attempts to slur me to them. He even called several family members trying to convince them of how he "was wronged" by me...All they had to say is "What is the matter with that man, is he possessed? My response I would say is probably so... He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view...what I did post is years of accumulated knowledge from books, etc. just to give the reader informed information about Magick, and the wonders of the angels and all of Divinity...many people want to know these things and when I read or hear of an interesting point of view or subject on anything to do with Divinity I let my readers know of this, as I often share the same views. I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers...just like when Jim Morgan used to go to the net and books and post views on his old retired site of Dragon Spells LLC he started in 2001...Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material, and when I wrote the author (of which her name was posted) she said she saw nothing wrong with my posting her info on my site, and then gave me permission to keep it on the site. There has also been postings he has continued to put on ROR for almost two whole years now, that I have no knowledge of Magick etc., yet I will copy and paste an actual page he has on the Internet, when we were still married, and still is on the net if you search, about my title and qualifications while working side by side with him on his site, this was posted in 2005. I ask you readers to review this then tell me, was he not telling the truth then about my qualifications, or is he not telling the truth now? Either way I am sure this very bitter, and unprofessional person I once called my husband, is not telling the truth either way you look at it.This is only yet another attempt to smear my name private and publicly, as well as that of my friend Mike Cahill and his site in his ongoing vendetta over a divorce that went seriously wrong, as far as he is concerned along with his fiance' Janhett T Windglows, as I have possession of her nasty mailed letters etc. as well. I think all readers would agree...come on Jim, get over it, you moved to get a new start on your life with Janhett, so please do so and MOVE ON...no one cares about you airing the dirty laundry you continue to carry around-you are not the GURU of the Internet, or Internet police, you and only you have tried your best to ruin the name of Magick on the net, by your child like behavior...true servants of Divinity do not act like you, I have not heard of any other site bashing another,as this is so unprofessional...if you are retired as you say, then go enjoy your life with Janhett, get married as she has proclaimed you both are to do, and forget your past...your past and your present and your future you create, no one else does...your choices, made freely, so please find something else to do with your free time and make your life productive. No one wants to hear your one sided views, most important, THEY DON'T EVEN CARE...and by the way, I do blood my spells and have been for a long time now, a mutual friend showed me the proper and safe way to blood a prayer by inserting a needle in my vein, and I do so freely, that along with a sincere desire to help my clients and a great rapport with all of Divinity, dark and light, makes my spells strong and work...all done in Justice name...something you used to know about but must have forgotten through the years on your rise to fame and fortune, and no I am not breaking any bogus injunction you and her put on me on your little trip to California last year, you have posted my name and my business all over the net, stalked me through my private and business life, and I have all the copies you sent out to my family and witnesses that will testify if needed that you started this fiasco, so you broke your own injunction you put on me by doing exactly what you falsely accussed me of. Injunctions work both ways-I don't bother you-and it does not give you a free license to harrass me and bother me, I do not care what you do in your private and business world and wish you would would find internal peace ...my words of advice are...move on. I have something I wish to share with my readers...I currently have been "ordered" by my website hoster, Net work Solutions, that Jim Morgan II (my ex) and Janhett T. Windglows, have filed Copy rite violations with me for posting the "Site 5" page my ex posted on the net, of which I stated previously that this was posted on my site just to show where he stated back in 2005 that I worked along side with him and did have "Magical" knowledge before I started my own site(s) and was NEVER intended for monetary gain. This was meant to contradict his accusations on ripoffreport.com that I had no prior knowledge and was only riding on his coat tails LOL... First off, riding on his or any ones coat tails to make a profit or to make my site come up on the search engines by de-frauding the public is not my style...I am here for one reason and that is to educate the public about Divinity whether they purchase a spell from me or not. Janhett Taylor Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspellshas HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF MY MAGICAL SKILLS, OR THE COPY RITES THAT WAS ACQUIRED AS SHE WAS A Physic ON JIM'S SITE OF DRAGON SPELLS LLC AFTER THEY WERE PURCHASED IN 2003. SHE WAS NOT LICENSED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA AT THAT TIME IN 2005 AS A PHYSIC AND WAS WORKING WITH JIM TO LEAD PEOPLE TO HIS SITE THROUGH PHYSIC READINGS TILL SHE STARTED HER SITE IN 2006 AS A SPELL CASTER. I RESIGNED AS AN Administrative OFFICER WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA, THROUGH THE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS, AS MANAGER AND REPORTING OFFICER FOR DRAGON SPELLS LLC THROUGH IRS, AS A SIGNER ON THE BUSINESS CHECKING ACCOUNT AND AS MANGER FOR FILING REPORTS WITH THE ACCOUNTANT JUST BECAUSE OF THE WAY THEY WERE Deceiving THE PUBLIC AND DEFRAUDING THE PUBLIC TO PURCHASE SPELLS (you can write the previous agencies and ask for the letter I sent to them, or me and I will send you a free copy). JANETT'S NAME WAS "NECTERES" ON JIM'S SITE IN MID 2005-2006. THEY WERE WANTING MY GOOD FRIEND AND SPELL CASTER MIKE CAHILL TO WORK WITH THEM AS WELL, AND WHEN HE REFUSED THEY HAVE BEEN BASHING HIM EVER SINCE. TRUTH IS JANHETT MOVED TO FLORIDA IN OCTOBER OF 2005, AND IN HER OWN WORDS AND IN FRONT OF MANY CREDIBLE Witnesses TO 'LEARN MAGICK FROM THE GREAT SELF PROCLAIMED WIZARD, MY THEN HUSBAND JIM MORGAN II. SO IN REALITY SHE HAD ONLY ABOUT A YEAR OF TRAINING BEFORE SHE GAINED ALL THIS ASTOUNDING KNOWLEDGE. WHY SHE FILED A COMPLAINT I HAVE NO IDEA, AS SHE HAD NO CLAIM TO THE COPY RITE EIGHT PAGES OF DRAGON SPELLS LLC, SHE DID THIS SIMPLY FOR SPITE. THIS IS IN NO WAY AN ADMITTANCE OF GUILT FOR ME REMOVING THIS "SITE 5" PAGE HE ALLEGES WAS COPY RITE, TRUTH IS COPY RITES WERE ON EIGHT PAGES OF DRAGON SPELL LLC IN 2003, THE POSTING I HAD WAS CLEARLY WRITTEN IN 2005. I SEE JIM WENT ON THE NET AND Accused ME OF "TAMPERING" WITH THIS PAGE I ADVISED THE PUBLIC TO GO AND Goggle THEIR SELF AND FIND...WHERE MY NAME AND HIS WAS MENTIONED IN 2005 THAT HE WROTE AND SIGNED, "SINCERELY JIM AND CELESTE", AND NOW HAS CHANGED/REPLACED MY NAME WITH JANHETTS...HOW CAN I CHANGE OR TAMPER HIS WEB SITE SUBMISSION, I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF HIS HOSTING COMPANY OR USER ID PASSWORD ETC...YOU CAN EDIT AN EMAIL, JUST ASK JIM AND JANHETT, THEY HAVE REPEATEDLY DID THIS TO TRY AND PROVE THEIR POINT...POINT IS YOU ARE BOTH A SHAME TO MAN KIND AND THE MAGICAL COMMUNITY...I AM SORRY TO HAVE TO POST THIS BUT GUESS WHAT THIS IS MY OPINION AND I BACK MINE UP WITH FACTS, NOT LIES AND DECEIT...AND JUST TO LET YOU KNOW....IT IS THOSE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONES, NOT ROCKS, BUT THEN AGAIN YOU TWO HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH ACCURACY, YOU NEVER ANSWER ISSUES ADDRESSED YOU JUST CREATE NEW ONES...AND JANHETT, YOU DON'T OWN THE ANGELS OF DIVINITY, THEY WERE PUT HERE FOR EVERY ONE, SO DON'T FLATTER YOURSELF...THIS WILL BE ADDRESSED AGAIN, IT ISN'T OVER....FALSE PROPHETS ARE ALIVE AND DOING WELL..." ......tsk tsk tsk......."High Priestess?" "Enchantress?" Everyone knows that Celeste Ann Schaub is mad because she GOT CAUGHT in MANY bare faced lies. She said over and over again that she would NEVER copy ANYONE elses' material, didn't she? How many times over the many posts did she say that in the course of over two years? In closing, since Celeste likes to quote scripture, we thought we would leave her with one in particular. We think it will REALLY hit home for her, lol after all her lies and talk about "false prophets", etc........YEAH she should look in the mirror and PREACH IT to HERSELF for a change. After all, a true servant of Divinity will admit that they have made a mistake, and then JUDGE THEMSELVES, right? .....oh but NOT Celeste, because she is too busy walking on water next to Jesus Christ Himself- right, Celeste? LOL. OOOOOPS looks to me like you are sinking now.....I would say that walking on water is no longer one of your better "psuedo" attributes, and never really was, now that the public knows the real truth about you. "Beware of false prophets, ( such as Celeste Ann Schaub ) which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." ( Matthew 7:15-20 KJV ) ..............hmmmmmmmmmmm I bet that fire must be getting pretty HOT for ya by now, huh Celeste?


Celeste Schaub & Mike Cahill.....They are obviously "VILLIFYING" themselves trying to cover up lies with more lies...all they do is talk sh_t

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, July 30, 2009

Celeste Schaub states, and I quote: (He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view... ) end of quote. And I quote Schaub again: (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material ) end of quote. Please see my Web Spawner Page of http://www.webspawner.com/users/spiritus/ and read the text. Notice the copyright notice by Web Spawner in Jan and my names at the very bottom of the page, then go to Schaub's page of : http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html and read the same text word for word within exception to the changes I've recently made to the text. Also notice that Schaub has taken off the copyright notice at the bottom of that page when copying and pasting this text to her site; she didn't post the link back to the web Spawner site. I wonder why she failed to do this ? Perhaps she didn't want you to see that this page was copyrighted. Another point that I'd like to make is that Celeste A. Schaub DOES NOT have my written or verbal permission to use this text up on her site FOR ANY REASON, and that she is currently violating the copyright laws regarding this, and thus, this is in fact one count of copyright infringement in itself. This web Spawner page was copyrighted in 2005 and 2009 by myself. Also, she claims that she never took credit for anyone else's work as seen in her statement above, however I beg to differ here as well. Please view this page belonging to Schaub at http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html then reference it to the Wilkipedia's page of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy and see the same text word for word. I don't see any links on this particular page leading back to the source or Schaub giving credit to the original author of this text in question, do you ? All I see is Celeste Schaub's statement at the bottom of this page stating, and I quote: By High Priestess Celeste Ann Schaub. View Celeste's now hidden web page entitled The Seventh Heaven at :http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/thelevelsofheaven.html And then View Circle Of Light's Copyrighted Page of: http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html. Ok then, my page constitutes copyright infringement as she is using my web Spawner material without my expressed permission either written or verbal. Regarding the other site copied and pasted on her site, perhaps she has notarized document of release and usage of their material that she would like to show us, again, why is she not sighting their link or source of information AS I DID WHEN POSTING BOOKS on the old dragon site for suggested reading ? On the same page in question being http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html on the Schaub site theirs also been some other statements made on my Ex.'s part such as, and I quote ( I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife"), end of quote. The letter in question WAS NOT A BOOK ON HOW TO SLAM YOUR EX and address information can be obtained in several different ways other then off a tribute page to her mother, and the only one sympathy peddling here is obviously Schaub. There was a email provided to anyone that had any questions concerning the letter however as I understand it, no questions were asked concerning it as it was very clear in yielding both sides of the story.. Celeste states, and I quote (I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers) end of quote, is this a fact ? If this is so then, again why didn't she site the source, author and link back to the site ? Celeste states, and I quote (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material) end of quote. I would imagine that Schaub is speaking in regards to my spell pictures and site text that she was made to take down by myself after she saw her mentioned good friend MIKE CAHILL served with a cease and desist order from my Attorney for the copyright infringement of eight pages taken off Dragon Spells and placed on his MSN sites, not leaving out his current site of www.magicangelspells.com . A law suit was pending against him until this text was removed. Interesting note; Schaub started yielding bad legal advice to Cahill in this time to which all most caused him to be imprisoned and sued at the same time. Of course when it came down to it Cahill backed down and so did Schaub. Concerning any NASTY LETTER by Jan, big deal as we have a s**t load of Schaub's nasty and harassing emails and letters before we placed Schaub under the civil restraining order that again Schaub says is bogus lol. You know, if I had to make a guess here, I would say that Miss Schaub is the one that is bitter here and not moving on with her life instead of me. The woman simply doesn't want to play by the rules and continues to copy and paste the material of others onto her web site, most certainly in the hopes that she can fool someone into thinking that she and Cahill have actual knowledge of these things and know what their talking about. Now, NASTY little comments are seen on her business web site regarding Jan and my good names, HOW UNETHICAL and low life is this ? Just because this wanna be spell caster can't get her own way she now threatens to post other private information on me in particular, however I wouldn't credit her future statements as anything other then plan old hurtful lies and deceptions. Who's acting like the kid here ? "GROW UP", you say ? d**n, you had better look in the mirror Celeste if you ask me.


Celeste Schaub & Mike Cahill.....They are obviously "VILLIFYING" themselves trying to cover up lies with more lies...all they do is talk sh_t

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, July 30, 2009

Celeste Schaub states, and I quote: (He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view... ) end of quote. And I quote Schaub again: (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material ) end of quote. Please see my Web Spawner Page of http://www.webspawner.com/users/spiritus/ and read the text. Notice the copyright notice by Web Spawner in Jan and my names at the very bottom of the page, then go to Schaub's page of : http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html and read the same text word for word within exception to the changes I've recently made to the text. Also notice that Schaub has taken off the copyright notice at the bottom of that page when copying and pasting this text to her site; she didn't post the link back to the web Spawner site. I wonder why she failed to do this ? Perhaps she didn't want you to see that this page was copyrighted. Another point that I'd like to make is that Celeste A. Schaub DOES NOT have my written or verbal permission to use this text up on her site FOR ANY REASON, and that she is currently violating the copyright laws regarding this, and thus, this is in fact one count of copyright infringement in itself. This web Spawner page was copyrighted in 2005 and 2009 by myself. Also, she claims that she never took credit for anyone else's work as seen in her statement above, however I beg to differ here as well. Please view this page belonging to Schaub at http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html then reference it to the Wilkipedia's page of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy and see the same text word for word. I don't see any links on this particular page leading back to the source or Schaub giving credit to the original author of this text in question, do you ? All I see is Celeste Schaub's statement at the bottom of this page stating, and I quote: By High Priestess Celeste Ann Schaub. View Celeste's now hidden web page entitled The Seventh Heaven at :http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/thelevelsofheaven.html And then View Circle Of Light's Copyrighted Page of: http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html. Ok then, my page constitutes copyright infringement as she is using my web Spawner material without my expressed permission either written or verbal. Regarding the other site copied and pasted on her site, perhaps she has notarized document of release and usage of their material that she would like to show us, again, why is she not sighting their link or source of information AS I DID WHEN POSTING BOOKS on the old dragon site for suggested reading ? On the same page in question being http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html on the Schaub site theirs also been some other statements made on my Ex.'s part such as, and I quote ( I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife"), end of quote. The letter in question WAS NOT A BOOK ON HOW TO SLAM YOUR EX and address information can be obtained in several different ways other then off a tribute page to her mother, and the only one sympathy peddling here is obviously Schaub. There was a email provided to anyone that had any questions concerning the letter however as I understand it, no questions were asked concerning it as it was very clear in yielding both sides of the story.. Celeste states, and I quote (I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers) end of quote, is this a fact ? If this is so then, again why didn't she site the source, author and link back to the site ? Celeste states, and I quote (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material) end of quote. I would imagine that Schaub is speaking in regards to my spell pictures and site text that she was made to take down by myself after she saw her mentioned good friend MIKE CAHILL served with a cease and desist order from my Attorney for the copyright infringement of eight pages taken off Dragon Spells and placed on his MSN sites, not leaving out his current site of www.magicangelspells.com . A law suit was pending against him until this text was removed. Interesting note; Schaub started yielding bad legal advice to Cahill in this time to which all most caused him to be imprisoned and sued at the same time. Of course when it came down to it Cahill backed down and so did Schaub. Concerning any NASTY LETTER by Jan, big deal as we have a s**t load of Schaub's nasty and harassing emails and letters before we placed Schaub under the civil restraining order that again Schaub says is bogus lol. You know, if I had to make a guess here, I would say that Miss Schaub is the one that is bitter here and not moving on with her life instead of me. The woman simply doesn't want to play by the rules and continues to copy and paste the material of others onto her web site, most certainly in the hopes that she can fool someone into thinking that she and Cahill have actual knowledge of these things and know what their talking about. Now, NASTY little comments are seen on her business web site regarding Jan and my good names, HOW UNETHICAL and low life is this ? Just because this wanna be spell caster can't get her own way she now threatens to post other private information on me in particular, however I wouldn't credit her future statements as anything other then plan old hurtful lies and deceptions. Who's acting like the kid here ? "GROW UP", you say ? d**n, you had better look in the mirror Celeste if you ask me.


Celeste Schaub & Mike Cahill.....They are obviously "VILLIFYING" themselves trying to cover up lies with more lies...all they do is talk sh_t

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, July 30, 2009

Celeste Schaub states, and I quote: (He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view... ) end of quote. And I quote Schaub again: (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material ) end of quote. Please see my Web Spawner Page of http://www.webspawner.com/users/spiritus/ and read the text. Notice the copyright notice by Web Spawner in Jan and my names at the very bottom of the page, then go to Schaub's page of : http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html and read the same text word for word within exception to the changes I've recently made to the text. Also notice that Schaub has taken off the copyright notice at the bottom of that page when copying and pasting this text to her site; she didn't post the link back to the web Spawner site. I wonder why she failed to do this ? Perhaps she didn't want you to see that this page was copyrighted. Another point that I'd like to make is that Celeste A. Schaub DOES NOT have my written or verbal permission to use this text up on her site FOR ANY REASON, and that she is currently violating the copyright laws regarding this, and thus, this is in fact one count of copyright infringement in itself. This web Spawner page was copyrighted in 2005 and 2009 by myself. Also, she claims that she never took credit for anyone else's work as seen in her statement above, however I beg to differ here as well. Please view this page belonging to Schaub at http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html then reference it to the Wilkipedia's page of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy and see the same text word for word. I don't see any links on this particular page leading back to the source or Schaub giving credit to the original author of this text in question, do you ? All I see is Celeste Schaub's statement at the bottom of this page stating, and I quote: By High Priestess Celeste Ann Schaub. View Celeste's now hidden web page entitled The Seventh Heaven at :http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/thelevelsofheaven.html And then View Circle Of Light's Copyrighted Page of: http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html. Ok then, my page constitutes copyright infringement as she is using my web Spawner material without my expressed permission either written or verbal. Regarding the other site copied and pasted on her site, perhaps she has notarized document of release and usage of their material that she would like to show us, again, why is she not sighting their link or source of information AS I DID WHEN POSTING BOOKS on the old dragon site for suggested reading ? On the same page in question being http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html on the Schaub site theirs also been some other statements made on my Ex.'s part such as, and I quote ( I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife"), end of quote. The letter in question WAS NOT A BOOK ON HOW TO SLAM YOUR EX and address information can be obtained in several different ways other then off a tribute page to her mother, and the only one sympathy peddling here is obviously Schaub. There was a email provided to anyone that had any questions concerning the letter however as I understand it, no questions were asked concerning it as it was very clear in yielding both sides of the story.. Celeste states, and I quote (I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers) end of quote, is this a fact ? If this is so then, again why didn't she site the source, author and link back to the site ? Celeste states, and I quote (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material) end of quote. I would imagine that Schaub is speaking in regards to my spell pictures and site text that she was made to take down by myself after she saw her mentioned good friend MIKE CAHILL served with a cease and desist order from my Attorney for the copyright infringement of eight pages taken off Dragon Spells and placed on his MSN sites, not leaving out his current site of www.magicangelspells.com . A law suit was pending against him until this text was removed. Interesting note; Schaub started yielding bad legal advice to Cahill in this time to which all most caused him to be imprisoned and sued at the same time. Of course when it came down to it Cahill backed down and so did Schaub. Concerning any NASTY LETTER by Jan, big deal as we have a s**t load of Schaub's nasty and harassing emails and letters before we placed Schaub under the civil restraining order that again Schaub says is bogus lol. You know, if I had to make a guess here, I would say that Miss Schaub is the one that is bitter here and not moving on with her life instead of me. The woman simply doesn't want to play by the rules and continues to copy and paste the material of others onto her web site, most certainly in the hopes that she can fool someone into thinking that she and Cahill have actual knowledge of these things and know what their talking about. Now, NASTY little comments are seen on her business web site regarding Jan and my good names, HOW UNETHICAL and low life is this ? Just because this wanna be spell caster can't get her own way she now threatens to post other private information on me in particular, however I wouldn't credit her future statements as anything other then plan old hurtful lies and deceptions. Who's acting like the kid here ? "GROW UP", you say ? d**n, you had better look in the mirror Celeste if you ask me.


Celeste Schaub & Mike Cahill.....They are obviously "VILLIFYING" themselves trying to cover up lies with more lies...all they do is talk sh_t

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, July 30, 2009

Celeste Schaub states, and I quote: (He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view... ) end of quote. And I quote Schaub again: (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material ) end of quote. Please see my Web Spawner Page of http://www.webspawner.com/users/spiritus/ and read the text. Notice the copyright notice by Web Spawner in Jan and my names at the very bottom of the page, then go to Schaub's page of : http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html and read the same text word for word within exception to the changes I've recently made to the text. Also notice that Schaub has taken off the copyright notice at the bottom of that page when copying and pasting this text to her site; she didn't post the link back to the web Spawner site. I wonder why she failed to do this ? Perhaps she didn't want you to see that this page was copyrighted. Another point that I'd like to make is that Celeste A. Schaub DOES NOT have my written or verbal permission to use this text up on her site FOR ANY REASON, and that she is currently violating the copyright laws regarding this, and thus, this is in fact one count of copyright infringement in itself. This web Spawner page was copyrighted in 2005 and 2009 by myself. Also, she claims that she never took credit for anyone else's work as seen in her statement above, however I beg to differ here as well. Please view this page belonging to Schaub at http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html then reference it to the Wilkipedia's page of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy and see the same text word for word. I don't see any links on this particular page leading back to the source or Schaub giving credit to the original author of this text in question, do you ? All I see is Celeste Schaub's statement at the bottom of this page stating, and I quote: By High Priestess Celeste Ann Schaub. View Celeste's now hidden web page entitled The Seventh Heaven at :http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/thelevelsofheaven.html And then View Circle Of Light's Copyrighted Page of: http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html. Ok then, my page constitutes copyright infringement as she is using my web Spawner material without my expressed permission either written or verbal. Regarding the other site copied and pasted on her site, perhaps she has notarized document of release and usage of their material that she would like to show us, again, why is she not sighting their link or source of information AS I DID WHEN POSTING BOOKS on the old dragon site for suggested reading ? On the same page in question being http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html on the Schaub site theirs also been some other statements made on my Ex.'s part such as, and I quote ( I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife"), end of quote. The letter in question WAS NOT A BOOK ON HOW TO SLAM YOUR EX and address information can be obtained in several different ways other then off a tribute page to her mother, and the only one sympathy peddling here is obviously Schaub. There was a email provided to anyone that had any questions concerning the letter however as I understand it, no questions were asked concerning it as it was very clear in yielding both sides of the story.. Celeste states, and I quote (I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers) end of quote, is this a fact ? If this is so then, again why didn't she site the source, author and link back to the site ? Celeste states, and I quote (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material) end of quote. I would imagine that Schaub is speaking in regards to my spell pictures and site text that she was made to take down by myself after she saw her mentioned good friend MIKE CAHILL served with a cease and desist order from my Attorney for the copyright infringement of eight pages taken off Dragon Spells and placed on his MSN sites, not leaving out his current site of www.magicangelspells.com . A law suit was pending against him until this text was removed. Interesting note; Schaub started yielding bad legal advice to Cahill in this time to which all most caused him to be imprisoned and sued at the same time. Of course when it came down to it Cahill backed down and so did Schaub. Concerning any NASTY LETTER by Jan, big deal as we have a s**t load of Schaub's nasty and harassing emails and letters before we placed Schaub under the civil restraining order that again Schaub says is bogus lol. You know, if I had to make a guess here, I would say that Miss Schaub is the one that is bitter here and not moving on with her life instead of me. The woman simply doesn't want to play by the rules and continues to copy and paste the material of others onto her web site, most certainly in the hopes that she can fool someone into thinking that she and Cahill have actual knowledge of these things and know what their talking about. Now, NASTY little comments are seen on her business web site regarding Jan and my good names, HOW UNETHICAL and low life is this ? Just because this wanna be spell caster can't get her own way she now threatens to post other private information on me in particular, however I wouldn't credit her future statements as anything other then plan old hurtful lies and deceptions. Who's acting like the kid here ? "GROW UP", you say ? d**n, you had better look in the mirror Celeste if you ask me.


Your ignorance of the facts astounds me, CAHILL CAMP

#30Author of original report

Tue, July 28, 2009

I don't know where your getting your information from but your ignorance of the facts astounds me, all the crap your spewing out in your post sounds just like Celeste's same old one sided version of the story, BOO h*o BOO h*o on poor little Celeste, I DIDN'T DO NOTHING and everyone is picking on me. POST THE LETTER AND LET EVERYONE SEE what a piece of sh_t Celeste Schaub is, I FUC_ING DARE YOU. In fact I would love this to no ends. What's the matter ? doesn't she like being exposed in all her copyright infringement and other negative deeds concerning other magick sites including my own ?. No, I'M Fuc_ing TIRED OF YOU MORONS riding off my good name even to the point of posting a page that has obviously been tampered with concerning Celeste and myself at the time this old page was posted, REMEMBER, SHE EDIOTED THESE OLD PAGES. Besides the text for this page is at least eight years old. DAM, you guys will say or do ANYTHING TO LINK YOURSELVES WITH ME, how sad is this. You don't scare me with your little threats, so go Fu_k Off you nameless and gutless wonders. FOR THE PUBLIC My name is James R. Morgan of the former site Dragon Spells LLC, I am NOT affiliated or connected in any way, shape or form to the Cahill or Schaub web sites, These two sites do NOT FOLLOW any prescribed magical system put fourth by myself, or the magical systems of others as far as I can tell, and thus I personally DO NOT indorse or recognize them as anything to do with magical art or spell casting as it is practiced. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ME OR THE MAGICAL SYSTEM IN WHICH I CREATED despite what they might tell a person in privite.



#31Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

NO, YOU GET ON WITH YOUR LIVES AND STOP TELLING LIES PRETENDING TO DO A PUBLIC SERVICE Firstly if it wasn't you then it would be your girlfriend, secondly you don't have the right to demand answers and if anyone wants to know anything they can contact the appropriate persons, you haven't proved anything, just told lies, made assumptions and try to bully everyone nothing that you have been telling lies about has been proven if anything its been un proven . Yes we might put the 48 page letter,on ror to show the world amongst other things what kind of people you really are and how far you have gone and will go to try and destroy people. There is no copy write issues yours is the negative release prayer hers is spiritual cleansing prayers, your uses black ribbon, hers is scored by a knife then use black marker to show the client where the line is, your has chosen negative traits, hers hasn't there there is no copy write issues here, she knows what you know in that regards and she can change what she knows. Good taste you say when, you an old man is brought into the frame, the house was lost due to you not able, or wanting to pay for it, it was you who lost your father his house the one he worked so hard in a prep kitchen to keep and it was Celeste who tried to keep it going so it could be sold and everyone have their share, if you cared that much about his house then you would have done anything to keep it even get a job to pay for it, and how she and you came about this house was when you married each of you were given a share of the house and she has every right to her share and equally between the three of you, she paid her share, and just because she wasn't there as long as you have been doesn't mean she's not entitled to her share as it was given freely and now that you divorced your trying to throw it in her face THERE HAS BEEN NO STEALING GOING ON HER PART, THE SHARE OF THE HOUSE WAS GIVEN FREELY NOT BY YOU SO YOU DON'T HAVE A SAY ON WHAT SHE GETS, BUT BY YOUR ADOPTED FATHER AS A WEDDING GIFT. Justice you say, in you losing your father his house the one he worked so hard for, because you were the one not paying your fair share, if you really cared about his house you would have done anything including going out to work to pay your share it was you and only you that lost it for him, and your the one that keeps coming on here trying to convince others of all these so call wrong doings and apparently your friends are not even been told the truth by you ,all the bull s**t they keep coming up with, that is if its not one of you that is pretending to be them. Ohh Yes! the public will read and see what its all about now that its been proven that the allegation were all spite to destroy these two people. Same here we don't give a flying fart about your allegations here either and no its up to you whether this continues or not, not only do we love these two dummies as you like to put it,we believe them because we've seen with our own eyes of some of the things you gotten up to, were your so call friends there no they weren't there either, if you want to feed rubbish to your friends and one in particular who was never there, then go ahead. We have seen the extent of what you been getting up to behind the scenes with our own eyes No, you don't talk to us about ficitious names or emails on this site or any other, you have nothing but bullshit up here on ror and its been proven, there is no copy write issues on her site and if she has then the relevant people can get in touch with her and deal with it like adults unlike you, its also PUBLIC SERVICE ON OUR PART TO SHOW THE PUBLIC THE KIND OF PERSON YOU AND JAN ARE AND TO SHOW TO WHAT EXTENT YOU WILL GO TO, TO PROVE YOURSELF WITH LIES AND HOW YOU BEHAVE, IF YOUR HAPPY THEN GOOD IT MAKES US ALL HAPPY, Celeste has a wonderful man friend an she's extremely happy and the only little thorn in her side is you, and you got a woman so why don't you move on and get on with your life AND AS USUAL YOUR IDEA OF THE TRUTH IS LIES, YOU LOST YOUR FATHER'S HOUSE BY CLAIMING TO BE DISABLED AND OVERSPENDING THEN GOING BANKRUPT, THEN SHOWING OFF ON DRAGON SPELLS, RIDING A RAMBLER UP AND DOWN A HILLY AREA, AND SITTING ON HILLY AREA AND SO ON. YOU AND YOU ALONE LOST YOUR POOR FATHER'S HOUSE BY NOT KEEPING UP YOUR PART OF THE PAYMENTS. Yeah right you have been on this site for ever and even if you have wanted to stop you haven't you expect us to back off while you create these lies and not come and defend but you expect us to go away while you rubbish other people's names and say its public services, then send family that haven't had anything to with her for years ie ex's family and print 49 pages of rubbish and filth and expect nothing to be said and we should go away quitely No. you say what you will morgan/winblows camp, you have proven nothing, but how cuniving and nasty vindictive people you really are and how far you will go to print your lies then try and convience others of your lies. Perhaps you should not throw in people's faces things that you did willing all those years ago while you were married, and try and use it now to make others look bad, what you shared those years ago was part of your past and should be kept that way as a sign of respect of the good part of the marriage rather then show yourself up as a nasty vindictive human being trying to vilify these two, and im sure you haven't been the perfect husband yourself quote un quote, so what went on in those days of old should stay that way and not keep hanging on to crumb to try and vilify people. Well that is your option as im sure there is more to what she use to do and even if she didn't do as much as you she still did some things and again another point where there is no respect on your part to the past which should be left and which is part of a marriage dead and buried instead of dragging it out because you can't find anything else to whine about. Its not your job to judge others its only God that can judge and if we feel your judging them wrongly then we will state and over and over again and as you say your actions will condemn you for who and what you are. We know what has been printed on dragon spell by your selves and we also know that just because you live in a motor home doesn't necessarily;y mean you have more then one home, and as far as weak attempt goes I'm sure you can see how this applies to you, talking about questions, you haven't answer any asked of you either, so give it a rest, and just for your information we didn't come up here to break our silence of months and years just to be fobbed off with your rubbish, you need to understand we really have had enough of you and her and are going no where till you disappear. Why don't you James Morgan admit to your indiscretions and admit your false allegation and answer questions on ror, as long as you stay on ror and spout out of your poison and lies we have no alternative but to stay and answer, at the end of the day you started all this and we simply had enough of your nastiness and have decided enough is enough and no we won't be going anywhere till you and your partner get it, that we not letting it go on, we haven't broken our silence of months and years only to be fobbed off with your mediocre answers and nor are we going anywhere till you stop your lies and leave these two alone and GET THE MESSAGE WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH.



#32Author of original report

Sun, July 26, 2009

This is Jim Morgan, firstly your correct in assuming that the last series of posts regarding the copyright infringement aren't from me however I wish they were, I just don't have time to look up someone's pages on the net via trying to match them to other sites. My last post was regarding magical questions to which weren't addressed. At this point I would Formally request and demand that the site belonging to Schaub remove my copyrighted material off her site in whatever form it takes, YOU DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION either written or verbal to post this material, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO POST ANY OF MY LINKS. Secondly, if you would like to post the private letter then have at it as I would love for everyone on the net to see it, IT'S THE TRUTH and Celeste and others around her know it. As far as your threats of posting other private information or accusations, then this is your option as well as I have many things that I have kept private in the interest of good taste concerning these two people, if you want to keep this going, then go for it. Regarding the home, I feel that justice has been served if the home is in fact gone, like I said GIVE ME WHAT I WANT AND I WILL GO AWAY. Now you folks can keep this going on with your attacks but so can I just for the record, but as far as I'm concerned it's over and the public can read these posts and form their own opinions from them. I don't give a sh_t about your allegations at this point, but like I said this is entirely up to you as to if this continues or not. If you love these two dummies and wish to believe their side of the story, then this is your prerogative, however all of you are going of what she, or they say and WEREN'T THERE, so how could you know anything that happened ? You couldn't unless you're a family member of the persons in question and then your knowledge is limited. And please don't talk to me about fictitious names on this site or emails etc, ok? As I have my share of proof against the Cahill camp regarding this issue. If the Cahill camp wants everyone else to leave them alone, then they should write their own work and not copy the work of others, then go on to claim it for their own, DON'T SAY THAT THEY HAVN'T DONE THIS, especially here recently, because her very site claims the work of others currently even though she's hidden her pages in question. If she wasn't guilty of this then why are her pages gone concerning the pages in question, or hidden? Also, I think it is a public service in letting the public know that a site is doing this sort of thing, don't you ? Again, if the home is gone, then good riddance to it and the one who obtained it through deceptive means, as long as my material is, and stays off these sites, I'm happy. I received a email from a anonymous person some time back suggesting that I quite wasting my time with this, I had agreed with this person and stated that this was good advice, I'd hadn't been to this site lately and had no intentions of returning back to it as a result, that is, until my attention was drawn back to it via these posts. Say what you will Cahill camp or friends of the Cahill camp, however I believe my cases have been proven and this is just another attempt to draw attention away from the issues at hand. If you believe my charges to be fake ones then prove it, If you're the Masters of magick then prove it. Also, let me just say one last thing regarding my copyrighted page currently flying on Celeste's site, she has been interested in magic and tarot readings for quite some time before I knew her however this isn't magical practice by today's or any past definition, Perhaps Celeste wanted to be a part of the old Dragon Spells site being my wife at the time. Perhaps I was being kind in placing her up on that particular site along side with me. This wasn't a deception more then a act of kindness on my part anyway as I have the magical knowledge and she was with me at the time. But as it turned out, she never performed any high magick spells with me other then posing for a picture or two over the years and that's a fact. She did however edit my pages at times including the one in question and performed other administrative duties for the site. If these people have progressed so much magically, then let them demonstrate this concerning their magical knowledge, if they have made mistakes then let them admit to them and thus showing that they are human like the rest of us. Anyway, I don't care either way at this point, but PLEASE STOP TELLING ME THAT I'M JUDGEING THEM UNFAIRLY as their actions condemn them and not myself. Again, please quit quoting me verses out of the Good Book as I know what it right and what isn't. Thank you for your comments guys and have the best day. You do not know anything about where I live, or what I do- that has already been covered in past posts. I am sure you must know that people that travel a lot have more than one home or means to travel. All you people do is in a very weak effort try to turn things around by not fessing up to the real truth and changing the subject, etc. in order to avoid the truth and never admit to your own wrong doings or face the real truth of what has transpired.


Janhett Windglows and James Morgan II- call it public service to the whole Internet and magickal community and beyond

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, July 26, 2009

Janhett Windglows and James Morgan II- call it public service to the whole Internet and magickal community and beyond Who ever you are... or wantever you want to be known as, we know who you are and we don't care what name you use we don't get hung up on names like you do... hiding behind bogus names. It's funny isn't it how being such amazing spell casters you can't even bail your own asses out from bankruptcy nor get enough money then to live,even in a cheapest residential place but instead on the run in a mobile/motor home, with PO box addresses every where, time,after time, after time you have gotten your asses whipped for accusing others of of tax and license evasion, spell casting ability, accusations regarding altars,nicks revenge sites dirty as well, sending nasty mail to family and friends, hacking into emails, leaving s**t on answer machines and pretending to pose as clients when emailing,a plain out revenge and smearing campaign,using public, friends and clients to do your avenging. Then call it public service, what is it I hear about the house issue, would you like the truth to be outed, or maybe in our ultimate wisdom we will print the 49 pages of printed pages of absolute abuse and filth to show the whole Internet and magickal community what you really are all about, you tried every trick in the book and have gotten no where, like vultures looking for crumbs to try and destroy people,. But the magickal community sees you for what you really are and I'm sure some people can be manipulated but not all,there are no copyright issues, your stalking on ror and personally behind the scenes...just your paranoid imagination. These stalkers want acclaim, money, status and no one to stand up to them or in their way, news flash! We are standing up to you,never mind about the speck in their eyes worry about the huge logs in both your eyes which stops you seeing the truth, and yes she is not married to him and she says thank God to divinity everyday for helping to bring it about. Who wants to be married to a that, oh yes! you do, by the way by all means be happy, get married we want you too get married you truly deserve each other in every way we're all joyful he's not here, get on with your lives,get on with your lives you vultures,leave others alone, you put the magickal community to shame by you antics and give the true magicians a headache. NO TRUE MAGICIAN LIVES THIS WAY UNLESS THEY ARE POSSESSED what is it you saying your not possessed, like you going to know who's doing what behind your back ehh? By the way how did you come to the conclusion you both had a total of 53 years combined magickal experience, and you've been on the net for what 8-9 years and did spell casting research for 3-4 year prior you said, then alone walked into his life, this ohhh so call wonderful world renowned tarot reader/physhic, who was taught spell casting how long ago, 3-4 years you say, how many years experience does that make? Do the adding up. The act of judgment is an act of pride. It involves looking to our own store of knowledge, putting together a few facts, figures or fancies, and coming up with some sort of answer or solution to a given problem or situation. All too often it is the wrong solution or answer, and because of pride, we refuse to correct the course. Judging others is an act of monumental pride - enormous pride, stupendous pride, galling, astonishing, fantastic pride. This should be understood.. When you render judgment on another, you have taken upon yourself an awesome responsibility for making the correct judgment. Because, after all, your judgment is not necessary. All things, big and small, invite your judgment. The condition of the weather, political matters, the taste of your food, a television program - at every moment of the day, something or other is inviting your judgment of it. And so often, and so willingly, you render it, without being aware of the consequences, without taking care of the responsibilities entailed. You judge, and then to make matters worse, you believe in your judgment. You've looked at the evidence, you've made a judgment - it must be right! There couldn't possibly be any other conclusion to arrive at but the one you've chosen, could there? What you don't see, don't understand, is that your judgment leads to suffering - your own suffering. It does not touch the person judged; he or she is free of you and your thoughts and your judgments. You cannot change their behavior by even a hair's breadth by your judgment. Go away we don't care if you have got him, have him with our blessings, just disappear down a plug hole or where ever you call home. We don't care about the house it's gone,simply because you told a court of law that you couldn't pay your share for it and was disabled, so by making that choice, you gave up the equity your 84 year old "father" had in it, and he gave up the right to keep it as well as he didn't offer to pay for the improvements he wanted as much as you and your ex did at the time. You left her to pay for the lot of it by herself, expecting she would loose it in the divorce and you would come back and claim it for all three of you to live in it while she continued to make payments, but your plan back fired because of the greed of all of you...no judge would take away your interest in a house in a divorce and give it to just one unless you made no attempt to help keep it till it was sold and divided up, of which you did, public record James Morgan. If you insist on printing your rubbish we will insist on putting the record straight along with the 49 printed pages of your filth to members of her family. They have moved on so go on go away.Unless you like us to show everyone the extent to which you have gone to, and make every tiny thing public I got some really good stories to tell and so has Celeste and Mike's clan so BACK OFF... cause all their friends and family have had more then enough of you both. GO AWAY, BACK OFF, WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY, WE HAVE PLENTY TO KEEP THE INTERNET COMMUNITY LAUGHING FOR MONTHS. WE LOVE CELESTE AND MIKE AND WILL BE KEEPING THEM AS FRIENDS FOR LIFE, SO GET LOST.


New York,
Amazing Jim Morgan-now you are stealing one's identity by pirating their email address for your advantage!

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 25, 2009

There you go again, I went to answer your silly accusations only to find I never filed my new email address and/or posted anything on ROR since Novemeber of 2007, and then that was when we were still married and I had the last name of "Morgan". So as I go to post my reply, I find someone mysteriously used (stole) my email address I never even acquired till May of 2008, and used it to post on this ridculous forum site. Wonder who may have done that??? Let me show the viewers what comes up when I try to post, under my true name, as I have nothing to hide, I am indeed Celeste Ann Schaub, with an email address of [email protected] any one can contact me to verify this if they want, and speaking of correct info, why is it you didn't use your name, you said your address is Driggs, idaho, of which it isn't it is Sandpoint, Id according to your Bankruptcy filing which is Public record and why didn't you use your name, everyone knows it is you? Here is what I get when I go to file a rebuttal: ______________________________________ Ripoff Report Account Information Reminder Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:18 AM From: "[email protected]" Add sender to Contacts To: [email protected] Your Ripoff Report account information is: http://www.ripoffreport.com Username: [email protected] Password: danger www.ripoffreport.com Logon to Ripoff Report and go to Edit Profile to change your e-mail notification preferences. http://www.ripoffreport.com/login.asp B. Enter YOUR first name ONLY and the City & State This will automatically place your first name, your City & State at the very end of your report and will add credibility to your Ripoff Report. If you are afraid of retaliation and/or would like to remain anonymous, please change your first name, city, state, and country here. First name only Monica City Bronx State New York Country United States of America File a report: Hello Monica, follow these simple steps: Check the box if you would be willing to be contacted by the media, a consumer advocate, lawyer or government authority to help further your cause or to help with an investigation against the business or individual you are reporting. ______________________________________ Why would I have a fake name, I always have posted all three postings in 2007 with my full name and address etc, could it be some one used my email address without my permission to say I was filing reports so they could say I was posting things I wasn't"? If any one wishes to contact me and ask if I did indeed post this and the previous posting that was falsely used of someone named "Monica" go right ahead. I also have emails in my posession where you Jim have written to the realtor I used under a false name and email address to get info on this house that is up for sell...you even anserwed me when I caught you at it, I beleive you used the name "Marissa Adlam", the same name you sent to Mike Cahill and when he asked her to call him to discuss anything she needed help with, she mysteriously never called but this Marissa blasted him on this silly forum as well. My you think your slick, actually the word is sick, to go through all this to get personal glory and draw attention to your site, or excuse me , Jan's site, is business that bad? No I didn't copy anything of yours and use it Jim for personal gain, I just copied and posted your personal posting in 2005 that is still on the net, where you talked of all my personal experience of many years in Magick, then compared it to what you have been rambling on for over two years or more now and any one can do this , just google it, Dragon Spells LLC, you were always good at turning things around when caught. I will be contacting ROR though and reporting the misuse and intentional fraud used to discredit my name and business on the net. Beleive me when I say, you have enough on you already to show your bitter, mean and vindictive way of life, I went a long time without responding and now I have, so don't look for this to continue...your my past, and I sure as heck don't want you in my future, I wouldn't make that mistake again...I don't wish you bad, i just wish you gone...


get on with your life

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, July 25, 2009

James Morgan I am a friend and past and present client of Celeste and Mike, and ive seen the extend of your vindictivness and yes i have seen the altar incident amongst others and there have been quite a few haven't there, that you have dealt her and Mike behind the scenes and including ror, revenge sites, and your made up injunctions not to mention licence and tax, and their ability, you really are a cruel person and so on, you are completly shameless, you have no diginity or respect for yourself, all you are concerned with is building your name on the backs of these two, to become number one on the internet and magickal community, but as divinity watches us all and how we all try to conduct ourselves its seems maybe you have forgotten that they watch us all expecially when we profess to be magicans and try to live life in a respectful way, it seems to be that you may be possesed and not know that maybe someone has done this to you and i will guarentee it won't be the ones you are trying to destroy, at the end it will hurt you and no one else, i m sure there a lot you wish to say and probably do so in the near future but its divinity who watches all of us and has our lessons lined up as we speak will say have you forgotten son, you will be judged the same way you judged others remember there is a God above us. God understands. He created us. He is not surprised when we make mistakes. he understands us, he does expect us to try to understand life expecially when we take this magicans path and yes i am a spell caster too, to make decisions based on our values and not on whims and feelings, and to strive to live with those decisions. what is the difference between a good person and a wicked person? "A good person falls seven times, a wicked person only once" (Proverbs, 24:16). A good person falls and then gets back up, again, and again, and again. But a wicked person falls and never gets up. Making mistakes cannot be avoided. But what we learn from those mistakes, and how we live our lives afterward is the true test of every human being. So please be a kindly gent and kindly leave Celeste and Mike alone, they have moved on and you just an obstacle, only you are responsible for your actions wherether you are the one that has been wronged or not. But will you listen, who knows and it will be your choice, if not divinity will have to show you their way. Please! Kindly go away all this is not necessary, move on get married have fun. Celeste and Mike aren't interested in your life. thank you


get on with your life

#36Consumer Comment

Sat, July 25, 2009

James Morgan I am a friend and past and present client of Celeste and Mike, and ive seen the extend of your vindictivness and yes i have seen the altar incident amongst others and there have been quite a few haven't there, that you have dealt her and Mike behind the scenes and including ror, revenge sites, and your made up injunctions not to mention licence and tax, and their ability, you really are a cruel person and so on, you are completly shameless, you have no diginity or respect for yourself, all you are concerned with is building your name on the backs of these two, to become number one on the internet and magickal community, but as divinity watches us all and how we all try to conduct ourselves its seems maybe you have forgotten that they watch us all expecially when we profess to be magicans and try to live life in a respectful way, it seems to be that you may be possesed and not know that maybe someone has done this to you and i will guarentee it won't be the ones you are trying to destroy, at the end it will hurt you and no one else, i m sure there a lot you wish to say and probably do so in the near future but its divinity who watches all of us and has our lessons lined up as we speak will say have you forgotten son, you will be judged the same way you judged others remember there is a God above us. God understands. He created us. He is not surprised when we make mistakes. he understands us, he does expect us to try to understand life expecially when we take this magicans path and yes i am a spell caster too, to make decisions based on our values and not on whims and feelings, and to strive to live with those decisions. what is the difference between a good person and a wicked person? "A good person falls seven times, a wicked person only once" (Proverbs, 24:16). A good person falls and then gets back up, again, and again, and again. But a wicked person falls and never gets up. Making mistakes cannot be avoided. But what we learn from those mistakes, and how we live our lives afterward is the true test of every human being. So please be a kindly gent and kindly leave Celeste and Mike alone, they have moved on and you just an obstacle, only you are responsible for your actions wherether you are the one that has been wronged or not. But will you listen, who knows and it will be your choice, if not divinity will have to show you their way. Please! Kindly go away all this is not necessary, move on get married have fun. Celeste and Mike aren't interested in your life. thank you


get on with your life

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, July 25, 2009

James Morgan I am a friend and past and present client of Celeste and Mike, and ive seen the extend of your vindictivness and yes i have seen the altar incident amongst others and there have been quite a few haven't there, that you have dealt her and Mike behind the scenes and including ror, revenge sites, and your made up injunctions not to mention licence and tax, and their ability, you really are a cruel person and so on, you are completly shameless, you have no diginity or respect for yourself, all you are concerned with is building your name on the backs of these two, to become number one on the internet and magickal community, but as divinity watches us all and how we all try to conduct ourselves its seems maybe you have forgotten that they watch us all expecially when we profess to be magicans and try to live life in a respectful way, it seems to be that you may be possesed and not know that maybe someone has done this to you and i will guarentee it won't be the ones you are trying to destroy, at the end it will hurt you and no one else, i m sure there a lot you wish to say and probably do so in the near future but its divinity who watches all of us and has our lessons lined up as we speak will say have you forgotten son, you will be judged the same way you judged others remember there is a God above us. God understands. He created us. He is not surprised when we make mistakes. he understands us, he does expect us to try to understand life expecially when we take this magicans path and yes i am a spell caster too, to make decisions based on our values and not on whims and feelings, and to strive to live with those decisions. what is the difference between a good person and a wicked person? "A good person falls seven times, a wicked person only once" (Proverbs, 24:16). A good person falls and then gets back up, again, and again, and again. But a wicked person falls and never gets up. Making mistakes cannot be avoided. But what we learn from those mistakes, and how we live our lives afterward is the true test of every human being. So please be a kindly gent and kindly leave Celeste and Mike alone, they have moved on and you just an obstacle, only you are responsible for your actions wherether you are the one that has been wronged or not. But will you listen, who knows and it will be your choice, if not divinity will have to show you their way. Please! Kindly go away all this is not necessary, move on get married have fun. Celeste and Mike aren't interested in your life. thank you


get on with your life

#38Consumer Comment

Sat, July 25, 2009

James Morgan I am a friend and past and present client of Celeste and Mike, and ive seen the extend of your vindictivness and yes i have seen the altar incident amongst others and there have been quite a few haven't there, that you have dealt her and Mike behind the scenes and including ror, revenge sites, and your made up injunctions not to mention licence and tax, and their ability, you really are a cruel person and so on, you are completly shameless, you have no diginity or respect for yourself, all you are concerned with is building your name on the backs of these two, to become number one on the internet and magickal community, but as divinity watches us all and how we all try to conduct ourselves its seems maybe you have forgotten that they watch us all expecially when we profess to be magicans and try to live life in a respectful way, it seems to be that you may be possesed and not know that maybe someone has done this to you and i will guarentee it won't be the ones you are trying to destroy, at the end it will hurt you and no one else, i m sure there a lot you wish to say and probably do so in the near future but its divinity who watches all of us and has our lessons lined up as we speak will say have you forgotten son, you will be judged the same way you judged others remember there is a God above us. God understands. He created us. He is not surprised when we make mistakes. he understands us, he does expect us to try to understand life expecially when we take this magicans path and yes i am a spell caster too, to make decisions based on our values and not on whims and feelings, and to strive to live with those decisions. what is the difference between a good person and a wicked person? "A good person falls seven times, a wicked person only once" (Proverbs, 24:16). A good person falls and then gets back up, again, and again, and again. But a wicked person falls and never gets up. Making mistakes cannot be avoided. But what we learn from those mistakes, and how we live our lives afterward is the true test of every human being. So please be a kindly gent and kindly leave Celeste and Mike alone, they have moved on and you just an obstacle, only you are responsible for your actions wherether you are the one that has been wronged or not. But will you listen, who knows and it will be your choice, if not divinity will have to show you their way. Please! Kindly go away all this is not necessary, move on get married have fun. Celeste and Mike aren't interested in your life. thank you

I Know Mary Prantil

New York,
Celeste And Kimberly mad because they got busted by Network Solutions, Circle Of Light, Wilkipedia, and MORE

#39Consumer Comment

Fri, July 24, 2009

If you are going to quote scripture then try applying it to your own life. In other words, people who live in glass houses should not throw rocks, LOL. Celeste ( yes, everyone knows you post under phoney names and no one cares anymore because we all know it is you ) stop trying to sweep the dirt under the rug and play it off like you have not done anything.....everyone sees that the pages you Copyright Infringed on have been removed....because it is ILLEGAL and you were MADE to remove them- just check the links and see for yourselves, public. So Celeste and Kimberly, you can post dead links and make a venting page and then post a page from a business that has been long closed- that only makes your web site business look worse yet. When someone knows about magical subject matter, they should not be cruising the Internet stealing them from other web sites, pasting them on their pages and signing their name at the bottom of the written articles that were stolen like they wrote it, but Celeste you should writing your own instead, and at least if you are going to steal written material from other web sites, give credit where it is due and post the name of the real author instead of trying to pass it off as you wrote it and that you are some big wise knowledgeble spell caster that knows it all..... Jim Morgan is anything but as you call it " possessed" but you both certainly seem to have something stuck in the informational processing part of your brains to the point where you get caught with your pants down and then try to divert the subject matter by even going so far as to "TRY" to prove that you are not a copy and paster YET you copy and paste an OLD page from the now closed business of " Dragon Spells LLC " that is STILL copyrighted material simply to try and make yourself look like a knowledgeable magical person- Jim Morgan in his wisdom and magical expertise, was obviously married to you at that time, long ago, and was only trying to be nice by including you on his web page. So you are copying and pasting Jim Morgan's old closed business web site materials of "Dragon Spells LLC" and posting DEAD links............... and STILL telling the public that you are not stealing from other web sites. Copyrights are valid from the time they are written and published up to almost 80 years- so you are guilty of copyright infringement yet AGAIN. "Dragon Spells LLC" still has copyrights, so obviously Jim Morgan was only being polite by mentioning you on his web site because he was married to you at the time. However the fact that he did mention you does not mean you are some "Mistress" of the Arts because there is no such terminology as "Mistress Of The Arts ." LOLOLOL. Nobody cares if you were married to Jim Morgan, ( YOU WERE MARRIED TO HIM BUT YOU ARE NOT MARRIED TO HIM NOW, ARE YOU? ) because the posts here from the last two plus years tell the story of what really happened when you were married to him. What was ONCE true concerning what Jim Morgan said about you is NOT true NOW. You were married to Jim Morgan but he was only being nice to you, past that little statement about you on that page----you posted that page on your web site in your pathetic attempt to try one more time to prove to the public that you knew something about magical practice. I have been following all these posts on Jim Morgan and his VERY MAD and unhappy EX WIFE and have read all the poss........Celeste you were abusive, and even tricked him into signing a legal document that caused an elderly man to lose his house. You have a lot of audacity to talk about scripture...........well, even devils know scripture, right? That is what the bible says, so quoting scripture to others means nothing if you are not living by the same principles yourselves, does it? By the way, when you trick someone into signing a legal document that is a real estate document and lead them to believe that the document is something else, that is REAL ESTATE FRAUD. Since you know everything, Celeste, usually people go to PRISON if they get caught committing real estate fraud......but like everything else, you keep acting you are little miss perfect and keep trying to hide the things that everyone that has followed these posts knows about......yet the dirt is STILL under the rug although you keep trying to hide it and play yourself off like you are always right and that you know it all.................... Yet you are very proud and full of yourself, aren't you? You are evil and wicked, a wolf in sheep's clothing trying to pass yourself off as some high magical person who is nothing but a hypocrite and a liar, who not only steals from other web sites then gets mad because you GOT CAUGHT DOING IT and then have to write another page on your web site saying "read this" which is YOU venting your anger only because you got caught and were proven to be a FRAUD, LIAR, HYPOCRITE, AND GUILTY OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. If you want a good reputation then stop cheating, copying and pasting, and trying to pass yourself off as a reputable and honest spell caster when you are anything BUT that. And SHAME on you for involving your daughter in your lies and deceptive twisted crap- you can try to hide your crap from the world around you, but you CANNOT hide what you have done in the eyes of God. It is what it is- either a lie, or the truth. AND YOU CELESTE ARE A LIAR who just cannot take it because YOU GOT CAUGHT- so GET OVER YOURSELF.


New York,
Read this and arrive at your decision

#40REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 24, 2009

This will be short and sweet as can be-I have NEVER POSTED ANYTHING ON ROR OR ANY WHERE ON THE NET since November of 2007, which is almost two years ago-regardless of what Jim Morgan's paranoid mind may think, but I will post something of importance that is still current on the net, please read it consumer for your self, then come to your own conclusions-Jim Morgan was either not telling the truth then in 2005, or is not telling the truth now, either way he simply IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, also as far as copy rites go on my site, I have addressed that in detail under the link "Please Read"...a few words of adivse Jim, MOVE ON AND FIND SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE ,YOU ARE NOT THE INTERNET POLICE AND THE GURU OF MAGICIANS, AND YOU CERTAINLY ARE NOT MY GOD-JUDGE NOT LEST THEE BE JUDGED. ----------------------------------------- ? ?? Dragon Spells,The Home Of True magic spells SITE 5 Are you looking for black spells black love spells,white love spells, advanced black magic, guaranteed spells, free spells real witchcraft spells, Celtic spells,dark angels,black angels,angel of death, money spells, lotto spells, real magic spells,voodoo spells, black magic,white magic spells?, Well we have them all.. Hello my name is James R.Morgan II as my title would be Master Of The High Magical Arts and at my side would be Celeste as her title would be High Mistress of the arts. Please let us take this opportunity to convey our best wishes to you and invite you to come and witness the newest, hottest and most innovative web site on the internet today.. At Dragon Spells L.L.C. we specialize in the High Magical Arts of Voodoo,Celtic,Wicca, Druid, Egyptian and Old Testiment & New Testiment Catholic formats of fifteenth century renaissance magical art. Through these multiple styles of Art we can perform highly successful spells for you such as love retrievals, money, business, justice,sex,marriage,dating,divorce stopper and protection spells ect. We also have many more styles of spell casting at our disposal that I would like to fill you in on here but they are just to numerous to mention today in this introductory letter .. Between Celeste and I we have over 51 years combined experience in the Advanced Black & White Magical Arts in either their high or low forms and as a result of our many years of experience and knowledge obtained in these many forms of Art all of our cases end up with a 95 to 100 % success rating no matter what the situation would be as long as the client works with us closely. Unlike most magic sites on the internet we add the personal touch to our services because to us your just not a number in the books but a real person with real difficulties that need to be remedied immediately in the best suitable, fastest and safest way possible. We at Dragon Spells are a fully licensed Corporation that can offer to you tailored spell castings for your special needs that also many times encompasses free services such as Spiritual Counseling,The Dragon Spells Hotline, A Beautiful Picture of your spell casting as giving you the Time and Date of your spell casting ect. Also we perform the worlds strongest and most ancient style of magical art ever known to the human race,[ hands down and without doubt] I might add as we here at Dragon Spells L.L.C. perform this ancient Art exclusively to the best of our knowledge as our rare type of art is virtually so ancient that it has been forgotten by most in the modern fields magical endeavor to date. But the biggest thing that makes us different from the other sites is that we are totally dedicated to helping a person with every aspect of their life as we are there for that person day or night ready to lend a ear and offer our advice as to the best way around a problem. Even if their isn't a problem and a person just has some questions for us or just needs a little company we are there for them, We are committed 101% to our clients and will never leave our clients until they are 100 % happy with the results of their spell casting. If you decide to visit Dragon Spells L.L.C. as I hope most earnestly that you will, You will truly see that Dragon Spells is really unlike any other web site that you have ever seen or been to because it not only offers spell the casting services but also offers philosophies, poems, theories, thought provoking ideas, many beautiful scenic pictures on all 70 to 90 pages of the site, But also gives personalized service to anyone who writes in to us. We offer fun and free stuff such as free spells, free pictures, free gif files, Angelic seals and so much more.. I guarantee that you will feel that your visit to Dragon Spells L.L.C. will be a very worthy expanse of your most valuable time as you will see and learn so much there. Thank You for your time and we hope to see all of you there soon. Sincerely Jim & Celeste Give us a call anytime at 1-352-457-1774 or 1-352-568-0689 Free Webpages Dragon Spells L.L.C. Books Of The Bible Send E-Mail to: [email protected]


Thought for the Day

#41Consumer Comment

Thu, July 23, 2009

Romans 13:1-14 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. ...

I Know Mary Prantil

New York,
Copy Kat Celeste Ann Schaub copy and pastes web site content from well known psychic spell caster, Cassandra and from Wilkipedia

#42Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2009

Hey everyone- why is Celeste Schaub stealing material from other spell caster's web sites? And why oh why are Celeste and her little friends avoiding answering the magical questions here? Could it be that they do not KNOW any of the answers, and are obviously MAD because they have been upstaged yet AGAIN by someone who is an accomplished and true Master Of The Arts? How many times do you Celeste and your little idiot buddies have to get your butts kicked? You must be enjoying it, I think. Probably because getting your BUTTS kicked is the only way you can get any kind of attention. Hey guess what, everyone? I was looking for some spells and I saw this site and then another site that had the same stuff on it like the first link below. If this is a real spell caster then why is she copying stuff off of other sites ? Maybe Celeste Schaub is the same person scamming us under different names and doesn't want anyone to know. If she is copying this other web site then I bet they don't know she's using their stuff and if they do know then why is this person copying stuff off other places without telling people where she got the text in the first place and why doesn't she do her own pages ? I went to the FAST ACTING BLACK AND WHITE DRAGON MAGICK first and then ran into the CIRCLE OF LIGHT web site next. Honest people and good spell casters don't need to do this, correct? Because honest people do not STEAL material off of other businesses web sites that clearly state that "VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED". Apparently, Celeste Ann Schaub is not the "HONEST" spell caster that she is trying so hard to show everyone she is. Hey Celeste if you and your buddies here are so HONEST why are you stealing materials from a web site that has been on the Internet for over 16 years? I know who Cassandra is, and believe me I have emailed her and her web site administrator and told them all about Celeste Schaub helping herself to the written text there on Circle Of Light. Cassandra states on her web site that anyone that is reported using ANY of her materials will be handed over to her legal counsel and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Well........I guess Celeste Ann Schaub is not smart enough or creative enough to even write her own web site materials, and she CERTAINLY is NOT an HONEST spell caster, is she? Honest and reputable spell caster? NO.......Criminal and theif? YES. Before you get too excited about all of this, Celeste, do not even think about asking any of your little buddies to come up here under one of your PHONEY names and tell everyone that you obtained permission from Cassandra of Circle Of Light to use her materials, because Cassandra is a personal friend of mine, and I already told her all about you- she DOES NOT EVEN KNOW YOU and has ALREADY contacted her attorneys concerning your little web site stealing escapades. Shame on you, Celeste! You are a thief ! If you cannot create a web site without surfing the Internet and getting your thieving grubby little hands all over web site materials that do not even BELONG to you, Celeste, then you should STOP lieing to everyone trying to convince people up here that you know it all, and that you are such a great spell caster, and an honest reputable one. Hey ! I also noticed in reading these statements here that you and your little wanna be magic buddies cannot answer a few magical questions that were posted up here by someone else- but only keep making excuses- because you are TOO STUPID and do not know the answers to ANY of those questions, LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!! I also heard through the grape vine that another site owned by Celeste Schaub was turned in for this by someone else that owned some kind of Christian web site because they found their pages on her site when her last name was Morgan. If Celeste is so stupid and magically ignorant and has to STEAL material from other sites that is copyrighted then I don't think she knows any kind of magijk. This so called spell caster doesn't even have where she got her writings from like the Circle Cf Light web site does- and she doesn't even link to the Circle Of Light so that people can see who wrote what or where it all comes from- so why should we look at this person as a real spell caster with this other person she knows down in Florida that she says she gets to help her? Circle Of Light has a strong warning regarding their written textual materials and their web site, which says that if anyone uses their material without express written permission and proper legal permission from their attorneys that violators will be prosecuted. http://circle-of-light.com/legal.html

All Materials within the domain of

http://Circle-of-Light.com/ have a copyright,

registration, &/or trademark.

No content is to be used without receipt of

written permission. Violators will be prosecuted.

For further information please see our Copyright

page at http://Circle-of-Light.com/copyright.html

Circle Of Light also has a clearly posted article

on their web site concerning all the content of

their web site as follows:

2. Intellectual Property

A. Copyrights:

All of the content of this Web site, including

text, art, graphics, logos, button icons, images,

and pictures are the property of A Circle of

Light Counseling, Rev. Cassandra Anaya, or

content providers, and are protected by U.S. and

international copyright laws. We have designed

the content of this Web site for your use while

you enjoy your circle-of-light.com experience.

Any use of this content, including modification,

transmission, presentation, distribution or

republication, is prohibited without the express

prior written consent of A Circle of Light

Counseling or Rev. Cassandra Anaya. Except as

granted in the limited license below, any use of

this content, including modification,

transmission, presentation, distribution or

republication, is prohibited without the express

prior written consent of A Circle of Light

Counseling or Rev. Cassandra Anaya.

========================================================================================================================================================= CIRCLE OF LIGHT http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html 

Prior to the invention of the telescope and the

Copernican revolustion, it was generally belived

that the earth was the stable center of the

universe, around which the Sun, Moon, stars, and

the five known planets revolved. Because the Sun,

Moon and planets moved along paths of their own,

was entirely independenntly of the stars, it was

believed that they were "stuck" on a series of

concentic crystalline (i.e.,transparent) spheres

that revolved around the Earth between the stars

and the Earth.

From this conception of the universe arose the

idea of seven "levels of reality," corresponding

to the seven celestial spheres. The ordinary

level of humanity's experinece was referred to as

the "sublunar" realm, meaning that it is the

level below the sphere of the moon. Another

popular number was nine, which seems to have been

derived by considering the Earth itself as well

as the sphere composed of the fixed stars as

constituting distinct levels. Given this view of

reality, it was natural that the angels should be

regarded as being arranged in a hierarchy of

levels, hense Dionysius's schema of nine choirs

of angels.

In ancient Neoplatonism the various levels of

reality were regraded as having been sequentially

"emanated" by the formless Godhead from the freal

of the fixed stars to the physical plane. The

Gnostics introduced an interesting twist on the

basic idea by asserting that the physical world

was created by mistake and is a prison from which

we should attempt to escape. Trapping human

spirits in this world, the evil creator

established archons (evil archangels) at each of

the seven levels to prevent humans from escaping.

Traditionally, the seven heavens are as follows:


The lowest heaven, Shamayin borders the Earth ad

is ruled by Gabriel. It contains clouds, the

winds, the Upper Waters, and is home to the two

hundred astronomer-angels whoe preside over the



Raquia is ruled by the angel Raphael, and

according to Enoch, it is within the heaven that

the fallen angels are imprisoned awaiting final

judgement in complete darkness.


According to Enoch, hell lies within the northen

boundaries of the third heaven. Sagun is ruled by

Anahel, and is the residence for Iza'll, the

Islamic angel of death. It is here that the

wicked are tortured by angels in the southern

regions, however, there exists a bountiful

paradise, thought to be the Garden of Eden, where

the souls of the righteous will come after death.


Ruled by Michael, the fourth heaven "is the site

of the heavenly Jerusalem, the Holy Temple and

it's Altar" It is here, according to Enoch, that

the Garden of Eden is actually housed, not in the

third heaven.


Machon is home to God, Aaron, and the avenging

angels. The northern boundaries, said to be ruled

by neither Sandalphon or Samael, is home to

fallen grigori (the watchers). In the southern

regions, on the other hand, reside the

ministering angels who endlessly chant the

praises of the Lord.


The sixth heaven is ruled by Zebul at night and


The holiest of heavens, Araboth is ruled by

Cassiel, and is home to God on his Divine Throne,

along with the highest orders of angels -- the

seraphim, cherubim, and thrones.

The SIXTH HEAVEN some deleted the rest after the

word 'and', but has since been repaired. And yes

several words are misspelled in both sections,

but that was done intentionally as a way to

validate words were plagiarized from my site.

However, I have since changed that and use other

ways of validation.

Apparently Celeste Schaub likes to cruise the Internet while she is pretending to be a "High Priestess" or a "Enchantress" while stealing stuff from other people's web sites and copying them to her web site and instead of creating her own writings. I think that Celeste Schaub's new title should be something like.... "High Priestess Of All Thieves And Dummies" Celeste Schaub helps herself to other web sites' information- copy and pasting other's copyrighted materials with her grubbly thieving little hands.....does this sound like something that a reputable honest spell caster would do? The truth is that people that do what Celeste Schaub and Mike Cahill do are stealing stuff from other people's web sites in order to try and make themselves look knowledgeable and intelligent......BUT they cannot even answer a few magic questions, can they? .......Nope......instead, they talk around the questions and try to divert things around....which only makes Celeste look like the ignorant person she obviously is- plus an Internet shop lifter. Copy and paste Internet shop lifter, trying to convince everyone that she is something she clearly is not. Here we find Celeste has copied text from Wilkipedia, about Angels......please look at Celeste's link here first, then look at the next link on Wilkipedia ! Celeste, if you are going to copy other web sites pages and pretend like YOU wrote them, LOLOLOLOL the LEAST you could do is give the REAL writers credit instead of trying to pass other's written material off like YOU wrote it. If you were such a knowledgeable wise "High Priestess" or "Enchantress", Celeste you would write your own stuff because if you are who you say you are, you would sit down and have no problem answering the magic questions above, nor would you have to steal from other web sites to create your own. Celeste, you should be pretty embarrased up here on Rip Off Report trying to pass yourself off as a "High Priestess".....HA HA HA.....YEAH High Priestess of Copyright Infringement ! YUK YUK YUK LOLOLOL ! CELESTE'S PAGE:http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html WILKIPEDIA'S PAGE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy In finishing this, I must say that YOU, Celeste Ann Schaub and your little buddies that cannot answer magic questions should probably go out and look for some eight hour a day job that requires no intelligence whatsoever- where you do not have to think for yourselves, but only have to show up and punch the time clock, take your twenty minute breaks, your lunch break, then punch the clock and go home and lead your wanna be little boring lives.......BOOOOOOOYYYYAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! BOO YA BOO YA BOO YA !!!! Time ta sock it to YA !!!!!!!! "High Priestess" Celeste ?????? "Enchantress" Celeste? YEAH, High Priestess of DUMB BUNNIES and Enchantress of STUPIDITY and RETARDATION .......that is how everyone should look at Celeste Ann Schaub and her loser boyfriend of Magic Angel Spells who does not have the BACK BONE or the magical intellect to answer a few magic questions. I found the link to Circle Of Light and Wilkipedia that Celeste stole material from......but Celeste and Mike Cahill are too ignorant and dumb to even find answers to the magic questions by trying to look them up on the Internet, isn't she? Any spell caster that really knows about magic and spell casting does not HAVE to copy other people's web site material and pass them off like they wrote it themselves. I triple DARE anyone who reads this to call Celeste on the phone or call Mike Cahill on the phone and ask them the same magic questions that were posted earlier here. Guess what will happen if you do? You will get one or two idiots that do not know a d**n thing and are incapable of answering the questions above that are of a magical nature. COPY AND PASTE INTERNET SHOP LIFTERS ! I mean let's face it- Celeste and Cahill are TOO STUPID to do anything but pretend to be something they are NOT ! The proof is here, in black and white for all the world to see. Celeste Ann Schaub is not a "High Priestess" or "Enchantress" but is only an Internet SHOP LIFTER !!!!!! You Celeste Schaub are an embarrassment to the entire Internet and magic Internet web sites all over the world. YOU need to wake up and realize that you will never amount to a pile of CRAP and just finally GET OVER your little pathetic stupid self. Stop insulting people who are intelligent and know enough to run a business like Cassandra has for 16 years. Stop beating around the bush and getting mad at Mr. Morgan and trying to twist the facts around here because you are TOO STUPID to answer any of his magic questions! Either ANSWER them or just SHUT your crap lousy face ! There is an old saying, Celeste- SH_T or get off the pot ! Celeste you and your little rip off buds have a very bad sickness......called diahreaah of the MOUTH. Talk and blab and lie and CON all you want but we do not believe you anymore, Celeste- nobody is listening, and we in the magical communities all over the world are out here laughing at you and how ignorant and STUPID you are. You Celeste and Mike Cahill are the laughing stocks of the entire magical community. I hope Cassandra's attorneys throw the book at you, lock you up, and throw the key away ! You are a retarded menace ! BOOOOO YA BOO YA BOO YA on Celeste Ann Schaub and Mike Cahill !!!!!!!! FAREWELL wanna be "high priestess/enchantress" Celeste Ann Schaub, and "wanna be wizard" Cahill.......yeah, RIGHT, LOLOLOLOLOL. You two need to go to work doing something that you KNOW how to do- like perhaps do some kind of basic simple labor job because you would not make a mole on a Wizards, High Priestesses or and Enchantresses A_S !!!!! If ANYONE needs to mind their own business and get on with their lives, it is Celeste Schaub and Mike Cahill.....BOTH of you are rejects from a Harry Potter factory HA HA HA HA HA HA and everyone here knows it ! I have friends that spoke to both of you and neither one of you know JACK SQUAT about what magic is all about- so stop pretending like you do !!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HA HA HA HA BOOOOOOOO YAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR SHAME FOR SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU !!!!!! Celeste and Cahill are officially EXCUSED from magic and the Internet ! DUMMIES!


New York,
New York,
spell casters not fake

#43Consumer Comment

Thu, June 25, 2009

Jim states he sent his clients to this fake site for additional counseling and not so much spell, but he also states the clients had the option to purchase spells from Mike if this is what the clients wanted, this makes Mike a spell caster, if the option to buy spells is there, it would makes Mike a spell caster does it not and therefor not fake, how did he bad mouth Jim maybe Jim did not want to handle difficult clients, spell caster Mike Cahill is not a fake not matter what the level of his spell casting was at that time. Fake sites can operate anywhere yes! but these sites have been operating for for a a number of years and if Mike Cahill and if this site is fake, the public would not have expressed their gratitude for all the good work he does on Mike's site, and if they were genuinely fake they surely would use a P.O box address, How many spells has Jim had where results were either slow in coming or not very much DUH. Seems to me the reason the real reason is not because there was a copy-write infringement issue but the issue of after stating on here on ror that Jim never allowed him to use the material then changed his mind and said Jim allowed it for four months, seems strange that he would still allow him to use it four years later considering Jim does not allow any business to go to any fake sites, and after falling out after four years, all of a sudden Mike Cahill stole his material, and in all the time they were friends he did not check his friend's site and like one poster said after four years decided that Mike had stolen his material nor visited Mike's site. DUHH Little or no knowledge as Jim likes to put it and we only have his word for it, Ex is still a genuine spell caster taught by Jim and has seen what goes on,and seen how things are done even if she may not have cast spells regularly while she was with him. How would Jim know the level of her spell casting ability now 3-5 years later. Ok! motor home and a house if you insist! since Jim does not own a business or take on clients why would there be a need for a P.O box address, people that use PO box addresses also sometimes have things to hide and are used for business purposes. yes i'm attempting to help the public see there definitely more to this then meets the eye. if there not business why hide the address no one will be bothering him. yes there does exist some very good magical information on the net, books and teachers, show me where you can be taught magic with out mis-information, who is so perfect let me know so i can go and get taught. How did you learn yours, i'm very interested in magic now. In an hour on the net i learned about 9ft circle, candle colors, alchemy, metals, herbs and candle colors, hours, moon position, triangle of protection, blood offering, and much more.The rest is practice, practice and more practice. Don't think so! wasn't at one point someone pointed out why you had a Californian tel no one page and another on a different one, if the phone was lost why wasn't it changed straight away or maybe it was an oversight, any one can make up happy client comments fact, the public would do themselves no justice if they were to take anyone word other then the tax or license dept, they owe it to themselves to get the true picture. really! well the net might be a small place and you may be spoken to people that have worked with him recently that an assumption and how would Jim know if he has many clients or not when he's not spoken to him in so long. Sounds like Jim is trying soo desperately to call out the ex and Mike Cahill, looks like they they not here in any shape or form, otherwise im sure they would have answered by now, its seems if they not here they getting on with their lives, why isn't Jim Morgan. Maybe he wants to stay on and cause trouble, but what is the point they don't seem to be on ror in any shape or form, therefore his accusations of these posters coming on here being Mike Cahill or the Ex is an assumption. His accusing people because he has no clue what so ever who these posters are and only wants to paint them in a bad light so to cause trouble for them out of malice and spite and that is the truth of it, as its been proven they are not fake and if you want to know the validity of the tax and licenses issues you the public should go directly to the Florida tax and licenses offices and pay no attention to what is been said here Well here's the admittance that the ex did cast spells with Jim going back ,therefore she can cast spell, and if Mike wanted to learn through other means that would be down to him, just because Mike went to other sources to learn does not mean he knows any less about magic or is a fake. If cahill has his site for only 3 years how comes Jim is trying to make an issue of old business that goes as far back as 1995 or more, who's to say he did not have a business site total of the years stated. Jim means the ex had the her own site for a few years due to split, but she but didn't she run his business prior. so how many years would that be. Regarding any other old issues Jim chooses to try and use against this genuine spell caster i would just simply contact the tax and licensing department to gain insight ask them, why his not showing up under the business name his currently under also ask them about the license and tax issues in Florida, ask them why his been listed under one of his old and closed down businesses from four years ago, ask then what his answer was to regards why he did not take down Jim's material, after been told he could use it and then after the falling out was accused of copy-write infringement lol lol. After stating he didn not give Mike permission to use any material, as stated by Jim, then stated he gave permission for four months and now in his own words states he only gave permission for two-three months.After falling out with Mike and his Ex Jim decided it would be a copy-write issue.lol lol Jim is not here to protect the public but to con the public into believing Mike and the ex are fake



#44Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

YOUR FIRST POSTING JIM: To show you again how screwed up your facts are. POSTER: Would Jim allow difficult clients to go to a fake site, the clients Jim couldn't handle, JIM: I sent Clients to Cahill for additional COUNSELING and not so much spells in the beginning with the option of purchasing spells from him if this is what they wanted to do. The counseling part of it mostly consisted of holding their hand until their spell worked, that's it. Nothing exceptional about what Cahill did there, all this means was that he could stay on the phone while repeating the same statements over and over again like a monkey. Again, this was in the beginning before he started bad mouthing me, or before I realized it and nothing to do with his magical skills. THIS HAS BEEN EXPLAINED IN THE REPORTS OVER AND OVER. POSTER" would any one operate fake sites from their place of residence knowing if they were fakes they would be caught, would Jim allow any of his material to be used if the site was fake. JIM: Fake sites can operate anywhere including from their homes, it's done all the time plus the fact that I DON'T ALLOW fake sites to use anything of mine and that's why I've been reporting Cahill up here all this time, DUHH. That's why I reported him to Microsoft and served him with a cease and desist order. It doesn't matter what you live in or even where you live, what matters is how your coming off to the public in what your proclaiming to know, if you can back this up with action or spell results. POSTER: Ex and Mike fake spell caster lol lol lol when the ex was taught by him and ran the business with Jim. currently has her own business, JIM: My Ex ran the business however she didn't cast the spells concerning the former Dragon Spells, plus the fact that her magical knowledge was little to nothing in this time, her site reflects this same lack of magical knowledge to date as it's pretty much nothing but a venting site that has a little angelic information that can be gotten from any beginners book. POSTER: Jim is a bankrupt living in a motor home going from place to place which he admitted to, and has a po box number how would any one catch him should they need too. Could he be vying for business and using whatever means at hand to tout for business., JIM: Motor home and house for your information, What business is this of yours any way since I don't own a business or take in Clients. If you think I own something then find it poster and prove that I run any kind of a business. SO, without a bussiness why WOULD I NEED TO MAKE MY PRIVITE ADDRESS PUBLIC ? Why would anyone need to find me ? THEY WOULDN'T. Besides a lot of people use PO Boxes in case you havn't noticed. IT'S CALLED PRIVACY. Your just attempting to seed doubt here in your assumptions, aren't you ? NOT WORKING. Besides, THIS ISSUE IS IN THE REPORTS AS WELL. Please stay to the issues at hand and quit trying to avert attention from the pertinent matters. POSTER: Any one can learn magic, its just the knowledge that is needed, and there' plenty material out there. JIM: Yes there exist some good magical information out there, but on the other hand a lot of incorrect information as well, so, if he's so good then perhaps he wouldn't mind coming up here to show everyone what he does know, or what he has learned from the internet. Let's see if he can back up what he proclaims to be on his site. POSTER: Accusation created are biased and full of holes, old business and issues don't have a relevance in this, apart from being used to make them look bad, but if anyone feel this is an issue, domain names are easily got, for ld tax and licenses validate it with Florida tax and license office. Contact state of Florida to see if some parts of Florida need license. Any one can post comments, clients-validity is questionable. JIM: My statements aren't full of holes even though you would like to think so, Yes Public go and check out Cahill's credentials only to find that he doesn't have any. It's not the matter of domain names so much in question here more so then the use of them in hiding yourself as THE REPORTS indicate. All my sites had my picture on them with the same contact information or linked to one another to let the public know it was me and not someone else. Cahill had one domain listed with the BBB and was working of another AS THE REPORTS EXPLAIN. POSTER: How on earth can Jim say he has inside knowledge of these two individuals now especially after 3-5 year gap. JIM: The net is a smaller place then you realize and thus I speak to people that have worked with this person recently, not that their are many. What I hear is the same old stuff. His site is the same old stuff. POSTER: How on earth can Jim comments of these to individuals if he has had no contact with them for 3-5 years. Even if these two the ex and Mike are only using what Jim taught them at the beginning or are using his old spells as told by Jim, that still makes them spell casters, i think by now after 3-5 years they can create their own stuff. JIM: WHAT NEW STUFF ? GOOD, perhaps they wouldn't mind explaining to the public exactly what they do magically, Again, perhaps they wouldn't mind addressing some magical questions for the public on this very site. Again, maybe they wouldn't mind referring people to some of their happy Clients who just had some work done, who had very successful spells as a result of working with them. POSTER: Can the public say that these two are fake when they been taught by Jim and have worked for him, and operating from their place of residence for a good number of years and easily contactable by the authority. JIM: Firstly, your not giving the true facts here as Cahill couldn't keep up with his lessons and his stay with me for three days to a week at the most. Secondly, and again, the Ex rarely if ever performed spells with me when I had Dragon, she did learn a little but her retaining level of the magical knowledge was low. A good number of years ? Cahill had his site for three years at that point and the Ex less then this. Cahill stated on his site that he had been in the art or on the net for 25, then he removed this when pointed out by myself. You can check this out in the archives if you like. POSTER: Old domain and and old business do not have any bearing on the real issues but if anyone wants convening anyone can have an domain name, and if anyone one wants to know about any tax or licensing issue of the old business contact Florida tax and license office, no tax or license is need for old/closed down business. lol lol lol lol lol JIM: Ok, you say he doesn't need a tax number or license on a old or closed down business, correct ? so why isn't he showing up under the business name he currently uses such as MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS ? why is he listing himself under ON TARGET PRODUCTIONS that has a expired license of four years ? or a site that has been sited for copyright violations. Why can't he be found any where in the business directories or listed with the Department Of Corporations or the I.R.S under magic angel spells ?. DOES HE HAVE A NEW BUSINESS NAME ? if so then why isn't it posted on his site ?. JIM: This has been gone over several times in my reports so please read them. If Cahill is a legal site then perhaps he wouldn't mind giving us all his current fictitious name and business license that will allow everyone to check him out on ROR. state name and federal tax ID. Your post are weak and full of negative seed sowing. THEY NEED TO OUT THEIR MONEY WHERE THEIR MOUTH IS, if the EX and Cahill are so good then PROVE IT, maybe they both could perform a FREE spell for anyone up here who would like one while addressing all their magical questions to their complete satisfaction. I mean, the Cahill camp should have no problem in doing this, right ? JIM: Again poster, your post are attempting to mislead the Public, If you want the public to take you or them seriously and not view them as a scam site, then let them PROVE THAT THEIR NOT A SCAM SITE by taking me up on these offers. In closing, I'll just say again, say what you will because your not proving your case at all. All these points that your bringing up have been addressed countless times before plus the fact that your only taking what you want out of these reports and disregarding the rest of what they say. YES, I WOULD URGE ANYONE TO CONTACT THESE county, state and federal offices and sites concerning Cahill SECOND POSTING Hey, ask Mr. Cahill what that picture is on the first page of his site, ask him why it's there and what it says, he can't tell you what it says as it's not his picture. You know, the one written in a modified Hebrew in the upper left hand side of his first page. I know what it say because I wrote and took the picture of it. What about those wonderful spell descriptions he has on his site describing what he uses in the spells themselves. You know, the ones that mention wax doll effigies, numerology, ancient alphabets, advanced spell writing and so on that makes him a master wizard. If you compare these spell descriptions to the old Dragon site you will see these same spell descriptions pretty much word for word when they talk about what they consist of. READ THE REPORTS POSTER as Cahill only had my permission to use a small part of my my material for two or three months when he started his site and then was to take it completely down after putting it in his own words. Read how he lied to me for three or four years in telling me that he removed it and how he kept eight copied and pasted pages of mine up on his site. How he refused to take it down and said that he wrote it all word for word LOL now that's funny. The same went for the ex however she did take what she had of mine down after she saw what happened to Cahill with the cease and desist order I had him served with. Poster, your not here to protect the public at all, moreover you are not who you say you are as we both know, however please let me clear up a previous statement that I made, currently my ex doesn't have any of my pictures or text on her site. That statement was aimed at the Cahill site only. Ok, I'm done speaking with you because your just not getting it or don't want to get it and I'm not going to keep repeating myself. Bye Bye now.



#45Author of original report

Wed, June 24, 2009

YOUR FIRST POSTING JIM: To show you again how screwed up your facts are. POSTER: Would Jim allow difficult clients to go to a fake site, the clients Jim couldn't handle, JIM: I sent Clients to Cahill for additional COUNSELING and not so spells in the beginning with the option of purchasing spells from him if this is what they wanted to do. The counseling part of it mostly consisted of holding their hand until their spell worked, that's it. Nothing exceptional about what Cahill did there as all this means was that he could stay on the phone while repeating the same statements over and over again. Again, this was in the beginning before he started bad mouthing me, or before I realized it. THIS HAS BEEN EXPLAINED IN THE REPORTS OVER AND OVER. POSTER" would any one operate fake sites from their place of residence knowing if they were fakes they would be caught, would Jim allow any of his material to be used if the site was fake. JIM: Fake sites can operate anywhere including from their homes, it's done all the time plus the fact that I DON'T ALLOW fake sites to use anything of mine and that's why I've been reporting Cahill up here all the time, DUHH. That's why I reported him to Microsoft and served him with a cease and desist order. It doesn't matter what you live in or even where you live, what matters is how your coming off to the public in what your proclaiming to know and if you can back this up with action or spell results. POSTER: Ex and Mike fake spell caster lol lol lol when the ex was taught by him and ran the business with Jim. currently has her own business, JIM: My Ex ran the business however she didn't cast the spells concerning the former Dragon Spells, plus the fact that her magical knowledge was little to nothing in this time, her site reflects this same lack of magical knowledge to date as it's pretty much nothing but a venting site that has a little angelic information that can be gotten from any beginners book. POSTER: Jim is a bankrupt living in a motor home going from place to place which he admitted to, and has a po box number how would any one catch him should they need too. Could he be vying for business and using whatever means at hand to tout for business., JIM: Motor home and house for your information, What business is this of yours any way since I don't own a business or take in Clients. If I own a business then find it poster and prove that I run any kind of a business. Your just attempting to seed doubt here in your assumptions, aren't you ? NOT WORKING. Please stay to the issues at hand and quit trying to avert attention from the pertinent matters. POSTER: Any one can learn magic, its just the knowledge that is needed, and there' plenty material out there. JIM: Yes there exist some good magical information out there, but on the other hand a lot of incorrect information as well, so, if he's so good then perhaps he wouldn't mind coming up here to show everyone what he does know, or what he has learned from the internet. Let's see if he can back up what he proclaims to be on his site. POSTER: Accusation created are biased and full of holes, old business and issues don't have a relevance in this, apart from being used to make them look bad, but if anyone feel this is an issue, domain names are easily got, for ld tax and licenses validate it with Florida tax and license office. Contact state of Florida to see if some parts of Florida need license. Any one can post comments, clients-validity is questionable. JIM: My statements aren't full of holes even though you would like to think so, Yes Public go and check out Cahill's credentials only to find that he doesn't have any. It not the matter of domain names so much in question here more so then the use of them in hiding yourself as THE REPORTS indicate. All my sites had my picture on them with the same contact information or linked to one another to let the public know it was me and not someone else. Cahill had one domain listed with the BBB and was working of another AS THE REPORTS EXPLAIN. POSTER: How on earth can Jim say he has inside knowledge of these two individuals now especially after 3-5 year gap. JIM: The net is a smaller place then you realize and thus I speak to people that have worked with this person recently, not that their are many. What I hear is the same old stuff. POSTER: How on earth can Jim comments of these to individuals if he has had no contact with them for 3-5 years. Even if these two the ex and Mike are only using what Jim taught them at the beginning or are using his old spells as told by Jim, that still makes them spell casters, i think by now after 3-5 years they can create their own stuff. JIM: GOOD, perhaps they wouldn't mind explaining to the public exactly what they do magically, Again, perhaps they wouldn't mind addressing some magical questions for the public on this very site. Again, maybe they wouldn't mind referring people to some of their happy Clients who just had some work done by them, who had very successful spells as a result of working with them. POSTER: Can the public say that these two are fake when they been taught by Jim and have worked for him, and operating from their place of residence for a good number of years and easily contactable by the authority. JIM: Firstly, your not giving the true facts here as Cahill couldn't keep up with his lessons and his stay with me for three days to a week at the most. Secondly, and again, the Ex rarely if ever performed spells with me when I had Dragon, she did learn a little but her retaining level of the magical knowledge was low. A good number of years ? Cahill had his site for three years at that point and the Ex less then this. Cahill stated on his site that he had been in the art or on the net for 25, then he removed this when pointed out by myself. You can check this out in the archives if you like. POSTER: Old domain and and old business do not have any bearing on the real issues but if anyone wants convening anyone can have an domain name, and if anyone one wants to know about any tax or licensing issue of the old business contact Florida tax and license office, no tax or license is need for old/closed down business. lol lol lol lol lol JIM: Ok, you say he doesn't need a tax number or license on a old or closed down business, correct ? so why isn't he showing up on the business name he currently uses such as MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS ? why is he listing himself under ON TARGET PRODUCTIONS that has a expired license of four years along with magic angel spells ? Why can't he be found any where in the business directories or listed with the Department Of Corporations or the I.R.S under either name ?. DOES HE HAVE A NEW BUSINESS NAME ? if so then why isn't it posted on his site ?. JIM: This has been gone over several times in my reports so please read them. If Cahill is a legal site then perhaps he wouldn't mind giving us all his current fictitious name and business license that will allow everyone to check him out on ROR. Your post are weak and full of negative seed sowing. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS, if you and Cahill are so good then PROVE IT, maybe you both could perform a FREE spell for anyone up here who would like one while addressing all their magical questions to their complete satisfaction. I mean, the Cahill camp should have no problem in doing this, right ? JIM: Again, your post are attempting to mislead the Public, If you want the public to take you seriously and not view you as a scam site, then PROVE THAT YOUR NOT A SCAM SITE by taking me up on these offers. In closing, I'll just say again, say what you will because your not proving your case at all. All these points that your bringing up have been addressed countless times before plus the fact that your only taking what you want out of these reports and disregarding the rest of what they say. YES, I WOULD URGE ANYONE TO CONTACT THESE county, state and federal offices and sites concerning Cahill SECOND POSTING Hey, ask Mr. Cahill what that picture is on the first page of his site, ask him why it's there and what it says, he can't tell you what it says as it's not his picture. You know, the one written in a modified Hebrew in the upper left hand side of his first page. I know what it say because I wrote and took the picture of it. What about those wonderful spell descriptions he has on his site describing what he uses in the spells themselves. You know, the ones that mention wax doll effigies, numerology, ancient alphabets, advanced spell writing and so on that makes him a master wizard. If you compare these spell descriptions to the old Dragon site you will see these same spell descriptions pretty much word for word when they talk about what they consist of. READ THE REPORTS POSTER as Cahill only had my permission to use a small part of my my material for two or three months when he started his site and then was to take it completely down after putting it in his own words. Read how he lied to me for three or four years in telling me that he removed it and how he kept eight copied and pasted pages of mine up on his site. How he refused to take it down and said that he wrote it all word for word LOL now that's funny. The same went for the ex however she did take what she had of mine down after she saw what happened to Cahill with the cease and desist order I had him served with. Poster, your not here to protect the public at all, moreover you are not who you say you are as we both know, however please let me clear up a previous statement that I made, currently my ex doesn't have any of my pictures or text on her site. That statement was aimed at the Cahill site only. Ok, I'm done speaking with you because your just not getting it or don't want to get it and I'm not going to keep repeating myself. Bye Bye now. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO CAHILL CAMP IF YOU WANT IT TO STOP, DON'T YEAH ?


New York,
New York,

#46Consumer Comment

Tue, June 23, 2009

well you may disagree all you want your case is full of holes and you are trying to convince the world that these two people are fake which is not true and given the evidence which proves this, you may have had Mike taken for copy-write issue but it categorically states in ror that you had given Mike permission which you yourself had admitted to and also the ex wife stated this too, you are the one using what you like out situations so people will turn against them. Now what would i leave out of design You have plenty of agenda people, proven fact they not fake spell casters and if you want to check out the validity of the story, ring and get facts verbally from Florida tax and license office, Don't bother reading the reports tainted with malice and holes. Don't know what you talking about i don't have any pictures, text etc, etc, i am not Mike nor the ex wife and as for apologizing what for i am helping the public to see that all you say is not true. Your right everyone does get the picture you have an other motives apart from protecting the public, and its to ruin this these two people's reputation and businesses. Hostile you say! not at all pointing out facts protecting the public from being drawn into your fight where you want the public to believe these two are fake and so on telling them you don't.or have ulterior motives. lol lol lol You always seem to doubt that anyone is who they say they are, maybe your clients are not who they say they are either any excuse will do to blame others and take attention from yourself. No! your the one throwing suspicion away from you, trying to get the public to believe your links, how is it suspicious to ask the public to check out the validity of your story why would these officials want to refer the public back to your links that you've chosen for your on end, these office have computers in front of them. lol That a big assumption that just because they have material its automatically yours, and if they have which who's to say if there not a valid reason for after all who would want your stuff after all that goes on, and that the ex is venting bull s**t, or it could be the material used is theirs and the ex is telling everyone how difficult her life has been, i think people will have to go to these sites and read it themselves. There plenty on their sites to do with magic, Your asking for apologies from some one who not even here, and you are more then welcome to stay as long as you like, these two are not here, seems they getting on with their life, why aren't you! lol lol



#47Consumer Comment

Tue, June 23, 2009

Well, I disagree as my case isn't full of holes and your only taking what information serves you out of the the report and disregarding the rest of what these reports actually say, especially concerning the copyright issue to which you have your facts all mixed up. Perhaps your just leaving something out by design. No hidden agenda here people, I would just urge the public to read the full reports and follow the links to these state and federal agencies and their sites, that's all. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THESE STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES LIE TO YOU ?, Oh wait, they must be in league with me, right ? in bringing down this good man. If the Cahill camp wants me to go away then all they have to do is in APOLOGIZING to all concerned for what they have done regarding the Prantil incident not to mention returning things that don't belong to them such as text, pictures etc. That's it, Only then I will leave them alone to scam everyone in peace. Besides, I think everyone gets the picture about this group from my previous postings, and I do have better things I'd rather be doing with my time other then wasting it up here. This person of Stacy is nothing more then a hostile party, not neutral in anything, that is attempting to defend one while trying to discredit the other in a nut shell. I also doubt very seriously that this persons name is Stacy, or that she's just a typical poster just venting her opinion rather then someone who is connected to Cahill in some way. It simple really as their just trying to throw suspicion away from themselves and onto others, oldest trick in the book. Attempting to use reverse psychology on the public by suggesting that people actually check out the information provided by myself but then telling everyone that the links are lieing and not to believe them LOL. IF YOU CONTACT THE FLORIDA TAX OFFICE all they will do is to refer you back to the sites in which I obtained my reports off of in the first place, but go a head and contact them just for sh_ts and giggles. How do I know that these people haven't changed ? BECAUSE THEY STILL HAVE MY MATERIAL ON THE CAHILL SITE and the other site belonging to my Ex is full of VENTING bull sh_t in how she was so mistreated. Both of these sites are a JOKE in my opinion and have very little to do with magic. APOLOGIZE, Cahill camp and return what you have stolen and I will go away. If not, I will be here FOREVER and ever pointing out your every move to the public in which you feed from.


New York,
New York,

#48Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 22, 2009

Your reports are biased and each individual should take upon themselves to find out the validity of the accusation if its about tax the public want to know then they should go directly to the tax office in Florida to find out the outcome,if its licensing issue the public should go directly to the licensing office, if its about the complaints that Jim has admitted to creating then the public should go to there directly and find out the outcome. Despite what Jim says about leading the public by the nose, i feel that he is, his not trying to alert the public to scam sites because these two aren't scam sites, Jim has had no contact with these people for 2-3 years or longer and does not know what these two people are doing with their lives or know how they deal with the public or how they conduct themselves his accusations are tainted with malice and if he knows them its in the past and years ago, and if Jim's clients are happy with him from all those years ago or even present then that cool too, but do not let us the public get pushed into believing these two are scammers and fakes or do not pay their licenses or tax, because Jim Morgan does not want anyone to believe these two people are genuine spell caster. There's no need for me to put doubt in the minds of the readers, they can think for themselves, they not all stupid the ones that believe Jim are free to do and maybe should think again, links prove nothing as such, the real deal is for each individual to get in touch with the appropriate authorities and find out for them selves, not listen to Jim's accusations. Jim Morgan has not seen or heard from them for a few year now, all his interested in telling everyone how bad these people are! how long has it been at least 3-5 so how would he know what kind of people these are, his knowledge of these two is off course biased as his determined to make them look bad plus he knew off them years ago. His charges against them are not valid, Jim has a hidden agenda that is to discredit these people the only way for anyone to take anything you have to say seriously is by you disappearing and let the public do their own research the validity of Jim's charges, the so call complaints doled out by him to cause discredit, your constant going on about licensee issues and tax issue despite the fact it doesn't take a genius to see that what you say is not all you trying to make it out to be, you stay this man stole your copy right yet you stated you let him use your material, make up your mind. you tell everyone these two know nothing about magic yet they have their sites a good few years. What real inside knowledge does Jim have considering he has had no contact with either of them for a good 2-3 year or even longer maybe 3-5 years. The only inside knowledge Jim has of these two people is off all those years back. The reports means nothing as it disputed, its simply not the case is it that these two spell casters are fake, one ran the business with you the other dealt with your difficult clients. What the recent poster said was that he did not have any spells casted, but you were a nice person and saw you prepare for a spell, nothing what so ever to do with Mr Jenkins, just because a clients comes up here to post nice thing if its genuine its nice, i wasn't knocking the guy just letting the public know you case if full of holes. I easily came to the conclusion i have due to the holes in your accusations, hostile presence me, no i,m not being hostile just pointing facts to the public. Let the public decide what's credible and what's not. Jim Morgan if you really want the public to respect you and take you seriously then disappear and let the public decide the validity of your claims, If you want respect let the public get the validity of your story by themselves. If these people were to come up here and tell the truth you would still look for a way to make them out to be lying.


New York,
New York,
Mr Massey

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, June 22, 2009

Mr Massey if you are a geniune client, i appologise if i appear to have come accross as shootig you down. It wasn't meant that way



#50Consumer Comment

Mon, June 22, 2009

I'm sorry, it was Jan and I in whom Greg was speaking in reguards to with his kind statements and not Mr. Jenkins and myself. It doesn't matter any way as what I said in the previous post applies just the same to you Stacy. THANK YOU Greag FOR YOUR KIND WORDS and I'm glad to hear that your doing well, Don't let any of this Bull S_it bother you up here as it's mostly Cr_p comming from hecklers reguarding Jan and myself that no one beleives any way. my name is Greg Massey i live in spring hill fl i met Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows about 4 years ago and although i have yet to have a spell done i can tell you that what they do is real they are not fakes or scam artiest i have visited and been to Jim's home and had the opportunity to see where he casts the spells and even saw him prep for one and had also had the pleasure of meeting Jan these two people are the nicest caring 2 people that i have ever met and i can say that they really care about people and take great pride in what they do and go the extra mile for their clients so for anyone who is thinking of having a spell done these two people are the the real deal i have talked to allot of other so called spell casters and all they want is some basic info they don't use or ask for personal items most of them don't give you a physical address they just want you to wire them some money under a fictitious name and then run with your money so think about it if you are looking for real help with real honest caring people then these are the people any further questions please feel free to contact me Gregfl38 spring hill, Florida



#51Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Again, Stacy, my reports aren't about getting sympathy or hatred for anyone, however they are about facts that everyone can look up for themselves. I agree that people reading this shouldn't take what I say as fact more so then a warning to research this group of individuals for themselves, so what is the problem here ? I am not attempting to lead the public by the nose as you have stated more so then alerting them to a site or sites that aren't being honest with them and who stooped to new unethical levels in attracting new Clients for themselves. Your trying to put doubt in the minds of the readers who read these post but it's not working as all they have to do is the research for themselves via the links I've provided to find out the real truth here, and thus this takes it past anything I've said about this person or group of people to the neutral state and federal agencies and their sites. Just because I don't like this group of Idiots doesn't mean that my charges against them are not valid and that they have evolved into good people by some miracle, your really don't know what these people are like any more then you know what I'm personally like in private, right ? so how can you assume that they have changed for the better especially when I have a better knowledge of them then you do. I have inside knowledge of these people and I can tell you that they haven't changed for the better, read the reports where I have linked them and moreover have proven their negative activities beyond doubt, do you see any admittance by them of their deeds or apologies, answer is no yet it is what it is. Why is it that every once and a while we get a poster like you that says they have read all the post but then calls, or assumes this person being Cahill is a nice guy and a credible spell caster ? when this is simply not the case. I mean no disrespect to you Stacy but it just boggles my mind how a seemingly educated person like yourself can get up here on a site like this and start calling the person that has exposed these fraudulent web sites a sick joke, especially after you've read all the post like you say you have. I'm not the enemy here as I am warning the public about not only these sites but another site who was just recently nailed for the copyright infringement of one of my old sites and were made to take down my material. I didn't hate them however they had my property on their site. You have stated that you feel Cahill is a credible spell caster and that I'm just attempting to paint him in a bad light, where have you obtained this theory ? did you perhaps read his web site and just feel good about something you've read within it's pages ? or did you perhaps speak to him at some point and there of decided that he's not such a bad guy. What I'm trying to determine here is how you arrived at the conclusion that he is a nice and honest guy and moreover that I'm a sick joke as you have mentioned in your previous post, especially when you've never met or spoken to me personally or him as far as I know. Is it that you just don't like me or the post that I generate or is it that you don't like spell casters as a general rule ? you know, really if you met me, you would think that I was anything but a sick joke and thus as a result would show me the respect that I am now showing you. Just your mere opening statement in calling me a sick joke even though you know very little to nothing about me causes One to think that you are a hostile presence right off from the start looking for trouble. Either that or your attempting to defend the person in question for whatever reason. In other words if you have done the research for yourself and have seen the other evidence posted on this site then you wouldn't be making such statements and I wouldn't be repeating myself over and over again. Apparently, you've never even read my old sites as you would have established by now that I am all about free thought and discovery, in fact had you read all the post in their entity you would have picked up this same message for yourself. How many times have I CLEARY linked these people together and exposed their activities in the past ? how many times have I urged the public to go and check out this information for themselves ? how many times have I out right told the public not to take what I'm saying at face value and to go and research it all for themselves ? Let me answer this for you, MANY TIMES through the last two years so please don't insinuate or directly accuse me in the way that I'm attempting to lead the public by its nose. I don't believe the public at large to be naive or ignorant in any way and I wouldn't dare in trying to lead or mislead anyone, another point that I'd like to bring up is that my repetitive post are as a result of persons JUST LIKE YOU making statements on ROR without reading the post in their entirety or doing the research to establish the facts for themselves in this matter, and thus if you don't like repetitive post coming from me then research before you post. Now, think what you will of me, as this will not change anything in my opinion as your just a person making assumptions at this point and nothing more, moreover making assumptions and developing theories based on your own thoughts and some what disregarding the facts as they apply to this situation. As far as me being a nice person deep down, I would say that I am not only a good person deep down but on the surface as well who has moreover helped hundreds of thousands of people in my life, however like anyone else I will not be walked on by some poster off the net concerning your name calling. I am a good person however I do have my moments and depending on how a person approaches me will dictate how I will treat that particular person. Lastly, you say that I am the ring leader of the entire magical profession, and or the lead of whatever or group. Firstly, this isn't true at all and I beg to differ with you on this matter or statement on your part, as I only speak for myself and those around me, I DO NOT SPEAK for every other magick site out there on the internet, so where are you getting this ? Again, I'm not going to keep writing these post on your perceived notions or opinions concerning this situation especially when you apparently haven't taken the time to read all their is to read on this conflict. You are entitled to your opinion be it a educated guess or assumption that isn't based on any factual information other then what comes out of what you have read or think pertaining to this scandal, who am I to argue. It's your opinion Stacy. Once more, please let me re-iterate my point made in another post and that is, if you think that I am completely wrong about these individuals and sites then your always free to research the information that I have provided for you, better yet perform your own investigation to establish the facts apart from anything that I've offered in the way of proof on ROR. Another thing you can do as well is in contacting Cahill himself and possibly pick up some spell work with him and then come back to this site with a report on his over all conduct and treatment of you, hopefully your report will be a positive one reflecting that your spell was a huge success. You should have no problem in doing this as you think he's real, right ? Only in this way will you determine to if he is what he says he is in the way of being a Master spell caster, right ? Oh, don't forget to ask him for his license and tax number should you decide to take me up on my offer. Lastly, I don't have Clients and I most certainly didn't get them to advertise for me when I did have Clients going on three years back now, I DON'T OWN A BUSINESS Stacy as has been stated over and over again in my previous reports through out the last year or so. I think it unfair for you to attack anyone who decides to come up here to make a nice statement about me, don't you ? as I've stated in my previous post, he was a person that came to me three years ago that didn't have any money that I moreover performed some free work for, he simply saw some nasty and untrue statements made about me by Cahill's good friends being my ex and Prantil and decided to post his opinion unknown to me at the time. He simply stated that he saw Mr. Jenkins and myself performing spells, not for him, but performing spells, Big Deal. What did this have to do with advertising for me especially when I don't own a business and moreover don't benefit monetarily from persons off the net ? what if someone said something bad about me as I'm sure your post back to them would have been a lot nicer, wouldn't it ? Better yet if someone had a kind statement for Cahill you would have more then likely yielded a kinder response, right ? you see, this is why I think your a hostile presence in the first, in the very start of your post you begin by calling me a sick joke and then attack anyone who is reasonably friendly to me, why is that ? not to mention disregarding all the facts and stating that Mr. Cahill is a nice guy and a credible spell caster, sounds like advertising to me, Stacy from New York New York. You know, I've seen positive post regarding my Ex-wife's site be they real or not, and the thing was that I never attacked these people because they posted for her, why ? because it didn't apply to me and had nothing to do with what we were talking about, SO WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING common posters on the net when they have something nice to say about me or just want to vent their opinion just like what your doing currently ?. True, I do have some postings against my ex however it was actually her hiding behind numerious fictitious names pretending to be someone else while defending her friend Cahill, Prantil and herself. But I know this isn't the case with you Stacy, and this is why I am responding back politely to your post. Again, I wish you the best Stacy



#52Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Again, Stacy, my reports aren't about getting sympathy or hatred for anyone, however they are about facts that everyone can look up for themselves. I agree that people reading this shouldn't take what I say as fact more so then a warning to research this group of individuals for themselves, so what is the problem here ? I am not attempting to lead the public by the nose as you have stated more so then alerting them to a site or sites that aren't being honest with them and who stooped to new unethical levels in attracting new Clients for themselves. Your trying to put doubt in the minds of the readers who read these post but it's not working as all they have to do is the research for themselves via the links I've provided to find out the real truth here, and thus this takes it past anything I've said about this person or group of people to the neutral state and federal agencies and their sites. Just because I don't like this group of Idiots doesn't mean that my charges against them are not valid and that they have evolved into good people by some miracle, your really don't know what these people are like any more then you know what I'm personally like in private, right ? so how can you assume that they have changed for the better especially when I have a better knowledge of them then you do. I have inside knowledge of these people and I can tell you that they haven't changed for the better, read the reports where I have linked them and moreover have proven their negative activities beyond doubt, do you see any admittance by them of their deeds or apologies, answer is no yet it is what it is. Why is it that every once and a while we get a poster like you that says they have read all the post but then calls, or assumes this person being Cahill is a nice guy and a credible spell caster ? when this is simply not the case. I mean no disrespect to you Stacy but it just boggles my mind how a seemingly educated person like yourself can get up here on a site like this and start calling the person that has exposed these fraudulent web sites a sick joke, especially after you've read all the post like you say you have. I'm not the enemy here as I am warning the public about not only these sites but another site who was just recently nailed for the copyright infringement of one of my old sites and were made to take down my material. I didn't hate them however they had my property on their site. You have stated that you feel Cahill is a credible spell caster and that I'm just attempting to paint him in a bad light, where have you obtained this theory ? did you perhaps read his web site and just feel good about something you've read within it's pages ? or did you perhaps speak to him at some point and there of decided that he's not such a bad guy. What I'm trying to determine here is how you arrived at the conclusion that he is a nice and honest guy and moreover that I'm a sick joke as you have mentioned in your previous post, especially when you've never met or spoken to me personally or him as far as I know. Is it that you just don't like me or the post that I generate or is it that you don't like spell casters as a general rule ? you know, really if you met me, you would think that I was anything but a sick joke and thus as a result would show me the respect that I am now showing you. Just your mere opening statement in calling me a sick joke even though you know very little to nothing about me causes One to think that you are a hostile presence right off from the start looking for trouble. Either that or your attempting to defend the person in question for whatever reason. In other words if you have done the research for yourself and have seen the other evidence posted on this site then you wouldn't be making such statements and I wouldn't be repeating myself over and over again. Apparently, you've never even read my old sites as you would have established by now that I am all about free thought and discovery, in fact had you read all the post in their entity you would have picked up this same message for yourself. How many times have I CLEARY linked these people together and exposed their activities in the past ? how many times have I urged the public to go and check out this information for themselves ? how many times have I out right told the public not to take what I'm saying at face value and to go and research it all for themselves ? Let me answer this for you, MANY TIMES through the last two years so please don't insinuate or directly accuse me in the way that I'm attempting to lead the public by its nose. I don't believe the public at large to be naive or ignorant in any way and I wouldn't dare in trying to lead or mislead anyone, another point that I'd like to bring up is that my repetitive post are as a result of persons JUST LIKE YOU making statements on ROR without reading the post in their entirety or doing the research to establish the facts for themselves in this matter, and thus if you don't like repetitive post coming from me then research before you post. Now, think what you will of me, as this will not change anything in my opinion as your just a person making assumptions at this point and nothing more, moreover making assumptions and developing theories based on your own thoughts and some what disregarding the facts as they apply to this situation. As far as me being a nice person deep down, I would say that I am not only a good person deep down but on the surface as well who has moreover helped hundreds of thousands of people in my life, however like anyone else I will not be walked on by some poster off the net concerning your name calling. I am a good person however I do have my moments and depending on how a person approaches me will dictate how I will treat that particular person. Lastly, you say that I am the ring leader of the entire magical profession, and or the lead of whatever or group. Firstly, this isn't true at all and I beg to differ with you on this matter or statement on your part, as I only speak for myself and those around me, I DO NOT SPEAK for every other magick site out there on the internet, so where are you getting this ? Again, I'm not going to keep writing these post on your perceived notions or opinions concerning this situation especially when you apparently haven't taken the time to read all their is to read on this conflict. You are entitled to your opinion be it a educated guess or assumption that isn't based on any factual information other then what comes out of what you have read or think pertaining to this scandal, who am I to argue. It's your opinion Stacy. Once more, please let me re-iterate my point made in another post and that is, if you think that I am completely wrong about these individuals and sites then your always free to research the information that I have provided for you, better yet perform your own investigation to establish the facts apart from anything that I've offered in the way of proof on ROR. Another thing you can do as well is in contacting Cahill himself and possibly pick up some spell work with him and then come back to this site with a report on his over all conduct and treatment of you, hopefully your report will be a positive one reflecting that your spell was a huge success. You should have no problem in doing this as you think he's real, right ? Only in this way will you determine to if he is what he says he is in the way of being a Master spell caster, right ? Oh, don't forget to ask him for his license and tax number should you decide to take me up on my offer. Lastly, I don't have Clients and I most certainly didn't get them to advertise for me when I did have Clients going on three years back now, I DON'T OWN A BUSINESS Stacy as has been stated over and over again in my previous reports through out the last year or so. I think it unfair for you to attack anyone who decides to come up here to make a nice statement about me, don't you ? as I've stated in my previous post, he was a person that came to me three years ago that didn't have any money that I moreover performed some free work for, he simply saw some nasty and untrue statements made about me by Cahill's good friends being my ex and Prantil and decided to post his opinion unknown to me at the time. He simply stated that he saw Mr. Jenkins and myself performing spells, not for him, but performing spells, Big Deal. What did this have to do with advertising for me especially when I don't own a business and moreover don't benefit monetarily from persons off the net ? what if someone said something bad about me as I'm sure your post back to them would have been a lot nicer, wouldn't it ? Better yet if someone had a kind statement for Cahill you would have more then likely yielded a kinder response, right ? you see, this is why I think your a hostile presence in the first, in the very start of your post you begin by calling me a sick joke and then attack anyone who is reasonably friendly to me, why is that ? not to mention disregarding all the facts and stating that Mr. Cahill is a nice guy and a credible spell caster, sounds like advertising to me, Stacy from New York New York. You know, I've seen positive post regarding my Ex-wife's site be they real or not, and the thing was that I never attacked these people because they posted for her, why ? because it didn't apply to me and had nothing to do with what we were talking about, SO WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING common posters on the net when they have something nice to say about me or just want to vent their opinion just like what your doing currently ?. True, I do have some postings against my ex however it was actually her hiding behind numerious fictitious names pretending to be someone else while defending her friend Cahill, Prantil and herself. But I know this isn't the case with you Stacy, and this is why I am responding back politely to your post. Again, I wish you the best Stacy



#53Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Again, Stacy, my reports aren't about getting sympathy or hatred for anyone, however they are about facts that everyone can look up for themselves. I agree that people reading this shouldn't take what I say as fact more so then a warning to research this group of individuals for themselves, so what is the problem here ? I am not attempting to lead the public by the nose as you have stated more so then alerting them to a site or sites that aren't being honest with them and who stooped to new unethical levels in attracting new Clients for themselves. Your trying to put doubt in the minds of the readers who read these post but it's not working as all they have to do is the research for themselves via the links I've provided to find out the real truth here, and thus this takes it past anything I've said about this person or group of people to the neutral state and federal agencies and their sites. Just because I don't like this group of Idiots doesn't mean that my charges against them are not valid and that they have evolved into good people by some miracle, your really don't know what these people are like any more then you know what I'm personally like in private, right ? so how can you assume that they have changed for the better especially when I have a better knowledge of them then you do. I have inside knowledge of these people and I can tell you that they haven't changed for the better, read the reports where I have linked them and moreover have proven their negative activities beyond doubt, do you see any admittance by them of their deeds or apologies, answer is no yet it is what it is. Why is it that every once and a while we get a poster like you that says they have read all the post but then calls, or assumes this person being Cahill is a nice guy and a credible spell caster ? when this is simply not the case. I mean no disrespect to you Stacy but it just boggles my mind how a seemingly educated person like yourself can get up here on a site like this and start calling the person that has exposed these fraudulent web sites a sick joke, especially after you've read all the post like you say you have. I'm not the enemy here as I am warning the public about not only these sites but another site who was just recently nailed for the copyright infringement of one of my old sites and were made to take down my material. I didn't hate them however they had my property on their site. You have stated that you feel Cahill is a credible spell caster and that I'm just attempting to paint him in a bad light, where have you obtained this theory ? did you perhaps read his web site and just feel good about something you've read within it's pages ? or did you perhaps speak to him at some point and there of decided that he's not such a bad guy. What I'm trying to determine here is how you arrived at the conclusion that he is a nice and honest guy and moreover that I'm a sick joke as you have mentioned in your previous post, especially when you've never met or spoken to me personally or him as far as I know. Is it that you just don't like me or the post that I generate or is it that you don't like spell casters as a general rule ? you know, really if you met me, you would think that I was anything but a sick joke and thus as a result would show me the respect that I am now showing you. Just your mere opening statement in calling me a sick joke even though you know very little to nothing about me causes One to think that you are a hostile presence right off from the start looking for trouble. Either that or your attempting to defend the person in question for whatever reason. In other words if you have done the research for yourself and have seen the other evidence posted on this site then you wouldn't be making such statements and I wouldn't be repeating myself over and over again. Apparently, you've never even read my old sites as you would have established by now that I am all about free thought and discovery, in fact had you read all the post in their entity you would have picked up this same message for yourself. How many times have I CLEARY linked these people together and exposed their activities in the past ? how many times have I urged the public to go and check out this information for themselves ? how many times have I out right told the public not to take what I'm saying at face value and to go and research it all for themselves ? Let me answer this for you, MANY TIMES through the last two years so please don't insinuate or directly accuse me in the way that I'm attempting to lead the public by its nose. I don't believe the public at large to be naive or ignorant in any way and I wouldn't dare in trying to lead or mislead anyone, another point that I'd like to bring up is that my repetitive post are as a result of persons JUST LIKE YOU making statements on ROR without reading the post in their entirety or doing the research to establish the facts for themselves in this matter, and thus if you don't like repetitive post coming from me then research before you post. Now, think what you will of me, as this will not change anything in my opinion as your just a person making assumptions at this point and nothing more, moreover making assumptions and developing theories based on your own thoughts and some what disregarding the facts as they apply to this situation. As far as me being a nice person deep down, I would say that I am not only a good person deep down but on the surface as well who has moreover helped hundreds of thousands of people in my life, however like anyone else I will not be walked on by some poster off the net concerning your name calling. I am a good person however I do have my moments and depending on how a person approaches me will dictate how I will treat that particular person. Lastly, you say that I am the ring leader of the entire magical profession, and or the lead of whatever or group. Firstly, this isn't true at all and I beg to differ with you on this matter or statement on your part, as I only speak for myself and those around me, I DO NOT SPEAK for every other magick site out there on the internet, so where are you getting this ? Again, I'm not going to keep writing these post on your perceived notions or opinions concerning this situation especially when you apparently haven't taken the time to read all their is to read on this conflict. You are entitled to your opinion be it a educated guess or assumption that isn't based on any factual information other then what comes out of what you have read or think pertaining to this scandal, who am I to argue. It's your opinion Stacy. Once more, please let me re-iterate my point made in another post and that is, if you think that I am completely wrong about these individuals and sites then your always free to research the information that I have provided for you, better yet perform your own investigation to establish the facts apart from anything that I've offered in the way of proof on ROR. Another thing you can do as well is in contacting Cahill himself and possibly pick up some spell work with him and then come back to this site with a report on his over all conduct and treatment of you, hopefully your report will be a positive one reflecting that your spell was a huge success. You should have no problem in doing this as you think he's real, right ? Only in this way will you determine to if he is what he says he is in the way of being a Master spell caster, right ? Oh, don't forget to ask him for his license and tax number should you decide to take me up on my offer. Lastly, I don't have Clients and I most certainly didn't get them to advertise for me when I did have Clients going on three years back now, I DON'T OWN A BUSINESS Stacy as has been stated over and over again in my previous reports through out the last year or so. I think it unfair for you to attack anyone who decides to come up here to make a nice statement about me, don't you ? as I've stated in my previous post, he was a person that came to me three years ago that didn't have any money that I moreover performed some free work for, he simply saw some nasty and untrue statements made about me by Cahill's good friends being my ex and Prantil and decided to post his opinion unknown to me at the time. He simply stated that he saw Mr. Jenkins and myself performing spells, not for him, but performing spells, Big Deal. What did this have to do with advertising for me especially when I don't own a business and moreover don't benefit monetarily from persons off the net ? what if someone said something bad about me as I'm sure your post back to them would have been a lot nicer, wouldn't it ? Better yet if someone had a kind statement for Cahill you would have more then likely yielded a kinder response, right ? you see, this is why I think your a hostile presence in the first, in the very start of your post you begin by calling me a sick joke and then attack anyone who is reasonably friendly to me, why is that ? not to mention disregarding all the facts and stating that Mr. Cahill is a nice guy and a credible spell caster, sounds like advertising to me, Stacy from New York New York. You know, I've seen positive post regarding my Ex-wife's site be they real or not, and the thing was that I never attacked these people because they posted for her, why ? because it didn't apply to me and had nothing to do with what we were talking about, SO WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING common posters on the net when they have something nice to say about me or just want to vent their opinion just like what your doing currently ?. True, I do have some postings against my ex however it was actually her hiding behind numerious fictitious names pretending to be someone else while defending her friend Cahill, Prantil and herself. But I know this isn't the case with you Stacy, and this is why I am responding back politely to your post. Again, I wish you the best Stacy


New York,
New York,
clients advertise for free

#54Consumer Comment

Thu, June 18, 2009

Its great that they nice people and I'm sure they are in their own way, but at the same time this was suppose to be 4 years ago a lot has happened since and people change, to what we don't know, business people are always nice to their clients, no one knows what these people are like in private. If magic floats anyone's boat then why not enjoy it, there are always going to be honest verses scammer spell caster out there the point is to not believe everything that is said and do your back ground check, its seems to be there is a lot of trashing of this person and that person going on, but as outsiders we are suppose to believe everything that has been said with regards to fake site and domain names and tax and license, domain names and old business sites are not even a real issue, anyone can compile a complaint against anyone on these better business bureau and other sites any one can make up issues, what counts is that you do your homework and get a true picture, do not let others convince you, just do your own research, there seems to be a lot of vindictiveness going and for this reason alone you should not take all at face value, who's to say if this spell caster is not authentic and real spell caster or even a decent bloke,who is made to look bad, just as who's to say the other two aren't nice people as its been stated, and why would any sensible person believe what's been said. There is a lot of vindictiveness going on that's for sure and its high time everyone just grew up and moved on. its seems to be 3 years of the same things being brought up. People who want to trash this spell caster give it a rest cause its been done so many times its absurd, to those who want to stand up for the spell caster, we get you and really its just common sense to check out the information. get over yourselves and get on with life. I believe the spell caster and his site is not fake and his an authentic spell caster, and i'm sure the other two people are nice in their own way, at the end of the day i get the feeling the reason this continues is because certain people just want sympathy and want everyone to believe that they the only ones who can do magic and tell the truth, its all so very stupid and ridiculous and no one is fooling anyone. If anything its giving us the outsiders the public something to laugh about, we see it for what it is, why not just cut the bull s**t and move on, or is rip off suppose to be used as a form of advertising makes some of us out here wonder. Bring on the clients and get them to advertise Mmmmmmmm


Spring Hill,
Attn to all who read this

#55Consumer Comment

Sun, June 14, 2009

my name is Greg Massey i live in spring hill fl i met Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows about 4 years ago and although i have yet to have a spell done i can tell you that what they do is real they are not fakes or scam artiest i have visited and been to Jim's home and had the opportunity to see where he casts the spells and even saw him prep for one and had also had the pleasure of meeting Jan these two people are the nicest caring 2 people that i have ever met and i can say that they really care about people and take great pride in what they do and go the extra mile for their clients so for anyone who is thinking of having a spell done these two people are the the real deal i have talked to allot of other so called spell casters and all they want is some basic info they don't use or ask for personal items most of them don't give you a physical address they just want you to wire them some money under a fictitious name and then run with your money so think about it if you are looking for real help with real honest caring people then these are the people any further questions please feel free to contact me Gregfl38 spring hill, Florida U.S.A.


New York,
New York,
do your own research not follow someone else's

#56Consumer Comment

Thu, June 11, 2009

These people really are a sick joke, not to mention pathetic, its truly never amazes me how low some people will go, it absolutely disgusting how human beings can behave towards one and other, the public should keep away from people like these, these kind of people lie, cheat and are untrustworthy and people should form their OWN OPTIONS and not take on, options OF OTHERS. If there is such a thing as magic and if there are people out there who want to believe in magic at least do yourselves a favor and be sure to contact relevant persons who can give you the correct information, contact the appropriate persons in the area where the magican is based, this way each person considering taking up a spell will get the correct information and will know if they authentic or fake, don't automatically assume what other people have to say as fact.


Not Good Enough

#57Author of original report

Tue, June 09, 2009

Well, well, quite impressive Harry, LOL. My apologies in chucking because I know who you really are not to mention that your report just further proves my case against this other site not worth mentioning again over and over again, you see Harry, I did call all the phone numbers you so graciously provided for us all while further researching the links found on these official web sites that I was referred to via the people that I spoke with in these official offices. Perhaps you should of called these folks before writing your report, Harry. They were very accommodating in the way of referring me to their web sites that led me back to the same information that I had provided in my previous reports regarding this particular individual and site, as it turns out, and being no surprise to me, this person isn't listed as a credible business anywhere other then being shown as a inactive Entity on the D.O.C with a expired license. I called the I.R.S looking for a tax number to On Target and Magic Angel only to be referred back to the Department Of Corporation site, no listing found at all on the Florida Sun Biz site or with the I.R.S in the way of a tax number lol. Your information was extremely helpful in the way that this small commission in Florida doesn't require a venders license in his county or the local taxes there of, however this means very little and has absoluty nothing to do with the required state fictitious business name or the federal tax ID number to which he apparently doesn't have. Hasn't had for four years. The credentials he should have in order to be viewed as a legitimate business on or off line as you very well know. So, what do we have here ? A UN-LICENSED SITE with out a registered state fictitious business name with the Florida Secretary Of State, who has further been operating on the internet without any record of him ever being listed by such credible agencies as the I.R.S, Florida Sun Biz , Florida Division Of Corporations, Secretary Of State and Clearwater Florida Tax Collectors office other then his four year exasperation status. I would just like to thank you again for your exemplary research along with all your efforts in clearing this persons name under all your other fictitious names, but again, You have failed in proving your case regarding not only this matter but in anything else you've posted on this site over the last two years against anyone. Do yourself a favor and don't taunt me because it will only get worse before it gets any better as you are completely out of your league here and not as smart as you think you are. THIS MAGIC SITE IS NOT REAL. Really, all I have to do is in getting one more posting from you and the next steps will be enacted through other channels as I'm tired of you wasting my time with your poor defenses and mindless head games. BACK OFF in other words. Lastly, I would strongly encourage anyone reading this to go and check out the information provided by Harry regarding this site, This information is extremely helpful in the way that it will yield much insight into the activities of this internet magic site in question and the man who runs it.


Not Good Enough

#58Author of original report

Tue, June 09, 2009

Well, well, quite impressive Harry, LOL. My apologies in chucking because I know who you really are not to mention that your report just further proves my case against this other site not worth mentioning again over and over again, you see Harry, I did call all the phone numbers you so graciously provided for us all while further researching the links found on these official web sites that I was referred to via the people that I spoke with in these official offices. Perhaps you should of called these folks before writing your report, Harry. They were very accommodating in the way of referring me to their web sites that led me back to the same information that I had provided in my previous reports regarding this particular individual and site, as it turns out, and being no surprise to me, this person isn't listed as a credible business anywhere other then being shown as a inactive Entity on the D.O.C with a expired license. I called the I.R.S looking for a tax number to On Target and Magic Angel only to be referred back to the Department Of Corporation site, no listing found at all on the Florida Sun Biz site or with the I.R.S in the way of a tax number lol. Your information was extremely helpful in the way that this small commission in Florida doesn't require a venders license in his county or the local taxes there of, however this means very little and has absoluty nothing to do with the required state fictitious business name or the federal tax ID number to which he apparently doesn't have. Hasn't had for four years. The credentials he should have in order to be viewed as a legitimate business on or off line as you very well know. So, what do we have here ? A UN-LICENSED SITE with out a registered state fictitious business name with the Florida Secretary Of State, who has further been operating on the internet without any record of him ever being listed by such credible agencies as the I.R.S, Florida Sun Biz , Florida Division Of Corporations, Secretary Of State and Clearwater Florida Tax Collectors office other then his four year exasperation status. I would just like to thank you again for your exemplary research along with all your efforts in clearing this persons name under all your other fictitious names, but again, You have failed in proving your case regarding not only this matter but in anything else you've posted on this site over the last two years against anyone. Do yourself a favor and don't taunt me because it will only get worse before it gets any better as you are completely out of your league here and not as smart as you think you are. THIS MAGIC SITE IS NOT REAL. Really, all I have to do is in getting one more posting from you and the next steps will be enacted through other channels as I'm tired of you wasting my time with your poor defenses and mindless head games. BACK OFF in other words. Lastly, I would strongly encourage anyone reading this to go and check out the information provided by Harry regarding this site, This information is extremely helpful in the way that it will yield much insight into the activities of this internet magic site in question and the man who runs it.


contact address for florida state for licesening purposes for taniable and non tangible licence issues

#59Consumer Comment

Sun, May 03, 2009

contact address for florida state for licesening purposes for taniable and non tangible licence issues city safety harbor for website; OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING 750 Main St Safety Harbor, FL 34695, United States (727) 724-1515 ? Occupational Licenses The Board of County Commissioners passed a resolution on 7-25-95 repealing the requirement of obtaining a Pinellas County occupational license. ORDINANCE NO. 95-53 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF PINELLAS PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CHAPTER 1 18, ARTICLE IV, DIVISION I, SECTIONS 118-161 THROUGH 118-235 OF THE PINELLAS COUNTY CODE AND DECLARING THE SAME NULL AND VOID AND OF NO EFFECT; SUCH THAT THOSE PERSONS REQUIRED UNDER THE ORDINANCE TO PAY THE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX AND OBTAIN A COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE IN ORDER TO ENGAGE IN OR MANAGE ANY BUSINESS; PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION WITHIN THE COUNTY SHALL NO LONGER BE REQUIRED TO PAY SUCH TAX OR OBTAIN SUCH OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE/BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section I. That Chapter 118, Article IV, Division 1, Sections 118-161 through 118-235 of the PineIlas County Code is hereby repealed and declared null and void and of no effect. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect September 30, 1995. As a result, this license is no longer needed for businesses operating in unincorporated areas of Pinellas County. Businesses located within city limits should contact that city hall, occupational license division, to determine any local licensing laws. Each municipality must be contacted to obtain information on their requirements for conducting business within their limits, including taxes and registration. Contractors are to contact the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board, 12600 Belcher Rd., Ste. 102, Largo FL 33773 727-536-4720 for certification. For a Tax ID#, please call the State Department of Revenue at 727-538-7400. For additional State of Florida information, please call 411. If you have any questions, please contact the Tax Collector at 727-464-7777.



#60Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 11, 2009

http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#394211 In regards to the On Target Productions license that Mr. Cahill is currently working under, or running his business of Magic Angel Spells under at www.magicangelspells.com is vastly expired. This same license obtained for: On Target Productions, is at least five years out of date and had expired about the time that he opened up his two MSN group sites. If you follow these links by simply copying and pasting them into your browser, you can view the actual records filed with the Division Of Corporations at http://www.sunbiz.org/FIC/1999/0714/8525400D.TIF . You will also notice that this expired license is in both his EX-WIFE name, who doesn't like him very much, and his own name. I wonder if she knows that he is working under a expired license with her name on it ?. She would be investigated as well by the I.R.S should Cahill not be able to answer for this licensing issue in a satisfactory manner to any agency. Also, why isn't he showing up as a sole proprietorship if he has changed his business status in some way ?. Why, is he still registered with certain agencies under a obsolete fictitious business name ?. Let me answer this for you, He's not legal as a business, would be my guess. He is registered with the B.B.B under On Target Productions but not under magic angel spells, why is this ?. When you search him against the B.B.B computer base, you can find him under Magician Supplies, I wonder if he's selling actual items on his sites without the special licenses he would need for selling items or did he deceive the BBB by telling them that he sold tangible items just to get listed. The B.B.B won't list a business that sells non-tangible services. You would also have to pay additional tax on a tangible selling licenses, Has he been paying taxes on the items that he's possibly selling ?, who knows, however this would be a matter for the I.R.S and other agencies to find out as far as I'm concerned. May I direct the Viewer to the very bottom of this post under the B.B.B REPORT, Please notice Mr. Cahill's listings under On Target Productions along with his additional web site page of http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw. This web page of http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw was sited and reported to MSN for copyright infringement along with a couple of his other MSN GROUP sites. Please read the following action taken against Mr. Cahill for his copyright infringement by MSN GROUPS below. Please keep in mind that he had only registered a sub web page with the B.B.B and not the actual site of http://communities.msn.com/angelicseals to which was deleted by MSN etc. SRX1047180129ID - MSN Groups Warning - Action Required (Angelic Seals)? From: Microsoft Customer Support (GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com) Sent: Mon 10/15/07 11:27 PM To: [email protected] Hello Managers, We have found materials involving Copyright Infringement in your Group, Angelic Seals. Please refer to the following links for reference: Please remove these materials and any other images, messages or links in your Group that violate the MSN Groups Code of Conduct within 48 hours. Violations include, but are not limited to, nudity, partial nudity, pornography, harassment, and illegal or offensive behavior. For a complete description of content that is not allowed on MSN Groups, please visit our Code of Conduct at: http://groups.msn.com/conduct If you remove all violating content, your Group will again be in accordance with the MSN Groups Code of Conduct, and will remain accessible for your use. Otherwise, we will be forced to close down your Group. Thank you for helping MSN Groups provide a friendly and safe experience for all of our customers. Sincerely, MSN Groups Customer Support RE: SRX1047214752ID - URGENT PLEASE READ? From: Microsoft Customer Support(GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com Sent: Wed 10/17/07 7:50 AM To: james morgan ([email protected]) Hello James, Thank you for writing to back MSN Groups. We appreciate your effort in informing us about the inappropriate activity at the 'angelicseals' Group. We are pleased to inform you that the Group 'angelicseals' has already been disabled for non-compliance of our warning regarding the copyright infringement you reported to us. We want your MSN Groups experience to be positive and we will do our best to restrain illegal behavior. We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using MSN Groups. Sincerely, Jeffrey MSN Groups Customer Support. If you would like to see how long Cahill's site of Magic Angel Spells has been up and running on this invalid license then please click this link of http://web.archive.org/web/*sr_1nr_10/http://magicangelspells.com/* as it will take you to the internet archives to which connects magic angel spells to on target productions via the same Owner name Information and address that is used for the www.magicangelspells.com site. I believe he's been operating three or four years according to these records on magic angel spells and thus some time back from that concerning the http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw site he operated. Incidentally, this group site was registered under the same name, phone and address information as can be seen on all the other sites operated by Cahill. Lastly, at the bottom of this report, you can view the yahoo server information that host his site of magic angel spells under the same Admin Name and address such as: Owner- Stanley Cahill, Admin Address........ 29720 67th street and telephone number of 1-727-787-0988. Now, my questions are: Aren't you suppose to have a license to operate a lawful business on or off the net ? and what about taxes. Aren't you suppose to pay taxes to the state and federal government as a result of running a ethical and legal business ?. It seems, that he was running his businesses for four or five on a bad license years to avoid paying taxes. WOW, How did he pay his taxes ?. Certainly not under the names he reported as his business. We can only guess concerning this tax issue and add this to his all ready long list of negative attributes or questionable deeds, can't we. Why is he listing a site page that was closed by MSN on the B.B.B ? pertaining to his page of http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw , when it along with seven other pages were sited for copyright infringement by MSN and my Attorneys. Stupidity, that's why, either that or he has a huge set of balls. THIS IS ALL A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD and anyone can go and see this information for themselves. I would strongly encourage all of you out there to do so before giving this PUTTS your hard earned money. Why is having a license so important ? you ask, it's important because this is the way that the public tracks a business and reports them either for bad behavior, or refers others to them for good services. A business does its part in paying taxes and becoming credible to the public by pulling its own weight. A way that a consumer can hold a company accountable for services and products and get their money back should they be not happy with those service or product. We the public have to pay all kinds of taxes, and business aren't exempt from the rule, no more then they are any different then the rest of us in other respects when it comes to following the rules. Mike Cahill and his sites would appear to not be playing by the rules. Perhaps, Mr. Cahill knows something that we don't, perhaps we have missed something along the way. Maybe Cahill does have a valid license to operate on the air and someone just forgot to update these official sites exhibiting his professional information. Not likely, but It happens on occasion. Again, perhaps Mr. Cahill would be good enough to show us all his current license on Rip Off Reports, or at least give us his license and tax number. DEMAND TO SEE HIS LICENSE to operate legally on the air via email or in another form of medium. I'm sure he won't mind giving you this information and answering any questions or concerns you might have about this posting, will you, Cahill ?. Now, I've warned the Cahill camp to get lost, but they just keep coming back under fictitious names and posting garbage on us for whatever reason, I would suspect that they are just to stupid to listen to good advice. Moreover, attempting to post their garbage over constructive magical advice or material geared to prevent the public from being scammed by fake spell casters, why is this I wonder ? why would they do such a thing ?. Do you not like these positive and constructive tips in avoiding scam sites for the public, Cahill camp ?. Is this information touching a nerve with you in the way that people should get everything in writing or emails and not make their deals with anyone over the phone ?. James, if you like Mr. Cahill and use his services, moreover wish to use him for future spell work because he has cast two spells for you that worked, then this is great and most certainly your prerogative. As far as his magical capabilities well, this is up for debate concerning his magical skill on any level. Perhaps, you are a good person that Divinity just decided to go a head and grant your prayer as a result, before Cahill did anything for you. So lets just agree to disagree on that one, unless Cahill would like to come up here directly and debate this issue of magical knowledge on his part with me. Is this a personal matter ?, yes and no, would be the answer to your summations. I don't like the guy because of what I know of him personally, plus the fact of what he's tried to carry out against Jan and myself through others upon this site. So yes, it's personal to a extent, however it is also a professional matter and public safety issue as well, I don't believe that Cahill should get away with what he has done against others and the public via his LYING efforts concerning different matters and Deceptive practices. Turning on clients, using clients for negative purposes, copyright infringement etc. Let's look at his latest example of bad behavior in telling everyone that he had a license to practice on the air ways for five years to which he obviously doesn't and didn't according to the D.O.C etc. What about him misrepresenting himself to the B.B.B just to get listed, That is of course unless he really does sell tangible items not to mention having a license to do so. I think the guy is a scum bucket of the worst kind and I wouldn't trust him any further then I could see him. James, may I wish you the best of luck in your cases with Cahill along with all that you do in life. I will say this, Your post are much more constructive and positive in nature verses what I've been getting here lately via these other posters. Thank you so much for for your comments my friend. Moving on to Dion, you sound absoluty, and verifiably retarded in your last post. You know what I think ? I think your my EX-WIFE breaking a restraining order that was more so placed on you by a Superior Court of California back about a year ago. I also believe that you informed by myself of what I was going to do with the I.P addresses and the mass submitting of all the dragon scandal links in a previous post, as a result of these negative postings continuing, Right ? and now, I am going to peruse this along with other legal actions against the ex and Cahill. I strongly believe you are my ex. If you not the EX , then your just some Idiot coming off the net venting your one sided and uninformed opinions to which are utterly ridicules. So, which are you ? A Idiot off the net venting a one sided opinions of that in which you know nothing about, or my EX ?. Are you a lunatic babbling away or just someone who has a vendetta against me for some reason. Are you a client, friend, family member of Cahill's ? or just someone trying to keep this thing going. Viewers, please notice the mimicking of my statements and the repetitive messages found in the Amy and Dion postings found here at http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#394186. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/283/RipOff0283265.htm. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/283/RipOff0283265.htm . http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/283/RipOff0283265.htm#390054. Please Notice how they all say the same thing about me and fail to answer any of my questions as to what their actual identity would be. See them avoiding my questions concerning their actual complaints against us via the negative tones of their post. Lastly, notice how their post sound like one and the same person posting against my personal character only. It's pretty obvious what's going on here with these posters or poster. Sounds like a disgruntled ex to me defending her new love. Dion, are you a drunk trying to sound profoundly intelligent ?, Of course, I'm going off of your last posting against me. What the hell are you talking about with all this gibberish ? WAIT,,, don't answer that, as I don't feel like reading anymore of your rederick. Perhaps, your all the above, now that I think about it. If your a poster that believes in what your saying pertaining to me, then contact me and vent your concerns directly instead of hiding behind a anonymous name or names, Better yet, you can tell everyone up here what your real name is along with providing a contact number in which they can contact you directly to make yourself more credible in the public eye. Tell them directly what you think of me instead of being a F_cking coward hiding behind a fake name. You keep speaking about me like you know me in some way, however I don't recognize or know you from what I can tell in the way of you being a past client, friend, foe or otherwise. You just come out of the blue talking your B.S but have nothing to back it up with, why is that ?. You claim to know very personal things about me, but how could you know anything because you have never met me, correct ?. What are you ? some kind of fruity groupie stalker or something. The only other possibility I can come up with here, is that your my EX-WIFE attempting to defend your little boy friend Mike Cahill and his sites. That moreover keeps jumping from name to name on this site when you get your a*s kicked in a posting. How fearless of you if this is the case. You keep attacking my character for whatever reason with your same old repetitive, venting and negative statements but yield nothing else in the way of proof. You say nothing constructive about me at all. Tell me, why haven't I heard you say anything negative about Mr. Cahill ?. I don't think your going to give anyone your contact number or name for the sole reason that you don't want your stupid charges to be linked to your real name, perhaps for legal reasons. Hey guys, ask Dion and AMY for their real names and contact numbers to see who they really are, you might be surprised when speaking to to them if you get that far, LOL. I bet you ten dollars this person is one and the same who won't give you anything information wise, as this person is just up here talking B.S by trying to tell everyone what a bad person I am with my ego and all. Again, I'm not going to keep posting back to this sh_t, however I will be taking other more stringent legal measures behind the scenes to stop your badmouthing of us, and to make sure the Cahill camp adheres to the same rules that others must follow in society. I've tried to leave this posting a couple of time in the past, but it's just not working as you KEEP POSTING your Cr_p allegations, and or running your mouth. Lastly, Mr. Cahill, you and others have lied continually to the public regarding numerous issues both on the net and behind the scenes, and thus I have no other choice but pursuing you once more through private, state and federal agencies along with exposing you further via this post. The fact of the matter is, YOU DON'T LIKE BEING EXPOSED to the public, do you ? and that's why were getting a few negative post here and there against us coming from these anonymous posters AMY and Dion etc. I have also turned you in to the agencies mentioned above and you will be contacted as a result of my complaints against you. Say what you will in attempting to debunk this post Dion or whoever you are, however please know that you will be calling federal and state agencies liars instead of me, as these reports are coming from public records and NOT ME. I also have much more in the way of verifiable information against you Cahill, but I am purposely holding back at this point in time to see what you and your little friends will say concerning this post. I only had one more report to make on your good friend Mary Prantil, however you and your friends have pulled me back to you. If I were you at this point in the game, I would just fade away back to the Sh_t hole where you crawled out of when I first met you. Owner Information Division Of Corporations www.sunbiz.org Fictitious Name ON TARGET PRODUCTIONS Filing Information Document Number G99193900173 Status EXPIRED Filed Date 07/13/1999 Expiration Date 12/31/2004 Current Owners 2 County PINELLAS http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/ficidet.exeaction=DETOWN&docnum=G99193900173&seq=000000001&format=P&name=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20STANLEY%20%20%20%20%20%20%20M%2e&rdocnum=G05159900108&rseq=000000002&rformat=P&rname=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20SNOW%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20TUYET Total Pages 1 Events Filed NONE FEI Number NONE Mailing Address 29720 67TH STREET CLEARWATER, FL 33761 Owner Information CAHILL, STANLEY M. 29720 67TH ST. CLEARWATER, FL 33761 FEI Number: NONE Document Number: NONE CAHILL, KAREN 29720 67TH ST. CLEARWATER, FL 33761 FEI Number: NONE Document Number: NONE Document Images 07/13/1999 -- REGISTRATION ACTUAL LINK FOR EXSPIRED LICENSING : http://www.sunbiz.org/FIC/1999/0714/8525400D.TIF WAY BACK MACHINE LINKS TO CAHILL'S SITE OF MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS : http://web.archive.org/web/*sr_1nr_10/http://magicangelspells.com/* CAHILL'S SITE OF www.magicangelspells.com Whois Record for Magicangelspells.com ( Magic Angel Spells ) Click to Edit Front Page Information Website Title: www.magicangelspells.com - Love Spells, Magik, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Voodoo, Angel Majik, Spell Casting Service Title Relevancy 76% Meta Description: Our spell casting service is customized for your needs including high advanced extreme black and white magic,voodo and witchcraft to custom fit your needs and price range with discounted and free spells offered. Description Relevancy: 79% relevant. AboutUs: Wiki article on Magicangelspells.com SEO Score: 87% Terms: 1129 (Unique: 406, Linked: 0) Images: 29 (Alt tags missing: 29) Links: 14 (Internal: 14, Outbound: 0) Indexed Data Registry Data ICANN Registrar: MELBOURNE IT, LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE Created: 2004-07-13 Expires: 2008-07-13 Registrar Status: ok Name Server: YNS1.YAHOO.COM Name Server: YNS2.YAHOO.COM Whois Server: whois.melbourneit.com Server Data IP Address: IP Location - Illinois - Chicago - Yahoo! Response Code: 200 Blacklist Status: Clear SSL Cert: s.p2.hostingprod.com expires in 318 days. Domain Status: Registered And Parked Or Redirected DomainTools Exclusive Registrar History: 1 registrar IP History: 10 changes on 5 unique name servers over 3 years. Whois History: 2 records have been archived since 2005-11-27 Reverse IP: 25,192 other sites hosted on this server. Monitor Domain: Set Free Alerts on magicangelspells.com Free Tool: Whois Record Domain Name.......... magicangelspells.com Creation Date........ 2004-07-14 Registration Date.... 2004-07-14 Expiry Date.......... 2008-07-14 Organisation Name.... Stanley Cahill Organisation Address. 29720 67th street Organisation Address. Organisation Address. clearwater Organisation Address. 33761 Organisation Address. FL Organisation Address. UNITED STATES Admin Name........... Stanley Cahill Admin Address........ 29720 67th street Admin Address........ Admin Address........ clearwater Admin Address........ 33761 Admin Address........ FL Admin Address........ UNITED STATES Admin Email.......... Admin Phone.......... +1.7277870988 Admin Fax............ Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact Tech Address......... 701 First Ave. Tech Address......... Tech Address......... Sunnyvale Tech Address......... 94089 Tech Address......... CA Tech Address......... UNITED STATES Tech Email........... Tech Phone........... +1.6198813096 Tech Fax............. Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com B.B.B http://westflorida.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx?site=47&bbb=0653&firm=90039066#complaint Business Contact and Profile Name: On Target Productions Phone: (727) 787-0988 Address: 29720 67th St. N Clearwater, FL 33761 Website: www.magicangelspells.com and http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw Principal: Stanley Michael Cahill Customer Contact: Stanley Michael Cahill - (727) 787-0988 File Open Date: October 2007 TOB Classification: Magicians Supplies BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business. Additional Locations and Phone Numbers Additional Addresses 67 th street Clearwater Florida 33761 130 th Ave # Area 3, Clearwater Florida 33762 Clearwater, FL 33761 Additional Web Addresses and http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw


check this out

#61Consumer Comment

Sun, March 22, 2009

seems james morgan has way too much to say for himself and been allowed to get away with a lot, but since i believe in fair play my suggestion is go find out for yourselves what real and what's not, instead of listening to this motor mouth morgan and i would also say his girlfriend is not much better, if you do a background check on these two im very sure you will get a very colour glimspe into their activities, still don't ever take my word for it find it out yourselve


Unethical Lying Post By The Cahill Camp. MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS Exposed

#62Author of original report

Tue, March 17, 2009

NONE AKA JAMES NONE OTHER EUROPE sounds like the Hypocrite and a LIAR to me. Maybe (( NONE )) would like to explain why they are replacing Cahill's name with mine in a negative posting that was written by one of Cahill's past clients ?. This same person, NONE OTHER AKA JAMES, says that I'm deceiving the public by not coming up with my physical address in another post, to which is Cra_ ,however as you can read below, they are telling others. Such things as: ((( my life status is of no business of anyone's))). Is this person not willing to yield their home address, work place, contact information ?????. It looks like the X marks the spot likes her privacy, not to mention having a new name ever week. Moreover is still trying to lie her way out of her own negative deeds against others by attempting to deceive the public on ROR with her new postings. This poster is trying to pass herself off as someone new this week to moreover continue slamming on a innocent site and persons. As they said: IT DON'T SOUND LIKE THEY GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE to me LOL, does it ? especially when it's clear what they are attempting to do here, and or what their intent is concerning their post. This poster wants everyone to respect her privacy but doesn't care to respect the privacy of others. WHY IS THIS ?. One has to ask themselves this, if a person is low enough to copy and paste another persons name into a totally unrelated post, then how honest or trust worthy can they be ?. If a person like this poster NONE OTHER can't even tell the truth as to their true location, then how credible are they. Lastly, lets look at the poster motives such as, are they trying to impede my questions concerning the licensing of what I consider to be a fake site. Trying to cover up a site that has all ready been exposed. This poster is wanting everyone else's private information but not open in giving out her own out. Again, she likes to pressure others for their information but gets some what hostile when the same questions are posed back to her by others. What about her honesty ?, why would she have to post under so many fictitious names like Dion, Amy, James and None?, is this to avoid standing behind what she says, or the charges she brings against another ?. Perhaps to avoid legal measures being taken against her by the very same people she is throwing around her accusations at. Does this sound like someone from a fake site attempting to throw suspicion from themselves by accusing others of unrelated matters ?. This poster is posing under several names on ROR that likes to hurl around such words as Deluded and Liar but I think they are the deluded and lying ones. Always calling into question the honesty of others perpetually, however this poster shouldn't throw stones when living in a glass house because they are anything but honest as can be seen through their actions in the below post. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/8/2009 10:23:50 PM Modified: 3/8/2009 10:48:22 PM John Charlotte Ama, Other Macau PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/12/2009 1:22:34 PM Modified: 3/12/2009 2:18:28 PM None None, Other Europe PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is (((Redacted))) JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm Submitted: 3/11/2009 2:20:05 PM Modified: 3/11/2009 4:20:34 PM None None, Other Europe get a life yourself HEY! THERE POSTER CALLED NONE, I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I CAN MANAGE TO POST FOR MYSELF, THANK YOU, AND AS FOR YOU, WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IN MAGICK OR NOT IT NO CONCERN OF MINE, AND AS FOR MY WORK STATUS IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY BEARING ON WHAT'S GOING, AND IN FACT NO CONCERN OF YOURS, AS FOR GROWING UP I THINK YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME, AND AS FOR GETTING A LIFE WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ROF? DON'T SOUND LIKE YOU GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE OR A LIFE YOURSELF FOR THAT MATTER. Submitted: 3/12/2009 12:07:31 AM Modified: 3/12/2009 7:43:12 AM James None, Other Europe who is this someone keep pretending to be me, why?, stop posting it is not me. but since im here it is up to you what you want to believe in whatever you want, my life status is of no business of anyone's


Unethical Lying Post By The Cahill Camp. MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS Exposed

#63Author of original report

Tue, March 17, 2009

NONE AKA JAMES NONE OTHER EUROPE sounds like the Hypocrite and a LIAR to me. Maybe (( NONE )) would like to explain why they are replacing Cahill's name with mine in a negative posting that was written by one of Cahill's past clients ?. This same person, NONE OTHER AKA JAMES, says that I'm deceiving the public by not coming up with my physical address in another post, to which is Cra_ ,however as you can read below, they are telling others. Such things as: ((( my life status is of no business of anyone's))). Is this person not willing to yield their home address, work place, contact information ?????. It looks like the X marks the spot likes her privacy, not to mention having a new name ever week. Moreover is still trying to lie her way out of her own negative deeds against others by attempting to deceive the public on ROR with her new postings. This poster is trying to pass herself off as someone new this week to moreover continue slamming on a innocent site and persons. As they said: IT DON'T SOUND LIKE THEY GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE to me LOL, does it ? especially when it's clear what they are attempting to do here, and or what their intent is concerning their post. This poster wants everyone to respect her privacy but doesn't care to respect the privacy of others. WHY IS THIS ?. One has to ask themselves this, if a person is low enough to copy and paste another persons name into a totally unrelated post, then how honest or trust worthy can they be ?. If a person like this poster NONE OTHER can't even tell the truth as to their true location, then how credible are they. Lastly, lets look at the poster motives such as, are they trying to impede my questions concerning the licensing of what I consider to be a fake site. Trying to cover up a site that has all ready been exposed. This poster is wanting everyone else's private information but not open in giving out her own out. Again, she likes to pressure others for their information but gets some what hostile when the same questions are posed back to her by others. What about her honesty ?, why would she have to post under so many fictitious names like Dion, Amy, James and None?, is this to avoid standing behind what she says, or the charges she brings against another ?. Perhaps to avoid legal measures being taken against her by the very same people she is throwing around her accusations at. Does this sound like someone from a fake site attempting to throw suspicion from themselves by accusing others of unrelated matters ?. This poster is posing under several names on ROR that likes to hurl around such words as Deluded and Liar but I think they are the deluded and lying ones. Always calling into question the honesty of others perpetually, however this poster shouldn't throw stones when living in a glass house because they are anything but honest as can be seen through their actions in the below post. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/8/2009 10:23:50 PM Modified: 3/8/2009 10:48:22 PM John Charlotte Ama, Other Macau PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/12/2009 1:22:34 PM Modified: 3/12/2009 2:18:28 PM None None, Other Europe PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is (((Redacted))) JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm Submitted: 3/11/2009 2:20:05 PM Modified: 3/11/2009 4:20:34 PM None None, Other Europe get a life yourself HEY! THERE POSTER CALLED NONE, I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I CAN MANAGE TO POST FOR MYSELF, THANK YOU, AND AS FOR YOU, WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IN MAGICK OR NOT IT NO CONCERN OF MINE, AND AS FOR MY WORK STATUS IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY BEARING ON WHAT'S GOING, AND IN FACT NO CONCERN OF YOURS, AS FOR GROWING UP I THINK YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME, AND AS FOR GETTING A LIFE WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ROF? DON'T SOUND LIKE YOU GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE OR A LIFE YOURSELF FOR THAT MATTER. Submitted: 3/12/2009 12:07:31 AM Modified: 3/12/2009 7:43:12 AM James None, Other Europe who is this someone keep pretending to be me, why?, stop posting it is not me. but since im here it is up to you what you want to believe in whatever you want, my life status is of no business of anyone's



#64Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.



#65Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.



#66Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.



#67Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.



#68Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.


Charlotte Ama,

#69Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2009

PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.


Charlotte Ama,

#70Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2009

PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.



#71Consumer Comment

Fri, December 28, 2007

Mary Theresa Prantil likes to talk a lot of s**t in the way of calling everybody that disagrees with her a Thief. Con Artist. Scam Artist. Liar. Tax Evader. Criminal. Satan Worshiper. Fake. Animal abuser and so on just to cause their good names to be tarnished and blasted over the open air ways. Mary is like a spoiled little rich girl who gets herself into allot of trouble on purpose for attention sake while knowing all the while that Daddy has always cleaned it all up for her and made everything all better. Well, Daddy is dead now and Little Mary Prantil is still going around starting trouble for everyone however Daddy isn't around to pull her out of her crap this time. Is he Mary ?. It looks like your going to have to clean up your own messes from now on. Huh Mary ?. It would seem that your not even that rich anymore are you ?. Not that you ever were. It was Daddy's Name and money that you were hanging on to right ?. Now, Your Nothing but a Loud Mouth living by yourself in Big Old New York because no one in California could stand to be around you. Right ?. It would seem that Mary has a few secrets of her own that she doesn't want anyone to know about however they will be revealed just the same in the following paragraphs below. Mary Prantil has repetitively and FALSELY accused Jan and myself of the very same things that she's in fact guilty of in reality such as Not paying her Taxes as illustrated below in her Tax Lien against her in the State Of California as can be seen below in this report. Prantil is calling us Thieves and Con Artists however Mary has Ripped off a certain Chiropractic Center who went on to obtain a Judgment against her as shown below to which also took place in the state of California. This can be viewed at the bottom of this report under Prantil's Bankruptcy information. Let's not forget the Spell Caster Mary just charged back on after the Caster was good enough to have performed her work for her as can be seen in one of the many other reports filed against Prantil up here on Rip Off Reports. What about her attempted rip off against Blood Love And Lust Spells in the way of Prantil trying to charge back on invoices that were never cashed in the first place lol. Moreover, Trying to accuse Jim Morgan of ripping her off through a pay pal account that never existed. What A confused little Joke Mary's life is as she never could get the facts straight on anything. What about all of Mary's Criminal Reports stretching from California to New York over a period of fifteen years ?. If you'll look up some of these charges through their case numbers you'll see that Miss Prantil charges range from Vandalism to Public Drunken Behavior and numerous other more serious incidents that resulted as a lack of her self control and over all disregard for the law. Who's the Criminal here, Mary ???. Concerning Mary's accusations of Jan and myself being Satan Worshipers and the sacrificing of animals, this couldn't be further from the truth likened to the numerous other statements Mary has stated about us not only on this site and others. If the truth be known you can find Mary's membership on a couple of different Satanic sites phrasing the Dark Forces. What's this about Mary ???. Moving On. Mary sure has moved around a lot judging from the reports below hasn't she ?. Why do you move so much Mary?. Could it be that your trying to get clear of all the Judgments and Tax Leans against you there in the state of California by moving all the way across the country to New York ?. Possibly to get away from everyone that once knew you and about all the s**t you did in your past ?. Perhaps your running from the law its self huh Mary ?. Mary likes to think that she's a big time Employee of Corporate America and states that she makes over $100,000.00 a year being a Secretary for HBO and previously CNN. Why is she always poor mouthing then if she's so well to do?. That is of course when she's not bad mouthing others while hiding behind the fictitious names of Honest Person. Enforcer Of Justice. Marc. Enforcer Of Truth and so on up here. I wonder if she was fired from CNN and for what reason. If so, I wonder if they knew about her Criminal Records? That if she ever worked for HBO or CNN at all; as Mary has proved her statements in the past to be less then credible by any standers. So, In essence what we have here is a Individual who likes to: Lie. Start Trouble. A Coward who hauls a*s when the very people she attacks throws her own s**t back in her face. A person who goes around obtaining services who has no intentions of paying for them if she can help it. A Hypocrite. Religious Extremist who thinks she is in the service of God to Expose whomever or whatever she and her Voices consider to be Evil. A person who has no Conscience in turning false government reports in against completely innocent people and A person who has no remorse in trying to bully and ruin the lives of good people trying to assist and or help other good people in crisis. Mary T. Prantil has stated that Jan is a l*****n, and that I am Gay on a certain comedy site, however on this same site Prantil is saying that 'Celeste is hot', and that Celeste left me because I had a small Weiner. It would also appear that a Ex-Lover of Mary's posted a somewhat angry reply back to Mary's posting asking on this same site asking who the hell Celeste was' LOL. Could Mary Prantil be Gay herself ?. Well, She isn't with a man as far as I know or last time I spoke with her before she went crazy on us and started posting her insane statements up on Rip Off Reports. Mary also has stated that I'm a obsessive man and that I don't know when to let it all go. I guess she doesn't like the reports that have been filed against her lol. Truth Hurts doesn't it Mary ?. I beg to differ with you Mary T. Prantil as I feel your the extremely Obsessive one here in your repetitive calling and emailing everyone fifteen to twenty times a day trying to convey your point of view to no matter how Fuc_ed up it is. Talk about a person that doesn't know how to take 'no' for a answer or listen to and follow instructions. Mary has even carried this Negative. Aggressive and hyper behavior out against the the very Owner of this site as well in the way of her threats and accusations against him to the tune of 15 to 20 times a day. Ed is a Good and fair Man to take this abuse and still allow her to post her insane crap up here on his site in my opinion. So, In a nut shell: What we have here is a Nut Case in Mary T. Prantil wouldn't you say ?. Mary is not only all these things mentioned above in this posting but moreover a Loud. Arrogant. Belligerent person with a extremely obsessive and Nasty temperament to say the least. Not in control of her emotional state, and furthermore not a credible person by any standards regarding her Criminal disposition backed up by her records below. You see Mary, This is what you get when you try to Ruin other persons lives just because your a miserable excuse for a human being that just can't get your s**t together no matter what or who tries to help you. Not everyone will bend to your unlawful tactics. Every time you post any kind of Bull S_hit against us in the future anywhere I will re-post this page on you. Your all over the Internet now Mary concerning your postings against us here on Rip Off Report. Your Famous LOL. The trouble in being famous is that everyone tunes in to see what all this is about. That means your Family. Friends. and Co-Workers. Employers etc. If you don't believe this then just type in your name of Mary Prantil on any search engine and it will bring you back to all of your postings against us and the postings against YOU. We want everyone to see you and what you've tried to accomplish here with your Slanderous and Defaming Postings, so keep on posting if you like. We look forward to it. We want to EXPOSE YOU Mary T. Prantil because we believe you to be a Predator who likes to Victimize other people and companies for no apparent rhyme or reason. We are also going to be turning in this report in depth to all the Local. State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. This report posting is general and there is allot more to it concerning your activities. See Yah on T.V or in prison to which ever one comes first. Pervious address Locations: 3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:12/01/2002 251 32nd St, New York, NY 10016 Reported:07/18/2001 3285 33 Wusd # 69, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:06/01/2001 3044 1st Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 Reported:11/13/2000 1352 PO Box, New York, NY 10150 Reported:06/18/1997 3044 Juniper St # 2, San Diego, CA 92104 Reported:10/01/1995 1154 22nd # 2, San Diego, CA 92102 Reported:12/01/1993 319 Gravilla St, La Jolla, CA 92037 Reported:08/01/1992 Criminal Court Records Criminal Profile Subject Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Date: 12/8/2007 3:45:39 PM Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: M695524 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T105836 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T108343 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T110326 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T120948 Criminal Court Records Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Case Number: M598531 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 03/23/1990 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: M695524 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/01/1995 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T105836 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 11/13/1992 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T108343 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 01/04/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T110326 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/02/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T120948 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 08/09/1993 Bankruptcies, Tax Liens & Judgments by Name for: Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: PO BOX 1352, NEW YORK NY 10150 Action: STATE TAX LIEN Court: SACRAMENTO COUNTY COURT (RD) Plaintiff: STATE OF CALIFORNIA Case: 9706100302 (06/10/1997) Liability/Assests: $1,310.00/NA Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Plaintiff: PRO SE Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Judgement Against Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: 3038 DICKENS ST, SAN DIEGO CA 92106 Action: SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMENT Court: KEARNEY MESA MUNI - SAN DIEGO CO Plaintiff: LIBS CHIROPRACTOR CENTER Case: 570215 (12/19/1991) Liability/Assests: $2,198.00/NA Celeste A. Morgan Bushnell, Florida U.S.A. Mary Theresa Prantil 3285 33 rd Street Apt C-2 Astoria NY 11106 Phone:917-224-6605 Cell Phone: 917-224-6605 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

James Morgan


#72Author of original report

Tue, November 27, 2007



SCAM ARTIST:Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows Evil unethical spellcaster seek revenge on customer seeking refund.

#73Consumer Comment

Tue, November 27, 2007

Jim Morgan and Jan windglows Evil unethical spellcaster seek revenge on customer seeking refund.

James Morgan


#74Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2007

MARY PRANTIL HAS BEEN RUNNING AROUND THIS FORUM STATING THIS AND THAT UNDER FALSE NAMES AND PLACES WHILE NOT REALLY PRODUCING ANY SOLID EVIDENCE TO THESE SAME CLAIMS MADE BY HER AGAINST US. NO VALIDITY AND OR SUBSTANCE AT ALL TO HER CLAIMS OTHER THEN HER VENTING ACCUSATIONS COMING AT US OUT OF NOWHERE. Here's where Mary Ripped Off Another Spell Caster By Charging Back On Them After The Worked Was Performed. More Fraud On Mary's Part. Who's The Real Fraud Here I ask you?. MARY PRANTIL WOULD BE THE ANSWER. SHE SAYS THAT SHE PAYS FOR HER WORK BUT APPARENTLY DOESN'T ACCORDING TO THIS SPELL CASTER BELOW. MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT THE OTHER STATEMENTS THAT MARY PROFESSES AS TRUTH HUH ?. Jan: I've forwarded you two e-mails in regard to Mary Prantil. Yes, I did read for her, also she spent over 3 1/2 hours on the phone to me. During said time she cried, cused and begged me to do a spell for her. I said that I don't usually do spells for people that I do not know.Also I told her that usually people charge 1,000.00 for the type of spell that she wanted, as that is High Magic , not something simple. Also the first card I got for her situation was the Heirophant, follwed by the four of wands. I asked Mary if H _ _ _ _ was married , she said "No, not my H". Well she begged me so many times, interrupted my other business, called at all hours. she cried so much to me. I finally gave in and said I'd do the spell. Then she bargined with me to do it for 800.00. Later she said that she had soooo many bills and could I do it for 500.00. I did it .It worked immediately, as her e-mail proves. Then she found out that H---- is a drug addict and that he is married and has several other girlfriends. I told her it was a moral choice, she admitted that in the past she "was no angel" with Jans service when I ask her what happened. She charged me back on her credit card with Paypal and tryed to claim that the "merchandise" was not the quality that she expected. I said I would reverse the spell if she didn't pay me, I told her that she should get professional therapy and I even arranged free drug counseling for her boy friend; all of which she refused. I sent her a photo of part of the spell and a paper tailsman as proof that I performed the service. HERE'S WHERE MARY REPORTED JIM MORGAN TO PAY PAL FOR FRAUD. MY QUESTION FOR MARY IS (HOW CAN YOU STEAL SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXISTS?). THESE INVOICES WERE NEVER PAID BY MARY PRANTIL TO START WITH LOL. Mary Prantil tried to screw up Jan's Pay Pal account by attempting to pay her own invoices until Jan found out what she was doing and informed pay pal as to Prantil's fraudulent activities. Prantil was going to pay off on her own invoices only to cancel them OUT soon after so she could place a claim of Fraud against Jim Morgan on this account. Again, Jim Morgan doesn't even own the company nor does he have anything to do with the administrative functions of this company such as receiving monies for anything especially spell work. Of course Pay Pal laughed at this little Prantil Con Game and Denied Prantil's fraudulent claims against us. Mary also was confused in the way that she was trying to report Jim Morgan to pay pal for running and or owning a company to which he has no connections to other then helping out with the counseling part of the operation to which he doesn't get paid for. See how miss-informed Mary Is. Basically what Mary was trying to do was get her work performed for free by paying Jan with checks and then attempting to get her money back for these cashed checks through pay pal. Notice where this email originated from below and who it was sent to under the original message heading. To those of you that know how to check IP Addresses this should clear up any doubts that this is her actual communication to pay pal. So Much for Mary Prantil's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part. -----Original Message----- From: m prantil To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:12 pm Subject: Invoice From James Morgan PayPay, I wish to report James Morgan for internet Fraud. There is a $1200 invoice currently on my PayPal account form this site Loe lust and Blood spells. I will forward emails to Payapal saying he is going to refund me. I will also call directly to file my complaint to prevent others form getting conned by him. Thanks, Mary Prantil HERE'S WHERE MARY TRIED TO RIP JAN OFF BUT FAILED. MARY IS A RIP OFF SCAM WHO LIKES TO COMMIT FRAUD. MARY LIKES TO ACCUSE OTHERS OF THIS TO THROW SUSPICION FROM HERSELF. So Much for Mary Prantil's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part. Forwarded Message: Subj: STOP BOTHERING US Date: 6/19/2007 8:36:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Passionspells To: Prant99 Mary, your pay pal invoices were never processed-- And this is my business- James is retired. How dare you say anything about him in a derrogatory manner after he went out of his way to help you. It is only because of the grace of Divinity and casting your spell that you have been getting along with H____ as well as you have been especially after you messed up your case and sent him nasty e-mails, etc. We just sent you an e-mail and I strongly suggest you back off. I am getting ready to forward all of your e-mails to the FBI as I write this. You have, for one thing ( just one of many) already violated Federal Internet Law. In addition, I will report you to our cell phone company immediately for harassing phone calls and telephone stalking. In closing here are copies of the Pay Pal invoices you NEVER paid. You sent cash, and two personal checks. Here is a copy of your e-mail stating that: 6/14/2007 2:12:54 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time From: Prant99 Reply To: To: Passionspells, Wizardmorgan2 I sent you 1. cash, and a 2. Citibank check and a 3. Bank of America check. -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 4:08 pm Subject: Verification Needed Dear Mary, This is Jan writing, dear. Could you please verify your method of payment with me when you initially came in for your spell work? I am going through all of my client records doing verification, etc. for my records. Thank you dear, I really appreciate it. Sincerely, Jan Here is a copy and paste of the pay pal invoices that you never paid. I will write pay pal and forward them all of your abusive e-mails so that they will be aware of the nonsense you have caused us. You have no credence in that matter. From: Janhett T. Windglows To: Mary Prantil ([email protected]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount: $1,250.54 USD Status: Pending Date Requested: May 6, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Spells Invoice Invoice Janhett T. Windglows [email protected] Qty Item ID Description Unit Price Amount 1 050607 30 Day Spells Package For Mary 1,200.00 1,200.00 T Subtotal: 1,200.00 Shipping: 46.80 T T = 0.299%tax applied to item Tax: 3.74 Currency is in U.S. Dollars (USD) Total: $1,250.54 USD Request Sent From: Janhett T. Windglows To: Mary Prantil ([email protected]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount: $500.00 USD Status: Pending Date Requested: May 8, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Revised Invoice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Here is the first 500 will send the next one right after this one thanks dear Request Sent From: Janhett T. Windglows To: Mary Prantil ([email protected]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount: $500.00 USD Status: Pending Date Requested: May 8, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: 2nd one In closing, I will now forward your e- mails to the F.B.I. for harassment, abuse, and stalking. Also your spell work is now being reversed. You should have listened to us and things would not have turned out this way for you. Perhaps you will learn a lesson from all of this, however if you do not, that is no longer our problem. -----------------------Jan HERE'S ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW MARY CONDUCTED HERSELF THROUGHOUT HER ENTIRE SPELL PROCESS LOL. AND SHE WONDERS WHY NO ONE LIKES HER AND OR LAUGHS AT HER LOL. Subj: Jim - Sex spell on Hani - Disruption Spell on Tony Date: 7/3/2007 1:37:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 CC: Passionspells Jim, (and Jan) H - - - actually said he is NOT sexually attracted to me last night...H- - - - is prob mad at me too bcs I made out and kissed 2 of his friends this is one of the reason I think he is upset and fri I was a raging drunk lunatic...Fri - I was upset about the email and I started drinking around 7pm and saw H - - - - by 11pm totally wasted...then his Egyptian friends are making fun of me or so H - - - - says...it may not be true the gossip but H - - - is acting discusted with me...saying all will be OK if I just accept that...he confessed about T - - - - and the email. T - - - - is the negative influence...For the last 2-3 weeks H- - - - has been around T - - - again now look...Please talk with Jan about these 2 spells. Let me know. Mary HERE IS WHERE JAN REPORTED MARY FOR EMAIL ABUSE TO THE AOL AND YAHOO WEB MASTERS AND HAD HER BLOCKED AS A RESULT OF THEIR FINDINGS. MORE FRAUD AND HARASSMENT TO US CARRIED OUT BY MARY PRANTIL. Subj: ABUSE Date: 8/21/2007 4:13:33 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Passionspells To: [email protected] I wish to report an abusive e-mail sender. I have numerous copies of her e-mails. We have blocked her from our e-mail addresses, however she continues to send us more mail under different e-mail addresses. Her name is Mary Prantil, and she has sent to us via the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] [email protected] I have all of her contact information, home address and telephone number. I really do need this abuse from her to stop. My other screen name is [email protected] in which she has also been blocked from. Sincerely, Jan Windglows THIS IS MARY BEGGING JAN TO TAKE HER CASE BACK AFTER SHE TOTALLY MESSED THINGS UP WITH HER GUY. AT THIS POINT WE DIDN'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING FOR MARY AND FURTHER REJECTED ANYMORE FUNDS FROM HER. WE HAD OFFERED TO REFUND HER $1,200.00 AND MOREOVER TO EAT THE COST OF HER SPELL WORK JUST TO GET RID OF HER HOWEVER SHE DECLINED THE REFUND AS YOU CAN SEE IN HER STATEMENT BELOW. Subj: Sorry I want U on my case...$250 more 2 send T. F last phase... Date: 6/15/2007 3:56:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 CC: Passionspells Jim, I am sorry for any character defect in me that has got again "reared it's ugly head". I respect you and Jan and I truly want your help. Yes. I am needy, Yes I need to let go and let Divinity. Please do not give up on me..no time is lost if we just get thru this 24 hr bump of mine. Help me please !! I believe in you and your expertise and your morals as a caster are so pure and high. I do not want you to send me back any money. I want to send you the $250 discussed to complete the disruption spell with T. F. I also want you to please make H. so uncomfortable without me,,,that he can't stop thinking about me and what a great friend I am and lover. To be so sexually frusterated without me...who ever he f**ks or has a one night stand or bi-sexual 3-way with H. will think of me..how lucky he was to have my love...that he f- - - - - - it up between us not me...that he can't rest until he gets me back - even if it means leaving T.F and the office. Are you still willing to help me? I truly want your help - I am done today at 1pm I will call you then I can send the $250 today. Mary the needy brat...but lovable and willing to let go.... THIS IS WHERE I CONFERRED WITH JAN AND WE BOTH DECIDED AT THE TIME TO FULLY TERMINATE MARY'S CASE AFTER GIVING HER SEVERAL CHANCES TO STRAIGHTEN UP AND FOLLOW THE RULES. THIS IS THE LETTER WE SENT HER AFTER GOING THROUGH TWO MONTHS OF HELL WITH Miss Chaos . Mary, Due to you ongoing harassing to Kim, Matilda and myself, I have decided counseling with Matilda is not in anyone's best interest. I have instructed Matilda not to have any further communications with you. After I send this e-mail, I will also instruct Kim not to have any further contact with you either. Your spell work with James and myself has been finished, and Kim is finishing your spell work that you hired her for. I paid for your counseling with Kim. Since I paid for your counseling, which I did not have to do, for some reason you think that Kim's spell work included your counseling, which it did NOT. I PAID FOR YOUR COUNSELING. The 400 that you paid Kim was FOR SPELL WORK-----NOT FOR COUNSELING. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?????? I am officially ending all contact with you right after I send this e-mail. I do not want you for a client from this point on. You have exhausted all of your resources of obtaining any further help with any of us, because of your RUDE DEMANDING rebellious controlling attitude, and constantly continuing to break the rules of the spell criteria. HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT MY HONESTY AND INTEGRITY. JUST SO YOU KNOW AND UNDERSTAND YOUR SPELL WORK HAS BEEN DONE SO WE DID YOUR WORK THAT YOU PAID US FOR. We did even more than that----numerous boosters, and re casts also. WE DO NOT WANT YOU FOR A CLIENT EVER AGAIN. CONCERNING ANY FURTHER POSSIBLE COUNSELING, I DO NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE COUNSELOR THAT IS WILLING TO WORK WITH YOU. YOU ARE OBNOXIOUS, DEMANDING, AND RUDE-----THIS IS WHY ALL OF THIS HAS COME TO THIS POINT. GOOD BYE MARY. YOU ARE BY FAR THE WORST CLIENT I HAVE EVER HAD IN ALL MY YEARS OF SPELL CASTING.

Enforced Justice

SCAM ARTIST: Jim Morgan is getting investigated for FRAUD

#75Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2007

READ ISAIAH 54 - you sre a SATAN worshiper and God made Satan...God is far more powerful than Satan... You are a TRUE Wizard...you ae a low life con artist who need to learn how to make an honest living. The IRS is already on to you...WATCH !! I have wife and business of my own. We are all Wizard... NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. ps..Mary and H are together...and M is preganant...they are getting married in Jna 2008.

Enforced Justice

SCAM ARTIST: Jim Morgan is getting investigated for FRAUD

#76Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2007

READ ISAIAH 54 - you sre a SATAN worshiper and God made Satan...God is far more powerful than Satan... You are a TRUE Wizard...you ae a low life con artist who need to learn how to make an honest living. The IRS is already on to you...WATCH !! I have wife and business of my own. We are all Wizard... NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. ps..Mary and H are together...and M is preganant...they are getting married in Jna 2008.

Enforced Justice

SCAM ARTIST: Jim Morgan is getting investigated for FRAUD

#77Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2007

READ ISAIAH 54 - you sre a SATAN worshiper and God made Satan...God is far more powerful than Satan... You are a TRUE Wizard...you ae a low life con artist who need to learn how to make an honest living. The IRS is already on to you...WATCH !! I have wife and business of my own. We are all Wizard... NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. ps..Mary and H are together...and M is preganant...they are getting married in Jna 2008.

Enforced Justice

SCAM ARTIST: Jim Morgan is getting investigated for FRAUD

#78Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2007

READ ISAIAH 54 - you sre a SATAN worshiper and God made Satan...God is far more powerful than Satan... You are a TRUE Wizard...you ae a low life con artist who need to learn how to make an honest living. The IRS is already on to you...WATCH !! I have wife and business of my own. We are all Wizard... NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. ps..Mary and H are together...and M is preganant...they are getting married in Jna 2008.


I Got You Coalition Between My Le _s LOL

#79Author of original report

Fri, November 23, 2007

So your a wizard now and are going to send Gods army to bring me down huh. Your a Joke. The IRS is going to think your a complete Moron when they start investigating me lol. That is if they feel like wasteing their time in doing this you As_ Hole. Man, Your a legend in your own mind arn't you. Before you call out all the Saints to bring me down.

James Morgan

That's Funny

#80Author of original report

Thu, November 22, 2007

So your a Wizard now LOL. And your going to call on all the angels and saints not to mention God to get me huh. Well, Before you do that you better read my new post on Mary letting everyone view the emails sent to us by Mary. These emails will in fact show all concerned what a bunch of Shi_ Mary and you really are. Your going to love it LOL. These emails actually prove what Mary is doing in the way of slander and ripping off magick sites. Every time you open your mouth you just make a fool out of yourself. Maybe you should stop talking fool.


False Retaliation of Jim Morgan; Mary PAID Jim in FULL;still owed refund;DO NOT USE bloodloveandlustspells.com

#81Consumer Comment

Wed, November 21, 2007

False Retaliation of Jim Morgan Mary PAID in full;Customer Mary is my frined...we are forming colition for a class action suti on Jan Windglowws and Jim morgan...many customers complain of the same thing...not happy;Jim scammed money..did not do work..breach of confidentiliaty Jim called all her friends and family about spell request. Jim you are going down and God is very unhappy with you. I am protected by GOD. God created you and is more powerful thn you. Plus you are no longer a reputable caster within the community of Wizards or Priestess. I am a Wizard and I am sending all my angels and saints to do God worj and shut you and Jan your FAT witch down. I have reported you to the IRS for Fraud and TAX evasion. I have witnesses to your crimes form emplyees of yours to include: Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of bloodloveandlustspells.com and Dragonspells.com is committing TAX evasion phone: 208-639-2224 IRS - please add this to the Jim Morgan and Jan windglows file with other paperwork I have sent you. Furthermore, the names and emails below are associates of Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows. They are witness to their Fraudulent and criminal behavior. Mike Cahill - [email protected], Kim Thrasher - [email protected] Celeste Morgan - [email protected], Matilda Somerfield - [email protected] I am friends of Mary and this report you wrote is fraudulent bcs mary paid you in full you IDIOT!!!

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