  • Report:  #209644

Complaint Review: Matthew Shawn Willis - Hemet California

Reported By:
- moreno valley, California,

Matthew Shawn Willis
[email protected] Hemet, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
matthew was court ordered to pay child support and half of all medical expenses for our five children.

He knows I am permanently disabled and need the child support to support our two youngest children.

Every time I take him to court or contact child support division he threatens my life. He owns several peices of properity in hemet california and has his freinds helping him to hide it so that I can't get anything from him. He even remarried and then signed everything over to his new wife and then they got a divorce so that again I could not get the child support from him.

He took the five kids college money that his father left for them when he died several yrs. ago and did not even show up for his fathers funeral, and the kids and I were literaly living in my car at the time this happened. He stills from others and gets jobs with big companys and then he takes there ideas and sell them to other companys.

He also makes and sells drugs on his properity. he grows pot/marajuana on his properity,has illegal firearms hidden on his properity and has even buried (50) fifty gallon drums of illegal oils and other toxic liquids on his land.He also owes over a hundred thousand to the I.R.S. this man needs to be caught and justice needs to be served.


moreno valley, California

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Marc, give some decent input or quit taking up space

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 20, 2006

I think it is great that Sandra is not replying to your attempts to provoke emotion from her! Right on Sandra, too many people are using this excellent resourse as a Jerry Springer show in typed form. Marc, you obviously do not know what it is like to be left with the responsibilities of raising children on your own (especially as many as Sandra has!). When the committment of having children is made between two people and then only one of those parents lives up to that responsibility, it is devastating to the abandoned children and the abandoned parent. Sandra certainly did mention her attempts to get the attention of local, legal authorities such as the AFT and DEA. She also mentioned their lack of interest and action WHICH IS USUALLY THE CASE. Those who file a report on Rip Off Report are not obligated to notify the company or person who has ripped them off. It is the hope that others will do an Internet search on that person or company, find the entry on ROR and provide assistance whether it is simply information or as much as legal help. You either did an Internet search of M.S. Willis or you just cruise this section of ROR for entertainment. Sandra, keep calling the authorities, keep writing letters, someone will eventually pay attention and take action. You must file a case with Riverside DCSS - it's the first step! I opened my case at DCSS in 1994 and the dead beat non-custodial parent of my children was not charged with criminal offenses until 2004. It takes perservance! Good luck to you and yours. Prior to writing a rebuttal, Marc, ROR clearly states that one must have a constructive solution or a means to resolve the matter and that ANY OTHER NONSENSE WILL BE IGNORED. Do you have any actual, factual information that will help Sandra resolve her matter of not receiving the child support her and her children are entitled to? Do you have proof that her claim is false? If not, why don't you join MySpace or something and post your "blogs" there.


Silly Sandra, it IS my business.

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, September 13, 2006

YOU made it the business of every law-abiding person that reads this board, including your drug-dealing ex-husband. Does he know you're broadcasting allegations of major criminal activity on the internet? Sounds like you're more interested in spreading rumors for revenge than anything else, and if you didn't report it to the proper agencies, I do believe you are considered an accessory.



#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 13, 2006

To Sandra and the 3 adult children who want justice, KEEP AT IT. Yes, Marc from Hawaii needs group therapy of something - even better, get the addresses of Hawaii's senators and representatives, learn about the political process and write them letters voicing his opinions! One who is so naive as to think you can write a letter to the IRS and the next week, the tax evader is arrested is just out of touch with reality! ATF and the DEA would take a drive by, see nothing, write a 2 line report on their activity and close the file (if they even started one). You're correct, Sandra, that this is the place to begin getting real publicized attention for your case. CHILD AND SPOUSAL SUPPORT ARE NOT A "CUT" OF THE NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT'S INCOME. It is money owed to the custodial parent who saw to it that food and shelter was provided to children conceived by TWO people. Also, Marc, you cannot write a simple letter to the editor and think your letter will even get to the editor, let alone a case made of it. Thousands of people are writing to the same editor with stories where something can be done. Riverside DCSS isn't real interested in chasing down dead beat dads; they like the easy ones with righteous jobs with paychecks that can be easily attatched. Keep writing letters and sending faxes, Sandra; the sceaky wheel gets the grease. Try not to upset yourself responding to fools like the one in Hawaii! They are a dime a dozen!!! Get the email addresses, fax numbers, and postal addresses of the Chief of Police in Moreno Valley, Grover Trask (Riv. District Attorney), any DEA or Narcotics division, etc. I even fax letters to Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and the state Attorney General. If you saw Fox 11 news series on Dead Beat Dads, then you know Riverside county has one of the lowest rates of CS / SS collection. I'd write to Fox 11 and to Channel 13 (now owned by FOX), click on "news" or "story ideas". Although restraining orders cannot protect you, if you report violations of the restraining order, the court is compelled to act. Riverside county court will act slowly and little vigor unless you keep reporting every violation. Top charge is a thousand dollar fine or up to 3 years in jail. Just keep writing. Best to you and yours!


Moreno Valley,
someone is not very smart MARC

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, September 10, 2006

this is a place to get dead beat dads name out there for all to see. not for some guy that has nothing better to do with his time then to get on here and talk a lot of garbage and nonsense. I was not disabled until this dead beat ran from his responsiblity's and I took on two jobs to provide for our kids.and it is no business of yours who things were reported to. this is not a comic book dear marc. this is the only response you will get from me. I am not on here to play your silly games. say what you will but you will not waste my time anymore.


Moreno Valley,
someone is not very smart MARC

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, September 10, 2006

this is a place to get dead beat dads name out there for all to see. not for some guy that has nothing better to do with his time then to get on here and talk a lot of garbage and nonsense. I was not disabled until this dead beat ran from his responsiblity's and I took on two jobs to provide for our kids.and it is no business of yours who things were reported to. this is not a comic book dear marc. this is the only response you will get from me. I am not on here to play your silly games. say what you will but you will not waste my time anymore.


Moreno Valley,
someone is not very smart MARC

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 10, 2006

this is a place to get dead beat dads name out there for all to see. not for some guy that has nothing better to do with his time then to get on here and talk a lot of garbage and nonsense. I was not disabled until this dead beat ran from his responsiblity's and I took on two jobs to provide for our kids.and it is no business of yours who things were reported to. this is not a comic book dear marc. this is the only response you will get from me. I am not on here to play your silly games. say what you will but you will not waste my time anymore.


Yeah Sandra, you got me dead.

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, September 09, 2006

I'm shackin up with his second ex-wife's sister right now, along with his uncle Ned's sister-in-laws's uncle from his third marriage, along with his step-son's third child's aunt Mary, on her mother's side. The family has been been waiting for you to post your story on here so we can tell Matt. Seriously, who did you report all this information to, and what was done about it? This case would be a career-maker for any cop if even half of what you say is true. Then please tell me how I defended him. Sounds to me like you're more angry that he won't give you your cut than you're being interested in stopping a drug dealer. Your "disability" didn't stop you from choosing to have kids, so why bring it up here 15 years later?


Moreno Valley,
the drugs, toxic waiste, and firearms are all new info. from the adult children in this family who want dad stoped.

#9Author of original report

Fri, September 08, 2006

The three adult children in this family just recenly went to see dad and found out all this information and it has been reported, who do you think gave us this web. site info to post this so we could speed up the process. and as for marc, in hawaii, well we all know that his secound ex-wife has family in hawaii and you are probably related so that is why you are so defensive, or maybe you are the same type of father.


I'm sorry, but Sandra comes off as a real drama queen.

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, September 08, 2006

15 years and she's unable to put a major drug manufactureer away or stop death threats? A Toxic hazard and not one agency will respond? ATF doeasn't care about the guns? The IRS doesn't care either? Gimme a break. Post all the information on here and I guarentee he'll be stopped within a week. Better yet, send an E-mail to your local newspaper and let them investigate. This guy sounds bigger than Scarface.


You've taken a big step - KEEP GOING!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 07, 2006

There are similarities in our "stories" - you're kids' father is a dead beat dad and a con-artist. I'm guessing you've already filed a claim with Riverside County Child Support Division? If so, and you're not getting any results, write to John Replogle. He's the Director for Riverside County. Every complaint that comes to his office is automatically assigned to the Ombudsman Program. Not that the Ombudsman Program has done me a whole lot of good but it does help to have your file there. You might know DCSS has a website which makes it very easy to contact your case worker via secure email. They have 2 business days to respond. Keep notebooks of all your efforts. When I email them, I copy it to a word document so that I have a record of what I wrote and when I wrote it. The site also gives "your team's" fax number. I use the fax because then I have proof that my fax was received by DCSS. Once you get an Ombudsman worker assigned to your case, get his/her fax number also. All you can do with DCSS is become a squeaky wheel until your case meets criminal criteria. I have to say, you're pretty brave to post on the world wide web that this man has drug chemicals burried on his property. Have you contacted the DEA? Do they not listen to you? when you call the DEA and don't get the response you want, ask for a supervisor, if you still don't get the answer you want, ask for their supervisor, EVERYONE HAS SOMEONE ABOVE THEM UNTIL YOU GET TO THE TOP. If you keep repeating yourself to the Ombudsman worker, that division will become familiar with your case and they may go the extra mile to get around the loop holes your "ex" has found such as marrying then divorcing and having properties. You can write to the State division @ California Dept. of Child Support Services. ATTN: Public Inquiry Response Team. P.O. Box 419064. Rancho Cordova, Ca. They won't take emails. If he has threatened your life, I do hope you have filed a restraining order. A lot of women complain but doing the foot work is such a pain in the neck, we're often met with contempt, and treated like whining 2nd class citizens but you have to do the foot work. GET A RESTRAINING ORDER. They're easy to fill out - you can get the forms online through the Riverside Superior Court website and there is no filing fee. If you're granted a permanent (3 year) order, he has to give up all fire arms, etc. and he'll have less credibility in court because an order was needed to restrain him. Good luck.

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