  • Report:  #541013

Complaint Review: Miguel Denyer - Wayne Michigan

Reported By:
Checkmate - New York, New York, United States of America

Miguel Denyer
31731 Taft St. Wayne, Michigan, United States of America
1 (734) 418-8778
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
A little information on Miguel Denyer, owner / operator of the Institute of Protection Specialists and Security Contractors (IPSSC) and Overwatch Protection Solutions International.

Following a course that Mr. Denyer provided to my staff, a team of third party private investigators was hired to vet Mr. Denyer and his organizations.

The following information was found to be accurate and can be confirmed through multiple, reliable, unbiased sources.

Neither Overwatch or the IPSSC make any money. Each year their annual reports show nothing more than accumulated debt. While both companies have been registered in the State of Michigan since 2005 they have remained unsuccessful.

Because of this it has been confirmed through reliable sources that Mr. Denyer resides in one of the most crime infested, low income areas of Michigan surviving solely on his wife's income at Ford Motor Company. Their home as of 2008 was worth a mere $49,956. Records show that Mr. Denyer's last paying job was as an employee at Spy Ops, a local spy store where he made a wage of $8 an hour. That employment was accurate up until 2009. I cannot confirm if he still works there.

According to reputable sources Mr. Denyer's experience is very limited. He was originally employed by the RAF as a police officer, but after failing at that position he was demoted to a rigger and has no combat experience. You can read posts from some of Mr. Denyer's former colleagues when he served with the Royal Air Force. You can visit the forum at http://www.e-goat.co.uk/forums/archive/index.php/t-19636.html

Following his discharge from the RAF Mr. Denyer began to advertise himself as a close protection professional and became involved with an industry expert named Thomas Bermudez. Mr. Bermudez subsequently terminated the employment of Mr. Denyer after receiving information that Mr. Denyer had lied about his qualifications. There are other reasons, but you'll have to get those from Mr. Bermudez directly.

A few years ago Mr. Denyer was a member of the International Bodyguard Association (IBA). It has been confirmed through the IBA head office that Mr. Denyer is one of only a handful of people that has had his membership and credentials revoked by the association. He is in fact, barred for life from obtaining membership with the IBA.

According to a representative at the Department of Homeland Security, Mr. Denyer was at one time employed as a security guard for a US golf championship. During his tour, Mr. Denyer caused an international terrorist alert when he posted a message on an internet chatroom claiming that terrorists infiltrated the event. He later admitted it was a case of juvenile misconduct and was immediately terminated from his position.

According to multiple sources, Mr. Denyer has claimed to people within the IBA and abroad, that he had personally trained 22 SAS snipers prior to the Falklands War. Some basic maths precluded that as a possibility.

Here's my story:

In 2008, I was recruited by Mr. Denyer to assist him in managing the IPSSC. He had suggested that our organizations merge and after rejecting that offer, provided me a free membership in exchange for my experience and resources.

During my time with the IPSSC it became evident, despite Mr. Denyer's remarks, that the IPSSC was a start up and that although Mr. Denyer may have had his heart in the right place, it certainely was a fly by night organization.

In 2008 Mr. Denyer attempted to offer a basic bodyguard training course. He asked if I would be interested in assisting him and I unfortunately agreed. Mr. Denyer was unable to fill the course so I brought with employees of mine that required further training.

As an already certified CP professional, I quickly realized that the course had no meat and potatoes to it. 90% of the course was in the classroom and consisted of pirated material from other training companies and the remaining 10% was simply idiotic field training.

As an example, the firearms section of the course consisted of the students entering a dark hotel room where Mr. Denyer would hide amongst the furniture. With their index fingers pointed they would yell bang when they saw him. The goal was for them to 'shoot' him before he had the chance to 'fire' upon them.

The only firearm (real or fake) that was used in the course was during an afterhours show and tell in Mr. Denyer's hotel room where he brought out his shotgun and pistol and allowed the students to take photographs holding them. The only other time was during training where he placed a small coin ontop of the firearm and had the student pull the trigger. The goal was to pull the trigger without the coin falling from the firearm.

EOD training consisted of students having to find fake explosives placed in and around Mr. Denyer's Ford Explorer. No instructions were given on the process to find them and the students were left to fend for themselves with minimal equipment and a lack of knowledge.

The final exercise consisted of two students escorting me through a local shopping mall and two students escorting Mr. Denyer. No insight or information was provided to the students and there was no incidents planned. It quite simply was just a window shopping experience while wearing suits.

The self defense aspect of the course was introduced with Mr. Denyer claiming to be a high ranking ninjitsu student trained by one of the top masters in the UK. What Mr. Denyer didn't know was that all of the students I had brought with were black belt instructors in various martial arts. This training module ended quickly after Mr. Denyer was taken to the ground by two of the students.

Immediately following this course, an email was sent to Mr. Denyer with my resignation from his organizations. Until recently I have not had any contact with him.

Over the last year I have received various complaints from people that joined the IPSSC at my suggestion. One of the most common complaints is that the management team at the IPSSC consists of people with no knowledge of the industry. Steve Krollpheiffer (Deputy Director) was recruited via Facebook without any vetting completed. Until recently, neither Mr. Denyer or Mr. Krollpheiffer had met in person. Mr. Krollpheiffer according to sources has a very limited background in close protection. He is a California State licensed private investigator but he once told me directly that his training was provided on the job by a former Secret Service agent he once worked under. As the saying goes, just because you marry a doctor doesn't make you one.

Ms. Denida Zinxhiria (PR) at the IPSSC was brought on by Mr. Krollpheiffer. According to reliable sources Ms. Zinxhiria and Mr. Krollpheiffer met and began dating online. A practice most CP professionals know to abstain from.

In truth very few paying members at the IPSSC have gained anything from it. The majority of them know eachother outside the IPSSC and since the course I participated in there has only been a small handful of people who have taken courses from Mr. Denyer. In fact the course following the one I attended only had two students at it.

My personal opinion is that Mr. Denyer is the ultimate Walter Mitty. He has no experience and there is plenty of evidence to support that. He has been described by people who know him as everything from an idiot to a fraud. One of his former colleagues at the RAF told me that he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He was the kind of guy you'd only trust to guard the crayons. The fact is that the IBA is very well recognized and very well respected. Anyone can join the IBA and there are very few who have been evicted from membership. Mr. Denyer is one of them and I believe that says a lot about his character and the type of professional he really is.

Mr. Denyer continues to offer training and support to military, law enforcement and security professionals. I ask you one question. Why would anyone looking to further their career in our industry want training from someone who hasn't been successful in the first place?

I would hope that any person interested in doing business with Mr. Denyer first complete their due dilligence, a mistake I made, and one that I regret.

Report Attachments

15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Jax Desmond - True Identity

#2General Comment

Sun, February 07, 2010

His birth name is: Jared Shapira
Born / Raised: Winnipeg, MB
Last Known Residence: Winnipeg, MB

Highly recommend reading the SOCNET forums for more info.

Ash Christensen

Dade city,
United States of America

#3General Comment

Thu, January 28, 2010

JAX DESMOND'S REAL NAME IS "JARROD SHAPPIRA" spelling I am unsure of. He lives with his girlfriend and HER parents in an apartment complex. It would be a shame if the "Los Zetas got a hold of his this. . . . . .

               Yours Truly, Ash Christensen.


United States of America
Notice of rebuttal

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 28, 2009

This rebuttal is posted purely for the benefit of anyone reading the false report made about me by Jax Desmond (aka "Checkmate").

Firstly I would like to point out that ALL of Jax's claims to date are false and are intended purely as a childish and highly unprofessional revenge attack on my family and my reputation because of his perceived notion that I had a major part in his recent, very public "undoing" at the hands of the military special operations community based on his claims of being one of the worlds largest private military companies and a world class protection specialist.

Secondly, Jax has posted my personal information on this site in an attempt to intimidate me - he believes that by posting my home address and family information on this site, knowing full well that it will never be removed - will somehow damage my reputation - whilst it certainly provides a security risk to my family, it in no way serves to damage my reputation.

Thirdly. Jax has mentioned in his latest posts that the rebuttals posted to this report "all come from the same IP address" - not only is this blatantly false but it is impossible in the time-frame between posts for Jax to know where the rebuttals came from.  This site actually states that there is a process to go through in order to obtain the identity of a poster - the following is a copied and pasted excerpt from this site which can be found by reading the article about wanting to sue RipOff Report...


Although the First Amendment does not protect defamatory speech, this does not mean that you can contact the Ripoff Report and obtain an authors name just by claiming that something in a report is false or inaccurate. We are not in a position to determine which party is telling the truth, so we cannot and will not dissolve the First Amendment rights of our users based on a unilateral allegation that something in a report is false. These issues must be presented to the courts so that a judge can review the matter and decide what to do.

So, what does this mean? What do you have to do in order to get the real name of an author?

The Arizona Court of Appeals recently answered that question as follows:

We hold that to obtain a court order compelling discovery of an anonymous internet speakers identity, the requesting party must show that: (1) the speaker has been given adequate notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond to the discovery request, (2) the requesting partys cause of action could survive a motion for summary judgment on the elements of the claim not dependent on the identity of the anonymous speaker, and (3) a balance of the parties competing interests favors disclosure.

Mobilisa v. Doe, 217 Ariz. 103, 11415, 170 P.3d 712, 72324 (Ariz.App. 2007) (if you are interested, you can read the full Mobilisa case here: http://www.cofad1.state.az.us/opinionfiles/CV/CV060521.pdf).

Because Ripoff Report is located in Arizona and all of our business records are kept in Arizona, we require that any request for the identity of an author must comply with the standards of Mobilisa. What this means is that if you want to obtain the identity of an author, you must do each of the following things:

1.) Obtain a subpoena from an Arizona court (preferably the Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix) which describes the information you are requesting. You can send a copy to us at: [email protected] and [email protected] or you can fax a copy to us at: (480) 248-3196.

2.) As soon as you have your subpoena, you MUST post a notice as a rebuttal to each report for which you are seeking the authors information. We will not do this for you, so please dont ask. This notice must explain that you have initiated a court proceeding in an effort to learn the authors identity and it should provide a case number and name/address of the court so that the author can appear and defend the case if necessary. Although the exact form and contents of the notice are up to you, you may wish to review some notices used in the past (scroll down and look for the legal notices at or near the bottom):"

Now, for the benefit of anyone else reading the reports on this site:

It has been made clear by the numerous sites (SOCNET . com and Feraljundi . com just to name 2 - there are many more) in which Jax Desmond is ridiculed by his "peers" and the number of people who have posted evidence of his fraudulent claims that he is using me as a means of venting his frustration and that he is harassing me because he believes that the discovery of his lies and deceit are somehow my fault.  This could not be further from the truth, Jax was caught out in lie after lie by real professionals who looked into his background.  The "facts" that he claims to have gathered about me are either inaccurate Google! search results, or outright lies.  Any so-called proof that he claims to have is either fabricated or non-existent and any personal, verifiable information posted is as a result of publicly available information rather than "information obtained by a Private Investigator" (no Private Investigator worth their salt would violate the law to obtain information about a subject (Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act anyone?)).

Pursuant to legal advice, there will be no further responses made by me to any claims made by Jax Desmond or any of his associates.  Jax Desmond is engaging in a campaign of harassment against me and my family because of his belief that it was me that made it public about his false claims made regarding his company "Jax Desmond Worldwide".  At no time have I ever made any false statement about Jax Desmond, nor have I ever posted information about his private life or his family.  This ongoing campaign of harassment is now in the hands of Canadian and US Law Enforcement and will be pursued accordingly.

My refusal to further post rebuttals should not be taken as a sign of defeat or that I in any way am admitting any guilt (of which I have none), it is simply that in accordance with legal advice I am now adopting a "zero contact policy".  What WILL happen however is any further posts made by Desmond and/or any of his friends and associates will be collected and used as evidence against Jax Desmond.

Miguel Denyer


United States of America
Final notice of rebuttal

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 28, 2009

This rebuttal is posted purely for the benefit of anyone reading the false report made about me by Jax Desmond (aka "Checkmate").

Firstly I would like to point out that ALL of Jax's claims to date are false and are intended purely as a childish and highly unprofessional revenge attack on my family and my reputation because of his perceived notion that I had a major part in his recent, very public "undoing" at the hands of the military special operations community based on his claims of being one of the worlds largest private military companies and a world class protection specialist.

Secondly, Jax has posted my personal information on this site in an attempt to intimidate me - he believes that by posting my home address and family information on this site, knowing full well that it will never be removed - will somehow damage my reputation - whilst it certainly provides a security risk to my family, it in no way serves to damage my reputation.

Thirdly. Jax has mentioned in his latest posts that the rebuttals posted to this report "all come from the same IP address" - not only is this blatantly false but it is impossible in the time-frame between posts for Jax to know where the rebuttals came from.  This site actually states that there is a process to go through in order to obtain the identity of a poster - the following is a copied and pasted excerpt from this site which can be found by reading the article about wanting to sue RipOff Report...


Although the First Amendment does not protect defamatory speech, this does not mean that you can contact the Ripoff Report and obtain an authors name just by claiming that something in a report is false or inaccurate. We are not in a position to determine which party is telling the truth, so we cannot and will not dissolve the First Amendment rights of our users based on a unilateral allegation that something in a report is false. These issues must be presented to the courts so that a judge can review the matter and decide what to do.

So, what does this mean? What do you have to do in order to get the real name of an author?

The Arizona Court of Appeals recently answered that question as follows:

We hold that to obtain a court order compelling discovery of an anonymous internet speakers identity, the requesting party must show that: (1) the speaker has been given adequate notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond to the discovery request, (2) the requesting partys cause of action could survive a motion for summary judgment on the elements of the claim not dependent on the identity of the anonymous speaker, and (3) a balance of the parties competing interests favors disclosure.

Mobilisa v. Doe, 217 Ariz. 103, 11415, 170 P.3d 712, 72324 (Ariz.App. 2007) (if you are interested, you can read the full Mobilisa case here: http://www.cofad1.state.az.us/opinionfiles/CV/CV060521.pdf).

Because Ripoff Report is located in Arizona and all of our business records are kept in Arizona, we require that any request for the identity of an author must comply with the standards of Mobilisa. What this means is that if you want to obtain the identity of an author, you must do each of the following things:

1.) Obtain a subpoena from an Arizona court (preferably the Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix) which describes the information you are requesting. You can send a copy to us at: [email protected] and [email protected] or you can fax a copy to us at: (480) 248-3196.

2.) As soon as you have your subpoena, you MUST post a notice as a rebuttal to each report for which you are seeking the authors information. We will not do this for you, so please dont ask. This notice must explain that you have initiated a court proceeding in an effort to learn the authors identity and it should provide a case number and name/address of the court so that the author can appear and defend the case if necessary. Although the exact form and contents of the notice are up to you, you may wish to review some notices used in the past (scroll down and look for the legal notices at or near the bottom):"

Now, for the benefit of anyone else reading the reports on this site:

It has been made clear by the numerous sites (SOCNET . com and Feraljundi . com just to name 2 - there are many more) in which Jax Desmond is ridiculed by his "peers" and the number of people who have posted evidence of his fraudulent claims that he is using me as a means of venting his frustration and that he is harassing me because he believes that the discovery of his lies and deceit are somehow my fault.  This could not be further from the truth, Jax was caught out in lie after lie by real professionals who looked into his background.  The "facts" that he claims to have gathered about me are either inaccurate Google! search results, or outright lies.  Any so-called proof that he claims to have is either fabricated or non-existent and any personal, verifiable information posted is as a result of publicly available information rather than "information obtained by a Private Investigator" (no Private Investigator worth their salt would violate the law to obtain information about a subject (Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act anyone?)).

Pursuant to legal advice, there will be no further responses made by me to any claims made by Jax Desmond or any of his associates.  Jax Desmond is engaging in a campaign of harassment against me and my family because of his belief that it was me that made it public about his false claims made regarding his company "Jax Desmond Worldwide".  At no time have I ever made any false statement about Jax Desmond, nor have I ever posted information about his private life or his family.  This ongoing campaign of harassment is now in the hands of Canadian and US Law Enforcement and will be pursued accordingly.

My refusal to further post rebuttals should not be taken as a sign of defeat or that I in any way am admitting any guilt (of which I have none), it is simply that in accordance with legal advice I am now adopting a "zero contact policy".  What WILL happen however is any further posts made by Desmond and/or any of his friends and associates will be collected and used as evidence against Jax Desmond in future criminal and legal proceedings.


Miguel Denyer


United States of America
Wife outs Miguel Denyer to friend... details to follow

#6Author of original report

Mon, December 28, 2009

More information regarding Miguel and his wife Ronda Denyer (Simmons) will be available shortly.

I just received a very interesting phone call from someone who knows Ronda from high school.

He claims that Ronda recently shared "personal information" with him about Miguel that would jeopardize his "reputation" in the industry.

I'm waiting to confirm this information through some third parties.


United States of America
Miguel is a fraud... with a capital "F"

#7Author of original report

Mon, December 28, 2009

Upon further inspection it should be noted that every rebuttal on this page that makes claim in favor of Mr. Denyer and against Mr. Desmond is stemming from the same IP address.

The IP address is registered to Miguel Denyer. This means that Miguel is the individual making these rebuttals. He is posing as these people.

Some very interesting and disturbing information will be posted about Miguel Denyer very soon. All of it will be supported with photocopies of documents and evidence.

Stay tuned...


United States of America
Denyer a fraud? HAHA I needed a good laugh.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, December 27, 2009

Jax Desmond is a fraud. He is hardly anything more then a snake in the grass. I've had minimal contact with him but the conversations wre always about himself. Desmond decided to share with me how he is a medic and that he did Executive Protection work for the Olsen twins. He also was trying to have me leave IPSSC and join his team. I never did. I knew there was something off with Desmond, but I could not put my finger on it.

On his self-written Wikipedia page he states and I quote "

Today Jax Desmond is one of the most well recognized bodyguards in the World. He currently serves as a Military Contractor to the United States Federal Government and NATO and moonlights as an independent Security Consultant who specializes in threat assessment, crisis intervention and executive protection.

His previous assignments in the private sector include the protection of high profile celebrities, corporate executives and diplomats both domestic and foreign. Jax Desmond's training includes international certification as an Executive Protection Agent and Combat Paramedic with a strong background and education in Counter Terrorism. He's a guest instructor at numerous law enforcement academies and various educational institutions across North America and has been featured in a number of print articles including the cover article "The Business of War" in the December 2006 issue of Men's Magazine."

He has acheived a lot for only being 27 years old. Let's do some math. Usually you graduate high school in Canada at 17. So theorically he could have not beenin this business more than 10 years and he is claiming to be the most recognized bodyguard. He states on his Wikipedia page that he was a licensed Security Guard for the providence of Manitoba, and after a few years he decided that he wanted to be an Undercover Investigator. To me a few years is 3-4 years. So he was 20, 21 when he wanted to be an Undercover Investigator. So with Desmond now being at the age of 27, that gave him 5-6 years to build his company to receive proper training, and to gain experience as a bodyguard in 5 years, to be it is impossible. One doesn't become respected to the most well recognized bodyguard with only 5 years experience.

On the otherhand, Miguel Denyer has a lot of experience and one of the few very respected and recognized bodyguard and person.

Miguel Denyer is one of the most respected persons that I know. I attended the Basic Bodyguard Course in Grand Forks, ND in January 2009, his course was conducted very well. Yes, the course had a lot of classroom time, Mr. Denyer doesn't just teach you how to be a bodyguard, he teaches the history of bodyguards, famous assisanations (ie., President Kennedy), he teachs formations, as well as advance work, firearms. One has to crawl before they walk Miguel Denyer also raised awareness with global terrorism.

If it wasn't for Miguel Denyer, I wouldn't have what I have today. I was hired for several jobs, because of the fact that Miguel Denyer has trained me. Wish everyone that I talked to about Miguel Denyer they all say that he is a caring and compassionate person and loves the work that he does. Everyone I know respects Miguel.

Desmond is a coward and cannot stand behind what he says. Miguel on the otherhand, has character and according to Jax Desmond himself, "Miguel heart is in the right place." Desmond wants what Miguel Denyer has, instead of getting up and getting the proper training and experience, Desmond is costing people's lifes for the stake of his ego.

Miguel on the otherhand, thinks like a teamplayer and that the bodyguard community is like family and that we all watch out for one another. Miguel Denyer is not in the bodyguard business to make a name for himself, he is in the business to protect lives.

Something that Jax Desmond doesn't do, nor could he even understand.

By the way on his myspace (his url is myspace dot com/ jaxd) He writes this "I like to think Im a pretty amazing guy. Im rarely scared to talk about things that are important, and am easy to confide in. Im pretty laid-back, both at work, and at home, and I try my best to inspire confidence in those around me. When you're a little kid you're a bit of everything; Scientist, Philosopher, Artist. Sometimes it seems like growing up is giving these things up one at a time. Things never turn out exactly the way you planned. I know they didn't with me. Still, like my dad used to say, 'Traffic's traffic, you go where life takes you' and growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, the next you're gone, but the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a time, a place, a particular summer day at the lake, the things that happened in that decade of war and change. I remember a house like a lot of houses, a yard like a lot of yards, on a street like a lot of other streets. I remember how hard it was growing up among people and places I loved. Most of all, I remember how hard it was to leave. And the thing is, after all these years I still look back in wonder. Growing up I always said I wanted to work as a policeman, a firefighter or maybe an astronaut. But as you grow up you learn that hardly any of us ever achieve that dream we once set out for in the past. We become accountants and lawyers, doctors and therapists. We go into those fields hoping to make a difference, but money always steps in the way and becomes the new priority. I guess Im lucky. That never happened to me. I work in a job I absolutely love. I cant even call it work because it seems more like a hobby, maybe even a lifestyle. I know that I'm never going to be wealthy, I'll make a meager paycheck, probably die cold and alone somewhere on the job but in the end I get something most people don't - I get the opportunity to save lives and as far as I'm concerned there is no greater calling. See I believe that all of our young lives we search for someone to love. Someone that makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope. All the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, there's someone perfect who might be searching for us. There really isnt that much to me. I work hard, I play hard, I spend as much time as I can with the people I love. I guess you could say that Im a really outdoorsy person. I love the fresh air, going for a walk down Corydon in the summer months, and playing catch with the boys. I jog a lot and work out even more. I think that taking of your body is more than just looking good. Its about feeling good. I guess unlike most guys, Im not on Myspace looking to hook up, cam or cyber. Im here to pass the time. Meet some fresh faces and get to know some people I might not have met otherwise. Its about opening doors, learning something new about myself and about others. Realizing that even though I have a pretty active lifestyle, eighty percent of people my age spend five hours a day online. And that if I want the chance to meet those people, I have a better opportunity to do it on here then out in the street.

With what I underlined he contradics himself, he says that he is not wealthy but yet he "owns" Jax Desmond Worldwide, wet net worth in the $1,000,000. or high hundred thousand.

Report Attachments


fort lauderdale,
United States of America

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, December 27, 2009











United States of America
missing link from previous post

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 27, 2009

Since it is the policy of this site to remove URLs from reports, the following is a set of instructions on how to arrive at the Spec Ops website where Jax Desmond's fantasy world is featured heavily.

First got to the specops dot com website,

Next look for the category on Employment and Training (the last one at the bottom of the page)

Select the forum "International Jobs".

Select the topic entitled "Jax Desmond -RFI"

Read ALL of the 230+ posts from members of the Spec Ops community who have thoroughly investigated Jax Desmond.

Once you have completed this you should then be able to draw your own conclusion


United States of America
More evidence on JAX DESMOND and his world of make believe

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, December 26, 2009

For an enlightening view into the make believe world of Jax Desmond, please visit this URL:
The website is a web forum for the Special Operations Community that Jax Desmond recently tried to solicit employees from.  They were also threatened by Jax after he discovered that they had made comments about his blatantly fraudulent activity and make believe fantasy world.

Prior to posting the report on this site, I was threatened by Jax Desmond because he felt that his fantasy was coming to an end and that I and members of the SOCNET site had a hand in "outing him as a fraud and a liar.

The report made above by Jax Desmond is a work of pure fiction and is out of pure malicious intent - there is not a shred of truth to the accusations or derogatory comments made.  This is simply Jax carrying out his threat.

He has also threatened members of the SOCNET site with legal action but has declined to do so since being shown that actually providing true and accurate information about him is not defamation or libel - instead he reverts to dirty tricks campaigns such as posting false reports on sites like this one.

Please take note - if you currently have anything to do with Jax Desmond - Distance yourself from him - he has a habit of attempting to ruin anyone who crosses him or who appears to be a threat to his fantasies.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Ash Christensen

Dade city,
United States of America
Speaking on behalf of Mr Denyer.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, December 24, 2009

Ahem, Well where to begin? Jax Desmond is a flat out fraud. It is apparent to me that Jax Desmond has a personal issue with everyone that has outcast/exiled him from there professional lives. It is blatantly obvious that Jax Desmond will do anything to protect his far from stellar reputation, even if it is making false claims against legitimate companies. I have a small excerpt from one of Mr. Desmond's former employee's by the name of GRAHAM C. EASTMAN. Graham is quoted as follows :

  1. "This is Graham Eastman

    Hey leave me out of this, I have not been associated with Jax Desmond or JDW for a while now. I left the company long before any of this ever started. I realized what kind of organization it was and did not want my name to be involved with his. I know what level of training and experience I possess and would like to one day advance in this industry. Plainly put I realize I am a complete noob and will be venturing to further my education and training before I claim anything else. When I was with the company I tried to convince Jax to slow down and get some smaller lower level contracts and build a reputation and knowledge base but I wish Jax all the luck but he needs to realize he is a guppy playing with sharks and that is never going to end well."

The above statement can be read in more extent at the following link: http://feraljundi.com/2009/11/06/mexico-exclusive-los-zetas-responds-to-jax-desmond-and-puts-a-hit-out-on-the-company/

Jax Desmond has made outrageous claims that he could wipe out the entire Mexican drug Cartel known as the "Los Zetas", Jax claims that if the Mexican government awarded his company the contract that he and his goon squad could take care of the Mexican drug cartel within 4 months. This in itself has had me pissing my pants and laughing at the same time. How could you be so ignorant? Los Zetas have went public and have made it known that they have officially put a hit out on Jax Desmond and his associates. Mr. Desmond has been exiled and rightfully categorized by users on SOCNET, FERALJUNDI, FACEBOOK FORUMS, and many other proffesional sites. Since Mr. Desmond's claims, his website has been torn down, phone numbers have changed, and everyone who is anyone has finally had enough and begun to speak out about his less then educated, small time BS, self inflated, hero in his own mind . . . self. Not only is there much to say about Mr. Desmond and his highly unfamiliar and un-ethical practices.. . . his actions speak as loudly as these outrageous claims.Have I mentioned that Jax Desmond has somehow gotten himself tangled in the Anna Nichole trial as well for a publicity stunt? Or that his company claimed to make $100 million net in a year? or that he has offices in the Trump Towers od NYC? When I called the Trump Towers and asked what exactly was in that address on that floor it was a software development company. . . not a Jax Desmond branch. Another thing to, the phone number provided to contact Desmond's offices in NYC was a cell phone that can be pinned to Winnipeg Canada and also happened to Mr. Desmond's girlfriend's phone that he so lovingly labeld her as the PR Officer. What has recently been exposed about Mr. Desmond is only just the tip of the iceberg. To the readers of this article, Please get online and do as much homework on Mr. Desmond as you can because there is not enough room for me to paste all of his lack of past performances.

 Now onto Mr. Miguel Denyer of IPSSC. The one Jax is making yet more outrageous claims about. All of the information put out on Mr. Denyer is public information. . . not information from a private investigator. Anyone anywhere in the world can punch in a name, number, company and get total inaccurate information. I can with out a doubt one hundred and ten percent guarantee you that Mr. Denyer of IPSSC is not a fraud. I have attended courses personally along with a few of my colleagues and have had nothing short of an excellent experience with any IPSSC courses. Mr. Denyer during his courses has been able to provide clear, concise and accurate knowledge along with a no bullshit approach on how to tactically and effectively apply his course curriculum. Mr. Denyer does not live in a "gang infested" Neighborhood and his house is most definitly not worth only "$49,000" more around a ballpark sum of "$150,000". Mr. Denyer has a stellar reputation among the RAF he served in as well and the EPO/PMC/SECURITY industry. There are a few people that share the same commonality that Mr. Desmond does towards Mr. Denyer and they happen to be this Burmudez character who yet again is another Desmond type character. Mr. Denyer's time spent as a police officer in the RAF and as rigger WAS NOT A DEMOTION it was a simple change in MOS "military occupational specialty". Another thing too, the pictures that Mr. Desmond has posted of Mr Denyer were obviously to make him look like a tool but in fact these pictures are pictures of Mr. Denyer's stage progression in a kettlebell routine. Again another tactic used by Mr. Desmond to twist and contort things to suite his needs. Since when is it not ok to have a small time or part time job in between training and contracts? Mr. Desmond has stated that Mr. Denyer was working for $8 dollars an hour at SPYOPS. Who gives a s**t, A man makes money to provide not to brag. Obviously something again , something Mr. Desmond knows nothing about.


Much like a con artist would, Mr. Desomnd has taken misinformation and twisted it to suit his own personal vice. Truth is, Mr. Desmond is sitting on the porch with the pups as so clearly stated by one of his ex-employees while the big dogs run free. Mr. Desmond has unfortunately created a world around him due to his inability to cope with not being as good as the rest of us. That in fact is a borderline personality disorder. It is apparent that Mr. Desmond's father did not throw the football to him enough when he was a kid and to make up for it he has delusionaly become America's next top James Bond to make up for the lack of attention he did not receive as a child.

        Sincerely and respectfully yours, Ash Christensen, United States Army, Retired SF 10th group.


United States of America

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, December 24, 2009

I couldn't help but notice...

Since first hearing about this guy (Jax Desmond) -- I found a BUNCH of stuff on his and his company on Facebook... (his personal Facebook having some pretty un-flattering pictures...) and his website (www.jaxdesmond.com) and all the Facebook stuff is now gone, including the "Jax Desmond Worldwide Recruiting," itself only having four entries on the page -- three of them by Jax himself.

-- and his website is 'down for construction.'

He 'take his ball' and 'go home?'  Talk about cracking under pressure.


United States of America
Yeah, Jax Desmond is a joke...

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, December 24, 2009

Just one of MANY reviews on Mr. Jax Desmond...

"We were the first to put Jax Desmond on the radar a year ago. He had duped hundreds and hundreds of people into believing he had a legitimate security company. He later back petaled when a formal complaint was issued with the New York division that handles licensing of security companies and investigation firms.

Our investigation uncovered multiple misleading statements about his company. In fact, his own employees were calling me and my associates for advice on how to manage their business. One such written request was asking if we could advise them on whether they should accept a drink from a client while working a protection assignment. We uncovered that Jax Desmond also created a story about himself on Wikipedia and it was taken down by some top brass that were in the know. Literally folks he created a story about himself and albeit temporarily, it was posted on Wikipedia for the world to see. He also reported that a video game was made about his top rated PMC, which when we contacted high-ups in the company that created the game, they knew nothing about him. In fact, the urban legend that he was even in a game was traced back to someone leaving information on a gaming board reporting that Jax Desmond was one of the largest PMCs up there with KBR and BW. They related this information from Wikipedia which was all falsified by Jax himself. We have the documentation to prove it. We spent many hours in investigation on this matter. Jax went as far as recognizing our investigation and our overt statements in October of 2009 and subsequently taking us away from his social networking affiliations. All the while two of his employees were calling us for advice and more we cant reveal on this forum. We got the dirt because they spilled it all. Sadly, they fell back into the muck and mire of Jax Desmond and decided to help him in keeping the lie going.

We made a public statement January of 2009 stating that he must cease and desist or we would go public. Things died down, but he rears his ugly head every now and then. Additionally, Jax was telling people that he could not perform EP work or PSD work abroad as his insurance company will not allow him to perform this work without his own bodyguards protecting him. Yep, thats from the horses mouth.

There are additional citations that are posted on the web indicating that his training process is grueling and that the hiring process takes a long time. These are also bogus and found to be posted by his friends. We have much more including misleading pictures of an office that is not his, that his addresses are PMBs both in NY and in London, etc, etc.

We warned many, but sadly they were smitten by his charm. Jax Desmond has very limited security experience and most of it was in uniform for a security company. He has created a persona and got several thousand people to buy into it.

There is tons morebut, frankly we are sick of this fugaz and he is slowly going away with all the negative lime-light. Every time he is caught read handed he changes his business practices. So, keep on the watchhe will rear his ugly head once again."

See more at:

...and that's just ONE note on ONE site.  Google -- there are plenty more.   If you do more checking, you can see all the reviews, all the info, all the... well, ANYTHING about anything "Jax Desmond Worldwide" does COMES from Jax Desmond Worldwide -- no independent reviews, claims or otherwise.

Now, I know Miguel -- he's a good guy, I've worked with him, his heart is in the right place, he's knowledgeable about what he does, and he's just trying to make a buck -- like the rest of us in Michigan.  For whatever reason, Mr. Desmond just seems to have a real weed up his a*s about Miguel... maybe it's because he's a poser, maybe it isn't... frankly, I don't care. What I do care is when a reputable and knowledgable person is just trashed for the sake of trashing -- particularly when I know he's capable.  Miguel is a reputable person; Miguel is a knowledgeable person.  If Mr. Desmond is just trying to use the area demographics and Michigan's economic depression against him, then I'm just as guilty as Miguel is.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Rebuttal to Mr. Jax Desmond aka New York New York

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 24, 2009

I am Miguel Denyer, owner of the small business known as Overwatch Protection Solutions International also DBA IPSSC.  This is my formal rebuttal of the spurious accusations made here by one Jax Desmond who filed this false report against me out of spite due to his recent outing as a fraud.  Mr. Jax Desmond actually sent me a threatening e-mail in response to my demanding that he stop using my company contact information as his own after recently attracting unwanted attention of "Los Zetas" a Mexican drug cartel.  Before I go on about Mr. Desmond, I would like to put forward my rebuttal to his claims.

On or around September 23rd of 2008, Mr. Desmond contacted me requesting that he be allowed to attend a bodyguard skills course that I was putting on.  Mr. Desmond stated that he had full access to a training area near his home that he would arrange for me to use for the purposes of the course.  After a brief check, it was revealed by third parties that know Jax Desmond, that he in fact did not have access to the site in question so I went with our first choice which was the Thunder Bay ESU training area that a serving ESU senior officer had arranged for me to use. 

At the time, Jax and several other persons including several officers of the Thunder Bay ESU  were going to attend the course.  The course that I was scheduled to run is a 5-day basic skills course in bodyguard operations for which, I most certainly possess the skills and experience to train others in.  There are elements to the course which I do not teach such as the first aid portion of the course but I have other instructors who possess the required certifications to teach those elements.

As the course was scheduled to run in Canada and my usual first aid instructor was unavailable, I asked Jax, who had been "bigging himself up" if he knew of an instructor that would ne interested in assisting.  It was at this point that Jax informed me that he was such a qualified instructor.  This later turned out to be an abject lie on his part.

Anyhow, due to a few logostical problems, the course had to change venue from the Thunder Bay ESU and was instead set to run in North Dakota.  The hotel was pre booked as I still had ample students at this point to go ahead with the course.

As the date drew nearer to run the course, a few of the students backed out at the last minute leaving me in the situation where I would have had to cancel the course and reschedule.  Instead, against my better judgement, I ran the course anyway however, due to all the mix ups and problems, I allowed Jax to have his friends participate on the course for just $500 a head in order to cover the cost of my expenses having driven to the site from Detroit, MI.  Jax himself got to attend the course for free.  The course normally costs $2,000 US to attend.  I delivered the course as promised with the exception of the portion that Mr. Desmond was going to teach however, due to the fact that his skills were blatantly inept, he was prevented from further participating as an instructor and that portion of the course was skipped - to the agreement of ALL the other students inclucing Jax Desmonds "team".

Since Jax Desmond had convinced me that he was a trained medic, the only part of the course that I could not properly provide was the medical portion, however, had Jax not lied about his credentials at the time, I would have had an alternative instructor to teach that part of the course...However, it was made very clear to all students on the course at the time EXACTLY what they were going to get taught and with the exception of the medical portion, they received everything that was offered.

How exactly does that make me a scam artist or rip off?  There have been other courses held since and not one complaint has come forth.  It may be worth noting that at the time of the course, Jax and his buddies were "geeked up" about the course and were reportedly more than happy with what they were instructed in.

As for the information that Jax has posted here regarding my personal information and the so-called private investigation firm he hired, Jax did nothing more than a Google search on me which I had confirmed recently by one of his associates who actually attended the course.  The information about my wife's income, my income from other ventures and the value of my home are not only innacurate but also totally irrelevant to Mr. Desmonds rant which is all this is.

Recently, Mr. Desmond was outed for the fraud that he is by members of the Special Operations Community on their website at http://www.socnet.com - you should check out their site as Mr. Desmond is strongly featured there - in fact they have a complete 11 page thread about him in there with all of his claims of daring (didn't) do. (http://www.socnet.com/showthread.php?t=90879&page=1)

As for my military history, again Mr. Desmond is totally incorrect and actually references a website where some innaccurate comments were made about me by people who never served with me and which is nothing more than crew room banter - not to be taken out of context which is exactly what Desmond has done.  For the record, I served in Her Majesty's Royal Air Force as an Airframes Mechanic from 1990 to mid 1997 after remustering from RAF Police.  I served on No 7 Sqn which is a Support Helicopter Force squadron which forms part of the ACE Mobile Force and 5th Airborne Brigade in the UK.  My remustering from RAF Police to Airframes Mechanic was not a demotion but rather a promotion to a higher trade specification and a higher pay band and was done for reasons that Mr. Desmond has no understanding or knowledge of.  Either way, my military background (for which I have documentary proof) is of no relevance again in this issue.

As for the remarks about Mr. Thomas Bermudez and his apparent position as industry expert, this could not be further from the truth - Mr. Bermudez is an honor thief having claimed military service in a combat environment and has indirectly claimed having been awarded medals for being wounded in combat - this is an abject lie for which I again have documented proof.  Mr. Thomas Bermudez and his senior partner, Mr. Jim Shortt are both featured heavily in the British Army's Official Rumour network site as frauds (http://www.arrse.co.uk/Forums/viewtopic/t=119995.html) (http://www.arrse.co.uk/Forums/viewtopic/t=116215.html).

As for the photographs posted, they were leached from my Facebook site and are copyright property to which Mr. Desmond has no permission to use.

So, in short, the information posted here in Jax Desmonds so-called RipOff Report is just him carrying out his threat against me because he feels I had a hand in outing him as a fraud.  His comments are completely false and innaccurate - they have no bearing on my professionalism as a real bodyguard and qualified instructor (something Jax Desmond will never, ever be) and they do not constitute a valid description of me as a fraud.  I most certainly am not a fraud at all.  Jax Desmond is the ONLY individual who has EVER complained about me and he did it out of revenge for being outed as a fraud himself.  Jax Desmond has not once approached me with any complaint whatsoever until I received the threatening email from him about me "outing him to his friends" which I have to state at this point that Jax did all by himself.  All I did was ask him to stop using my compnies contact information as his own which is still posted on the SOCNET site as evidence.  I actually had to defend my company in the SOCNET forums due to his stupidity - he was trying to hire special operations forces to go after the "Los Zetas" in Mexico only he started to deal with REAL operators who saw right through him.  I was able to save my STERLING reputation by facing a forum of special forces community operators and explaining my dealings with him since he is considered a joke throughout the close protection industry.

Additionally, Mr. Desmond "considers me to be the ultimate Walter Mitty" - I am no such thing since I have never made false claims about my background or my achievements however, Jax Desmond has a hrad time getting through any single day without having fanciful ideas of his imaginary career.  Mr. Desmond makes a frequent habit out of sending press releases through various online outlets to try to big himself up and further promote the image that he is an international man of mystery - I can assure you as can anyone else who has ever met the guy that he is not.

As for the comments made about my having lied about my certifications through the International Bodyguard Association, I can assure you that they were earned through legitimate means (although my membership to that particular organization which I terminated in 2005, I am ashamed to admit given recent discoveries about the upper echelons of their management) and the ONLY reason that Mr. Desmond knows the name Thomas Bermudez is because Imade the sorry mistake of telling him the story of how Bermudez had been outed by me as a fraud and a valour thief and how the fallout from that had affected me personally - Desmond has never met Bermudez - in fact he doesn't even know where they guy lives or what his contact details are - he has never spoken with or otherwise corresponded with the man hence his BS rant is just innaccurate speculation.  His claims of my having trained snipoers with the SAS is patently false - those are claims that I have never made.  In fact the only claim I have ever made about sniping is the fact that I and a small contingent from my squadron once attended a Paras & Guards Regiments Advanced Infantry - Sniper course at Pirbright, Hants in the UK under Colour Sergeant Ian Ingles RM which is completely true - there were other members of the squadron there who can vouch for that (the course mentioned should not be confused with the "All Arms Sniper course" as this was a much more condensed course lasting just over a week as opposed to the usual 6 weeks of the all arms course - there were no official certifications awarded at the course and none have ever been claimed.  As for the Falklands War in 1982 (at which time I was only 12 years old) - the only claims I have ever made are that I had two cousins serving with the Royal Marines who were involved in the conflict - again yet another innaccuracy that Desmond has come forward with in order to "Destroy My Career" as he stated in his recent threatening e-mail.

Also, Jax Desmond claims to have rejected my offer to merge companies when the opposite is true - he wanted me to merge with him because it would give his organization more credibility - after speaking with one of his former employers at G4S Winnipeg (where Jax Desmond lives) I was strongly advised to have nothing to do with Desmond and decided against any merger with his company.

The truth of the matter is that Jax Desmond is a sore little boy because his imaginary career just came crashing down around his ears because he failed to realize that the special operations community that he tried to illicit operators from for a hair brained scheme which in fact has never been officially sanctioned and for which no contract exists, would actually check him out to see if he was for real and they saw right through him.  I strongly suggest that you check the sites that I referenced above regarding his attempts to big himself up so that you can see for yourself what a liar and a fraud he is.  Jax Desmond has NEVER served in any branch of the military and has only ever attended one other course to mine and claimed to me that he was a qualified instructor.  Incidentally, I did not "attempt" to offer a basic bodyguard skills course - I delivered.  There are many people that I can and will if necessary call forward as character references and professional references should the need arise however, since the claims made by Desmond are absurdly innaccurate and outright untrue, I strongly suggest that you remove any such reference to me from your site as this kind of mud slinging is very damaging to my reputation and livelihood.  I will be talking with my lawyer shortly about suing Mr. Desmond for libel and for defamation of character.

It should also be noted that Mr. Desmond "claims" to have multiple sources from which he acquired information however he has referenced none - simply because non exist - his statements are completely false and without any substance.

Should further evidence of my reputation and character be required then I will be more than happy to provide references.  In the meantime, I feel you should make it known that this is a false report on the part of Jax Desmond and should pursue legal action against him yourselves.  I have no desire to pursue legal action against ripoff report at this point since you guys are just doing your job by reporting on what you get sent by people who feel they have real concerns... unfortunately in this case, you have been used fraudulently in a spiteful and wholly unwarranted revenge attack on my reputation in an attempt to avert people from Jax Desmond's fraudulent claims.

One last point, the claims that Mr. Desmond made about my working for SpyOps are partly true... I did indeed work for my friend Mr. Brian Lang for about two years from June 2006 until July 2008 however, Mr. Lang also utilized my services as a contract operator on many different client projects and, since I am only a small company owner, I claim my taxes as a sole proprietor LLC so my company earnings are not public information - If Jax Desmond did indeed manage to access my private financials then he possibly committed a felony (almost certainly a misdemeanor offence) for which, I will be seeking law enforcement assistance in bringing charges against him which will include common assault, terroristic threats, and if he continues to harass me via third parties and attempt to unjustifyably damage my livelihood then stalking will be added to the list.


Miguel Denyer


United Kingdom
Professional missconduct

#16General Comment

Thu, December 24, 2009

Having read the report on Miguel Denyer I have to concluded that the author of said article is in direct competition with IPSSC and much of what has been written has been done with malicious intent.

The article also displays a leaning in towards the International Bodyguard Association AKA the IBA. What should be noted is that the directer general of this company is well known for his deceit and has been investigated by a group of current and ex  members of the British army.

A web forum with the unfortunate acronym of ARRSE has proven without doubt, that the 'Baron of castleshort' as he likes to be known or Baron James Shortt is a fake.  As a result he has been exposed in a number of newspapers including the Sun in the UK.

Army Wiki  http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/The_Baron_of_Castleshort

Forum http://www.arrse.co.uk/Forums/viewtopic/t=124516/start=0.html

Of particular intrest...

I would like to apologize in advance for this long winded account however... I was reading through the threads and noted a rant from Baron Munchhausen where I was named as one of the 'targeted parties' in his 'upcoming legal action' against certain ARRSE members.

As a former IBA member and one of Shortt's 'victims'. I feel it pertinent to mention that Jimbo has a nasty habit of doing the very thing that he so eloquently rants about others doing when faced with someone with whom he has a problem.

As an example, (and at the risk of drawing all kinds of abuse for being so damned gullible) I would like to offer my story.

I was first introduced to the IBA and Jim Shortt back in the early 1990's (about 1991-92) while serving in the RAF. I got involved in some of his training via one of the RAF Regt Instructors at the base where I served and eventually came up with the cash (about 400 pounds if I recall correctly) to attend a 2-day 'introduction to bodyguarding' course which was run at a local hotel in Basingstoke, Hants.
Overall, the course was pretty interesting and I learned quite a bit about my soon to be new part-time career in that weekend... I was hooked and wanted more.

The cost of his next course (The IBA Basic/ Bodyguard Masterclass) was always just out of my reach however since there always seemed to be too much month left at the end of my money. So fast forward a few years and after leaving the RAF and moving to the US, I kept my hand in the security industry having worked for several PI companies, security firms and the like and after having attended more than my fair share of courses, I find myself on a Fugitive Recovery (Bounty Hunter) training course in Michigan. At the time, I was working freelance for a couple of different PI companies doing surveillance, etc. and was running my own small company as a contract security bod. Anyhow... during the Bounty Hunter course, I met a fellow trainee named Thomas Bermudez. The guy seemed a decent enough chap so we got to talking and at the end of the course he propositioned me. His deal was that he wanted to start a protective services company and because he couldn't do it alone, he asked me to go into partnership with him.
I explained that I already had my own company albeit a small one but I was not doing too badly and was a little apprehensive to give it up.
Several weeks went past and I got a call from this Bermudez guy asking to meet with me so I agreed and set a date to meet with him.

During the meeting, he propositioned me again, this time he 'sweetened the pot' by offering to put me through the same training he wanted to go through and his new found company was going to pay for it all as a business expense. My only obligation was that I give up my company at the time and agree to go into business with him... since I wanted to get more bodyguard training and couldn't really afford the expense, I accepted his offer.

The first training course we attended as part of this new relationship was the Executive Protection Institute in Virginia run by Dr. Richard W. Kobetz - admittedly the course was very good but it seemed to be more of a Protective Intelligence and Advance Security Detail type course than an all round bodyguard course. Either way, we left the course as new members of Kobetz' "Nine Lives Associates" having passed the course (can you really fail an attendance course?). Next on the agenda was a trip back to the UK to train with "the best" as Bermudez put it... His idea of the best being MJ Tombs PBA school.
I advised him strongly against this as I had been led to believe over the years that the school was a joke and the course was BS and instead suggested that we attend the IBA school at Pinewood camp in Croydon (at the time I was still very naive as to the whole Jim Shortt affair having spent 8 years as crab fat and not really knowing any better and having spent several years being cajoled into the ideal that the IBA was THE best second only to ESI in Boulder Colorado (as far as civilian courses go).

So the deal was made, the courses scheduled and the flights back to blighty were booked... all was looking good.

So, we arrive at Pinewood camp and Jim meets us at the door and we go inside to start the "Bodyguard Masterclass" series of IBA courses.

In all fairness the courses were good, most of the instructors knew their stuff and were good at passing on the relevant information. The accommodations left a lot to be desired (cot beds in a scout hut for a month in the middle of November while nursing a heavy cold is not the most comfortable scenario but then who am I to complain... for me it was free of charge as my new found business partner was footing the bill). The courses attended were the IBA Basic (taught by Jimbo), Advanced IED Search & Recognition (taught by a serving WO2 from the EOD guys at Chatham - who shall remain nameless here), DART (Defense And Restraint Tactics) (again taught by Jimbo - legal aspects of use of force taught by another seemingly switched-on guy who has not yet been mentioned in here so I shall keep it that way), Advanced Protective Driving (again by Jimbo), Advanced Counter Surveillance and TSCM (taught in part by Jimbo and in part by a person who was claimed to have been a member of MI5 A4 division for a quarter of a century - the guy was certainly old enough but then who am I to know any different), and finally, Bodyguard Team Medic course taught by an old mate of mine from the RAF Regt who I happen to know for sure is definitely an EMT.

Now for the juicy stuff (if you can call it that) - during the course, while we were all sitting around the TV one evening, Thomas Bermudez starts talking about his tales of daring do as a former US Marine. During the conversation, he starts on about his being wounded in combat during some secret mission that he is unable to talk about and for which he has no documentation (including a DD214 - the document given to ALL honorably discharged US servicemen) because this mission was so secretive. This obviously pinged my BS detector as I knew about the fact that regardless of your MOS in the US armed forces - everyone gets a DD214 with a detailed record of service including medals, qualifications, operational experience - the whole nine yards.
Nonetheless, Thomas Bermudez then proceeds to drop his pants to show us all his 'battle scars' which were in the form of two neat round scars that were parallel to each other, one in each thigh - he claimed they were the scars from being "shot in the legs" (it turns out that during a stint as a paramedic in Detroit, Bermudez was hit by a car and his back was broken - the scars were no doubt from the body brace that he was in to keep his spine fused while he recovered).

Anyhow, further into the course, my new business partner and I had a falling out because, during a lesson where we were tasked with helping a fellow student who had difficulty understanding English, Bermudez started trying to teach a different way of doing things than the way we were being taught, I quietly disagreed with him and he very loudly went off one one, disrupting the whole course.

After this incident, I was 'demoted' from business partner to "independent contractor" working for Bermudez' company (Black Hawk Protective Services) and then finally to 'sorry-assed contractor to which Bermudez would offer a contract if no-one else wanted it first'. Towards the end of the course, we were both made members of the 'Royal Galloglas Guard' based on our 'IBA membership and being Irish gentlemen' (I am full blooded Welsh so the closest I can claim to being Irish is the fact that I am what is historically referred to as Celtic, as for Bermudez... he is supposedly part Hispanic (Mexican), part Native American (Indian), part Irish and part something else - not exactly what I'd call an 'Irish gentleman') - In addition to this, Thomas Bermudez was made National IBA Director for the Great Lakes region of the US.

So the course ended and we returned to the US... After a month had passed without a word from Bermudez and having decided that he had broken our arrangement, I went ahead and started a new company. Within a short time I found myself working on a few short term contracts... life was good.

Fast forward a few months and I receive a letter from "The Offices of Thomas Bermudez, IBA Director for North America" which stated that my certificates awarded during the courses at Pinewood were fraudulent because they had not been signed by the US Director of the IBA - Thomas Bermudez... This is a man who during the same courses, was a fellow student! Nonetheless, I quit the IBA at this point because it was obvious that Bermudez and Shortt (who had apparently sanctioned the letter) were obviously not the honorable organization that I had thought.
I also received a second letter from the same 'Offices of Thomas Bermudez' stating that I was now 'under investigation by the IBA Board of Directors' for allegedly breaking the IBA professional code of ethics by "talking ill of another IBA member", and "bringing the IBA into disrepute". At this point, I wrote a letter to Jim Shortt stating that I no longer wished to be a member of the IBA and was resigning my membership effective immediately.

A short while after this, I came to find out that Thomas Bermudez (after less than one years membership to IBA) was now the Deputy Director General for the IBA Worldwide (wow!! That was one hell of a promotion in real short order) and a qualified IBA Instructor to boot. So Thomas decides to run a course at the local VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) club near to the place I was currently working... Several of his students were/are personal friends and associates of mine. It was revealed to me that during the course Bermudez took several of my associates to one side and told them that if they were to sever all ties with me, he would 'see them right' - he also openly slagged me off to all course attendants and slandered me at several different times during the course.

In addition, I was 'Blacklisted' on the IBA website where comments were made by Jim and Bermudez about my character and background - all of which is total BS.

So the point of this very long winded story is that Jim really needs to stop throwing stones if he is to continue to live in a glass house (although personally, I feel that he should be thrown into the 'Glasshouse', locked in a cell and the key thrown away.

Incidentally, since I have a real service record (with admittedly, nothing to write home about contained within) I decided to look up Thomas Bermudez' military background. What young Thomas failed to realize is that anyone can petition the National Personnel Records Center for the US Marine Corps and request a copy of someones service record... as it happens, young Bermudez served for exactly eleven months and twenty six days of inactive service (probably due to his not having reached his 18th birthday at the time - a requirement prior to starting active service and attending boot camp in the US Marine Corps) and a further ONE MONTH & NINETEEN DAYS of active service thereafter [See service record here] meaning of course that he did NOT pass out of Basic Training and thus did NOT see combat so he was NOT awarded the Combat Action Ribbon (awarded to ALL US Marines on Operational status in a combat zone) and he also did NOT receive the American Order of the Purple Heart (awarded to ALL US service men who are injured during operational status in a combat zone). Thus, it becomes apparent that the Deputy DG of the IBA committed fraud under the 'Stolen Valor Act' which, the US government under Bush decided to tighten up the restrictions on and under which, TB will eventually be taken to task over the matter as a formal complaint was lodged with the Veterans Administration here in the US by moi.

As an end-note... and I know this sentiment is shared by many who are aware of Shortt and Bermudez... I would like to go on the record as stating that there are a lot of good guys who are still members of the IBA - the brand has been tarnished by some very bad seeds but overall, the guys that I am still connected too are generally good guys with their hearts in the right place. There are many who are active military in various parts of the world and many who are active Law Enforcement and many who are working in the private sector... I do not want to be seen as slagging off the good guys - my only beef is with Shortt and Bermudez who seem to have a hard time swallowing the truth when it is being rammed down their throats but they seem to be quick off the mark when it comes to discrediting anyone who may be seen as a threat to their organization. 

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